The Ohio Family - Full Episode | World's Strictest Parents New Zealand

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Brittany is a teenager who was so angry her family live in fear I am scared of Brittany this sudden things to name what she's done I smashed my sister my pets were there the advice yeah maybe the question no nice day I just found the south as a nasty [ __ ] because I take nasty things to people in fact she's so violent Brittany put a dill in hospital after she took her phone we bitched her in recently well I did because she was covered in blood that was my 10 year olds also been in trouble with the law she's being arrested for taking shots stealing stuff off people's front doorsteps 14 and she does like to party boys do like free and I like the boys yeah my worst fear is to get right what crowd she hangs up was I'd be so drunk that I've forgotten where I am her one worth what I'm doing in like possibly who I hooked up with yeah well you don't gonna count on the drug job and it's one of the things that I don't want oh he was on drugs too sir oh yeah I didn't realize how actually drunk he was so what happens if you account was being Betsey lately it's had on me in his father I know his father well we both love who age we've just got to the point once I said enough I'm not proud but that's just who I am I can be like the sweetest person or I can be than our sisters her Britney's traveling companion Adam well he's all about sex and doing drugs I dread the fact that in have tummy sometimes it something's happened to him even makes me feel dirty boxing you know at just 17 he's already well known to the police I like the throat was dark are they gonna strippers boss boss drugged water score although I know enjoy Friday I don't know it's just a cool feeling when you're fighting and race if you break the nose or something I end up calling the police his father knows while Adam is lucky he hasn't done time that could soon change could be a new jail the last episode with the police was just recent they actually did tell me that his next encounter won't be as a adolescent he'll be as a senior individual in the cells Dead Sea's venom has been out of control in the senses mate died last year one of his friends committed suicide and we had to deal with that so having my supposing there is many respected rebelling that's like regular Yemen Britney are being sent to middle America a town called Zanesville population 25,000 the state of Ohio has some of the toughest laws in America underage drinking can mean six months in jail but what's even tougher is the family the teens will have to fit in with I'm just kind of an overseer and won't make sure everything goes well there's peace and there's happiness Nathan is a pasta at the local Apostolic Christian Church first lady Cassandra is an opera singer and music teacher and Brian well he's a young man the mix fostered and saved thanks to their wholesome parenting I really don't tolerate a child talking back to me [Music] smoking drinking cussing dope and sexy I mean you brought it there's not a best abuse it's not made for that there always consequences so we try to be firm in and what we believe will believe in the Lord we believe in trust in Lord and your bodies are not for this is that that the other the question is will they be able to save our teens from damnation or will it be seven long days is this all it is kind of looks like they just bought houses anyway though it's like just randomly they're not late and sick then I slaughtered no I don't want to get out of the car and they tarnish people and with the niceties over let's not forget why we are here and that's for some strict parenting welcome to our home and I really mean there starting right now and as long as you respect what we're going to tell you that we need we'll get along just fine no cussing I don't do maid service I cook you do dishes so the only thing that really has to be done repetitively are the bathrooms and the kitchen you'll be expected to make your beds there won't be any alcohol must be down your alley yep tell by your reaction have you been in some fixes when you've been drunk thank you young ladies like you I mean not only do they drink but that he'd drug your dream and then they rape you and abuse you you know and you put yourself in a very vulnerable position to happen in your experience because you were drunk you witness you went into it as you wanted to it felt weird like having two strangers like asking me questions about different things I've been up to and what I do and like usually I'll be like it's nothing business but they're going to be my parents or a week can they need to know what I'm trying to aim towards and what I'm trying to and what I've been up to we want a deal at this time with smoking we don't permit smoking can we have your commitment that this week the cigarettes are out yep do you want me to lie or I don't want you to lie just don't want you smoked doing this can we do the one last cigarette I've given up marijuana cold turkey - come here there that's a massive compromise on our behalf well darling what do you think one last a yes it'll be a yes one last time let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not as mad as I thought they were gonna be like the whole cleaning business I don't do them at home my mom does so that's gonna be I know I had to clean and stuff but some make it change and get back home so I can relate look what I can do mom hey mom look how clean this toilet looks I don't even have to work in this