The ORIGIN of Minecraft MOBS... (Cartoon Animation)

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stay back ah did somebody forget your weapon yikes a creeper that tall I'm not just a creeper child I'm the first creeper the others are nothing compared to me please don't kill me oh great first creeper sir I'm just a lonely Noob relax I'm going to tell you the story of how I was born if you can guess the moral of my story I'll let you go free oh okay make sure you're sitting down this one isn't for the faint of heart my curves begin on a night like tonight over 20 000 years ago in a time of ancient Builders believe it or not that's me I didn't do much building but I had a loving wife intending the fields kept food on our table until my hoe broke instead of helping me the builders just laughed oh look who's puny Whittle hoe snapped what to use is a wholeness peasant don't you need a guinea pig for that experiment of yours experiment your majesties what experiment what about to find out I could feel myself slipping away I wanted to ask the builders why but I a pretty good idea what are you doing to me let me go I I want to see my wife are you sure when we're done she probably won't recognize you no look on the bright side peasant you'll never be useless again now old organs disappeared and I grew new ones [Music] foreign State my brain knew to fear the pillagers they were murderous ruthless Barbarians in a single night they ride through our high city and steal everything that wasn't nailed down our Golems were no match for them we have to use our creation Against The Villages or the city will be destroyed the crafting ritual isn't finished he hasn't grown his new arms yet forget the arms put in the power disc now the don't have time to argue they're sucking the city as we speak fine but don't blame me if he comes out wrong okay we're done how do you feel peasant I feel wrong where are my arms no time to complain the pillages are here it's time to fulfill your destiny Adam looks like it's builders for dinner men peasant attack attack how what do I do I don't have arms it's quite simple really just crawl over to the Villages and explode explode that'll kill me uh yeah duh exploding tends to do that I don't want to die well neither do we and our lives are worth a heck of a lot more than yours no offense no no I have to get back to my wife you really think she'll recognize you now you're a walking ball [Music] not do what bombs do best and blow this pillar chart to Kingdom Come you can't sorry isn't help me I rushed home to my wife hoping that our house on the outskirts of the city had been spared but I was too late no I thought I had nothing worth taking Alexa but of course I was wrong no Steve yes it's okay I'm here I'm with you what are you it's me Alexa it's stevis no you're a monster you ate him and stole his voice no I'm your husband can you recognize me stay back please go go away it's okay I don't know how I made it through the night without being attacked okay but eventually the sun rose how would I survive without my wife I didn't know then I realized I only wanted one thing my revenge and I knew just how to get it hello Builders anybody left peasant how nice of you to return for some reason I thought you'd be too ashamed to ever show your face here again but here you are hooray what do I have to be ashamed of you are weak gun what I said and accepted your destiny we couldn't find my friend could still be alive we need to put that behind us you dare suggest I forget so we can get our revenge like the sound of that but we're just two people the pillagers have numbers exactly I know how hard it is to haul heavy equipment they can't have come from far away I bet they're celebrating nearby all we have to do is sneak up to the Chief and boom so you're in that might be crazy enough to work but I'm the Builder you follow my lead and my orders got it as long as the pillagers die we left our ruined City behind and went in search of the Savages who had killed my wife it was a grim Journey but my Builder accomplice seemed to be enjoying herself try to keep up okay I'm it's hard to walk on these Stumpy little legs and as the leash really necessary on top of your chickening out like last time in abandoning the mission I won't let's get this over with the sun's getting too high we need to carve until Nightfall Nightfall that's when the monsters come out what would you suggest we stroll right up to the Outpost in broad daylight they'd kill us we'll attack as soon as night falls end of discussion fine my Builder friend went out to hunt some pigs for our dinner but that had been hours ago I started to worry what if she fell in a ravine I'd be reached to this tree until I died of thirst or to something else I barely had control of my abilities if a monster attacked I was done for a zombie Builder help I wandered for what felt like ours the woods were crawling with monsters and one wrong step could have ended me I kept thinking about my wife and how in half as long as I made it to the Outpost all this would be worth it