Drawing with StitchArtist - Bezier Drawing with SA2

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I think we are live possibly headed that direction anyway oh well wait a few seconds for people to start checking in it's Monday evening here in Colorado I'm looking at rain clouds outside and hopefully we donated thunderstorms let me know when you guys are checking and seeing where you're from what you were working on ah me I been working on getting ready for this class today this class this little obsession today Caryn's checking in from the east coast and us from texas heather from queensland australia sandy a good to see you from California good to see some regular people on here Arkansas from Kim the Kim is checking in excellent excellent you're only that this week though Kim huh I guess you're traveling maybe on vacation that's checking in from Oklahoma I know it's I can't believe the school year starting everyone's posting I mean I we um I grew up in Connecticut and a long time ago my birthday is at the end of the month of August and we never went to school before my birthday never I mean was always like the first week of September now the kids are starting first day of August that's crazy ah damn New Jersey Marilyn from North Carolina Lee a few bits Western Australia Christine yes I want to see you next month Kathy from st. Louis daddy I think I'm gonna see you next month - Kathy excellent and Harry X I'm glad you made area see you brought your phone you had your little alarm set up Kim you're in um Wisconsin last few weeks hissing family oh hello Michelle glad you're checking in this time from Colorado let's see ugh for school we start after Labor Caribbean de Paz I'm not sure what that mean do you start after Labor Day I mean that's unusual Shirley's giving us a shout-out from Disney you're you're you're watching the live video and you're vacationing galloping you're in the Disney area are you are usually or do you live in Disney area and interesting interesting I just I just love being able to check in from people all around I just think that's kind of cool so anyway I know we don't schools not starting here in Colorado yet I think if they give another week or so but dang that's just that's just crazy having to start so early I mean you get out in June you start back in August what's summer vacation I mean I remember as a kid driving parents nuts for the month of my August I mean that's like a rite of passage isn't it gets in the back to school so fast we need a rest relax oh my my how Angela's checking in from Katy Texas and Nancy from Indiana excellent excellent okay okay so what are we going to talk about today we're gonna talk about drawing in stitch artists and those of you that have stitch artists hopefully you all belong to the stitch artists digitising fans group or if you're thinking about getting stitch artists join the group because there's lots of great tips and tricks that go on there one of the things that was discussed this week was using doctor dot drawings as and calling book pages to help us learn how to draw I can't draw okay I am going to be the first to admit I can't race relatively well but I have no problem editing and that's what's great about drawing with vectors in the in brilliance software and the reason that there's two types of drawing there's one like if you ever have Microsoft Paint we have a paintbrush and you just basically you know fill in like a blob that doesn't really work for digitizing three designs simply because an embroidery when you're creating an embroidery design you're creating a region and you that region has a whole bunch of properties it has the underlay setting the fill setting the direction the stitches how far the stitches are part of close they are together as far as density goes at stitch length I mean everything and that's all set by a region so I see Kathy high-five we can't draw stick people and one of the sisters is checking in excellent I'm sure the other sister is babysitting grandkids I had the sisters in Denver and had the sisters in Florida so if you ever get to meet the sisters you are in for a treat I love to teach classes when there's a there's groups of people together know each other already because I know that they go back and they share the information amongst each other and learn what they're doing so but back to digitizing and drawing now I'm gonna let me copy and paste first of all there is a great video I did that is breaks us all down step-by-step and let me copy this the data coming in see and I'm gonna go over here and put it as a command V and I hit Enter key and now I'm going to turn off my phone because it's buzzing at me and we're putting in airplane mode and everything's off excellent because we can't be having distraction - okay so I put the link for drawing with points and that one is for those of you that are looking for a quick non interrupted how to video and how to draw points that's the link it go to I I have to put that in here because I do these after hours videos Monday night I've worked all day I don't I work in Elbert I work out of my house I to the dogs so when you guys are here and your chat with me here this is like my social interaction for the week so I'm sorry if I get a little chatty and we start talking and we digress on different things that's not the learning I mean this is that's one way of learning I a social learning because you bounce ideas off each other and everyone's reading the comments that go through here that is one type of learning another type of learning is watching a video that's already been done that is a short and sweet and poof to the point so two types two types so I posted the link to the cut and dirty draw with points video that's already on the in brilliance YouTube channel and so you that's what you're going for him there you go this one we're gonna give it a little bit we talked about the background information so and I I found a dry erase marker and those of you that