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I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them these videos are not for children if you are a children then taste-off hey there envy infuse oh and do I really even need to do this like like do I really need to give you an introduction I mean I will because it helps Pat out these videos but my my point is is I don't have to because just about everybody knows the office even if you haven't watched the show yourself you probably know a couple jokes or overly quoted lines from it or you've at the very least seen the memes at least once a year I like to bring in some of my Kevin's famous chili if I can't scuba then what's this all been about what am i working toward not a joke Jim millions of families suffer every year you know I'm gonna start dating her even harder it's a show that has pretty much been ingrained into pop culture it's the only reason some people even have a Netflix account it is the holy grail to binge Watchers it's a series that will probably still be remembered and looked back upon fondly for decades to come and let's be honest oh that's kind of amazing especially when you consider that this is basically a documentary series about what goes on at a paper company so today we're gonna honor the office by completely dishonouring it by taking a look back at the show's decline and trying to figure out where it all went wrong something I usually do after realizing that I became a low tier youtuber so that in mind this is the day that the office died [Music] so this is something I don't hear brought up too often when talking about the show but I absolutely hate what they did with Dwight Michael and now some of you add vyd office fans may still be scratching your heads going what the hell is kid talking about so allow me to explain initially when the show begins we get the feeling that Dwight is a total suck-up to Michael a complete ass kiss and that's mainly because he was Michael seems very accepting of this if only because he's thankful to have someone worship the ground he walks on now at first glance you'd think that Dwight's admiration is simply because Michael is his boss but you would be wrong it's shown on a number of occasions that Dwight genuinely likes Michael it's not a front it's not an act for one reason or another Dwight thinks the world revolves around Michael seeing him as an overall awesome human being it's a very attached friendship but somewhere down the line the Dwight character somehow unflattering self you see if Flanders ation is breaking down a character to a minor quirk or trait then true ting if you will would be the exact opposite you see Dwight actually breaks his own mold and grows as a person suddenly the weird guy in the office who couldn't pick up on any social cues is oddly aware of both himself and his surroundings so with this change his love for Michael suddenly becomes conditional now he only on occasion sticks up or reinforces Michael Scott and that's when he feels that it could be beneficial to him his once pure idiocy is now replaced with an attempt to further advance his career and when he's not acting like Michaels sidekick he's going for his jugular he's constantly blaming Michael for his own failures constantly butting heads with the man he once almost aspired to be like I've always disliked this change of pace and I still fail to see what it did for either Michael or Dwight I don't understand why the show decided to sever the bond here but I think they may have cut the cord a little prematurely even when Steve Carell left the show and his last episodes were spent bringing this up and trying to fix the situation leaving on good terms with everybody Dwight included it still just didn't feel the same to I do enjoy these episodes but I don't feel like it makes up for the past couple seasons that's not to say these seasons were bad just I felt like their dynamic suffered in them let's be honest with each other here when it comes to stories the last couple seasons of this show has some stinkers pam questioning her almost picture-perfect relationship with jim and the show teasing a possible romance between her and a boom operator the whole Kathy debacle just I don't I don't why would you even bother Pam and Jim were happily married they have a child together and they share a connection unlike any other two characters on the show maybe any two characters in all of sitcoms you can take your Ross and Rachel's and you could shove them Jim and Pam that's ideal so bringing stories like this this late in the series feels exceptionally forced I just I can't get behind them I mean I understand the need to try and create drama but I don't think they ever really did I don't think there was a doubt in anybody's mind that Jim wouldn't cheat on Pam and Pam wouldn't cheat on Jim no matter how bad things got hell Pam stayed with Roy for how many years and that was the most awful relationship imaginable that you can get away with with putting on a sitcom I mean there's definitely worse Ike and Tina Turner come to mind it's really a hard sell to try to suggest to your audience that these two may not make it or they they they their relationship is on borrowed time but that's far from the only bad story of the show comes up with when Michael leaves he's temporarily replaced by Will Ferrell and now on paper a thunder Mifflin's paper specifically that sounds