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you know what's really really frustrating face and these and these and these all of them and pinterest for that matter trying endlessly to find the right pantry organization solution that works for you and me by george i think she's got it i have finally found a pantry organization system that works for me i'm going to share it with you today we're going to do a little project using my cricut joy i'll show you that later the pantry storage systems that don't work for me and the one that i have finally been able to stick with and that makes sense in my life [Music] on my channel i have done many many many videos on pantry organization i have purchased storage containers like this use machines to make labels on them try to refill them and have them be pinterest worthy i don't really know what that means i have tried inexpensive buckets like this more expensive buckets like this i have tried putting a box inside of another box and then i'll put that box inside of another box so it will look pretty and here is what i've learned in the process the reason stuff like this does not work for me even though i wish that it did is because i love to cook which means i purchase a lot of different ingredients and to have a container like this for all of the different ingredients with labels doesn't actually make that much sense because maybe i don't buy it the next time and i have a designated place for it and what if i buy a refill i don't get to empty the bag into here so i still have a bag sitting there like for someone that tinkers around in the kitchen as much as i do this method does not work for me now you'll still see these in my pantry because i am using them and why get rid of them but i just wanted to say if you have tried to follow someone else's pantry organization style and you have never been able to find something that will stay organized and clean that is okay just because it works for someone else doesn't mean it's gonna work for you and that is what happened with me something else that i know about myself is i don't like to see everything so that many containers is very stressful for me now here is my pantry and i'm i am going to open it and show it to you but before i do that don't break out okay it is very large i have four kids this pantry is open with people digging into it at least 12 times a day that's twice by each of the six people and honestly it's probably closer to 24 times a day this thing is in and out all the time are you ready [Music] oops i dropped something yes i realized the pantry is so large that you can't even see the whole thing in one shot i am five foot six in height so this shelf is right at five foot six there is one more shelf here that you can't even see in the shot i have a bunch of appliances that i don't use a ton up there i have a lot of often used appliances down on the bottom so the middle area is like where all the action is happening now as far as where things are located it makes sense to me i know there's probably going to be at least one person telling me in the comments to move something in one direction i'm not going to so save your carpal tunnel like don't don't even bother because i'm not going to move stuff i have basic baking in this vicinity i have drinks here pasta and sauces across the top canned goods soups snacks more snacks lots of snacks breakfast over here that's staying but what i love these are a very inexpensive storage bin from walmart they're kind of hard to find but here is the label i just bought some more i believe they're about five dollars large multi-purpose bin 15 inches wide 10 inches deep by mainstays made in the usa factory certified okay i like these because i have so many different ingredients i can just put the items in the basket and shove the basket up here for example this is my breakfast bin you see that you don't like my label well we'll get into that in a second i have kodiak cakes muffin mix i have this granola right here some oatmeal packets this is actually fairly empty because they don't have a ton of cereal right now so i know that because i have some open spaces in here i could probably purchase some more breakfast items right so i can pull the whole thing out like a drawer set it on the counter and then the whole thing can go right back to where it belongs and i have several of them all over here and i love them i love the baskets a couple of other pieces i've liked are these shelves i also picked up from walmart this isn't my favorite one i got one up here from farberware that's a lot sturdier but this is still nice to do canned goods up on top and things like that look i've made so much progress in here i have an empty shelf that means i can't come shopping again i have one up here for just pasta see check the label pasta could you imagine trying to stack all of this craziness like just on the shelf no could you imagine trying to stick all of these different shaped pastas in different individually sized containers me neither and now they're put away i tried to take that little organizy test uh by cass from clutterbug to see what my organization style was as it turns out i don't have one a girl has my name i'm just trying to keep my life together organization style okay here's the truth i'm a bee which is i have multiple projects going on out and i need to see them but also i don't want to see anything which i realize doesn't make any sense okay there is one flaw with this system i'm going to show it to you right now it is these labels i can't tell you how many times dave has come in here and been like i can't find the breakfast stuff and i'm like it's the one with the label read it and he's like what label he's like i can't find the sauce and i'm like it's in the sauce bucket he goes i don't see any labels that's because these are too small and they're kind of like rubbing off these are just from the dollar tree so we're gonna take off these really really small labels and make bigger labels bright labels listen my kids do it too they're like i can't find the cereal and i'm like it's in the breakfast bucket which one's the breakfast bucket and i'm like it's got a label i don't see a label it's too small they either need glasses or contacts or any bigger labels so we're gonna make bigger labels i think this one's the saddest one because i didn't even like get the whole word on there but i gotta say these dollar tree labels do not come off very or you know what i just cut my nails that's probably what it is i don't have any nails to pull this off with there it goes okay there there easy peasy let's go pull out my little cricket joy and some red vinyl and make some labels for these so for me this time i thought it would be really easy to use the app on the phone to put together these labels as it turns out i think i prefer working on the computer but i think that's just a personal preference although i did make these labels with my phone and it was totally fine i always thought the cricuts were really cool but i had two major issues with them number one is i am not crafty whatsoever in fact crafty stuff intimidates me so badly so what i like is that the cricut joy makes simple easy personalization labels like i am doing today in basically less than 15 minutes which is perfect i need something that is quick and easy and does not stress me out and number two is the big qriket machine is huge remember the part where i don't like to see things out well i didn't want this huge machine taking up all this room and that's why the joy is so awesome it is cricket's smallest smart cutting machine it fits in a cubby it's actually pretty cute if you want to leave it out on the counter or you can pack it away in the little