make the oh oh you have kids and you do the coloring book sevens Emporium has a great of coloring books designs that you can fit draw you stitch them on paper add add paper you stitch them on white fabric and in black outline drawing and then you can use the fabric markers well all I could find was fabric markers I couldn't find my dry erase markers so dry erase markers are great because I can write and then I can erase but as I was saying Linda woods know if I've started yet well I've been yakking the good stuff yet but what I was saying and oh we're gonna try not to draw on a lap from now on let's see you see that that shape that's on my piece paper here you do this is what the Atty singh soft girl wants it wants the wireframe because this is whoops this is what the software wants this shape this outline shape it wants it needs this because in your properties pay in the software you assign a stitch type so say we have a fill stitch and it's gonna be filling this shape going left to right in this direction so you set an angle and that is determined by this boundary this this wireframe that's here now it has an angle so the stitches are all going across you can't have two different angles you can't have two different colors in one object if you want this an object to have two different colors you need to draw 1/2 circle like this where's my little eraser guy go so you create one that looks like this and then sorry I don't have 2 different colors I think the red one that goes like this that's how you create a shape that has 2 different colors this is how you digitize so when each one of these has properties in it so each one of those can have one color one stitch type one underlay setting one whatever and the way that these are drawn are called Bezier or they can also draw them with splines but today's we're gonna talk about bez because it's the easiest way and it's I say it's the easiest way to draw once you get over the hump of accepting my name is Lisa Shaw and I can't draw once you get beyond that this is the way to go okay so let me erase this there when you're drawing these Bezier shapes they're controlled by what we call nodes or control points um if you want to do Google search on vector drawing or Bezier drawing lots of great information out there ignore the software that they're talking about you want to just know about notes and Bezier angles and connecting points and things like that okay so when I say a connecting point a node that same circle right here that half circle you know you just connect it from the bottom just so that you can see okay so there's a half circle there each one of those did the dots and that's what you draw with points those are called nodes and they're basically decision points and we all know that in order for you to make a left turn so you're walking down the street and in order to turn left one foot has to be on the ground okay that's a node one foot at least one foot has to be on the graph you can't you can't turn we'd both feet up in the air so think about it when you're drawing something and you have a node that's a decision point so the needle has to be in the fabric so when you draw this shape with if you notice I only have three nodes drawing this shape there's control point there's control angles on each one of these dots that give direction to the curve or the line in between the points okay so this top one then I draw in this shape with three this top one is what we call a curve meaning that it's coming in at one angle and it's basically balanced and coming at the same angle so it's like a teeter totter okay there's no angle there's no change of direction that's really drastic so we call these curves lipton this is a curve and you'll notice when you win I'm gonna show whoever go in the software in a minute but when you look at one of those angles it has this teeter-totter balancing thing on it and when you change when you select this dot on one side it automatically changes the dot on this side because this is connected okay so when you want a smooth curve like this half circle or like an S you want to use curves now this guy right here this is what we call a cusp or now I don't know it does not so work and it's just a cusp that's all I called it the angles that would be shown on this point right here do you see how they change a direction one goes in one direction one goes in the other direction so if you think of a heart or a v-shape or something that is even if they're bees are going in okay you know like on say a funky leaf show that okay that's at that point is a cusp but the smooth curvy part of the leaf those are curves now you don't want to draw this shape with a lot of nodes can you draw this same shape this way sure but if you wanted to say you want to edit this and maybe make it taller you have to move this node whoopsie this node and this node and this node on this side if you move them all up to reshape this one all you do is grab that top one and center and move it up so do you see why you want to kind of accept that you can't draw and edit with fewer points if you can fewer is better now either I've lost you all or because I'll icy Cheryl's checked in from Franklin and Joan has said hey check it in and nothing else so hopefully haven't lost you I just wanted this understanding the difference in in drawing and getting used to these Bezier angles on each side and how they work you just it once you wrap your head around it it will start making sense okay you taking it all in excellent banks Michelle okay I know you guys are just all quiet and I talk a lot it happens it happens so hopefully it's a good background information okay now let's switch over the software and we're going to talk about um well go in the software so let me go and switch this over bedroom excellent everyone's saying is making perfect sense yeah okay um and everyone here is hear me fine so I'm gonna turn my sound level guy get him off the screen I'm just tabbing ooh we don't need