AlphaTricks - AfterHours 8/29/2019

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okey-dokey let's see if we are live tonight supposedly welcome I saw people were checking in on my phone before I disconnected my phone let's see I got voice oh comments popped up yeah I can't wait love the reminders no Cathy didn't miss it I just um uh-oh that was from before sorry I'm reading the comments and this whole but just like popped up at one time hey hey Karen nice for you check-in sandy hopefully you saw that we are you are joined sandy from California's check-in in oh it feels like I haven't done this in like forever but I was in Connecticut last weekend visiting my family so couldn't really I actually didn't get home so I quit late that night anyway so there was just no way that we were doing a Monday Night Live ah let's see Lisa from Darwin hey Eric's check-in excellent excellent we've hit record heat again in Colorado and it was like 98 degrees in Denver we hit in the 90s here in elbert which is that's pretty high for us cuz we are about 7500 feet so I get back from Illinois no you got say yes Yvette's checking of Illinois Lisa was from Darwin that's that's Wow that's far that's far Marilyn Mary's checking in from South Carolina see you guys got the driller ready you've got no to login say hey Melissa's for Parker Colorado exercise that too far you had warm weather today sunshine no thunderstorms rolling in yet so hopefully we will have any issues with the Internet's here cuz I'm a few towns over in Elbert not too far from Parker so hopefully guys had had a great week I had a fabulous visit with my family always goes by too quickly too quickly but I'm glad to get back on track needs to get back into the routine of working and doing these Facebook lives I'm Monday and we thought we would check in and do an alpha tricks one this week so I know many of you were saying posting that you had issues so we're gonna go through why you'd want fix how to use alpha tricks and why it's a fabulous program it's one of those programs that you may not use it a lot because it has a specific job this but once you use it it's it's fabulous um oh yes you guys saw my pictures I went out to check before I did the live at Horus my owl he's not here yet I drove he's gonna check in my husband takes photos I take some too when I snag his camera but he's got what he's really if you ever if you actually read the post of what he says he's got this fancy schmancy camera it's got this gargantuan lens and this is my camera okay I like the iPhone look I take a picture and do it so if as long as he leaves the camera out on the table all set up I will take it I know how to focus and I'll take a picture he sometimes he like has it set up to do nighttime photos so it's got the timer and I'm like ISO the Hermetic the pictures the owl I'm out there and I pushed the button halfway and focused great hit the button all the way and then starts beeping and the allo starts looking at me like I'm what are you doing lady this goes beeping I like for five seconds or how long it takes like oh and of course it's the longest five seconds ever but I think he put its up with us so I got we have I think we have two owls that are checking in Eric is gonna post links to the Alpha tricks information that's on the imprints website thank you Eric sometimes I forget to put my stuff in as far as linking information I try and go back and put it in but he's great tagging what's going on in here so Oh Michelle you're checking in excellent excellent so and there's a lot of people that couldn't make it tonight as you know this is all recorded and it's saved right to mind the page that you're watching on so if you happen to say you want a reminder it's now in your news feed and you can find this link any time I do try to upload them to the YouTube channel that's my YouTube channel and that's slash so bubbles I think it is know Lisa so bubbles that's my YouTube pages and the live videos I post that link on my blog I post it to this page so you see I'm really pretty good at giving you guys where the information is and if you subscribe to i blog then you know when I get one uploaded however these videos are huge and we have a slow internet connection so it's not the it's not very easy all the time to get things Karin says if you need to save it go to the upper right corner exactly so on the post on the upper right corner there's like three dots or if you're on your phone it's got like what something on the phone and there's an option when you hit that it's pulls it down and says save video and then you have an in your feed for wherever whenever you want is watching let's get down to business alpha tricks this is one of the programs from M brilliance its main purpose when it first came out and this is before B x-files came into be and we all love BX fonts oh my gosh every so often I see people posting oh you know BX fonts are just alphabet designs mapped to the keyboard that's all they are well yeah that's all they are and that's because and that makes it fabulous okay if you didn't have your alphabet designs mapped to your keyboard the only way to use them is by dragging them all in manually which is what you have to do in other software so brilliance came up with this format called BX and it's available from over a hundred fifty part of our favorite you'll also find some of our digitizers are using stitch artists