After Hours with Lisa - StitchArtist creating "Knockdown style" & Sketch Designs

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okay I think we're live I'm ah I think that's their sweat let's start my my um my shows for now I'm because I'm like so surprised oh it's working Oh actually um I I need to wait until we get a couple people saying that they're here they're liking it before I actually start talking because it is what it is I just make sure that we're connected and I don't feel like checking my phone Oh Norma beta nerve remote Mississippi excellent glad that means I'm connected hopefully it means you can hear me - of course it's coming through a few times so let's see um thumbs up excellent that means we're getting through hopefully the videos clear I turned everything off my Wi-Fi again for those of you been watching since the first one I did last week or two weeks ago whenever it was I just baffled that technology is still working since I had such an issue with it for quite a while so we'll see what happens okay hey Barbara how are you oh good and you were here the other day so it still sounds great excellent hi Kathleen good to see you glad people are checking in sooo from Canada excellent excellent everyone's getting getting all over ah Lee from Australia excellent just couple others from Austria Chris I was wondering if you're gonna make it there ah boo excellent excellent y'all tuning in for our after-hours with Lisa and I as promised I have a glass of wine because I my day is over and this is where I relax and I do my stitch artists or my customizing my personal stuff this is what I work on so you guys get me in casual mode you know we're gonna the work and at the computer Shreveport the home of your first travel experience yes excellent hey Valerie the very first time I did a hands-on a brilliance classes in Shreveport and big completely blew my socks off but it didn't just knock them off blew them off so I need to get back to Shreveport that was a fun location Northwest Arkansas I look gone Quinn Illinois over checking in from all over the place I'm gonna ascend up I think I'm gonna set up a poll just to make sure I think you're getting good results from doing a Monday night the campaigns in bed what time is it company where are you from I guess it's six o'clock so Slater's what other places I'm just saying wow I usually I'm an early to bed person so for British Columbia Canada I digress end of the day so Lisa gets scroll often I was thinking I need to I was wondering if Monday night's work for people and since we're having about I don't know how many extra are gonna be tuning into this I don't see an actual number I just see the reactions and comments coming through but hopefully Monday night works for people because I might like to do two a week that's what the plan is knock on wood went on stitch artist and one of the customizing programs no you made off popcorn for everyone Sue's got the popcorn excellent excellent so we're doing two of them I'd like to spread them out just so I don't go get too crazy it's obvious thinking from Trinidad as in Island Trinidad like sunshine we have sunshine today in Colorado it was a gorgeous day I'm kind of nervous to see what the upcoming weather's like because I'm watching the storms come in from Alaska you know they kind of brew over here and then they come in and either they putter out to nothing or we get you know three feet of snow so you never know a April March April are usually are snowiest months they have not proved us wrong this time so anyway we'll see if this works out on on Mondays well at the time we'll see what happens anyway haha sanema south carolina okay everyone's still check-in in we'll just remember as I'm going through this and I feel I am off but here all by myself me and the be working in the sewing room so with you guys making posts or giving thumbs up or some sort of emoji I asked you a question that lets me know there's actually someone listening on the other end I know I can get a little overwhelming so I'm Nikki I hopefully the ppq are doing okay I'm Nikki was at one of our Benson I guess in Frisco so the ppq okay Red Rocks for Easter Sunday is tradition yes it really is snow at Red Rocks and very hot here these days very draining in Trinidad Lombard Illinois looking forward to your fun stitch artist session okay well I guess Christine's are bringing me into into it until of a gear here so I will try and keep an eye on the comments but as mentioned this session is on stitch artists and I breathe I wanted to give like a teaser information on what it is that we're gonna be talking about and it's really how to create or customize your own knock-down stitching which also leads into how to do sketch designs and so it's it's kind of all over the place because enthusiasts is the one that has the one button click pouf knockdown stitch and that's great for keeping and when I say knock down that is a patented term abhayam brilliance and they we've been doing knocked down for years and we haven't called it knocked down but we've been creating flattening stitches for years this is nothing new I mean 25 years ago I created a shape but a light density filter out the underlay to flatten the NAP of the stitches what's unique to the in