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so him becoming as big as Kevin Hart this one [Applause] [Music] I saw God giving him a platform in Hollywood this one I saw him becoming very known and very famous I don't know what you do but I saw your star just boom because when I looked at him I saw him becoming as big as Kevin Hart this one what what do you do in the realms of the Spirit when you are carrying him there was a big challenge in the realm of the Spirit it was a difficult pregnancy to carry to the point that it looked like you're going to lose him at some point yeah because I remember I am singing it in the realms of the Spirit when you are about 4 months going to five months I saw you bleeding that you thought that you actually lost it yeah Robert I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm hearing one saying God with us and the other one is saying Emmanuel what is that I saw him doing this throwing seeds what we want drinks in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name words what do you have on your shirt I don't know where's my mama Ghana power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you honest you in the medical field go to I put the mic on them while you mind before okay go to my mama gonna I'll be well I saw somebody else do the name like Campbell of the Spirit God says that he's about to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Anna but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the ends of and it's like oh oh god aah oh God do you know somebody cooking genesis does me maybe OPA Gaga kin who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you them sing an M on you for it I saw God putting a government on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs [Music] where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing about jewelry [Music] [Music] you you're somebody but your father compassion you're the giver of her life and for Laster you're the savior of the world Messiah all I need a funny profile worthy wonderful or some power glory glory to you my heart sings perfect stop drinking god of everything glory glory to you to worship and if my eyes to seek your holy face I lift my voice to honor [Music] there's no one else like you know I live - I don't understand you and love you so passion you surround me with your grace so murder forgiven the way that I've been in you change in the fall I didn't know who I could be - you show me worthy you wonderful or some powerful glory glory to you my heart sees her feet stop drinking God of everything glory glory [Music] bronto Costa a parody Acosta a parody marooned aka a parody atonte Mecosta a beta a beta maria von stay a parody Acosta a pragya casting a parody lie stick on Stella Stein glory from the lino Santo Lupron de Caro Soto Lobos de when you receive the Lord Jesus he released something inside of you he put a new spirit in you old things passed away and behold he put the spirit of pneumatic hose in you the ability to become more than just human there is somebody that is crying somewhere in the world there is a family somewhere in the world waiting for you to be manifested in Christ you are the solution to somebody's problem you are the miracle that you have been waiting for in your own life today the Lord is calling you to come to that higher ground that the pneumatic course will be released in you that you will no longer pray for bread but your presence will be the evidence of bread that you no longer pray for breakthroughs your presence will be the breakthrough the Lord is telling me to tell you right now that it is your time it is your time it is your time to walk in the greatness of who he is that the world would begin to see Jesus because of you greater works shall you do because the spirit of naam Atticus is upon you raka Taliban to leap Ronda Kista upon idea MiraCosta acara da-da-da-da-da le monde le Provost Z karate a totally pruned a poly a Costa a parody account a mega ruti maker' ruti maker' routine marooned a Maroni Maroni kei sato kei sato kei sato Miranda Pakistan de Kista a Padilla you are being released into that place says the Spirit of the Living God McCrory Amanda K today they aren't only prone the Kista today I am pouring a new oil up on your head something new shall be birthed out of you your words shall take residence in the earth whatever you say shall be more than a sea it will have the ability to grow and become a tree that many shall eat from release your spirit by the words that are in you gusta Everett on teleprompter keister opera don't say Zachary apart don't le paradis Acosta read attentively dental a dental identity your presence shall crush the enemy your presence will silence every witch and wizard that has been against your life my Ronda Korea don't le prava keys the Opera don t you are more than just a man Eiko inheritor with Christ let that spirit of no mighty cause manifest in you the Lord bless everybody this is profit la vie and and I'm blessed to be here with you by the mercies and the Grace and the love of the Lord Jesus and and I know that God is gonna bless us in a special way today I was I was in prayer and meditation in the night and I had a mighty visitation from the Lord and a really you know the walk with God the Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God what makes you grow in God is revelation not scripture scripture is a testimony of the word remember Jesus is not the words Jesus is not the Bible Jesus is the word not words not scriptures that is why I told the Jews you seek the Scriptures thinking that in them you will have life but the Scriptures point to me or they testify about me so what makes you great spiritually is about what you know and how you received it I'm gonna talk to you about the tree the tree of knowledge of good and evil amen because I when I had my encounter with God the Lord really helped me to understand this you know some of these things are very difficult to say but I believe that it's gonna assist you because I know that there will be a great deliverance that will come upon people especially from the spirit of sin if you would listen to this word today with an open heart with an open spirit with an open mind the power of sin shall be broken over you and sin will not have hold of you because the devil has access to man through sin you closed sin the devil has no way has no access to you anymore so I want to teach you something that the Lord taught me and I believe that it's gonna change somebody I'm in a way that you have never known before amen so if you don't understand just stay patient and listen and pray always pray when you listen to me I want you to always be in prayer I remember when I was growing up I would listen to my to my uncle who is also pretty much my father I was just talking to my aunt auntie Rachel right now and she's my mother too I know about God because of how they raised me and I remember when I would listen to my uncle the Prophet the Reverend prophet Simon gives all who speak and teach I was always this even possible but what was happening was spiritually I was not elevated to that place but because of being in that place I was elevated does that make sense