to create their alphabet design collections and they publish a B X which is a native B X fun still install it's the same still we'll be able to use it same it just has more you know that power features as opposed to installing five different sizes of a font you just install one because it's like a built in font you can resize it change properties oh gotta love it but I digress the reason that alpha tricks came out was so that we wouldn't have to bring in our alphabets one at a time you could map the designs to the keyboard so that you can use your lettering tool and type with them so I'm gonna switch over to the software now Kathy is in a pizza restaurant someone I love it people say this is where I am so that is what we're going to do that's you are you a pizza restaurant awesome fabulous and she'll catch it later that night if you can't aren't getting any video or sound that's because it's slow internet we have probably we have over 50 people site watching right now it does record in the high quality and will be posted later so you can catch it on afterwards but usually it catches up so let me see if I can switch on over to there we go there's my software program okay so when you are looking at it at your program alpha tricks when you have it installed and when you am you have it installed into the in brilliant platform you get this little icon here at the top it has the needle down with the ABC next to it so that means that you have alpha tricks installed okay so the rest of program all looks the same so if you had essentials and you add alpha tricks this is what you get now if you didn't have alpha tricks let me show you what you'd have to do just because you need to understand the pain that's we all went through for many years before BX fonts or before alpha tricks really came into being in order to say use a fun you'd have to go to merge stitch file navigate to the folder where your alphabet is scroll down and say I just wanted to type in the word mark I want to make this and use this font and type in the name mark so I need a small a I'd have a slowed down scroll down here hold down my command key find the small letter K scroll down a the capital letter M and any a small R right okay R then I have to click import so I'd have to merge all these letters in or you'd have to go and merge them in one at a time so now I'd have to go now the fun begins I need to move the M I need to move the a I need to move the R and I move to the K and hopefully that all fits in my hoop because what if you had a font that didn't fit in your hoop you have to use a smaller size you have to do it all over again uh and then what if you wanted to do this with somebody else's name or you spelled it wrong start off from scratch so alpha tricks let me go on select all command a and hit the delete that lets you take all those letters and map them to create a keyboard font so that when you use the lettering tool and that's the big letter a in the brilliance program it'll show up in your font list so how do you map a font very easy hold on I had a sneezing fit before I started tried to get rid of it but now I got a coughing that tickle right here okay now we have to map the fun oh this gonna click on our import font button that brings up a dialog box and it's gonna walk us through the whole process so it says dude would you like to begin importing a font and I'm gonna choose yes and it's gonna open my that dialog box where you are mapping or you were choosing all the individual letters so this is a folder I have and this is a font I got from a website called wind star embroidery you can everybody has alphabets that aren't B X you may have some from a long time ago the is one I have and it's called it's the whole alphabet design collection now not all alphabets are named in a logical way as far as mathematically fun what I mean by this what I'm looking at this I have all of my designs here this is the entire alphabet it has capital letters it has small letters it has everything in it so I can if this was named properly meaning and I didn't the reason I could tell you it's not named properly as you see there's a small a then there's an ampersand and then there's a capital A and a B and B it's not really in a logical fashion so if I were to hit select all and choose import what happens is it brings all these letters in into my program and it doesn't know what character they are so I have to go through and manually assign them so when I'm looking at the nut the first ones 0 through 9 those were already numbered in numerical order 0 through 9 so they're already done because I can look here at the top we if they weren't named with something that was that the software could pick up it would put unknown here and I would be able to use one of the shortcut buttons here at the top where it says 0 through 9 and mapped them but the software is able to figure the first characters out were 0 to 9 however it got all confused once it hit these other numbers here because it doesn't know this little a is so I'd have to hit the little a on my keyboard and then this is an ampersand so I'd have to hit the shift 7 which is the ampersand on the keyboard now this is a capital A so I'd have to shift shift a so I have to I would go through and I would assign each one of these characters automatically or by hitting the keys on my keyboard because it kind of brought them in kind of crazy but I'm going