great I mean will can absolutely bring that childlike innocence that Steve Carell brought to the show it seems like the perfect fit it sounds fantastic who doesn't love Will Ferrell the writers of The Office apparently I've never before never in my 27 years of existence disliked Will Ferrel outside of this one role he did on the show and I've seen bewitched I don't want to harp on this for too long because he was only there for a short amount of time but his character just seems all over the place I feel like they didn't thoroughly think D'Angelo through I think they just assumed that Will Ferrel would be beloved and welcomed with open arms because he's Will Ferrell he appears in a grand total of four episodes and I [ __ ] you not he is a different person each and every episode just with the same name at first he comes across like a Michael Scott type but one episode later he's shy and has stage fright and then in this other episode he's a sexist and then he's a self-centered egotistical II I just feel like this was a waste of Farrell's time and talent there's also a lot of Jim plots that just don't really hold up they also don't really showcase him properly either in my opinion Jim becoming boss wasn't what I'd call a low point but it definitely falls a little short of the mark watching him and Michael struggled to co-exist his co-managers wasn't as enjoyable as the original dynamic between the two Jim and Darryl suddenly working together in Philly also just I don't it's not it's not bad it's just I don't I don't see purpose in it and now I know how my parents feel about me again these aren't awful they're just the meth yeah you know all right I guess that's happenin okay [Music] as time went on the office kept introducing us to new characters but like the title card says new doesn't always mean better you have Gabe whose official title is director of emerging regions coordination and I've never worked in an office so I have no idea what that means okay now because I don't understand him I'm gonna take him as disrespect watch him mouth he's the strange slender man who is liked by next to no one in the office his people skills are non-existent and he annoys all those around him I always kind of felt like he was brought in to be a secondary Toby except where Michael only loaded Toby's existence everybody else loads games he kind of just seemed somewhat redundant these guys and more than redundant he seemed a little irrelevant irrelevant Nellie Nellie is uh-oh Nellie Nellie was an overly ambitious opportunity vulture even if she wasn't necessarily always qualified she had a very over-the-top and extreme personality I actually really liked her actress Catherine Tate but man it just seems like the writers only had the concept of the Nellie character down I mean she was good she was interesting I liked her but it just kind of felt like they struggled to create compelling stories for her actually it seemed like they didn't really know what to do with her in general because even when she's playing a secondary role in this stories it still seems a little bit off the mark like she's still just trying to find her footing Erin the new receptionist I feel very similarly about it just seems like the show's only idea to progress the lifespan of kimmy schmitt here was to put her in relationship after relationship after relationship more on that soon there's Nick the IT guy I mean what else can you say about him outside it's Nick the IT guy he was just there occasionally you could probably binge watch the entire series and still forget him he's just kind of part of the background well I don't think these new additions added a whole lot to the final product they didn't take anything away from it either they didn't negatively impact the show they just didn't add too much to it they did fit in well with the rest of the cast and on occasion they I didn't mean with some laughs however the show just didn't seem to know what to do with most of them they were just there and that's unfortunate because these aren't bad characters and they're not played by bad actors either had they been introduced a little bit sooner in the series I think they have the potential to be just as loved as the series originals but that's not to say that the show didn't create some straight-up duds like when they added Pete and Clark what is this the second generation of office characters they look like the earlier stages and evolution of Jim and Dwight they are the peach shoes - they're Pikachu's they had no place or purpose they hardly get any lines let alone their own plot and I can't help but roll my eyes any time they show up on screen I'm not saying that introducing newer younger characters to a series about a work space is bad because it's not it's realistic I just wish the writers would have done something with them also being publicly acknowledged as the new version of a character in a series is an immediate death sentence audiences usually don't take kindly to replacements or the next version of a beloved character I can absolutely understand how an idea like this would come up in a writing room but how it's somehow made its way to the final product I'll never know you think at least one person would have raised their hand and been like oh hey yeah Noah isn't that dumb [Music] for a show about the American workplace there sure seem to be a whole lot of time devoted to building and