yes so I want you to be really patient and always understand one thing about spiritual things spiritual things are progressive revelation is progressive amen revelation is not stagnant so I want you to share this with people I want you to text it text the link on what's up I want you to shade as many times as you can I want you to shade as many times as you can so that God will give us the help to get to where we want what where we need to get to so whether you're on Facebook you're on YouTube I want you to really share and share and share text the link to what's up link takes it on what subjects it on the regular however you can I want you to shade as much as you can and the Lord will move in a special way in our lives now if you already I just want you to type amen we are ready I'm even I don't even know it now I want you to understand something there's a big misunderstanding there is a big confusion about the tree of knowledge of good and evil I always hear people say well why did the Lord plant a tree in the garden if he knew that he would destroy people why would God do this why would God do that we did not be better if he did not put it there but the reason why you think like that is because you don't know the purpose of the tree now do you understand why God put it there yeah you see when we used to drive gear shift or stick shift cars as we say in America for me I enjoyed driving stick shift and I still enjoy it until now I feel like that's driving but somebody who's driven out will be like what do we need to do this why don't we just step on the gas and it changes automatically but you don't understand for you to fall for people who race race cars automatic is a bad idea you need a stick shift so you can control the gears yeah it is harder to drive in the beginning when you don't understand how it works but once you understand that it gives you an advantage in speed yeah then you stick to it but somebody who just needs to go from point A to point B automatic is perfect but somebody who is an owner owner on a racetrack cannot drive an automatic they need a stick shift here so where do you want to go is determined by the kind of vehicle that you drive let's go to Genesis chapter 2 the book of Genesis chapter 2 I hope somebody's ready ice you know today yesterday I deleted my my stream because I was going to go in a territory that was very tricky for people yeah it burnt me so much that I shared with my sons that I here and even them I just gave them a bit of it but some scratch their head for hours I literally try to dial it down because hey I could go all because it was too much now look at this Genesis chapter number 2 and I want you to read from verse from verse Genesis 2 from verse 8 to 9 he says and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man who he had formed and out of the ground made made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food The Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil now I want you to remember the location of the Tree of Life and the location of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and out of the ground made he the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant in sight and good for food The Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so the Tree of Life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil what together I am already now the problem that people have they think God how do I put it let me look for the right word to put it the tree possessed the knowledge of good and evil but remember in the garden there was nothing evil there was nothing wicked rather so if the tree is only possessing knowledge then the tree was not bad now the reason why people think that it was bad it was not supposed to be there is because when people see the knowledge they seek good and then they see evil they don't understand the actual rendering of the word evil evil in Hebrew is the word wrath ra and it simply means to be disagreeable it doesn't mean weekend I I feel like I'm about to mess people up I shy don't know if I should have said that our which is rah RA is the word evil in Hebrew it doesn't mean wickedness it simply means disagreeable meaning to choose a different way it doesn't mean that to do wrong I don't know if somebody is catching me hi yes difference between wicked and evil wickedness is the let me help you understand let me try let me try and put it together let me let me let me show it to you yo you are moving too quick before we get to that but let me do it for you Genesis chapter 6 Genesis chapter 6 and verse verse 6 verse 5 it says and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only was only evil continually now evil is rendered raaah wickedness is not rendered rough even though in context it can also mean rough but wickedness is actually to be unpleasant it means to do now to be in the act of destruction itself but for the wrong purpose let me give you an example if you look at let me show you this let me show you this will explain it even better go to Exodus chapter 32 verse 14 Exodus 32 14 Amen Exodus 32 14 amen read and the Lord repented of the evil which he taught to do unto his people it has God ever been evil but if you understand ra's rendering you know what it's talking about because God told Moses let me wipe everybody because these people are stiff-necked these people are not listening these people are seeming in my sight let me destroy them and make a new covenant with you that out of you the children of the earth will be blessed and Moses turned to God I said God how can you bring them out of Egypt and bring them to the wilderness and destroy them what will the nations that you fought for they're sexy they will say you know you are wicked God that you brought them into the wilderness to destroy them repent of this evil and the Bible says God repented but notice God was just in his desire to destroy them because they were sinned they had sinned okay yes are you catching it now maybe we should do this are you getting it God has never been wicked God has never been wicked there is no there's nothing in God that is intention is wickedness or destruction but you're noticing here Moses is telling God repent of this evil now you have to remember what does repentance mean repentance means change your what change your mind change your mind concerning what was the thing that God needed to change his mind because of the disagreeable decision that he wanted to do on his children even though he was justified in it but his appearance to the other people who look like God is wicked yeah so God did not want to tarnish his image as a wicked God because it was not wicked he was just in the evil he wanted to do to them III feel like people are not catching it yeah Moses was saying that just yes like an example is this to kill somebody is a sin right mother is wrong but if what if somebody kills your brother and you kill them as far as God is concerned its defense it is justice but both of it men have died what is constituting the difference [Music] let me let me say it again let me say it again the Bible says it like this let's just use the world system if somebody kills someone for no reason because of wickedness