The Object Pane in the Embrilliance platform May 20, 2019

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okay looks like we are live hopefully everyone is doing well out here in Colorado it's a little bit snowy I unbelievable it can't believe it is snowing okay guys some people check it in um let's see Margo you're here hi how are you yeah we had some crazy weather today woke up to snow and it's May and I wanted to kind of get my plants done before I leave for Houston this weekend ain't happening well we got a good good two to three inches of snow out here now it's all big slushy icky stuff 90's here in Georgia well yay Janet I'm glad that's good and I know from Texas and Gigi from Georgia yeah it was like wicked hot my friend Sarah who runs the brilliant brilliant scoops that was like like very hot in Georgia hey Natalie I'm Susan Oh glad you're all check in yes you're all ready for this gonna have some fun times today oh you're from Blue Mountains coffee in hand well I'm not showing my beverage of choice just yet feels like 90 and Mississippi where Carol is and Mirim is there and Road Rhonda from Louisiana am I gonna see you tomorrow or not this morning next couple days possibly Christine yes you're gonna learn about the object pain today Nancy from Illinois Tonya from Alabama yeah I wish it was fought here serious guys I am so so done with winter so done with it this is just crazy it's like been uh-huh it was very nice I was in Kansas City this past week and I was there working or I was walking the show but I have a lot of friends in the industry and hopefully everyone can hear me okay a Wendy from Ohio a Czech glad you're checking in here oh I was working with my friend Michelle who's in the Mettler booth as you all know I love Mettler thread and they're what I use and I just have me helping her on the booth and we went walking around afterwards oh my god it was like dying of heat dying of heat and then it got rainy already no windy windy I don't remember rain I don't remember was just like 20 years ago because I had a I flew home and then drove home late cuz I got home Friday night heads like the weekend here oh it's gonna be the 90s in Houston this weekend while I will definitely catch up now I'm hopefully the rain has stopped in Houston because the last I heard they were major lots of rain rain rain so we were getting snow they were getting rain a weird weird weapons weird weather so oh hey Cathy how are you glad you could check in okay well enough about that crazy weather here this was just so odd what they do slush puddles of snow today I'm not not ready for this so today talk about the object pain Oh Eric has a cloud cover just sending an Albuquerque cool weather I mean you're getting like the tail end of our storm glad to be check-in Eric see what you're up to ten percent chance of snow no rain if a rain in Houston well we'll gonna be inside in Houston so I don't really have to worry too much except I have to get my steps in I gotta keep walking get that exercise done so Oh 90s Becky's in Charleston South Carolina gorgeous gorgeous there I saw Becky when I was in fact the South Carolina everything embroidery market and speaking of which I'm in Houston this week so that starts this week no more spots left and I've already got I am like so proud of you guys everyone there's anyone here I'm going to Houston I got all the lunch orders in boo it saves me a lot of trouble and no one's gonna have to eat peanut butter and jelly or crackers from the front desk okay so that good very good appliquè getaways getting that coming up now I don't know if you guys saw but on the Umbreon sweb site there's a chance to win free tickets to people are gonna win free tickets the applique getaway in Texas so if you're thinking about going first of all you you're gonna want to sign up because first all babe announced that Friday which is the only shopping day that's it's a shopping day tech thing but it's 80s themed 80s I thought that was my decade okay Lisa became Lisa in the 80s so I don't know if we're gonna do a live from there I don't know if anything what you want to see what we're gonna happen but I mean people gonna be dress it up dress you might see me in my Madonna outfit I was big Madonna fan flock of seagulls Depeche Mode you never know pretty in pink never know where you go but that's what the 80s theme is that's Friday you know Oh seriously but if you want to win tickets go to the in brilliant Facebook page and the comments on the post sets they're so gonna draw winner here if it's tomorrow or Wednesday I don't know it says so right in the post I forgot by them but that applicate get away I have one spot left as of this morning I didn't check before now but one spot left for the essentials class and a couple spots left for a stitch artist class now these are the pre day classes so if the show opens on Friday these are the Thursday classes one spot left Houston sold out Dallas is gonna sell out Texas look I guess Texas likes and brilliance but then we also have the VIP classes that are going on at the applique getaway as well as my lecture classes and booze demos Debbie's coming with me we're gonna be having the booths going nonstop booth demos there no no Becky we are we are not no that was not the 80s Madonna didn't have that Todd Hawk owns in the 80s I was a like a virgin I went to Catholic school I was such a rebel anyway eighties eighties like hey Lynn how are you good bring me back to reality from Queensland I saw you got you're walking today good girl Lynne and I are walking buddies on Facebook so make sure we get our exercises in cheer each other on because sometimes we don't feel like exercising so back to embroidery after the applicator getaway I am in Denver the 19th and 2019 through a 21st of July so we have those classes going on Chicago is September 13th to the 15th and in November I am in Australia