breaking down relationships look all I'm saying is that if this was real life Toby's hands would be cramped and he would have severe carpal tunnel with how many permission sheets he'd have to be filing this show gave us truly strange romances that put the fun in dysfunctional relationships like Michael and Jan Kelly and Ryan and Dwight and Angela they also put together really admirable and adorable relationships like Michael and Holly shame and Pam or Dwight and Angela but they also created some of the most puzzling and just downright awful relationships ever constructed in television history but to be fair sometimes that was their intent like Gabe and Erin they date despite Erin having no romantic feelings or any kind of physical attraction to Gabe as a matter of fact she seems entirely put off by him but that might be because the relationship was only designed to set up a roadblock between Erin and Andy that seems to be the problem with a lot of bad romantic relationships in the office Angela and Andy are only together to put up a roadblock for Dwight Angela and the senator are only together to put up a roadblock for Dwight Darryl and Kelly are only together to be a roadblock for Ryan and there's plenty plenty plenty more examples of this though the other examples of this are significantly less bad so not gonna mention them then there's relationships like Erin in the new guy Pete who like Gabe and Erin have no chemistry whatsoever hardly interacted and yet when the show reaches its curtain call there's still very much an item I can't even say I hate them I just I have no idea what this pairing even was I don't have feelings on it and to be honest it's hard to believe that they have feelings for each other actually you know when it comes to Pete it's hard to believe that he has feelings at all kid was a robot they're so bland and tasteless it's like the oatmeal of relationships that's right somebody's finally putting the Quaker Oats guy in this place I said too good for too long I'm just gonna say it to be fair to the two I think a big part of the reason they come off as so bland might be because of how many of their scenes wound up on the cutting room floor as a matter of fact this entire section in my video is made up entirely of their deleted scenes and some of these are actually kind of cute they definitely would have helped in establishing and solidifying what bond these two have together but since they were not included in the show and they were instead used as special features their chemistry is still lacking and overall the couple just comes off as very or how about when they made Toby obsessed with Nellie now why would you do that nine years and you made Toby a lovable silent but harmless weirdo only to send him into creep territory as you're coming to the close in lieu of nitpicks I give you just this one Jim is a kind of quirky everyman he's constantly looking at the camera reacting to whatever's happening the Jim face is like when you're hanging out with your friends and then something stupid is said and when your friends looks at you like hey you you hearing this [ __ ] and I know this because I'm usually that friend Ida sighs pass glances around the room and without even saying anything my closest friends know exactly what it is I'm thinking and most of the time they're thinking it till he was for the most part the only character who referenced the cameras outside of talking head shots Jim's reactions were unique to him until they weren't I don't know when exactly it started but around season seven I started noticing everyone looking to the camera for unheard validation I mean yeah it makes sense that they'd acknowledge the camera man standing four feet in front of them but I don't know I just I just feel like it kind of takes a little bit away from Jim's gymnast if you will [Music] let's just say it the heart and soul of the office was always its leading man Michael Scott he was an overly obnoxious oblivious manchild who more often than not said racist sexist and homophobic things hold that dislike off there's still more to my sentence despite seeing a whole bunch of things that you really couldn't say on TV or actually come to think of it in real life Steve Carell still made the character not only tolerable but lovable sure what he said and did wasn't exactly PC or even PG but his childlike mentality and innocence gave him a pass he wasn't hate-filled or malicious he was just inept and socially unaware while he wasn't exactly someone you'd invite to dinner to meet your family he also wasn't someone you'd necessarily cut out of your life entirely he was a major component if not the major component of what made this whole show work so when he left so did a lot of viewers and so did some of the charm of the series initial run his absence is definitely felt there's a certain foolish innocence an accidental charm that defined the character in the series that's completely m.i.a sometimes the show could just feel a little bit empty in the absence of Michael Scott the show becomes desperate to throw more and more new characters in the mix in an attempt to keep interest and hell it even turns Andy into a surrogate Michael let me say Andy's a great choice for the role both Steve Carell and Ed Helms have a very similar energy that they bring to the table they both come off as innocent and incompetent they're both often obnoxious loud mouths