The Florida Family | Full Episodes | World's Strictest Parents UK

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in order to teach they're selfish teenagers to consider other people both families have agreed to send them to live with new parents on the other side of the world when you come back come back with a big smile on your face yeah [Music] I hope you'll come back with just a real insight in sir what he has got a real sort of acceptance I don't want to grow distant from him I want to grow you know I want us to be as close as we possibly can listen I love this hasn't be good my worst fear will be just embarrassing myself really spoils and having temper tantrums and things like that that well wouldn't like it to behave like that are you okay yeah sure name even a lot of smooth yeah I'm nervous no not really a young [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the next ten days the two teenagers new hole will be here Astatula florida obedience is one of the most important things that we are training them to understand we want to raise them in love and discipline and that's our parent philosophy that Lindsay and mom Jeanie preside over for children Lindsay the fourth Austin and Dylan and daughter Elizabeth we feel like it's our responsibility as parents to be in control of the music that they listen to the movies they watch and the friends they have we have trained our children to work from the time they were level and one of the things that I feel is effective is I'll make a list of the chores in the morning I'll make a list for the children and I'll make a list for my wife and it kind of gives them a guideline on what's expected of them for the day and my oldest daughter absolutely loves it she told me dad I'd rather have it on a list it's important to be obedient um with my parents who you uh after an eight-hour flight anastasiya and Eden touched down in Orlando Florida Oh [Music] Orlando is home to the world's largest holiday resort over a million Brits come here every year for a taste of the happiest place on earth I'm not rather be going to Disneyland to be honest of you where they're headed 30 miles away is no theme park [Music] [Music] the Armstrongs live deep in the heart of Florida's Lake County on a secluded 10-acre property now in a minute nowhere where this one feel like I'm in traffic ha [Music] they're coming finally [Music] hello are you doing excuse me mr. Lindsey good how was your trip was it long I want to tell you guys something real quick while we're out here I've seen bears I've seen Cougars there are some poisonous snakes so it's best to stay within the premier of the fence doesn't come meet our kids alright from now on Anastasia and Eden will be living exactly as the Armstrong children do from daily chores to daily worship [Music] yeah this is where we have devotions and we laugh and you talk and play our music left and this is your home for the week if you want to go ahead and get set a little bit and you can go ahead all right yeah so if you need something just let us know and yeah the mom seems nice but I'm pretty scared of the doctor I didn't know how to address him or anything mr. Lindsey mr. Lindsey why do you the anxious now we're worried not what I expected but I'm something quite nice but maybe too nice just have to see I have a good feeling that they're neat kids he feels like my son as soon as I saw him if I could just wanted to hug him but I hugged him a little bit I just you know it just this is hard I feel like we connected Lindsey and Jeanne believe in protecting their children from corrupt outside influences we're gonna go ahead and go over our house rules so before the team's join the family they must sign up to the Armstrongs clean living lifestyle we have spent 20 years building this family and it took certain rules regulations discipline and we have to look at this like you are our kids for the week so I'm gonna love you discipline you and make it work yeah just like our kids okay excellent I know it's gonna be different for you on a paper form role so let me go ahead just drop a little miniature bomb I don't let my children raise their voice at me you can't raise your voice or sass back and it comes out when you say you know I really don't want to do this versus I don't want to do this it's like okay well we have a problem is that is that clear and in our home we only listen to Christian music basically we're just careful that the kids aren't listening to stuff with curse words or cuss words and immoral content so the next one is about clothing and I I've taught my daughter this no low shirts shorts or bikinis unless they're born under your clothes my wife would be like the gauge for you so she made glance at you and then you guys discuss yeah so I'll just have to help you with that we'll kind of talk about that yeah rules of it we're different very extreme they're creative pretty much couture people ever met and I thought my swimmers control you they can tell me what to I bought at the end of the day I'm not the daughter and they can't stop me so what are they gonna take give me a big buck to wear oh wait sometimes when we show more of our bodies than we should there's wrong thought that can can come up in our minds and we just want to prevent that we just want to make everybody in the household as comfortable as possible all week [Applause] while genie heads off to the shops in search of some decent clothes the Armstrong kids have a chance to get to know their new siblings I like them because those cool hear their accent because you know who really I never really heard something like that before so it's really cool it's not just rock and roll that's forbidden TV is also completely banned so the kids have to create their own entertainment genie noticed a breach of the female dress code Anastasia is about to get a taste of the latest fashion from the house of Armstrong [Music] [Music] okay well I do want to talk about the clothes thing if you sit down I don't want anybody to be able to see your underwear or you know I just need it to be modest enough so I want to show you the things that I got for you that looks like the bit what an eight-year-old would wow really yeah I would never wear that and make me feel like a boy or