on vacation but I am working with a kid now they have something set up for me to do some sort of event while I am there so other news I will not be doing a live next Monday so a week from today because that's Memorial Day and have other plans for Memorial Day so you'll sketch me oh this is the last one for May next one you'll catch me as in June so you ready to go check out the object pane reason I wanted to talk about the object pane is because when you're looking at the software your display pane shows you everything in the hoop it's a very visual you have your hoop on your screen and what you put into it is what's gonna stitch at the machine but the object pane that's what controls when things are gonna stitch what stitch 1st 2nd 3rd what's overlapping what's hiding something else all that's controlled by the object pane so you kind of have to work on both at the same time you have to see in the display pane and work on the object pane at the same time so that thing's stitch out when you want them to stitch that should make sense right because if you think about it the embroidery machine it's all it's all math based I know we all hated math in school I loved math cuz I was it was something I really enjoyed made sense 2+2 was always for until I went to college and then no 2+2 is macaroni and cheese for some reason so just it took a whole different turn for me but when you're in a computer is all math based so what you have to tell it the software is where you want things sistent and when you want them to stitch they all go hand in hand just doesn't go willy-nilly and their couple more people checking in glad you guys are enjoying these webinars you know I enjoy doing them obviously I wouldn't do that if I didn't like them but I get to sometimes they get a little bit silly on them so let's see if we can switch over whoo I got small and here's the screen so we have our hoop on our page this is where we'd set up what we want to stitch and where we want it in the hoop but the display pane shows when we want things to stitch so let me bring in a couple couple designs cuz looking at a blank sheet doesn't work very well so I'm gonna just go to my open and I'm gonna go to my in the hoop zipper bag this is probably one of the number one questions or things that we get when you are working on in the hoop projects and you add a name or a design to it in the hoop project cuz you want it to stitch in the process during the correct stitching order but when you do that sometimes bad things happen and we're gonna talk about those bad things in a min so when you're looking at your object pane here I've opened my design now this is from a creative medley she actually made this and um this is one of her in hoop zipper bags before you work on any in the hoop project if anyone few that have done in the hoop project size assume there's a few of you on here that do them they are basically just running stitches so as you click on each color it doesn't really tell you much it's just a color break at the machine it's just a seam it's a running stitch of stitches so number one the rule the law is that you read the instructions that come with them in the hoop project because otherwise you can have no idea what what to do wait cuz this it puts a zipper in here then well there's nothing the Murray machine is gonna say insert zipper you have to follow step-by-step instructions and and gives fabulous instructions with great pictures if the place that you purchase your project from doesn't give you instructions you don't need to be buying their designs anymore because that takes a lot of work to create those instructions and if they're not clear or they didn't give them to you you you know it just makes a lot work for you so I go through my instructions and I read okay this is my placement line that's on my stabilizer because she tells me oops stabilizer this is my zipper getting put in and my placements and this is my decorative stitching on the top and I'm folding fabric and blah blah blah I mean you have to read the instructions in order to understand that when you get to stitch number nine this is my decorative stitching on my piece of fabric that's on the bottom half and this is where I'd want a design or my name to go so you can't really tell that unless you're really familiar with working on in the hoop designs that this is where you'd want to put it in embroidery design unless you're really familiar you have to follow the instructions so step one read the instructions before you even load the design to the machine so it says step number nine is this decorative stitching and then once you start going to the other steps these are like the little placement things for tabs and putting the back fabric on and batting and whatnot so we don't want to make sure that we put our design in between stitches number nine and number ten that's where it has to get inserted okay well first of all let me put it in I'm gonna zoom up my things we can't see it I'm gonna merge a design into this okay I don't god you could check in here and Debbie I'm glad you enjoy my Monday nights my craziness okay lesson insert a design into our in loop project so I'm gonna click on the merge a stitch file I'm gonna browse to wherever the design is to I have a nice little one somewhere on my screen possibly here we go I'm gonna go over its my desktop it's in something called object pain cuz I pulled it out so I wouldn't have to go searching for it and here's just a little boat because it's as waves perfect going to skip our boat and let's go and click import and it place it it's in my hoop and I could say oh I'm gonna move it over to here and I kind of want it right there okay so that's where I wanted to stitch in the hoop however if I look at my screen here it's gonna stitch after the whole thing is completed because I need to put it in between nine and ten because we've