with hearts of gold and brains made of straw but following Michael's heartbreaking and tear wrenching departure it seems like the writers didn't bother changing their old scripts this pulled up the file backs based on Michael and wrote in Andy Andy stops being a similar character to Michael and just basically starts being Michael his mannerisms completely change in an effort to make up for steve carell absence from annoying those who worked under him to unintentionally mispronouncing words and that's despite the fact that Andy went Cornell I guess that it's not extremely noticeable because again they were a lot of light to begin with but it's just a little thing that bugs me when I'm rewatching I know a lot of people ask why Dwight couldn't just become branch manager but at least from my perspective I don't think that'd be all that entertaining I mean don't get me wrong I think the show absolutely should have ended with him taking over Dunder Mifflin they need the right call there that's how I would have ended the series as well but I just feel like seeing Dwight in charge might have been the wrong call to me that's not a plot shift that's a series ender that's the end goal to me to show me the right call and having Andy try to fill Michaels shoes but unfortunately that right decision was followed by a plethora of wrong decisions what really separates Michael from Andy is that despite all the terrible horrible and downright awful things Michael Scott has said and did they were never malicious acts they were statements or actions born out of complete ignorance and stupidity whereas Andy kind of became an intentional [ __ ] by time the series ended his feud with Nelly was understandable at first the woman did just come out of nowhere and take his job job leading to him being fired and going through a serious depression but after the turntables had turned and II still hires Nelly only to one-up her in his complete mistreatment of her it's kind of hard to watch at times especially when this behaviour coming from what was thought to be a well-intentioned sweet individual and that's a complete betrayal of the character the Andy Bernard that was established would never intentionally hurt someone let alone go out of his way to make someone else's life miserable honestly the real turning point for me is when he refused to write anything positive about her so that she could send it to an adoption agency as a reference that was really the moment he became completely irredeemable he was somehow more passive when he found out Dwight his coworker was sleeping with his fiancee who was also his coworker this would have made more sense had it happened seasons or let me explain in the earlier seasons of the show Andy was shown to be easily agitated on edge at all times and very very easy to anger and I just realized all the things I just said mean the same thing this is because we were actually never mental like the Andy character after the closing of Stamford when he was moved to scren he was supposed to meet the same fate many of his other co-workers did he was supposed to be permanently written off never to appear again except people really loved Ed Helms because let's face it he's ed Helms it's a very lovable quality to the guy even when he's at his worst the Sheol remedy this by sending Andy to anger management and bringing him back as a brand new man now those previously established negative qualities were drastically underplayed and a spotlight was put on some of his more positive attributes and it's this change that eventually led him to becoming Michael's replacement he was built up really well following this it was easy to root for Andy he was an underdog he was mistreated by his family by Angela he wasn't necessarily respected by his co-workers and yet through all of that he maintained a mostly upbeat personality as boss on several occasions whether on purpose or by chance and he actually unites the Scranton branch and it's shown that they work well under him so it's such a shame that the showrunners decided to completely ruin that if the Nellie feud wasn't enough to turn your back on Andy then this probably is Andy completely revert back to the cocky angry douchebag he was back in season 3 it is a completely unwanted 360 of the character that nobody asked for worst off he abandons all his job duties and his relationship because the office wrote Walter Bernard off as having abandoned his family leaving them basically penniless and around this time Andy Bernards actor Ed Helms was unable to take part in a lot in the final season of the office because he would be busy shooting The Hangover 3 so the show wrote him off as him and his brother Josh Groban go sailing through the Bahamas on their family's boat because apparently going from riches to rags sent both of them through their own mental breakdowns and they were in need of soul-searching in doing this and he leaves behind both his relationship with Aaron and his business obligations as regional manager it's a really unfortunate and sad departure but ultimately it's this that just kind of solidifies his he'll turn there's many better ways of writing a character off and yeah I get it this is definitely something serious and I could see a person going through a mental breakdown but he just doesn't seem to care about anything or anybody else and that is completely unlike the usually compassionate Andy when