Culture Shock Hits Teens in Kenyan Family | World's Strictest Parents

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[Music] ha [Music] 18 year old scott is boozing his life away in one long party i get up like two in the afternoon every day and then drink or smoke basically [Music] drugs sex and alcohol that's about it then from now i tend to want to achieve in the night is to not remember it the next day i don't like the way he drinking taking drugs and smoking i just like him to be mature a bit about what he's doing scott's parents divorced when he was five but his mother scrimped and saved to send them to a top private school my mum spent so much money on my education [Music] but i discovered alcohol and drugs and things that i thought they're more important scott refuses to get a job and hasn't got any money but it's never a problem if my mother got money i'll go to my dad if he hasn't got money i'll go to my man if she hasn't got money i've got my great man my granddad there's always someone i can borrow money on very good puns even after years of abuse scott's mom is still determined to save scott from himself i'm not going to giving up on him i'm not giving up i just want twenty quid [Music] i don't want all of that thank you i wouldn't say i had a relationship for such a woman it's more she's someone i ever borrow money or argue with only there to make sure you're all right well i don't need you to make sure i'm right do i i'm your mother like her i love you i don't care 17 year old billy thinks she's living the dream i actually think sometimes that i was brought on this earth to party i've had enough okay so what does that mean swivel on out really i made it you go on my facebook literally most of my pictures are of me about my face partying turning it down loudly i've had enough the main casualty of billy's party lifestyle is her education she's created 13 gcse passes but is failing her a levels and has been suspended from school three times billy why did you not do your coursework you talked about b and you got a d i think that report is a load of crap and they don't know what they're talking about she wants his face talking to you because that's exactly the issue she doesn't do a homework or anything it's just says rubbish she'd rather think about going to arrive or where she's going to get a new spot of wine from and despite holding down two jobs billy's mum never gets any help around the house not washing half i'm not gonna get me washing off i'm not washing up billy has never done any chores she don't know something that she hasn't urged to clean the bathrooms don't know tidy up she doesn't know how to bring the dishes downstairs i'm not washing up today no i'm not my mum's row in this house is to do everything she is in this house to do the cleaning to make the dinner that is her role that's not going to change billy's parents split up when she was two years old billy was raised by her mom and rarely speaks with her father there's things with my dad that makes me feel like why should i bother speaking to him dad should make effort that he doesn't make an effort whatsoever yeah village scientist billy's got a lot of her dad's ways selfish at the moment i could kill her and she could kill me and i don't really know what i've done wrong [Music] to try and get their lives back on track both teens have agreed to spend a week living with new parents on the other side of the world it's really got everything yeah money hot spot yes all right okay love you bye i would like him to go up and have responsibility if he changed and maybe be able to talk like a mother and son listen to me very good girl try your best to try and do what they decide to do try not to be defiant and don't be mood love you bye babe i wanted to learn to appreciate what she's got at home and appreciate how easy she's got it rather than thinking she's so hard done by all the time nice to meet you see you my name's billy i'm scott hello scott where are you from south and i really want to somebody the british teenagers are being sent here 5 000 miles away to mombasa on the kenyan coast [Music] they will be staying with a hard-working christian family with a traditional african approach to parenting you must respect the elders the father must be given that respect the mother must be given that respect total there's no way out let your strength i can be very very strict if i have to especially when disobeyed when there's disobedient then i have to put my foot down dad dixon manages a thousand employees at the city's environmental health department his wife faith stays at home to look after the children my dad is really strict who if you if you break the rules it can be very scary when you were young you used to can us i haven't ever answered my parents back i haven't talked to them rudely and because i've been taught not to and i just can't do it education is the top priority they spend 90 percent of their income and sending their kids to mombasa's most expensive school we have made a lot of sacrifice because we would have had maybe our own private house by now instead of paying rent or staying in such a small place but we decided to put everything aside for these children to have the right education [Music] after a nine hour flight the british teenagers arrive in kenya i'll show you what i've been through the coastal port of mombasa with a population of 700 000 is kenya's second largest city these guys are actually working hard i don't know how they can like perch all