that one there oh you guess you guys can see my my hot links that's not really a good thing that all the ways you want this have to look at that okay because we're paying attention nobody pays attention to the other stuff that's on the screen you pay attention to what's over here in the software okay so let me grab a sip here I see these stills they are still here Anna's listing Nancy's where in Delaware I'm not Oh cuz Nancy's from Delaware doesn't you know if you have people you notice that someone is in your hometown you might want to send them a message because two heads are always better than one I love teaching hands-on classes with two people together on one computer that would be my dream class having everyone like that but it doesn't happen so hold on one second here we have my design page and I am Indian brilliant software this is where we are in essentials mode in order to get to drawing we need to be in to create mode okay so I'm going to click on create designs now I'm gonna work on level two and that's because I want to talk about drawing with Bessie a as opposed to drawing with points because that draw with points video is fabulous learning how to edit so let's bring in Charlie a stitch artists as blurry is because the connection there's too many people watching and I'm not gonna kick anybody off but what happens is is if you wait till the end and you watch it again later it comes in at full resolution because it's being recorded at high density high definition resolution so sorry then it's a little blurry it is what it is and that's another reason why we watch YouTube videos because you don't worry about Lisa's crazy internet okay so oh hey Lois how are you she's in Magnolia Oh Nancy you you and Lois oh that's trouble trouble you two guys get together Oh trouble too much fun together Lois is a whiz on the computer and Oh fabulous okay it would get back to this year so I have my empty design page and I need to bring in artwork so I'm gonna click on the image button and I'm gonna browse to where I have something on my computer now I what is that this is this dot-to-dot what's that one well that's two different doctor dots I brought this one in because this one kind of broke I'm a flowery person so this is from that webs from a website called oh I wrote it down I have to get the link later but they have a whole bunch of dot-to-dot drawings so if you wanted to practice with that dot-to-dot it's a great website for doing that so here we go making it larger so that we can actually see it on the screen so even if it's blurry you should be able to see it alright so I have my stop my um my bindiya says invite invite her there she'll travel and meet you guys three of you oh my god trouble here we go alright so when you think of a dot-to-dot drawing you're going from one you're drawing with a pencil for 1.2 the next dot now that's it would be using the draw with points I'm gonna gray out this a little bit just so that it's not so black and white so while I have it selected on my screen I'm gonna use the transparency slider so while I have this selected this turns it into a little gray or so it's not like me in your face so when you draw a dot 2 dot you're basically connecting one dot to the next dot and you have to kind of use your imagination as to how they're gonna connect to each other so let's just try left clicking and just show you what happens when you just simply left-click on this so I'm gonna click on my drama points left click left click left click left click left click little you guys get it right now they connected this at the end and I thought that was awesome I loved it and the reason why is because one of the things you need to get used to when you're drawing with points is that you don't connect this red point and this green point together you want to stop drawing where there's a space in between it and let the software connect it together so that you don't end up doing that crust and gobbly to many nodes in one spot so the the fact that they connected it for you was perfect because at this point I'm done drawing left left isolated was left clicks and I'm gonna hit the enter key keyboard or the right click on my mouse and that stops my drawing and I can go up here to where this little red circle hopefully is it gonna say it says open and close outline so I'm gonna click on that button and it automatically draws a line between number one and number 10 for me okay now let's just turn this guy off completely so I have him selected and Oh actually don't even have to have them selected I can just go up here and turn my picture off this is a common issue because if you turn your picture off you see no more image but now when you see it over here but you don't see it on the screen so remember that this is a toggle it's great for seeing that lovely stingray shape that we created but you can easily turn it back on by clicking on the little picture frame again Michelle calls out the calls this the tomato button oh this is the tomato button yes little red circle thing this is that's a great little analogy it looks like a little tomato this is a little picture frame button and this just toggles your image back and forth because sometimes you have to see what you've done okay now all I did was left click around on each one of those dots so I created curved points around each one of them okay oh hey I got the lightbulb whoo-hoo okay what that means is that when I click on any let me turn this off turn off my image again so we can see it if I click on a node do you see that there's my angles going on either side and if I move back do you see what's kind of happening one side moves the other side moves and it's a teeter-totter so it's balanced so if we wanted this to be smooth and we wanted our flower to be more days you like as opposed to more pointed because we don't have to do exactly what the drawing said we just need to get a shape out there but if we wanted it to be more balanced all winters click on