Season 2 Bloopers - The Office US | Comedy Bites

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Man, Angela has the best smile

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rejected_head πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
michael is there anything you need from me i'd like to go back to bed yeah joe just get some rest to see you monday unless you're still sick um all right we'll have a great long weekend i'll probably be just sweet you enjoyed that didn't you have kids and i'm going to get married not necessarily in that order and they are going to live here what i love you i love you michael i love you too what are you even talking about i was just talking about i farted are you kidding me i did oh my god this is this is my place okay let's go back to one hello michael how are you good how are you good to see you oh sorry there okay well why don't we just step in what [Laughter] he'd enjoy to be fired i don't think he would tell him really that i am far too valuable to you fire who i i what who is he saying i can't really make it out it's fired wyatt you you know what those are grounds michael look at that [Music] hey jim hey what's up hey um i know it's last minute but i was wondering [Music] hey hey um i know it's last minute but i was wondering if it would be no that was you i was wondering if it would be cool i didn't do anything i was wondering if it would be cool if i brought my oh my god wait it's casual so i'm not really worried about numbers or anything cool all right thanks nobody even signed my birthday poster probably because it doesn't even look like me it's from last year no [Laughter] you're making it work so see i will end up having your butt in jail and what they will do to you is nothing compared to what i'll do to you before you get down there you are not to be ready he said i was dull i'm not he said i was dull i am hoping to find whoever committed this heinous deed and i am praying that i find this heinous culprit i will pray to thor himself [Laughter] i'm not only hoping to find the culprit of this heinous crime i am not only hoping to find the culprit of this heinous crime i am praying to find the heinous culprit i am not only hoping to find the culprit of this anus crime i am praying to finally i'm not only hoping to find the culprit of this heinous crime i am praying [Laughter] i am not only hoping to find the culprit of this heinous crime i am praying to find this heinous culprit and i will pray i'm sorry i'm not okay i can do it excuse me we try that again no it's about my work situation and my living situation and how they coalesce into one another because i need a living situation in order to do my job what please [Laughter] [Laughter] please [Laughter] stanley howard bob vance vance refrigeration ryan howard dance dance refrigeration it's my dad yeah hi um when should we bring out the cake 1 or 1 30. one's good 1 30. i'm sorry are we boring you not phyllis i see the sales department are down there they're in the engine room and they are shoveling coal into the furnace right i mean who saw the movie titanic they were very important in the movie titanic everyone in the engine room drowned okay [Laughter] your ass is on the line mister so is mine now i'm going to ask you again what time did you go home last night um six six of course something funny because you know what millions of people die every year from drug use marijuana leads to crack which leads to crystal meth which leads to death which leads me i wanna give you a nappy head because you're leslie well that's not your character where is the clitoris if someone says next to the vagina does that mean on the leg [Laughter] what does the female vagina look like really sorry um my uncle told me it looked like a sausage casing i can't work with this it's too loud what oh we're too loud there anyway i don't know why i did this suddenly clearly a different character literally a whole different guy it's too loud i can't hear you it's too loud we're almost there even though this is a cul-de-sac i missed my left knock it off i'm connecting this interview no that's not what you said when i came in here you said that i was conducting the interview now exactly how much pot did you smoke uh i want chili's baby back ribs [Laughter] i want my baby back baby chili's baby back ribs no wait out the second one okay [Laughter] i look forward to drug testing i used to get a runner's high which is why now i lift i look forward to drug testing but urinating is not something this is not a joke this is not a carnival kind of what it is nice job nice work this is busiest beaver i know it says busiest no no you screwed that up didn't you i guess we have to go back don't we we're wasting a lot of tape give me that okay listen you
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 8,190,397
Rating: 4.9566593 out of 5
Keywords: NBC, The Office US, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Michael Scott, Ron Swanson, Jake Peralta, Steve Carell, Nick Offerman, Andy Samberg, Tina Fey, the office, rainn wilson, john krasinski, bloopers, full episodes, fails compilation, fails of the week, fails 2019, pranks in the hood, pranks on girlfriend, pranks gone wrong, the office us full episode, season 2, stan lee, marvel, avengers trailer, vines that keep me from ending it all
Id: vS-KORdy6bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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