25 Small Details You Missed In The Office

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this is why I do it that's what I have to come home to one of the reasons the office works so well as a show is because the mockumentary actually feels like a real working office the writers prop guys and actors went above and beyond to make Scranton Pennsylvania a place that we'd all love to live and work in one day but until we pack our u-haul let's look back at all nine seasons and see all of the small details we missed the first three or four times around I think that pretty much sums it up we were all a little disappointed when Michael quit Dunder Mifflin I quit until we realized he was just starting the Michael Scott Paper Company one floor below Michael get to the good part okay so the new office was small but Michael wanted to make it all his own including a fish tank on his desk well all of you fish lovers may have spotted something a little odd about his fish each episode with the Michael Scott Paper Company features a completely different fish on his desk meaning that Michael's fish likely died over and over again so not only is he not the best boss but he's a pretty awful pet owner as well maybe he should have focused a little more on making a profit with this company instead of constantly visiting the pet store to purchase a new fish back in the season 4 episode branch wars Michael and Dwight attempt to steal the photocopier from the utica Dunder Mifflin branch like many of their plans the attempted theft is unsuccessful but Utica never forgets when they've been done wrong in season 5 and over a year later Michael returns to the Utica branch and there's been some changes made to the office along with a chain and lock to keep the copier in place a sign reads report any suspicious behavior near copier got it he works now that's how you keep up with the continuity of a show please don't cry I'm going to cry I feel like it but I am NOT going to Janet Michaels rocky relationship was filled with many ups and downs I date Michael Scott publicly and collapse into myself like a dying star in a season 3 episode michael expresses his grievances to Jan and specifically explains how he wants to have ketchup fights and tickling the line was a goofy moment and could be easily forgotten what the writing crew decided to bring it back for the season 7 episode threat level midnight during the low-budget film we see Michael's character in some flashback scenes during one of the quick moments Michael is actually having a catch-up fight making his couple goals a reality in the low-budget film this wouldn't be the only small moment in threat level midnight that reflected back on the series but we'll tackle that one a little later in the video did the chicken come before the egg that's the question we have after comparing a small moment in the office pilot with the scene three seasons later first the pilot during a random moment we listen as Dwight hums the little drummer boy saw well flash forward to the season three Christmas episode and we find out that Angela's favorite song is the little drummer boy so we're Dwight and Angela already a thing did he pine for her years before the premiere of the show and already knew her favorite song or did the writers decide to call back that moment and tie it into their relationship retconning the whole random moment from the pilot by their way it's a cool little detail that makes the show so great then I wake up to the smell of crackling bacon Michael has done some foolish stuff over the years but one of the fan favorite moments has to be in the season 2 episode the injury where Michael burns his foot after trying to grow bacon on a George Foreman grill the whole injury spirals out of control Dwight ends up with a concussion and television history was made with the hilarious episode the injury wasn't the last time we'd hear about the grilled bacon there were multiple call box through the series in Michael's SNL parody music video lazy Scranton he has a line about grilled bacon and then in the episode the dinner party week is fought a George Foreman grill right next to Michael's makeshift bed on the floor pretty safe to say that he did not learn his lessons after the injury I should have known while it's easy to assume the office was filmed on location in Scranton Pennsylvania the show was actually filmed mostly in California did everybody know about this but me they do a great job of covering this up but the Traveling Salesman episode gives a little too much away when the characters are in the parking lot look behind the large fence and you can spot the top of a palm tree just behind the fence yeah we're pretty sure Pennsylvania doesn't have any palm trees growing in the wild especially with all those harsh winters the office was so great at building up a world of supporting characters one of them was Phyllis's true love Bob Vance and when you hear the name Bob Vance you naturally want to follow it with Vance refrigeration the reason that's exactly what Bob did anytime he was featured in a scene or met a new character Bob Vance Vance refrigeration but why was Bob so weird about his greeting because of the documentary group Bob constantly said the name of his business to get as much exposure as possible to the film crew Bob even donated a fridge to the Dunder Mifflin casino night giving his business more exposure that's some pretty good looking out there Bob Dwight never cares about being politically correct and one of the best examples of this came from his management hierarchy chart the chart he presented included the menstrual cycles of female employees members of the party planning committee and symbols for anyone who was female one of the more intriguing details on the chart was the appearance of Creed's name on the chart Dwight