Never why not come on it could look pretty good come on look at this though I don't know I like this dinosaur that's really okay now I know this is plain but picture yourself out working I hate that material I really don't want to Watanuki clothes this is not cleavage at all just showing a little bit it wouldn't be good for my kids to see Oh mom's bending so much on rules but this is not low and I'm not changing it will feel so much better just to yield okay about no Stan I think there's maybe been power struggles at home where she's been used to winning and not definitely I would assume not submitting to parental authority kind of breaks my heart that we were going to be together as a family with her but I really felt like it was important to stick to the simple things I've asked it's important to me notes that I'm done anymore any rules I strongly believe and because I'm not changing myself like the whole purpose of being is to change the way you are it's not to change you it was just like mantle it's Monday morning [Music] you'd be down about five okay [Music] Anastasia's already been up for hours going through her clothes she won't be welcome back into the bosom of the family and since he covers hers and hi it's quite a problem in the Armstrong household children are expected to help out starting with breakfast for brothers and sisters yeah and how old is he it's 13 he's 13 so what do you do you guys like both take turns cooking no so your mom does it yes what about like washing clothes and your mom can actually say Anna would you make lunch or you can actually you you feel comfortable just looking they're telling her no yeah do you really feel good in you can in your heart when you just tell her no like that all right everybody ready this looks very good girls excellent let's do this before it gets cold real times are a chance for the Armstrong family to come together and talk something Aiden's not used to so do you all eat together then is a bit manic our house said everybody's like ditch things and like much at all I'll ignore a rule passed a few ways how is your relationship in one day from a real good up that the movie back on there's already four star monitors like guys like arguing [Music] what is this so much tension you got usually so is that one of the reasons why you came here thinking the be nice to get away from that for a while right I was just asking Anna like your mom actually do something she says and you could just look at her right now I just say no and you're comfortable with that hmm usually when you walk away like any other room and you're quiet do you really feel like yes this is okay that I look at my mother that raised me that loves me it provides for me humor is like that's okay to say no hard work is at the core of the Armstrong family values and Lindsey wants to get the team started as soon as possible in this family helping others is something that is really important and I'm going to take them to a special place where they get a chance to experience an opportunity [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is it kid yeah josh is like the tire so [Music] this charity shop raises almost sixteen thousand pounds a month for one of Orlando's largest children's homes but with only two full-time staff manager Debbie needs all the help she can get we have lots of volunteers here that come to do their service at the thrift store we sort clothes hang clothes you know do a little bit of everything here plus the upkeep of the store but if the kids that come here behave badly I have sent them home on occasion okay good and in charge of you and one of the main things is obedience okay all right see you guys later okay good they will okay Anastasia I think what I'm gonna have you do today is on the outside do you know how to do windows please no no no okay then we'll teach you do you want to just start down here at the very end just put this part in here just start up at the top and I would do just like maybe sections at a time and then just go over it with the other side like this okay what I'm gonna have you do is just take one of these trash cans here on rollers and go around the parking lot if you just kind of sweep it up and throw it in the trash out there for me for someone who takes such pride in their appearance picking up rubbish doesn't appeal [Music] I'm under new beau animals about terms Cheshire's answer to Lindsay Lohan was important to clean windows the windows are streaking on that it's from the water the excess water in that I'm not window cleaner see what I'm saying here just those few smut you could just spray a little bit of Windex on it and just wipe it down with the towel it won't be that hard to do okay okay Oh buck Eden's reached his own conclusions about working at the thrift store this is a complete waste of time you start gonna study on it though again when we sit and get the time in this web not being it's not sweated I'm not being not so good at rubbish Edith are you finished I know it's very hot but I've done the same thing you're doing lots of times it gets better partly you something I know well it's not an easy job to do but we have to do it [Music] anastasiya decides she's donated more than enough of her time for one day I finished the window a little did you do the ones on the side yet no doing anymore I just don't know and I thought all of that well just if you just finish up over there and then that way you'll be inside after that you can do the ones on the inside no I don't want any more windows honey I know you don't want to but that's part of the job it's not a job physics I'm not getting paid for it well I know but you're I hope you're learning something from this experience I'm gonna blunt not one you do I don't want to do any more well I guess if you don't want to do any more windows than you're probably finished do you want me to call mr. Armstrong do you want me to call him and come and get you I don't want to anymore okay that's all right mr. Armstrong this is Debbie at the Edgewood children's ranch listen I have a little problem I was wondering if you might be able to come and pick Anastasia and eaten up yes I think it's just probably best that they just go ahead and leave what happened good enough room thoughts