The ORIGIN of Minecraft's WARDEN! (Cartoon Animation)

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whoa grandma [Music] oh [Music] this way [Music] grandma i'm scared what was that thing that my boy is the warden a great and powerful being that has guarded this city for a long time why does it hate us the warden wasn't always like this something turned it into the monster you see now it all started many years ago when i was your age dad what's happening move [Music] my father saved me but our village was still under attack it was the wither a twisted force of nature made of pure evil everyone this way i don't want to go without you i'll be fine i promise now go no dad you made it yes but where are the others what happened back there warren yes warren do tell us the wither closed in too fast i couldn't save them no oh of course you've led us into a nightmare it's not my dad's fault i'll handle this sweetie now is not the time for us to be at each other's throats gunther we need to work together now more than ever we walked for days on end going deeper and deeper into the darkness we dare not return to the service lest the wither be there waiting my father tried his best to rally his people but the situation was dire wow what is this place is that some sort of portal what do we do now this is our new home here really this is hopeless we should have returned to the surface days ago and be killed by the wither better die as heroes than skulk in the dark like cowards if that's how you feel then go no one will stop you but i have a daughter to care for and i'm going to create whatever future i can for her who's with me that's what i thought no everyone let's all dad sorry everyone let's all focus up we have a lot of work to do life in the deep dark wasn't easy with barely any resources we had to develop new recipes to keep ourselves sustained the lack of sunlight did a number on our collective psyches it was a dark existence literally tensions were always high but despite this as i grew so too did our city my father though he only grew increasingly more obsessed with the skulk the skulk [Music] and again the voices please stop they're all in danger warren only you can save them we can show you elizabeth no i can't let this happen it doesn't have to as long as you listen to us just tell me what i have to do the portal links this world to ours it is a paradise we will show you how to rebuild it and once you cross over you can lead your people to the salvation they deserve i will do as you ask [Music] dad what's going on elizabeth get back inside i don't want you getting hurt speak for yourself you're not planning to go through that thing are you i have to i have to save you all listen dad i know you feel guilty about what happened but you couldn't have stopped it leading us down here was the best option none of this is your fault i'm sorry but i have to do this i'll come back for the rest of you we will all go to paradise dad what is this place what have i done warren so happy you could make it make it dad what the everyone get ready it's found us i knew it this is the end how could i come to this [Applause] the weather dad said he would save us maybe this is what he was talking about come on dad we're counting on you you what is happening you said your home was a paradise this is not a paradise didn't you say that sorry there must have been a miscommunication not to worry we still have a way for you to free your people you do indeed but oh you sound so ungrateful are you sure you're committed enough i am trust me i am very well open yourself up to the souls what is this no no no this is it huh [Music] [Music] what what is that thing whatever it is it looks like it's on our side [Music] [Music] no stop please please thank you dad so the warden was your daddy and he's just trying to protect this place protect us still pretty scary though [Music]
Channel: GameToons
Views: 5,172,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i7jbsd05FHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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