The Irish Family | Full Episode | World's Strictest Parents Australia

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Emily does what Emily wants and to hell with the consequences don't go near my bag I don't see her as a proper authority figure she's just someone that lives in my house I rolled mother this afternoon actually $20 Obama and others because she's been a fool you send this beautiful little kid off to high school and then one day this horrible little girl comes back give me money that looks like your daughter but she's not she's been possessed by something once I turned 13 it sort of got bad because mum started taking up a job she was away a lot I started being able to do whatever I wanted I can't enforce anything because I'm not here I'll tell you that [ __ ] she tells me I'm a horrible mother she knows I feel bad because I can't always be here for them when moms at work I get my friends over and we play drinking games she had a potty hit one night when I was working if you know what witch got really out of hand and there were like seven police cars called he's in the attend school book I was voted their biggest smartass and also the biggest party animal it's not stop good enough and mom was like are you happy are you proud of yourself and I said yes I am that's really good I was really excited better [Music] sixteen-year-old Harry from Perth may look like a nice kid but his explosive temper is threatening to tear his family probably not gonna call you either on a physical level I'm very desperate because I feel very stressed every day and I come to the point sometimes where I say either you've got a lever I'm gonna leave because we're not this isn't really working out as a family if they make me do something that I don't want to do I'll stand up for myself and I won't take it [Music] Steel's realize these where's breaks the property outputs holes in doors cause fences gates off of their hinges yeah this is where punch2 here I'm very short fuse it's mom that makes me the angriest of anyone at all he scares me sometimes in front up to me what no no no what I never really know who's in control in this house because Harry's constantly trying to be in control why do you always try and dominate me if he needs something he'll do whatever he can to get it and if it means somebody else's possession or money or a credit card then he'll do that at parties if I'd see an odd phone or iPod laying around you know I'd pick it up and you know just pocketed it I guess I paid for that I've had about 18 things he sold his computer to buy six pairs of shoes I did have two laptops but I've sold the first one cuz I wanted to get a better one and I got a better one then I sold that one and I that money's gone he's always wanting more and more instead of caring for people in 24 hours our teenagers will have their whole world turned upside down by fire why because here in the face hairy animal being sent to County Cork in Arlen they'll have to fit in with a traditional family big on all Catholic values restrict for their own safety restrict for their own health reasons were strict because we love them the rules are quite straightforward 10 - 10 commandments my sister's dad John runs a building company while mom Mary is a special needs teacher with a degree in teen psychology they have five kids Briona baby myron berry and evelyn all of our children help to run the household it's very important that they learn from young age that you don't get anything for nothing these are okay there's no artificial colorings the two youngest comments have been doing the weekly shop unsupervised since they were 11 we try to get as much fruit and vegetables as we can but healthy food really we don't need a lot of things to be happy in life to get by it's not necessary to have four shades of the one shoe are five shades of the one t-shirt prince qi can't use bad language in our hosts it's not allowed once i just have a dammit dammit anyway my parents got so angry with me and they said you have to go through and eat your dinner with the dogs because you're speaking like an animal I was mortified but I learned a lesson John and Mary control what their kids download wait night TV is banned and mobile phones must be handed in every night it's a bit intrusive into your real life if you're always and ever under phone the Harry and Emily it's gonna be a crash course in old-school discipline there is no such thing as a bad child you need rules you need guidelines you have to be strict in order to love your children properly [Applause] [Music] when we went through duty-free in the airport Harry bought some Irish cream so we could get into the spirit of things I reckon for this family to try and change me they're gonna have to try free [ __ ] hard so basically good good good luck good luck yep this pair plan on pushing the boundaries every chance they get yeah they're not gonna frisk you no Emily they're not gonna frisk you not unless you break the house rules welcome to our house thank you what is we're going to treat the very very same as our own children and we have rules rules which we've agreed with our own children and they've no problem with us and we don't drink we don't smoke you don't curse or swear use bad language and we're fairly strict about that no boil during the week socially at night because the school in the morning so all those rules I think a grant right now now teenagers see those rules as a challenge and Harry has more alcohol admit it why