The Office - plot holes & inconsistencies

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bears eat that was fun [Music] here we start with in season four and went to our old high school you got a little nostalgic so many memories in this old gym pretending to have PMS so I didn't have to play volleyball that was for the days but at the end of the next season we find out that Pam's actually a very good and experienced the volleyball player Pam don't act surprised when the audience is confused and in high school maybe a little in college and went to volleyball camp most summers although looking at her form I'm more inclined to believe the first Pam but said she never played volleyball I mean what kind of poses that to kick off season for Michael infamously hits Meredith with his car I feel a few episodes later we see Meredith and her overtly aggressive flirtations this time with Jim appreciate you coming all right poor Jim but later at a Halloween party Robert California discovers that Meredith actually can't stand being around Jim crossly Jim gives me the creeps [Music] amongst them was a man tall slim jim also what appears that Jim Halpert signs his real name John Krasinski complete with dotted eyes it wouldn't be the first show to do it fresh princess Aunt Viv says hi it's something different about you in season four we meet the recruiting graphic designer at the job fair can i thougt application oh absolutely here if you're really serious about graphic design I don't think about in New York or Philadelphia they got amazing programs out there for cuz I'm now obviously business did not go as well as planned because two years later he shows up a Sabres IT guy actually that's Nick he's your new IT guy dunder-mifflin hates him immediately and things go from bad to worse are you you threatening me weird IT nerd don't get revenge on me nerd but he's not the first actor to show up multiple times in different roles in season one this nice lady shows up as Pam's mom only for this actress to be tormented by Michael Scott five seasons later and in season seven were introduced to welcome to a place a place for hey this little boy who goes on the hayride shows up two seasons later as dwight schrutes nephew on the farm and at the end of season four we meet Andy's parents introduced as Andrew and Ellen Bernard my parents are here Andrew and Alain Bernard only to be played by these actors of course Andy's been through a couple name changes I was named Walter jr. after my father until I was about six or so and then momentarily drew I'm drew now Oh drew sorry speaking of character changes no character changed more than Kelly Kapoor who is unrecognizable in season one as this quiet reserved girl who looks like she was dressed by Angela in season - she's still rocking the florals but she gets a bit more sassy and then she meets Ryan Howard which begins her descent into true drama queen Doh myself Oscar goes from quiet and polite to the office know-it-all Toby goes I'm a reasonably healthy lover of all things Costa Rica - disturbingly skinny and Daryl was a stout lad whose weight ballooned suddenly in season five Michael Scott goes from a dangerous menace to having a childlike wonder in later seasons but physically what changed the most was his hair Michael is not a wig no in season one it was this combed back stringy mess we've all seen him in other films he has a beautiful head of hair the makeup department must have done some magic to get his hair looking like that let's do a lightning round just the quick hits Kevin unloads one of his fetishes - Pam all the girlfriend I've ever but when we see his longtime girlfriend Stacy she's clearly not a glasses wearer when Andy takes Michael out to get over a breakup they made a waitress named Cindy yes but when they get back to the office he's clearly with a different waitress listed on IMDB as Niki of course this could be a meta joke the writers are playing on us as a running gag throughout the scene is that all waitresses look alike Oscar can be seen hair enjoying some hoops two seasons later he acts like he's never seen a basketball before in season 7 when Dwight sets off his gun Oscar is delighted to find a hardwood floor and in season 9 when they tear up the carpet Oscar can't believe there's hardwood floor in season 3 Dwight has asked but in season 7 he's never heard of the movie pretty woman apparently there is a famous Hollywood movie from the 1980s beautiful girl pretty woman Michael rides his bike in to work on Benihana Christmas but then in season 7 he's completely forgotten how to ride a bike Michael famously proposes to Carol at Diwali I get it you proposed to me on our fourth date well I believe in love at first sight in season 1 Jim called Meredith an accountant Meredith I heard you're turning 46 but come on you're an accountant just fudged the numbers but later on we learned that she's in charge of supplier relations good supplier relations my supplier relations rep Meredith Palmer Meredith Palmer supplier relations speaking of Meredith in season 1 when Michael wants to throw a surprise birthday party hers is the closest but actually at the end of a very busy birthday month its birthday month Creed says today Oscars is week after next Meredith's is at the end of the month Kevin doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom wash your hands Kevin but he's a stickler for others and I'm going to did you wash your hands damn wait Dwight supposedly never gets it he'll need it never been sick perfect immune system I get sinus infections and Dwight dyes his hair after the prank with the gym as revealed just convinced the wife he needs to go to Stanford I told him that he should dye his hair and stupidness just off his rice in alliance what the hell is he talking about I have absolutely no idea I get it's just for a visual gag but it's anachronistic Roy in the past found the longest engagement Dundee funny or at least was a good sport about it but in this episode suddenly it makes him so mad he storms out Dwight has a horse doctor he's just a regular doctor who shoots your horse in the head when its leg is broken but do we really believe Dwight doesn't take care of his own horse business that's it for me Dwight says his bathroom is under the porch and it's under the porch what he's got in our house on the lawn the cleaning crew speaks Spanish okay it happens to speak Spanish and then there are these Russian music lovers oh sorry sorry sorry Michael leaves a face hole in the cement never to be seen again [Applause] Toby apparently there are rules against drinking in the office but that's pretty much all they do rum gin vermouth triple sec this one's kind of stupid the phyllis mentioned Jim Carrey but when Jim Carrey comes to Dunder Mifflin to interview no one