oh more zombies ouch I missed my hands come on Builder where are you I'm right here she stop whining where were you did you get us dinner well bad news is I didn't find any food good news I did a little Recon and uh found the Pillager Outpost really that easily sure come on now's our chance to strike even then I knew something was off Builders reports seemed too good to be true but I was either too tired too scared or too hungry to protest so off we went this is it come on wait wasn't this going to be a stealth Mission sneak in and take out the chief that was the old plan this is a new plan margin and blow up as many of them as you can okay okay that Outpost was completely deserted which didn't make much sense something wasn't right here where is everybody shouldn't there be pillagers celebrating everywhere stairs I think probably only one way to find out first let me fix your leash Builder is there something you're not telling me of course not now let me snag you real quick one biological super weapon as promised done well Builder our chief will be most pleased wait Builder how could you the Revenge thing was fun at first but we need to be realistic peasant they'll spare Our Lives as long as you live in their dungeon and terrorize a few Villages every week sounds good no well you don't really get to say here feel free to round them up stay back it looked like my life was over like I'd never get my revenge but then something amazing happened suddenly I could see my destiny I would destroy everyone who had oppressed me Builder and Pillager alike nothing would be safe for my explosive Wrath run he's gonna but it wasn't over the sheer force of my rage was enough to put me back together some of my pieces were Furious enough to become entire new beings eventually there were millions of us the builders and pillagers who had wronged us came to know us by a single name creeper and creep we did across the land into Caverns Ravines and their nightmares so that's my story have you figured out the moral don't trust anybody correct and now I'll set you free no no no no no [Music] did anyone ever tell you it was rude to stare or how dangerous it is to walk these parts alone that look on your face can you understand me I've waited so long to tell my story someone needs to know how I became this way began like so many stories do on a night just like this twenty thousand years ago the pillagers came out of nowhere and this and destroyed much of my city while they ransacked our buildings and killed our people I was busy with a secret project if our cities were no longer safe we'd have to build new ones in a new dimension we called the beginning all our previous missions to the beginning had ended in Failure but I knew my new portal design would make the difference it had to start it up [Music] send in the Explorer they sent him to reinforce the front line he's no longer an option then good luck at God speed I can't go I need to monitor the pearls you're the only one who can do this what are you saying the beginning was supposed to be a paradise but it was still Uncharted and I was afraid [Music] we've worked for too long to give up now no wait your bravery is most honorable you can't do this I'm a noble do you hear me oh where am I no this place is inhabitable it's hell and that was putting it lightly I need to go back the fall nearly killed me I needed some food wow the local Flora actually tastes pretty good [Music] and as late and magical properties fascinating maybe this place isn't so bad [Music] foreign what is that thing I think I'm safe for now but how can I reach that portal if I build straight up I'll be a Sitting Duck for that monster maybe if I built up along one of those pillars I could hide in the shadow no no that's way too dangerous but do I have another Choice blast no tools without a pickaxe I'm sunk and there's no wood in sight I'll never be able to break these rocks unless hey over here one tasty nobo ripe for the eating ah that worked but I'll need way more if I'm gonna have a chance of getting home it wasn't possible to tell time but I felt months passing it I got tired sloppy but each time I fell I got back up and taunted the dragon and Stone [Music] oh just stay in the shadow you'll be all right by now the dragon hated me but I didn't have time to be afraid I had to keep going then just when I thought I was out of energy hey I'm here I I made it up trust me we do not want to settle this place build a bridge out to me oh what happened to you what this the gravity's lower here so I had a bit of a growth spurt I mean your eyes just an allergy to the local plant life let me back over we can cook up an antidote no problem I don't think I can do that what do you mean you could contaminate us you have to let me through you're my only way out close the portal no I'm sorry this is protocol you look sick you want me to jump fine I'll jump don't Freak No [Music] I'm not a freak but I was the strange energies of this land that become part of my body I wandered for days or months or years gradually I began to forget