The Ones With Chandler & Joey's Bromance | Friends

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all right no peeking no peeking no peeking no peeking all right all right but you better be wearing clothes when I open my [Laughter] eyes all right open your eyes sweet mother of all that is good and pure Days of Our Lives picked up my option congratulations now we can finally watch Green ACR the way it was meant to be seen so uh which one is mine whichever one you want man whichever one you want not that one oh yes oh yeah that's the stuff do we dare we dare oh hey kiky what are you doing just trying to get comfortable can't sleep in my Underwood well you're going to I've been thinking you know about how I'm always seeing girls on top of girls are they end to endend or tall like pancakes you know what I mean about how I'm always going out with all these women cuz I always figured when the right one comes along I'll be able to be a standup guy and Go the Distance you know I'm looking at my dad thinking hey you're not him you're you when they were all over you to go into your father's pipe fitting business did you cave no no you decided to go into the out of work actor business now that wasn't easy but you did it and I'd like to believe that when the right woman comes along you will have the courage and the guts to say no thanks I'm [Applause] married you really think so yeah I really do thanks C get off Joey got you the Joey special two pizzas Joe hello damn it hello no Joey's not here right now but I can take a message I think he still got a chance for the part oh that's great news well no obviously not for the actor who was mauled by his dog oh well that's great I will give Joey the message thank you yes okay Mac audition at two allergy actor attacked by dog not flowers hey please tell me you got the message what message the actor playing Mac couldn't do it they needed to see you at 2:00 what at 6:00 I wrote I wrote it on the board I wrote on the board then I went all over New York City looking for you I went to Ross's I went to the coffee house I went to any place that they make sandwiches I can't believe this Chandler sorry I I I don't know what to say well you you might say congratulations I saw the board I went to the audition I got the board is that supposed to be funny I was really worried over here oh well I'm you know sometimes that fake out thing is just mean oh wow okay man I'm sorry I did not mean to make you feel bad well that's good because you didn't and I'm incredibly happy for you that's mean you really had me go in there oh we could do this all day yeah you're right right I took the quiz and it turns out I do put career before men get up what near my seat how is this your seat cuz I was sitting there but then you left well it's not like I went to Spain I went to the bathroom you knew I was coming back what's the big deal sit somewhere else the big deal as I was sitting there last so it's my seat Well actually the last place you were sitting was in there so you guys you know what you know what it doesn't matter because you both have to go get dressed before the big vein in my head pops so all right Ross I just have to do one thing really quickly it's not a big deal get up all right fine you know what we'll both sit in the chair fine with me I'm so comfortable me too in fact I think I might be a little too comfortable all right okay look we have 19 minutes okay Chandler I want you to go and change okay and then when you come back Joey will go change and he'll have vacated the chair okay okay all right fine I'm going when I get back it's chair cting and I'm the guy who's sit sitting in a chair all right you will notice that I am fully dressed I in turn have notice that you are not so in the words of AA mil get out of my chair dill hole [Applause] okay what are you doing well you said I had to give you the chair you didn't see anything about the cushions the cushions are the essence of the chair that's right I'm taking the essence he'll be back there's nobody in the room where's my underwear whoa whoa whoa whoa come on come on what you took his underwear he took my Essence okay hold on Joey why why can't you just wear the underwear you're wearing now cuz I'm not wearing any underwear now okay um then why do you have to wear underwear tonight it's a rented tux okay not going to go commando in another man's fatigue well then it looks like somebody's going to have to give somebody back his cushions okay you hide my clothes I'm going to do the exact opposite to you what are you what are you going to show me my clothes hey opposite is opposite he's got nothing okay buddy boy here it is you hide my clothes I'm wearing everything you own oh my God that is so not the opposite of taking somebody's otherwhere look at me I'm Chandler could I be wearing any more clothes maybe if I wasn't going commando yeah I'll tell you it's hot with all this stuff on I uh I better not do any I don't know lunges okay