13 Things Frugal People Never Do

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oh are we going get that out of the shot I don't know about that that was Stanley hey friends how are you today if you are wondering if you can still be frugal here in 2024 uh I think you can and I have an amazing list of 13 things that really frugal people would pretty much never ever do never ever never never ever I want to share them with you today let's see how we both score compared to this list uh am I Frugal here in 2024 are you let's find out hey my name is is Christine if we have not met before welcome to my YouTube channel I love saving money I don't know that there's anything I love more than saving money unless it's carbs and eating cookies and probably bread but then again my love language is naps I love to share content on saving money frugal living and of course Food grocery shopping cooking food eating food all the food PE and I am thrilled to have you with me today so if you are new and haven't subscribed I would love it if you would do that so we can hang out a little bit more in the future the first thing is that frugal people do not waste food if you find yourself throwing away a lot of food throughout the week from your refrigerator or bulk shopping at a big store like a Costco or a Sam's Club but you don't have a big family so the quantities are too much and they expire you fed the horse beino Well I overbought this is where we need to pull back and stop buying quite so much and maybe stop cooking such larger portions at dinner so you do not have to throw food away did do you know that 40% of most Americans grocery budget is actually food that ends up in the garbage please don't be one of those statistics this concept I actually teach a lot here on my channel you need to purchase the correct amount of groceries for your family and that includes taking a deep dive into what do you actually throw away every week from your refrigerator do you do a fridge cleanout every week and you pull open that produce drawer where the spinach has gone to die again boy do I hat spinach you make too much at dinner you portion out the leftovers but as it turns out nobody in your house likes leftovers cuz so those go in the trash as well and we can do this by organizing and planning I'll leave you guys with a free printable so you can do like a pantry fridge inventory so you know what not to go grocery shopping for in the future frugal people do not sacrifice quality in place of cheap items and this typically goes for appliances furniture and yeah you guessed it mattresses Helix is sponsoring today's video and they were awesome enough to help out my inlaws with a brand new mattress Helix delivers premium mattresses and bedding customized to fit your needs directly to your door they come rolled up in a box so they are really easy to pick up haul through the house and put into the bedroom of your choice to set up your brand spanking new best mattress you will have had best nights sleep guaranteed how the heck do they guarantee you that my friends they have a 100 night sleep trial that means you get to test it for 100 nights and if you don't like it for whatever reason which I highly doubt will happen they're going to make it right when there's no store to go try the mattresses out what do you do you're able to go online and take the online quiz to talk about whether you sleep alone with someone else a back sleeper a sid sleeper a twisty upside down sleeper a 10 hours a day sleeper it takes just a few minutes it's really quick and then they're going to recommend a mattress to you they have a budget line the Luxe line which is the one I have which is the one they have and if you really want to invest in their new Elite line brand new like tallest mattress on the market you could do that as well financing options and payment plans if you need that oh yeah there's a 10-year warranty as well the Helix lineup offers 20 unique mattresses including the award-winning Lux and Ultra Premium Elite collections the Helix plus which is mattress designed for Big and Tall sleepers and the Helix kids mattress designed for growing bodies and endorsed by child sleep and medical experts every mattress in my house is a helix they are my favorite that I've ever had I've never slept better so I was thrilled to be able to gift a mattress to my in-laws so they can sleep even better and watch my kids a little more often than they do right now you know what I'm saying so if you want to save 20% off of your Helix mattress and also get two free pillows all you have to do is go to helixsleep.com Frugal fitmom it is the first link down in the description box and in the comments helixsleep.com slle fitmom is going to save you 20% uh F people typically don't make purchases without researching first let me give you an example let's do eyeglasses three of my four children wear glasses my mom wears glasses my sister wears glasses my Dad wears glasses my husband just started wearing glasses here's the secret so you have to go get your eye exam right please do not buy the glasses in the shop just say hey can I get a print out of my prescription for glasses okay take it with you and then you can buy them online at a place like zeni Optical they're so cheap I've been getting glasses for my kids on there for $10 to $15 versus the $250 to $300 that they want at the optometrist office you need a product you're going to research a cheaper way to get what you need instead of just paying the price they're asking you in the first place I have saved so much money just by going online and doing a little like coupon for blah blah blah store frugal people use credit wisely he chose poor I know this is a controversial opinion I am not anti- credit card don't hate the player hate the game in today's world it is helpful to have a credit score can we play the game without getting into trouble without getting into debt without paying those ridiculous 32% interest on a credit card yes you can so if you just want to like build your credit because it does help you get cheaper car insurance it helps you rent an apartment they wanted to know it for health insurance they wanted my credit score for