The Lebanon Family - Full Episode | World's Strictest Parents

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[Music] [Music] seventeen-year-old Debbie departing their life away I sound really bad like underage drinking all the boyfriends going out every weekend she's completely dropped out of college and spends her days sleeping and obsessing over her appearance I've got a certain order that I've got to use the minister I'm a bit OCD with that actually just didn't see the problem with a few people's upstairs having a ding Debbie stepfather Dave has been a part of her life since she was 4 years old princess to be honest they came I remember it was always him that I went to but in recent years the relationship is completely broken down she just will not accept the responsibility I hate being told what to do oh it really great sometimes like I don't mind being asked to do something but as soon as someone says you will do this the first thing I see is no one the guidance that we were given there is fallen on deaf ears and at the minute I'm at a loss as to exactly where to move forward from here and what have you done afternoon what after you doing cuz you what done schoolwork you wonder what I've asked you to do I know what you've done you've laid on surfer you've watched TV all afternoon over in Leeds seventeen year old Daniel is driving his parents to distraction Daniel is selfish stubborn lazy dirty a bit full but every day at their window public some kind of argument for long over that other word with him really my lifestyle is self-indulgent and decadent like doing anything without regard for others as long as I get personal fulfilment and from it Daniel does nothing to help around the house spending all his time on his rock band the psycho strangers can't bear to speak to another teacher again weird of teachers ringing us every week the same teacher we miss apparently still not them that work we argue about my school work but just don't go so it's just been sort of never-ending for the last two three four years and this is a child that supposedly wants to go to university Daniel was a promising student but he's been asked to leave two out of his for a level courses so much cleverer than I am it just it's just such a waste and it's not that he needs to make a massive effort which needs to make a little effort and he'd go a long way they think this is a rock star the absolutely thinks is a rock star and that's it you know yes it's good that he's got music in his life but he's got to learn about other things in life as well he's got to learn no that he's got to do well at school and that he may not become a famous rock star [Music] to try and get their lives back on track both families have agreed to send their wayward children to live with new parents on the other side of the world [Music] let me crown any change would be brilliant for Danielle any change in respect of his attitude be less selfish and be less narrow minded and have a bit more understanding of other people's needs everything as well if I can give you that the truth yourself I hope they are strict and enforce the rules and because then she might realize just how easy she's got it here for the next 10 days the teens new home will be Beirut capital city of Lebanon it's the most culturally diverse City and the Middle East here they'll be staying with Sunni Muslim family who believe that rigid boundaries are essential and raising round the children dad Abdul Salam was a policeman while mum Aman is a nurse they are the proud parents of 17 year old Mahmud and 16 year old Jin are studying is very important they got no grades in school they will be punished Iman strictly controls all outside influences on her children's lives I always go through their email and even you know we have Facebook I always make like surprising them what you're gonna do what you're gonna what I'm doing oh nice who's that girl who's this boy I was asked they tell me the truth they have got nothing to hide being rude to your parents is actually not good at all because they raised you dry the dishes and as a progressive Muslim family that are keen to expose the Western teens to the cultural values Americans and the Britain and all the other word think we're we're terrorists we think we are bad people but it's not like that we are up in minded we go out we but we have some rules we don't drink we don't do bad things this is some orders we have to obey them and we if we don't we we get punished the teenagers the British teenagers they will learn a lot from the Dennis family after a 2,000 mile journey Daniel and Debbie arrived in Beirut it was once a popular tourist destination known as the Paris of the Middle East [Music] both got pump abiding cars they're all dick you lessly crazy drugs this is a city ravaged by years of conflict it still bears the scars of a 15-year Civil War and was bombed by Israel in 2006 [Music] maybe I'm tapping yeah I mean my son how are you Danny I'm Emma huzzah it seems that you smoke Daniel yeah smoking is not allowed in our house okay welcome to our house from now on Debbie and Daniel will live according to the same rules as the Hajj our children if my husband doesn't speak too much out of it English is only Arabic but a little bit of English he's just gonna tell you that smoking is that a lot in our house for our health yea orsa for mom's house yeah he was born with the health problems yeah so smoking will bother him a lot inside the house no smoking okay that's really