brilliant function and why it's a patented function is because it basically looks at your design on your screen draw as an outline around it and puts a flattening fill in it poof one click done I mean that that is knocked down that isn't and brilliance patented that whole function type thing click poof done well it's absolutely fabulous um and we love knockdown stitching but I'm going to talk about it as far as how you can create that your own knock-down stitching or your own sketch designs because what our sketch designs they're basically objects that have a light density fill in them so that's what today's session is gonna be about so let me see if I can oh they closed my little window here let's see if I can switch over to my bat one there and possibly this one here that's it uh nope that made that big okay I gotta get my application here shoot uh uh current application oh there's oh okay so I gotta get rid of this guy how did he move over here they give me these little helpful things is broadcasting and they just they it used to be on this screen I know it's on this screen okay anyway as I was saying with the knockdown stitching basically how it works and I'm going to show you the enthusiasts functions that you can get an idea of how I would do this without enthusiasts do it the hard way and it's not hard it's just a difference using just stitch artists okay so here's my design I go to my utility menu I choose add knockdown stitching and it places a light density fill around my shape and have to remember you can't see me pointing at the screen like this but there's a light density fill that stitches first so this knockdown basically flattens the stitches so if you're stitching like a minke or a towel or a really poufy ball or something that you want to flatten knock down is fantastic now when this object here first of all it's a design if you click on your disclosure triangle it is here at the top and it's set to my underlay it stitches first now in essentials you'll hear me mentioned many times that you have to when you have multiple designs and they overlap each other that essentials removes hidden stitches underneath it automatically well knocked down is even though it's its own design here at the top when it's set at by enthusiasts removing stiches doesn't work okay it's not gonna touch this it's kind of like setting it as the applique placement and the tack down that you'll know that though that's how you make sure that your stitches don't get removed from applique designs okay so the underlay stitching here that is caused by its created by enthusiasts that's not gonna be removed by hidden stitches even though it's a separate design that is overlapped by the other design the key point is and the reason it's not is because this is a low-density fill stitch there's not enough stitches in it to create a bulletproof design the only way that it would create a bail proof design is if the original design was bulletproof to begin with so if it was super dense then you added a underlay underneath that super dense design that's gonna cause a problem and it's still not gonna remove the head stitches from it yeah just yeah super dense designs that's a whole other issue maybe I'll do a session sometime on density repair kit but super dense designs that's the knock-down stitching basically is what I'm saying you don't have to worry about extra stitches okay yeah it's just not an issue okay yes I started already but in your here thanks great to see you Cathy and you can always just rewind and catch up on a little bit but what I was basically saying is that this shape is what the software creates automatically in enthusiasts now if you didn't have enthusiasts so I'm gonna delete this select it hit the Delete key which is how you delete anything in the program select it hit that delete key if you if you want to select a certain color you click on the color and it will delete out all that entire color so just delete stuff select the delete okay if you don't have enthusiasts and you wanted to create a knockdown stitch first of all this is this is now my su tip because I think su is the one that explained to me how to do this I'm going to command C and I'm gonna put a comment in here coming viii boom this is the link that I just added to the comments to the video on how to draw and with points in stitch hardest okay I'm not gonna say I'm not teaching you guys how to draw okay that's that's something you have to practice it gets easier with time or you can just be like me and let it go except that you're gonna draw blobs and it's okay you can always edit them later okay sooo you were the one that told me I can copy and paste my comments you so that's what I'm excited that I know how to do that now okay so I'm gonna draw points let me go into my stitch artist and I don't want to cause any confusion here so we're gonna go into level two one two so this is level two well you can draw you can do this in level one I just want to be in level two Saranda keep switching all over the place and some of the things I want to show is in level two but this is a level one feature okay thanks to awesome you see all right so draw with points click on the draw points tool and basically I'm going to click around my shape oh so lovely to create