the world I had left behind I forgot my name the sound of my own voice the one thing I couldn't forget was the way my friend had looked at me it burned like an ember in my brain alone for as close to forever as I can describe but it wasn't forever because eventually one by one they arrived what had once seemed like a promising New Frontier became a place for the builders to throw their criminals dissidents freaks thanks to a newer one-way portal the beginning was now their end I couldn't understand them I had forgotten their language but it was nice to have other beings around especially when they started to build I wanted to help but what if they chased me off it didn't look like them I was worse I wish I remembered how to smile but with some practice I remembered how to build and that opened the door to other memories I had to make them understand we had lives out there and we could use the gifts of this world to find them again eventually our teleportation abilities got so powerful that we were able to escape the end and return to the Overworld we had found our way home but we were too late thousands of years too late everyone we knew was dead I finally understood what the builders have taken from me from us entire lifetimes gone we decided to return the favor we would spread across the land and dismantle the remains of the builders block by block even The Villages would come to worship the ruins weren't free from our Crusade [Music] as long as we are here the builders will not be worshiped their legacy will be screams and gnashing teeth [Music] Doge go too far now remember that Woods are dangerous at night I'm not a baby anymore grandma Plus get into trouble the Golem will save me [Music] yeah see Grandma told you do not take the Golem for granted I remember a time before garlands when we suffered under Monster's far worse than zombies my dad and I were luckier than most the farm was out of the way and we always had enough to eat but the village below was another story their stores were always empty and so were their hearts dad and I tried to feed them the best we could fresh from the field come and get it but the monster so it scotched there first Harvest day my favorite day what have you got for us this month this isn't yours that's funny you're funny you should leave us in peace oh well see as we're an enlightened Democratic Society let's put it up to a vote but I warn you if we go there'll be no one to save you if a spider shows up no one to chase off the zombies hungry for your flesh now who wants us to leave that's what I thought well as always we pillagers thank you for your contribution [Music] see you next month we have to fight back why do you let them do this to you we've been through so much War oh we don't want any more deaths but we're dying right now butcher's good with a knife if we found him a sword we could eat risking my family to fight your battles you don't even live here but we're just up the cliff keep your eyes on your own business when my dad got like this it was hard to talk to him so I asked Mom for help [Music] um you gotta help us give Dad a sign something tell us how to help the village mom's not there sweetie she's in a better place now if we want to solve this we got to do it ourselves what do you mean I mean we need to show the pillagers what we're made of it's the only way they'll take us seriously [Music] oh you can't fight them we don't have any weapons will make do you don't have any armor how you protect yourself [Music] how's this for armor the pillagers won't know what hit him dead please don't go if you leave I'll be all alone I'm not leaving I'll be back I promise well at least take this for luck I won't need it but his torture to relive that memory every time I kick myself for not chasing him or not making him stay [Music] no no I can't show Fear take this [Music] I did it this isn't so hard wait till the pillagers get a taste of my blade oh speaking of which the villagers really are sorry what maybe we put them out of their misery break down their houses for lumber we could use a new Barracks my bums sore from sleeping on all this gravel no no no a hungry villager is better than a dead one if they're hungry they'll work for you they'll obey you simple economics really you're so smart Chief you definitely deserve 90 of everything we steal it's all that hard brain work I do for the village [Music] look who's here then I wouldn't be complete without the entertainment [Laughter] yeah such a shame you really were a great farmer [Music] I know a toast to stupid villagers guess with farmer out of the picture we'll have to take over his crops oh well vertical Integrations on the rage these days to our new Farm I promised myself by the time I woke you would be back but of course I was alone I decided if Dad wasn't going to come home on his own I'd bring him back myself [Music] dad dad right away I knew it happened [Music] at least this way they could be together [Music] [Music] happens why is something attacking me what do you want dad [Music] villagers why are they here wait