Boy is FURIOUS with British Girl for Insulting His Mom | Full Episode | World's Strictest Parents

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[Music] i don't care just give me more no you've got no money you get your own money now yeah that's what's gonna happen be quiet seventeen-year-old college dropout ramsay has one sole obsession ramsey has always set me off about money his aim is money money money and it always starts an argument can i just have money how much you need i don't know just money i'm just going to give you a tenner see what i've got left out as well well no no no no i've got no just give me television and i'll just give it and i just give in like that if i see something i'll buy it even i don't need it i know i'm spoiled but if they said no when i was younger i wouldn't be like this since ramsay's parents divorced five years ago he hardly bothers to visit his mom and her new partner neil he's always invited here say yeah and then he let me down remzy now lives with his dad in a one bed flat hogging the only bedroom and forcing his dad to sleep on the sofa and this is my big ear you know it's my bed here so i've even done that for him you know i've even got him a place ramsay never stops taking but has nothing to give in return what around flour [Music] ramsay now lives to spend his parents money and thinks nothing of wasting it all on clothes and partying i'm getting too late him you know because of like i know he's about to say that about his son but he's got no respect for me why should i carry on doing what i'm doing for him you guys stand up otherwise you're ringing down the couch i don't know when you're on we're strong there you go one more drink ramsay is on the road to nowhere but doesn't even seem to care i'll master plan i don't have one i don't think about the future i just think about what's happening now [Music] dad dad dad i'll get you a drink but i'll get you a small bottle you said you will you can get quite angry if she can't get her own way and she can swear quite a lot when i get angry i get so angry i literally i can feel it all can't oh it's horrible even talking about being angry makes me angry and it's not just at home that briny's anger has caused problems got kicked out of my mainstream school i think it was just the end of year 10. she wasn't getting much of education because she was being put into isolation all the time she got to school disrupt the class next her wild behavior got her kicked out of two separate specialist schools and by this point even anger management couldn't help it's my woman sitting there she's trying to tell me that i'm angry i was like i'm angry don't need to tell me that he was crap when bryony was 11 her parents separated dividing her family straight down the middle alicia stays with me i think brianna went with her mum for about a year but after her mum struggled on her own briny moved back in with her dad now with no school no job and no desire to do anything she relies on dad bill to do everything for her [Music] can you come and clean the piss up please you know the procedure there you go here's what happened no brian do the whole thing please [Music] bryony's future is at a standstill and for bill it's worse than ever i think she's a spot little cow yeah that's my own fault she treats me like a slave she seems to have no respect for me i just feel like from the time i get up in the morning to the time i go to bed it's just a constant battle to try and turn the irresponsible teenagers into mature adults the desperate dads have agreed to send them to live with new parents on the other side of the world do you want some um pocket man yeah how much do you want 20 no have a good time yeah thank you it was a cuddle then so i'm going to miss you wow you see what it would give me a hug i think this trip is really going to sink into him and hopefully with something well good will come out of it be good girl make a good show yourself all right don't let the family down all right i'll try not to try and enjoy yourself a little bit [Applause] hi hi i'm bryony i'm rosie nervous yeah i'm really nervous i've never flown before haven't you really yes i'm gonna be really scared they're heading to argentina's capital buenos aires famed for the tango it's also the second biggest city in south america the teens will be staying in an affluent gated community one hour north of the city with the family dad gonzalo owns his own advertising firm and guadalupe is a full-time mum they have two kids juancho 15 and santiago who's 13. sandy will you clean up the surface of the swimming pool please the first and most important rule in our house is to follow the rules we are not used to hear no from our kids gonzalo has based his parenting style on his own upbringing i grew up in a very strict house my father was from the navy and there were rules that must be done and that was the way that i grew up in the home there is a formula to the hierarchy gonzalo is the captain and i am the first officer but i am in charge doing your homework look at this please but here is an s [Music] a system of parenting works by their kids earning rights if they respect the rules they can go to parties they can come with friends to our house if they don't respect the school rules or our rules they know that the the answer is no [Music] after traveling almost seven thousand miles briny and ramsey touched down in a wintry buenos aires argentina oh my god magically live there look at that look at them houses i better be rich otherwise i can't i can't sit in a mother they look like they're going to fall over any second now i didn't expect this the security guards at the gated community have two jobs to stop undesirables getting in and unaccompanied children getting out no entitles i feel safer that we went through the game yes because it was a little mud hustle yeah like seeing both seem a bit better houses now don't know oh my god they're standing there do you just get out and get should