these heavy things in this city or it's a shock one in four people survive on less than 60 pence a day and many live in sprawling urban slums this place looks dangerous i haven't seen any white people yet [Music] we are not staying here [Music] hi i'm scott nice to meet him here my name is okay fine so feel at home thank you and let's see how things are going to be but we are happy to have you here thank you thank you for the next eight days billy and scott will live by the same rules as children i'm valerie my name is billy nice to meet you unlike any other visitor they'll be expected to respect their values i think the first thing we have to do as christians is to pray to thank god that you're here safely that's what we do yeah so we are going to have a short prayer okay okay we thank you dear lord for bringing us our guests today we hope that we are going to be with them and they are going to be very nice to us and we are hoping that everything is going to be fine and eventually we shall remain friends forever amen so then we'll just show you to your rooms okay yeah this is the boys room okay joan and you are going to share okay yes the ladies room choose any bed anyone that you like you'll share with valerie just like home okay all right all right so this is our kitchen it's small but this is how we we manage so this is the washroom fewer than half of all kenyans have access to clean running water in their homes so by kenyan standards three-bed apartment is luxurious it's a total slum yeah i don't know why people would want to live here i really like their bathroom and they've got rationed like water i call my family poor and then you come here i couldn't live comfortably here i don't think i told you no i couldn't either no way not by any standards the teens aren't the only ones taken aback the kids are a bit shocking let me say the first sight especially over scott is quite surprising to us because we don't expect it from a teenager in our country the tattoos are just too many and the piercings also not allowed only it's the whole body somebody's putting the tattoo in that i don't know what he's thinking of i'm shocked if they're removable we'll remove them that's my my feelings [Music] julian scott please come in before they are fully welcomed into the household faith and dixon want to make sure the teens know exactly what's expected of them have a seat feel comfortable okay then we go to the family rules these are family rules and they must be obeyed and without obeying then definitely there are consequences which may not be very nice so we wouldn't want to go to reach to that extent okay while you are living with us disobedience will not be tolerated we do not allow smoking anywhere um i'm not sure if i can grow that length without smoking to be honest always say to that will not tolerate the drinking of alcohol alcohol is bad for your body and makes you behave like an imbecile i don't really function without gonna be hard not to have a drink the whole time at some point okay let's continue i really need to smoke and drink right now to be honest okay the next one we do not allow piercings or tattoos um this is permanent or temporary it's permanent and the hair style what about my hair it doesn't go well here with african culture firstly they get an impression that you are wrong secondly they also believe that the people who do piercing here in in mombasa as it is now are homosexuals would you like that this is why we are telling it's very important to listen to us if you break any of these rules you will be punished by being sent to grandmas where you will have to do hard labor because even when john and valerie make mistakes they have to go to grandma you will change if we need like a little time out can we go outside for a bit outside here down here okay but matthew all the other houses are watching so let me hope that you're not asking that because you want to be cheeky outside then you'll have a small spot because this is one community we live like a community here yeah and uh we respect each other and there are some expectations you know from each family one thing i miss and i need to stress yeah these are not coming out that like the the 100 like they're not coming out i don't know scott you young man listen to what we tell you it's for your own benefit it's not for my benefit i'm a very good man and i can change to be the worst man ever yes [Music] it's killing my life already despite dixon's warning billy and scott react to the rules in the only way they know how i ain't going the whole week working go back in pissed think of smoke he seems scary like i can't wait till he starts raising his voice that'll be a funny argument god totally hide my arm my ears i've got cut my hair yeah you can hey billy is okay she may be hiding a few things which we are yet to discover but she's not that badly off she's a nice girl but scott scott is an issue quite shocking and because in our culture i would not expect him to answer back to tell me that he's going to do this he must smoke he must drink so and you know in african culture sometimes people would resort to even canning thoroughly [Music] slot we agreed yeah one second protective of his hard man image scott has decided to remove his earrings while in public be honest this looks worse than having them in that's ridiculous it's like prison but his piercings aren't the only issue the haircut right now is more of a rowdy person so it's not allowed really you know and we would become a spectacle for