okay enough enough with the luning no I'm sick of this okay I've had up to hear with you two neither of you can come to the party jeez what a baby give me a chance to win my money back okay sudden death one goal $1,000 you serious oh yes okay get ready to owe me okay okay here we go [Music] ready [Music] no no one can beat me see now that's why only the little fake man are supposed to do the kicking wow I I don't know what to say what do you say I don't know it's a bracelet isn't it and it's engraved too check it out to my best bud thanks best bud put it on oh now no no I think something this nice should be safe for a special occasion oh no no that's the beauty part it goes with everything you put this on you're good to go oh man you are so wearing that bracelet I so am you pick one just pick one here how about that one that's patio furniture for what like people are going to come in and think uh-oh I'm outside again F what about the birds I don't know Birds just don't say hello sit here eat something you pick one all right how about the ladybugs oh so forget about the birds but big red insects suggest fine diamonds fine you want to get the birds get the birds not like that I won't K would have like the [Applause] birds [Applause] this is so exciting So Glamorous people taking our picture how do I look a little tall what would you mind crouching down a little bit so that I look taller there you [Music] go good job Joe well done topnotch you liked it you really liked it oh yeah well which part exactly the whole thing here we go no no no no no give me some specifics I love the specifics the specifics were the best part hey what about the scene with the kangaroo did you did you like that but I was surprised to see a kangaroo in a world World War I epic you fell asleep there was no kangaroo they didn't take any of my suggestions thanks a lot for coming buddy see you later don't go I'm sorry I'm so sorry look this guy fell asleep he fell asleep too be mad at him or call an ambulance oh man I can't believe I locked myself out again again hang on buddy oh my God what happened here did you do all this I sure did why well I just thought it would make me feel good to do something nice for my friend you're amazing no no no this is amazing a TV that appears as if from nowhere that's the dream how did you afford all this stuff well you know I'm 29 I mean who needs a savings account you are the best friend anyone has ever had oh I don't know no no no you are you do this you give me the great advice and Hey listen I was thinking about what you said yesterday about focusing on one woman I'm going to do that you mean with Casey no no no I think I'm going to see how things go with Kathy she's pretty cool or Casey no no Kathy could be Casey no no Kathy consider Casey you know what I think I think somebody's got a little crush on Casey how about I fix you two up what do you think that all the pieces of my life are falling right into place hey hey samuka Margarita are you here is that a real thing well we only had sambuka so it is now listen uh Joe I I need to I need to talk to you about something what's up it's it's about Kathy oh uh I like her I like her a lot actually you do yeah well your timing couldn't be better she's not my girlfriend anymore what yeah she broke up with me oh uh when just now after acting class at first I thought she was doing some kind of scene that's why I let people watch oh man I am so sorry are you are are you okay I've been better but I'm all right so you like her huh yes but I I I don't have to no no no no it's uh it's okay yeah yeah you know why cuz you came to me first well I thought that would be the best thing to do but hey this listen just so you know you might have your work cut out for you because when I talk to her I kind of got the feeling she's into some other guy so see uh that's that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about I I think I know who the other guy is who it's me I'm the other guy what yeah I mean when you were late last night Kathy and I got to talking and one thing led to another and and what did you sleep with her no no no I just kissed her what that's even worse how is that worse I don't know but it's the same look I'm sorry but there's nothing I could do I think I'm in love with her who cares you went behind my back I would never do that to you you're right I have no excuses I was totally over the line over the line you're you're so far past the line that you can't even see the line the line is a DOT to you yes yes right and I feel horrible you have to believe me oh my God is that why you bought all this stuff well you know what I will not watch your TV I will not listen to your stereo and there's a cinnamon raisin Loaf in the new bread maker that I'm not going to eat you know why probably because because it's all tainted with your betrayal from now on this apartment is empty to me I'm not happy about you either oh and just so you know I made that bread