they are murderers but if an enemy comes to you and you defend your family and in the process you actually kill them you have not sinned it's self-defense so all God was saying is I know Moses was telling God I know you disagree with what these people have done and you adjusting it but don't do it because they will think you're wicked they would not understand that it is justice like right now when people say God is love they don't understand that God can punish sin sin because they don't understand that it is just for God to punish sin so I go to Jesus and put him on the cross and punished him for our sake it was perfect justice but to somebody who does not understand past perfect justice who say why did he need to kill him why didn't he just forgive because they don't understand where there is a law there is justice and God always says I am the Lord that loves justice he's obsessed with justice in that is why when when the devil in the book of Job the devil came and told God God you he loves you because of the things you have given him now if you look at the history of job job never lacked God's hand was always upon him so God said you know what you have a point I cannot say he loves me even though I know his heart that he loves me he will not turn against me because God knows everything but to justify my love for him he needs to be put in a test so he allowed the devil to touching but not to take his life so that the love of job can be a testimony before God he can be justified because I can't just say you love me yet we have never been through anything yeah you have never been in the proof God proved that he loves mankind by giving Jesus imagine the whole time Abram was a man that feared evil and everything but God had to test him to give his son then God is saying from heaven now I know you love me all that time you did not know you I love you when I met Melchizedek when you appeared to me when I start with you when you called me your friend you never believed I loved you until the day that I gave my son I don't know if somebody's catching it they catch you they catch hey I wouldn't teach this question that's still flowing okay I'll give you one more is there a correlation between God testing Abraham remember God but remember remember remember God never attempted a brand he tested it to tempt is to desire to make you fall to test is to prove you when you go to school the teacher does not give you a temptation he gives you a test let me say it again for people who are not getting it when you go to school you study the teacher gives you a test not a temptation we'll come to that no we will come to that that is what I true love is proven when people are tested that is what a true love is proven when people are tested not when people claim they love you there are so many people that will say they love you because of what they benefit from you the day that flow of what they benefit from disappears they will never love you now look at this are you ready now verse 15 of Genesis chapter 2 and the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden domains freely eat of every tree in the garden you may freely eat freely there is no condition attached to it freely every tree but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die let me explain it to you people read that and they don't really understand what God is saying are you ready for this yes father God is saying this you can eat of every tree that is in the garden every single tree that is in the garden you can eat it that includes the tree of what life you can eat any tree but this one of the knowledge of good and evil you cannot eat of it for the day you eat of it you would die let me explain it God never wanted him to eat of the tree of his own God want it to be the one that gives him somebody didn't catch that I want you to think about that because knowledge and understanding is taught ya you cannot go and are quiet on your own it would destroy you yes because it would be knowledge beyond where you are so God was telling him you can eat any tree any tree eat but this one they day you not the day I give it to you there you go and get it yourself it will kill you notice God did not say that there you eat of it you will sing God said the day you eat of it the result would be to kill you eating the tree was not a sin it what was going to happen to him after he eats it what would be inside of him his capacity in him will be the one that will make him to die yeah yes yes I'm sorry I feel like I let me know that is why when this devil came in Genesis chapter number 3 the snake came the snake is telling Eve as God said you cannot eat over any tree it said no God can say we can eat of every tree remember the Bible says in Genesis chapter 2 that every tree was pleasant for food every tree was pleasant for food meaning every tree looked attractive enough to eat yes then the devil told him did God say you cannot eat of any tree said no no no God said we can eat over every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil we we cannot he said do you know why he does not want you to go and get it it's because the day you get it you will become like him notice that devil never lied to them because God when they ate of it God said Behold man has become like one of us here so what the devil said was true but the thing that the devil did is they exposed them to information before their maturity yeah there are certain things if you read the book of Revelation you see John saying something very strange John saying that there are things that he saw in heaven that it's not worthy for man to utter he some things he was told right in a book and some things you also don't write this keep this for yourself yeah I don't know if somebody is trying to get what I'm saying yeah number one Adam was not immortal Adam was not Emoto neither was he eternal I know somebody you know people always say that God wants to restore us as Adam that's not true that was never God's intention was not even for Adam to remain the same so in the Bible is saying the tree of good and evil is telling you the tree that gives you both perspectives and you can choose your own Wow so perfect the information gives you the ability to agree or disagree with God yes a hundred percent you can choose to take what God gave you to use it differently like an example is this Ezekiel says you've corrupted he's talking about Lucifer you corrupted your wisdom by reason of your beauty he also received information and perverted that information because of how he looked he was kicked out of heaven notice the first encounter in the Bible you encounter knowledge you encountering understanding the devil that cherubim Lucifer acquired wisdom and he corrupted that wisdom and because he corrupted that wisdom you was thrown up meaning that he perverted what he was given it made him think differently per question if you know we haven't even established what sin is because now you're realizing eating from the tree was not the same because eating this from the tree was going to happen because God is not gonna put a stake on your table and tell you not to eat it because everything that God does is for a reason God is not against