everyone so we don't want that you probably have to cover the hair with a hat i'm not wearing a hat to be honest i'd rather not go than to wear a hat it's very necessary i'm not arguing with that i'm just not wearing a hat you know the more we argue the more we are wasting time there's only one solution that's going to keep both parties happy is not bad for england but for africa here kenya it's pretty strange we don't want them to mistake you for a bad person this is very nice i'm so proud of you slot i'm so proud of you really very nice it's great so happy thank you guess what she's gone five o'clock and we're up for school no this is a joke kenya has one of the highest literacy rates in africa but education is still considered a privilege i hope it's like a half i reckon it's days be straight scott had an exclusive private education he's confident he can handle anything kenyan school has to throw at him kind of assuming i'll be the smartest kid there i mean fairly certain i was in the tops of like one percent of the the world like nation or whatever i don't know like i think i'm really really smart education is at the heart of priorities and faith wants to make sure the teens know it education is very very important in your lives and in in for your future so please take it seriously and be cooperative because you are representing our family so i don't expect billy to start arguing with teachers you know and scott as well please behave at your best teens are heading for coral high 10 miles north of mombasa the school motto is think success and head teacher rosa kemwa insists 120 pupils achieve it parents choose to bring their children here because we are very very particular about discipline because we believe without disabling there's nothing you can do in life coral high charges just 240 pounds a year but that's as much as an average kenyan's annual income so many parents struggle to afford the fees in this district most of the children are disadvantaged they come from families that live below the poverty line come writing mom how are you fine how are you welcome to coral junior high school thank you yes it's a pleasure to have you here we hope you're going to do everything as far as school rules of this institution those are our 30 commandments rules are you are you pleased about it it's okay with you come on good so tomorrow when you come in i would expect it to be up to here oh i'm i'm not shaving my beard off seriously i'm not getting rid of that that's a good rule my dear i understand but i'm not okay we'll talk about it later with the lessons about to begin principal okemwar wants the new pupils in uniform and in class but the school doesn't have a pair of trousers large enough for scott 36 inches and the leg's 33. that is six yeah we haven't had that size okay we for now for today we we will allow him to be like that is he not wearing anything like that well he's cause he hasn't got his size he hasn't got his size today tomorrow he has to wear it well can i wear mine tomorrow then so i don't see it fair as scott being allowed to wear his shorts today and i've gotta wear a uniform i can wear it tomorrow but if scott's not wearing his today why should i wear mine i don't come here because of squats maybe i can't know i'm not having to wow what is happening here i'm not wearing uniforms to think because i'm not i if i have to take action it's going to be very bad you are embarrassing me here i'm not embarrassing you yeah you were and you are disrespectful you're not you're stunning to me you're listening to me you're not seeing where i'm coming from that's why i am listening but you're not seeing where i'm coming from i think it's out of order oh we're scott i'll wear uniforms as soon as scott where you see uniform oh i don't come here for the same reason look here you are responsible for your own life i think this is taking the piss at the moment to be honest fine then we go back home and we see what will be done at home because this is not going to you need to understand no no i'm not going to understand i refuse because this is not your school this is just school rule uniform just give me five let's go to the office thing well i'll wait here can you get a present i can't get them for you my dear you're younger than me go get your trousers tell the principal that you are ready to wear your trousers now in our society here i wouldn't expect that even if my daughter wanted to complain about something she would not do it in front of the principal it was not nice but at least i'm happy that she finally accepted which means that she actually backed down and she decided to understand we want to hear stories and experiences from breathing so we need to hear from the true friends of us so scott you're welcome before starting lessons the teens must introduce themselves to their fellow students hi everyone i'm scott i'm 18 from england in the uk um yeah i went to a very good school in britain but um i had a really low attendance like i came in like two or three times a week i failed all my grades i drink a lot and i do a lot and um basically i just like to party and i don't like to work what's the worst thing you've ever done i don't know the worst things i've done like steal money from my family do drugs and then smash cars up on the way home and i've been to hospital with for drinking too much things like that i get into a lot of fights at home hello my name's gilly i'm from england as well at home i usually just sit on my computer go out drinking um