where are we going we have to fight them they're gonna destroy our home they know he said it's dangerous but you're strong now you have to try protect our home please what is that chief what is what it's coming this way don't worry I'll protect you freak I show you what happens when you mess with my tribe [Music] oh so the golden Water right he sure did the Golem's gifts are many but we wouldn't have them we touch my dad's courage my mom's armor and my love wow Golems are awesome [Music] um I want to thank him can can he understand me he's forgotten much of who he was but I bet you'll remember this Story the first zombie begins here in the dark corner of the woods this way we're almost to safety my wife was a Healer each day we searched the pores for herbs with special chemical properties [Music] each night tours Got Back Lucy I'm okay I'm okay wait no Lucy hi oh foreign to be dead it doesn't feel like anything [Music] I was floating above my body drifting up to whatever heaven was waiting for me I couldn't make out much except for that sign we painted together laughs it's okay you're going to be okay my wife was always mixing healing potions in her lab she thought anything could be cured with a few special chemicals and usually she was right I can fix you but everyone gets sloppy when they're desperate come on come on please right when I thought it was over just as I could feel myself slipping away again I woke up huh where am I what happened but it wasn't really awake there was a poison in my veins forcing me back to life it was like I was sleepwalking this was not my body anymore Mr priest what a pleasant surprise I take the purity of this Village very seriously Miss Brewer and we've been getting reports of strange sounds coming from your basement are you meddling in the dark arts no of course not my husband was just uh moving furniture yes one of our many Steves where is he this fine day oh Steve's gone on a hunting trip Lucy is that you let me out a hunting trip huh yep he's uh hunting for rats in the basement nothing weird have a happy holy day Mr priest sir you're out of warnings if we find any more evidence of the dark arts on your property Steve you have to be quieter what happened last night why do I feel wrong you were dead so I brought you back suddenly everything made sense I need some air no if anyone from the church sees you they'll do something horrible so I can't go outside ever just give me time to get the formula right okay [Music] I have a cake that needs eating that's disgusting what what is your favorite flavor my mouth is different I'm craving something fresher red meat must be a side effect of the treatment okay stay out of trouble while I find a solution okay I couldn't wait for Lucy's cure I was hungry now under the cover of Darkness I stole the way to the edge of the village [Music] the meat was richer tastier more satisfying than ever before [Music] I wanted more I hunted all night but he would each Hill only made me hungrier the sun was rising and I couldn't risk getting caught one sheep couldn't hurt could it morning sheepy head you sleep okay I'll go get you some breakfast [Music] what in the nether's going on out here [Applause] help somebody there's a monster in my flock [Music] drive with my skin allergic to sunlight stop bile thing away from this Village my skin puckered and burned the pain was unbearable get away from Lucy's house you leave that innocent woman alone is that Steve I knew I smelled witchcraft I told you to lay low I need a few more days you don't have a few more days ready Fire come on now I'll never find you a cure if my lab burns down I need to get the chemicals out no it's too dangerous I'll be right out I promise wait for me on the edge of the forest near the big rock [Music] I couldn't think about the house or the mob or the pain of the sun it was all worth it as long as I could be with Lucy foreign I waited as long as my skin could bear but she never came out I need to find some more permanent shelter the shade of these trees won't keep me safe forever [Music] yes yes yes for a minute all I felt was relief but I remembered what I had lost my wife my Village even the day itself it wasn't Steve anymore I didn't know what I was I wanted to eat but what would I be eating for what future could I hope to see without Lucy I had nothing until he came he smelled delicious I desperately wanted to eat him but I also wanted a friend oh [Music] don't go stay I'll stay I knew now that I would be alone forever all that was left was to waste away [Music] but just as all hope was lost from the trees came hordes of new friends it was like a dream together we could ever avenge on the village that took Lucy away you sure were fit for guard Duty I do like one push-up a month with so many people going missing what choice do we have don't worry I hear first watch is a cakewalk [Music] what the hope this madness you freaks be gone back to the darkness where you belong stop I should have felt happy at that moment I got the revenge I had waited so long for no matter what I did