okay you don't smoke Debbie we'll share a room with jinan thank you bigger than mine seriously well Daniel will take my moods room the family all seemed really nice like it seems like even controls the controls our family and the dad seems a bit more laid-back they seem quite kind and sweet maybe it's baby after they heard the rules maybe they will change but the beginning was is it good before the teens are fully welcomed into the family Aman wants to make their expectations absolutely clear whilst you are living with us okay we expect you to behave as though you are a member of our family the house your family this includes following all of our house regulation there will be no drinking of alcohol no smoking within or outside of these walls you must des modestly and respectfully and boys or men are never ever allowed to be standing up the because we go and wash in the bathroom so we have to make sure that there is no pee in the bathroom I could be careful you come sure you must eat whatever is available at home without any complaints especially during escalations or times of home nobody knows when Israel will come and bombard us any visit to friends are only allowed once mom has met and vetted the friend's mom to make sure the family are suitable do you not trust your children I did trust them I do trust them they trust that what I am doing me and then their father is further our benefits that is I hope that you'll enjoy staying at our house he wanted to obey the rules and help us today so that will be always happy like some of them are just a pile of to be honest it says he must dress modestly and respectfully like I'm wearing hot pants I bought them just for you I'm not gonna I'm glad I get to sit down and pay that and I'm not just gonna get married just off sex that's ridiculous I've seen that they are looking at ya at the beginning they're gonna suffer with me yes well because from their reaction it seems that they are not gonna didn't like most of the rules but this is my house these are my rules they have to obey it [Music] the Hejaz disapprove of drinking alcohol as their Muslim faith bands all intoxicants Debbie though has smuggled some vodka from home it's alright so are you okay it's a toe for life but yeah like I always have a few jokes oh like one holiday if she finds out she's gonna go mad isn't she and if you want you can you can give it to her she'll know she's gonna give it back to you when you're when you're going back I'll just drink it before I mean Daniel I gonna go out if there be tries to drink the alcohol here she in the house she's gonna be caught you know cuz sir I'm here my mother's here and she is definitely not gonna be hidden anywhere because there's no place to be hidden and and even if she's outside we're gonna be with her and my mom is gonna be with her so definitely she's not gonna drink those for Debbie mother's clothing is a totally new concept [Music] the hell are you doing sunbathing okay I'm sorry can't do it here why no because we have strict neighbors there are all Muslims if they saw you they would make a big big problem with us okay yes yes no way no Lee come on yeah come on no way no way yes okay would you mind to wear decent clothes I know they are not that fine okay mom decides to search Debbie's suitcase and confiscate any other inappropriate clothing I'm not gonna take them I'm gonna put the put them in their bag no you're not taking him you're gonna stay on your luggage okay fine you're gonna stay here fine for me to say well this uncertainty no but you're not allowed to get out of the room until you change your clothes okay with the shorts and that stops okay I hope you won't be bored sitting on the rocket in your luggage you'll be hungry you have to go to the toilet don't know if it is it's fine you don't have to need to go to the toilet No fine with me you have to stay here if you change your mind I'm waiting for you Debbie I think she is a little bit she seems nice but she is a little bit naughty [Music] with a Mons box and Debbie wastes no time in breaking yet another room smoking yeah words are small I know that oh they were mine they're mine oh that is a bottom tonight I'm sorry yes it took one but I thought you don't know our dough it's just been a stressful day you smell now us men raising do you want to smell like him oh he's gonna get angry because I'm gonna take his ticket itself from him but he must be punished it's the end of the day and both Debbie and Daniel are starting to realize just what they've let themselves in for it's just a comfort that's unlike people of sweets or chocolate over I've got cigarettes everyone kept telling us it's not a holiday it's not a holiday and I came expecting a holiday and it's not at all my first hit not to go home the hajar family rise at dawn each day for morning prayer [Music] good morning today Amon is keen to give the teens in education in Lebanon's long religious history is taking them to an ancient mosque sited on the ruins of a church built by European Crusaders nearly 800 years ago a man wants Debbi to experience Islam from a woman's perspective okay mr. Dex oh you look so beautiful that's all I swear yeah she not feel dead chops I do I want to just put it on it's dead okay I don't feel it I really don't have I just want to leave I don't feel comfortable at all at the mosque men and women pray separately before Muslims answer the prayer hall they must be entirely clean [Music] but despite a man's efforts Debbie can't see beyond the