I Survived 100 DAYS as GIANT ALEX in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one I spawned into a swamp biome as giant Alex whoa I'm huge and scary and a girl as giant Alex I had a total of 50 hearts since I was so tall I was able to quickly spot a group of players building a house I have an idea I inch towards them looming around their base I think I just saw something what hey stop trying to freak me out no wait is that giant Alex oh I could get used to this just then a player wearing a hazmat suit surprised me out of nowhere hey get lost before you decide to crash your game bub without hesitation he threw a potion at me that made me incredibly dizzy very funny like that's uh gonna do anything on day two I woke up trapped in a giant cage surrounded by more people and hazmat suits what happened who are who are people through the crowd their leader emerged to give a speech ignoring anything I was saying today the secret United Syndicate has captured the Creepypasta giant Alex soon we will capture and kill all creepypastas that ravage our servants kill all creepypastas that plan stinks I gotta get out of here I then tried to break out of the cage but it was no use the Bars were too strong I scanned the perimeter to find an opening but when I did I remembered how big I was ah I can't fit through that if only I was a small Alex suddenly I began to shrink whoa how would I do that I must have growth Powers I read through the opening and escaped the syndicate's clutches hey she's getting away I didn't stop until I found a good spot to hide this group is bad news I gotta take them down if I want to continue to haunt players in peace on day three I returned to my normal giant size how'd I do that I need to learn how to control this I realize that those Syndicate people were able to capture me way too easily it was time for me to build a base is my own but where to build it to get started I ventured out and began punching some trees to start crafting a set of wooden tools with my new tools I went mining for Cobblestone I tried my best to shrink down but I couldn't so I had to stick to the stone above ground I gathered as much Cobblestone and coal as I could get my hands on this will definitely come in handy I returned to the service to locate an area suitable for my needs somewhere discreet somewhere untraceable somewhere oh this is a nice spot I began building a simple house while also making it big enough for when I'm a giant I'll be much harder to find now like clockwork a player spotted me admiring my build is that are you giant Alex well that was short-lived I couldn't risk my location being leaked other players so I use my strength to take them out ew hopefully no one heard that when the player died they dropped food wool and a bow with arrows sorry buddy you were in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wool I acquired I crafted myself a bed and laid down for the night ah I think I need a bigger bed on days four through eight I went exploring to see what else was around me but something was off while investigating I passed by an ocean littered with small pyramids I don't think that's supposed to be there I then found a 2x2 tunnel shortly after I didn't mine here huh after that I stumbled upon a leapless forest okay this is getting really creepy maybe I should just head home suddenly I was jump scared by none other than Herobrine whoa calm down I've been searching for you Alex who are you I'm Herobrine a creepypasta just like you oh what do you want I came to warn you that we're being hunted by the secret United Syndicate or sus for short sus you mean those guys in hazmat suits you're a little too late on that one Chief why not go hide yourself what makes them a threat are their numbers there are plenty of other cryptic creatures that live in This Server make them your allies that way we stand a chance against their organization good luck just like that Herobrine disappeared make some allies huh I think I can do that on days nine through eleven I've injured back to my home thinking about what Herobrine had told me where am I supposed to find other weirdos like me they're all probably in hiding as I continued I started to hear interesting noises in the distance huh better check it out I investigated the sounds I heard to soon find a cute little orange blob being attacked by a sus member hey leave that little guy alone I tried stepping on him but he was too quick so I began firing a flurry of arrows at him until he was down for the count after the battle the little squishy monster seemed really happy that I saved it it even gave me a temporary boost in Hearts whoa thanks little man I was getting pretty low on health how'd you do that that's the last one out though I guess we're not too different what's your name I'm Alex nice to meet you buddy I remembered what Herobrine had told me so I asked little 999 if he'd like to join me me that sounds great we headed back to my base where I added a room for 999 to stay in on days 12-13 I decided to gather more materials first I chopped down a bunch of trees then went mining okay there's no way I'm fitting underground I have to focus tiny tiny just then I shrank to a normal player's size sweet better go mining before this wears off I went underground and found lots of coal and even some iron which I quickly gathered sweet after I returned to the surface I automatically Drew large again I knew I would have to learn to master my Powers at some point but this worked for now I made a furnace and smelted the iron into ingots and then immediately upgraded my pickaxe after that I killed some chickens both are some food and their feathers one step closer to more