i've done a lot of drugs from ecstasy to cocaine everything i've been in a lot of trouble with the police for fights um drinking i hit a policeman before and then i got like arrested for it i went home and my mum went mad while scott and billy are feeling pleased with themselves the bragging about their lifestyles has shocked their kenyan classmates all i heard about them was shocking because the parents they feel hurt when they see their children stealing their money taking drugs abusing them and them taking drugs like cocaine it's just like wow are you serious the life in england is not good if you have been given a lot of money you go and drink and do whatever you want and we'll forget about education [Music] kenyan teenagers spend four years studying for a certificate of secondary education but it's all too easy if like scott you think you're one of the world's cleverest people it's easy though so just get on with it and carry on so i shouldn't really complain so mental arithmetic let me start with the mr scott if 10 men can take five days to finish a job how long will 15 men take two and a half days no no the simple answer scott's looking for is three and a third ten men can take five days how long will 15 men take to finish the same job i can't put it into a calculation in my head um okay thank you thank you thank you scott literally like 10 seconds after he went away i remembered how to do things but they weren't really important so i'm not too bothered it's like primary school stuff there's no point it's boring after lunch scott is called into the head teacher's office to discuss his non-regulation facial hair so you're not going to do anything about your va i'm just not getting rid of it have you seen any boy in class with beards no not like mine i don't want to be the same as everyone else even if i gave you a big razor here you cannot do it i'm not changing my mind don't want to change your mind no you are made up yep then i'm not going to have you in class okay just get out never in the history of this good have i had a student who says i cannot shave my beard that kind of a child is a kind of a spoiled child completely because sometimes like this it becomes a bad inference and sure to the other students so the only alternative i'm left with is to have him out of the school compound completely mrs has been called to come and collect scott hello what's happening um i've been kicked out why because i won't shave it's good to sometimes make compromises i i don't think i should do this consider that it is also embarrassing me actually it's embarrassing our family really you know i have made effort to come here i have cut my hair and i have to take my piercings out yeah and i've like this is very embarrassing for me i don't even know how to it's embarrassing it's embarrassing family mr gaza is making calls all the way supposed to be in a meeting right now but he keeps calling me asking what is happening why has he done that you know it's it's uh down completely i'm still not gonna change my mind after school the teens were expecting to go to the beach but faith and dixon want to talk to them about their behavior in school as soon as you're going to the beach can i go and have a cigarette quick because i haven't had one in like ages and i really need to have one like really need to have one and i'll be like two minutes sorry i think yesterday you had us say it very clearly that it's not allowed here one eighth house nobody's going to the beach now now because of that oh she can suck my big the beach trip will be cancelled cancel the beach trip you don't really bother me i will come out here with my towel and i will lay down naked actually just in case it does get to the stage where they do want to take these smoking is not just a breach of the trust billy is only 17 so in kenya she's breaking the law now billy what has happened i had to have a cigarette and no one stopping me from having a cigarette they're taking this whole thing like a joke because yesterday we discussed with you you said you had no cigarettes you were cheating yeah all right all right i might have told a little white lie but like i don't know i'm not going to give you my cigarette right i'm sorry but if you're a miner in our country you don't say what is to be done in the house there are rules that need to be followed you've not been canceling the whole trip's a bit over the top yesterday you treated me that you don't have cigarettes and you have the cigarettes now you can't just answer the trip because i have cancelled that trip and i'm giving you punishment and if you're not taking it i know what to do later next thing yes i'm going to have a more worse punishment than that even put you in cells i don't care about it no i'm not going in any cells i'm afraid you will not want i think that's ridiculous to be honest the law does allow 18 year old scott to smoke but it's normal for kenyan parents to call the police during family disputes getting friends [Music] if he tries to put me in a cell i'm packing my bags i was really shocked because i thought billy was okay she looked like she was adapting but then she came up with a cigarette in there so now it's a whole different story they need to be taught that this in this world you cannot be selfish because you have to think about what you do will affect other people so they uh done something and they're going to pay for it badly do you have anything you want to tell us now are you sorry for the smoking i'm not saying i'm not sorry