superficial type under my chin there is no practical reason for it at all it's just I just think it's sexist to be honest but the woman's on and so if they accept it then that's up to them the teens are required to attend school during their stay in Lebanon Aman is ready with her instructions you have to wear these grunts nice ones nice long sleeve shirt and the trousers ice cream shop for a man a first class education is the greatest gift a parent can give their child the most important achievement a human can achieve in life is education because education is it's the road we have to walk to get what we want without education they have nothing for college dropout Debbie school was always a social event as possible Imams already told her the school dress code bands make up Debbie as you put anymore eyelashes mascara on your eyelashes back of poor mother just like honestly just let the school worry about it no it's my responsibility to tell you that they will inform me and they will tell me that she isn't aware were rules like as much as I normally do yes they are honestly when you were first wake up they were perfect your eyelashes they were perfect he knows you don't do them for me they look like the legs of a cockroach thank you Oh actually judging this [Music] the teens are heading here the Lebanon evangelical school it's a Christian institution but welcome students from all religions [Applause] [Music] Englishman dr. white is the headmaster he has a progressive approach to education I want to tell them what I believe and then it's up to them to work out whether they think it's right I think it's wrong and they want to have discussions I want them to think but the teens will have to answer to a man if their behavior doesn't meet expectations so the only thing that's making me me me me if I respect their culture dr. white has called them to his office so the main rule is no chewing gum and no abusive language in the classroom but I think that's the same there be one more button one more one second button Dunham when we're not doing time Debbie I don't know if you were told that one of the walls is no makeup in the school yeah just get told but um I don't compromise on it I've always worn it I always will can you turn them the whatever it's called that my scar on yeah I unless you said well it doesn't matter if it doesn't doesn't come on no we'd have to cut your re-election okay yeah it's good we we say no makeup if you get a method of taking your offered like it I won't turn it down we'll just see de Blasio please you can't see any other student with the button undone except Sam yeah well the main lesson of the day is English and the topic for debate is Family Values no well they don't have an opinion on me to be honest and I'm not close with my family well the feed me that's the really important thing and to put a roof over the teen selfish attitudes might be cool in England but the Lebanese culture has a different perspective but like let's say he comes out and says something like completely out of order to his family especially up it means cultural if I'm in you straight away they're like oh we're not gonna handle that in our family because it's respect to the family and it brings shame who agrees with that oh ma if you say something wrong your family will abandon it because of the culture if family would abandon me if I say something wrong should have been a bad one time ago you have to respect the family but yeah I think if you do something your brother doesn't want you to do just abandon you they know what's good everyone's family's different so like some people some families might be like tolerant of bad behavior like like we've got away with a lot more than we should like okay so you say I would have probably been abandoned yeah okay we're gonna do some homework essay that you have to write is on the type of 500 words so it's like two sides of a four with the title why bother [Music] true to form Daniel puts his music before his studies but to her credit Debbie knuckles down [Music] hello so you're not gonna do yeah you're not doing their assignment there is almost finished Debbie yes that's home yeah I'm not now here we are not at home you are now at my house you are not now at my house okay I'm asking you politely to do your assignment but you have to we have to do some things in our life we don't like to do it but we have to do it this is life this is what life is about we I don't like to cook but I have to cook so yeah stick to your to your mind you're not gonna gonna I can change it okay 500 word essay to school I'm not gonna see you again and on the other a thing like why bother when I can just say well yeah why bother I'm not gonna do it it seems vague it's the only time to the question how it's all about it if I'm writing it out we'll never to be marks I don't mean anything there's no point yes I am disappointed with Daniel today I was surprised I think Danny's problem is probably with getting orders doesn't like to be told to do something he thinks himself he's free to do whatever he wants whenever he likes he doesn't bother Debbie may have done her homework but a man wants to discuss her reliance on makeup you should take your mask off it doesn't come off like I do not take it off for anyone ever because I you see a bullet about the way I look so you are so pretty alone no I'm officially Prince difference so does the eyelashes give you confidence yeah definitely why cuz it's that's a nice like a guard isn't it honestly