CATNAP is ANGRY... (Cartoon Animation)

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[Music] is someone there wait [Music] kittens ow Indigo what are you doing awake you scared daddy half to death ah get off you should all be in your crib right now it's way past your bedtime now get out of here or so help me all right fine you can sleep in bed with me tonight but you have to go to sleep okay no antic Shenanigans and definitely no Tom [Music] fery hey what did I just say what the stop don't touch that why are you acting like this you're not supposed to break things that aren't yours okay since none of you seem tired yet maybe you need a distraction why don't you make me a little drawing while I take a nap you can wake me up when you're done take your time with it okay make some real [Music] masterpieces H what's going on oh no no what have you all done oh you think that's funny huh destroying Daddy's things and coloring all over his walls and my face when I'm done with the three of you you're going to be oh great where'd they go now a [Music] seriously hi I'm going to ring those little kittens neck that can't be [Music] good Indigo clean this up right now no you clean it yourself I'm not doing it for you hey where do you think you're going oh my back get back here one of my babies is in trouble ah how did you manage to get all the way up there don't worry honey daddy's got you just let go and I'll catch you all right just listen to me I said I'll catch you ah fine just stay right there I guess I'll come get you all right come along now little one I got you what is wrong with you today don't you want to be saved it's okay Kap just don't look down there I got you uh-oh yep that's going to leave a mark now what have we learned no running off and no more [Music] climbing hey what did I just say do you even listen to me wait a second is that my kittens hey you three get down here right now oh no look what you've done that's it that's the final straw don't you give me that face I am your father all I do is love you and take care of you and do everything I can to make you happy and healthy and all I get in return is you apparently doing everything in your power to ruin my life I've had it with you all you're crazy ungrateful and I just can't live with it anymore I'm done looking out for you I'm done keeping you safe I am R I'm getting out of here I never want to see you three again go find a new dad to take care of you I'm [Music] finished there perfectly clean it's so beautiful hey little guys what are you doing up so late try not to mess anything up okay we just finished [Music] cleaning all right catap simmer down you can't get too mad at them they're just kittens stupid little kittens who ignore orders and disrespect their fathers and commit property damage okay fine I can be mad at them no going back now catnap you're done with them forever sounds like something's wrong at home sweet home I'm sure my kittens have something to do with it but it's not my problem anymore get her off me get her off [Music] me put it out get it out this is so gross someone help get to bed right now I've never seen him so angry before what are you going to do to them catap something I should have done a long time ago [Music] you've made daddy angry kittens very very angry I missed out on a lot of sleep tonight and that can make a cat do some crazy things things he might regret like not singing your bedtime song I completely forgot to play it for you all earlier no wonder you little guys can't con out la la and good night go to sleep little kittens lay in bed and rest your head have sweet dreams until sunrise so lay down and fall asleep and let your Slumber be blessed lay down now and fall asleep to help your father distress [Music]
Channel: GameToons
Views: 1,423,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F3iyo7fm36Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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