carrying case and move it from room to room or wherever you're doing your projects because i want my words bigger i flipped them sideways like this so i'm gonna take my red and try and cut this and see how we do one mat so nice and easy 23 inches required this one comes with 48 so no problem here we go fingers crossed i feel like i should do a dance or sing a song right now i'm so excited okay these are big letters i'm really excited about this you probably can't even see it yet no it's too shiny it won't focus yay i'm so happy i did this on my own instead of asking all my friends to help me like i normally do this is a good size i like this size check it out i didn't take all these off yet like there so these do all come off i just haven't gotten them yet okay success this one's a little different the cricut joy uses the cricut smart materials which are a little bit different from other standard vinyl and paper so these materials work without a cutting mat can you say yes that i don't need another piece of equipment so it's just this red vinyl that i used with no cutting mat put it in the machine and now i have these super cute labels hey andrew what do you think should i do it this way or i can cut it here and kind of do like one two um let's do crooked that way that way okay dave was so excited about this machine he was like i'm going to take this from you and kind of play with my own stuff so i don't know what exactly he's going to be putting together but he's very excited to play with this machine as well if you are interested in learning more about cricut i do have a link below in the doobly-doo if you want to go check it out and i think it's a great gift idea as we are moving into the holiday gift-giving season let me show you how i have kind of organized this and i'll kind of tell you my favorite things about it okay let me spin you around down here at the bottom i have a lot of my skillets and my uh big pasta pot that i don't use a ton but it doesn't fit in my other cabinets and here are my breakfast and snack items i love these on the bottom shelf because this is where the kids go and then over here obviously i have a few of my other very very often used appliances i do have a couple things on the floor my two instant pots i kept out my huge griddle and two big guys of oil oh and i do have a hook right here with all of my aprons if you're wondering this was the original color of our walls and trim in our house so here's the white yikes i know we are going to paint the inside of this but because it's going to take so long and create such a mess by taking everything out of here i've been putting it off for a long time like years and i'm like i'll just do it later so maybe that will be the next pantry update is like we'll finally paint the inside of this white moving up on the second shelf i have a lot of dry goods like i said this is kind of like my baking area this section so across the top i have like all my flowers chocolate chips specialty items these are my like baking mixes so obviously i've got a king cake and beignet mix my mom is from louisiana i have a couple of these i think this is a pancake mix you know what we can we can move this to the breakfast right this is a breakfast one that one's going down to breakfast baking mixes um just baking ingredients in general from items like swerve extra cornmeal right here my flour my sugar i have a bunch of like beans rice grits things like that these are my big things from costco that don't really fit anywhere else so i have some biscuit mix big thing of wheat thins big thing of croutons and a big thing of carnation and i could put this down in here but because there's so many in here still i'll probably take them out when there's like i don't know five to ten left but when it's this many it's just a convenient piece to keep out and then i'll get rid of it once we're down a little bit and like i said oh extra space this is our workout snack corner so if like if i'm going for a run or a hike you know i'll come in here and grab some of that maybe i'll grab these sports beans these are not good by the way don't buy these um my kids love the lenny and larry's cookies do not be fooled this is not like a high protein healthy thing i like them because they are full of calories so if you're doing a like a mountain climb these are awesome once again massive calorie bomb if you've never looked at the calorie content of a pop-tart either don't because you don't want to be that upset or do and then you'll never buy them again canned item stuff kind of right here this is all drinks a bunch of the mixers kind a ton of the liquid iv this is all herbal teas these are the caffeinated items here and then this is all like immunity and propel kind of at the front i don't know random stuff these are also well they're also snacks but they're kind of by like i have the dried fruit i kind of buy the dried i don't know like i said it makes sense to me this corner is all oh i need to make another one oh i missed one all right well the cricket's coming out again later these are all my sauces just contained in this one thing these are usually like spaghetti sauces and salsa pasta central over here you guys saw me make this one and then i also have like just like endless elbow macaroni and then up top are the items i don't use often but i do want so i have my waffle irons my crock pots my popcorn guy there's the whole shebang whole kitten caboodle i love this bread i think it's so fun if you haven't tried the large baskets in your pantry and you've been struggling with pantry organization i would recommend i prefer this to this this is frustrating to me this makes me wildly happy as i like finish these up am i gonna keep them i couldn't say i feel like i might get rid of the smaller ones maybe i'll give them to my friends it's not pinterest worthy i know and what's great is that i don't care at this stage my life i turn 40 years old in just a couple of weeks send me chocolate first of all and then second of all as i've aged i think aging is amazing because as you grow up number one you care a lot less about what other people think of you and number two you get to this point where you let go of this fantasy version of yourself i always wanted to be like the scrapbooker the person who made wreaths for their door and i am not that person i am not the pinterest pantry person and that is okay because i do a lot of other things really really well i make really good homemade bread i make amazing meals for my family and if that means my pantry is going to look like this that is fine with me i'm obsessed with this red label aren't you i am so grateful to qriket for partnering with me on today's video um so i can make these awesome labels without having to call my friend which is what i've always done in the past because she's got a lot more important things to do to make labels for me and it's easy enough for even a dummy like me to figure out so if you want to check out qriket first link in the doobly-doo go check out these large bins from walmart i've really been loving them thanks for hanging out with me today i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 443,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frugal living tips, frugal hacks, frugal living tips and ideas, frugal living hacks, frugal living, saving money tips, frugal, frugal living ideas, ffm, frugal fit mom, frugal habits, frugal tips, cheap, budget, large family, grocery hacks, life hacks, save money, money saving hacks, on a budget, budget tips, how to budget, ways to save money, how to save money, organization, organize
Id: mBPRaYw5Ous
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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