it is too hard I want to be like giving a different task the window problem is whenever you get a job anything in life you're gonna do things you don't want to do so let me ask you something can you finish this text today if she lets us stay not or not what you still do this will do yes this is a tough one she's taken advantage of the fact that she's had two volunteers that know they haven't had a choice in the matter and she's got me on a job that maybe somebody doesn't out when I do lying I don't want us to stand here all day doing windows it's not about the windows it's about you doing with someone asks you to do and you don't want to this is where you have to push through all you have to do say no to that self that says I don't want to but say yes I will do the inside windows that will be the reward this work she has here really really important heard it do you know this what they do here funds kids this is really embarrassing this is huge the Armstrongs believe hard work is good for the soul so Lindsay decides he will become the teenagers new boss with ten acres of land there's plenty to be done in you ready so the teams must fall in with Lindsay's troops this is where it gets tough we've got a lot to do I would really love to take the back this feel and get everything done my goal is to try to finish all this by the end of the day but ultimately that they're gonna feel that good feeling not only seeing it done but what hard work that reward you get would you work hard especially when you're not used to it all this has to be ranked it's got to be ranked like this which is you got to do is just get him in a pile all right thanks for eatin image is everything and he doesn't want that he leaves on his outfit just rake it right on there break it right up on there come on I want to come up with a filthy come on son Lindsay never takes no for an answer and Eden's budget will not be tolerated when you you looked at me and you said either I'm not gonna pick it up or I don't want to pick it up or something you kind of snapped at me a little bit boss gonna pick off the vines who's who feet it was sort of nothing it wasn't snappy and I'm not used to that just don't wanna dude if I had to ask you to pick it up with your hands you just got mad at me or when I glued on it those who had done it if I'd to pick up my hands is it like that at home and your mom just said I need you to pick this up with your hands and just can say no I don't want the odds got smaller even without that's one of the major major issues is that you have to learn to do what you're told whether you feel like it or not let's do it we'll get you started out here lindsay has diffused the tension and Eden reluctantly goes back to work and when you push him too far he's just flat-out not gonna do it he's gonna fenced himself rebellion I wouldn't think of talking to my parents like that it's just too disrespectful you know I would probably not be here if I did that just be like leave [Music] all right let's do this thing at home anastasiya doesn't lift a finger but now she has a new father to answer to this is gonna be painted you know all the way down to the dirt but come down to this line right here let's go all the way down to the end don't have to do that you better get started okay [Music] sitting comfortably on the lawn mower manual labor doesn't seem so arduous [Music] we're gonna lure Mela this is exceed Lillian Anastasia is had enough on abandons her post the fun's got boring so walked off because just don't see the point in having to do something that you don't want to it was going on pretty good but then she decided that she wasn't gonna paint the fence so I'm not sure how we're gonna deal with it but hopefully everything turns out okay I really need you to come down we need to talk we really need to talk this is real important the day's almost over and there are leaves to be raped grass to bemoan and the fence to be painted Lindsey's determined to get things back on track if one of my children say no I'm not to me I have a huge problem that I have to deal with you have to be trained and taught how to respond in life dogs get training animals get trained not children so if I ask you to do the rest of the vent you're gonna say no again I don't want to do it I really don't think this is about the fence it is about the fence I don't want to paint a fence anymore and stop saying that it's not about it because it is it's a fence and I don't want to paint anymore it's annoying me I need you to paint the fence I know you bought it once there well then you're not listening again right well what are you doing you're not even doing anything you go paint the fans I don't want to do it anymore so you're saying no to me again yes I don't want to do it anymore twice in one day I don't want to do it anymore [Music] do you know what's barely annoying me the most so he's not doing anything what's he doing he should have to do straws as well eat it after paint fences he should have to cut grass they even got a list for himself that you only live once so why should you have to do something that somebody else wants you to do it seems to me she's used to override an authority we've been walking in that way for a little while I really didn't know how I'm gonna deal with that I'm not used to with my kids because I feel like the right thing to do is I can't just let her keep saying no and she goes like listen [Music] overnight Lindsay and Jeanie have discussed anastasia's behavior and reached a decision I'm praying for his heart that she know how much we care for her love her really want her to stay I am struggling and I just want to be honest with you what is it was really hard for us to to get used to her swallow is just saying no I'm not going to do it we can't go on with any more resistance no I just won't do that or we have to bend in ways we don't feel like we should so if you don't fit in with the program fully I mean fully if you don't then you have to go literally and I need you to make that decision pretty much now I just I have a habit of just like when I got first tried to do everything is just like words when it comes out and then my gate comes to like half an hour afterwards when I've cooled down it just seems that what I did