you having wisdom knowledge or understanding that is why if you read 2nd Corinthians chapter number 2 know first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 is talking about wisdom of this world we that existed before the world the wisdom of this world of the princess of this world and we even have the wisdom of the kingdom of darkness but where did all this wisdom come from it is just a perverted version of what God did the devil doesn't create well so this case scene is disagree with God nope it's deeper than that it's deeper it's simple but it's deeper than that so number one is this Adam was not immortal because I D be Miyamoto then God would not be talking about him dying man was a living soul he was not a living spirit his life and his dimension was in the soul Adam was still solely he had not become he had not entered into his spiritual nature what people don't understand is that even your soul you are your flesh itself is spiritual that is why it has the capacity to live forever it can why is it that God is renewing your body is recreate he's taking the same the ashes and the bones whether you are buried 100 years ago a thousand years ago on that day your body will come back together meaning it was never destroyed Wow just get it he was just scattered it returned to its original form so Adam was not immortal had it been immortal they would not be - God will not be talking the day you eat you that had it been immortal God would not need to keep him away from the tree of life why did he need to eat of the tree of life now if you understand something let me say this and this will make somebody do you remember in Genesis chapter 2 he's telling you in Genesis chapter 2 it's telling you that God planted a garden in the midst of it he put the Tree of Life and of the knowledge of good and evil meaning they were together right yes why did Adam all of a sudden have the need to eat from the tree of life that God had to kick him out it means that he did not understand what life is until he received knowledge so you can never know the value of eternal life or the value of living forever until you have ha you have knowledge concerning it so they never even though the tree of life was among them they never even looked at it even bother to eat it they were eating every other tree they never even thought about the Tree of Life and the only tree that God is our lighting high lighting in the garden isn't lighting the good the tree of knowledge of good and evil he's not highlighting any other tree because he knew that in that tree man will discover things that have happened before his time and what would happen after his time the true condition of the earth because remember the earth was in a fallen state yes even when Adam was put here because why would God say replenish the earth it means that the earth used to be full because to replenish means to do it again YouTube Facebook are you there if I come to you if you come to the house and I tell you redecorate the house what am I trying to tell you that the house used to be decorated if I tell you vacuum the carpet it means that the capital did not have dust before replenish the earth and fill it why would God say replenish it means that it used to be full before because God has never created anything void or empty everything that God does is for a purpose if you are if you are in theology you will understand that between Genesis verse 1 and verse 2 it's called the gap period it's billions of years between verse 1 and verse 2 because verse 1 is saying in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth then verse 2 is telling you the earth is void without form and darkness is upon the face of the deep and water is covering the earth wastewater coming from how is the earth void it looks like something happened on the earth because now God is telling Adam a I'm planting a garden I want you to dress it and I want you to spread the garden across the earth again is somebody following what I'm trying to say here I can see the comment from the other posts whatever yes keep going down yes papa in in Genesis 9 verse 1 it says and God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth he's doing the same thing he told Adam read it again one more time Genesis 9 verse 1 mm-hm and God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth now notice this so Adam and Eve never saw the value of the Tree of Life because they had no knowledge once once they eat now they were like aah there's a tree of life but now God is like no man has become this is Genesis chapter 3 man has become like one of us there's something I want to say but I don't know if I should say it please go ahead I'm scared to say it let's go to Genesis chapter 3 because I want to show you what's in release amen everything that people causing is not seen in our prophet in Scripture hmm are you ready yes Genesis verse 22 Genesis chapter 3 verse verse Genesis chapter 3 verse 22 amen and the Lord God said Behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil mhm and now let lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken now remember the plan was always for him to till the ground anyway so God just a evicted him up from the house so God send him go and do the job I put you here anyway but this time you will expire because he had access to the garden now you have to ask yourself it means that Adam never left the garden he had never left the garden yet Wow I don't know I she maybe we should stop this and now let's keep going this is making sense let me let me explain if God is sending him out go until the ground but every time you're reading between Genesis chapter 2 chapter 3 you're not seeing Adam going in the earth and seeing that the ground needs to be tilled nothing Adam had not left the garden yet because God's purpose was for him to till the ground and to dress it but God was gonna expose him to information slowly so that the perfection of the earth will be through man but now God had to send him out but the problem was that now man had already failed because he had information inside of him that was before time an example is this you know Adam looked like a grown up but he was still a child so he did not maybe he was 2 years 3 years 5 years 20 years but he's still growing so maybe forget his size because he was not born he was formed and it was also formed Lord a grown man but image that's when when we call when you call somebody baby look at this look at this now and the Lord God said Behold man has become like one of us to know good and evil so you remember to know is by experience yes - no is the ability to distinguish by experience and that word in in the hebrew i believe is the other but look at this are you ready for this yes Baba and now least he put forth now the word put forth is shellac shellac means to extend or to stretch out are you ready yes one to stretch out his hand are you ready yes one and take which means to take a hold of which is the word laka are you ready the word tree there is wood lisa stretch his hand on the wood the wood of life and divide or to sacrifice on it and live forever what was God casting Adam out of the garden for God did not want Adam to sacrifice himself