The only UE5 Landscape Shader you will ever need!

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today I will show you how to get your gray emporic looking landscape to the next level with an easy to follow landscape material and Unreal Engine 5. let's get started so to give our boring looking to end some love we need to add some colors and for that we head over to get content qixo bridge and I give you an example for how to download and import the textures let me search for Mountain under surfaces obviously and if we scroll down we already have some results you can filter them more under the categories here but let's see what we have we want something without a lot of detail like the lynched walk that's nice for a detail texture but not for a base terrain we need something pretty easy and straightforward I'm happy with this jacked walk so I go on the medium quality and I need to sign in if you already signed in you can download let me sign in real quick so now I'm sending and I can adjust it download give it a few seconds so now it's downloading and when that's done we can go ahead and import it to our project hit add and boom done you have everything in your project you have to diffuse your normal and your mask setup where the roughness and ambient occlusion stuff like this is already included a 2K texture is completely fine you don't need AK or so on your terrain so save some performance go for 2K perfect good enough so is this texture downloaded I need two additional ones because I'm using a three layer setup you go ahead and download your textures I see you on the other side when we start creating our Shader so when we have our textures imported which you can find under Mega scans and surfaces it's time to create our material for that we just right click material and let's call it landscape let's open this one up and let's go back to the content browser here and first we can import the Jack walk so for this we just click the textures and drag and drop so to make sure our textures are on web mode just hit the texture and make sure the sampler source is to shed web it tells you already what it does we use wept to use multiple Textures in our Shader so when we have our textures set to wept we need to make sure to add our landscape material attributes or just material attributes so now we need to make our material attributes for that with right click and make material attributes we use this basically as a bridge for our landscape material so now we just need to connect everything let's sort it real quick just for the eye and let's put our base color in base color here is our mask let's go to our normal and the mask is broken down into what is imminent occlusion and green is the roughness we need blue we can't skip so with that out of the way we need to add texture coordinates because right now it would apply one time for the whole landscape which would look really strange and we want to make sure our material is tiling for that we just right click and look for text Ure coordinates here we go we also need a multiply for that you just can click m or hold M and click so you have your multiply and hold down your one key and left click and let's convert this guy to a parameter let's call it tiling so the parameter is useful because we have it in our material and if we want to change the title we don't need to reopen this material all the time in the end we will use a instance of this material and we can just change the number and don't need to reopen the main material so we can just change the Tiding on the Fly and let's connect it into a into B and now into the UVS so everything is tileable now let's save the material and we are almost done we just need to repeat it for our other material or not for our material for our other textures just Mark everything copy paste and copy paste again so now we can go back into our content browser well let me Focus this one and let's go to the let's go to the mossy glass there's a really nice trick to change the textures we could change them over the drop down here but if you go on the diffuse note in your content browser hit did note and then just hit this Arrow it's replacing the note so let's go under the mask or we can use this content puzzle also you don't need to use this one every window has its own content browser with control spacebar let's go on the mask hit the mask close it down hit the error hit the normal hit this normal close it and normal and let's do it one more time now we want to snow so that's our diffuse diffuse close it diffuse mask close it mask normal normal perfect done so we have set up our textures and now we need to make a landscape material out of this let's save and let's jump to the next point so to use our textures as a material we need to add the layer blend for that we just right click and look for landscape layer blend here we go now we need to tell our layer blend how many layers we have we have three so we add three elements and under every element we can give it a name like snow and grass and walk so now we have our layer blend and we need to connect our textures to this layer blend for that we just go up to this was our walk we can also just Mark everything hit C and call it walk and we get the outputs and put it on layer walk and now we repeat everything for the other textures like grass or was it glass let's check real quick yeah it was the grass put it in layer glass Mark everything C call it snow let's save and now we have everything connected we still need to feed it into our landscape material but before we need to change one thing we need to make sure we activate use material attributes perfect now we have a really tiny material put it into here hit save again it's normal that it's black so everything is fine we saved it let's go out of here controlled spacebar and let's create a material instance so right click your material and create material instance we will apply this instance to our landscape so let me go to our landscape landscape material and look for landscape you can also just drag and drop it now give unwield a few settings now don't fear that's normal we need to fix it in the landscape and for that we head over to the landscape mode and if we go on the paint we have our three layers snow glass and Wok because there are no weights assigned at the moment we need to add these weights to the layers for that we just create a layer info by clicking on this plus wet Blended layer save it in your content and when it's done you have your snow layer info so we need to do this for the other layers also so just hit the plus again red Blended layer content save and one more time and now we have our information in the terrain so now we can start painting let's go for this little pass hit the grass and let's see what happens so right now it looks pretty Blobby as you can see it's uh yeah a little blob but that's no problem we go back to the selection mode with shift one of our landscape instance and that's because we didn't enable the tiling yet so hit this check mark and let's say one just to test it and while we have some texture but one isn't really a nice number I would go for let's try 0.25 and now this looks way better so now we have our glass we obviously have our snow and if we go back with shift two we can also add our Wok so let's make the brush eyes a little bit smaller if you're painting and your system is hanging a little bit that's normal if you paint a new texture for the first time a new material on the landscape that can happen just let it work it will come back to you so let's see what happens if I paint my Wok so as you can see it's chugging a bit and already going over budget but because I'm also recording so as you can see we are painting our material and we can adjust the fall off if you want to make it a little bit harder so here we go that's our three layer landscape material it's really easy to set up it's really useful for some quick prototyping or for a portfolio project you can build it out make it more advanced use some noise to get some better tiling and offset and if you're on a Wonder Wing how you can fill this huge world with some nice looking glass or trees you really should check out the video where I'll teach you how to use the new PCG system in Unreal Engine 5.
Channel: The Triangle Forge
Views: 18,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine, ue5, unreal, landscape, unreal engine 5.2, unreal engine landscape, unreal engine landscape material, unreal engine landscape paint, unreal engine landscape painting, unreal engine landscape automaterial, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine tutorial, landscape material, unreal engine 5 beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 beginner, ue5 tutorial, unreal engine 5.1, unreal engine 5 new features, unreal engine 5 open world games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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