a lovely blob that sort of goes around here you can be as accurate as you want but when I show you when I finish this right click to end and then when I click on the close shape so that we have a blob once you have your shape remember whenever you're done drawing you right-click the end and this little red button here is how to close your shape once you have your shape on the screen this is where you can move your notes around and if you have five thousand of them it's completely uneditable and it just is too much work to move every single individual one around but if you only have a few you can move them around so that you can reshape your image this is probably if I was doing this by hand or for myself this has more nodes than I would normally do on my own but people get a little crazy because they think that it should look exact so I have more notes here so I have my shape now if you look at your object list here the design number in the design is object number one or design number one and what I just created that put at the end of my object list can you see that here object design one is stitching and then this blob is gonna stitch which isn't how we want it because we want this blob is gonna have to fill stitches in it right and that fills stitches just like the underlay from knockdown and needs to stitch first so I'm gonna right click on this design and say move first so that now my design which is a blob which doesn't have stitches yet but it's already number one in the list hopefully that's making sense guys paying attention to digitizing in software you have to do lots of multitasking and most of us should be rather good at multitasking so I need to pay attention to its going on in my hoop as well as the pay attention to what's going on in my object list so I have my object here my line I'm gonna select it and now I have to choose what type of stitch do I want to go into this I'm gonna choose my fill stitch because that's what the knockdown stitching is now when you go to the fill stitch in your properties pane it has filled it little stitches starting at your green and stopping at the red and it's has the default settings so it's density of four points that's a full stitch that's if you wanted this to be a solid blob so we don't want it to be solid if we want it to be open so I'm gonna move my density all the way up to 15 now I will tell you I think that the knockdown stitching default density is I think it's 12 now points someone had asked this and sent me a message one point is point one millimeters okay so when you have 15 points density that is one point five millimeters and before I go too far Danielle I must have missed the part I said I I'm pretending that I don't have enthusiasts that's why I redrew this okay so people you have people asking that just have stitch artists that want to know how to create knock-down stitching in stitch artists okay yes I could have just if I did just use enthusiasts and that shape created can be done other things with but I wanted to show how to create your own because sometimes the software does a great job of creating an outline but do you see how many nodes I have here keep that in mind how few nodes and maybe I'll remember to bring up the enthusiasts one again you'll see all the little nodes which kind of make it hard to edit okay so first step change your density to a low density point now let me zoom in so we can actually see and with my stitch you with the stitches 3ds turned on you can actually see that there's underlay stitching here so even though I have changed my fill stitch to be a low-density so it's 1.5 millimeters apart that's what each row of stitches is I have my underlay is still turned on it's still trying to put some stabilization right there and knock down doesn't need underlay it doesn't have underlay it's just a flattening stitch so I'm gonna go to my underlay properties which is where my mouse cursor is in my properties pane nice thing about the software is you put your mouse cursor on a button and it says what the button does this one says adjust the underlay I think I'll use that so if I click on this and I uncheck my contour and I uncheck my perpendicular you can sort of see let me zoom in and let you look can you see there's only running stitches going across my design now this is basically a automatically created underlay flattening stitch oK we've we're just step one now digitizing when you have enthusiasts you don't have any of these controls so basically what I'm saying is you click poof done it stitches the way it wants to stitch when you create your own underlay or you adjust your delay settings not only can you change the density so if you want to have your density underlay you go to your little density right here and you change it from 12 to maybe 1 it's gonna be a lot denser or maybe change to a moti filler or something else or change it to a lighter density okay the other thing that you can change is how it starts and stops okay you're starting your stop those of you in the stitch art is digitizing fans group make sure you watch the unit's videos there's one on the Snowman that shows you what artifacts are and how to move your starts and stops around but your start is your green bowtie and your stop is your red bowtie so