Brother Dynamic Walking Foot

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hi it's kirsty from lloyd's sewing and in this video we are going to have a look at the different kinds of walking feet that are available for the machine and also introduced to you the dynamic walking foot which is a recent accessory that has been released from brother now a walking foot is necessary when you are working with some awkward fabrics like slippery fabric sliding fabrics so if you do any dressmaking with silks and settings that the walking foot can be really helpful with those kinds of fabrics but it's also used a lot with quilting which a lot of you will know so if you have multiple layers of fabric so here we've got a piece of cotton fabric then a piece of wooding and then another piece of cotton fabric on the back and what can happen when you're feeding this through the machine is the feed dogs underneath are pulling that fabric through but if you've got a normal foot on top it starts to push it and you what you end up with is the fabric can bunch up and it becomes unaligned so what a walking foot does is as well as having your feed dogs on the machine underneath pulling the fabric through the walking foot has feed dogs on top that also pulls the fabric through from the top so if you have your layers of fabric like this and we've got the feed dogs underneath and the foot on the top the feed dogs are pulling the fabric through underneath but the walking foot pulls it through at the same time on top so you don't end up with the fabrics pulling against each other they're both being fed through evenly now the standard walking feat that many of you will be aware of are the standard walking foot here which has a closed toe on it and then there's also the open toe walking foot which is a lot more popular and this is what the open toe walking foot looks like so you can see what they mean by open toe is this area here is an open area okay so that allows you to see the stitches that you're doing and see the needle position a little bit more clearly and then you also get the markings on there for different allowances for those of you who have the larger machines there's also the dual feed foot available and we have done a full video explaining how the dual feed foot works this is a motorized version of the walking foot so instead of just being a mechanical feed dog it has a motorised rubber belt instead so go check out our other video if you'd like to see more on the dual feed foot but what i'd like to focus on in this video is the dynamic walking foot set so it's a newer accessory you can see that the standard walking foot we've already said you've got the option for the open toe or the standard version but you can't take those feet off they're not adjustable the dynamic walking foot is this one here the first difference you can see is it's made of metal rather than plastic it's a lot sturdier and we've had a few customers that have phones up in the fort in the past and uh have said they've managed to break these we don't know how but they've managed it and this metal one is a lot more durable okay it's also a lot quieter you can hear if i just give that a little bit of a shake the standard walking feet are quite noisy when you're using them now that doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with them they're just a little bit rattley this one is a lot smoother i've been using it over the past couple of days and it's so much smoother when you're using it but what i love about it is that it has interchangeable feet so we have a standard foot and we also have an open toe foot and these just clip on and it comes with both so if you want to use a standard one you clip that one on and if you want to use the open toe one we clip that one on instead so rather than having to have two separate walking feet with different kinds of areas here you just buy the one foot and it's got both of them and they're interchangeable it also comes with a little screwdriver as well i mean all the machines do come with a screwdriver when you first get them but these things go walk about so you get an additional one there to be able to attach the foot onto the machine and you also get a full set of instructions as well but i'm going to go through how to actually put it onto the machine now and how you can use it so here we have a layer of cotton fabric a layer of wedding and another layer of fabric and this is what we're going to use to show you how the new dynamic walking foot works however i do want to point out that this is the most recent thing i have made using the dynamic walking foot and it wasn't the easiest kind you know the easiest project with the easiest fabrics to do and so it's a little project bag and on the back here we have a glitter vinyl fabric and then on the front you can see what we've got inside here is a glitter glitter cotton fabric and we've got a layer of wooden in between there which gives it that nice puffy quilted effect and then we've got a layer of clear vinyl on the top at this point down here we have two layers of the glittery fabric and i use the dynamic walking foot to make this project because these feet have a non-stick coating on them so for the quilting it was ideal to use a walking foot to quilt these layers because it stopped the fabric from shifting but using the standard walking foot the foot would have actually stuck against that fabric because it's a vinyl fabric so because these have a non-stick coating on them it just glided straight over the vinyl both on the front and the back no matter which side i was sewing from so you can see the standard walking foot doesn't have a non-stick coating whereas both of the feet that come with the dynamic walking foot have this matte finish to them and that means that they have the non-stick coating on them so let's see how we can attach this foot onto the machine so the first thing you need to do is turn the machine off because what you don't want to run the risk of is setting it going and the needle coming down and you end up injuring yourself so we turn the machine off and then i'm going to use the little black screwdriver that comes with the dynamic walking foot to remove our presser foot here so we