already analyzed our stitching order and that's where it needs to go so I'm gonna expel it's selected here I'm going to click on my down arrow so that I can see where I am looking at here and I'm going to click hold so that my boat is highlighted and I'm going to drag it up into so that on on a Mac you can see there's a green line that goes across and you see the little dot on Windows it's a little bit of different of an indicator but you're gonna notice that it wants to put it in between nine and ten so when I release my mouse button and zip this all up I now have design number one which should only have nine scholars in it so it goes like one through nine then the little boat and then design three is the rest of them okay so that is how we make sure that this one this boat stitches at the right times now when you have it in the hoop design and there's a wonderful video that talks about this there's a couple ways of ensuring that remove hidden stitches okay the way we remove hidden stitches works is when you have more than one design in your object painting right now I have three designs in my object pane and when you have more than one and they're overlapping each other any stitches that are hidden underneath so anything from design number three that's hidden so anything from two or mmm one that's hidden by number three is gonna be removed automatically now within the hoop designs that can be kind of a problem because they're basically just running stitches right on top of each other so when you have two of them couple couple them right on top of each other in the hoop this one goes away it gets hidden so there's two ways of solving that problem two ways I can think I'm right top of my head number one is in that video that's on the in brilliance youtube channel essentials about how to set each of the running stitches that has a job to be an applique position give it a job so that it doesn't do it anymore the easier way when you're just wanting to okay I'm ready to send this to the Machine and just want to stitch this out I will go and go to my preferences here at the top where it says when saving and I will turn off remove hidden stitches so that when I save my stitch file nothing's gonna get removed the key point is is that I need to turn it back on in the next time I save something because otherwise when you do bring in to design than you want them to remove in stitches you don't want yo half they're gonna say well why do I do have a bulk why do I have lots of stitches impaling each other that's because I turn it off so this is probably one of the easiest things to do when such when you're working within the hoop designs that have lots of steps the other option that you could do let's see if I click a bump just clicking can't get this done is go through this section whoopsie and anything that is going to be the my second design which is this this third I'm just in my third design the components of this are running stitches so anything that is being hidden by this stitch this stitch and there's nothing cuz these are these are all together these are not being hidden by anything not hiding anything this running stitch that goes all the way around if there's another running stitch in design number one I need to change that to be an application so that it's not gonna get removed automatically so a couple more people checked in but I don't know if I have any questions going on here yet any any questions anybody watching like I said the easiest thing to do is just to remember to turn off your removin stitches from your preferences and that's under files when saving removing stitches turn it off if you turn it back on when you're done I turn it back on click apply click OK and I'm done wonder if we say Brian can add do you want to turn off move in stitches well that would be a nice nice feature I'll tell you that when you do a color sort and I didn't check any of my colors but I will tell you that if you choose color sorts from this if you uncheck the presort that does turn it off so it doesn't remove pin stitches so but just make sure that you're not combining colors that are should be combined and I didn't check that at all see it's already reduced by pages and that's not a good thing yeah make sure you have individual colors but this is if you made sure verify that all your colors were unique you can always do it by the color sort and uncheck the remove hidden stitches I think that's so that is an option and I'm not sure doing a color sort and having him at an option here it says don't sort colors would make a lot of sense but this is what I use this section right here my color sort as up as a we're going to call it a checklist or a verification for what my stitch file is gonna look like so let's not we're not gonna do this we're just gonna cancel this guy but that is one way to do it but yet make sure all these individual colors are different colors now if you wanted to add a name to this where that boat is on the side when you add your lettering object click your ABC you're gonna move it into place so it's right where you want it and then do the same thing click cold drag and drop it and just make sure you don't drag it someplace it's not supposed to go okay so I'm gonna put it like I just did say I put it inside the boat not a good idea sometimes it undo and ease your way of doing this and this is what you'll see a lot me doing a lot in my videos that I because I it's hard to visualize a drag and drop if you right-click on this and say move earlier it will move the entire design one design earlier so that allows you to keep that that all saved together okay so our object pane now actually has four designs when you have multiple designs in your object pane that's where you need to pay attention is remove hidden stitches possibly gonna cause a problem it might not but if you only have one design like only a one up here