each node each handle draw it out and we can create our rounded points the feet is cutting out well like I said it's all being recorded it's because too many people are watching and I can't kick anybody off we've got 61 people on here and yeah nothing I can do but it what is what it is sorry guys I can stop and not come back and I'm sure you don't want me to do that so it'll be recorded you can catch up again later nothing I can do this is that's internet in the country here okay so when I click on a node and I have those balanced guys on it if I wanted to say change this node to a cusp meaning I wanted it to be pointed at this so they look more like a pointed thing all I have to do is click on the node right click on it and choose cusp this allows me to only adjust one at a time okay so I can make one go in one direction and one going in the other which makes a different type of shape okay at this V point I can make these guys really small in which would sort of do the same thing but the problem is is sometimes and I didn't do it so it you're not it's not gonna show but what happens if you're not close enough when you're doing that moving them close in to create a point you create this thing and you see that thing that causes problems if you want to fill this shape with something else okay Michelle is asking this to Titus one drawing with points is to Chartist one I'm sure I have stood artists to open the screen but you can do this in stitch artist one okay so be careful when you're when you are if you want to keep everything curved nodes make sure you zoom in close you don't make that little loopy thing on the end you want to move in the handle so that they're really close together if that's what you want to do because that'll do the same thing as the cusp ish type thing but if you happen to make an accident and go like this you make a loopy thing and this causes problems especially if you want to a fill stitch or you're under Legos cut balanc everyone's seen that every so and so one option what that's why I prefer changing the nodes themselves by right-clicking on them and choosing cusps and did not and that way I can change each one into its own side adjust my angles appropriately and hopefully that kind of makes sense okay now when you are so I highly encourage people to use those dot-to-dot drawings okay and even if you decided that let me turn that image back on ya see I I just I used as a guide and then I adjust afterwards if you decide that you this is a real simple drawing some of them have a lot of dots in between them because it wants it's not gonna make the assumption that you will curve the shape around okay you in a more some doctor dots will have a two three four five six so that it creates a dot dot skip those okay so when you're drawing it skip those now you can draw and I start with that video let me delete this lovely shape I have here just by cleaning delete key now if you want to draw this with points at each one of these ends okay so I'm gonna use draw with points again I'm gonna left click on the number one I'm gonna hold down the shift key on my keyboard okay and this is all in that video I told you I'd post everybody on YouTube go to click on the shift key on keyboard click on the number two click on the number three and I'm still holding the shift key down and I'm just left clicking and I'm just gonna go this far okay I'm not gonna click on the whole thing again this time when you have these the nodes on here when you put your mouse cursor on the line do you see the little squiggly guy on it this means I can actually move that line and when you release it and look at your nodes see one is going like this and one you can adjust like this okay and this one can move these so that you can these this has set this point this decision point as a cusp already by holding down the shift key okay so it's not really straight lines if you wanted exact straight lines you hold down the ctrl key okay shift key allows you to make bezzie a cusp line so one side can be curved and the other side can be curved and they go in and that angle that you're moving that I'm swinging around here that's probably not coming through because my connections really bad for some of you guys and it's supposed to be it should get better if you watch the replay so I apologize I apologize when you swing your angle the length of this the size of it this is what determines what the shape of the line goes in between the two of them so you can really adjust your curves to do crazy things okay yes can you leave it as a straight line absolutely can you slightly curved it just a little bit absolutely okay put your mouse cursor on the line so that your mouse has that arrow pointy and that squiggly guy on it that means you can put your mouse on that click hold and drag it and now when you click on any node that you just dragged now it shows where those angles are hopefully that makes sense now what I wanted to show in stitch artist 2 was how I drew something um this is actually you can even see this design let me make sure it's it's dark can't even see the graphic behind this guy oh that's because I turn the graphic off see when turning the graphic off doesn't matter what you put the transparency yet it just holds see anything oh there we go okay so let me hide my stitches and let's zoom back in and sort of see it this is the design that I created from a piece of artwork that I got from clipart appleĆ­s calm Nancy said she watches my Monday night lives twice well that's that's great because you catch things on first and second time that's that's what the beauty of videos are you can't write rewind me but you can't rewind me online so if you notice there's there's my background graphic and there's my stitches on top of it they don't really match and that's because I basically use my drawing as a start and I go from there this is how I create my designs I use that as a guide and go from there so I open up my graphic into my software