can take our presser foot off by pressing the button at the back of your presser foot holder and then i'm going to use a screwdriver to undo that screw on the shank there and take the presser foot holder off now this machine is a law shank machine for those of you who have a high shank machine what you would now need to do is put the shank adapter onto the machine and that lengthens the shank to make it suitable for using with the dynamic walking foot all of the machines that are a high shank machine come with the shank adapter and within the instructions that come with the dynamic walking foot it does tell you how to actually attach that onto the machine once you've got that on your machine you then just attach the walking foot in the same way so what we want to do is this lever here you can see if i lift this up and down that is what actually makes these top feed dogs move up and down to pull the fabric through now to make that go up and down this lever needs to go across our needle bar here so as the needle comes up and down this lever goes up and down and that makes these feed dogs go up and down as well so from the back of the machine we want to bring this foot forward and make sure that you just lift this lever up so that the prongs go on either side of the needle bar here so it's going over it and that goes onto the shank now the shank is has got a flat side to it on the left hand side here so that foot can only go on in one position and then as we start to tighten this up sorry i'll move my arm out the way in a moment so we start to tighten that up and then i'm going to get the screwdriver and just finish off tightening that screw and you can see it starts to straighten up as you tighten the screw so then it can't move from a different position because it's got this flat side here okay so i've tightened that up and the next thing we want to do is decide which foot we're going to use so i'm going to start with the clawstor one in the instructions they actually call these soles which makes sense in a way if this is your foot this is the sole on the shoe um but you so you decide which one of those you want to use and then you just want to slide that underneath and just clip that onto the foot if you find it easier to put that on before attaching the walking foot onto the machine that's no problem just do it before instead okay so we can now turn the machine back on and within your instructions here they come in all different languages and you get pictures and then info to go with those and it tells you everything you need to do so it tells you what all the parts are it tells you what stitches are suitable for so it says to use the standard foot with either a straight stitch or a zigzag stitch and you use the open tool version with satin stitches and other decorative stitches but only up to a seven mil width so if your machine has the capabilities to do multi-directional stitching and do the extra wide decorative stitches you can't use those with a walking foot the reason for that is you've got the feed dogs here pulling the fabric forward and your feed dogs underneath pulling it forwards as well so you can go forwards and backwards but if you try to use any of these multi-directional stitches where the fabric wants to go side to side as well as backwards and forwards it's going to fight against the feed dogs here so those stitches are not suitable for using with this foot it shows you how to attach it in the same way that i've just done now and shows you how to attach the feet on and off as well okay you also get the info for the markings on the open toe version but i'll go through them in more detail with you in a short while so for now let's just do a straight stitch with the foot so i'm going to set my needle position to the center so on this machine it's stitch number three so my needle position is at 3.5 my stitch length is at 2.5 which is a standard stitch length and if you feel that the foot's a little bit low and you need to raise that up just to feed your fabric under remember wherever your lever is on the machine whether it's at the back or on the inside you can raise that foot higher in order to feed your fabric underneath okay so then we'll pop the foot down i'll just bring the speed down a little bit so we don't go racing off press the start button and you can see what that foot is doing so as the needle goes up and down because we've got that lever over the needle by that then makes these feed dogs go up and down on the top as well so as well as our feed dogs underneath the fabric pulling that bottom layer through we have a set of feed dogs on the top here pulling our top layer of fabric through now with layers of quilting fabric like this it works perfectly but you can also imagine how that will work um with you know silky satiny fabrics fabrics that slide around alone around a lot because your bottom layer of fabrics are being fed through evenly but your top layer has the tendency to slide about whereas with this foot both layers are going to be clamped together and pulled at the same time so it's working in a clamping motion and pulling them both through rather than having your fabric in the middle and your feed dogs underneath are just pulling the the bottom layer through instead [Music] just going to turn around and we'll go back up the other side because those of you have one of the standard walking feet i hope that you can tell from this video how quiet this new dynamic version is [Music] okay so we can see the fabric is lovely and neat on the top but then also underneath it's nice and smooth there as well so we've just seen the dynamic walking foot with the standard foot attachment here some the claws tore one that i would call it we've just seen that one working and in the instructions it recommends that you can use this foot for a straight stitch like we did or you can also use it for a zigzag stitch as well now what i want to show you is the open tour version you can see that we've got some markings on this foot now if you wanted to use a straight you know do a straight stitch with this foot if you have the needle position in the center you have markings on here to show you what a quarter inch stitch allowances okay so where the needle