as I have my fill stitch and it's going this is the angle that's said that's set by this little yellow barbell thing so it's gonna start at this point let's run the sewing simulator so you can actually watch out what's gonna start this is caller number one it starts at that starting point it goes up it fills down it goes down and it starts filling all the way back up because that's what I what we told it to do and just because we haven't told it to do anything that doesn't mean it's it's we have we said exactly what it was supposed to do so what can I change on this I'm gonna move my start up to the top of the design and move my stop down to the bottom of the design first of all what this can do when you're doing this because my angle is going in this direction it will change how the design fills in now it's had to where did it start it was here and it started it it figured out that it needed to go down to that bottom doohickey guy here and fill this in first you know this is things that it's because this is a blob shape and if have you ever done that it's a project or a quiz in grammar school where you have to draw a shape without going over the lines repeating itself and not picking your pencil off the paper that's pretty much how the software has to fill a shape now when a shape is is solid like a night muscle this is a solid shape what is shape is very simple like there's no loop-de-loops and you have a start and a stop at the bottom and at the top it will start yet at the bottom and fill straight up till the stop there's no detours it needs to take well when you have that's easy when you have a blobby shape that has no ins and outs but this design has ins and outs it has ups and downs so you you're never gonna get a complete fill unless you change I mean you can try maybe switching the angle here and changing your stitches so it goes from there and move this oops that move the line I need to move my little start guy over to here let's see what that does sewing the simulator boom padam padam ba whoops goes to the top it's gonna fill down to the bottom I didn't need to do that guy it did it a little differently so sometimes you can hide these things sometimes yeah there's just no choice it's gonna have to do what it has to do but moving your stitch angle around moving your starts and stops around that can change your entry and exit points here we go let me go into this guy select this one hit the Delete key cuz he's bugging me now the nice thing about reshaping or drawing your own as I mentioned and let me go and just move this guy let me hide him so we don't have to look at him anymore okay so I'm gonna select him and I'm gonna lock him and hide him so that he's there but we don't see him now theoretically if I go to the utility menu and say add knock-down stitching it's odd anyway darn darn darn darn jump it up let me go and hold on let me hit control X no command X cuz I'm a Mac that deletes him utility add knockdown stitching command B and now he said okay this was our original knockdown created the enthusiasts now I can try and reshape this if I wanted to but you see those 10,000 little nodes around here in order to reshape it you have to move each individual one and that's just a pain in the butt now one thing that you can do say you want to get rid of this loop this dip thing here so that it flattened that part out you could use your lasso to select those whoopsie let's go here select those notes hit the Delete key on your keyboard and that will reshape so that's the type of reshaping you're looking for just selecting and deleting that's great but if you're trying to do any sort of editing trying to edit this shape from enthusiasts that was created by the automatic is there's too much data here you did it it's perfect it's beautiful poof done but if you wanted to actually do something with it afterwards it's it's it's not - not too much fine hopefully that all makes sense to you guys I personally would rather edit this shape that only has those few notes on it then that crazy crazy one that that we did is you guys still hear that who's angry at me someone gave me an angry comment hopefully that was an oops I don't think I've done anything to piss anybody off yet night is still young but I haven't done it yet did that make sense possibly maybe okay moving on moving on I'm not gonna close him it's gonna go to a different design because when I said that when I mentioned creating your own knockdown it basically this the the key is drawing your shape and I gave you the link to the video so you can learn how to draw with shapes add a fill set the density to a high density twelve points is the built-in knockdown that enthusiasts does but you can put it to any value you want and turning off your underlay how hard is that easy okay so now when you talk about designs that have no underlay that usually can lead into sketch designs because the big part about digitizing and now someone's sad goodness gracious guys get angry people sad people oh sorry - trying to figure out like that what I did sketch designs they're basically the same type of a design type as an underlay meaning that they have a low density and they have no underlay because of it you can't sit at grid work underneath so if you have a like these