arrows after that I returned home expanding the build to include a few extra rooms still a work in progress but I'm liking it after I finish building the time suddenly turned from night to day what in the world wasn't it just midnight confused I decided to investigate while doing so I found a nearby Village while looking around I was randomly teleported outside the home of Viller do you have a drink no sorry dude dang I'm quite poched those sus Skies took all of my water wanting to help I crafted a bucket and fetched some water giving it to the strange entity wow thank you of course but hey you're a creepypasta just like me wanna join my team we're gonna take down sus he agreed so we both left to go back to my base on days 14 through 17 I was exploring when I stumbled upon a camp of players having a good old time it's pranking time I loomed over the trees staring until one of the players spotted me bro giant Alex is behind you the camper looked behind him but I tranked down before he could see me dude it was probably a bird or something stop talking crazy I then grew huge again she's really there the camper checked but I ain't getting shranked before they could see me this isn't funny dude I grew big one final time knowing it would really freak them out what has gotten into him huh what in the world then a sus member ran up to me cutting my fun short and that's my signal to leave bye-bye I ran away but he was able to catch up to me finally I'll get a promotion we started to battle it out I was clearly stronger than him so I figured the fight would be easy no matter how much I hit him though he wouldn't die is that object protecting you you like it got a smart testing facility this morning I knew this fight would go on forever so I decided to run away and get him off my tail those guys are bad news on days 18-23 I returned home to find Villar had set up an enchantment table in his room wow Pretty Sweet Room man you're more than welcome to use it but I'll need you to bring some books and Lapis Lazuli to make it stronger no problem I set up and search Alonso sugarcane to make the paper for books luckily I found a lot quite quickly afterwards I managed to shrink myself temporarily and went mining to harvest a good amount of Iron Coal and even lapis for enchanting perfect as I was leaving I spotted an armed sus agent in the distance that guy looks like he's up to no good he began to leave so I tailed him to see where he was going after following him for a bit he led me to a mysterious facility huh that place is sealed shut good thing I'm small enough to sneak inside just then I grew back to giant size I couldn't fit anymore dang it I can't control my Powers yet but I'll have to come back when I can on days 24-26 I finally returned back to my base to find the blood Golem waiting for me oh man am I glad to see another entity what can I help you with before Immortal the blood Goin began to attack me with his slamming attacks even though I wanted to take Herobrine's advice I had no choice but to fight back despite him being smaller than me he was incredibly tanky and Powerful after all he was a creepypasta too each of his attacks sent me flying into the air what do you want we don't have to fight me I use my ax to chip away at him until he finally went down okay so not all creepypastas are friendly noted upon his death he dropped an incredibly powerful blood sword that could set enemies on fire this will come in handy I use my materials from the days before to craft some books and build some bookshelves I use them to surround the enchantment table to make it stronger and it got to work I Enchanted my new sword with Venom too afterwards I planted some of my extra sugar cane to ensure I'd have plenty of paper in the days to come on days 27-29 I went exploring in hopes of finding more Cryptids to join my team after a lot of traveling I stumbled upon a biome filled with giant zombies now these are my people hello giant Brethren it is I giant Alex ah wait we're the same my pleas were useless and the onslaught of zombies attack I use my blood sword to fight off the Swarm luckily since we are both Giants they were just like normal zombies to me you guys aren't too tough keep them coming just then more giant zombies emerge and began to pile onto me I fought them up too but the hordes wouldn't stop man where were all of you hiding I Fought For What felt like ours until finally every last zombie was slain man after that another zombie walked up to me and I readied my weapon just in case yeah sorry about those guys they're also uncivilized you're not trying to smooth talk me so you can eat my brains are you no no no not really a fan of brains you see I was the original giant zombie I've been on the server for what feels like Millennia I've outgrown my basic zombie Roots it seems like you know a lot about this server anyway you want to join my cause I'm trying to take down sus I'll join you but be warned sus has taken down everyone I've ever cared for I led the giant zombie back to my base and built him a giant room to fit his size thanks I can't remember the last time I had a room that actually fit me tell me about it on days 32 32 I continued my search for Creepypastas to join my cause I traveled through multiple biomes but there was nothing in sight until I Came Upon a strange railroad tunnel at the entrance I found a strange Cryptid hello he ran away inside and I quickly followed after wait I don't want to hurt you yes the monster screamed we were teleported back to the entrance of the tunnel whoa hey did you do that uh yeah I did that's super cool you think so people are always scared of my Powers would you like to join my team I want