position will drop down here this mark here would be a quarter of an inch away from the edge of your fabric so say we were coming down here when the edge of your fabric gets to that point it means that the needle position here is a quarter of an inch away from the edge so then if you need to raise the foot and pivot it round you know that you're in the correct position the other marking that you've got and it shows you this in the manual is the edge here if you have your needle position in the center this inner edge is a quarter of an inch seam allowance so then when you've come down here and then we've pivoted round if your fabric is on this inner edge that is a quarter of an inch from where the needle will be in a center position okay so you can use this foot for doing a quarter inch seam allowance so you don't need to worry about using your quarter inch for either so it means that you can use this dynamic walking foot a lot of the time for a lot of your projects the other thing it says you can use this open-toe version for it is decorative stitches as long as they're nor wider than seven mil it does show some examples uh in the little instruction manual that it comes with and i'll show you how it works with them now but one thing that we want to point out is the standard walking foot that you can get the manuals that comes with them it only recommends that you use them with a straight or a zigzag stitch they're not entirely suitable for doing the decorative stitches with them okay so anything that's got a forward and reverse feed in its stitch style and the stitch pattern it doesn't recommend that you use those stitches with the standard walking foot but with the dynamic walking foot as long as you put this open tall version on you're okay to use those stitches so to attach this onto the machine i need to remove this foot so i just unclip that one and i'm just going to change over to this one instead so i'm just raising up the foot a little bit higher there just to get that underneath and then we just clip that on in its place okay really easy to change the feet over now the first stitch i'm going to show you using the open toe version is stitch number 52 on the machine here so this is called i will i call it my wiggly waggly wavy stitch um but the official term for it i think is the serpentine stitch okay so it's stitch number 52 so i'll just select that stitch and i love using this stitch for quilting because when you do parallel line quilting like this you need to make sure that all of your lines are perfectly equal when you use this serpentine stitch or my wiggly waggly stitch it doesn't matter if you go a little bit off if you go a little bit closer to one than the other it doesn't matter as long as you go in the general same direction for each line that you do it works really well so it takes out that having to measure everything precisely and i think it gives a really nice effect as well i especially love it i love it with this glitter vinyl it looks like the sand with the uh you know after the tide's gone out and it's you know the ripple effects that you get on the sand so that's what this reminds me of and i just think it's a really nice stitch to use i've done them when i've done them closer together and further apart as well but the one thing i do is i just lengthen the stitch so the standard setting for it is only one mil and i usually increase it up to 2.5 but more often than not i increase it to a three mil stitch okay so we'll just get our fabric underneath the foot here and pop the foot down press the start button and slow that down a bit so we can see what it's doing so you can see the needle is moving in a wave position and again because we've got the walking foot on it's feeding the top layer of the fabric through as well as the bottom layer so i'm not having to keep stopping smoothing the fabric out it just does it automatically as it's sewing [Music] okay and then just for reference for yourself if you want to know what i do for them lining it up for the next one is i look at the apex of the curve here as it's coming out on the right hand side i'll pop my foot underneath and i might line it up with the outer edge of the left hand side of the foot there and i just keep that as a guide so then when i do the next one as long as that apex of the curve is a similar distance away from the edge of the foot each time i do it then the quilting works really well but if you go a little bit off because we've got a wavy stitch you can't tell you can't notice [Music] so that's my little quilting cheats trick for you if you want to quilt all your layers of fabric together and you don't like doing free motion work or anything like that and you feel afraid to do a straight line quilting go with the wiggly wiggly stitch instead now let's have a look at a stitch that's got a forward and reverse feed on it so one of the ones it recommends in the book is stitch number 66 on this machine here okay now not all machines will have these stitches but if they do you can use them so i'm in this section and i'm going to cancel out that selection and then type in number 66 and change to that stitch okay so you can see what this stitch is doing is as well as feeding forwards it's also feeding backwards and this is the maximum speed that i would go out when using the walking foot anything between a low to medium speed is okay if you go any higher than that you know it could cause you some issues okay so we can see we've got a lovely stitch there and the fabric has been fed through really nicely on both the top and the bottom there as well i hope you've enjoyed our lloyd sewing video about the dynamic walking foot and the other walking feet that are available as well now this foot is compatible with i think all of the current brother models and if you are unsure about whether or not it will fit on your machine please don't hesitate to drop us an email or give us a call thank you for watching you
Channel: Keith Lord
Views: 5,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brother, Dynamic, Walking, Foot, Lords, Sewing, Quilting, Kirsty, Procter
Id: fT5ZQM5ria0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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