i'm not apologizing because i don't think i've done anything wrong to be honest you did not smoke no i didn't like so you don't care about our rooms no okay that's the conclusion we're going to make so if you say that you will you will still do what we're asking you not to do while you're here so now because of that we definitely have to do something about that so we can't go to the beach because of the cigarette yes instead we are going elsewhere telling people elsewhere like where we're going to visit grandmom now scott is going to remain here well i go with you just me yeah i don't i need to speak to you privately i don't want to go to grandma's on my own i'm not going on my own no i'm not going there on my own i'm not going i'm going with you i'm not going somewhere i don't know you see again you're using abusive language you see this is a very big problem here a big one children are no strangers to being punished at grandmas valerie has some wise words of experience for billy i don't even think i've seen them like this i in how many years i i don't know i haven't seen them like that before you don't really need to have a flag in a yeah if you're stressed take sweets play something run around you know like have lollipops have be hyper screaming but you should change i can't just well are you are you willing to do it i'm willing to do it and i will go but if it gets too much then what will you do i'll walk off and i might go i don't know to wherever there is there is nowhere to walk off okay there's a road okay but you can't walk upside it's dangerous you don't understand this is kenya grandma's village is 30 miles from mombasa without any modern amenities she's raised nine children here on her own discipline is good because children obey their parents respect the people all the people drinking and smoking you don't tell her okay here we are in mazzera's in kenya the word of elders is law so what grandma says goes she decides that billy's punishment is to perform physical labor and stay in the village overnight tomorrow morning yes i really want to stay here i know you don't understand yesterday you have come here not to because you want to i'm i'm not staying i'm just getting out there just got here and they're telling me i'm staying here no i'm not i'm not staying here i haven't got anything against you it's not i've just got here i haven't got any of my stuff i don't feel comfortable just staying here we are not by the people here no i know i'm not saying you're bad you're not saying that but i'm telling you don't be worried at home billy always gets her own way but despite the tears faith is determined not to back down you see for me it is wrong for me to go back and start asking oh you're so we are sorry why are you crying you know because in our culture when you are instilling something you have to make sure it is instilled you don't go back again on your what [Music] after talking to grandma billy agrees to stay in pound maize the staple food of the village good one almost done you see it's changing she's a good girl [Music] grandma was born in 1920 and still pounds maize every day her humble approach to life has touched billye she's so nice makes me upset she's really nice and she talks about her life and how she's done it all on our own stuff it's hard work like you think [Music] like they have to do that like what every day not a lot really makes me cry but when you say things like this it makes you realise what we've got after four hours solid effort billy has earned fates forgiveness let me tell you that i'm very proud of you i am because you you took that initiative you came and pounded the maze which is a very hard task for you you've never done it in your life so i do understand why you you can feel quite upset it's tiring also but just take it as part of life growing up it's an it's an experience yes yes so don't think that these people don't like me or they hate me no we like you just like valerie the way i love my daughter is the way he loves you now back in the city and scott is about to find out what his punishment will involve lazy people mr scott wake up today you'll follow me to work [Music] as part of his job dixon manages the city's rubbers collection department he's arranged for scott to spend the day on the bins with his operations manager mr sadiq i just wanted to brief uh scott that this is mr sadiq so you and i today are going to be rubbish men since dropping out of college workshop scott has never held down a job dixon thinks it's about time he learnt the value of hard work he's never done anything before just sitting idle drinking boozing he's lazy it's the only thing you put it he's lazy mr sadiq wants scott to join a team of eight men clearing up a busy market square i'm not touching that you'll get used to i don't i'm not getting used to anything i'm not going near there i promise you it stinks can't breathe the whole streets is full of rubbish i'm not going near any of this it's disgusting it's minging i thought south end was a [ __ ] but myself inside hilton compared to this place almost half of all kenyans are out of work and with no welfare state a job can be the difference between life and death he doesn't want to work even if it means to earn a living so we must actually try to take him away from that attitude he must have an actual change appalled by scott's behaviour mr sadiq marches him back to the pound to explain himself to dixon the smell just made me really ill i couldn't touch the rubbish just made me