to show you guys a trick because there's a way that we can use these shortcut buttons here we just to bring them in so that the software can use the shortcuts because these shortcuts are what we call pattern recognition when I'm talking about a pattern when I hey C 0 1 2 3 4 the shortcut button 0 through 9 when you have this 0 selected and you click the shortcut button 0 through 9 its gonna automatically assign the characters 1 2 3 4 all the way to 9 based upon this first number here so if I were to go and say go whoops I don't want that slider I want this slider if I click on this a small a and I just happen to choose a through Z basically what it did was it went through and assigned the next characters capital A is this one this is the ampersand so it skipped it cuz I already mapped it this would be as B CD it doesn't make any sense whatsoever but it's the pattern that you chose cuz you clicked on it I did right here and it says and all the next characters are all capital letters because I looked at them and they weren't that way so we're gonna stop doing this because I don't want to come already confused to you guys but I'm gonna tell you that most of the fonts that aren't bx come in crazy like this so i'm gonna help you guys fix map a font map this font by using the shortcut buttons so let's hit delete this funk sigh don't want it here and we're gonna start all over again so i'm going to click on new font it's gonna bring up this dialog box and i'm going to 0 through 9 come in correctly so i'm going to select all these 8 whoops by holding down the command key on my keyboard and clicking on the number so they have check marx's next to them so 0 through 9 all have check marks and i'm gonna click on import it brings them all in and as know it named them all properly okay I'm gonna click on add designs that opens up the dialog box again gonna click on the same folder and I've already done zero through nine I need to add the little a this little B the little C all the same I want to get them all at one time I can go through and hold down my command key and click little a little B little C go through that way but there's an easier way by making your pain narrower so that only two rows show up and the reason I do that is if you see what happened here a b c all the capital letters show up all right underneath each other cuz i made it two columns so the ampersand kind of flings a gizmo in that and will fit work on that later but let's look at the capital letters first if I hold down if I click on my letter a capital letter a scroll down to the bottom while holding my shift key until I get to the capital letter Z which is this one right here it selected all those letters all the capital letters at one time so if I click on import what michelle's mines ballon and I haven't even started yet do you see what happened it brought in all the capital letters all at one time so as I'm looking at these guys and I'm looking at it there's my capital letter a it doesn't know what that is but I know that all the letters after it are all capitals right if I select that a and I click on the A to Z button which is the capital a to capital Z boom it just met all the capitals one time a time okay I see some of the lights going on cuz Becky says she wants to know why she'd know this months ago sorry event Wow whoo yes because this is cool okay we're gonna do it again because I have small letters to do it so with you that one was an easy one the trick is making the columns only to be two because that would put usually all the small letters than all the capital letters or however so next step add designs if you're asking why I'm not adjusting the baseline is because you don't do that until all of your characters are mapped they all have to have pointing to my screen letters have to be assigned characters so you want to add all your designs first and then move them up and down okay you don't wanna make more work for yourself so add designs it brings up the dialog box again click on the folder where your designs are and I have to readjust it so there's only two columns showing them that should do it scroll down now I see this is crazy because it has this a ampersand B C D so I'm gonna go and hit this one I know we don't want that one whoops you want this guy all the way down to the Z at the bottom hold down my shift key to select all those and I'm gonna go up here to the top and hold on I go up there slowly I'm gonna all down my ctrl or command key cuz I also want to select this little a here at the top I don't want to select the ampersand I'll get that one next time I could put it in there but we're not gonna worry about it so we want all the little letters and I'm gonna click on import and over here oh it doesn't know what they are but look at they all came in one at a time so I'm gonna click on my little letter A we know that the pattern is small a small B small C biloba we're gonna use that pattern recognition button here that says little a to little Z and we're gonna map them all in we have to get that ampersand so I'm gonna click on ADD designs and if this font had any other punctuation and sometimes they do they have an exclamation point blah blah blah this one doesn't we already I I've met this font so many times practicing for this thing that there's no punctuation the only punctuation they have is the ampersand so let's click on that click import it has no idea that