he does come back he kind of mistreats all those around him including Aaron and after she tries to break up with him he suggests that she stay with him and just fake loving him he even sort of abuses his authority a couple times he comes back he gets short with his workers and this is despite basically having just took a three-month vacation when it's revealed that Pete and Erin are dating he tries to fire him and what he can't he instead hires both Pete and Aaron's exes to try to make things uncomfortable for them this irrational manipulative behavior is so night and day from the character that was given Michael Scott's spot then he eventually quits his own job by [ __ ] on David Wallace's car so that he could pursue his dreams of becoming an actor which in the end doesn't work out so well for him when we see him again he's crying on the floor of an American Idol or America's Got Talent ripoff show that goes viral the show makes the character a laughingstock this is a total deconstruction no this is a total destruction of a once-great character and it is my absolute least favorite part of this series it sucks because not only did the show reverse all the work they put to the Erin and Andy relationship and believe you me there was a lot of work put in and I was kind of rooting for them in the end but they also go back on all the work they put into humanizing and bettering this character I will say this they did rehumanize him and restore his credibility in their finale and I really enjoyed this I thought that they absolutely did the Andy character justice at the end but it doesn't erase the previous unnecessary rewinding of his character development so at the end of the day this season definitely did a lot more to hinder Andy Bernard than it did to help him they turn back the clocks the office failed Andy as a character and I do not understand why people liked Andy people wanted to continue liking Andy but then they flip the switch and make you hate him this is the hardest arc for me to sit down and watch well maybe it's the second hardest story to watch with the first of course being I know I've already briefly went over the Kathy and boom operator obstacles they threw in front of Jim and Pam but now I want to single out their marital problems in the final season now I know what I'm gonna get in the comments section because it's the same thing I get any time someone doesn't agree with me in my opinion on somebody's TV show and it's something along the lines of well I thought it was realistic because that kind of thing happens in real life not everyone's gonna get happily ever after grow up I get it truly I do but just because something can happen in real life doesn't mean it should happen in your work of fiction yes married couples fight married couples argue married couples sometimes grow apart over time married couples have marital problems that's everyday life that's reality even Romeo and Juliet killed themselves before they can wind up together this is real this is real life we're talking about and that is exactly why it doesn't work in the office allow me to explain the office as you may know is actually an American remake of the British TV series a series titled you guessed it the office and that office is a hell of a lot different than this office you see the UK office was much more grounded in reality the show creators were often cut scenes out no matter how comedic if they felt it didn't seem real their approach to the whole documentary framework they created was to treat it as such in their own words they wanted their series to feel like it could very well be real real people real situations realism the office the American office tried this approach as well and it failed miserably in doing so like it was bad it was real bad the first season of The Office might be one of the hardest to watch especially if you're used to or have grown fond of the show after its tone was properly established the UK office was a show dedicated to holding up a mirror to existence while the u.s. office was meant to take your mind off it the u.s. office became a very feel-good show and this didn't feel very good yes there was relationship drama before this you had your Kelly & Ryan's your Angela's and Andy's Michael and pretty much anybody except for Holly that Michael ended up with but it always was under the guise of comedy these dysfunctional couples were always played for laughs but there were no laughs to be had here this was genuinely upsetting to sit through and it kind of seems like all the energy was completely sucked out of the show's last season it's like when you're with your friends you having a good time playing some Nintendo 64 smoking some beer drinking some pot and then that one guy we all know the one he just starts laying out his 9/11 conspiracy theories like come on man read the room you're killing the vibe who keeps inviting this guy it was a bad call and I don't think too many people would actually argue this even if there are apparently a lot of How I Met Your Mother finale truthers out there I'm confident that many will not disagree with my perception of the last chapter of Jim and Pam I will never understand what spen to think that closing off on this note was a good idea you think if something like this was to happen it would happen in an earlier season the fact that this is next to the last impression we get of PB&J is enough to