I grabbed like I should've reacted like that I have to draw a line and you're going to have to make a decision I don't want to come home yet I want to finish out the way okay yeah won't worry about that hey here's the big one I really really really need you to go finish us tonight yes I've just actually been given the choice to go home and see my friends and have much rather stay here pin in offense don't know what's happening to me I'm learning that in life like you do have to do things that you don't want to do and you should just get on with it because then it just it's more peaceful with people rather than it being tense and like awkward it's halfway through the teens stay and Astatula and Lindsay has scheduled an evening family fun how amazing grace how the Armstrongs are pleased to see the regime is starting to pay off earlier on Ann and I we hit some serious holes but I believe if I were to ask Anna tomorrow to go out and paint the fence again she may look at me funny but I do believe she do I believe you did I definitely think Eden's been more closed than Anna a little harder to to see what's going on inside besides it a little better [Music] even rarely sees his own father who we only met for the first time six months ago I believed that it was best that I brought Eden up on my own without his influence because I didn't feel they would be positive so it really got to the point where a lot of his anger was really directed towards me he blamed me for his father not being about and I feel like it really became the right time for a to meet his dad my dad he's like known if it's what six months and me and him are so close I mean my mom was knowing that Java for 16 years and we not know knowing nearest close I feel I suppose I was a bit naive or they you know really hope that he meeting his dad would make a big difference to me but I'm wondering sometimes if it's actually made him worse at this area right here concerned about even being withdrawn Lyndsey decides to join him with his morning chores you get a chance to do any kind of work with your dad like you'd be like your real dad I don't really know you you feel like you know you wanna I know it's a tough subject but do you feel like you know you want to get closer to your dad do stuff with him he's so busy you know I'm gonna want ten siblings so he's got ten kids yeah really yeah he's busy you know I um I haven't had a chance to tell you everything about my past there was a lot of alcohol and my and my father was like gone a lot he was a musician mm-hmm it was like what I really wanted was I just wanted him to do stuff with me you know it was rare for him to like take me out teach me I cut the lawn or teach me I'll throw a baseball or whatever even he wouldn't he wanted like um he didn't wanna make more like feature of a bat this woman he sort foods for my moved away stay it away wow I think I just kind of grew cold to it and just thought well this is kind of how it's gonna be you know yeah I'm right so yeah just camera did you get used to my dad he's really so much better I think my dad might as well be a dick if he is cuz he sort of like raises the game so much higher it makes it makes him look really bad but my that's my dad's iPhone it's nothing I can do about that and Lindsay's their dad you have to remind you should sit back and admire how good he is after his chat with Eden Lindsay has decided the teams are ready for another trip to the outside world okay guys today I'm gonna take you to Edgewood Ranch he's arranged for them to help out at the Edgewood children's lunch a purpose-built village on the outskirts of Orlando where trouble kids are sent as a last chance to get their lives back on track if the children don't come to Edgewood the next step is probably juvenile prison this is the step before the serious problem set in if you talk to our children many of them have been in gangs have involved in gangs and you asked them where they would be now if it weren't for Edgewood many of them said they would be dead hello Gabby my goal today for Anna Eden to meet these kids today I really really want them to feel and sense what these kids have gone through so hopefully it'll make an impact on their life to see how they have not appreciated the things that been given them so I'm really hoping is gonna make a difference Anastasia is shadowing Nicole who's been at the ranch for new respect your parents have had a lovely appearance when they take do something I wasn't she went to every little right now yeah the rugs children are raised by strict foster parents they attend Chapel three times a week and girls and boys are segregated why are you here because I never did what mom told me food I was always out late running with the boys and doing this and doing that but I don't me personally shouldn't be doing but I felt like my mom didn't care about me and I felt like my mom was just always nagging me all the time so we came here for it's her and I was first I was kind of like I don't want to come here because I don't want nobody telling me when I go to bed when I get up when I go to school why not go to school you know but I came anyway because this is what my mom really wanted for me because I don't know I guess I was just getting too much for her to handle do you enjoy it yeah I do I do suffer not being able to talk to the guys but I really enjoy the ranch is strict diet of discipline and hard work is highly successful with 92% of the kids able to go back home and back into school this is cantor now Jana's gonna show you around his cottage and kind of where you kind of stick with him fifteen-year-old Tanner came to the ranch two years ago after being thrown out of school for fighting and truancy I was worried about the rules and wondering what I have to do and what happened if I broke the rules and Safin around like a 39 turnes Bob behavior was triggered by a death in his family when I was growing up in my house my when my mom and dad were together they would always argue a lot and just they would get in fights and stuff and they got divorced when I was really young when I was like three or four and so they had a split custody and my mom had me most of the time and when I was 11 my mom passed away from cancer so my dad got full