for you hey you guys check it out check it out guess what job I just got I don't know but Donald Trump wants his blue blazer black what blue blazer back he he wants it back you said black why would he want his blue blazer black well you you know what I meant no you messed it up you're stupid and done oh my God I didn't feel the thing hey are you still looking for a job cuz you could tweeze circles around that sadistic at the salon thanks you want to see what it looks like yeah yeah hey they totally match they look great they look great are you doing yeah yeah I think it looks pretty good I was a little bit worried that I was uh uncovering a birth mark right about there but it turned out to be a little piece of chocolate hey Chandler thank you so much no problem listen uh that a pretty girly hour we just spent we should probably do something manly make up for it yeah grow my eyelash yeah Joe full bag beer still cold something terrible must have happened here oh no no no no no no Stevie I was never [Music] here chair now if anybody asks your name is Rosita you're like it no I won't how you even know because I know what I like go like you know what poor thing cut down in her prime Joey the new chair will be here in an hour maybe we should actually move Rosita out out of here you know start the healing process yeah I guess you're right she's healed that's weird no it's not weird it's a miracle it's not a miracle Joey I'm sure there's some explanation oh there is if you want something nothing your heart is pure wonders things can happen hi [Music] hi so which one of you lucky boys is Chandler uh that that's me that's me Joey trani big fan so is that a bedroom yeah yeah right over there all right whenever you're ready that was weird why would you go in the bedroom I'm waiting so she's a yep that's one naked hooker so tonight's tonight of big bachelor party yeah hey thanks for giving me that girl's number no problem say who's the party for for my husband you hir your husband a hooker she's a stripper no she's a hooker is is that what they call strippers sometimes when they're hookers my god do I I can't believe you did this now are you absolutely sure she's a hooker see the that she's just the best most expensive date I ever had all right all right maybe maybe you should just ask her to leave why me hey it's your bachelor party which is why you should do it I don't want to you do it you do it you do it all right rock paper scissor who has to tell the to leave what I missed this I don't think we've actually done this before no no no no I miss hanging out with you well we we still hang out yeah not like we used to remember you and me used to be Inseparable you know now it's like things are different well you know things are different I'm married now yeah sure and hey don't get me wrong I am so happy for you guys but I just I miss hanging out just just us you know yeah I miss that too okay I'll tell you what for now on we'll make time to hang out with each other you got it come here oh god listen I am this close to robbing you guys she's a hooker she's a hooker she's a hi we spoke on the phone Joey Pon oh still too ethnic my agent thinks I should have a name that's more neutral Joey Switzerland [Laughter] [Applause] plus you know I think it should be Joe you know Joey makes me sound like um this big which I'm not Joe Joe Joe Stalin Stalin Stalin do I know that name that sounds familiar well it does not ring a bell with me Joe Stone you know that's pretty good you might want to try [Applause] Joseph Joseph Stalin I think you'd remember that oh yes bye-bye birdie starring Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin is the Fiddler on the Roof [Music] you know there already is a Joseph [Laughter] Stalin you're kidding apparently he was this Russian dictator who slaughtered all these people You' think you would have known that you know you'd think I would have Street the trees and the big front yards the actual Picket Fences man those two dogs are going at it hey hey where you been oh just uh you know looking around but you know what this house is great really what changed your mind oh well the little girl who lives here made me feel a lot better about the whole thing Joey there was a little girl who lived here but she died like 30 years ago what I'm just messing with you that's not funny you know I'm afraid of little girl ghosts Joey now that you're okay with the house do you want to go see your room what I get my own room you don't think we'd buy a house and not have a joey room dear oh my god oh hey can I have an aquarium in a sex swing no why not I'll keep the tank clean listen uh I don't know what I'm going to see you again well I'm guessing uh tonight at the coffee house right yeah okay uh take care yeah [Music]
Channel: Friends
Views: 727,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JZ0AGtN_Uao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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