Remove Hidden Stitches - an Embrilliance Essentials Feature

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hello everyone my name is Lisa shop or in brilliance today and I am going to be talking to you a little bit about the brilliance essentials function called remove hidden stitches it is an essentials function meaning that it works when you use existing embroidery designs it is not a digitizing function so if you have stitch artists and you are wondering how come you can't remove the hidden stitches that's not a technique for you to use you'll want to refer to the playlist on the stitch artists playlist to learn how to shape your objects so that you don't have stitches the rule is it when you're digitizing you have complete control over what it is that you're creating so if you don't want stitches someplace don't put them there however when you are customizing so working with existing designs you don't have the same controls as you do when you are creating your own from scratch so one of the immensely powerful features of in brilliants essentials is that when you merge two designs and put them on top of each other the stitches underneath that are hidden by the design on top are automatically removed when you save your stitch file so let's pop on over to the software and I'm going to run through a few different scenarios that show how to use remove hidden stitches effectively here we are in our in brilliance software and I have an empty design page so let's talk about how remove Hinn stitches was developed to work let's go to our merge stitch file function and I'm going to browse to the folder on my desktop that I've created for this video called RHS and I'm going to select two designs these two happy little aliens and I'm going to import them into my design page now as you can see if I were to just separate my two aliens and have them on my design page there's nothing overlapping each other so if I save my stitch file it's it's perfectly fine however if I were to say move this larger one this way and move my little green happy alien down this way and overlap them so that they become a grouping or a stylized type design the stitches that are overlapped by the green design will automatically be removed when you save your stitch file let's let's try that so let me go and I'm going to move this really close so that you can see there's going to be there's a quite a bit of overlap there I'm going to go to the Save button here and I'm just gonna call it my design and it's going to save the p/es and the working file so I'm gonna click Save let's close this design whoops close this design we're going to go to our open function and you'll notice that I have two designs here my B II working file which is the file I created in the Umbreon software as well as my P ES file both of these look pretty much the same but they are significantly different let's select the P ES file this is the design that you would normally go to your embroidery machine with so I select the P ES file and click on open it opens a design now two things to notice in my design object list here I only have one design so I can't click on my little green alien and move him anywhere because it's grouped it's already one design however when I run the stitch simulator here that shows what would happen at the embroidery machine you'll see that it's gonna stitch out the first alien and if you notice part of his belly is missing there as well as his arm and that is because those are the stitches that are hidden by the green alien on top now as you saw all I did was merge my two designs and save my stitch file and the stitches were automatically removed let's close this Stitch file here not save open up RBE working file instead so it's the same looking design but this is the one we had originally worked on the one we had merged both designs in when you have this design open your working file you still see your two aliens I can move this green one aside and look at that there's still stitches underneath him that's because in brilliance does not remove these stitches from your working file only removes them from the stitch file that you send to your machine that's why it's always important to when you save your file to remain to keep your be working file on your computer the machine is the only thing the only thing the machine needs is the stitch file so keep that in mind when you're saving your files the b/e working file has some super powers now a feature in the software so that you don't always have to open the PS file to view and make sure that those stitches were removed we have a feature here that has little pair of scissors and when you put your mouse cursor on top it says remove hidden stitches this is a preview button if you click on this button and move this little guy out of the way can you see the little hole that's cut out of our pink alien that's a preview of the stitches that will be removed however as soon as I click off and I move this guy around look at that all those stitches come back so that is just a preview and sometimes another way to check to verify that stitches have been removed is click on this little scissor button go to your stitch simulator and run it so that you can see aha there's the hole in my alien so I know that my stitches have been removed and when I saved my stitch file they will be removed automatically now I must tell you that this is done because we have a preference set the folder at the top that says show preferences in urine brilliant software when you have this open and you go to the jumps and overlays option when you choose that option at the top there is a feature and then is selected by default and this tells the software to remove any hidden stitches automatically in the stitch file if you happen to turn this off and you save your stitch file those hidden stitches will not be removed this is selected by default but sometimes people turn it off thinking that that is a solution to a problem that they have well we're gonna go through a few different examples to teach you different ways on how to solve other solutions of overlapping designs so let's close this design get him out of the way we're not gonna save him anymore and let's look at this situation I have two designs here one is a number eight and the second is a rooster design that I've gotten from embroidery library the number eight is from creative appliques it is her applique 5 inch BX file so this is a lettering object I created it by clicking on my lettering tool typing in the number 8 and choosing the font from the pulldown list now if you go to your colors button while I have this 8 selected we can see that it actually has four colors in it because this is an