nothing else and you have a problem at the machine something got removed that nothing do with removing stitches okay movie all hidden stitches only happens when you have multiple designs in your object pane that could be overlapping each other hopefully that makes sense now for the everyone that's joining in a little bit late just remember you can watch this entire video from the beginning as soon as I'm done it's gonna be available to watch in life the applique class in June is applique getaway is in Dallas or Irving Texas so there's a whole bunch of information on my website which is so - bubbles calm and you can click on education let me see if I can click this up come and see sooo if you're here I am doing the suit trick I'm pasting the link in the comments so that you can actually see where I'm gonna be haha very good okay so let me talk to that is just basically how you organize or make sure your order is correct in the object pane couple other things to pay attention in the object pane are these buttons here at the top the first one that is my absolute favorite is a select all okay select all basically click this button everything selected at one time ah look at that lick it cool that's easier than going up to file or edit I guess it's edit and choosing select all or command a sometimes you extra mouths right handy right here just click on this very first one so that it's you are going select all yes sue that is why your teddies sometimes only so odd stitches on the first run because you have multiple designs that are overlapping each other and one of them has is especially within the hoop designs cuz it's the only way that removing stitches works is that the stitches are one right on top of each other so a clumpy thing would be formed it's saving you that issue it's not it's making sure that doesn't happen to you don't buttons here at the top the first one is select all that's absolutely fabulous because it just selects everything and if you have a whole bunch of stuff or this happens to me a lot and sometimes that we there's our people that don't understand that your hoop shows you what is gonna fit inside your hoop so this is just a guide this has nothing to do with the program but if you have something that's outside the hoop like I'm looking at my hoop here and you see how my design size is red that means I have something else so if I go to select all I can see Wow look at that dashed line down there it's going that my select all box it's showing me I have stuff out here which means it's not gonna show up in my I can't save this design for my 5 by 7 hoop because the machine is gonna say this is not mm you think whatever is on your screen yes to be stitch Abul so don't stick stuff out here I know in a lot of other programs you can have like the silhouette software you throw it outside your your your cutting area and it's not going to cut well embroidery software if it's on your display page with stitches it has to be all calculated with compensation and and stabilization and everything's is important so you just can't have random stuff all over the place on the outside that hoop is just a guide so we want to make sure that if you have one quick way of noticing that you have something outside your hoop is just go right up here select all you can say oh I got something weird out here so you either move it back in where it needs to or hit the Delete key to get rid of it so that you're not causing any problems okay just bring the notes real quick yes it is I was reading barbers come a comment about it's just one week when you're combining designs or you're adding names or words or stuff to existing designs the remove hidden stitches it only works is if you have multiple designs in your object thing so if you don't you don't have to worry about it but one of the things I check when I go through my stitching out checklist is do I have multiple designs in that object pane and if I do is remove hidden stitch is gonna cause a problem hopefully that makes sense to you guys so select all that's wicked cool now sometimes do you have let's go and open a different design because I'm kind of getting tired of looking at this one don't save boom-boom just gonna give you guys some variety so the screen looks a little different okay open here is a carousel frame that I created just from a little flower that I had and a monogram that I want to put inside the frame now obviously this has to go on top of this and when I click off of it I can see that the letters are kind of a little bit too big for this frame and if you notice in my object pane here let me see if I can make this a little bit smaller here do you see I have because I did the Charis using the enthusiast function and I have a whole bunch of designs and then I add my lettering at the bottom these are not grouped to their individual design so they're easily able to be moved by accident okay so these buttons here at the top can help a lot of things because what I mean by move by accent and I absolutely click on this guy and I move him you know I try to move him both let's see let's move him see I can move him where other way and when you have a carousel you don't really want to do that you cuz now I just whacked my whole thing it just like a matter of a nice ugly design right now so we're gonna undo this first so I want to select all of those flowers in my wreath and group them together so that I don't accidentally make a mess okay if I select all right now because I've already added my monogram I get the whole shebang I only want the flowers and the wreath okay I only want that wreath design so I can go through and try this and this particular design it's not that hard it's like the first one hold the shift key down grab the last one it'll select them all great but I'm gonna show you a trick because this is one of the buttons that's on the object pane and once you