we get suitcases he looks really weird oh don't look at him he's fat oh my god how scary oh my god oh my god oh my god look at him hey how are you hi hello hi how are you hello good morning welcome you are welcome to our house welcome to our family his youngest son 13 year old santiago is ill in bed but his older brother juancho is ready and waiting this is your brother to the left it's going to be ladies room and this will be your room okay it's okay you've got plenty of toys you can play a lot i hope you'll be comfortable and enjoy your you're staying with bustamantes oh they're too nice hello welcome home oh no i'm your new dad oh hello not my new home i'm here for seven days it's a little bit strange to me i have a girl because i have two boys so i am worried about this because i treat my voice like if i was a father too so we have to learn about each other in anticipation of a smoking ban the teens hide their stash of cigarettes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] gonzalo had a strict military upbringing so establishing a code of conduct for his guests to follow is paramount the first rule is respect the rules of our family any one of you smokes well you can smoke if you want but outside okay as we tell our kids school is your job you're going to go to school i don't know how long do we have to go there for is it like six hours uh no i think this it's in argentina the bilingual schools uh from eight to four i think you must have good manners at the dinner table no elbows or tables don't do this when when we are eating you're not always trying to hardest when you are representing our family if people see you mishave they will think badly of my name of bustamante if you agree with them i ask you to sign them if you don't you have to sign it anyway because we don't discuss with our kids because we are the parents you are the kids and this is not a democracy we we we are in charge one particular rule seems to have troubled the teens school eight nine ten he then twelve four one two three four nine hours i don't wanna go to school i've already guy i'm scared now she seems like i like [ __ ] they don't like the rules they especially once or twice but they don't have a choice because they will live here and this is that's the way that we live [Music] before lunch briny and ramsay question elder's son juancho to see if he is friend or foe have you ever been drunk i don't really like alcohol but there's a lot of parties and stuff like that yeah i of course i go to that parties i have a lot of fun but without alcohol it's the same but i think you should take us to a party what is it see what's inside of the toilet paper the mushroom we are now five years old not laughing how am i laughing give me why are you telling me i'm laughing i thought i told you that we don't allowed to smoke inside and this is in the kids bathroom why probably because i didn't know what you were going to say no listen to me i'm talking basically they put me in their house i'm talking no no i'm talking listen to me young lady who do you think you are listen to me this is my house and you are not going to yell to me you don't supposed to put this inside my boy's toilet what i'm saying this was inside the toilet paper assembly was throwing out in the inside and i i just did this did you put this inside in the bathroom we came into your house we hid a few because we thought you'd get them taken away so we was gonna give you the pack with some hidden obviously because they no because we trust you we don't have to discuss in this matter we were clear we deserve some respect inside our house and it's for your healthy i'm sorry i'm sorry do you okay i won't do is sleep in the moon meal times for the family are a social event and an important part of the daily routine okay please please this is okay enjoy our first meal how is it taste good okay tell us something about you where do you live in london london basically who would you live with in in london i live your dad and and you my dad my dad i'm going to just go try it again yeah but bryony's already forgotten one of the meal time both side tables but i'm not eating anymore yes but we are at the at the table do you remember that we tried to have a correct position you know this is not the way that i want to spend this week it's a baptism of fire i prefer to speak things and try to understand each other okay goodbye not goodbye we just said hello two hours ago we used to keep together at lunch it's the family moment and i want to know about you no i just don't want to be told what to do and stuff i just don't okay i wait you 10 minutes okay thank you more than 10 minutes i think that's not the attitude because it's like come on let's make this week the best experience for all of us and it's easy if you respect the rules they're not difficult rules oh this is absolutely stop shouting at me you're shouting at me i just don't want to wear them but they're pissing me off but the dad's the best he's lovely after a few days of her talking to him the woman does don't shop yeah she's just going on she's like oh yes i'm like a diary bear i don't know our first day it was hard i i never expect that that the things go so fast yeah that's so so bad it's a big challenge because we are not used to but it's going to be easy but not impossible nothing is impossible [Music] it's ramsey and briony's first full day in argentina remember that you're going to school today gonzalo wants to make sure the teens know exactly what's expected of them remember we were talking yesterday about my name and you are trying to make me proud okay we talked later when i came back and you told me your experience yeah i hope you'll be positive but for image obsessed ramsey it's the school uniform that's troubling him more than anything else we've got a fin look at it do they actually wear this like really like actually wear this [Applause] thing about individuality is about looking like dick basically with a green freaking woolly