that's an amp and because why would it so I select it I hit the shift 7 which is the ampersand key on my keyboard and it snapped now this font has a name so before I so I don't have to do this again the law and it's a law is that as soon as you get to a point where you never want to do this again so we never want to map that again we're gonna save our work has to do with mapping designs working in software whatever so as soon as I get them all in and all mapped I'm gonna save my font now the name that it chooses is the name of the folder so it's called it wind star embroidery twinkle fairy I can change the name later I'll show you how to do that but I'm just letting you know that's where the name comes I'm gonna click save font and as it is it is available in my font list however it's not moved up and down so this is my so when you type things this is how it's gonna show up remember when you were in grammar school and you had to use the letters you know handwriting we they're not teaching that anymore I can't believe it but that's what we're doing that's what this this line is here this is what we call the bottom line where everything is resting this is the base line so this is I I'm gonna show you a couple things that you can do with these other numbers like the six let's put the seven down a little bit so it lowers we're gonna move the nine down a little bit all I am doing is I am clicking on a letter so that is selected dragging it and moving it down so that it shows up along this base line exactly where I want it to when I type with it so it when things are funky like the letter H here we want that to show up down here at the bottom these have these fun little things on here so m.q is usually one that's a problem because you know q has that little doohickey thing on the bottom V W X Y Z X why fonts are very this is a personal preference okay if for some reason you don't want your wife to be hanging down below or you want your ex to be all lower say you have a a font that does something that doesn't do that and you want to go in and fix it it's more will show you how to do that too but this is so this all paying attention to that bottom base line because that is where our letters are going to line up when you type with them yeah I am remembered that I'm on line so I have a finicky mouse that's why we're doing some crazy things here that's why it's not that perfect we're going for finished is better than done didi it's good to talk to yourself when you do this because then things work right it's eaten up here in the computer X so we're almost done whoo-hoo Y & Z okay so this is they have all been napped because they've all been assigned to letters we've now adjust our baseline up and down so they're gonna show up where we want them to on the screen so I'm gonna save my font again just to cuz I don't wanna do this again ever again okay so other things that you want to pay attention to in the screen here your letter spacing the default is set to 10% that gives you a little bit of space in between the letters so with that when you're typing it if you have a font that is scripty and you want to be connected you want to change that 10 to something smaller like maybe zero if you put it 2-0 it'll put all every single character right next to each other as close as it can and then you'll fuse the slider bars okay word spacing sometimes you have these words that are they have your words may have extra swooshes at them or depending on the font the defaults 15% if you find that you're typing and your word spacing always has to be made further up our change the number how many times can you save as often as you want I don't you know it takes a while a save so I wouldn't do it that often I do it as often as I do something I never want to do again so once I'm done mapping or bringing them all in I save once I've done adjusting up and down I save okay glyphs this is a keyboard font so if you want to say your alphabet has something weird in it like extra character you can map it to any character on the keyboard you just have to remember what that is because it's not gonna show you a funky frame or a little gluey luggy or this do we get lucky and that googy lucky it's not them know the difference so you have to know what you map them to okay this is a keyboard font okay well they have a jump stitch well it depends mm-hmm if the digitizer put locking stitches at the end of it and they're connecting then there's bass they'll have a job it's it all depends I mean this is you are mapping embroidery designs to the keyboard so it's the same thing as if you were to merge in 15 designs will they have a jump stitch hmm yes because their designs these are not digitized specifically for in brilliance native of BX fonts have mirrors can have nearest connecting point technology in them so the jumps made adjust let see Becky can we change that for each individual letter as needed no its global for the whole day I assume you're talking about the letter spacing in the word spacing it's global for the whole font it's kind of smart so it knows that when the G goes all the way down beneath it it will Snug them in closer but it's not per letter its per font and Carols ask you to do this for two type fonts the true type fonts are not embroidery designs if you have a true type font and you want to create an alphabet font you can use stitch artist level 3 create a font from it map it