Why Your Home is always MESSY!

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hey and welcome back this video is going to be  a little bit different because i'm going to be   real with you i'm going to say the same things  that i always say but in a different way   we're going to have a heart-to-heart conversation  about why your home is not staying tidy i've   been thinking a lot lately about why i do  this why i have clutter bug why am i making   videos talking about basically the same thing  over and over and over again and it's because   i know what it's like to struggle with a messy  home i know how hard it makes your life and i know   how easy it is when you're on the other side how  much more time you have and less stress and how   you feel better about yourself and more confident  and i want you to have that so badly that i will   talk about the same thing over and over and over  again until every person on the face of the earth   gets to experience what it's like to have a home  that's effortless like legit that's effortless   that you don't have to think oh i have to clean  look at this mess i have to spend my saturday   tidying before my mother-in-law comes that is  no longer an issue when you have your home under   control and if you do not have that it's because  you're not doing three things before we jump into   the three things i want to give you a little bit  of my back story and the struggles i had with my   own mess and cluttered home i felt like i must be  lazy because everything was so out of control but   the truth was i was working so hard to manage my  mess i had to clear off the stove before i could   cook dinner i had to clear off the table before we  could eat at the table i was walking on my clothes   that i knew were probably clean at one point  but now i had to rewash them because they were   on the floor and i had stepped on them over and  over again i was looking for things every day i   would spend so much time looking for my cell phone  or my keys or the umbrella because it's raining   and this added up to hours and hours of wasted  time and i was constantly looking for shortcuts   just give me the solution just i'm gonna go to  the store and i'm gonna buy all the bins and   baskets to throw at my clutter problem because  somehow buying more stuff solves the problem of   having too much stuff maybe you can relate this is  something that i did and i feel like i'm the queen   of looking for shortcuts if i'm at the airport  i will walk across the airport to stand on the   people mover you know what i'm saying give me the  shortcut i will spend hours watching hack videos   to find out how to do something quickly even  though i've just spent two hours trying to figure   you're gonna hate this okay because this  is the truth that you don't wanna hear   step one is to declutter step one is to get stuff  out of your house not to tidy not to stack not to   put things in bins and baskets to get things  out of your house every day spend five minutes   just fill in a bag i don't use this i don't like  it get it out and i know it's hard start with   trash start with easy stuff it gets easier when  you have more things than you can manage your life   is harder you cannot maintain a tidy home when you  have too much stuff and you cannot buy your way   out of too much stuff there is no hack there is no  simple trick it's just filling up garbage bags if   you have a lot get a dumpster and get things out  you deserve it it's 2022 it's a new year we're   just getting stuff out and even now every day my  home is very tidy but when it starts to feel like   oh there's things all over the place and it's i  know i need to fill a bag i know that when i'm   having trouble maintaining it it's time to get  stuff out and if you don't know where to start   i'm going to share the free 30-day decluttering  challenge with you every day for 30 days you   just pick one area and you just fill up a bag  let go of things you're not using and loving we   don't have to worry about sentimental things  or things that are special this is not about   you parting with cherished things this is about  you letting go of the junk you got from walmart   that's filling up your home and is not worth it  the next step is my favorite part okay this is   organization and organizing is basically just  creating homes for the things that you use like   everything in your home needs a home and where a  lot of people struggle is their spaces are full   in their house so all the things they use all the  time are out on the counters that isn't clutter   that is things that you use all the time that  you have to create homes for and i love looking   at where you're naturally piling and dropping  things because that's a really good indication   of things you don't have a home for most of the  stuff that's all over your house is homeless   or it's stuff that's too hard to put  away so you're just putting it down   this is why we create homes for these things  exactly where you're naturally putting it down   you need a landing zone when you first come in for  your keys and your purse and your backpacks and   your coat and your shoes you need a command center  for all of the important things that you don't   want to forget like bills that need to be paid  your calendar little notes and memos that you want   to write to yourself that's what a command center  is for you also need a random clutter section   of your home i have an entire armoire dedicated  to i have no idea what this is or where it goes   joe bought things and we haven't put them away yet  or like this has to be returned or i don't know   where this should go everyone needs a random  clutter section in their home a home for the   things that don't have a home don't be afraid to  have that this is about gonna tell you the truth   this is about throwing stuff into labeled baskets  end stop that's what organization is really about   it's about the container being the limit on how  much you can keep whether that container is a   drawer or a closet or a shelf or a basket this  is where my light bulbs go and when it's full i   don't buy any more light bulbs this is where the  batteries go and having everything in its home   that's the secret it seems like it should be so  easy but it is hard and why it's hard it's because   we have to do some stuff shuffling we have to have  a messy middle we have to create homes by getting   things out and decluttering until everything in  our home has an easy and convenient place to go   you can spend just 15 minutes a day making  one space a day i'm going to share the macro   organizing guide with you that breaks it down  into categories every day pick one category   today gather your light bulbs and put them in a  light bulb section tomorrow grab your batteries   the next day