are you feeling they're very good teenagers yeah but then again John they're our leader in our yeah and they haven't done any and they haven't really experienced family life yet I think it's sort of hard to just I know followed this family's rules when I've been following my own family's rules for 17 years at a high standard being complete by 8 p.m. 5 euro reduction from allowance we're not up to the mark per mum and dad so they would actually take 5 urfu hmm socks 5-year I think is like tennis trillion dollars no no come on try to take 10 bucks every night I hope the Australian teenagers know what they're eating for I think they'll get a bit of a shock at the start but hopefully by the end of the week they let out thanks for the god this rain is nearly stopped so this week the horses will play a big part in Emily and Harry's Bruton one two three since everyone has been 6 years of age she has come out horse riding with me on a regular basis and it allows us to have a one-to-one chat with them you know and you really get to understand your child and know more about them and understand what issues they're they're having sit up straight now Emily put your shoulders back that's all we're gonna actually ride today but you know we're just going around in circles on a little horse whatever dad taught Bob horse made me look like an idiot yeah hey I'd like to see you out there mate okay fine eight years a horse right like literally like you know we don't say to more than someone get online the cursing started becoming issue and what I really find most worrying about it is that it's just so deeply ingrained into her everyday language go was an accident I didn't mean to and I didn't literally mean [ __ ] but I accidentally said it gotta pretend I didn't hear that [Music] day two and Island and one of our OC teens is heading for a showdown with her new strict parents Emily you write did you remove that Pierre those two piercings yeah would you do that so please Emily is wearing some body piercings she'll have to take them out before she goes to school otherwise there will be problems I'm not taking them out Mike yeah but you also said that you'd trade air away for the week so if I was in that position I would just take the mesh so that's what you're as well please I never make my better home I hate making my bed there's no point I'm Lester not gonna wear the black shoes I'm just wear the white ones mr. holder to body principal the principal in this instance Emily what do you do what do you don't like okay please take a long no because I must go to work as well I never said I would take it out it's I didn't say anything I didn't agree to anything Emily for you when I to get on you need to understand a small thing about discipline okay is that what we say goes I need you to slip out the body piercing give it to me but if I just wanna pass through it then it's not an issue I mean if you just knew how hideous it looks [Music] acceptable you're not leaving here with a body piercing it clearly emily is not used to being told what to do and when to do this and these are little issues that she needs to get over that looks horrendous it's disgusting take out the whole app news I'm Emily DS arnott your decisions yeah they are my decision to wear them in my face none of the people from our house will wear things like that going to school it hurts us you who represent our family we're in something like that going to school it's staying in take it out okay and my sister is a beautician okay and if if it needs to be repaired I'll make you a present of us okay a compromise gets Emily I have the lon looks worse with just the hole that's okay no it's does but she's not happy [Music] I'm definitely going to be more of a [ __ ] now because trying to be really nice and that would just a dick to me so I'm just going to do it back my care now just made me realize why I closed [Music] mr. Hearn this is Emily hi I'm Lee how are you welcome Simeon and that means more rules to give full attention and cooperation to each teacher during class to refrain from anything which interrupts the teacher or disrupts the class in any way to refrain from leaving to college premises during school hours without the express permission of the college authorities what's your rule about mobile phones basically we let people have their mobile phones Harry but you put it into your bag you turn it off Emily and Harry asani a contract that says they will obey the rules whether they break that contract remains to be seen gambling mad well I'll clean up [Music] okay so we've to Weisberg [Music] alright alright take those through those times I'm wanting nope so put it put it into your pocket switch it off and put it in check [Music] sort of some questions here Harry if you put your things on please [Music] we should take my phone away if I use it I really wanted to say what I would get away with at this mystical I do that at every school I've been to just ring me tomorrow if he does one thing I would we just give me a ring and I'd be in here for him straight away cough sorry again about that let's go I was really disappointed that he couldn't keep his word for a few hours does he think that he was above everybody else to be kind of condescending and and annoying people around him his peers and his teachers Harry could you come here a minute please firstly you had a mobile phone in school he news you took off your black school shoes and put on a pair of runners in school not allowed and thirdly