my life insurance so yeah go get a credit card and don't put anything on it other than like gas for your car and your Netflix bill and put it on autopay and leave it like pay cash for everything else just just do that your credit score will be like $800 75 billion that's probably an exaggeration but it'll be really really high because you're going to show consistent ontime payments you don't spend very much and you pay it off routinely I love to travel it's one of my favorite things but I hey um cheap skate here I don't like to spend money on things I don't have to spend money on so I utilize credit card churning I did a whole video on it I'll leave it below in order to get free airline tickets free car rentals free hotels stays this is not for everybody if you have a problem with debt or impulse control or you like the trendy stuff or you want to shop for fun this is not for you this is not for you this is for very dedicated strict utilizers of the game do you guys remember when Hydro flasks were like the cup of choice and then it was the yetis everybody was all about the yetis and then they moved on to the Stanley Cup so I I thought everybody were huge hockey fans you know I remember when the Dallas Stars won the Stanley Cup in the '90s when I was in high school so I was a big fan but as it turns out they're not talking about the hockey Stanley Cup they're talking about these Stanley Cups frugal people are not all about the trendy name brand items just for the sake of it being a trend like if you were following the hydro flas to the yeti to the Stanley uh you'd have an entire cabinet full of big cups that you would need to declutter right now because you don't have enough room and here here's the thing about the Stanley look to be fair yes I do have some Stanley um this one was free oh wait this one was free too I won this one in a contest and my daughter's roommate was going to toss this one cuz there was mold in it and I was like if you're literally going to throw it away I'll just give it some elbow greas and I'll keep it why pay $45 for a trendy cup to drink water when you could use like a Maverick cup this one's $150 I know people are like oh but the ice stays cold for 3 days or the ice stays cold for 6 weeks or whatever is um but if you need your ice to stay cold that long you're probably not drinking enough water ride into the Maverick and get free pellet ice and water free it's $150 for the cup and your ice refills are free so you can have free cold ice whenever you want it going along with trendy name brand items all of these new cleaning products all the time the pink stuff the dawn power spray like come on what a hype here like they they've had barkeeper friend forever it's like the same and the Mrs Myers don't even get me started on that that stuff like who need who needs all this stuff you don't need all this stuff these are just ways to make you spend more money so people that are paying attention to their money don't fall for these marketing traps frugal people do not go out to eat unless they have a coupon they go during early early bird hour is that the thing uh they have a gift card or they have a plan going into it like we're ordering water we're splitting the main we're not getting dessert and we're heading out or you can go in and get the is Applebees 2 for 20 or like Chili's 3 for 20 in fact if you go into Applebees past 9:00 and you buy a drink like a Coke or something all the appetizers are half price and only one person at your table has to order a drink you could go in with eight people one person can order a drink everyone else can get water and then you can get the crispy chicken won tacos off the appetizer menu for $5 that's the best thing on the Applebee's menu chicken won tacos hands down I said what I said frugal people do not do my mind less scrolling SL shopping you know when you do the scrolling on Instagram or Facebook I swear they're all ads these days I can barely even see the people that I want to watch because everything is an advertisement on these social media platforms and if you're just like oh maybe I'll just do a quick scroll before I get out of bed this morning you're seeing like a hundred ads before you get out of bed or let's say you're bored you decide to head to the Target to wander around and then you walk out with $200 worth of stuff the Magnolia home section has all this beautiful stuff and you had to have it because who doesn't want to be like Joanna Gaines speaking of phones and social media and spending they also don't pay for unwanted or excessive subscriptions I think this one is on everyone's list all the time no matter what now I canceled a lot of mine but I do have a folder on my phone called entertainment and I have I mean they're not turned on but the apps are still here but it's like Hulu ABC Prime video Disney Paramount plus Redbox why do I have the Redbox app on my phone Netflix vid Angel which I do actually love audible podcast Libby Acorn TV I also have Amazon music Pandora Spotify My Fitness Pal Strava Garmin group me Marco Polo Facebook pelaton like what are all these apps doing so I would run through all of your subscriptions and just make sure that the ones you're actually using are the ones you're paying for and if you're using 20 maybe maybe cut it in half maybe cut it to 10 because if you're like watching that many TV shows and you're listening to that much music we need to have a conversation because I I need some more shows up in my life because at this point I feel like I've seen everything I mean good grief I feel like I've seen Steinfeld like 10 times I've run through friends about 51 million billion times you want to quote friends to me I can tell you exactly what episode you're talking about that's how many times I've seen it anyway always in the market for like new shows but I got to be able to pick them up at the library because they're free there and if you want to do all of the subscription streaming services my hack for you is black Black Friday sales so I'm going to say turn them off like cancel them or turn them off maybe back to schoolish time in September wait for Black Friday they all have freaking amazing deals for Black Friday