I lose no personality and everything about my makeup on I'm not me it's just it is kind of like its own into some pathetic itch like me wear a miracle I'm dressing though I do changed absolutely everything for me like I stopped getting bullied stop being a nerd stop kind of being unpopular started getting trip better start getting drinks part furs and it's like it's kinda Who I am now I'm used to it this is absolutely ridiculous I'm not taking off I can't say if I've gotta wear that stupid uniform it's the only thing I've got to kind of keep myself just like I said from the start I'm not compromising with my makeup a lot it's just like oh well go night without wait go dude no it's like if it's not easy I'll do it [Music] it's halfway through the teens stay in Lebanon wearing limited makeup debbie has decided to get a confidence from elsewhere she's uncovered her secret stash of vodka it's not like we're gonna go in and go look we've got we got a bollock or jinx on tip that in great wanna no one's gonna question [Music] before they have the chance to start drinking Daniel needs to explain his lack of homely specially the time my mother yeah it's like why bother doing it I'm so tired last night so what did you do you did you do you think good good for them yeah down okay Daniel spirited defense has attracted some kindred spirits to the UK teams we've got told that the night life was really good didn't you maybe if you got to get in yeah you could buy cigarettes here without legal aid and it's a dollar typical of their attitudes at home neither Debbie nor Daniel have any interest in how their actions affect others they couldn't be more disrespectful to the devout hajar family if they tried you know you love to drink this in England yeah well no not legally dr. white has called a man into his office to deal with her surrogate teens how did you drink this in school was it drunk in school okay yeah we junk it that one let's kill this one here yeah very good it yeah but you know from the first day Al Gore not a lot in my house we're not in your house so it's it's in the my house yeah yeah this Wilson but kind of like this one in my house in my girl's bedroom this is very for me if I had a very great violation of the rule smoke be honest because God see you it is more we had once occurred today yes give it to me you should learn that in the future in real life you must obey rules you should respect others how they respect open with that no you don't if you respect you would do as you've been told this is only a short period of time we are not not asking too much from you we are not taking anything out of privileges we are just wanted to respect what we ask you to do can I have a cigarette okay there's one thing different things gonna happen you'll make up anywhere yes it would you know stay with me until you go back see we'll see yes you I swear I will kick off like mad okay do not kiss do it do it I'm not gonna touch you I'm not gonna touch you I want only this will they get the out it is no case yes you will know yes we will what we're stuck on is Debbie yeah and I will not budge can you agree on no makeup until can you try that none of your friends are gonna see you thank you thank you it's nice to meet you Daniel and Debbie are not the only ones to suffer a man's wrath jinan has complained to her mother telling her she knew about the alcohol she helped they'd be to break these rules and she has she must be punished punished you think I don't know why the girls are much naughtier than the boys the boys are more honest do you have something less than them no so while you are laughing now yes you love to just a few seconds ago you shouldn't it should be ashamed ashamed of yourself don't look me in the eye go to your bedroom cuz I'm not satisfied with you she also took my phone but she's gonna give it to me tomorrow when she goes before why because as a punishment you know that's how it's got all my god it wasn't your fault you know umm I just didn't want to tell her because you said you're not gonna get me in trouble so I said nothing's gonna happen yes surprised that I thought no I didn't like oh yeah I forgot because I'm when we were talking at the school and she went oh you should've handed it over and then I'm yeah I said oh she done told me to but I said no like I didn't even yeah I didn't even think that she'd do that oh sorry she told me she's not gonna get me in trouble but it seems that I got in trouble yeah I trusted her but you know and she gave me a promise yeah despite the tension everyone needs to put on a brave face they have a family commitment they can't avoid [Applause] friend of a Mons is getting married and it would be an insult of the entire family didn't attend it's a chance for Daniel and Debbie to redeem themselves and they come on track but Debbie is still sulking now for once isn't in the mood for a party they true locus I really don't want your opinion it really doesn't care like it doesn't matter to me to me oh yeah to yourself in my opinion you won't like the answer you okay honestly I'm in a really crap mood I really do not trust myself to be civil do you would listen to me 100% it's wrong abyssal days will prove that to you that you are absolutely wrong yes I am so I just literally cow my face you've been swearing at me yes I am for no one has ever spoken to Ramone like this before honestly I thought I treated her as if she was my own daughter my son live alone under a cave is somewhere a place under there but