to take down suss once and for all you know what the monster screamed and teleported us back home there I built a quick room for him to stand this is great thank you on days 33-36 I was finally enjoying some peace and quiet ah nobody being around is the best part about being me since I finally had some down time I crafted some iron armor just in case I would need it just as I finish a ton of the sus guards surrounded The Hideout we got you surrounded Creepypasta surrender now what the you found my Hideout get out the guard started to fire their weapons at me luckily it seemed like they didn't have the mysterious object like the ones I faced I fired at them from afar that went in close with my blood sword to rack up some major damage being a giant made it hard to avoid their gunfire but I did the best I could as I thought I was close to winning more and more troops came what is all that racket a little help please oh right come on out boys the rest of my cryptic friends emerged and joined in the battle the giant zombie overwhelmed the troops by charging them down while the tunnel monster used his tremendous strength to knock them out Villar was a bit of a pushover but was skillful with his sword even 999 helped with our combined strength we took out the Army until only one remain how did you find me we found it just by chance on a scouting Mission soon enough HQ will send more troops when I don't return then call them off no can do we don't trust radio so I can only inform them in person there's no way you'll get into our facility undetected I have my ways I landed the finishing blow and took his hazmat suit for myself I need to head to the sus headquarters ASAP but first I need to do something on days 37-40 I continued the expansion of my secret base I added some more rooms for potential guests but I knew what the growing population I'd have to address the issue of food I set off and found a group of chickens and sheep which I killed for their meat wool and Feathers afterwards I used some weed to lure cows back to my base and built them a small pen to stay in sweet now we don't have to worry about food I knew if I wanted to sneak into sus HQ I'd have to be able to shrink but I wasn't sure how on a whim I tried talking to the giant zombie for help hey been meaning to ask how are you not burning in the sun I've been alive for a long time there are many things I've learned speaking of would you happen to know how to manipulate your size like this just then the zombie shrank down to the size of a normal one amazing will you train me yes but it won't be easy the giant zombie took me to a clearing where we began to practice my drinking Powers together small small small yes dang it I practiced for what felt like ours not taking any time to stop I was determined to hold my small form for longer than a few seconds shrink please please I managed to shrink once again but this time I stayed small you're gaining endurance and that's good these things take time but you have trained well for today thank you I'm gonna take advantage of this size while I can I parted ways with a giant zombie and went mining in the underground shafts I normally can't access there I found lots of iron coal and even Diamond finally I headed home with my new loot and planned to craft some diamond armor for the road when I got home though I faced my biggest challenge yet what am I quickly place a ladder leading up to the crafting bench afterwards I made my diamond armor with all that done I put on the Hazmat suit I took from the guard and turned into a normal sized player now I was ready for my mission time to infiltrate on days 41-44 I arrived at the sus laboratory in my disguise the place was crawling with guards ooh heck natural you're a guard too I approached the front entrance but was immediately stopped by another guard where's your badge officer I left it in my other hazmat suit what's your name ah yes sand I I mean Sandy that Sandy Gaga great to see you again how's your brother he's my brother that's for sure he's doing great classic Sandy I quickly walked through the entrance in a cold sweat that was close I made my way through the halls of the facility and stumbled upon an area that was keeping tons of Cryptids locked in cages this is horrible what is I turned around to find a guard right behind me this uh weather we've been having I know right okay I gotta go now bye aren't you going to the mixer no one is missing the mixer but I the only people who were secretly Cryptids would miss the mixer and that's why I'm going good on days 45 to 47 I didn't want to blow my cover so I arrived at the mixer to find a ton of sus agents having a good time okay blend in report that the mission led to a dead end and get out just then the leader of the sus approached me ah Sandy how did your mission go um sir the the whereabouts of the Cryptids base was a dead end that's too bad guess I'll have to start Plan B Plan B it's far more intense and violent but we don't have much of a choice thanks Bond the leader left leaving me alone at the mixer well that went better than expected just then I had a weird feeling and I grew a little bit taller the music stopped abruptly and every guard in the room was staring directly at me Sandy you okay uh yeah just ate something bad oh no buddy go home get some rest the sus agent escorted me outside of the mixer but just as I was about to go he stopped me you will impression of Sandy Sandy size making me easy an easy target for his gunfire he was no match for me still though he was awfully resilient he took a lot of hits and arrows from me without falling you guys hear something yeah this lit music Turn It Up we continued to