Wow where did Jesus died the Bible says and Jesus Christ hang on a tree God was present it was preventing Adam from sacrificing himself he said you the information inside of you is wrong if I allow you to do this the whole human race will have what you have inside of you and they will live forever no I need a reset button he kicked him out of the garden wow that is what the Lord Jesus is called the second Adam because it's coming to do what Adam did was attempting to do but with the right information that is why the Bible says in Philippians chapter 2 verse 6 let this mind also be in you that was in Christ I have the same information that Christ Wow because remember now he had knowledge he knew how to get to life but the problem is he acquired that information through a back door before God allowed him to have it ha ha so it destroyed him he wanted to enter into life the wrong way remember I always tell people heaven is for people that love God not people who are afraid of her if you're just afraid of going to hell you will not enter heaven because heaven is for those that love God know people who are afraid of destruction so Papa gained life eternal he did not have eternal life but because he was like this or I don't wanna die let me sacrifice myself and save me and my seed remember if you go to Genesis chapter 6 I should know let's leave that alone I won't go into that leave that alone that's a whole different story listen to this God did not say this is another myth that people have about the tree remember God did not say the day you eat you will see he said the day you eat you will die the act of acquiring knowledge is not bad but if you are exposed to something before your time it will destroy you let me use the most graphic situation we can use the most dirtiest and sinful thing you can think of is that okay is it okay for me to use this yes well if you have a two-year-old chart to yield let's even three-year-old child three years old and I'm gonna use this to just show you the extremity of it a three-year-old child and you put a defines an x-rated magazine finds an x-rated magazine and next to it there is a magazine of Disney of Mickey Mouse that really would take Mickey Mouse and the x-rated magazine will not even tempt a child because the child physically the physical body of the child has not matured to a place whereby the x-rated thing that the child would see that will provoke him into a knowledge that he has not had he does not have yet he's a child to him he has always seen his mother giving milk yeah if anything he would not even think like that but a grown person who has been exposed to puberty and things like that you show them something like that it will invoke thing they would want to go and do something they will be tempted to go and do something but if you give it to a two-year-old and they see they will pick Mickey Mouse and go and watch and sing ABCD because here their physical body and their knowledge is not in that place they are not it is not some it is not something but if you educate them into that place you have perverted them and destroy them that's why we have so many people that have childhood traumas because they were exposed to things when they were a child before they grew a child does not think that their father and mother can die in their mind in their mind they think my mother and father is like Superman the day they experienced that and if they experience the death of a loved one without the right support system it can destroy them they can enter depression it can destroy them forever yeah but with the right people around they can cultivate them to show them that ah you know what this is our life looks like life is not just your mother and father being here they have gone to heaven one day you go there also they are not really dead yeah is just sleeping but there are spirit is in heaven you cannot explain to a two-year-old water spirit ease they are grown men that are 40 years old their father or mother dies and they can't get over it I don't know if somebody's I understanding what I'm trying to say oh yeah nice so Papa in the example you gave you said when if a child had the support system that cultivation is maturing the child's capacity to receive that in yes yes it is your capacity because God deals with you according to your capacity whenever whenever whenever the Bible says in the cool of the evening the Lord God would visit Adam and you hang out with him in the cool of the evening he would talk to him what was he talking to him about he was teaching him things because remember Adam was still hungry for information yeah what am I doing here just like every human being what is my purpose so God was revealing to him the purpose yeah this is why yesterday when I was talking about the pneumatic hose dimension I actually realized that if I keep going some people will actually backslide let me stop because what you will do is it will push you somewhere whereby everything that you thought was is actually not there is more than that because remember path truth is still good present truth is still good future truth is still good and they are all truths but it's dependent on where you are Isaiah saying and to us a child is born if you were in a zest time you would think that Jesus is about to be born now yeah yeah because the same and to us a child is born in the present yet the man is prophesying about an event that will happen five years five hundred years from his time but he's speaking about it in the present he's even talking about the cross of Jesus in the present so if somebody lived in the time of Isaiah they would say the Messiah is coming next week who is the pregnant woman that is gonna give who is that woman that is pregnant that may be from the Holy Spirit that the Messiah is about to be born yet it's an event that will happen five hundred years later but because he was in future truth he was speaking about it like it's now so he saying surely he was pierced for our transgressions by His stripes we are healed he is talking about a future event in the past he was already in future truth yeah now look at this God wanted to be the one that he gave them the tree he told them you cannot go and get it yourself they day you go the day you like an example is my son now he likes to make breakfast in the morning sometimes on the weekends he's ten now he goes in the kitchen and makes eggs that's the fattest he's been permitted to do in the kitchen yeah right yeah but when you was probably dad can I cook with you I'll be like no dad can I do this no because I knew the fire even though it looks attractive even though one day he would be in the kitchen because he wants to if I allow him to get in the kitchen now he will be destroyed he doesn't know that fire burns fire can stick and if you don't know how to handle the pan and oil the whole thing can go up in flames and the whole house will burn yeah so until he grows and understands the dangers the evils of fire until he understands the evils of fire I can't let him in the kitchen because he would not be cautious yeah fire is good it provides heat you can cook with it but fire if it is not controlled the right way it can burst up