in the same way so I open up the image click on image browse on my computer to where it is make sure that I select it and make it the size I want it to be so that I'm working on a good size what one of the things about digitizing is that you do want to work at the size that you're going to be stitching at it I'm making it large so that we can see it better okay so once I have my graphic this size I'm gonna let's go back here and I'm gonna change that transparency down again just like I did with the dot-to-dot so it's not in our face so that we can actually see what we're clicking on so hopefully you guys can still see that ish on the screen and here we are now drawing with points that was this tool here right in the very beginning the one to the right of it that is called the Bezier drawing and the way that this works is that jerk creating the node and giving the line a direction as you draw it at least I'm so you know those angles that kind of appeared we're gonna actually draw the angle before the line is drawn so let me zoom in on this leaf and you'll see what we can what what we do here okay so I'm gonna focus on this little curvy guy right here so I'm gonna choose the bezzie a drawing that's this one here draw with bezzie a okay I have that clicked my mouse cursor still looks the same and I'm gonna left click and I put a node there and nothing happened because I didn't give it an angle okay so I did that wrong okay because if I just kept this here it's just gonna be basically like drawing with with points except that it puts angles on it but I'm not giving those angles any direction so let me start again I'm gonna click on this node left click and I'm still left clicking I'm holding it oh I think you can see the circle on it I mean I'm still holding on to my mouse cursor and I'm dragging my mouse up and you see that I have this angle attached to my mouse cursor so that it's kind of going with the line is that angle it's kind of giving a direction to it when I release my mouse cursor button and I now left-click again and hold do you see how that line kind of curved so that if I draw my line it is drawing the other angle at the same time and it's kind of fitting it really nice to that curve and I haven't let go of my mouse button yet so I'm gonna like on my mouse button and look that curve is already there and if I put my mouse cursor say right here and I left click and hold and I pull my angle down you say you can make it sort of fit easier with what you're working now when we get to this bottom here and I put this this Mouse Kurt that I clicked before the corner just because I wanted to create that nice smooth curve at this point I want my angle to be going one one direction and I want the other angle to go in the other direction because that's a corner so I need to make a cusp so I'm gonna still hold down my left mouse cursor and drag it but I'm going to hold down the shift key on my keyboard at the same time because this angle that's already drawn here that's where the lines gonna be heading now until it gets to this left like where I'm holding my shift key down that angles in place but you see I'm drawing the next angle which I kind of want to go along the line of this part of the leaf here this straight line here now I release my mouse button and that created this straight one I'm still holding my shift key down because I'm again at this point I want it to go in the other direction so I'm gonna left click and hold and drag my mouse cursor here and my mouth and my shift key is still being held so but it's I'm telling it that I want the line to go in this direction so I'm gonna release my mouse button and release my shift key just because at this point I'm gonna put a note over here but I want it to be smooth so I don't have my yeah both hands up I'm gonna put my mouse cursor on the line I'm gonna left click and hold and drag my mouse I'm not holding anything release my mouse left click and hold and drag my mouse kind of forced in my line to go where it's supposed to and I believe it to this point here and we're not gonna do I don't know left-click me that did a crazy thing but it is what it is left-click and hold release my mouse button I have my shape and I'm not gonna close it because I'm gonna click on the tomato button here which is my clothes and it's automatically gonna draw that little shape the only thing I really have to adjust and that's because I went a little wild with my mouse is this little spot right here I still I don't have that many nodes in here this is not too many nodes this is okay because say if I wanted to change the outside shape here okay all I have to do is adjust this one little note I can move this up I can maybe move this this guy this way in this guy this way I can change the shapes easier be gone see what happens when you put too many knows in these crazy areas did you see that this was my crazy Mouse see that little loopy guy here that's not a good thing so we gotta fix that so this one and that's because this angle is way too long and this angle is way too long look where'd it go where'd you go mr. nude there we go way too long that's what happens when you live videos okay nice and easy zoom and easy okay Dale wants to know is this able to be done in level one no this is not a surcharge bezzie a drawing where I'm click holding and dragging and that way no draw with points yes bezzie a is in level two okay so that's why I'm in level 2 because level one only has draw with points and it does have the free hand which is like using a pen so up here if you notice my mouse is up but with a free hand thing is good Oh karen says ding-ding-ding the alarms are going off okay so people are it so this is kind of making sense okay it's it does still take practice okay and the only time that your artwork really needs to look exactly like what you're drawing is when it really needs to look like what someone has given you okay this you know so mine look like didn't look like anything