fight with some strong hits I managed to take him out with relative ease I'll have to come back and free the rest of the Cryptids but first I need to get these shrinking powers under control on days 48-51 I returned back to the base and expanded on it even further I added more rooms to recruits but as I was about to finish up I ran out of materials well better go get some more I left and cut down some more trees with an ax as well as mine for more Cobblestone during my travels I discovered a massive Ikea what is that doing here I wanted to investigate further so I shranked down smaller and went inside it was absolutely huge and magical shopping spree I gotta look at all the different furniture they offered wow that sofa looks comfy I can make some tasty food in this kitchen finally a bed that fits my size I took some different blocks I found for the road just in case I wanted to decorate the base later but out of the corner of my eye a strange creature scurried by me I got a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach I don't like that better get out of here I tried to make my way back to the entrance but I soon came to a terrible realization I think I'm lost on days 52-55 I stumbled around Ikea but the more I searched for a way out the more I felt like I was making circles this place is a maze I've seen this room four times now the monster from before scurried by again which urged me to keep moving this went on until finally I had enough you know what who's there come out the monster lunch in me and began to attack I took out my blood sword and we battled it out it was fast which made it tough to fight it off especially since I was in his domain he used the hallways and corridors to his advantage to land Swift attacks luckily his only weapons seemed to be a mob I was also much more skilled at fighting thanks to my previous battles after a lot of fighting I had had enough so I grew huge to intimidate him and end the fight fight dude what was that all about I get lonely here nobody really likes Ikea they all leave well I'm building a team would you like to join heck yeah the monster showed me to the exit and the two of us left together on days 56-59 I dropped off a new recruit at the base later in the day I came across a ghost hunter this looks like some fun hello we're trying to contact any nearby ghost if you're here tell us now I am here holy cow it worked I mean uh hello if you're there I honed in all my training with the giant zombie and managed to shrink down incredibly small I use my tiny size to sync by the Ghost Hunter and break a nearby block oh my God oh my God uh uh how did you die I choked on a steak now I'm doomed to Eternal hunger uh I have an apple if you want uh no I think I want you the hunter ran away leaving me to have a good laugh once I was done I continued on my way on days 60 through 63 I returned back to the base and tied up the loose ends on what I was building previously after I finished Herobrine was waiting for me outside you've done well with getting other Cryptids to trust you but now you need to learn how to haunt better what do you mean I'm great at hunting you're great at staring at people but there's more to haunting than that allow me to show you Herobrine took me to the strange pyramids I'd seen a few weeks prior people need more build up to be scared I leave strange structures like these pyramids what is a sign you can leave I've got something in mind I walked in an open area and left tons of giant Footprints everywhere as I finished up Herobrine and I hid until night fell and waited for a victim after a bit of waiting a player finally approached the area um um that doesn't look natural you don't need to be up front to scare you should obscure yourself from afar before going in for the jump scare I did as I was told and revealed myself from the [Music] the going for the scare I jump scared the player causing him to freak out and cracked their game I did it great work giant Alex now that you're well versed and scaring keep expanding your team on days 64-67 I returned back to the secret base and notice that we are running low on wheat for the cows huh better start building a farm for them I passed by and quickly build a farm for the cows and the rest of my residents looking good with the weed problem solved I decided that the base itself could use some sprucing up I started by adding a little community area for all the Cryptids to hang out whenever they feel like thanks to my improved shrinking Powers I managed to shrink down long enough to decorate the interior some more as well I placed down some bookshelves and ferns completing a cute little hangout Center I love it I changed some of the blocks of the base so that things looked a bit more appealing overall finally my upgrade was complete after finishing 999 came up to me hey little guy what's up he then gave me a potion of regeneration thank you I'll definitely put this to good use on days 68-71 I was exploring late at night when I suddenly stumbled upon a sign that said slash stop that's kind of weird I continued to explore and I kept finding more and more similar signs until finding a field filled with hundreds of them is someone trying to stop the server I investigated the signs further but nothing seemed out of the ordinary until someone started spamming the chat player done number 303 object successfully summoned what in the world who's doing this I was already in so deep so I kept pressing onwards until I finally encountered a single sign that said make a wish okay well I'm really starting to get freaked out just then a strange ghost-like entity appeared in the distance it was hard to make out who or what it was