The only UE5 Landscape Shader you'll need in 2024

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you new to unv Engine 5 and want to know how to get rid of this gray and boing looking landscape this basic landscape Shader will teach you how let's get started so before we can start with our material we need some textures if you don't have any you can just click this little button get to quixel bridge and then download whatever you want so you just head over to search and then look for I don't know ground and then under surfaces you can download whatever you want for a better breakdown of pixel Bridge check out this video here so obviously to create a material for our landscape here we need to create a material itself so we just right click hit material and let's call it landscape so we double click it and then let's double click it here again to maximize it and now we could create it from scratch but I already have it prepared so I just paste it in but I give you a Wonder on what's going on here so so here we can see we have three different types Rock grass and snow I will rename these because um they are not matching anymore but you can name these frames whatever you want you just click the frame and change the name to I don't know test or whatever so these are our three spots you can use how many you like but um I'm using screen this example so here we have our texture coordinate and a parameter to get to create a parameter you just hold s and left click and uh that's basically a parameter just called tiling and later on we can change the tiling of the material and we have this for all our three different textures these go into a multiply and then we have our three slots for our albo our mask which has the buffness and the ambient occlusion and for our normal map and these all go into a make material Ed tributes which goes out into a landscape layer blend and in the landscape layer blend as you can see we have three items and we will rename them to one two 3 or you can call them whatever you want but right now I just give them these names and this will go into our main material but we need to change our material to use material attributes because these are attributes so let's plug it in and make sure you click on all the textures and make sure the sample source is on web so that basically allows you to use more Textures in your material if you want to so make sure all of these are on shared web then they should be but just double check so right now we need textures and our material obviously because right now everything is yeah black and to do do this I just head over to Mega scans surfaces and here I have my three textures I just go in the first folder I click my window and sampler type is color so I know the first one is uh my albo but you can see uh it it also goes into the base color slot so I just click this little texture and hit this error button and now it's in the white slot the next one is the mask so the orp map and green is the roughness red is the m inclusion you just click this map again this little arrow and the simpler type is a mask because this is a mask um a mask texture so if you open it up and close the channels you have your M occlusion in the red channel in the green Channel you have your roughness and the blue channel is the height map and the last one is the normal map you just click it again go to the normal and hit the arrow and now you do the same for the other texture so I go back to my other texture and just apply everything and now we have all our textures applied so let me fix one thing on this tying the default value is zero it should be one because all the others also have one in it and just save it and now we have our main material ready to go so as I said before you can recreate this it's super simple so make sure to download the material and just copy paste it into your material you can create with white click so we can close this material for now and now let's white click our material and create a material instance so if we open this instance we have all these values which we don't need we just need this one this is the tiling this this is the little note I just fixed and this applies for all the three textures we have in the material by the way it's normal that it's black in a preview it's all good we just want to enable the tiling hit save and now we can apply our material to the landscape so just click on your landscape and down below here where it says landscape material you just grab your landscape material drag and drop it give it a few seconds and now we have some black landscape perfect that's normal by the way because we use a weight for this um material so we need to hit over to our landscape mode you can click here and then landscape or shift two and now we are in the landscape painting mode so we can paint but there isn't much going on because we need to assign weight blended layers so to do this we just hit this little plus and then hit weight Blended layer where it says normal and we can save it in just in the content folder and hit save give it a second and let's do it again weight Blended layer normal weight Blended layer normal so now we have our three layers applied we could start painting So if you start painting it can happen that your system will lag a little bit that's normal if you paint a layer which wasn't painted before on the terrain so um that is normal let me lower the brush size and let's go for the layer two and see what happens so as you can see we just painted a different texture and with this little falloff slider you can control how sharp or soft the fall off is so wine is roughly in the middle and let's switch to layer three and let's give it a click again and as you can see we now have three different textures blending into each other so that's the first texture the second one and the third one and the blend is quite soft quite nice it's not a harsh blend but right now we have a lot of reputation we have a ton of tiling going on and you really should check out this video here where I show you how to get rid of The Styling and how to work around it with some noise patterns so check out this video and see what you can do about tiling
Channel: The Triangle Forge
Views: 1,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine, ue5, unreal, landscape, unreal engine 5.2, unreal engine landscape, unreal engine landscape material, unreal engine landscape paint, unreal engine landscape painting, unreal engine landscape automaterial, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine tutorial, landscape material, unreal engine 5 beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 beginner, ue5 tutorial, unreal engine 5.1, unreal engine 5 new features, unreal engine 5 open world games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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