lovely flowers I have here I just created I brought in a graphic and created my flower with a magic wand if I wanted to turn this Daisy flower into a sketch design hi Margie I'm glad you're happy oops okay so to turn this into a sketch design first of all if you look at my object pane here I have multi each petal is its own object okay so I need to set this petal to be a sketch Phil now there's a couple it's not very difficult all I have to do is go to my fill stitch here bill property it remembered what I had before now under the fill properties I wanted to show you first of all in level 1 and I'm gonna go back there let me go back to level 1 doot-doot-doot boom let's go to fill in level 1 you have just a basic you don't have the treble and you have travel edge but you don't have a gradient fill and you don't have curved fills so this is level 1 let me do this pedal and level 1 and now I'll do the next pedal notable - okay when you hard setting your sketch or your fill for this little we're all happy keep going oh you guys are making I'm thinking it was an oops you know it's really easy to hit the wrong emoji on your gizmo otherwise we'll figure out who they are and what they're unhappy out all right basically just like I did for the knockdown stitching I assigned my fill to this little shape here now mice because my start and stop are located at the same spots it has that's where it's gonna start stitching and it has to go up and then go down and fill back up so that it exits right here that's how we're gonna practice drawing line objects and fill them up using a stitch angle so the first thing to do that's why you have this line going from top to bottom because in order for it to start stitching here this green bowtie in order to start at this point and fill this shape it has to go up to the top here and then come down and then fill back up to this section right here so first thing I need to do is I want to move my starts whoops not the node I'm gonna move my stop down here to the bottom I'm gonna move my start up here to the top you see it kind of like wonky looking here maybe I'll move this guy over up see oh wait too much why not put it down here like that now when you had this line going through the top and I wonder why it did that maybe move the start to the bottom move this guy up tip it up there we go that's better because okay the other thing let me turn this back to artwork your object here I don't know if you can see a little on your screen if you watch on a phone you probably can't but one when you have a closed object you have a red dot that red dot shows you where the last point that someone made where that's a closing point okay so if you were to open this shape at this point that's you'd have that's where it would separate so if I click on my little open button here and I now go and I'm whoops yeah hold on when I open it at that point that's where the little that's where the connection is so when you close something it's going to that's where it's going to reopen is at that point let me get rid of that so it's now shaped again so that's why you need to kind of pay attention to where your red dots are because that's these the exit point or of the shape it wants to so it's kind of an important point to pay attention to of your shapes so when I go to apply my fill stitch here and I have my start and stops in two locations I kind of want to make my start and stop go on opposite sides and pay attention to where that red dot is because if I move the rent the stop to the other side where the right that is yeah get extra stitches if you don't need them I know I went beyond where you need to know I just got flustered a little bit with them people not liking what I'm saying this shape that I have here when you set a fill stitch the distance the points of your density that is the distance between each one of these rows of stitches okay now in order to not cause a bump on your sides of your edges those needle points are kind of staggered in just a little bit based upon whatever your stitch length is they stagger them in so that they kind of flatten they aren't just that our hard bump but when you're doing a sketch design you may want your outline to actually fall follow that shape so that it's smooth that is where the travel edge comes through see this option here see what happens when I click that option to see how nice and smooth that becomes so that if you click off of it it actually kind of looks like a nice clean petal that has those dots and because your density is far apart from each other you can it that you're not gonna get the bump but when you have a fill stitch density that's tight and filled and it's gonna make a solid area and you Travel edge it looks great in the software when you stitch it out you're putting those extra needle points right along that edge which will cause a lumpy bumpy and that's just that's not usually what we're going for it might be but for the most part for the default setting you don't want it's not necessary for what you see in the software to look exactly what what you have and the stitch out because it just it's gonna look different that's why when you see what you'll see me posting quite often another field posting that software for digitizing is not WYSIWYG what you