15 things I don't buy anymore as a Professional Organizer

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hey in today's video i'm going to share the 15 things that i just don't buy anymore this whole month we're talking about ways to fall in love with our home again and i think the biggest impact we can have is just having less stuff getting organized is all about making your life easier and simplifying and these 15 things that i used to buy just complicated my life and added to clutter the first thing i don't buy anymore are unitaskers i don't i don't know if they're actually called that but basically it's a gadget that only does one thing so one task it doesn't multitask at all kitchen gadgets are like a big offender if you've seen something on an infomercial don't buy it it's probably a uni-tasker so things that curl your carrots into little spirals ice cream makers bread makers anything that only does one thing is probably something you shouldn't buy because it's adding up to clutter especially the tiny kitchen gadgets that fill your drawer listen if you have melon ballers why a spoon we'll do it or use a knife to chop something you don't need a fancy egg slicer why do these exist why do these exist i don't know but they're definitely cluttering up your kitchen they're over complicating cooking and preparing a meal let it all go don't buy them anymore and simplify your kitchen this leads me to the next thing that i don't buy anymore which is a little controversial and i even i still struggle with this this is the new fancy kitchen appliances like little things like air fryers i gave in and i got an insta pot and i have to say i love it but i feel like george foreman grills there's always like a new everyone needs fancy kitchen appliance coming out right whether it's the ninja fancy whatever majigger and we all fall into this even i'm like do i need an air fryer and the next thing we know we have pantries and kitchen cabinets that are over stuffed with appliances that we never use so i'm resisting it i know in the comments you're all going to say you guys need an air fryer this is what i hear all the time but it's all of these little kitchen appliances that add up to a lot of clutter the next thing i don't buy anymore is greeting cards and this is a little controversial but here is the thing i have decluttered hundreds of people's homes and they struggle with letting go of greeting cards so many people because it's guilty clutter someone bought you a card they've given it to you you feel bad letting it go and i just don't give people greeting cards anymore i don't buy them it's guilty clutter and i don't really feel bad about it and i know it's weird someone's having a birthday and you don't give them a card but i'll give them a handwritten note or i'll buy a candy bar and i'll put like a gift card on it but no more greeting cards i just see it as additional wasted money and wasted clutter i don't buy souvenirs anymore and we like to travel we used to go a lot of places and i would always get a little something from all the places and it just adds up to stuff everywhere and i have so much regret about all the little souvenirs that i bought so i just don't do that anymore and i don't burden other people with souvenir gifts we just spent a long time in new york and i didn't even get one statue of liberty tchotchke and i'm proud of myself because the best souvenir are the photos that you can take and have forever digitally so let go of the actual physical stuff when you're traveling and stick to photos instead speaking of photos this is something i don't buy anymore school photos every year you know kids have school photos and the packages start at around forty dollars and you get like two bad poses of like you know the with the books and the it's terrible and i don't spend money on school photos anymore instead i take the money that i would spend on three sets of bad school photos and i hire a professional photographer every september to take some mini photos of our family so each of the kids get lots of single photos of them with different poses but we also get family shots and just joe and i and the three kids together and sometimes the dog it's less money to do this than it would be to buy a few poses from the school the photos are so much better and i don't have the physical clutter because it's digital and i can just print the ones i want this next one is actually hard for me but i don't buy craft supplies anymore and i'm a crafter i'll only buy supplies when i have the project in mind and i'm doing it that day or the next day i no longer go into michael's and i'm like oh scrapbooking paper's on sale and i buy it for no reason or purchase any craft supplies without the craft in mind and i've done this because i have helped so many crafters declutter and organize their spaces and they're always filled with unopened packages thousands of dollars wasted because there's two types of crafters there's those who actually make things and there's those who buy the products to make things but sometimes occasionally make things but usually just shop are you a shopper are you a crafter know the difference and only buy craft supplies when you have an exact craft in mind speaking of simplifying your life i'd like to thank hellofresh for sponsoring today's video hellofresh is a meal kit that delivers pre-portioned ingredients right to your door and these