feeling interactive bombs [Music] the teens will be attending sam patricio's college one of buenos aires many bilingual schools san patricio is a fee paying school and a strong work ethic is expected of all its pupils kids who come to my school work really hard we praise responsibility we praise loyalty and we try and trust our students and pupils at the school understand that any bad behavior will not be tolerated do we have kids who misbehave here very often in my office no no we don't guadalupe has brought the kids in early today so they can meet head teacher marissa well people at this good we behave and we live like a family we try not to break rules we try to respect each other and especially we trust each other yeah so i beg you to behave and also to let other people behave yes but i think that we will get along well yeah today the teens will be joining an english language class for final year students before we start i would like you guys to come please here to the front and tell the rest of the class why you're here and what your aims are by this experience okay you can do it from there if you don't want to stand up um i'm ramsey we're here because we miss bathe at home and they want to try and change us sober bill and what about you just saying with him guys would you like to ask them anything i don't know what they do back there if you have any hobbies sports what do you enjoy doing just with my wife just just yeah parties and stuff do you smoke or drink yeah on average how much do you spend every time one night out which is now all of that it depends if you go by the time it's like 60 quid 20 30. introduction's over it's time to get down to some work we're going to read a story about a person okay who got this i'm not reading that i'll read them lance being a seemingly healthy young man ignored the warning signs by the time the cancer was diagnosed it has spread to his mind abdomen and brain his chances of survival the reading task set by the teacher requires concentration from the whole class you don't want to read and you don't want to work it's okay in this name yeah but i'm it's not enough you know you're being disrespectful with that attitude we're going to have to ask you to leave that fast if you're going to keep on doing that walk so i'm just sitting there because you're being disrespectful i'm looking at you but i'm looking at you i don't want you to look at me i want you to grab a piece of paper and hate the rest of the people when you start reading please ron you need to stop saying those things because they're not allowed in class you don't hear the rest of the people don't listen to this i'm going to have to ask you to take her out because she's shouting she's swearing oh she's happy to come with me i got this big [ __ ] here please not me big cute i didn't touch you so i'm sorry sorry please could you please stop there could you please stop there let's go let's go back to class because i think you might find something interesting from what is being said there so follow me [Music] [Music] you can't smoke in here you're not going to go out yes so keep the cigarette back up [Applause] sit down i'm not sitting down sit down no yeah do you want to punch no do you want to hide i don't need to be a ready marissa decides to call guadalupe for the other classmates it's been a real eye-opener she has no limits you cannot shout at a teacher or you cannot push a teacher she brought this on didn't she she shouldn't have blocked the door while i wanted to go calm down she just flips for no reason it's weird like she's sitting there and be quiet and then she like started pushing the teacher in that and then she's like oh no she's moves are up and down all the time unsure of what's taken place guadalupe is summoned to the school first she just put her head on the table and she started swearing in class and then she came into the classroom asked you for a cigarette you gave her one i told you you were not allowed to smoke here at school so that's why i think they should be staying for the rest of the day with us okay i'm sorry thank you very much marisa i appreciate the effort with the teens suspended for disrupting the class and smoking on school grounds guadalupe takes them home to decide how to tackle the situation no why at the end of the day we must talk about what happens today at school why you become mad so fast i tried to understand why why please go away outside why yes you can go but not home why you can go don't force me to do this don't force me to punch on face what did you say so don't force me to punch on the face don't dare don't you dare do don't you dare look at my face no i know i don't don't i don't touch you but you have to stay here alone because is that what's wrong what's wrong i thought your kids don't get angry like this no this is like it this is not yours yeah and then he's hungry too because you are telling me what's wrong no tricked my mom peppa you have to respect her okay yeah how's god if she says if she says you can't go outside you can't go outside and point it's my mom and i'm not going to let you to speak like that i know it's your mom i said don't write yours don't raise your voice to her she started raising her boys and saying bad words so i got really mad it's okay i love you but this is not the way [Music] i'm proud of you gonzalo's home and he's keen to find out how briny and ramsay did at school today is everything okay well well not everything okay because there was a little bit a little incident at school given the lowdown from guadalupe gonzalo decides to try a different approach if you do crazy things they're going to be crazy results yeah no sorry no no no not sorry you never tell me sorry me you have to say sorry of you okay you lose the opportunity to get in touch with a different culture with the different kids you know the one that the only one that lose is you when you behave this way gonzalo's soothing words seem to have struck a chord with brownie i love