get used to using buttons there will be a time where it will be very beneficial that you want to do this so I'm going to select my lettering object and go to the next button that is to the right and it says reverse select which means when I click that button it's going to unselect what I have selected and select everything else see how it did that nice and neat nothing was moved and nothing was mucked up is some I sometimes it makes a mess and you just don't want to make a mess so if you the way it works again it's a reverse selection so you select what you don't want to be selected go up here to the second button and say reverse selection now you have everything selected I can go up to my edit menu where it says group and now all those items are grouped together in my display pane so that if I was my mouse going crazier if I click on anything on my display pane there it grabs them all now it doesn't grab the center monogrammed part it only grabs what I grouped together so if we wanted to move this for some reason it's all selected together nice and neatly okay so that's that reverse selection thing okay that's what you reverse select and then I group together that's probably the most handy time I use that reverse thing so the first button is select all the second button is reverse selection so you click on something and then it's selects it unselect everything that is there okay I'm selects what you have selected and selects the rest of it sorry my little alarm came on to tell me that it was half past six so I'm in the right I'm on track of where I want it to be so Group four just let you know only affects how things are grouped in the display pane I can still select individual flowers in my object pane but if I go into my display pane and click on any of those grouped objects the whole thing is selected that's the only thing that group does it makes it easy so you can move stuff around group it together in your object pane okay I do this a lot if you watched my video on Oh the intertwined monograms on how you group things together so that you want to combine letters and your merging in things and you don't want them to move once you get those two letters exactly where you want you group them so that they only move is up as a solid unit guys that's what the group does now if you have this okay so use a stitch similar then color change and cut stitches once no you can't do that once you color the stitch similar that's a holdover class well that's out but this is but yes ditch simulator color changes cut stitches can't do anything else once you do that okay now one of the things once I have something yes reverse select is very useful especially now that you know what exists was a nice button there before but you didn't know it existed you'll find it useful and now poof it'll be right okay the next three buttons are lock lock and hide and unlock okay so the lock say you're working on this coaster and you don't want to move it anymore and why that could be crazy is because or why that's an issue is say we have this selected and you're like oh I want to move this monogram well you see a neat I didn't want to move the frame the frame was where it was supposed to be I wanted to move the monogram but I wasn't careful where I put my mouse so if I have my monogram frame selected and I click on the lock button here you see first of all puts all the little lucky things on it and now I can't click on this I can click on try and click on anything I'm in this flower I can't move this it is locked but I can move my little monogram anything here okay so that lock button is fabulous because once you have something in a specific place you don't want to have to oh go oops and undo and then move it back again you just want to have it where it's supposed to be so now I can take my monogram I can make it smaller by holding down my shift key and resizing and placing my monogram where it needs to be in my frame and not worry about accidentally being where it's not supposed to be not accidentally moving something now the next button when you have something selected and you go up to this object pane here to the right the next button says lock heíd you're doing that intertwine monogram this is you know that's a great place to chill to use this because what it does is you have your something that is selected not only is it gonna lock it in place but it hides it so you see it has a nice little white block on it so that when it's no longer selected you can't see it so this is very handy if you have lots of things on your screen and you're trying to move things around and you just get confused and you're a squirrel and you got caught you know get discombobulated and focus on something else it doesn't remove it so you can't see it it's still there but you just can't see it unless you selected in the object pane and then of course the fountain the last one is the unlock button so when you click on the unlock button it now shows it back up when you have your frame selected whoops I gotta go and hit select all which is all these things and unlock it now everything is unlocked everything is grouped still we're good to go hopefully those all makes sense to you barb you always forget about that button well that was either the reverse one the lock button or the lock and hide button I forget about these all the time up here as well they're just they're handy shortcuts but if you sometimes I find myself saying oh I wish I could just hide this it's where I want it I don't want it to move but I don't want to see it and that's a great time when you want to use the lock and hide I your working file it's gonna still the stitches are still there so when you save your stitch file what no matter what you have locked or hide or whatever it's still gonna be there in your stitch file this only really affects your working file and what is able to be a touched moved whatever