applique the first color is the running stitch for the material position the second one is the running stitch that is a tack down that's going to hold your fabric in place the third color here is the pink which is our satin and the third the fourth color here which is white is a decorative finishing stitch on top we know that this is an applique also because if we run our stitch simulator we can see that color number one stitches then color number two on top color number three and color number four so this has this is an applique design now in essentials you have though appliques can also be set to create cut files for your cutting machine setting an applique design to be a cut file basically tells the software that this letter this design here actually has a couple colors that have jobs they're not just running stitches they're running stitches that say the first one is a positioning stitch that says where the fabric has to go so you need that stitch the second one is a positioning stitch that's holding the fabric ins place it's the placement stitch holding that fabric there so that if you were to remove your hoop it has the outline and you trim your fabric around the fort that forth is the finishing stitch and then the decorative stitch on top of it but the first two stitches have jobs so if we select this and go to the color break option we can give these jobs to those first two running stitches if I left click on the color chip that's our first color in our design normally it comes up with the color thread choice that you have here at the top of our thread change dialog there is a button or a tab that says applique if you click on this there's a style pulldown where you can choose and give the job to that color of stitches so this position this color right here the black is our positioning stitch which will stitch first and tell you where to place your fabric where your fabric needs to be positioned now this feature when you choose a position this also allows you to view a simulation of where that fabrics going to be now this is important because when you layer appliques or you have a design that has fabric in an applique sometimes you might forget that there's gonna be fabric in here and if you put something underneath that fabric it's actually going to be hidden it might be hidden there for stitches that are hidden could be removed automatically so this also gives you a preview of what your cut files gonna look like if you happen to have a cutting machine and to save your cut file all you have to do is click on the Save button here and it brings up a dialog box remember there's lots of videos talking about how to create cut files on the in brilliance YouTube channel let's turn off our simulated fabric by to click on the none we have our position we're gonna click OK the second color here has a job as well so we go to our applique tab for that color chip from the pulldown menu we need to say that this running stitch will be our material holding in place stitch so it has a job you can't it just can't be removed if something is hiding this stitch okay so when I click the ok button that's done I don't need to make any settings for these the top finishing stitch or the other one because those are if they're covered you probably do want them removed because you don't want that extra bump okay you just have to think about these things when you're setting up your jobs of applique using the color chips here so we've set the to position and the materials and we have our rooster that's on top of this does this applique design and he's hiding some stitches if we run our stitch simulator right now it's gonna stitch everything completely so let's go back click on our scissor your P for you to see what's gonna happen when we go to the embroidery machine when you go on the stitch simulator now you'll notice that the eight print placement and material stitch are perfectly intact however this satin finishing stitch now has a hole in it or missing stitches because they've been removed because our rooster design is going to be stitching right on top of them which eliminates a bump or a bubble in our embroidery and makes a nice flat embroidery design again this is only done in the stitch file because our working file will have the design intact which allows you to move this around now I wanted to point this point something very important out because the remove hidden stitches works as far as layers go okay do you see our number eight is gonna stitch first and our rooster is gonna be on top of the eight so the rooster is hiding the stitches in the eight what happens if we right-click on the design in our object pane and say move this one first so that our rooster stitches and then the eight stitches on top of it when you click on remove hidden stitches look at that our rooster is missing his belly because the fabric is hiding those stitches and they are removed automatically when you save your stitch file remember it's not in the working file because as soon as you move him his stitches are there as soon as you save your stitch file this is what your stitch file will look like for when you go to the machine isn't that exciting and again this is set in your preferences when you go to your jumps and overlay setting that says tree objects layout labeled as applique position as filled objects very important that you have these two checked so that when you make the changes that we just showed how to make in this part of the video everything's working as it's supposed to read stitches are removed as we expect them to be okay so that's a second example of remove hidden stitches a third example has to do with a lettering object that also has letters that overlap each other if you notice in our object pane we only have one object so there's when thou object isn't overlapping anything else it's one lettering object and this is again from creative appliques her sweet applique BX file but I have adjusted the letters by moving them in my use by using the Center dots and moving them and you can see that some of them do overlap each other and that is because each letter has a placement stitch a material stitch a placement stitch a finishing stitch and a second finishing stitch and you can see that it goes down those four colors repeat one for each letter now I can't select colors in my object list I can select them here in my page in my properties pane here for the colors I'm going to show you a shortcut we know that every single black is gonna be have a job and if I right-click on that black it I can choose the job from a little pop-up so I don't have to go to the applique tab I can simply right-click and choose applique position the grey one right click that's