in my house I don't think my husband accept this at all at all you will be very very angry back at home Amon has told her husband about Debbie's and Sultan behavior he's called a family meeting his son Mahmud translates and there's no mistaking his meaning but they would that you're talking a man is Phillip is a building and I'm a mishit opposite in fact that is a letter darling it didn't happen he's saying that I think is going to say no just to say a man because and our conscious this is a very big world Debbie his usual reaction to a family argument is to stubbornly stand her ground and definitely never apologize that's me there on him hello nothing's gonna change I think it's been going on with my stepdad for years I'm not comfortable stone in this house now and I'm not apologizing I know it is not your mother but you can just feel that she's your mother and talk to her sit with her explain her about how you feel and believe me you feel comfortable as soon as someone says well you should change this what I hear is you know that's wrong that's bad I'll just take it person with me like being here just kind of maybe even more like drummed into is that I'm not good enough it's just so intense here it's just too intense and it's like obviously brought out the worst in earth to be honest [Music] as punishment for his own selfish behavior the man has sent Daniel to spend the day at the local children's charity she wants him to realize just how privileged he is and to experience a world that does not revolve around him I don't know I'm gonna be doing but it's gonna be scrubbing the floors are cleaning up I'm not going to enjoy it the home of hope cares for Street children who have been abandoned or abused by their families the children's identity is being hidden for their protection ages three usually little children's don't give us lots of problems yeah the older ones the problem I found is the one year old Sudanese who came and he is part of our family now I would like to tell you about some of the stories of the children the saddest one of course is the story of a little girl she was four or five years old when the police brought us he brought her here her mom was trying to sell her for body parts you know to some rich family now you can see her smile and laugh and and this makes me feel so happy at least I'd say this place this home has paid its dues to humanity yeah Daniel gets down to work and for once he's not complaining I don't think I've ever done the washing up at home but I don't well I don't even feel the dishwasher up and that's not hard as it [Music] these kids like the dot have anything else and they put and this is all they've got and like I said this is their home and it's just it's inspiring row and it's really awfully emotional like somewhere star is Thomas and their kids like been sold for body parts and then being abused sure about her birth I don't know it's a oh I kind of speechless and you've had they ever catch me speechless it's gonna I don't know really that lot to say what you're not having any tools to fix any of these but like I've worked with bikes before I'm quite good with bikes so I could probably help fix and law I think the fixable is just be lower I'd need some tools like a chain splitter and a punch or a packet from last and but not flexible [Music] the teens have been in Beirut for nearly a week when debbie has her first contact from home we absolutely love it a bit and we'll always be here for you no matter wha there used to be a little girl who would sit other dad's knee when she was upset you always with it all the hand hold his hand not her mum's won't tell him all about her problems and here is the only one who could make it better that little girl who is all gone now and we accept that but if you see her tell her if ISA helped her understand that growing up brings its own responsibilities and that she needs to start and face them we can only do so much and we feel at times we have done more than we should the rest has to come from you love you Lourdes mum and dad's oh it's just that last part I did used to be really close today just seen the family together and see how close like they all are and it's just kind of proved how distant I was with my family and it's happened like so slowly over like such a gradual time kind of noticed but like it's gonna sound really awful I kind of feel like I'm gonna find me looks like there's a moon without my brother and then there's me it was kind of a lot different a house to be all this I want it to change I don't have it after a night of soul-searching debbie has decided to take my moods of vice and approached a man a man I'd just like to say and about yesterday and I don't deal well with criticism but I should have expressed myself in a more appropriate manner than swearing it here so and I do apologize for swearing to you yeah I don't want to be on bad terms and it's just a natural thing as soon as I get like an upset angry the first thing I thought is I have him which is pretty sad really but and I didn't realize it would offend you as much as it did and it wasn't meant to offend you for me it's just kind of a whatever I'll girlfriend with me cool thank you for your apology yeah she has shown respect to me I think she have past all the past things she's done it she's a great girl she's in deep deep inside her she's a wonderful girl honestly I feel I do feel so much better it's like there's no more pressure while there's no more atmosphere any more so I'm