meals are amazing i really appreciate it especially this time of year because life's crazy it's back to school i feel rushed every day i'm so appreciative to have a meal kit that's already planned for me the shopping is done and all i have to do is throw together a delicious meal in under 20 minutes i'm pretty much addicted to this i also love because everything is pre-packaged and pre-portioned it's way less prep work but it's also less wasted food i don't have a ton of leftovers in the fridge but there's still amazing quantities that fill up our whole family there are so many different recipes to choose from it really breaks you out of your recipe right so you're not making the same thing every week you get to choose delicious new fresh meals so go to hellofresh.com and use my coupon code clutterbug14 to get 14 free meals including free shipping today so thanks again to hellofresh and let's get back to more things i don't buy anymore the next thing i don't buy anymore this is recent for me but it's expensive makeups and face cream i was always on the hunt for some anti-wrinkle magic cream that was gonna fix my face and i have like terrible skin so i'm always like trying to find the best makeup like how do they look so how do the kardashians look so gorgeous i better buy what they're buying no it ended up with a bathroom filled with half used products that i didn't like and my skin was worse than ever i just went back to the basics like the basics covergirl cc cream no longer i was spending over a hundred dollars on foundation not only am i saving a ton of money but i'm feeling more confident in myself because every time i buy these products they're gonna fix my face and they don't it's like a punch in the face you know what i mean so i've just given all of that up my bathroom is cleaner it's way less clutter i have more money in my pocket but i also feel better about myself too i no longer buy audiobooks and even physical books we're starting to do the library thing did you know that you could download audio books from the library or get actual books dvds movies so many things from the library why am i i'm an avid reader and an avid listener to to audiobooks and so are my kids it's really expensive and kind of fills your home fast when you're buying the paper copies there's still books i want to have that i'll keep forever but all those quick like laying in the backyard on a saturday those should be library books so you're not filling up your home and wasting your money this next one is sad for joe it's sad for joe but tools and specifically tools that you know you're not going to use very often like a wet saw okay we were doing tile work and joe's like i need a wet saw and he bought a wet saw anytime we do a project and he needs a big tool he'll buy it and it just stays in our garage forever did you know you could rent tools from the hardware store really inexpensively home depot rents everything every saw anything you could ever need and if you're only going to use it a few times it's way better to rent it not fill up your home and not waste your money if it is something you're going to use on a regular basis definitely buy the tool it's cheaper to buy the tool but really be honest with yourself you wouldn't buy a carpet steamer you would rent that so why are you buying pressure washers when you're only going to do your house once every five years or why are you buying some sort of table saw for one project that you need it for renting is definitely the way to go this one's maybe a little bit weird but i don't buy dryer sheets anymore because because you know those little like dryer sheets you've used it and it's like in the bottom of your basket or stuck on your anyways i'm over that instead i opt for the sponge so i get a jar and i fill one cup of fabric softener to six cups of water i drop in some sponges and that will last months so one bottle of fabric softener will last me almost an entire year so much cheaper than dryer sheets works just the same and it's better for the environment i don't buy dryer sheets anymore and you shouldn't either i don't know if this one's going to be controversial but i don't buy large toys anymore my kids are older but even when they were younger at christmas birthdays you want to get them something big and amazing so you get the barbie house or the race car track or something like that and they play with it a couple of times but most of the time they play with the accessories that go with the big things and then you're left with this giant stuff that doesn't fit in a tote in your living room forever or their bedroom you know what i'm saying we don't buy big toys we buy things that fit into baskets things we can hide because the truth is they're playing with those smaller things most of the time anyways you don't need the big thing you just need the accessories that go with it and so they'll play on their bed or on the floor or with the cardboard box and you'll be happy because you don't have giant toys taking over your home are you ready for this one some of you are probably never gonna give it up but i'm just gonna say bulk food i don't buy it anymore i gave up my costco card no regrets hashtag no regrets where did i put all that toilet paper the paper towels it was always like on the floor or shoved in the closet there would be so much of i needed like six of them and i'd get 12 i would have expired food things i forgot