cornstarch he's really nice i get along with him loads he's a good dad he's just a mum really she's so nice she doesn't shut up she doesn't let you talk she doesn't understand like and she's just like oh no no shut up get in your room shut up suspended from school ramsay and briony are at home but gonzalo's not planning on letting him take it easy [Music] he's arranged for their neighbor anna to take the teens to do some charity work today born and raised in buenos aires anna has witnessed the rise of the city's slum population and been doing what she can to help for the last eight years here in our gated community we live in a privileged way but there are some people that lives outside that are not so lucky and anna it's the one that has the biggest heart in talardella and try to go to give them a big hand in argentina it's a common sight to see affluent gator communities sat side by side with slums so anna is taking the teens to a slum just 10 minutes drive from the bustamante's doorstep it's like they've just randomly pulled friends of random houses and built a house never been to places like this before in my life scared [Music] as many as 500 000 of a population of three million people live in communities like this in central buenos aires alone the charity where anna volunteers is a small school in the heart of the slums [Applause] where we've been in a house like so luxurious but like here this is like the real argentina just dogs everywhere and i feel like i'm the third world country yes not very nice but it's upsetting as well because all the little kids and stuff but they seem happy the job anna has in mind for brownie and ramsay is to begin the much needed redecorating of one of the classrooms is it going in yeah bits on the side sorry that's fine and be generous with the paint because we've got to cover all this with one coat with the teens out of the house guadalupe phones brownie's dad bill to try and find out more about the explosive behavior she showed at school hello hi i'm guadalupe from argentina good evening to you brown is a nice girl but she has a little bit of issues that i i would like to talk to you about she has got some serious anger problems kind of messed up like schooling she was excluded from school then she was diagnosed at a very late stage with adhd oh but also she's got a very low concentration time you know she loses concentration very quickly adhd or attention deficit hyperactive disorder affects levels of focus and concentration predominantly in children the problem wasn't identified with brownie until after she'd been expelled from school [Music] she was just a naughty little girl in a junior school then she went up to secondary school and then the problem started because she had to do some serious work but obviously the adhd wasn't recognized and the school basically couldn't cope with her behavior there are ways to deal with adhd both medical and psychological but it's bryony's emotional response when she can't cope that causes her fits of rage it's even gone beyond her schooling and is now affecting all areas of her life these are my old trophies from irish dance and i used to do us dancing but obviously i quit that's my drama certificate and this is ages guy this is for my musical theater that was when i had hobbies though it's bryony again she she loses his interest you know very quickly i just give up i give up a lot which is quite stupid [Music] the phone call with bryony's dad has been a revelation to guadalupe i learned a lot of things of brain and that i didn't know and then i have to know and i have to think about all the things he told me back at the slum briony's lost concentration has stopped working leaving ramsey to paint on his own you want to sit here and do nothing just go outside please it was hard you just got outside shut up no you shut up i'm not being funny we're anna is shocked to see how the british teens act in front of her honestly if it came from one of my grandchildren or something yes i'd be pretty surprised but when she's angry and she's using bad language i don't think she realizes how ugly it all looks and it was a shame it happened anna takes bryony aside you always get angry that quickly yes you know you'll find out inside it's not worth it when you get angry there's only one other thing you can do get pleased with him you know you should never get angry because you're so pretty so pretty when you smile when all your teeth fall out and you can't smile then you can get angry you can do it i think you can do it you're terrific [Music] today has been a chance for ramsey and bryony to see a different side of argentina when we went out the gate with the community we thought that was really bad but this is worse but it's like friendly i thought it would have been like get shots out like it's really friendly for some reason so yeah [Music] even after a difficult start anna is keen for the teens to return and finish the job we've already told them we're coming back on thursday we've already told them we're going to paint flowers on the wall if you promise you've got to do it we've got one more white wall to do we're going to go back to the house draw some stencils and then on thursday we're coming back to like just like decorate it clean it up and stuff like that i'm quite looking forward to seeing their faces in that i don't want to leave him we can't wait till we come back on thursday now [Music] as night falls over buenos aires marissa as san patricio's college has called there's been a meeting to discuss briny and ramsey's behavior and the result is outright expulsion the principal of the school called us and said that you are not allowed to to get into school again i asked you please to take care about my name you didn't do any effort about that what do you think about them excuse me what we thought yeah i'm sorry yeah you're going to be sorry if i get more angry oh yeah cool i promise you what yeah look at your plan you're in my house and you have to