bats an eye same thing with Will Ferrell when Michael does night at the Roxbury and then will shows up midway through season four we see Angela looking like her usual petite self two episodes later the camera guys are aggressively hiding her now obviously pregnant belly there was actually a five-month gap in between filming these episodes due to the writer strike meaning that in Showtime angela became visibly pregnant overnight angela is an icy person and she has a particularly icy relationship with her sister my sister and I used to be best friends and we haven't talked in 16 years but when we meet her sister later they're two peas in a pod we're very close we even have our own special language maybe it's a different sister the condo that Michael buys in season two and the condo that he hosts his dinner party at in season four are not the same condo the house that Jim buys for Pam is not the same house that shows him living in later on unless the landscaping windows and door all changed this one's not a plot hole it's just hypocritical Stanley pretends to be a hard worker yeah I gotta work hard so my kids didn't go to college when we know he basically just does crossword puzzles and zones out most of the day that makes the Stanley for years and this is nap time you also Pam late in the series gets mad at Jim for taking the job in Philly he took this job in Philly without telling me but she's done the same thing I'm going with him when she followed Michael out the door to start the Michael Scott Paper Company Pam can't be serious when we first meet Ryan's co-worker Troy is his very successful New York financier but when he shows up in the final season he's a bumbling member of the Schrute clan Dwight says never sit down during sales meetings right you have to fight other kids for everything but then she just gives Andy her new computer I just thought he seemed to really need a new computer and he you know so much about that one Angela might be kind of a nightmare but I've got a thing that at least professionally and financially she has it together I'm a professional woman the head of accounting yet as soon as she breaks up with a senator she's destitute living in tents and stealing toilet paper late in the series when we find out they're all subjects of a documentary Brian the boom guy and Pam discuss how they're never supposed to interact but there's been plenty of times throughout the series when the camera crew has tipped off the employees of Dunder Mifflin what that conference room has a lot of configurations we never see anyone moving chairs or tables in and out of it and where does that big table go when no one's using it if the office has anything it's plenty of horizontal blinds but the blinds from the outside of the office are vertical Stanley gets mad for being called a diabetic why do you always assume I have diabetes but he totally does have diabetes diabeetus award goes to Stanley Hudson [Applause] Gabe gets squeamish looking at a picture of a cockroach look at roaches does this creepy weirdo get squeamish over anything Meredith has something bad going on with her face hair it's never explained unless you watch the deleted scenes these guys took me out on a fishing boat but this never made sense to me yes I knew he turned up where did this come from is it the iPod that Michael bought on Christmas is it related to Casino Night we just have a lot of stuff done it could be stolen is it just a transition the juxtapose his happiness against Pam's sadness and going back to the first season who are these people and just for fun Michaels realtor Carol is his wife in real life and Pam's lactation consultant is her real-life husband well second husband when the office first started she was with James Gunn who used to direct guardians of the galaxy and this one cracks me up Toby's brother with whom he has a deliberately boring conversation with about jam is his real-life brother who also produces and writes on the show and this was a fitting send-off showrunner Greg Daniels makes an appearance as an unwanted photo guest in the serious finale did Michael go to college when I was Ryan's age I worked in a fast food restaurant say about money for school and then I lost it in a pyramid scheme here he reminisces about college no what I really really miss about college parties and here he reminisces about memories he wishes he had about college campus brings back so many memories and I would have made who started at dunder-mifflin first Jim or Pam in season two Jim admits that he had a crush on Pam when she first started at Dunder Mifflin abstence ibly meaning that he was there first that I had had a crush on you when you first started here but in season four Pam reminisce is that she introduced Jim to Dwight meaning that she was there first do you remember what you said nine my first day at work just before you want me or do i does yeah enjoy this moment because you're never going to go back to this time before you met your desk mate Dwight in season two which aired in 2006 Ryan says that Jim has worked there for five years Jim has worked at the same place for five years which puts his start date in 2001 but when Saul Goodman interviews Pam in the final season in 2013 he says that she's been there for eight years which puts her start date at 2005 2005 is when the office started but in the pilot episode michael says that Pam's been there for a couple years if you think she's cute now you should have seen her a couple of years ago also Jim said as soon as he found out Pam was engaged he backed off and when I found out that you were engaged no I know and Pam had famously been engaged with Roy for three years already when the office started which would have put her engagement in 2002 we've been engaged about about three years every year that Roy and Pam don't get married it gets funnier finally if we zoom in and enhance Pam's resume it shows her start day as 2003 and now for the biggest plot hole of all who is the Scranton strangler well that's a complex question that requires a nuance to answer too much for this video look for my next video which is the definitive breakdown on who was the Scranton strangler hint it's Gabe if you like this video and love of the office please check out some of my t-shirt designs this is the worst Park or what is a two-way petting zoo you pet the animals they pay you back bears beats Battlestar Galactica [Music]
Channel: chadnisha
Views: 4,937,759
Rating: 3.7430933 out of 5
Keywords: the office, plot holes, office, plot, hole, plothole, holes, dunder mifflin, michael scott, dwight, jim, jim halpert, pam, jim and pam, who started first, who started first jim or pam, pam volleyball
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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