it wouldn't bring Lucy back I don't know why I went there's no way she escaped our house before it was destroyed by the townspeople [Music] but I'm glad I did I've never been so happy to be wrong but we'll see [Music] the story of Minecraft's first wither starts with three princes Alistair the eldest and heir to the throne Godfrey the middle child cunning and loyal and of course the youngest me Steve [Music] ah do you smell that brothers that's the scent of Adventure I don't know everything smells like this disgusting Soul Sand to me maybe we should just go home all that sweet nether fortress Loop behind not a chance look out thank you Alistair we were almost cast meat no time for thank yous don't freak shoot it down on it Bullseye now follow me Brothers Gloria Waits foreign there it is yes the stories were true somewhere in the depths of that Fortress are Untold Rich's Galore it will be a mighty gift for our father the king yes but what about monsters I heard a dark evil lays dormant down there ready to attack any trespassers then they will taste the wrath of my blade huh huzzah as soon as we entered the Fortress we were overwhelmed by swarms of wither skeletons Alistair and Godfrey fought so courageously decimating crows left and right leaving nothing but wither skulls in their wake but they were outnumbered not even Warriors of their caliber could handle that many enemies at once they needed me Steve grab your battle ax and help us I I can't please there are too many my fear got the better of me I abandoned my brothers and left them to die [Music] oh my God I was always the weak one even when we were little Godfrey and Alistair always protected me and now when they needed my help I was too scared to act no what am I doing I should be helping them fight I may not be much of a warrior but I have to give it my all [Music] take this [Music] no Steve hang on you two I just have to put out the Flames no it's too late for us what no Steve complete our Quest take the fortress's loot back to Father for the kingdom Alistair and Godfrey had saved me yet again for the final time I took their skulls back to father as well as all the loot my brothers were right it was a valuable hall for the kingdom but at what cost the King was obviously upset but the death of Godfrey and Alistair I was his only family left we will not let their sacrifice go in vain we shall build a monument commemorating this victory in the nether thank you but I'm not worthy of such an honor my king nonsense you were able to survive the deepest of dungeons to bring this Kingdom Wealth Beyond imagination we shall build it in the Castle's Courtyard its base will be of Soul Sand to Mark where your quest began all it shall be three with the skulls one for each of the champions Alistair the Brave on its left Godfrey the cunning on its right [Music] and the third Wither skull that's to represent you of course the most Valiant of them all the new heir to the throne Steve it was a great honor to be heralded in such a way but I knew the truth I knew it was my fault Alistair and Godfrey didn't survive we are gathered here today to celebrate the great conquest of my sons because of their sacrifice the kingdom now has more gold and diamonds than at any point in our history Steve please place the final with a skull to complete the monument in that moment a thousand thoughts went through my head sadness for my brothers regret that I couldn't save them shame that now I reap all the glory I wish for more than anything that I had a chance to prove my worth that once and for all I could prove I was a real champion [Music] but as soon as I place that final skull down I knew something was wrong stay back father and awoken something Souls trapped in the sand and skulls what is this creature what have you done nothing my king I swear it was a beast unlike anything we'd seen before a flying three-headed skeleton and it looked angry foreign [Music] [Music] you'll pay for this yeah I immediately knew what was going to happen to my father he had the same look in his eyes as my brothers a monster's spell it's like poison my body is withering away protect our people please you can't die I can't do this alone I can't protect anyone you have to my son ah he was right I didn't have a choice I was either going to avenge my family or die trying I chase the weather throughout the land as it destroyed Village after Village but it seemed like every time it was hurt it would spawn skeleton fiends to help it possessed magical properties unlike any other even the Ender Dragon itself wasn't as powerful my ax broke and I ran out of arrows but I had barely depleted half of the monster's health all I had left was my brother's diamond sword it was heavy and to hurt the Wither I'd have to get close again the villagers were already dead it would be so easy to run to disappear but I couldn't [Music] it is done thus began my lonely reign as king I tried my best to do what was right for my people and whenever it was difficult whenever I got scared I remembered my brothers and the price I paid for