you were cheeky and insolent to the teachers which is not allowed did you read the code of behavior yeah look up at me now and then yeah what I can't understand is why you would deliberately disrespect the teachers within hours of the code of behavior being read in front you we want your runners and I want your phone okay but above all I want your absolute words and your absolute trust as a young man face to face what another man that we won't have a repeat performance yes Harry will be shoveling a lot of harpoon before he sees bed tonight I don't think it's fair punishment having to clean [ __ ] over horst a walk it's kinda Sagitta Hoss let's go grab my gloves you don't eat them how do you get over walk a bit quicker okay come on with me here after you'd think that'll be enough to take any teenager a lesson there's no such luck that's amore is fine discussed [Music] early morning and odd and sixteen-year-old Emily's already bein up a force squad to go horse riding with Evelyn anybody who's it to pick it up so quick yeah not bad for a teenager who dropped out of school and normally sleep to a lunchtime you really would have to teach other tell you Tigers I can master a horse but I'm yet to master the time I can see what Emily her priorities are changing body piercings I didn't hear about body piercings these have gone down in Emily's priority lists horse riding being involved actively and with the horses has come so much up it's very uib Giants in our school it's gonna be [ __ ] terrible first chance you get your way I will Mary's not prepared to trust a the teenager just yet maybe you're claiming absolutely for smuggling drugs thank you hurry yeah Ezra doing in here what it's just good to let you in to school and not check your bag because I was building up trust in you again don't do anything that could upset anyone [Applause] yeah turns out that promise didn't make much Harry Bailey makes it to morning tea and then he's out the school gates already I don't know what I'm gonna do I don't know what's in this kennel I probably do whatever I really care as long as an ALICE school that's cool [Music] [ __ ] Stu do these look [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh god see I've just received a phone call from the principal to say that Harry language at the school building is my responsibility and I don't know what if I can't find him at all it's just ridiculous really it's ridiculous I am looking for a 15 year old boy blonde hair green new farms and aydin's show the bank hello oh yeah and he win chopped - / - see isn't he very deceitful let's watch her give him her phone lecture when he comes back [Music] I don't really carefully so as I can I don't know you could be smoking or drinking or doing something totally you know you don't know what he's doing [Music] stop Harry where were you where were you I'm sick worried looking for you're driving up and down the streets looking for you around here I don't want to be there cause it was [ __ ] I'm horrified and disgusted richer get into the Jeep and we'd go home and I'd have to give you a good tarkington would your mom be proud of you now this moment if she heard what happened I know she'll probably just feel disappointed you'll have to deal with more than just disappointment with these parents are you green tea room and you stay there no the most devious young fella I ever came across ba-kaw Harry's been ordered to his room for the entire night but if that wasn't enough Mary's just discovered the bottle of wine Emily stashed under the mattress Emily yes Mira what's this about all that trust that Emily built up may have just been undone it's ridiculous you know there's rules in this country about alcohol I want to take it out to the sink and empty it down the sink please I don't want that in my house as a real breach of trust and it's not like I was drinking it like it so it doesn't matter like I haven't been drinking it boy were you hiding it then cuz I didn't want you to do this and pour it down the drain I want you to learn from this weekend and learn that you don't need crutches like this to keep you going love I never said I did oh yeah bothering you actors I have some like sneaky alcoholic that I've been like drinking every night and it's very like that on a stick a stick was stuck in there under the mattress because I didn't want you to pour it out like you're going to now Emily had been building trust with her family but now she might have blown it she's ridiculous this trickery and conceitedness and and lack of respect for us I'm just shocked and I'm disgusted I hadn't drank any of it yet like I bought alcohol into the house but I had it before I came here and like I hadn't drank any of it yet or anything so I hadn't really like betrayed her trust they making like a massive thing out of it and I haven't even done anything wrong yet I just had the bottle of wine doesn't me like I was drinking it say I don't know maybe they just wanna have a shower and just think [Music] Harry's been doing plenty of thinking too after wagging school he spent the afternoon confined to his room we've asked her to stay in his room and we'll talk to him there from today we'll have done all he can have his dinner and his room on his own let him have a bit of time to reflect it is disappointing when you treat somebody like an adult and they keep coming back behaving like a child John isn't the only one ready to see a change in Harry he's mom Julie is written him a letter it's long