in your display pane here the reverse button yes reverse buttons easy went to forget it really is so the other thing actually those were what I really want to talk about with the object pain because even though it's just very sim we'll stuff it's things that we always forget and we don't pay attention to and they can make our life so much easier as if we remembered that they were there because it's always that time when you wish you had the perfect tool to do the job at hand and that allows you this is what allows you to do that so let me see if I can get any if there's any other questions here and move my mouse over to this side anybody else have any questions about what we're talking about with the object pane DDT now what I've showed you here this is good with all the platforms so it doesn't matter if you have stitch artist or essentials or express will Express just has the object pain but it doesn't have a lot of the other functions so removing stitches doesn't work but there's nothing to remove but the whole platform that's what these object pane buttons have to have to do with they control the order of your stitching in your design that you're digitizing your editing you're customizing whatever it is that you're doing to them that object pane is very powerful this tells you the when when things are stitching out I mean this is the whole stitching order and you can a lot of times it's almost like a manual sewing stitch simulator because I can go I prefer to go through my design one color at a time one block at a time just to it's an easier way for me to see one little grouping at a time otherwise you can always go to the snow simulator and watch it stitch out so that's always an option type thing but it's there's always more than one way to do something so Oh Pam I'm glad you did watch Roberta I appreciate learning more about the buttons now you just remember to use them yes yes yes is there way to make the panel larger to read you can always expand the size of your panel but the size of the text here that's determined by your operating system so that there's nothing in the software that you can make the size of text better but you can by putting your mouse cursor on the divider in between the panes you can make them bigger or whiter as you saw I made my my other pane really small just remember that if you happen to close something or do something bad and you're especially on Windows you windows folks likes to close all those panes all the time because it's there's a little X here in the corner that lets you do that but under your view menu on Windows it's called reset toolbars and pains or something just make sure if you've done something and you're missing a pane and that's how you get it back there's a little reset option and it puts them all back the way that they were to begin with so that that works out so okay guys well that's all I had for today it's snowing again it stopped for a while I was I was happy and now it's coming down again that's like there's bright green grass because we had rain and so if you'd a few weeks ago and all the grass popped up and now I have bright green grass coming through on my snow great the Kathy I know I can't understand how people without that can embroider without software some people do get a machine though that has so much onboard capability that they get so focused on learning how to use those that capability that's learning something else is just completely overwhelming I get that however I think everyone should just I think all machines that's a I can't learn all that stuff on the machine I'd rather do it in software because too many oopss have happened to me at the machine I can't remember how to how to work it out sometimes I have difficulty placing a design where I want it within another why would that be and what probably has to do with how you're dragging when you're if you say I wanted to drag this flower inside another flower I always grab the design by the number and I drag it up and put my mouse cursor I pay attention to where your mouse cursor is that's that is a key for everything because it's not it's there it has asbestos it's important the point of your mouse cursor is the selector point it's not the whole mouse it's not like a whole hand it's just the point so pay attention to where that point of your cursor is and don't be trying to put it on the too far to the left or too far to the right I like to put it exactly where I want it so and I don't release it until I see that it's going where it's supposed to go if it if I put it someplace I didn't want it I just right away go to undo and I try again okay you'll figure you'll get the hang of it because sometimes you have a sensitive mouse cursor sometimes you have you know on your Windows operating system you can have clicking speeds and the your your mouse point may be a pinpoint like a pen point or it could be a fat point it could be it says it's less sensitive so just gonna plop it willy-nilly so you have to get used to what your computer and your settings are and what but once you figure it out it's like it'll just it'll just cool just go where it is um let's see Betty hey Debbie how are you long time no see long time since we're in Florida we chose Florida al snow snow follow snowfall in Cheyenne uh uh yeah well Nancy I'm glad you learned something in our on our Friday Monday nights our Monday night jams you know after hours type thing um if you haven't noticed I have updated my youtube channel I put a blog post on my website my website so - bubbles calm and my blog is listed there which has a link to all the previous ones I've slowly been uploading them to a playlist on my youtube channel so that it can go - it's easier to find videos on YouTube than it is on Facebook it's just it's hard hard to find some of these but I will tell you I am it depends I'm trying to get them up there it's just that