glad of it yeah I'm really glad I've been sighted in I wouldn't it wouldn't have been if you hadn't have spoken to me last night so I really like thanks for that it's nice to know that like if I do apologize I don't feel like um I've lost where as I did before that was I wouldn't apologize I was too still then it's like no I'm not apologized and if I do then I've lost state haven't like I've lost the argument but well it's apologizing now just seems like oh well you know if I'm in the wrong I might as well [Music] Daniel has asked to revisit the home of hope he wants to try and do something positive for someone else I'm just finishing this room once I pull this off it's spinning [Music] [Applause] good unless he kills himself on it is he good is he good thanks okay thanks good that's one down was lost again he's realized he has an ability he can share and teaches the older boys the skills to fix bikes for themselves [Music] [Music] all the way up [Music] the home of Hope has inspired Daniel to complete his school assignment the essay on why bother making me think about why should bother people and like my parents and sister it makes me think I should stop being selfish I found an opportunity to do the homework the one from Friday excellent excellent but I like to see that says nothing is too late good why bother spending time in Lebanon has made me think about my selfish egotistical way but most of all spending time at home of hope made me realize why bothering really does make a difference bothering is the one thing the kids rely on at the home of hope if no one bothered these borrowed abused and abandoned kids would have nothing I live my life taking everything in everyone for granted the kids at the shelter have nothing apart from the shelter yeah are thankful for everything that they receive I've done one thing for the kid sir which was fixed bikes something I do frequently yeah the kids were thankful one of the kids told me I was a great month for doing so I lead my life I'm headin ISM although it hurts others especially my parents the children at the center would do anything for parents like I have I do nothing for my parents brilliant brilliant well done thanks thank you for that homework you want to keep it I want don't want you show it to your parents okay they gotta see that [Music] the British teens stay is drawing to a close but not before one final excursion a picnic in the country lebanese style the first time in years Debbie's been out in public without not to be worried about I think this feeling stick with you back home yeah yeah I'm gonna try got like what half an hour actually embed this morning because I didn't have to get up and worry about my face so that was kind of haze as a nice lie in days and stuff seen how hard other people go and I can kind of see why they could sing to do things for other people rather than just thinking about myself all the time it's time for Debbie and Daniel to leave Beirut and return home to their own families I think we have the great experience for them when they became we had so much in common the way we think and it was so fun having her I can remember the man who is kind of a blessing in disguise it's kind of taught me how can do it what a deal I better wear it's bit one hell of a journey I'm gonna remember it for the rest of my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I feel a bit emotional actually I'm quite excited to see you [Music] [Laughter] did they have an impact they did a lot of the places they do so it's amazing for me was going to the home of hope the charity play yeah yeah same people with nothing and I take everything for granted mm-hmm and then in seeing those like they did they'd give anything to all the things I offer from speaking to him he's had quite a positive experience which I think can only enrich his life and hopefully will out will have some impact [Music] I love the family to bits I got em this welcomed us back at like any time if I'm ever back in Lebanon have said like go straight to that house honestly I've learned that they took it back down when I'm in the wrong like especially it's mainly me and you isn't it never apologize to you you know I mean like it's always even over the pettiest thing we just it's a silence isn't it after we argue and I came it was the first time I'd really apologize to anyone and I kind of thought like I'd feel like I'd lost you know I mean like oh she's wooden but it didn't feel like that oh it's obvious that she has spent time thinking about how she's behaved and especially towards you you know because I didn't expect that at all she would let things go that she would she was prepared to sort of stand down and if nothing else I think was gonna make a big difference isn't it [Music]
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 2,512,213
Rating: 4.8095341 out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents full episode, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents hughes family, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strict parents, world's strictest parents barbados full episode, world's strictest parents india full episode, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, world's strictest parents jacob, world's strictest parents usa, world's strictest parents uk, the hajjar family
Id: -YIfoGsM9qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 6sec (3246 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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