see is not what you get this so you just got to keep that in mind now this is a sketch fill that it has like a it's going to be kind of open and it that's the look you're going for you really want it to not look like it has a boundary or not have a solid running stitch going around the edge you're done you've gone to the next one you can copy/paste flip mirror or just work around the edges however a lot of times you want to have this does its fill stitch of our sketch and now you want to have a running stitch or a bean stitch of some sort go around it so it kind of gives it those stitches a hold so that they kind of fit there so while this guy is selected in my object pane I'm gonna copy him so I'm gonna go up here to my little button here at the top that says copy and if I paste him just by hitting the paste button it's gonna throw it to the bottom of my whole object list I'm thinking this is a I'm good the reason I'm doing this is because I want my outline to be the exact same color as this petal and I want it to do all in one step I want to do the sketch sketch fill and then do an outline around it all in this pink so basically complete each flower petal from the get-go not do all the petals and then do all the outlines now if the outline needs to be a separate color great but I wanted to get the same color pink so while this is talking and still hanging out here in our on our clipboard if you have it hanging out here because you copied it and you right-click on your object at this point you see this pop up menu there's three options three pasting options okay paste under means that when you paste the copy it's gonna put it before this selected object pasted over means it's going to paste it right after this object and paste replace is going to replace the object so that's like if you had if you fix this petal and now you want to paste replace all the other petals because you fix the one you like it perfectly that's when paste replaced works really well but for this we want to paste over so that we can add that little running stitch around right after this without having to move it up and down our object list so while it's selected that's what I'm gonna choose and watch what happens to my object list you see where one one is on the right hand side watch what happens paste over you see we got one two so we are a fill stitch and a fill stitch and it's you can't even tell I mean milk it's like right on top of the other one but well and it's now selected because it it's pasted so it's still selected and I'm gonna go and hit the running stitch button and I'm gonna go my run properties and I'm gonna say I want this to be a bean stitch because I just want it to be a nice heavier outline now the key point is do you see where the starts and stops are on this guy that's my fill stitch stops at this point and now my running stitch is gonna start at the bottom hmm which means what's it gonna do it's gonna jump from the top or the fill all the way to the bottom so the first thing I need to do or then the thing is and there's my jump stitch that's what was going to happen I'm gonna move it all the way up here to the top so that now it's gonna stitch that one little guy happy this one little pedal stitch the fill stitch the running stitch no jumps at all now my fill stitch my running stitch is gonna stop up here to the top this is where we start making decisions on our stitching order I mean you guys this is the life of a digitizer do I want it to stop at this point or do I want it to maybe add its gonna add some more stitches because of being stitch that's just the way it's gonna be start stitching at this point and then do whatever it needs to do so that it exits at this point so that when I do this next petal I can just have this little tiny teeny tiny jump here that no one's paying attention to if you really wanted to trim and do a slowdown do a locking stitch and then trim and then move over to the next petal and guarantee those trims at the machine leave it up here but this little stitch this little jump this little jump and no one's paying attention to those if they are you got to have a different conversation with them okay and when you do if you don't have trims your stitch offs faster when I when I test though so many designs I listen to them I can't have anybody else test so my designs because that's not testing it testing my design make sure that it stitches right on the fabric but I've kind of gotten a little bit beyond that I know how to digitize stuff so that pretty much what I see in the software I know how to make it look so it stitches out OK at the machine what I do is I have it stitch in the background so I can listen to it because I want to make sure it's not doing some nasty impaling thing and making nasty noises and jumping and doing bad things so I listen make sure it's stitching evenly in this design if I have the 5 petals should go really fast and this should be the one locking stitch at the beginning pedal and there'll be one lock and stitch at the very last pedal and that's it that's my preference but that's the beautiful thing about digitizing you are in control if you want your jump stitches and you want machine to trim move your starts and stops they're far enough away from each other and