hi Harry how art thou our dearest Harry how are there our dearest Harry it seems like ages since she left we hope you learn a lot and enjoy your time abroad in Ireland dad and I want for nothing more than for you to be happy to truly achieve what it is you want from life Harry and you want a lot you do have to be able to knuckle down and do the hard work the ball is now in your court and time is running out I realize I was not the greatest of mums maybe I hurt you and maybe if so I'm sorry we have always loved you never stopped loving you ever you know honey when you are angry and throw things and push and shove me it really breaks my heart and I wish you wouldn't ever do it again we do not miss the anger or arguments or aggressive energy between us we are hopeful we'll get on better when you come home safe passage home their son of mine death knob and of course dead pious be good and good will come to you see you soon my house a kid I don't think of myself as a horrible person but I think my aspect of other people I can be really cool I'd like to become a really decent guy a genuinely nice person towards everyone right now I'm I know I'm very far for them but I know I have the potential today I just need to focus on [Music] focused Harry has all night to think about his attitude but John and Mary still have Emily to deal with was it fuller was it empty half or less than half full she said she drank it on the way over here and that she hid it under a mattress because she was afraid that we'd think she was you know bad kid it would have been a frozen adult yeah I mean trying to think as she's telling the truth that she did drink it under way over here and didn't drink it when she was here let's get what a benefit of the dope if you've asked her about it she said that is the case going to be a believer yeah lately about Emily I just feel so kind of protective about her like I just feel like it's the same way that I feel about my own sisters I don't want her to do anything bad for her own sake because it's not gonna benefit her I really do believe her when she tells me that like she wasn't drinking here and I don't know and I just wanted her to make good decisions herself Evelyn you're not the only one who wants that for Emily her real mom does too my baby girl I know a lot of people will be asking themselves what kind of a mother would send their child to the other side of the world to live with people neither of them know all I can say is a desperate one I hope that the family you're staying with get the opportunity to meet the real Emily they will see she is full of life and not full of herself [Music] they will see her beautiful face and no not the one they will see her beautiful face and not one that has been scarred by one piercing after another I know over the years I have failed you I know I failed your many levels I know this because you're always telling me every time you tell me you hate me or that you would be better off without me it hurts it hurts and I'm dying side a little bit more with each and every word I've never pretended to be the best mother I've just tried to do the best I can with what I have and hoped and prayed to God that it would be enough to get you through life safely you have style grace looks and brains it's a great combination and so please stop wasting it remember the world is your oyster and you truly are the gem in sight oh my goodness mother bear oh that's all so horribly yes I love you oh gee she sounds so nice [Music] I never knew she felt this strongly and it's like it's really hard to hear your mom talk like that it takes something like this to make you realize what you like at home and like how wrong that is it's like a massive iOpener you go maybe I could take that attitude back home Emily's already on the path to change all she has to do now is keep it up Saturday and in the common house that means time to get to work everyone has a job to do including our Aussie teenagers Harry really not cool down and happily Morden on today and he did his wood over break and he did it wittingly and didn't stop until the job was finished so that is definitely progress from from Harry's point of view I think that I have been pretty devious I won't be hiring anything [Music] I think actually Harry is quite good at physical work he was very good at cleaning out the hearts tables he seemed to be very good at cutting the grass so physical work is no enemy of his and you won't get any complaints from Emily ADA so far yeah just big boned her job is to help Evelyn with the horses I do kind of think that the way I've been like bonding with the horses and getting better at horse riding everything I've got has sort of been the same as like how I've been with the family give me a hug me and Evelyn like we've learnt to trust each other and like now but it's really close and you know we have a lot of fun and I really value our relationship that's it all right so what do you think it'll be like when you go back back home yeah I don't know I couldn't tell you I think it'll be hard when I get back home because sort of like in a routine here yeah kind of quick you yeah like just waking up early and going to bed early but um yeah it's like bittersweet like I want to see my family but I want to stay here so you'll just have to come back and visit I will I promise to come back and visit or to making ballast [Music] oh you can come visit me that's another pinkie back in Sydney the big change of scene in Emily would be her