like I got Kindle unlimited for 99 for 4 months I got Hulu for 99 cents a month for a year and if you go in and threaten to cancel Hulu is pretty good at this if you're like no I'm going to cancel my Hulu they're like no wait what if I gave you 6 months for $1.99 a month right you can save some serious money so don't overpay and cancel the ones you're not using frugal people do not impulse shop that means we go in with a list we stick to the list and we leave that means no candy soda at the checkout that means no oh my favorite ice cream is in Sandwich form let's get a box of fat boys and bring them home I mean what would you do for a clondike bar seriously and in fact if you have a problem with impulse shopping especially when it comes to groceries order online do pickup it is the easiest way to cut the impulse shopping here's the second one so groceries online order go pick up for free okay the second one is to go onto your computer into your autofill like the credit card autofill area and remove the saved cards take them off so if you're on a computer or something and you're like oh yes I'm going to go get these shoes and as it turns out the complete purchase button is actually the dopamine hit and by the time it shows up at your house you don't even care that much anymore so if you don't have the auto fill turned on and you have to get up off the couch and walk across the house and go find your purse and hopefully your credit card is in there and then type in all of those numbers like ain't nobody got time for that you're not going to put in the effort which means you're going to curb your impulse spending on the computer as well frugal people do not need brand new everything that means they're not scared to buy used I think this goes along with really high quality Furniture uh solid wood Pieces perhaps some kitchen Electronics I have been waiting for one of those ninja creamies to end up at the thrift store I'm waiting because I am not paying I think it's $120 a Costco right now and that's on sale ridiculous but I am telling you it's going to end up at the thrift store and that's when I'm going to pounce on it and snatch that puppy up and I'm going to throw out used cars I've said this a lot on my channel do not be scared of used cars you just have to get the right brand and the right kind not Ford okay and I know you guys are going to come at me in the comments for saying that I'm just talking about my personal experience I have had great experience with Chevy Toyota and Honda great they're cheap to fix they're easy to fix they run forever I swear those puppies don't even get started until you hit 100,000 mil the second you hit 100,000 Mi they're like okay now yes now I'm I'm warmed up now I can go now I can go the whole point of the entire list is that frugal people replace impulsivity with intentionality is what they do they're just aware of where they want their money to go they try and save as much as they can while still getting good quality they don't spend money on things they don't care about and they are intentional on the things they do care about so it's not that they don't spend anything ever this is not like extreme cheap skate situation did you see that one where the girl like didn't use toilet paper I swear they like make them more dramatic for the show they have to right they can't all be real anyway now remember if you want to pick up that deal from Helix is my favorite mattress I've ever had it's 20% off your Helix mattress two free pillows first link down below thanks so much for hanging out with me today I'll see you next video bye so I was telling them earlier that we were rewatching Seinfeld oh yeah this is my favorite yeah we've seen it a few times okay George is getting angry George is getting frustrated George is getting upset so the question is who who's the best character and top episode top favorite episode oh jeez the Indian wedding sing no that's mine oh no no no no you can stuff your stories in the sack Mr it's brilliant storytelling cuz they tell the whole story backwards so at the beginning you have no idea what's going on and you're like what's the concept I read on the internet people hate that episode really yeah they don't think it's funny they don't get the point and I'm like but the storytelling is brilliant it's so good and it's a good it's a kind of nice homage to um George's uh fiance oh Susan Susan yeah it's it's a it's a nice tribute to her cuz she's the only good person on the show she is the only good person Susan's the best person on the show the rest of them are horrible people I think Jason Alexander talk about casting for George I mean oh my gosh you you hate him but he just acts the part so well did he win some Emmys for that please say yes I don't he was fantastic as George okay give you a number two favorite episode the marine biologist oh the sea was angry that day my friends for people who maybe don't like Seinfeld or like don't get it what would you say to them I get it you get why they don't get it yeah yeah I could I could get why they didn't get it it was a little before my time like I I was in high school when friends was on so Seinfeld was a hair earlier and I didn't get into it until I was older I probably didn't get into it till I was uh later in my high school years or even as a freshman in college okay I was thinking like in my 30s oh I watched a lot of reruns on TVs in college no no I didn't I was a I was a friends Frasier ER yeah no no not me no Home Improvement and Seinfeld whoa those are I know I know what are your favorite TV shows to watch over and over and favorite Seinfeld episode let us know down below
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 89,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frugal living tips, frugal hacks, frugal living tips and ideas, frugal living hacks, frugal living, saving money tips, frugal, frugal living ideas, ffm, frugal fit mom, frugal habits, frugal tips, budget, large family, grocery hacks, on a budget, grocery budget, frugal money saver, frugal lifestyle, financial goals
Id: AAK8f0rT37I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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