these are huge files so I have a slow internet connection so that most of em up are up there now I think I'd have to left and plus this one and then you can find them there in a playlist on my youtube channel but you get from a website and the playlist I think called Facebook lines or something and you can scroll through the dates I tried to add descriptions as to what each one was unfortunately as some of my forgot what we were talking about and I wasn't very good at writing the description in the first place so you know it is what it is but you can always fast forward and rewind if you remember me saying something it's in there somewhere unfortunately when they're short short videos that's why I really like making short videos because they're only two four or five minutes they're easy you can watch the whole thing put your hands on your lap and watch the whole thing but here we're going on you know forty three minutes trying to find that one snippet of information might be a little difficult to find but they're there so in case anyone want missed it or can't find on YouTube or wants to just have me talking to them in the background so Becky wants me to make some snow cream yeah I don't know it's lumpy I don't want to go outside and stay in and catch up on my videos since I was at quilt market last week I have some TV programs that my husband recorded for me so I'm gonna check on that excellent oh I'm glad that you enjoy and have Tuesday morning coffee with me know we have fun that's what this is all about so as I said I won't be here next Monday but the following Monday after that I'll post a link just like I have with these so that you can could get a reminder and then hopefully I'll show up in your in your feed I had a crazy thing and just have to UM I need to find a Facebook guru because all the ones I asked a quilt market had no clue what happened but cherylin I didn't see her check in here I was at quilt market and then this great display that was of the quilts and I was walking through her and I was doing I just did a improv to live and I said oh I'm just gonna show you guys the quilts and all of a sudden all these Schmucks started coming in on my facebook live and asking where I was then nothing to do with quilting nothing doing embroidery they're making fun of Kansas City I was there being obnoxious so I just had to kill it and delete it and it was very upset hope at least with these we aren't getting any chucks on here we're getting people that want to be here you get the little reminder it shows up in your news feed and you can join us have fun or watch later when you have some free time so oh I've got a pack I got myself a new suitcase so I'm gonna pack on my samples for Houston and don't maybe we'll do a impromptu live there I can figure out what possessed my phone for that so could you give my website again follow my blog it's so - bubbles calm you should have a page right here but also any of you having a an affiliate for let's see here's command C this is Sue's tip she told me how to do this command be the first one is my website that link that has handouts from the class I did it so Expo it also contains my affiliate link so if any of you are interested in getting the umbrella and software and you find my education helpful I don't pay anymore you might get a discount but but I might make a small Commission off of it and that's what encourages me to to do these things so before I forget that's that I also have a direct link to my youtube channel command C and paste it here come and be boom that's my that should be my link to my youtube channel directly so you can subscribe to that and get the information also all of you there drinking coffee with me in Australia don't forget I am going to be there in November this year come and see boom come here be sue I love you she's the one that taught me I could copy and paste and put comments in my own feed anyway I'm gonna if you're interested in seeing me in Australia I'm their McKidd this sewing product said the ones that are sponsoring me organizing the class you'll want to make sure you sign up because I'm pretty sure it's gonna sell out because I'm going there on vacation normally I've many of you that know me from doing Australia road trips I'd multiple locations driving up the coast and my husband said noon we're not doing that this time so he's coming with me we're gonna see your beautiful country he's gonna take photographs he oh and for those of you that are commenting on my husband's pictures oh my goodness gracious you absolutely make his day he loves to take photographs and post them and it's it's my tribe that is making is you guys are awesome because we always say so much to each other about we're always congratulatory and oh my god this gorgeous and photographers I guess they really aren't like that so you're making my husband's day by telling him how his photos are very nice but that's what we're going to Australia for so he can take some pictures on our vacation anyway okay guys I've put all the links up there hopefully got it I'm glad that this was helpful I will see you online sporadically maybe I'll do a live when I'm in Houston and other than that I will I can't schedule it until a week before at least so but we'll do it next month the Monday after Memorial Day so have a wonderful wonderful week if you're coming to Houston can't wait to see you and I will catch you online later oh geez take care guys bye
Channel: Lisa Shaw
Views: 3,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machine Embroidery, Embrilliance, StitchArtist, Essentials, Enthusiast, LisaSewBubbles, Lisa Shaw, Bubble's Menagerie, customizing software, embroidery software, mac software
Id: fOIj2dKVIY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 20sec (2900 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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