then make sure that when you have your object here when you go to your properties if this is mine if I move my jump stitch all the way back up here to the top because that's where I want it to lock make sure you go up here to the top and say tie and exit and then it's definitely gonna locked up there but your machine's gonna slow down and lock and then trim and why but relocate I love to listen to designs that stitch so fast and evenly and keep the stitching going it saves a lot of time you don't get nasty things don't happen so and plus I have a couple of machines that don't trim jumps so I this I'm not paying attention that little tiny jump that's gonna happen here at the bottom okay now remember I said that we would do a paste replace so when I have this guy selected can you move down and get him in the air here if I select this object right click on it and say paste replace it basically puts this same object in the exact same location is where the other one was now it's not smart enough to know that it should rotate it it software is great but it's not it's not gonna do that automatically so I will need to rotate it however I don't have to redo that again I already have my everything set up I can just do a paste replace and it'll pop it right back in at the same time okay uh Rob was saving files and stuff sooo things since yes the Sioux says he has a stitch around the outside finishes off nicely and Pam goes Wow so alright we don't have any more unhappy faces well we still have one angry face I guess someone found out that they hit an unhappy face Oh or maybe we have two unhappy visas I don't know what else was I gonna do oh um when we were talking about I got into sketch things I said that this was a low level one is what I showed you where's my fill properties fill properties these are your options for level one so you can set your distance your density and you decided to travel now the slider bar goes to maximum of 15 and hopefully you've watched some of my other videos that I've shown you that this number is is not set in stone I can set this to say 25 hit the enter key and it changes they had to put a slider so that you couldn't create designs that were insanely bulletproof which is less than three points if you set your density to less than three points oh you're doing bad things and maximin I have to put something at the bottom here otherwise you'd be scrolling forever so they said it's at the UM 215 but you can type in any number you want here to figure out what it is that you want to have you okay hopefully that makes sense guys Maria loves it boo boo excellent okay Mary's that wants to know if we move the entry and exits to more logical orders than we don't need to have ties correct if when I move if I was moving the exit down here to the bottom and when I set this next one up I move my start to that bottom point here that you don't need to have a tie because you're not gonna trim that that's doesn't need to have a locking stitch there my way if I were to do that for all the five of them my only bowtie would have one at the very first one and then one at the very last one the running stitch at the last one that's where my two bowties worth were doing so as I'm listening to my machine stitch it's gonna go lock lock lock sketch sketch sketch run to the bean stitch then do this one and do this one it's gonna keep all all nice evenly stitching I love to hear my machine run at full power even if it's like six hundred stitches per minute because I do have some machines that run slow there are older machines and they that's all they do is 600 stitches so I like to hear them go as fast as they can you know just because our machine can go fast the way that you make it keep going fast is by using less jumps less tie ops logical stitching order not having to jump all over the place running travel stitches I showed that putting travel stitches in the last there's the one I did the other day I do that in a lot of videos because traveling stitches are just something that I put in and travel is simply a single running stitch an object that goes from left to right or right to left or from point A to point B point A to point B lots of my trait that cuz I'm watching come o travel stick goes you have a section one that has a stitch and section 2 has a stitch same color Travel stitch the only thing is is that it gets from point A to point B as a single run with the semi-long de su stitch length map and crazy single run stitch so that it connects the ending point and the starting point and you make sure that it goes underneath stitches that are going to be covering it up afterwards so that's what travel stitches see what if we went to a live appliques start to finish well there's a great video already on the YouTube on sunbonnets su how to do applique start to finish ah Mary says I like that we prefer not to have to tie off everywhere exactly I mean we've sometimes you downloaded designs or you've gotten them from people that digitized and they're using automatic settings and some software makes you you it does tie offs ok that's their default that you have to do tie offs our software is not doing tie offs because if you think about it I have a design and I didn't don't have a sample here but it's a butterfly satin