thing apart from the smoking one seemed pretty straightforward like that I won't I'll find the cleaning hand that's obviously my mom does everything but um I can do this well I think it's important for Nathan and Cassandra to be able to compromise in situations so yeah we have to see how that goes a there's a place got Adam down for incarcerated youth that have been acting against the law and some of them have extreme criminal behavior is some not as much some things criminally have been done to them okay we're here oh look no smoking the whole hope is that they'll learn that everybody has problem but you have to deal with them and not be so selfish and learned it there are consequences to action that's why these kids are there because there are consequences guys you go that away they're waiting for you and we'll go this away bye-bye see you in a bit peace out nice to meet you guys thank you guys for having me yeah so good opportunity to come meet some other troublemakers like myself but part of why I'm here is to try and make changes before it's too late guys I heard he wants to make changes before it's too late has anyone here found herself in a situation like him want to make changes before it's too late you raised your hand pity see my mom used to do a whole bunch of drugs well mainly crack I had to like help feed my brothers and sisters when we hit song jury goes in and out of shelters lived on side of the road it's pretty impressive to see that you're still here and you're actually sticking or something like this it's so easy to turn to selling drugs like I've been there done that and you know it's easy money but if you can stick to something and stay strong and you know I want to ask you a question um was you living with your parents over there yeah so at least you had um in your life you at least had your mother where your father there for you and and that kept you yeah Wow seems like you gotta live where he didn't have anything yeah and I guess I just feel like you you didn't take advantage of that Adam was a huge challenge I think Adam came here with an attitude he just knew everything he was trying to be cool trying to impress the kids hello everyone Britney what brings you here my parents think that I have issues but also under it like spoiled and I need to realize what I've got in life so when you say issues what issues are you talking about I'm heading my sister's baiting my sister out I have stolen from my family from my grandparents me and my dad got in a fight up on top of the stairs I pushed him down the stairs and then I Chuck don't let cigarette at his face just cuz I was angry my family wasn't the best but there were things that I did that kind of compared to you but there was also reasons that I did it like is there any reasons I did somebody ever slap you or abuse you none some of these kids right now would love to trade new places to have someone that loves them that cares about them that will have a meal on a table that provides for them to have a home for them who in here right now really doesn't have a place to go I feel so sorry for you I really do my life does not compare to yours here's what I'm going to tell you and I'm not going to say any names there are some people in this room that have been um raped now imagine yourself being raped by your stepdad and your mother not believing you that girl was me he did took me twice everyone here if I really could have been what they like I took pills I cut myself the same thing happened to me to my mom's boyfriend beat me and raped me and my mom abused me too and after happened she didn't believe me but my mom's um she still lives with her boyfriend the one that raped me they don't compare like my life does not compare to theirs at all so out of all the things that basically she she's put her family and her parents through they've still been there for you right is that what I'm hearing so what do you have to say I feel bad about everything I have done like if I could take it back you're fine Ruth becoming loose no sometimes they don't have the support I have with parents job opportunities pretty much nicely no one that will be there to help them most of them don't have any parents at all and I could never imagine how I feel to like lose my parents never [Music] I think it's actually finally hit me that it's time to apologize and make things better [Music] Brittany and Adam have spent the night at a tough juvenile home in Zanesville Ohio here the motto is to be responsible for your own behavior and that positive changes can happen and maybe for Brittany it has I do feel a lot better for talking about things and how I feel because I don't usually talk about them that much so for Adam the experience has been quite different I've got to try Pop Tarts and and I got kool-aid so I was just having a chat with some of the other boys and just you know cracking jokes and everything so it was quite cool the stay is over and while the other kids head to school it's work of a different kind for Adam and Brittany and that's volunteering at Christ's table a homeless shelter would you like hamburger meat over potatoes and would you like some vegetables [Music] well this is all about helping others Adam seizes the opportunity to help themself so do you I do a slight frown upon the use of marijuana you know the right people you can get anything insane July great now definitely King for a session I have been as soon as I got off the plane here I mean most of my friends man like they all started judging you know you ask any any