Getting Substance Painter textures to look the same in Unreal Engine 5

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so yeah I know I'm the zebra sky with the zebras Channel and here I am doing a substance painter Maya Unreal Engine tutorial so I know nobody's asking for this but I'm gonna do a very quick tutorial on setting up materials from substance painter and getting them into Unreal Engine correctly it's not a zebras tutorial I don't care I'm gonna go ahead with it anyway so first things first after you've made your model I've made this model and I basically unwrapped it with an automatic unwrap which I would not recommend anybody do there's a lot of wasted space in here do your own wraps properly this is just me doing this for the sake of it I don't really care so for purposes of just getting this done I'm just doing an automatic on wrap just a couple of things to go through when you do your export from Maya or whatever DCC you're using and you decide to export you have to go into your jumps and you must remember to turn on smoothing groups if you don't do that you're going to have a you're going to get a message when you get into Unreal Engine so just turn that on and Export your model so import your model as normal into substance painter and then bake it as normal go into the baking tunnel import your high-res mesh bake at whatever resolution you want do all of your baking there apply your textures as normal and I'm not going to go through all that this isn't a substance painter tutorial but you know create all of your textures when you're ready to export and you want these metals to look the same inside only Unreal Engine this is what you have to do so go up to the file menu go to export textures from here you'll see that there are several output templates the one we want to use is the Unreal Engine 4 packed that does have an emissive channel so if your object hasn't a Miss has emissiveness on it well then great you can use that but if not ignore so we go back into settings and we see that basically in the global settings this is where we chose that output template so you don't actually don't need to go in here you just need to choose it from here it's just showing you that that's where it is choose your directory to Output it to I'm going to put it into a textures folder here and then when you're ready choose the actual asset itself and if you want all of the channels if you have emissiveness well then turn this on and you'll export an emissive map but if not you'll export a color map a arm map occlusion roughness and metallic map and a normal map so we just hit export that exports all of these as PNG files so next we launch Unreal Engine I'm just going to go to games and I'm going to create a blank project so this project has started I'm just going to create a new level here and I'll create a basic map so it's going to set up a basic loading system for us with a floor and not much else so from here we're actually going to import our model we exported it as flamethrower low so I'm just going to click and then drag and drop that into the Unreal Engine when you do that it's gone to default saying create new materials that's fine we'll leave that on and just hit import model should now be created you can just click and drag it into your viewport and press F to frame I'll Zoom you in and you can place it wherever you want in your scene so when it comes to creating the materials we have to get those Textures in so again we'll go back to the folder where we created the textures we take the three textures that it generated and just drag and drop them into our scene that's good practice to put these into a folder called textures or something like that but just for the sake of showing this tutorial once we've done that these textures are in and it will have taken the normal map and and basically tagged it as a normal map which is fine but the one thing it didn't do is change this map from srgb to RGB so if you double click on this it'll open up a new window and inside that window you can see the sogb is turned on and we need to turn that off and just hit save what that will do is basically each of these channels here the red is your occlusion map the green on its own is the roughness map and the blue is the metallic map so you want that as linear color space once you're ready to go we can double click on our material that will open up our material editor we can select our texture node and delete that and then just drag and drop our three nodes our three texture notes down here bring them in so our diffuse map goes into our base color if you hit apply you should see it immediately apply onto your your model over here we're going to take our normal map and we take the OGB and plug that into the normal and again if you hit apply you'll see that that will update there's not much of a change but that will update there and the big thing here is this map so if you had not changed that to RGB you'll notice that your texture map is set to color this map will by default be set to color if it's srgb so if it's not you need to change it to linear color so by turning off that srgb checkbox and making it that before we even dragged it into our material letter it will automatically change this to linear color for us so just make sure that that's on and the way to remember this this is an o or M map or I like to remember as our order was that again so red that it almost goes bottom to top red is your ambient occlusion green is your roughness and blue is your metallic so they're almost the opposite direction red is the bottom green is the middle and blue is the top if you think of it as that way so once we apply this now we can close this so once you apply this you can see that this texture now looks exactly the same inside Unreal Engine as it did in substance painter if you didn't do this if this srgb was on and we go back into our material editor here and you'll see that you'll get an error here so that's because this is now set to linear color so this is expecting it to be color if sogb is on where if you apply that and have a look and see what it looks like inside the viewport you can see that the metals don't look correct Metals just look strange they don't look correct and that's purely because they're using the wrong color space you can't just go into your material editor and turn this to linear color by selecting this and changing this to linear color you're going to get an error you must also at some stage turn off sogb here and then save the map and that's the only thing that's going to rescue that so hope this tip helps and as usual don't forget to click like And subscribe for more zbrush tutorials rather than this stuff this is more just a reminder for myself even in the future that this is how this stuff works alright cheers bye
Channel: Sean Forsyth
Views: 17,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: substance painter, substance painter tutorial, substance painter to unreal engine tutorial, painter to unreal tutorial, unreal engine shader tutorial, export from substance to unreal, substance painter textures to unreal
Id: f7uOQzy8MaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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