and it'll be a native px font for you but that's instead charters three true type fonts they have no stitches the is for embroidery designs out that look like alphabets the computer has no idea that that's a 0 a 1 a 2 a 3 or 4 0 okay it knows that as file that has that name or whatever we are assigning it to work with the lettering tool so these are just embroidery designs that are mapped to the keyboard so that when I'm gonna hit the save font one more time I don't remember if I saved it one time okay yeah hit save font very good now I'm guns having clicked my X here my font shows up in my font list once I click the letter a to generate my lettering object it's gonna my ABC on the screen I can now type in mark ma RK there's my black font the W that should jump down to windstar there it is there it is wasn't that was a lot easier than merging all those silly things in automatically right is that easier possibly now say we're looking at this font and say you wanted to change the name for something I happen to know that this font is I think it's like a three inch font let's see let me click on this letter M and see what it says hey letter M yeah it's about actually is about a 4 inch font so um say you have a font and you don't want it you want to put this with all your other four inch funds go when you go into alpha tricks and this works for any BX fun anything that has been installed when you go into alpha tricks you say would you like to begin importing a font you choose no because you'd already in your font list so you click no when you click on the down arrow key this lists all the fonts that are on your screen that are installed into your program so I can scroll down to the bottom where it says is where was it Winstar I think that was the name of it wind star twinkle fairy where'd it go p'tee there's the font that I brought in the name is wind star I can type right before wind star I actually I can name it whatever I want I'm gonna type in for my n space wind star embroidery twinkle fairy maybe put twinkle fairy wind star embroidery whatever it is however you want to name it I just put 4-inch in the beginning click save font now when I go into my font list close this out Oh delete good lettering tool go to my font list here right here at the top possibly we should have one that says 4-inch there it is 4-inch Winstar embroidery twinkle fairy boom renamed okay Sharon I have some applique fonts that can be Explorer Matt for those that didn't can they be brought in as The X Files a Patrick's absolutely you can map any anything that can map to the keyboard designs so if it's an alphabet that Joe can type with it go for it just remember it a four inch that's a big font if you a have a four inch hoop there's no need to map any 4-inch designs because you can't type with it does make any sense yeah that was a she went to put your oh yes you don't want and put them to map them and they have a to Z I'm not sure what that means but hopefully you saw what I did so that you can fix we've all done weird things trust me trust me I carry mine so it's easier way to title by name or by size I know my preference but what's the most common weight I don't know I leave them the way they are I don't rename them so I'd rename them to show people how to rename them I'm a visual person I know why use fonts from the its distance designs by juju so I'm a bad person ask but you'll you there's a conversation all the time in the brilliant and brilliance group on naming fonts so if it has to fix them all now if you miss mapped them once they're in there they're mapped the mmm sorry guys you know this there was a video on how to use the tricks already on the in brilliant YouTube channel I did it hasn't changed it's the same same process it's not as slow as this because it's a video that you can pause and rewind and this is a live thing but when you rename your fonts there's no need to go back in and remap them because as soon as when you go to alpha tricks and you it comes in says would you like to begin importing a fine the answer's no you want to rename something that's already there so you click no go to your list here and say we have one let's find one here this is tiny Samantha from almost place ok I'll show you something else that you can do with this so this is almost place has fabulous tiny fonts and this is her Samantha fun if you look at it when you bring it in you see it has everything's already mapped nice and pointing to my screen again I'm sliding through and you can see all of the add the letter to or even map this capital F is this design the little F the G so everything's already a mapped the only thing I may want to change if I want to change something with this is the name so all I have to just go up to here where it says name and I'm going to go Center how do I know that the size of this font well I'm looking at this and the top this number here seven millimeters this is the height of the character that's there so seven millimeters is Michael is gonna be smaller than a quarter of an inch that's probably what the size of this font is most likely they the digitizer usually gives you the name or the size when they install it this one I may have renamed it so it doesn't say anything on it but to rename this okay I'm gonna put 0.25 space all my tiny Samantha cuz that's about how the size of it is okay when I type in that name and click Save font now that has renamed