feel sick to be honest unhygienic the way it looks you just want to have an easy life you sleep you get money how do you get money like that stealing no i borrowed from my family and that's nonsense really look at me i'm coming to work i'm not here to wait for my mama to give me money to buy my things this is very simple yeah scott decide for yourself decide for your life this is it what kind of boy is this he's useless i've never been to britain but i'm surprised i'm shocked if this is how they are i'm sorry for britain dixon could have given scott's shift to one of the locals who come to the pound every day desperate for work he wants scott to realize what it would have meant to one of them the situation by now is very bad you know because we all people who don't have job and we have nowhere to look after our families in fact we have to come here only because there is no any other job outside this place but now we have nothing to do so because we can understand that he wants the job so that he could feed the family he could look after the family and hear you refusing the job is that fair scott is that fair really nice nothing it's not fair i feel horrible i've taken his job and now he he's got no money to feed his family or whatever so if they don't eat tonight it's my fault makes you feel like absolute [ __ ] [Music] their punishment's over and the school have agreed to accept the teen's back despite scott's facial hair i'd like you to construct a sentence using wheel and have i will have my dinner eight hours i want a sentence for billy it's a chance to hear about the lives of her classmates my dad is he's a drunkard but the way i see him behaving with my mom i totally don't like it because he gets drunk beats up my mom then i say if getting married is like this better living single and education helps you a lot like here in kenya without education there is nowhere you can go nowhere at all life there at home with your mother how is it me and my mum argue a lot about money and getting drunk and things like that but um yeah we can get on sometimes but there's not a man in the house there's no dad so if there was a man there maybe it'd be a bit more a bit more strict they really appreciate school and school work and sort of getting on with things out here a lot of my mates just have like ambitions to become a footballer's wife it's not the same out here they really like know what they want to be sort of thing and i don't know they want to do it for good sort of reasons i want to improve the modern technology of the airplanes i want to be the first person to make the fastest airplane ever seen in the world i will get a scholarship in a good way in english pupils have been asked to read out speeches they've written about their ambitions in life yes scots tell us what you want to be after 10 years i don't really want to read it that's okay after all his showing off on the first day scott's confidence appears to have deserted him [Music] i don't want my speech why because it's embarrassing for you you'll have to wait all day he shakes as if he's going to faint like something like that bailey is like the the boy and scott is like the girl he was shaking he was sweating he could only look down scott's cocky front is crumbling as he struggles to be honest about his real feelings i answered the question i don't want to read the speech [Music] after school mr decides to give scott a second chance to prove himself at work his own upbringing was in stark contrast to the average british teenager you know we had a really hard life really hard life we are in a family of about nine and uh my father died when you were very young at your age i was not doing everything for myself even getting some casual labor i really worked hard for because my mother could not afford it we are proud of that we're proud of her and i say that because i know you can do it i was spending quite a lot to be honest he has done really well like he's worked solidly for like his whole life even when he was young so yeah he deserves full respect to be honest i just want to prove that i can't actually work without them just looking at me as if i'm some sort of failure [Music] mr siddique put scott to work clearing piles of rubbish off the streets [Music] been working for about 10 minutes knackered i haven't done a full day's work for about a year i haven't done half a day's work for about a year so there's dust everywhere oh mr scott is doing tremendously now today he has proved that he can perform and he's doing it skillfully congratulations for that change of heart always have a change of heart always think that you can do good you can do perfect and that one will give you a drive to do any job on off here after seeing the people here now and working and i i feel like i really should get a job and work and earn my own living instead of sponging off people because um yeah i think i'll get more of an achievement out of that the fact that i can earn my own money rather than having to borrow and take from people [Music] all right why don't we need to pray today who is praying i thought i really had to start let's try oh god thank you for blessing us with this food today it's scott and billy's last day at coral high and principal akimoir has entered them into the school poetry competition my family are very special to me i love and care for my family one day i hope to have my own family and be happy family should have love happiness and respect a family should trust one another and care for one another