respect my rules is that clear yes it is think about it because the next time it's not not going to be talking you know wow thursday i think you're not going again to the activity you have to earn it but we're not studying early we're helping people we're like listening so you if you want to go back i do show some you know effort okay thank you it's the first time the teens have had to deal with the consequences of their bad behavior but they've been taking all the experience away what's the point of saying that we can't go back there but when we're in front of you like we've done half the work it's been available just to leave them with like half a room painting it i think they are going to to improve and the the only thing that i want is to make them think brownie and ramsay know they need to change if they want to see anna or the nursery school again that one's got leaf on fine i could do that one ramsay breaks the deadlock and starts helping guadalupe with some jobs around the house the first is to clear up after the bustamante's two dogs you need to stop feeding them don't feed them then they won't poo see and there are no temper tantrums when guadalupe asked briony to help take the dogs for a walk when my dog sees big dogs like this she goes her tail tucks in and she goes really shy in the hope of returning to the slum tomorrow briny and ramsey work on designs for a mural how old are toddlers i am very pleased that they are doing this i i know they have strong feelings about the kids so it's really good that if this kind of things become from inside them they didn't need me to ask them for when it the oh yes um yeah just do that then with both teens showing signs of improvement even bryony is letting her guard down with the family that's quite good actually that's good not only do cuancho and bryony both play the drums but juan show has also suffered from anger problems well the drums really helped like with no problem inside i guess like anger or something like that like the relationship with my parents improved with my friends too it was something that i had inside which this helped me to release i'm looking forward to playing the drums when i get back i'm gonna ask my dad if i can have them mine now and then i'll be able to play them every day yeah i think i think it might be more calm and stuff you shouldn't cube with it it's really helpful yeah [Music] me and cuancho i've got quite a lot of stuff in common we both have problems with anger and um we get our anger out by drums and like he was saying that it's helped him now i sort of i've played since i've been here it feels like i definitely want to because i was like thinking of just like getting rid of my drum kit and just selling it and then spend it on myself but john's is just like like a really cool hobby i like and i enjoy it and it makes me happy to see because i can hear myself [Music] ramsay is helping guadalupe prepare the dinner back home he hasn't eaten a meal with his dad in over a year i only did for my dad so we don't really do this at home right the only time like we all sit down for meals when we go around one night you live with your dad not with your mom because your mom lives in another place yeah that's the first question when when i did live from my mom i used to spending time with guadalupe has made ramsay reflect on his relationship with his own mother i really didn't want to talk to her because i thought she was really selfish expecting me and my sister just to up and leave our whole lives just so she can move my boyfriend that really pissed me off i've just been really stubborn like i didn't want neil with my life that much maybe if i moved in with him that would have been it would have had like power over me i didn't want that both briony and ramsay hope to return to the charity tomorrow but the decision lies with gonzalo and tell me how was the day today relaxing you're right relaxing but they both make big efforts because i wanted to hear that and what will be the best thing that we love to do tomorrow to go back just to finish it off just like we know that we've done it like if i went home now knowing that i've only done it just painted it and haven't even finished the whole room just like really annoying me i think that you earn really earn the the right to to went back and and make happy congratulations [Music] before the teens head back to the charity this morning a letter has arrived for ramsay from his mom and our partner neil perhaps you want to read along read along take a few minutes and afterwards if you want to call me okay okay hello ramsay when you come home neil and i would like to have a chat with you maybe get everything out in the open neil was saying how good this is for you and he also said you will go far in life which i know you will i love you sana and i do hope the family see the way we do fun loving and caring because that's what you are it's just i think we have all got a bit lost on the way i want you to come around and be a part of this life and so does neil i'm so proud of you for all what you have done and i love you more than anything it's a nice letter it was the kind of thing that you expected to read no i just expected to be more angry in her going on about the past instead of the future basically saying forget about what's happened and we can move on perhaps this week it's the time enough for you and and for your family to to try to change little things that are going to be making big changes in the future my dad's relationship can be better one of my mom's relationship could be better and minor must yeah basically but hopefully when i get home it'll change i hope so it will change i know you will you're a good man i know that ramsay has a lot of potential i i see his changes here from you know the beginning of the week till now and he's he's amazing he wants to make [Music] changes [Music] bryony and ramsay arrive at the slum keen to finish what they started [Music] yeah it's not gonna be we can