schoolkid and you can pretty much get your hands on any any junk you are but the hunt for drugs has proved too difficult so Adam settles for a hit of nicotine which as we know is against the rules and household that's just pretty came for a cigarette I mean days about it and I decided I I'm gonna get in trouble when and trouble does come Adam's way because in this house if you break a rule it's double punishment one from cassandra now and one from nathan when he gets home [Music] punishment I'll sit here you can make me a I know you're strong cuz you're gonna have to be moving my arms to clean that so you're cleaning up with me that's double punishment cuz that's gonna be two of us doing it and he comes here and he has something else to say he may say that it's one potty it's a family that's what you say that's not what we say whoa good luck I would rather then discuss this with both of you he's not here and uni and it needs to be taken care of now well it ain't happening then unless we come to an agreement we're not coming to you're not here that's your problem yeah everything has to be agreeable but I just agree with it and I know what Stan I'm standing up for what I agree who told you you get to stand up who told hippies that they should look after the trees it's their opinion and they stand for when you come to a place everything doesn't go according to the book of Adam that's what you need to understand to be agreeable you only do it as justify your double punishing me I'm not WI the [ __ ] you'll dine your listen to you man shake she gives you you're disrespecting her and you're disrespecting me it's respect we're talking sit down this is witty you accept open your mouth I didn't ask for your opinion she's not allowed to stay at her opinion so why should you be out of state you'll just take a break you went and take a take a break we're taking right take a break is Adams world Adams way or no way so no matter how I shift it he just made up something else because it has to be a order from him this I come into your household and I respect your religion your views everything hey you in the cheap seats shut your mouth this is between Hannah [Applause] [Music] knock my teeth out so many times now all my family do me know I've been hit so many times titties I dare you stop you'll go to jail and I won't care I'll be missing a tooth like ours Ryan take your shirt off right pretty for the camera get all yourself what you need to shut the I don't come on please please please please come wait please getting in our face you're a PC now Brian I mean it now stop not another word that's it man good let's go go this was an experience that I had never experienced actually stepping in the midst of fire not knowing what the consequences would be for me I'm sorry I'm not doing that person twice I said if it was a girl we're not talking right now okay okay well as actually was pressing him up against the wall so he could let some of his anger energy go into the wall you know cuz it cuz he was just wired and just you know yeah I could see him coming [Music] that's a challenge that's a chance we'll give you excuse me please hey there's a multi-word which convenience to describe what happened I mean no he's talking so respectful yes I think he was trying to say something nice okay I'm listening okay but you're not don't worry just listen I'm just nervous I understand that okay okay no I'm just what I was gonna say sorry but you know bite me that's a mati work Brian well someone apologize he's the one being a brat but so what that's why he's here Brian saying that it's not Kissin to saying I guess I was like there but it just looks so ugly in trying your hardest to intimidate someone it's just I don't want to act like that anymore it's a new day and a new beginning for Adam as Nathan's solution to his angry outburst is God [Applause] and a great big dose of it and we believe in a person first of all repenting and saying I need salvation you believe God didn't forgive you I know we can you know what we do commitment let me tell you what we do have is baptized people in Jesus day for the mystic sense the Bible says repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ that was old sort of overwhelming and everything being pushed upon me and as I don't have much of a religious background I sort of see stop and gave me quite a shock bless you Lord we saw a desire to are you lord oh and just to praise you right walk down to the church oh sorry I'm uneasy being being inside there Jesus feels weird these people seem so brainwashed immerse on cockers I've never seen anything like them [Music] meanwhile Britney embraces the religious experience and Bowl and has two [Music] brand-new they're just off you so it's the small after I was there and I started to realize like something I don't know it something just came to me and I just realized that I could actually do this but Tisza my remove my sins would be perfect Britany she wanted to get baptized and and about now she doesn't necessarily know what that means but since I got my sins washed away and I'm free I was kind of scared at first like what to expect but I wanted to do it like just starting over completely you know standing from fresh when you asked me did it surprise me I I can't say it did I've been praying for these children you know before they came pretty well that relationship with the Lord for the rest of her life [Music] ties you in Jesus name you shall receive the gifts [Music] it was actually amazing to do and if they doubled baptized I'd love to