custody over me basically ever since then I just didn't really try because my mom was the main one that gave me a lot of years before so I just stopped trying in school and it's not like my dad didn't give me support or anything but it's just I didn't really see him a lot so I didn't really pay attention to him then I got sent here and I just it really helps and it's just it's a lot better now like it's just it's a lot easier come on long way yeah well if you can do it and you don't even a lot worse something surely I can do it that's really inspiring to see someone like you guys can do it kind of story sort of was really sort of like it sort of shocked me a lot I didn't weren't expecting it and sorry really so it didn't hit harden that they'd never say sorry to him before he did and like I forgot sharks but the teens visit drawing to an end lindsey is keen to give Eden some advice before he goes home so this is getting close to the end the last time yeah I can speak into your life as your father one of the biggest biggest things that I had to understand that I want to impart to you hmm his forgiveness yeah massive if you could find it in your heart you know to forgive it that you're probably 16 you got a whole life don't stay emails don't stay angry and frustrated for you know you don't want to be my age it's still mad and frustrated everybody yeah when you go back you and your mom might be used to treating each other as her boy mmm it's up to you to be able to respond differently okay this is nice yeah it's all warm they've all become these cycles which I just had with Lindsey it was really reassuring and talking about like two-finger want me I was really helpful he put it so simply and open it up to me that it's not it's about to do should I think your mind to it you can do it [Music] for the first time since he's been away from home even receives news from his mother thank you yeah come on Dara see I'm so proud that we've come so far despite a very rocky start foo in life it's hard not to feel angry frustrated which is the pointed if when you feel life I speak meaning continued to be unfair I love you eat I always have and always will you got my son I wanna know only what's and den love you too I stole it to be happy see you in front my love and more mum it's like hear my mom's voice when how can that I just commit your money if I I'm actually now like to Mesa never for study that suppose it to is so important to let it out you know we want to hold back some time but is really part of the Ewing so everybody wants a sorry now first it's just just love all the Rope you have done [Laughter] [Music] the time has come for the teens to leave Florida and return to their own families [Music] thanks for listening thank you and they really did become part of our family yeah I really believe that they felt like they were our children for a week yeah I know let's just say I feel like this is one of the best things we've ever done and it was one of the hardest decisions to make but it really been wonderful venomous is family so much like the way they live is just like extraordinary like I want to go back and like shine a completely different light on my life and stop being as lazy as Boyle because that's not gonna get you anywhere perfect doctrinally a great family they're very loving family and just being around them mushroom they love them back he love you guys [Music] being has changed my outlook when I get back to England I'm really looking forward to just improve my relationship with my mum I just hope that she comes back with more focus and to achieve her goals and just being more respectful to us as a family [Music] [Music] so we learnt anything since with your experience yeah go on learn if you just get on with what you've been asked to do but it's easier and you don't cook any spend more time complaining a body than actually doing it so don't argue oh my gosh so we got to change girl that's all we got to change down the Stasia yeah thank you do my did wrong I was told not big necessarily cuz I wanted to but because I wanted to show more respect and that's the same thing I'm gonna do with you said I've been home for like five minutes and she seems to like rather than argue about than what she's got to do you know she says she's gonna was not worth he's no point in arguing because that takes too much time you might as well just do it I definitely think she's learnt a hell of a lot from it which is fabulous [Music] I just can't wait to find out what's happened and what's been going on I'm just hoping that um that we can just really move forward me and Eid and just respect each other for who we are [Music] [Music] [Music] you could choose hunted sorry oh it's all in there yeah yeah it's just just just showing a bit of little respect for this yeah I've learned it unless oh I went there to do things College accepted when I left is very tense and like there's arguments and so learnt now to like deal with it and like even move away from it or just do it and get out of the way what's funny one of the way things I have learned you've really come back and thought about things and you've really benefited for me that you have I think because you've benefited from it we will now as a family you know you know a wonderful young man [Music] oh it's brilliant to see me just just straight away I can just feel the difference just from just having an apology was brilliant now I've got a real belief in my heart that we will have a relationship and it's gonna be good so yeah that's that's great [Music]
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 2,364,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents full episode, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents hughes family, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strictest parents in the world, strict parents, world's strictest parents india full episode, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, world's strictest parents jacob, world's strictest parents usa, world's strictest parents uk, world's strictest parents the armstrong
Id: FNsuvxiBMyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 30sec (2970 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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