it and in my font list when I regenerate it by clicking on my letter A I want to see Alma's tiny Samantha only put a space in between that save it again this will show up at the top so that is how you go about renaming them deleting it and Riaan it yeah that's one option is if you've really mucked up your be exes and you did a lot of B exes and you muck them all up it might be easiest to delete them and start scratch just drag them all in and drop them now one of the things till hold on let me click close this out just to let you know when you have multiple fonts and let's see I have a folder here let's drag it over to this one here I have a folder here that has some BX fonts in it and of course it opened it over here do you see I have multiple copies here okay so to add multiple fonts in at one time like I have digit stitches shake it off and I can hold the command key and select multiple whoop sets a thread palette multiple fonts at one time okay I can select more than one at a time click hold whoopsie click hold drag and drop them all onto my desktop and in the background says it's has this font has been installed click OK and then it tells me that the next font has been installed click OK we're having a delay because I am having I'm connected and showing you this live but it's basically it's installing all those fonts you can do 1,800 in 3 minutes so it's now doesn't take long you select all of you or be X at one time click cold drag and drop them on the program then I do is click OK you can do 1,800 fonts install them at one time I have to do that often because I practice ok if you lose the feed it's because there's too many people online or bad internet connection but it is recorded live so you can rewatch it later on afterwards Melissa yes none of them organized I can understand you saw my and I mine aren't organized at all oh you're trying to make us that you knew I had numbers and those that did not well some people have I've read and like I said in the brilliant brilliant scoop some people have created have shared their organizing technique it all I've seen so many different techniques it's not even funny it depends on what you're what helps you the purpose of renaming is what is going to make your life easier so if organizing them by size is is important rename them by size if you'd have specific fonts for holidays for example you have Christmas spots maybe grouping them and putting Christmas as the first enable part of the name or whatever the very first character is that's it's a numerical order so if you did X or Christmas Xmas X M and then put that in the very beginning I'll stick them on the front or monogram or boys or swirly or whatever it is it however it is if you want to organize them that's that's what I would suggest doing karen says she's always loads them one by one yeah Becky's suggest putting an asterisk asterisk you know let's shift 8th in the name so that you know it has numbers in it now you can add numbers to any font or punctuation to any font of course I've well III can do that but it's not gonna match ok we know that this thought that we just put in here didn't have punctuation okay so if I go and if I wanted to add punctuation that kind of matched like say I snagged this little star and I wanted to i found a star for a period and that's what i wanted to have it be you can add designs but i will tell you once you add designs you have to readjust all of your base lines again so oh let's just do this so it makes sense i'm gonna go into stitch i'm gonna snag a star make it a period map it in and add it to this so we'll have a period okay make sense guys so gonna go into stitch artist i'm gonna zoom in with the doodle let's find that star where to go lost my area here today alright I'm gonna snag this star your guys get an extra bonus stuff today use my lasso but do you may want to do this you may have a font that doesn't have a period like this one look god be careful does snag it carefully me Anthony right I got it great I'm gonna copy it I'm gonna create a new design page I'm gonna paste it I'm gonna go to here I'm just gonna go to file/save stitch file as and I'm gonna put it into that folder where's the folder it's on my desktop and it's in the Facebook live folder and it's in a folder called 80 windstar and I'm gonna call this whoopsie I'm PRI o d dot o I don't need the pizza and click Save okay I basically just created my period boom close this up close this up don't save new design page okay so I found a period that I want to add so that I can add punctuation to that font so I click on regice begin in importing a font on one choose no because I want to adjust one that's already there I'm gonna scroll down until I find that 4-inch font where was that 4-inch there it is because I called it 4-inch wind star embroider twinkleberry okay I have everything see how it's all nice and mapped nicely admire it now because once I go and hit add designs I'm just gonna basically do the same thing that we were doing at it before there's the wind star where's my period I've gotta find it on here I not named it properly oh there it is period import and all of my base lines have been wonky adjusted okay and that's because it put this guy in which is my period which I have to just type period save my font and now I have to go through and readjust all my base lines again so that's why it's kind of important to when you're mapping