make you lose your appetite you see you see what I did there yeah that's cool I get it I'd probably unsubscribe to the story especially seems like it was done for nothing because no one really believed that they'd end the show with Pam and Jim splitting up this whole arc was a complete waste of time it was a story that no one wanted to see a plot that didn't add anything to the show and it if anything took away from an almost iconic romance this was like watching Ross and Rachel decay over time but but in SuperSpeed this was not only terrible but was also completely unnecessary so I think by definition that makes this a tragedy hey hey hey you guys who haven't seen the show in a while you think I'm over emphasizing this you think I'm playing it up for the video you think anything I'm thinking too much about it I'm not go back and watch these episodes and you tell me you you come back here you tell me that you enjoy watching them when looking back at when the office died I'm sure a lot of people would probably say well when Steve Carell left when Michael Scott and Holly moved on to their own happily ever after that was it that was the end of the show wrap it up people I guess it does in theory seemed like the ideal time to roll credits but with Michael gone it gave a lot of the remaining cast more screen time and it gave their characters more time to shine and only the get me started with Robert California he by far makes season 8 watchable him alone no joke he's actually one of my favorite characters in the whole series and he only shows up for the tail end of season seven and sticks around throughout season eight I mean the guy is just so charismatic aliy strange and just overall Shady then I can't help but pay full attention to him whenever he's on screen he is an absolute highlight of later episodes didn't even know my real name I'm The Lizard King so I don't think I can really agree with saying that when Steve Carell left the show should have ended because I did enjoy season eight however I would say that season eight was probably the last enjoyable season I mean don't get me wrong season nine isn't entirely awful it definitely does have its moments it could be funny it could be entertaining at times I'm glad I did sit through it and I got the extra content out of it but the next time I rewatched this series for my own pleasure or not for me in these videos I'm gonna skip it I don't know I don't want any part of that no thank you if I wanted to see two people argue about how unhappy they are in their marriage I would Syd my parents down in a room together but then it would probably turn to a conversation about how unhappy they are with me and the way I turned out my point is in season 9 there's an overall unpleasantness between demolishing andis character the decline of Pam and Jim's relationship and just an overall tonal shift I don't know I wouldn't say it's unwatchable but Season 9 is definitely skippable so for me personally the show died after season 8 I have a couple other comments I'd like to make on the show but I don't think that this is the right video to make them on so contributing regenerates if you guys enjoyed this video let me know in the comments section below and maybe there's a follow up or two there are actually two but there's two in mind but we'll see where it goes ladies and gentlemen this is Alex Jones and we are breaking the conditioning no look I'm gonna be honest with you I'm kind of V tarted which is why I liked and subscribe to the social injustice warriors Channel I even click that little bell to stay notified you have to look into it people but then I began to uncover what I believe to be a secret nefarious plot orchestrated by Zionist reptilians now give me a second digging deep I discovered that he wants you to quote-unquote follow him on Twitter now think about that for a minute what kind of person what sort of individual wants you to follow them you know who else wanted people to follow them the world's biggest beach boy fan mom Charles Manson those who want to show their support donate to the guys patreon for exclusive content now why is it so exclusive what's this guy hiding from the public what are those patreon see that the people of YouTube don't then I noticed he also has a paypal and just for the low price of 22 dollars plus shipping you can get yourself a as i JW t-shirt so surely justice warrior call so let's put this all together he wants people to follow him he calls you v tardes he wants you all to donate your money to him and he wants all of you to wear the same clothing so that just leads to ask what kind of a hive like cult this man operating V infuse Oh Oh massages and justice warrior
Channel: Vee Infuso
Views: 714,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Office, review, retrospective, commentary, bloopers, theme song, fire drill, deleted scenes, cpr, parkour, uk, us, full, episode, Vee Infuso, Vee Reviews, Michael, Dwight, Jim, Pam, David Brent, Angela, Andy, wedding, dance, Erin, Nellie, scene, best, funniest, moments, worst, Kevin, Creed, chili, Daryl, drive, prank, funny, meme, dinner party, stress relief, movie, Toby, Kelly, Ryan, Stanley, Phyllis, Oscar, Meredith, Holly, Robert California, Jan, Karen, Todd, David Wallace, Gabe, Roy, the day the office died
Id: k2ckLvC9hW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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