attitude throughout this week she's become like my fourth sister and that I just only want good things for her in the future and I know that she's wedding and welke and I think I'll really miss her and that and I hope you stay in contact in the future and I hope that she remembers me because I'll always remember her [Music] you okay back there [Music] the seven-day stay with our strict parents is about over and today our aussie teenagers will begin their long trip home I know I'm gonna forget something [Music] I'm really glad with the person I am now and so hopefully I can take that back home with me and sort of be more determined and can do things to that whinging because I tend to whinge a lot so I want to be a Coleman kid but back in Sydney what I've learned from the kids and how they treat their friends yeah this that even the little things that I think I'll take home lately I have me taken advantage of my friends especially over the past year that's why I really like to change I think was great guitar paternity to have them see a different type of lifestyle a different type of parenting I may not have immediate results but maybe down the road they may feel that yes there are other ways of living there are other ways of communicating with people that work [Music] CLP just posted up on top not to make it the full of ice okay no you're not fighting for anymore you're six foot four top of the mornin to ya and you know what whenever you you can't cross and you're kind of angry with mom put on your Irish hat and say look at the lovely person I was when I was in Ireland he hates to look Emily and we love you every has blossomed out of recognition from the young lady that walked in the front door just one short week ago for us as parents it is very rewarding to see that the weekend of such an influence she's just a super girl yeah look after the inside it's just as important are more important than the outside okay okay thanks very you know so worth hiding I heard I feel that herring is quite young for his age and I feel he has the potential to improve and probably in the next 12 months he'll change a lot I think it's just privilege for us to get to know Harry get the onions tomorrow Emily and Harry will go back to their old lives hopefully with a new attitude [Music] after a week of strict parenting and discipline in Ireland sixteen-year-old Harry is back in Perth and almost home to his own family I can't imagine that going to the other side of the world and back again that there isn't some kind of seed of change within a 16 year old there must be something there that will take him forward for the rest of his life as soon as we get back I think I wanted to show them that like my respect for them is higher and might attitude is a lot more it's just better I guess I didn't expect it at first I thought nothing was going to come out of this experience [Music] [Music] family was lovely yeah they were just and they weren't usually angry they were never angry so they never shout out of a sweat or any of that they were just more disappointed which in a way is worse but it doesn't cause any more conflict that gets you to reflect on yes he does I didn't make me fire up and get one green swear and everything think he's also learned what it is to work more of his team member within a family and and that's something that hopefully he can bring into this found his family here only time will tell [Music] I hope she thought about us I hope she thinks about her sisters her little sister hopefully she's thought more about how her actions affect not only her but her sister as well I'm actually really excited to get home like I didn't think I was gonna miss my family as much as I did but I really want things between me and mom to be you know less yelling more talking nice to see you got dressed up for me fantastic they were like the greatest family they were so good oh yeah my piercings they're out can you see yeah a new son won't write better go little that's good I put up a fight but then I decided that I didn't want them because I have changed okay so what kind of things did you learn about how you should treat your mum I know they sort of show me that I don't know that they are your parents and they are there not just your parents they're people too so no like they were really good at making me realize like that it's not even god-given right exactly exactly and that I should appreciate what I do have not wins and fight with you about what I don't have she seems so full of life I haven't seen her so excited over just life for so many years I'm stoked I'm just wondering if I can send the other two so I didn't appreciate we haven't gone and coming back as well but she just she looks happy she sounds like she's had a ball no matter how long this lasts whether it's forever or just for a few hours it's just beautiful to see her like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 4,544,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents full episode, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents hughes family, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strict parents, world's strictest parents india full episode, world's strictest parents usa, world's strictest parents uk, aussie world's strictest parents, aussie teens experience southern values, worlds strictest parents india family, rebellious teenagers, teens smoking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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