into flames any convenient and you can bound the house that doesn't mean that the fire is evil somebody did no catch what I just explained here so Papa he won't have the capacity to discern the good part of fire because fire looks attractive babies always wanted children always wanna touch fire they always want to touch fire sometimes they say let them touch fire that see then they know you don't touch that why you evil for letting them touch it no no you allowed them to see the other side of five not that fire is bad you wanna touch your key touch it then it's hot ha ah now you know it is a good thing but it can be hot if you conduct it the wrong way that's good is this the same is this similar to the load way he wants to teach you something by experience yes God will never give you information that's why when people say oh you know the spirit of this is fighting me 99.99% of those people don't even know what spirit they are fighting because if you're not a spirit you're fighting then it means that you also have the knowledge to deal with it because you will never be exposed on the wrong side before you know how to deal with it like I gave an example yesterday the disciples of Jesus they go to the Lord Jesus and say Lord teach us how to pray this is in the book of look teach us how to pray I believe 14 teach us how to pray like the disciples of John why were they apostles with Jesus all that time I never taught them how to pray people are asking Jesus why don't your disciples fast he said why should they fast when I'm with them when I'm taken for them they will fast but as long as I'm with them how can they fast how can they pray when God is with them don't you pray to be with God so God never taught them out what I'm saying that is what the Lord Jesus said I have been with you this long yet you have not asked me for anything it did not say I've been with you this long you have not prayed to me you are with God so you can ask God God comes to Abraham and tells him how can I hide anything from Abram who is my friend seeing that you'll be a great nation I have seen I've heard that Sodom and Gomorrah is singing a lot I've come down to to verify it myself then Abram says my lord don't be angry with me what if you find 60 people in sort of will you destroyed I said no no if I find those number of people in Sodom I will not destroy them what if you find 50 my lord no no if I find a 50 I won't destroyed notice he was no longer praying father I pray I pray for Sodom and Gomorrah Lord was in a place where you can speak to God now he was having a conversation he could ask he didn't need to pray do you realize that Abram was a prophet but the Bible never caused Abraham a prophet do you realize Moses was a prophet but the Bible never calls Moses a prophet he says Moses and the prophets as Moses and the prophets why is it Moses called a prophet why isn't Abraham called a prophet but yet these people are prophets now David being a prophet David is never called a problem the Bible is saying David is our prophet but you never think about David as a prophet you think about him as a king what was different about these people because there were people who had entered into God's heart so what is sin because now you are discovering that the tree was not the cause of sin it was the ability for a man to be disagreeable that became sin go to Roman's remember the Bible does not say since it says sin let me tell you the truth there are so many things that God even me myself has taught me I have experienced that I don't even know that I will ever speak I know it's for myself because if I speak it it will cause more division than building up there's no point of saying it but as the end is coming as the Lord Jesus is about to come back there's a lot of things that will be made known to people that was always hidden because the coming of the Lord is near there's a lot of things that will begin to be exposed by God himself the Bible does not say since Romans chapter 6 23 mmm-hmm for the wages of sin is dead the wages of what of sin sins or said since singular singular for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord the wages of sin is death wages of sin not since sin let me show you another scripture Romans chapter 5 verse 12 amen hmm wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned for until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law nevertheless so even when Adam was on earth there was always sin Wow before even eat anything I don't know if somebody's catching this yeah Sam's some one my son's 119 was 133 amen I'm going to show you what's in release sin is not what you think it is with all of my steps in thy word and let not any iniquity have dominion over me deliver me from the oppression of man now read it again yes that was the first order my steps in thy word and let not any iniquity have dominion over me he saying some 51 verse wanted to some fifty one one two two two the chief musician mm-hmm a psalm of David mm-hmm when Nathan the prophet came unto Him after he had gone into Bathsheba have mercy upon me O God according to thy loving-kindness according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin not easing my transgressions my iniquities but sin is singular so everything else you do our transgressions our iniquities but the cause of sin is one thing yeah stealing is not the main scene addiction is not the main scene those are attributes of sin but that itself is not sin Wow you see people deal with symptoms they don't deal with the cause that is why your mindset about the tree of good and evil has always been like it was a negative thing because you don't know this truth [Music] mattering is bad fornication is bad all these things are bad things they are not good things there's nothing good about it but it's not sin it is a side effect of something [Music] I'm about to finish it up are you ready yes are you ready yes well first John 3:4 first John 3:4 mm-hmm whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law for sin is the transgression of the law read it one more time whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law for sin is the transgression of the law so how could Adam and Eve sin and there was no law I because the Bible is telling you sin is the transgression of the law god only said the earth will be cursed because of what you have done what you have done will kill you but not God never says man you have become a sinner God says actually man you have become like me when man ate he became like God God is confessing it in Genesis chapter 3 verse 20 verse 22 21 to 22 he saying man has become like us knowing good and evil but there is no law so if Adam ate there would be no law because I wish nobody could understand I'm trying to bring you to a place to understand what sin really is here because to transgress is to break the law read that verse again first John 3 verse 4 whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law for sin is the transgression of the law mm-hmm one more time whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law so how can I commit a crime that is not it's there's no law can I begin by saying something I know people know like what I'm going