the material the black one right click position material and I can go through each one and choose its job from the little pop-up menu have to do each one separately because there's five letters in this name let's see make sure now what's handy here is that when you do right click on it once you've given it a job it will show up that that color has been given a job let me finish this last one so don't get sidetracked here if I right click on this black it says that it's a position so you could easily double check by just right clicking on your colors well I assign them oh and if I click on my little preview button nothing happens that is because this preview button here at the top only gives you a preview for when you have multiple designs in your object lists that are over laughing when you have a single lettering object that has overlapping letters you need to go to the stitch tab here in your properties pane right next to letters you'll see stitch and there is an option here that says remove hidden stitches and as soon as you choose that remove hidden stitches option can you see that it automatically previews so that you can that stitches have been removed from specific letters and if you move it up those letters are still filled they will regenerate themselves but once you move it down where they're on top of each other the stitches will automatically be removed so that you won't have lumps in your letters and that's automatically done when you save your stitch file because your B II working file will always be intact so that is how you deal with remove hidden stitches when it comes to lettering objects you must select your lettering object go to the stitch tab and make sure that remove hidden stitches is selected we had this because this is an applique we needed to set each one of the material position and material location each one those stitches needed to be set with their job and we did that by right-clicking on the color chip to set the positions and the materials so much of the really move hidden messages but it's such a powerful tool and it functions similarly in different ways when you use it in the program now this design I wanted to go through one more feature of remove hidden stitches because this is also explained in other videos but I wanted to run through it one more time here here is a coaster design it's an in the hoop design and when you expand it you can see that color number one is a placement color number two is a position for the cork that you have then the design stitches through here and the very last color that's that's going to stitch is a it looks like a very heavy beam stitch so the way that this in the project works is that you have your stabilizer hoop probably a tearaway stabilizer you stitch a running stitch and you put your piece of cork or vinyl down it stitches the tack down to hold that into place and it stitches the whole design on top of it before you take it out of the hoop you stitch the last color to finish it off you slide a piece of felt underneath it so that it covers those stitches on the back and you stitch that final beam stitch so that you can take it out and trim and you have a nice little coaster that has a finished back to it what if you want to put an initial in the middle of this design okay let's see what happens when you do that so first off I'm going to click on my big letter A here that puts my ABC I'm gonna change that to my creative appliques penguin attack and I'm just gonna type in the letter B for a single capital letter and maybe I need to choose one size larger than that so it feels nice and it's placed right in the center of my design however notice that it stitches after the entire coaster and you put your backing on so that's not stitching at the proper time so what I need to do is I'm gonna expand my object list here I'm gonna select the letter B click hold and drag it so that it will be stitching I can see that line saying where it's going to stitch in my object list drop it into place and look what happens when I look at my object list here instead of only having two designs I have three designs now think about what we just did this last design and I say design because it has a number three next to it is a finishing stitch and it stitches right on top of the placement and material stitch of the first design and it will be hiding the stitches so the number three this these stitches are hiding the first two of this first design here so when you save your stitch file and go to your machine what happens all you have is this little tiny dorky thing at the top because all that those first two colors were completely removed and that is because remove hidden stitches kicked in let's resolve that we already know how to do that because we've done it before we need to tell the judge the software that those first two running stitches have specific jobs and cannot be removed to do that I'm going to go to this color chip here on the very first color of my design right click and say this is my applique position I'm gonna right click on the blue and say this is my applique material now those the only two I have to set because those the only two that are hidden now when I click on remove hidden stitches go to my stitch simulator look at that right the beginning I can automatically see that it keeps my placement stitch and my material stitch intact so that my entire design is gonna stitch out properly and then it's going to finish with the nice heavy beam stitch at the end no stitches were removed because I told the software that those first two stitches had placements had jobs to do they had to be a placement for fabric and be attacked down for fabric therefore they were essential and could not be removed and that is one more way that removed hidden stitches works so hopefully you found this video useful showing you different ways that the in brilliance essentials function of remove hidden stitches works to help you create smoother running embroidery designs and some tricks to make sure that your design stitch exactly as you hope they do it thank you for taking some time to watch this video with me today remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel as there's lots of resources available to you thank you
Channel: Embrilliance by BriTonLeap
Views: 29,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Embrilliance, BriTon Leap, Machine Embroidery, Mac Software, Customizing, Essentials, StitchArtist, BX fonts, Lisa Shaw, SewBubbles, Lettering, Monogramming, Monogram, merging designs, embroidery designs, Creative Appliques, Embroidery Library
Id: jvg8dQDTPr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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