just do it yeah we can paint it on better anyway whilst briony marks out the mural the teens designed yesterday remzy finishes whitewashing the last wall at first of all it was the family was being horrible telling us that we can't come back to help him but he's like actually us because we had to behave right help him clumsy sounds weird but if we if we was bad we would have been selfish and we're not being able to help him so i'm happy we did it with the kindergarten class relocated outside for the morning bryony and ramsey work double quick time and to finish it off in style the teens have an idea you ready for more with the transformation complete it's time to reveal the results they all want to thank you very very much for having done the painting and the drawings and they're very very grateful thank you i'm not used to like people being happy like it's like i've done you're like being thankful sorry it makes me want to smile it's tremendous and all i hope is that they carry on and they remember and that this really helps them um change things and see that what they probably what they have at home is pretty good i don't think you get like a buzz of this without getting money and stuff like that it's like crazy to think like little kids like that actually don't know the amount of money i spend in clothes bodies build like three of them it makes me feel really bad like maybe if i go out and pay like here trainers for like one month they could like get more food for like one month and i feel like big spending all that money briony's time here has also made her think differently about her behavior back home if someone says something i don't like at all like i don't agree with i do get angry and like when i'm angry then i get upset and it all happens and then i feel sorry like what i say to them after i just just need to calm down a bit really it was four years ago that briny moved out of her mother's house to live with her dad today a letter has arrived and it's from bryony's mom it seems like three months not having any contact with you has been so difficult finally you have so many qualities my wish is that you look at your inner self and make the changes you know will make a difference and now you can prove to yourself and others what you are capable of miss you so much i love you mom are you happy yeah she does tell me stuff like this before like quite a lot but it's never really got to be like this i've never really wanted to make changes and stuff but i really do your mom is so proud i know because i'm proud to thanks for giving me the letter now and i'm just gonna just have some time by myself okay okay let's kiss special barbecue it's bryony and ramsay's last night in argentina and gonzalo's laid on a traditional argentinian barbecue for the whole family thank you for everything you've been the most amazing parents ever and um this isn't going to be the end no no i hope so and to meet again and keep in contact [Music] for the british teens their week in argentina is at an end this experience has helped me realise like it's not all about me because i did all i did was care about myself and i sort of took things for granted but like i'm sort of trying to take things in a different way and i if i disagree i just keep my mouth shut otherwise there'll be a big argument so i'm just gonna try and be more polite and help around the house it has actually been a life-changing experience like that i used to just be horrible to everyone now like i've learned to put myself in other people's shoes like how it would feel if someone done that to me it's not math you should treat someone how you want to be treated i think you need to go home and think about stuff now thank you so much come on you're with me my girl you know thank you for everything you make a big effort that's right yeah no you make an excellent difference that's right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you very quiet without bryony around the house but i must admit i can't believe how much i have really actually missed her even though she can be a real pain sometimes hello [Music] it's just been such a cool experience and stuff but yeah i want things to change good i hope so are you going to help me around the house a bit more plus we can do more things together i just wanted to be a bit more family right where we talk more i can't wait yeah i can see a bit of a difference in her even after a week she's come back a little bit more calmer and chilled out i can't change everything but i'm going to change all the stuff i need to change i've shown myself that i can do it so what's the point in being an idiot and not carrying it on so yeah of course i'm gonna do it [Music] i'm hoping that he's not changed as a whole person they don't just get the niggly things out of him like the cheekiness and respect me a bit more and respect his money a bit more and just to take more responsibilities hello son how's it going it's a cuddle oh i am really really sorry for taking so much money and stuff i feel really bad about taking all my anger out on you when it weren't your fault and just basically pushing you away i'm just in i'm just in shock mate i really just i really i'm and i'm gonna help you son i'm gonna help you a lot here's another hug tonight [Music] you
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 3,445,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents full episode, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents hughes family, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, world's strictest parents barbados full episode, world's strictest parents india full episode, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, world's strictest parents usa, the bustamunte family, world's strictest parents buenos aires, buenos aires argentina
Id: UQdyJL_gj04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 33sec (3213 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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