do it again [Music] Ziya Brittany well where do I start I hope you have realized how easy you have had it at home we don't ask for much from you but you just keep pushing the boat and now the boat has gone it's been hard not having you around but you were pushing this family to a breaking point you need to stop lying stealing and treating this family like crap you have taken so much from this family and we have just had enough your father is hurting as well Brittany you need to think about others things will have to change when you get back with these things have changed and you have never said sorry for what you've done we love you very much it was hard reading the letter but it would have been a lot different if I read it before this experience I wouldn't have cared as much as I did now I can't take back what I've done but I can say sorry and try to make it better while Brittany has turned a corner cassandra knows she still has work to do with adam adam has walls barriers issues he's not going to reveal his inner because that'll show his bottle of boy that's him that's his profile that's his MO and he may think he has gotten away with this angry outburst the other night but today he's back at the juvenile home as a consequence of his behavior so monitor sent you you came over here to stay with mrs. McDonald due to some of your problems with your family and respect and authority and you having problems with her confrontations with her is that correct problem a problem because we're here today right I'm correct them to place him and you're definitely gonna attend our weekly anger-management through six counties to learn how to control your anger using positive coping skills how can I attend the weekly uh attend a week clean we recommend that you stay here for a placement which is four to six months when you come here when you're placed here you will start respecting staff and authority figures because of not there's there's and we don't want to send kids to jail but if you continue and continue to disrespect then you will be placed in jail I don't understand how can I get put in a six-month placement when if I go back to New Zealand next week that remains to be seen how are you I'm 17 but right now your education and I understand your footage once you guys know that you don't have a choice I did a contract already you've weekday bedtime to be 10:30 weekend 12:30 no privileges outside you must attend all activities and you need to be with staff at all times during those activities you will shower at 8:00 p.m. and the evening every night you won't have a room key you will be in a room with another resident I'm leaving on Wednesday honey that's not your choice it's your Guardians choice so why don't you guys call my mom and dad rather than say I'm gonna be done at 4 to 6 month we aren't have to go your mom and dad because we have your legal guardian here now your mom and dad give somebody the legal guardianship or you wouldn't be here would you make sure you put down 10 hours of community service on there and make sure so I get 10 hours for having an argument but in my country I get 20 hours for drugs and 6 and weapons you're not in your country I mean that's not a problem I stress with you that while you are here that you think about the impact that you can have on some of the other kids here I was unaware that you were here this weekend because I don't work weekends and I can tell you from reading the boys log that there was a lot of conversation that is now making sense of things that were discussed that evidently you must have had an impact on some of our kids here are you saying that the dialogue that was logged was negative yes oh can you guys be specific please you were talking with Kadeem about drugs pretty on a regular basis we compared prices but I wasn't regularly should do in a residential center what the kid who's addicted you're gonna talk about the cost of drugs that's the reason he's here drugs his whole family and he has no family because of drugs so you're gonna talk to him about drugs well I got what up sigh I'm just us if your your parents were the one that were out in the streets and prostituting because of drugs and someone talked to you about that that would be different then right yeah I guess okay I think he just needs to go we need to we need to have a group with the boys because basically they need to understand that we're not bullshitting with him about his behavior you think everything's a joke I see it in your face I can tell you think everything's a joke and I can tell it you're smiling about it yeah you're you think that you won't think that I'm trying to be positive about this situation to learn from it that's what you're trying to do because I'm in brain I'm about to embrace it I'm smiling because I know this is gonna be [ __ ] so I might as well smile and just do what you've asked told me to do but you don't you know coming like that yeah because you shouldn't be smiling right now this ain't no time to be happy so you guys started her joke I don't encourage her to be happy right now right now I know what that smile was about so I'm not gonna talk to you right now won't you take them to the side of meat and actually go out there and start cleaning up all that crazy [Music] [Music] Edom's love of drugs and as anger have had a negative impact on a strict family and the kids here at the Evan Dell juvenile home as part of the program Adam will attend a one-on-one session with Jim the center's social worker my best friend yeah he killed himself and that's when