though hello are you another Cryptid all of a sudden a blindness effect came over me and the screen started to glitch out I was beginning to panic make it once the blind is finally faded the entity in the signs were all gone what the heck was that hope I don't run into that guy again on day 72-76 I set out in search of some more materials during my travels I heard a high-pitched scream what hello who's there I looked down to see an aunt below me freaking out for my attention I couldn't understand what they were saying so I shrunk down to a more appropriate size wow that actually worked giant Alex we need your help our this big ravaged by wasps sure I'd be happy to help I sought out the horrific insect until finally arriving at the entrance to its nest inside a wasp was waiting for me you dared to my domain tiny person yeah I do but I'm not so tiny what what are you doing uh one second I'm trying to do a thing ah well shoot I'm gonna have to fight this dude tiny the WASP charged full speed at me I tried my best to fend them off but I was pathetically small if I was big this fight would have been easy super tiny it was the hardest fight in my life the WASP was able to fly and attack me with its stinger even so I kept at it ugh stupid Powers I chipped away at the insect but suddenly more of the Swarm emerged from The Nest I used my blood sword to catch them on fire and keep them at Bay finally I managed to slay the whole Colony yeah take that upon their death one of the Wasps dropped an armlet of resistance which I took for safekeeping that coming Andy on day 77-79 I returned home by normal size to find the house had been completely replaced by Nether Bricks what in the world weird I went inside to investigate further and discovered a shulker box at the center of my house inside was a note with strange symbols this keeps getting weirder I walked outside and suddenly discovered I was in the nether in front of me stood a strange entity hello no worries I'm pretty used to weird stuff at this point sus is draining my Powers I can feel it each passing day I am weaker and my hold on this reality is being loosened then join my cause we may be Cryptids but we're entitled to this server but if I have to do this you must help me first sure what is it you must fight and kill the Ender Dragon for me what why that will reveal itself in due time they dropped a map to a stronghold for me Good Luck football before they said another word myself in my home reappeared in the Overworld on days 80 through 83 I continued my expansion of the secret base I cranked the flare up to 10. it made the place much bigger even adding a second story with tons of beds it was far more hospitable now looking good after my expansion I stated normal player size and headed off to the mines while I was there I found diamond and mined it up for myself sweet with my new loot I returned back to the base and crafted some more diamond armor I'll be unstoppable however as I walked back to the entrance the sus leader was waiting right at my door I grew huge just in case things got ugly what are you doing here calm down we need to talk about what you you're recruiting Cryptids from all across the server that has to stop it'll just end with you and the rest of the lot dead you're gonna kill us no matter what so I'll pass not necessarily in due time perhaps but first we must capture and experiment on every single one of you extract your powers and use them for our own gain you're sick I'll never give you access to my powers [Laughter] you already have just termination of all Cryptids begins today but we were here first you can't do this to us it doesn't matter who is here first we're here now the leader stomped away leaving me worried about the fate of myself in the other Cryptids I have to stop that guy on days 84-88 I knew that if I was gonna stand a chance against us I was gonna have to master my growth Powers so that day I resumed training with the giant zombie okay giant Alex your first test is an obstacle course in front of you are doorways each of different sizes you must pass through each of them at the appropriate size I got this the first door was giant so I walked through easy the second door was small so I focused hard and managed to drink small enough to go through next was another giant doorway after a moment of focus I grew big and progressed through the course I must have gotten too eager because I ran face first into the next wall ow okay okay small small noted I drink again and continue the course until finally finishing it strong your second test is using shrinking to evade attacks I will fire arrows at you and you must remain large for as long as possible when the arrow is about to land shrink to evade the attack reaction time got it the second test began and the first Arrow came flying towards me charaine shrink drink out your your quiet your soul I did as I was told as he fired the next Arrow I shrank down small and narrowly dodged the arrow your lessons are nearly complete All That Remains is the final test you must use all you've learned to best me in battle bring it on we began to battle it out I use my blood sword to try and get the one up on him but he evaded me using his own drinking Powers what I wasn't expecting it he would grow giant again and land a clean hit on me you gotta do better than that remember your training he was right going in blindly wouldn't do me any good I shifted my strategy and began to shrink as he was about to hit me I used my small size to move around his legs and grow big for a big hit but even with my strategy working he was too powerful am I really going to lose just then I grew bigger than ever before I managed to