scots never read a poem out in public before but with his confidence boosted he has an opportunity to show he's matured i find it difficult to talk about emotions in front of people especially when like you're trying to portray like an arrogant sort of blokey image and then you're reading out like emotional poems or just just anything about yourself i find it difficult [Music] [Applause] it's not very good by the way um what my family means to me i don't see much of my family but they still mean the world to me sometimes i think i drive them crazy because i take their money because i'm lazy i spend on alcohol that makes me sick and they all think that i'm a dick then we argue for a while but in the end we always smile there's nothing for me that they wouldn't do and i feel the same way about them too yeah that's great yeah oh it was great i think the two students did perfectly well but the best of the best was scots because there was all that we needed in a point i think people have the wrong idea about me i don't think i got a sympathy as a kid or attention so i crave it in a different way like i make myself feel arrogant and cocky and confident and draw the attention to me i get stupid haircuts and piercings and i like to be the person that the attention is drawn on i like to think i'm something special but maybe i'm not and if i want to be something special i've got to try a lot harder [Music] i'm right thank you back home billy and scott are eager to show off their achievements you've seen what you've done this is very good don't you think yeah yeah we're so proud of you we're really very happy i hope you guys are proud of yourselves too for achieving such um yeah that's such a short time i want to go back to school and sort of like focus on my work try and try and get my a-levels so i can go to university thank you and they gave us like a plant to plant in the ground for like memory we have a tree in africa dedicated to us well you need to plant a mugaza tree in england [Music] if only you would carry one thank you congratulations we'll send you pictures of it as it grows it was very hectic in the beginning but now i feel very very proud because they've achieved so much in just a week and you can see how good they are so now i know i have four kids not only two yes [Music] the time has come for the british teens to leave kenya and return to their families back home [Music] you've seen how my kids are really gonna miss you it's not going to be easy yeah it's been a hard battle and we fought and we won together so please let's keep in touch very very proud of you i just want to see achievements in you thank you very much you're a great family thank you you've learned what you've learned here you've seen what you've seen here please don't let us down bye-bye always going to remember this week in kenya always and although i've argued with mrs lot i've realised that everything she was doing in the week was for my own good and to help me this made me realize like i can do things for myself and that i need to show a bit more respect at home this experience is completely different to what i thought it would be i expected a holiday to just give some random kenyan parents a bit of attitude and then go and enjoy myself but widened my perspective on my entire life i've seen things in myself i don't like and i want to change them so that's something for the future i hopefully come back from kenya with a different attitude to life basically and realizes that you just don't get anywhere if you don't try you know you've got to help yourself you've got to get on with it hopefully going on this trip she would learn something you know we'll see [Music] uh yes please how can we learn to make tea i learned to do a lot in africa here you go mama she's here thank you my daughter it's all right she went out the door as a child you just come back as an adult there's some manners and everything it's great it's really made me realize out there that um i've got to show you some more respect and be nice and try and get on with my schoolwork more and spend like more time on my education and less on just going out partying stuff so yeah i'm definitely going to try i'm really sorry [Music] before scott winaway i was worried about his behavior i hope this experience will change him to be a completely different person hello [Music] i think it's only fair i apologize for being such a nob for the last few years and stopped normal drinking and arguing and moaning and complaining and punching money i am going to stop that now and really just try harder looking for a job and doing well with my life i'm so pleased your attitude changed things gonna look better now for both of us [Music] i feel so proud i always lost him for like two years but now i'm really pleased i have my son [Music] back [Music] you
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 2,461,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strictest parents in the world, strict parents, world's strictest parents barbados full episode, world's strictest parents india full episode, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, scared straight, world's strictest parents usa, world's strictest parents uk, world strict parents full episode, worlds strictest parents, the mugaza family, the kenya family, caning as punishment
Id: v7y2LxNH6pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 53sec (3233 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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