dice of crashed and burned because I started drinking a lot regularly he cared about you yeah you were more than friends you were family pretty much all right yeah am i understanding yeah we're like brothers okay I gave up on a lot of things I gave up on caring about a lot of things I gave up on becoming that close to to anybody for a long time why so don't you know he was my best mate it's the hardest thing I've ever dealt with in my life you know getting that phone call was just like taking a nail through my heart because losing somebody that closest you know it's never easy and I think he would be pleased with what I'm doing he'd rather me you know sort mash it up then you know to continue getting in trouble when and going down the wrong path way because it was after as DIF when things started to change and that's when I started getting in trouble can't bring your best friend here we can't bring your dad here but got a letter yeah hi Adam my best friend and son you've matured from a small boy to a teenager I supported you all the way however there have been times when your newfound grown-up status has not been without grief and stress you know since you were born I have taken every day as a valued one and I am the lucky dead who has a loving son I remember recently you said to me I'll make you proud dad [Music] I've always been proud of you but I do worry for you at times I don't mean you know what we're missing you and I will be counting down the days until you return I love you lots and I wait to hear of your experiences take care to treat your new family with respect and showing the capacity to share understand and tolerance of others lots of love dad he sent some pictures eh I grabbed those which one is the one that's right now your favorite that one cuz here's what I noticed what do you look like in that picture I'm happy you're happy yeah be happy look at that big smile yeah but I can see in his face a father is proud of a son yeah you can see that too can't you that feels good doesn't it okay first coat feels really cool what feelings cor this / good party yes yeah this is where you want to live Adam so that's the smile anyways I'm excited to go and you know start doing new things what it's the same smile yeah this is the beginning of taking back what was lost you see because it wasn't a tree or a friend and it died April 2009 wasn't you died didn't you he's closed off and you died yeah welcome back to my buddy welcome back thank you I'm excited to go and yeah I start living again get off the drugs mm-hmm chill out on the potty and and go make the most of my life Edom's revelation means he can now head home my hat feels a lot lighter because I didn't know what or how I could change things in my life but this just gave me direction it's yeah open my eyes and made me look at everything from a different perspective you start free start time to make it happen from now it [Music] you're here for it how do you do [Music] I miss you guys we are going to miss these kids I've gotten enough farts I don't think they'll ever forget this experience and I know we won't and we certainly appreciate the opportunity that we we got to help them along their journey of life I'm really excited to see my dead because I'm hoping he's gonna like the new me I'm obviously feeling a bit anxious to sim and looking forward to the EDM turbulence experiences and it even makes me feel tearful thinking about yo dad hey good to see you get to school that was really cool I learn hates such as well I gotta learn how I will take a lot of things that gonna there to see a lot of people that were less fortunate Melbourne I am very surprised in a short period of time he's gone from I wouldn't say not caring but all albums way now to a different way so it's fantastic I'm looking forward to seeing how things turned out providing I stick to what I've said I'm gonna do you know a lifestyle with no place all the time and you know less drinking no parties during the week and so and I think it'll it'll be the best for me and that's what I'm excited for and good to see ya let's get the serious are there there you go back together again yeah good team [Music] yeah I think I will know if Brittany's changed not when she comes back she knows had a bluffer way around things in other people [Music] [Music] I'm just so good real I wants to have you home yeah it's nice to be human so I yeah and I do want to say sorry fee if you think like thank you for everything that I've done to you thank you but it's gonna - like I realize it's gonna take a while for everything to be all right again but and that was just a start this more to come thank you she's never never said sorry you know even when we've asked for her to say sorry you know nothing about you what she said today was yeah I felt her felt up there [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 2,129,341
Rating: 4.9039583 out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents full episode, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents barbados, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strict parents, world's strictest parents barbados full episode, world's strictest parents india full episode, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, scared straight, world's strictest parents usa, world's strictest parents uk, world's strictest parents new zeland
Id: y3QJTwWibkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 17sec (2537 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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