cowardice [Music] through my territory not an ounce of gold to your name and you're asking me for favors you're only worth the meat on your bones kid it's not true I'm a good listener you look pretty wise and I'm a sucker for good stories oh are you now well why don't you subscribe only 12 of our viewers are subscribed come join one of the fastest growing communities of Animation fans on YouTube what nothing nervous twitch you probably wouldn't care about an old Pig's story anyway just try me okay I will a one stray blink one hint you're not paying attention and we'll eat your hole My Story begins long ago in a place not far from here that was you no are you kidding I wouldn't be caught dead in a schlubby outfit like that that's my brother John that's me Steve the best richest Builder you've ever laid eyes on Steve what are you doing here a guy can't visit his family farm it's not a special occasion Steve you never show up just because do you want something I want to share some good fortune with my little brother we just had paid dirt in the nether I'm so rich I can barely carry it all oh congratulations where's the old man I gotta give him the good news ah dad's dead Steve what last winter you'd know that if you read my letters or showed up more than once a year oh you're gonna turn this into an intervention fine I don't need you or your stupid farm he left it to both of us well I don't want it I'm doing just fine in the nether you want to stay here fine more gold for me no Steve don't go yet sorry pal yes snooze you lose that sweet nether gold is all mine I meant Hammy's still here you wanna at least say hi oh hammy my childhood Pig I guess I got a little time oh he looks so different yeah cause you don't see him too often you know if you stayed a while hey I know what this is you want to lure me into some dead end life on this farm so you can hop into my portal and steal my fortune no I would never do that sure well I got news for you pal you can't manipulate me I'm gone at least stay for dinner wait out the storm Emmy's worried about you Hammy's an animal John he only worries about food no and I got places to be okay last thing I want to do is waste time with a dumb pig and a liar yeah hey wait come on come on faster oh ouch my leg oh but here's the portal come on come on hammy get out of here I mean it get lost the nether's no place for a dumb pig I said go away [Applause] foreign Builders help please help help this is a terrible misunderstanding I'm Steve oh sure how'd you learn Steve's name freak what do you want with our mind that's my gold everything he's a good Miner with a high pain tolerance and a taste for gold hey Pigman we've got a way this can all work out for everybody and just like that I became their prisoner it was back breaking work pulling gold out of the Cliffside but at least at the end of the day I'd be able to keep some of it for myself it was never enough though and I got mean but they the same people I call my friends were meaner [Applause] became their livestock my day they worked me and by night they studied me once they figured out how I was made it didn't take them long to make more but these were just pigs they could speak couldn't imagine Life as a person sometimes I enviedo days turned to months turned to years till one morning they stopped calling for me they stopped feeding me I was no longer any used to him I thought I'd starve to death when excuse me Mr uh Pigman could you help me with something if I could barely recognize him I knew John wouldn't recognize me I'm looking for my brother Steve but hearing that name after all these years I had to tell him the truth I'm Steve I know I'm a freak you're not I promise you can come back and live with me even after everything of course you're my brother now let's just get you out of here foreign most of the people here are gone but we shouldn't stick around gone all the builders have been recalled to deal with some biohazard I heard something about zombies when you never came home I got worried what that means the gold is right for the taking no Steve no gold we need to leave now excuse me hi Dave my blood for that gold it's not worth your life who are you to say what gold is worth you haven't held so much as an ingot in your hand you'll never understand wait where are you going to collect what's mine [Music] you hear something one thing you should know about pigs they'll eat anything the treasure was more beautiful than I ever could have imagined this we need to go home [Music] wait Steve don't let them do this should have stopped them but I was transfixed [Music] it was finally mine so that's my tail you sold out your own brother sold implies he was worth something you're evil uh I knew you wouldn't understand evil good those are Builder words I have no need for them down here get her ready for dinner no no wait [Music] [Laughter] wait
Channel: GameToons
Views: 3,364,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q2pOeP8qRAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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