like this this was the artwork that I used and this is from clipart topless and it was supposed to be a blue work design I think if you go to their website you search on red work or blue blue work flowers or something I'll put the link in later like I did the last one I used it as a guide and my final version this is what it looks like this is it sort of looked like this but not really this is what I was playing with so I like to see things develop as they go as I'm drawing on my design page so does that hopefully that's kind of making sense turn on my graphic here so drawing with the Bezier handles that's a level two function that's this button here and the whole key point is that you're click you're not just clicking when you're drawing with points you're just left clicking and going through and it's connecting automatically okay when you're drawing with a bezzie a york left-click and holding you see my mouse cursor still held down and you're drawing the angle and that angle kind of tells you where that then the line is gonna be going okay the direction of the line so if I move my mouse cursor up here and left-click see how it kind of it started going down whoops don't want to do that cross the other thing it keeps that angle at that point cuz it's already set that angle and depending on where you put draw and pull the next angle when you release your mouse button that's where it goes left clicks are curves and if you hold down the shift key there's my node you hold the shift key down when you left-click that changes the direction so that you can now set make cusps is that and that a cusp is changing the angle of direction so this node that's a decision point think of a heart and heart has a cusp at the bottom and a cusp at the top and the two on the sides are curves practice drawing a heart okay using draw points it's really easy to create a heart with a circle because all you do is solely you draw the shape of the circle this guy here click hold and drag right click on it whoopsy left click right click on it and say convert to curve and now if you go and select this node which I here at the top and you say make this a cusp boom boom boom take this one and right click and say make this a cusp and drag it down go boom and boom that's a real easy way to make a heart but try drawing it using your Shift key as a cusp so that would be this guy using either draw points or with them draw ICA and put two cusps so left click to curve and I would start on this side here so that's just such you get practice so this would be a I'll just do it a draw with points so we're gonna go left click all by itself hold down the shift key and left click again that puts that straight line there we're gonna need and have another cusp going in this direction so we're gonna go left click and we're gonna go actually this one should have been just a regular left click and then yeah I got sidetracked here and then what happens when Lisa gets I'm trying to read um video comments at the same time and I'm getting lost in here Laurie's glad I'm doing these videos at least now you know you're not the only guys get lost when you're trying to do something I get sidetracked all the time and Cathy says someone on facebook said using bezzie a was the only way now you understand why yes absolutely you want busy a and drawing with a wireframe so that you have fewer control points makes it so much easier to edit your design because when you have something that has a six billion little points around it and you'll find you'll see those you'll that's why someone says oh you need vector drawing vector files well when you're drawing your own vector files that's what this little live is about you want to use as few points as possible and edit as you go now if you happen to let me go through and I'm gonna draw this inner leaf if it is easier for you to left-click and hold drag left click hold drag left click and hold drag whoopsy this direction you always want to keep dragging in the direction you're going you don't want to drag backwards cuz that does the the crazy thing hold the shift key down and we're gonna drag down this way left click and hold drag no Shift key left click and hold drag no shift key left click and hold drag no shift key right-click to end and close if it's easier for you to draw with more nodes perfect but you can always go through and select the node and hit the Delete key and then reshape it afterwards you know because you'll thinking oh I don't need all those afterwards and I actually didn't do to too many of them but you can always go through and delete them basically on them and hitting the Delete key or if you need to add a node because for whatever reason you can't come you can't make this do what you want it to do and it just be so much easier if you had a note there just double click on the line and now when you move now you have an old you can do it as you wish remember that you can right-click on any node and change it from a cusp to a curve reshaping have fun do your editing don't be don't feel that your first time out of the gate drawing has to be perfect the first time if you need some encouragement on that you go to my blog or my youtube channel which is youtube.com slash so bubbles and watch the video on the monkey ok you'll see that that has no resemblance to a monkey until afterwards ok I draw blobs all the time it's ok ok Anna says in a graphics program that does use Bessie a so this helps understand how it's done yes those are those those that are used to using Bessie a drawing and you have a Wacom tablet and you're used to doing that this just knowing how it works in stitch artists and usually can make the drawing a lot easier and you will get very fast I'll just tell you that you practice and you start putting those bezzie as in as you're drawing them because then you don't have to draw the angles as you go especially if you're working from existing line art this comes in I use this a lot when I'm digitizing my fonts