has printed creed bratton in quotes he obviously chose quotes because Dwight has some information on Creed's true identity knowing that Creed was never his real name with only a few seconds on the screen the moment was easy to miss but showcases some of the great details but into the show in the 60s I made love to many many women often outdoors there's always something special about the holiday episodes of the office while we will always love the Halloween Christmas episodes the show also went all-out for st. Patrick's Day there were so many details tossed into the episode it was easy to miss some moments of Greene during multiple shots with Stanley take a gander at the water tank over his shoulder the water inside the dispenser has actually been fully dyed green most likely an idea for Michael hey hey the little touches what helps make the episode feel so festive in the season four episode dunder-mifflin infinity there's a random moment where we see a bottle of salad dressing on Michaels desk the homemade dressing features Michaels face on it and it's called Great Scott the gag seems pretty random and definitely a Michael thing to do but there's more to it than just a funny prop in the previous episode fun run there was a deleted scene where Michael talks about breeding his own dressing I mix Newman's ranch with numerous Italian I sell it at flea markets for a slight loss if the deleted scene was left in the episode it would have been an even funnier payoff the Great Scott salad dressing wasn't the only funny detail found in the dunder mifflin double episode after Meredith gets run over by Michael Scott she suffers multiple injuries and eventually returns to the company with a cast around her pelvis doing something only Meredith would do she decides to have her co-workers sign the cast including a reluctant Jim when actor John Krasinski goes to sign the cast he must have been naturally signing his autograph because he wrote his actual name instead the big giveaway was the giant kay on the last name there's no way that's an H and instead of fitting Meredith with a whole new cast the production crew decided to keep the funny detail in I hate hate hate being left out Michael is terrible at keeping secrets and things get way out of control in the season 6 premiere gossip really aha Wow the episode reveals that Stanley is having an affair on his wife but the public outing obviously didn't change much for him flash forward to the new year's episode ultimatum and Pam works with the office on creating a whole new board full of new year's resolutions well down in the bottom corner you can spot Stanley's as he vows to keep both his wife and girlfriend happy when that man isn't so focused on crossword puzzles he's busy juggling two women around for years and years the dinner party episode was so memorable for so many reasons besides having all of the characters interact outside of the office you've no idea the physical toll the three vasectomies have a person one of the more memorable moments is when Michael proudly showcases his plasma TV I will just stand here and watch television for hours I love it only to have Jan smash it with the Dundee award later in the night well Michael's pride wouldn't get the best of them in the season 5 episode Dream Team we return to Michael's house and see the smash TV still hangs with a bigger box TV sitting below it and that's not all a few seasons later Dunder Mifflin holds a garage sale and among all the items is Michael Smash TV as he finally seems ready to let go of his prized possession maybe some of the best scenes with Michael include his inability to see just how uncool he actually is there are so many examples of this but one of the smallest details comes in the episode chair model when Michael goes to buy a cup of coffee he whips out his wallet only to reveal the thing as bedazzled jams glued all around the borders without any children of his own we all know Michael had to have made the Wold himself and was probably following samba dazzling craze in the late 90s either way the man is confident about his choices no matter how silly they looked Dwight and Kevin don't share a lot together or seem to have a lot in common but in season two the duo did share a fun bonding moment when they let a bunch of firecrackers together for years nothing really came of it until Jim and Pam began planning their wedding with the shenanigans of the Scranton office the engaged couple had to lay down some ground rules believe it or not Kevin and firecrackers are in the don't calm the only two people to complain about it Dwight in Kevin one of Michael's most embarrassing moments on the office was in the season 6 episode koi pond distracted he falls into an indoor koi pool and becomes the laughingstock of the office the mocking of Michael goes beyond the laughs and taunts if you pay attention to the computer screens in the office you will see some of them have changed over to the classic fish tank screensaver the clever idea is another way to mock Michael as he would see the fish tank animation any time you walk by anyone with a Windows computer back in the 90s or early 2000s would recognize the screensaver and the extra touch is one of the many reasons we watch the show over and over again it seems like Dwight was always looking for a promotion I don't try and be anything that I'm not and when Robert California stepped into the role the white would do anything he could get one instead Robert California shut off his requests instantly as an act of goodwill he offered to white a medal that was supposedly his grandfather's while the gesture seems nice at first another season 8 episode reveals just how tricky and smart Robert California actually is when Dwight visits Gabe in his Florida office you can see a framed medal on a desk in Gabe's office