to say yes Bobby but I'm going to say sin is an illusion I maybe we should do you realize even when Cain Cain killed Abel God never said you sinner he said what have you done God asking where's your brother I don't know he said what is this you have done the blood of your brother is crying for me to me from the ground how could you do this God never said you remember what God told him he said if you give your offering the right way will you not be accepted be careful for sin is creeping into your heart if you give the right way so who was the one that was setting the standard of giving the right way because there was no law I want you to use it for you to be spiritual you have to learn to use your brain because I'm just here to help you digest something no God never established any law because God never told them how to give Adam and Eve were never commanded to give any offering they developed giving God never asked them to give anything God is the one that gave them the garden God is the one that gave them this God is the one that gave them that but as a result of the knowledge they received they knew that you can give God something this one I might delete this one I might delete their one who set the standard of giving was able able is the one who established something that his brother was trying to copy but wanted to do it his way yet his brother had entered into a place that can give and God can accept yeah so now he tried to do it his own way and he realized that God is not receiving it meaning that his brother had access to knowledge and established the right way to give God because no there is no account of anybody giving God anything until Abel yeah so now because his brother formulated a way of his own because out of jealousy out of envy he sinned so who established what would make the other see if his mind was clear is if his conscience was clear he did not compare to his brother God would have accepted it but because he compared to his brother that got us to receive it the way my brother he said Allah so anything that he did less than what his brother did God would not accept it because he has set the terms and conditions which he will deal with God this one I have to delete but still I have not told you what sin is because sin is an illusion that's the first thing let me give you a verse let me give you a verse let me give you a verse I want you to go to Matthew I believe it's Matthew let me make sure Matthew 22 36 to 40 Amen master which is the Great Commandment in the law jesus said unto him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind this is the first and Great Commandment and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two Commandments hang all the law and the prophets read it again Master can I give water please which is the great commandment in the law jesus said unto him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul yes and with all their mind this is the first and Great Commandment this is the first and Great Commandment and the second is like unto it and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two Commandments hang all the law and the prophets Jesus is saying this he's saying the first commandment is in the ten commandments love you a lot with all your strength with all your heart with all your soul with everything in you and the second commandment is like the first one love your neighbor as you love yourself in this hand is all the law and the Prophet remember I won't talk about the prophets today because people think I'm rubbing the prophets Jesus is dating prophets again revelation 22 verse 6 is saying that god of the spirits of the prophets here in revelation chapter 8 of to 9 John realizes that he was talking to a prophet the whole time not even an angel [Music] but watch this why do you think the law is called the law of Moses on the mountain Moses was given this two commandment but Moses knew these people cannot digest this he turned it into the ten Wow so when he came down and gave it to them he did not give it to them so that they can keep it the Bible says the law was given so that we may know what sin is so God never wrote anything negative he wrote two laws love God with all your heart and love your neighbor sin is not having love because somebody that has love will never like somebody the has love will never steal somebody that has love will never do anything outside of God ice Jesus is saying no no no remember the Lord Jesus is saying remember the Lord Jesus was the summarizer he came and said there what Moses gave you he gave you a full full length because you people like to see negative things but God summarized the teet we said no what I actually gave Moses is two things I [Music] only gave him two things love God and love your neighbor this is the whole law there is no other law except love I feel like I'm by myself go to this verse go to this quickly he just came to me James 4:17 James chapter 4 verse 17 amen mmm-hmm therefore to him that node to do good and do it it not to him it is sin the tree of the knowledge of good and evil read it again therefore to him that knoweth to do good to him that knoweth to do good what does the Bible say on anything that is good of good report anything beautiful let your meditation be on these things there is no why you've seen is because you have a sin conscience you only think about evil things so you are bound by sin because you are not doing love because your meditation you are what you think of you don't stop stealing ok let me give you an example let me go a little bit deep I'm about to finish in five minutes let me let me try and make it simple somebody can have the spirit of lust in them ok but if the demon of lust leaves you remember the demon of lust was reprogramming your mind when he was in you that is where somebody was an addiction I've prayed for people that were addicted to cigarettes and stuff and they got delivered instantly there's one of my daughter's a Diana she had been smoking for forty years one encounter by the power of the Holy Spirit she has not smoked for more than seven years from the first time she met me amen Wow and there are many but there are also some that went back to what they used to do why because it's simple when the demon was inside as a person it reprograms their mind because the spirit does not work independent of your soul because the demons desire is to control your soul so that your soul can control the flesh yeah a demon can never take hold of your spirit because the Spirit belongs to God the Bible says when a man dies the spirit goes back to God even evil people the spirit goes back to but their soul will be tormented in hell yeah so God wants your soul the devil wants your soul because we were ever controlled the soul controls the flesh [Music] so when the soul is infected by an evil spirit that evil spirit knows I have to reprogram your mind if I change the way you think even if I am kicked out I will still have a room to come back in remember that a man with demons the Lord Jesus said this if a strong man is cast out of the house and the house has been made clean the evil spirit will go and gather other spirits more evil than itself and come back and