because fonts have a lot of swirls and send angles and so that is a helpful helpful tip Laura thanks thanks for clarifying how to close the shape correctly there's a couple different ways to close a shape by the way when you're drawing with points and let's draw a lovely blob because we are just so good at it left click left with left click when you get to this point you always leave a space you can either as I did right click to stop or you might stop drawing stop drawing is either right clicking or hitting the enter key on your keyboard you can also go up if you go up here to this little the Tomato button and you like on it it automatically closes and stops drawing for you okay another option especially if you're getting used to using these keyboard commands when you are done left clicking left left left even if you've created a lovely blob like this if you hold down the control key and right click it automatically closes it for you at the same time so hitting the tomato will close the shape for you and stop your drawing I just I always get in habit of making sure whenever I am using any of the tools here any of the tools in my drawing tools I always want to stop drawing and sometimes stop drawing and closing at the same time yeah I get I get sloppy so I stop drawing and then I close so that's just Alisa ISM but just clicking on the tomato will stop drawing and close it at the same time if that's what you want to go for okay you just have to remember that if you don't want it to close like these squiggly lines I have here I didn't want those close they're gonna be running stitches something you can't click on the tomato you can't click on the close because if you did while this guy's selected it's gonna connect the red and the green dot together and that's not what you wanted so you don't always want to to do that now when you have something selected and it connect it closed on you now you don't have a red and a green you only have a red dot if you click on the tomato again you this red dot is where your curve is opened so it closed it there and if you want to get rid of this and make it go back to that one again just double click on this and it goes back to that that starting point where it was before double-clicking on a node deletes it selecting it deleting it I've so many tips and tricks and my way isn't the only way it's just my way and you guys need to develop your way of doing it and whatever works this is all about getting from point A to point B as quickly and as painlessly as possible if you've got a way that works for you just keep on doing it because that's awesome that's just awesome especially when something clicks you figure it it out and it's your way just run with it and learn something else and maybe you'll come back and say oh maybe if I do it differently we all learn tips and tricks as we go just don't beat yourself up this we all can draw have our drawing skills practice does make perfect it does get easier okay we're not gonna talk about how many times I drew this leaf on this screen before tonight's live I have to be able to draw and explain what I'm doing so that's why I needed all that practice leaves are a great thing to practice on hearts are great thing to practice on play have fun stay out of trouble getting to draw bring bail money that's all I can say all right guys that's all the questions that we have Karen said this is fantastic she learned a lot more and I need to go draw yes yes fine those bills coloring book pages were a great the website is called raising our kids calm that's where this dot-to-dot guy came from ha I knew I had it written out here somewhere raising our kids calm they've got some cute little ones there if you just want to get into practice on on clicking on them especially with the cusps versus curves and holding down the shift-key versus not holding down shift key that's a great great place to dance a great stuff it's also great they have some that are more they have more numbers as I mentioned and you can practice skipping them because even though if between this one in this two if they had a whole bunch of numbers here just to make that nice little curvy thing you don't need to click on them you can just click on the one in the two and then adjust your angles afterwards okay yes Harriet you're the one that I knew you were the one that picked up that dot-to-dot this is the website because I was doomed in on your little flamingo down to here raising our kids calm Kim learned a lot tonight Michelle thank you it's great learned a lot fabulous I see the clouds are rolling in we're coming into Colorado thunderstorm now oh oh oh there's a gorgeous I'm gonna post a video on that video of I got a gorgeous rainbow right outside my window but I'm not gonna turn this around cuz then makes this but I'll go says grab picture but that's a perfect ending to our live video outside nice rainbow going over the neighbor's house very excited ok thanks for spending some time with me today I had a great time I know this is time is valuable so I really appreciate you guys spending time with me today and that's all I got I'm done so take care have fun stay out of trouble bring bail money I'll catch you guys Oh next week I'm not doing it Monday because I am visiting family in Connecticut so watch I'm my business page which is facebook.com slash sub bubbles and you'll find when I do the link I don't I don't know it won't be Monday I don't know what they'll be but it won't be Monday so take care have fun take care guys
Channel: Lisa Shaw
Views: 4,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machine Embroidery, mac embroidery software, machine embroidery software, embroidery designs, Embrilliance, Lisa SewBubbles, Bubbles Menagerie, StitchArtist, bezier drawing, how-to digitize, cusp, curve, symetric, nodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 4sec (3004 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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