something from scratch to do that make sure you add all of your designs before you map all the letters before you do adjustments base lines okay yes Debra says if you click on the eye next to the font name when your new lettering tool that will tell you which fonts have punctuation or what characters have a map to that font it's just once now I have to go through and adjust all this but now this font will have a period at it because I created one and I added it in there so if you happen to have an alphabet that doesn't have punctuation and you have one of the free sets like from the edge to stitch or river mail or various places I've given free punctuation you can add punctuation to any of your fonts just remember you have to go and re adjust all your low baselines again once you do that it's done by doing the add designs mapping them and that's okay see this font so sure I have to readjust all my things let's see question on built-in funds there is a question right that gives you the minimum maximum size of the font and what letters are in there yes alpha alpha Trix does the exact same thing so when I click on my lettering tool and I go up to that 4 inch font here at the top that was a number 4 right there you are boom this one there's a little on windows I think it's a it's on something else a question mark this is a little eye on Mac when you click on that button it tells you this font has all capital letters all small letters all the numbers it has an ampersand and has a period because that's what that's the only characters that I'm out so if you happen to also map glyphs someone had asked earlier like swirly things extra things and to map to the keyboard it's not what's gonna show you is what keys of the keyboard have been used but it doesn't actually show you that what has been assigned to that so some of the digitizers you might get frames and they've assigned them to the letter A B and C etc you don't know what all you know is what characters on the keyboard have been used to map embroidery designs hopefully that makes sense so and as you can see it's also put the maximum and minimum size so as far as shrinking and making it larger for that Kim used to make my own punctuation by editing an existing letter to fit that's a you know there's so many things that we can do to make it work if I had this I have this that you saw that I used the star as a period well I'm sure I can use snag part of the eye straight down but the little star at the bottom making myself an exclamation point maybe take the S and put the little star at the bottom make a question mark maybe make it narrower I mean there's all sorts of things that we can do so hopefully you guys found this interesting did you was this a good live video here I know get it hold yeah i lose everybody i saw everybody like everything went I know that happens I know that happens but that is the main purpose that is what you can do in the Alpha tricks software I just wanted to post in the comments here I've put in my the link that has information about the Facebook live stuff as you all I don't know if you guys know but I am an affiliate so this when I teach you things if do you think oh my gosh you gotta have this I do have an affiliate link I posted that in the comments as well it also has information on how to use it a little coupon code that I give you guys because you took the time to watch my facebook live and site taking a class from me except oh I didn't get to drink any of my beer oh oh and I was turning it off I forgot a friend of mine from Australia Derek was helping me today yeah I've got to do some tune ups on my PR 680 were talking in today and I told Derek I would give you a shout out so sorry better late than never whoops they're late than never Derek I was thinking of you okay so I didn't lose everybody it looks like there's a delay in the broadcast yeah that's learned a lot glad glad this made sense hopefully those of you that have a Patricks it cleared up some questions maybe gave you some ideas and some cool things that you can do it's it's awesome for renaming your fonts sometimes the font the digitizer doesn't give even a name that makes any sense it's all it makes sense to them or if you wanted to numerical values or numerical numbers that make perfect sense because if you wanted to know what the font is that's fabulous but sometimes you want to know exactly what it is like I said I'm a visual person so when I'm looking for something in my font list I'm usually just clicking down and going through and saying who that's the Frenchman it's a pretty one that's all I want for whatever it is I'm working on so renaming I don't do production many of you guys are doing projects and you have to know you have to use 1/2 inch quarter inch 3 inch fonts monograms so renaming makes perfect sense for you guys I'm a onesie type of gal so when I need to make a project I type my thing and I'm ready to go so anyway I'm glad I'm getting lots of good comments feedback I'm glad that you guys had fun I did too watching this melissa says I had no clue I and she had alpha Trix one of the reasons that I I'm a teacher you know I this is what I'd like to do I like to show people how to do things with their software and sometimes you've had suffer for a while you use a for a specific thing and you didn't realize oh my god she does so much more so alpha Trix came out so as you could so that we could