about i was wasting money i was making cooking harder because i had so much excess thinking i was saving money when it was really costing me money but more than that it was costing me my space in my home which was making me stressed out so i don't buy bulk food anymore and i'm just gonna say it you shouldn't either 13 is a given i don't buy magazines anymore i feel like does anyone buy magazines anymore i used to have a real addiction and every time i went to the grocery store i would get a magazine to come home i'd flip through it for five minutes and then it would be clutter and wasted money just somewhere in my house and i felt guilty getting rid of them because i knew i had spent money on them so somehow holding on to them was gonna make it worth it and it was this vicious cycle that added up to like so many magazines so that's it i've given it up i don't buy magazines anymore and this one might be a little weird but i also don't buy planners and fancy stationery and it's weird because i'm a professional organizer so i feel the need to have planners so i would buy like all these different fancy planners and the stickers that went with it thinking that i was going to be a more organized person or finally find the one that actually works now i just have a drawer in my desk where all the half used planners go to die because guess what spoiler alert i'm not a planner person and all the fancy stationery i've ever bought some of which has my name on it like what i'm a post-it girl so there i'm not buying that anymore it's a waste of money i've let go of fantasy cass who's like super organized with her sticker planner realcast just uses her phone and the last thing that i don't buy anymore is anything themed so themed sheets for my kids if they're doing their room i used to buy like princess and mermaid and oh my gosh what a waste they grow so fast but i also don't buy themed clothing anymore so i don't buy christmas outfits or easter outfits or t-shirts that say kiss me i'm irish because you know it's st patrick's day it just added up to a lot of clutter and it seemed really cute at the time but because kids grow so fast and even me i don't want to have things in my closet that i can only wear one week out of the year so i've given all of the themed things up even my adorable fall with the pumpkin shirts nope not doing it anymore i've given up themed things so thanks so much for watching i'd love to know in the comments what's something that you don't buy anymore that you used to buy all the time maybe it's even controversial that's okay everyone be nice to each other it's all about simplifying our lives having less clutter saving money and just living a happier life in a home that we love so thanks so much for watching don't forget to hit that subscribe button next week we have some makeover videos coming which i'm very excited for you don't want to miss them we'll see you then so thanks so much for those of you who have stayed to the end so this is the first week that my kids are back to school and they weren't in school for a really long time because we were in new york and they were homeschooling in covid so it's been cool except here's the thing my poor kids um every single one of their teachers on the first day brought up in class that they know who i am and they watch my show and they're a fan of hot mess house and i was like did you know that izzy who's in grade 10 mom has a show on hgtv called hot mess house cue mortal embarrassment it also happened to abby who's in grade eight this year and milo is in grade four all of which they don't my kids do not think it's cool like if we're out somewhere this doesn't happen very often but if someone's like oh i love your sh they're like oh my mom mom you're so lame why do these people like you and so now that the entire class knows um in all of their classes my kids came home mortified they're embarrassed they also you don't see them a lot in my videos because they don't want to be in my videos because apparently i am the most embarrassing person on the face of the earth so maybe this is normal is this like teenagers just yes i know it's normal but i feel like it's amplified in this house especially if we go somewhere and somebody you know recognizes me or says something or their teacher in the class and now all their friends know mortal embarrassment all around but anyways i thought i'd share that with you and also let me know in the comments below if your kids also think you're lame and when is the age where they start thinking you're cool again i was the coolest person ever until maybe grade two grade three then it's just lamesville i'm just lame i can't wait for the time where they think i'm awesome again i'll see you guys next time
Channel: ClutterBug
Views: 384,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clutterbug, things I don't buy anymore, minimalism, the minimal mom, things I don't buy, things i no longer buy, simple living, minimalist living, things i dont buy minimalism, what i dont buy anymore, things i dont buy as a minimalist, things i dont buy anymore, things i dont buy, simplify your life, professional organizer, dony buy, things i dont buy anymore minimalism, things i never buy, things i no longer buy 2021, things i no longer buy to save money, minimalist home
Id: YneczbfFKM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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