Unreal Engine 5 - Landscape Material Paint with Displacement

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in this video I'm going to show you how you can paint different layers onto your landscape material with utilizing the displacement map in Unreal Engine 5 the displacement map will give you this extra detail of realism that you need for your Landscapes so let's get started if you watch my previous video you already know that my channel is demonetized so I've decided to switch to patreon becoming a patreon member you'll support me and this channel to keep evolving to keep creating more and more interesting videos besides that you have access to all the files that I've created from the start of my YouTube channel so right now you can download the water Shader you can download the auto material from my previous video if you didn't watch it go and watch it and you can have access to more in-depth videos about how the things work like the AO material the water Shader in few more videos and also you will have access to a bip Discord server only dedicated to my patreon members where I am active most of the time so so if you want to support the growth of this Channel and if you want to see more and more videos like this go to my patreon page and roll now and also you have access to everything that I'm creating thanks everyone hello everybody this is my first video for 2024 I hope you had a great 2023 and 2024 will be a great one too so happy New Year in this video I'm going to show you how you can paint different textures onto your landscape with displacement enabled so let's start right now I've just created the materials itself but I'm going to create them from scratch again so the first thing you need to do is right click go to materials material and create your master material which will be mm landscape pnt for paint all right I'm going to double click on it and the first thing that you need is some textures I download few textures from Mega scan I download this Mossy rock this Rocky ground and this Shoreline of course you can download whatever you want I'm just going to select them and drag and drop them into my material I'm going to do the same for the Rock and I'm going to do the same for the sh line so the first step is to arrange your textures by definition so here is my mous alido then my second one will be my Shoreline and my third one will be my Rocky ground okay this is the first one then I'm going to move to the normal Maps this is my MOS so here I have a moss here is my mous this is my sh line I'm going to move it over here and this is my rock right so we have our obido we have our normal then let's do the same for the Rd so this is my MOS this is my sh line and this is my Rocky ground okay so we are ready right now what we have here is we have Alo textures for the Cs we have normal maps for everything and or D is stands for occlusion roughness and displacement over here okay so with just those three textures we're going to have amazing results on our landscape the displacement is enabled for me but if you don't know how to enable the displacement go and watch my other video where I explain how to enable the displacement map so the next step what we need to do is we need to add a landscape layer blend so I'm going to right click landscape layer blend this will blend the textures together and will give us the ability to paint what we need to do is we need to add three elements the first one will be our Moss the second one will be our Shaw line so I'm going to add one more sh line and the third one will be our rock rock okay so we have our Rocky we have our sh line and we have our Mossy start connecting it Moss sh line and The Rock and and I'm just going to duplicate this one and do the same for the normal map connect my mous sh line and rock duplicate this one and here is a little bit tricky what we need to do is we need to have separate uh layer Blends for each channel so first is the red Channel over here okay so the first one is our occlusion the second one is our roughness so I'm going to duplicate this one and I'm going to connect the roughness over here and finally I'm going to duplicate this one one more time to connect the displacement let's connect the displacement over here and after you make this work and connect everything let's connect our Obito textures to our base cow so connect this to the base C connect this to the normal and start connecting the first one is our occlusion so search for ambient occlusion I'm connecting here to ambient occlusion the second one is the roughness so connected to the roughness and the third one the blue channel is for the displacement okay so we set up the connections over here and we set up the blending and the last thing that we need is texture coordinates so we can control the UV tying so right click texture coordinate and from this texture coordinate we're going to control the tiling from here the u and v tiling and let's start connecting to every single texture over here to the UVS connect first the Obito then connect the normal map and then connect the O textures here you go here you go here you go great great right so our material is ready save it and let's test this out I'm just going to minimize this we have this master material which is pnt right click create material instance Mi landscape pnt MI stands for material instance then select my landscape drag and drop it over here and when you connect your material instance you're going to see this which is pretty ugly and not working any kind of good and this is because we didn't set up the layers to paint on so go to the landscape click on paint scroll all the way down and here you need to create weight blended layers so click on the first one on the mous I already have a folder here layers and I'm going to name it MOS pnt layer info save this one and right now we have our MOS add one more for the sh line scroll down layers sh line BNT layer info and we need one more for the rock painted layers rock pnt layer info save and let's go to the selection The Next Step that you need to do is go to your landscape search for nanite and you need to enable nanite in order the displacement to work enable nanite and click build data wait a little bit so the data for Nite can be built up and when the data is buil up you can see these ugly spikes over here and this is because of the magnitude of our material so go back to our Master material landscape pnt double click select the landscape pnt material and scroll all the way down to the displacement what you need to set up for the magnitude is5 and save it the next step is we need to tell the textures a little bit less right now it is one so let's try with 33 click save and right now everything should work we have this pretty nice effect over here and let me paint some rocks so we can really see the results of the displacement go to the landscape paint layer select our rocks and now you can start painting wait a little bit so on real can catch up let's paint this one let's paint a little bit sh line over here some sh line over here so you can just see the blending of the textures okay I'm just going to delete my player start and put it over here player start drag and drop it hit play and let's see how this looks you can see that you have the displacement working pretty good when we go into this Mossy terrain the displacement is working also pretty good you have this nice details and let's let's go all the way up to the rocks to see that it is also working for the Rocks you can see here the displacement is working also for the Rocks you have this Shoreline working with the Pebbles blending to the Rocks so this is how you can paint different textures onto your landscape and use the displacement map to get this extra detail on your landscape thank you guys for watching this one see you in the next video and before I end up this video I want to let you know that I've created a blueprints master class for Unreal Engine 5 it is available right now on UD me so if you want to expand your knowledge and not just only create art pieces in Unreal Engine 5 but create some characters create some game logic my course is the perfect solution from beginners to intermediate and real ng5 users the course itself is 15 hours long and it has all the foundation that you need to Kickstart your blueprint knowledge in Unreal Engine 5 so if you want to keep evolving yourself Beyond just creating art in Unreal Engine 5 enroll now so I hope you enjoy this video and if you want to support me and get access to all my files also to the auto material that I've created previously join my patreon page for $499 and with your pledge you're supporting me to keep creating amazing videos like this each one of you can make a big difference by supporting my channel so I can keep making those videos thank you guys for watching this video Happy game development I'm out
Channel: CG Dealers
Views: 15,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kV3jPqrWtOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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