map alphabet design collections to the keyboard to use them there's still I mean right now last I checked and this was probably well over a year ago on the internet there were over 70,000 fonts available as BX installation files 70,000 of them that's absolutely phenomenal because BX fonts we love them but they may not all be named that work best for us so alpha tricks as opposed to renaming you know as opposed to mapping all the fonts it allows you to rename them so that that you can use them better we love BX fonts in anyway this says the BX fonts are no good and we we know we know they're just as I say they're just jealous because BX fonts are are fabulous but the ability for us to rename them to make them customized for us to make adjustments I have a video on the Alpha tricks playlist so it's it's bon I'm the Umbria YouTube channel and it's a found on my own channel which I listed before under the athletics playlist you have abilities to adjust specific letters my name is Lisa sha so I'm very picky about usually my elves and my s's and sometimes the esses are with a big part on top that just do you like talking to finger nails on the chalkboard so I can go through and just rotate my s save it and now I don't have to do it manually there's a video on how to do that renaming is fabulous cursive fonts you know they're mapped they just map them with the default settings or you like yours really close together adjust them one of the nice things when you are using the lettering tool when you have let me go back to my software again I was gonna be done but I can't stop talking when you are using letters and on the lettering tool and you go to your stitch tab lips there's an option that says remove hidden stitches this means if you take your cursive letters and you overlap them a little bit so that they connect each other removing stitches will automatically rename I'm not renamed I'll remove in such as automatic removes the extra stitches underneath this so they'll be no lumpy bumpy's and then either connect better so if you're to jump stitches are gonna be would be right next to each other and you just overlap them a bit it will just continuously stitch so it just doesn't wonderfully so the remove hidden stitches this does it if you set it to zero so that your cursive letters are right next to each other and then you move them so that they overlap a little bit that the move in stitches option removes the little lumpy stitches so don't have to worry about that okay perfect let's see Oh somebody has sixty nine thousand five hundred ninety nine BX fonts I know there is no limit to installing BX fonts on your computer on your program the key thing is that you have to be able to find them afterwards sherry asked if there's a way to put folders now not at this time as far as organizing that they're always working on new features in the program but at this time they're not in folders the other thing is ya know folders the only way to rename is with alpha tricks so don't be renamed enough be x files renaming the BX file itself does nothing but rename the BX file and renaming your files in Windows Explorer or Apple Finder manually oh that causes bad things don't be doing that so you if you want to rename things you need out the tricks to do that to help with your organizing Eric posted links to the whole playlist in the area here hopefully you guys enjoyed this I'm trying to make sure I didn't forget anything Oh for those of you they're coming to Chicago in a couple weeks I'll be sending out the newsletter with the lunches and information about that there are still a few spots in Chicago and after that I am going to be home for a while I think yes I am and Australia's after that so and I do know there's a few classes in Australia that have been sold out so if you're interested in coming to see me while I'm on my vacation with my husband in Australia my I've arranged with echidna selling products they will be hosting me for two days of classes plus a special event dinner and I heard oh I can't say but if you if you are familiar with the kidness selling products you know that there's always SuperDuper fabulous things going on so and you want to if you're interested in going to that event get in touch with them get signed up so that so that sold out when you want to go okay so Wendy loves BX fonts and I think I'm done I'm done so I'm gonna be drinking my my Shiner Bock I did this in honor of a friend in Texas I went to the store I got my shiner box so that's what I'm here I enjoyed speaking with you guys tonight I again posted my link to my affiliate link with my discount in case anybody was interested in getting the program and have a great evening I will see you next week I don't know what we're doing yet I will schedule a Facebook live but you'll see me here take care guys have a great evening
Channel: Lisa Shaw
Views: 9,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machine Embroidery, mac embroidery software, machine embroidery software, embroidery designs, Embrilliance, Embrilliance Essentials, Essentials, Lisa SewBubbles, Bubbles Menagerie, AlphaTricks, embroidery lettering, mapping alphabets, keyboard lettering, kerning, monograms, organizing fonts, BXfonts, BX font
Id: sfIZZOT3b9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 51sec (3231 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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