enter the man and the man's condition be worse than before why was that spirit able to enter the man even though the house was made clean the man never had a new tenant in the house Jesus never moved in he was delivered the house was put in order for Jesus to come in but Jesus was never allowed to come in the demon came back yeah read this Romans 13 seven Romans 13 from verse eight to ten Romans 13 from verse eight to ten oh no man anything but to love one another for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law for this thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness and also not covered and if they be any other commandment it is briefly comprehended in this saying namely thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself love worketh no ill to his neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the law I profit evidence just and I think the great profit for being here profit evidence just any of us first Peter chapter 4 verse 8 first Peter chapter 4 verse 8 and above all things have fervent charity among yourselves for charity shall cover the multitude of sins so sin is the absence of love so you've been chasing a tail you know when a dog is chasing his tail is going around in circles so remember knowledge is power there is no knowledge that it's not power every knowledge is power through deliverance remember the Lord Jesus says it in in Luke chapter number 4 he says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me any annoying he has anointed me to preach deliverance not to cast out rebuke first deliverance starts with your soul the information you get will make you free you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free shall not set you shall make you you become freedom itself [Music] I would have said something but I'm afraid to say it because if I say it the internet will shut down so I would keep it to myself some of the things I told you yesterday I can't say it because if I say it it to become a problem so what am I trying to tell you today God has given you the knowledge of love Amen so if you don't lie but you don't love you are still not made perfect because love is what perfects us if you want anybody to listen to you if you want to advise people love is not the core of it nobody's gonna follow you no one is gonna listen to you people sin because you are taught about sin you are not taught about grace and the love of God you don't know what love is yeah all you have encountered is the law thinking that keeping the law is deliverance from sin maybe we will delete this one retweet it go ahead first Corinthians 13 verse 1 though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I am becoming a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not charity I am nothing and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned and have not charity it profiteth me nothing charity suffereth long and is kind charity envieth not charity vaunteth not itself is not puffed up doth not behave itself unseemly seeketh not her own he's not easily provoked thinketh no evil rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoices in the truth beareth all things believeth all things hopeth all things endureth all things charity never faileth but whether they be prophecies they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now I know in part but then shall I know even as let me make let me make let me make it simple who is it talking about he's talking about other he had all the knowledge it's talking about us in the mirror of Adam did Adam talk to angels in the garden eyes that's a whole other story look at Genesis chapter 6 verse 5 and I'm about to finish with this amen and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth that every imagination of his thoughts of his heart was only evil continually so God examined their heart their intent and their thoughts he said these guys are sinners what is the scripture you just read he said it does not think evil now doesn't think evil love is like this law so God is examining you saying this is not something I made these people have lost love in short pray that God will purify your heart that the knowledge of God don't be somebody that is pursuing knowledge out of your growth but allow God to teach you through your pastors through your evangelists those men that have the meat of the word of God that carry the Spirit of God to bring you into the truth of God that will surely bring you into maturity at the right time when I talk to people I talk to people according to where they are I don't just give everybody just information because I want to share information when we go back to the fundamentals which is love the Lord doesn't exist the only good thing that God asked man to ever do is to love him and to love your neighbor that's it if you have this you never steal you never lie you will never fight you never do this you never you never do those things let the love of Jesus reign in you all those who are giving to the ministry god bless you may God double you may God multiply you Father I pray for everybody that is watching I pray that they will enter into the place of love I prayed that the corrupted information that the enemy may have planted in them we have put it in the name of Jesus I pray that Lord as your spirit is upon them let them learn according to your timing the things that they ought to learn I bless you all lot for who you are that you do not change in the mighty name of the Living Jesus amen and I tomorrow we are gonna have a powerful miracle service I don't want you to miss it I want you to be there if you're not gonna be there I want you to watch it online and the Lord shall bless us and move in a mighty way god bless you all in Jesus mighty name amen Shalom Shalom Shalom amen amen [Applause] [Music] I saw God giving him a platform in Hollywood this one I saw him becoming very known and very famous I don't know what you do but I saw your status boom because when I looked at him I saw him becoming as big as Kevin Hart this one what do you do in terms of the spirit when you are carrying him there was a big challenge in the realm of the Spirit it was a difficult pregnancy to carry to the point that it looked like you're going to lose him at some point yeah because I remember I am singing in the realms of the Spirit when you are about four months going to five months I saw you pleading that you thought that you actually lost it yeah brother I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm hearing one saying God with us and the other one is saying Emmanuel what is that I started doing this throwing seeds
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 7,465
Rating: 4.9303136 out of 5
Keywords: church, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Longombas, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Pastor Chris, Deliverance, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, AA Allen, William Branham, Billy Graham, breakfast club, steven furtick, god bless america, africa, powerful
Id: p2lyQtklQ7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 42sec (5802 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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