the medal is an exact duplicate and obviously shows that Robert uses the personalized tactic whenever he can get away with it stop right there I love it Michael got himself into yet another tricky situation during season seven of the show when he found himself labeled a thief and banned from a Chinese restaurant in a can't-miss moment you can also spot Creed's picture on the wall but that's not the tiny detail we're talking about if you look at the picture to the left of creed there's a Polaroid of a young man well look a little closer the picture is actually a younger image of Creed with a full head of hair so somehow Creed has once again manipulated the system and got banned twice from the same restaurant Creed is such an enigma on the show and we love little details like this that give a peek into his wild life we already saw that Michael was trying to sell his cracked and broken plasma TV at the dunder-mifflin garage sale but there were a couple of other items for sale which ended up being callbacks to other episodes as well one of the more prominent was a giant clown picture see far in the background of the episode the clown picture was first seen when Jim and Pam walked through Jim's parents house and spot the portrait of horror on the wall she is really known in there apparently they were able to get the picture off the wall and probably price the artwork for pretty cheap just to get it out of their hands we don't blame them either Jim shaggy hair on the office didn't quite reach the same status as her Rachel from friends but it was pretty iconic and a true part of the character so between seasons two and three John Krasinski was forced to shave his head for a role in the football movie leather heads it would have been too much of a shock to see the character with a shaved head so for the first six episodes of the season Jim is actually in a wig the difference is pretty hard to tell has the crew did a great job of recreating Jim's hairstyle Dwight is confident in knowing what he likes and isn't afraid to express his opinion early on in the series we see Dwight admire a rocking chair David Wallace owns and expressed his appreciation for the craftsmanship that was put into the chair he even states that he wants one of these chairs for himself well flash-forward to the final season and we conceived Dwight on his front porch rocking in the exact same chair now there are some true commitment and follow-through to a simple scene all the way back in season three either the prop department only how to select new rocking chairs or that they had planned this all along you be the judge in multiple episodes Michaels mentioned his soft teeth you know I have soft teeth how could you say that the first moments come in the dinner party episode of season 4 when Michael dips his meat into a drink to soften it up in the next season's Christmas episode Moroccan Christmas the staff members try to plan Meredith's intervention but can't do it on the fifth because Michael has a dentist appointment for his soft teeth monthly dental appointment soft teeth the callback was a great little detail and showcases how much effort was put into all the characters on the show one of the great sets on the office is the break room the area is filled with so many confrontations great moments on the show and a good way for characters to interact while we still see office happenings going on in the background if you pay attention to some of the background details in the break room then you'll notice the vending machine is a tad bit overpriced one of the machines lists every single item at four dollars and 25 cents what a ripoff we already mentioned before how Michaels threat level midnight movie featured the ketchup scene he longed for in a relationship but the flashback montage she watches has another great reference as well in the clips you can see Michael playing with animal crackers as he pretends to walk them up a woman's body while the scene isn't just a random goofy moment it was actually a parody of a similar scene in the 1998 film Armageddon in the scene Ben Affleck's character does the exact same thing and Michael even matched up the outfits for both characters showing true commitment to his homage at the same time the short clip makes you realize how ridiculous the animal cracker scene actually was in the movie the season 4 episode branch Wars sent Michael Jim and Dwight off on a mission while back at the main office we saw Pam Toby and Oscar in their exclusive club known as the finer things Club the exclusive club not only features mature talks but look closely at the teapot used with the club the teapot is the same one Jim gifted Pam in the season 2 episode Christmas party the nice little moment just goes to show you how much Jim and Pam appreciate each other or maybe she just left it in the office the whole time and decided to pull it when the finer things Club was formed but knowing the duo it was probably just another sweet gesture well there you go watching all these small moments just makes us want to go back and binge the whole series again any other small details that we missed what was your favorite moment the most clever let us know in the comments below thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to Screen Rant for more great content [Music] sort of a Where's Waldo
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,635,206
Rating: 4.8411512 out of 5
Keywords: The Office, Scranton Office, Michael Scott, Steve Carrell, Ellie Kemper, Pam and Jim, Mindy Kaling, The Office easter eggs, Office funniest moments, Office deleted scenes, Office full episodes, John Krasinksi acting, Office improv, Dwight and Angela scenes, Screen Rant, ScreenRant
Id: yMEXk19yUMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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