first aid supplies before you know  it your entire home will be organized the final   step is so important but this is one that almost  everybody struggles with and that is a daily   tidy up this means every day just spending 10  minutes putting things back in their home we   are in the habit of being messy we are we are  in the habit of just putting things down or   leaving things out we're tired we're going to  deal with it later whether it's the dishes or   the thing we just came home from the store  with that we set on the kitchen counter   or it's our kids who are in the habit of playing  with the toy and just leaving it on the floor   we are in the habit of being messy we need  to create a tidy up habit this is what i did   and it was a pain in the butt but i set an alarm  every day at 8 pm to tidy for 15 minutes and i   held myself accountable and i want you to hold  yourself accountable too it's easy to say every   day i'm going to tidy that's not how it works you  have to set a date with yourself you have to hold   yourself accountable by setting an alarm making  a meeting with yourself and showing up you can   do 10 minutes a day you can put things away for  10 minutes a day and what this really is about   is training your brain because every time you  put the brush back in the drawer every time you   do that eventually you will no longer put it down  you'll put it away you're training your brain to   be a tidy person in just 10 minutes a day sounds  too good to be true it legit really works and it   works for the rest of your family too make all  those people participate in a 10 minute tidy up   lead by example get everybody on board and  before you know it i promise you i promise you   if you do this every day before next year  before 2023 you will be a naturally tidy person   10 minutes a day 10 minutes a day you got this  you can do it we can all do this and together   as a clutter bug community we can hold each other  accountable too i'm going to put a link down below   to a facebook group with over hold onto your pants  right now with over a quarter of a million people   in the clutter bug community all of us together  at the same time are doing these three things we   are decluttering we are organizing and we are  doing a daily 10 minute tidy up and together   we can totally get our homes back under control  give ourselves more time and better yet you can   give yourself a stress free home this is your year  2022 is your year to get in control of your home   and your life thank you so much for watching this  video make sure you give this video a thumbs up   and in the comments let me know if you struggled  most with decluttering the organization or the   tidying part i am curious to know and don't  forget in the description you're going to find   links to the 30-day decluttering challenge the  macro organizing guide and the facebook group with   over a quarter of a million people just like you  hey guys thanks so much for those of you who have   stayed to the end so some of you might know this  story because i did share it on instagram but   over the holidays i broke my butt like i broke  my butt like i'm dragging my leg around like a   zombie leg that doesn't move and my foot  was numb and i was in agony i broke my butt   buying a fake butt and wearing it all day why  does one buy a fake butt because i'm on amazon   and i bought this really adorable holiday  dress that was a little tight and curvy   and my children and everyone else and i have eyes  i noticed that my butt is just it's just thighs to   back it's just thighs to back and somebody could  do squats they could do a stairmaster but no i'm   all about the shortcuts so for the low low price  of 24.99 i just bought myself a butt on amazon   and it wasn't like full kim kardashian it's just  a little you know it comes up here you you put the   inserts in it's just a little roundedness like  yeah work out look at my butt and i wore this   to a holiday party as one does a family holiday  party it was just my mom my sister and my dad   why am i wearing a fake butt i was also wearing  fake boobs there i said it i was wearing a fake   entire under armour there was a girdle on okay  so i would look like something i am clearly not   and it was really obvious and i could hardly  sit down but i sat all day for 10 hours on   my fake butt with my legs crossed because i'm  wearing a dress and i'm a lady like that and the   next day i couldn't even get out of bed my butt  hurts so bad so bad and the next day again just   a pain that'll make you pee your pants okay  so i went to a chiropractor i found one open   this is like the 27th or 28th nobody's open  and i'm like i she's like we're we're open   but we and i'm like i broke my butt with a fake  butt from amazon there i said it and she was   like she took pity on me because obviously  i'm insane i'm insane so i went in and she   did her magic but really what it came down to  was this is a direct quote from my chiropractor   sitting on a foreign object all day put pressure  on my muscle and squeezed it against a bone   causing swelling of the muscles and tendon in my  derriere which is now pressing on my sciatic nerve   i couldn't even it was numbness okay just pain  and numbness from my 24.99 fake butt off of amazon i am a crazy person so this is basically a psa  this is my public service announcement to you   do not buy a fake butt if you plan on sitting  all day if you're at a club and you're   looking amazing you you do you but if you're gonna  be sitting for extended periods of time your fake   butt will 100 break your butt i spent four days  four days over my christmas holiday in between   christmas and new year's laying on my bed on my  stomach with an ice pack on my butt that that i   spent my birthday my birthday laying in bed with  an ice pack on my butt was it worth it i did look   fantastic so i don't know was it worth it i mean  i looked fantastic for my mom and dad and sister   who all felt my fake butt i i wasn't even  pretending he wasn't wearing it so i don't   know anyways thanks so much and i'll see you guys  next time i'm decluttering this like right now bye
Channel: Clutterbug
Views: 1,107,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to organize, clutterbug, organizing tips, home organization, organize, why my home is always messy, how to keep a home clean, clean house, organized home, how to stay organized, how to get organized, why is my home messy, how to keep your house clean, tips for keeping your house clean, habits for a clean house, clean with me 2022, how to declutter, how to, easy cleaning tips, clutter free, why is my house always a mess, messy home, why is my home always messy
Id: 7Pc82eMBFss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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