push through and win the battle I did it excellent work giant Alex I have nothing more to teach you may your new knowledge serve you well on days 89 through 91 I was feeling much stronger it was time to slay the Ender Dragon but I had a couple of things to do first I I shrink down and went to the mines there I found some more Diamond which I used to finish some diamond armor while I was at it I crafted some additional beds as well it's go time I use the map that 1241 gave me and arrived at the stronghold there the end portal was already lit and ready for me to travel that's convenient I hop through to find the Ender dragon flying in circles are a chance against me and grew into my full giant size in the battle with the End Dragon began I was huge so I was able to run up to each of the pillars and Destroy them with ease possible how are you doing this I ignored the pathetic lizard and dealt massive damage to them with my blood sword they tried to fight me back but they were no match for my size of powerful exactly I put the dragon out of its misery winning me the battle Yeah yeah upon their death they dropped an orb of regeneration this must be how the sus agents regenerate so fast on days 92-95 I returned home to the secret base I wasn't sure how to contact 1241 but I figured they could hear me from here one two four one I slayed the dragon as I suspected I was immediately teleported back to the nether excellent work Alex I can sense you have the orb yeah is this the source of suss's power exactly I can't tell you how but they've negotiated a deal with the Ender Dragon they provide victims she provides for Generations just like hers now that you've slayed them we can take down perfect so what do we do now I'm too weak to come with you but I will assist in Recon we must go back [Music] you got a deal I was teleported back to the Overworld but everything was on fire on days 96-98 susgard stormed the base they had taken all of my crypted friends where are my friends where is 999 there better hands now you'll pay for this I immediately began fighting them but unlike before they went down like the Flies they were isolated the Army left and right and they were starting to panic how are you doing this we have the power of the Ender Dragon on our side the Ender Dragon is dead enjoy mortality gentlemen the battle raged on and I took them down one by one they were no match for my strength or my drinking Powers I battled until only one guard was remaining leave now and I'll spare your life you know this is still really in the testing phase but why not the guards drink a potion and transformed into a terrifying monster I'd like to introduce you to suss's First man-made Cryptid I wasn't afraid of whatever artificial Cryptid they made I drank my potion of regeneration and continue to fight on like nothing happened but the sus agent quickly revealed that he was far more Fierce than what I was up against before he was incredibly fast and was able to poison me his attacks would deal massive damage over time what's the matter getting overwhelmed I'm not scared of a cheap knockout off I honed in all of my powers and slayed the Beast this ends now on day 99 I began to return to the sus HQ I was gonna stop all of this from The Source I passed through multiple biomes until finally reaching it the giant laboratory all of my friends gotta be in here I shrink down super small and made my way inside through an opening in the wall I use my tiny size to stealth through the lab the place was littered with guards luckily my small size allowed me to take them down easily intruder alert DEFCON 5 what's happening who's doing this the Cryptid that's gonna burn this place to the ground I killed the guard and shrank down so I can continue forward until finally finding a sign title testing laboratory this must be the place on day 100 I walked into the testing lab to finish this once and for all it was a massive room the ceiling seemed to go on for Miles this place is creepy at the back of the room I found the sus leader there he had all of my friends trapped in glass boxes you let my friends go what have we ever done to you oh I don't know haunt our servers mess with our games scare and hurt innocent people we were antagonized we've been here long before all of you we aren't yours to experiment on all valid points little Alex what do you say I simply don't care this is my world this is my server and I can do whatever I want with it I knew this battle would be tough so I grew into my normal size and began to go at him with my blood sword the sus leader stayed small but even in his normal size he was able to pack a punch he had the most advanced cryptic killing technology and I could definitely feel it however I was still much stronger in my large size that's it that's even the playing field the sauce leader grew to a massive size to match mine and continued to use his Ender sword to beat me down unfortunately for him I had mastered my Powers I shrank super small and started to go for his legs ow stop that not until you've stopped hurting Cryptids never then you leave me no choice I grew as large as I could muster larger than I ever had before the leader was shocked by my display of power and stood stunned in my feet oh my God say goodnight to suss I stepped on the leader killing him and freeing all of my friends from sus I did it I shrink back to my normal size and broke everyone out of their cells and now we can be free dang it
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 5,266,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c4Wlic23J1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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