stitch design one color and it has 186 objects and it has a tie off at the beginning and a tie off at the end there's none in the middle so if our software tied off at every single object that would be so much work for me the different then that's who are this software even though it's inexpensive it's budget-friendly it is so flippin powerful that you can learn excellent digitizing practices at level one so that when you grow into level 2 or level 3 or any of you just stay at level one you're creating efficient designs that stitch beautifully yeah and this is all because of our human mind okay the we are artists okay so you gotta let your mind you're smarter than the software don't the software's are flipping hammer okay the hammer though when you good it that it's not the one that does the great construction the artist the carpenter Klee I behind the hammer is the one that does the work huh okay Chris will you be showing how to remove a hole in a knockdown I I did that earlier so when Yuri watch the video I showed how to edit your knockdown by removing the stitches lassoing hit the Delete key okay I didn't realize that was those last sort of mu move in SA you remove stitches or then knock down with this okay well let me go back into this again because obviously that wasn't let's go delete delete the underlay okay utility add knock-down stitching okay this was created in enthusiasts now there's a trick I showed I have a live video on the Umbria and brilliance group on how to use a period to get rid of this hole but if since we have stitch artists that's what this class is about this episode if I want to get rid of this hole this is just basically an object so while my object is selected I've make sure that I am in stitch artists my object is selected I can select with my lasso these extra guys hit the Delete key and it reshapes my underlay so that is what I meant so when you say there's a less so in stitch artists yes there's a lasso that works on objects in stitch artists or objects that objects objects aren't stitch artists excuse me enthusiasts creates an underlay object okay that it's an automatic function so someone that doesn't have stitch artist doesn't have that that power but you have stitch artists because you're watching this or you're thinking by getting stitch artists watching and if you have stitch artists and enthusiasts to reshape this guy get rid of that hole that was there you just have to make sure you're in create mode make sure that your object is selected and I know my underlying object is selected is because I have nodes on it so when I click on it I have nodes so when I left click drag around have my stitches selected and hit the Delete key that removes it so a closed you just tried this it has less stitches you practice - a closed circle okay well that's a different type of knockdown being you guys are making me work okay let me do this a note new thing all right let me go make a big letter a only one letter a let's see boom let's I didn't practice this guy's this if we want a capital letter Oh Oh boom alright let's make it big all right Kim got it woohoo all right let's see come on please work please work please work utility add knock-down stitching no well you see you how did you get a whole lot of I tried that as stitches left these prides mine is a closed circle that's a closed circle I'm not sure what I'm not sure what it's doing but if you wanted to put a hole in this underlay okay first of all I'm gonna go but you have to go in to create mode and I'm gonna change it to a line object so I'm not making a mess and I you drive make sure you draw your lovely shape here right click to end close the shape and now you have to combine these two together create outline combine holes and now put your fill stitch in and now you have a hole would I consider making a book you know I have a book started the problem is writing a book is that things change and I don't know if Brian watching this video but you know he adds new features to the program and my videos get outdated I can't even imagine rewriting the book again so I'll put it on the list I was that that's how to add a Holt the underlay but I'm not usually you don't you don't usually get holes unless it's a really big big thing that has a hole in it but if you have if you want if you if this is what your underlay looks like and you want to get rid of this hole first of all this is okay so we have an object that has a hole in it now the way I created it was by adding a hall so the way to get rid of this hole is by going to the create menu outline and say separate holes and now you can get rid of the hole and you have a solid piece that's usually what people want to do is they have to get rid of the holes because see it just makes a mess but hopefully that explains things all right close tab don't say bye guy so you have taken classes from me before and you um this is a practice that you should get used to do you see each one of these windows that I have open and what is called untitled - and annex Quinns called untitled three and the third one's called funky bird and I just closed untitled for each one of those tabs has to save 25 of your steps in memory okay so it's juggling the last 25 things you did in each one of them now on a Mac it's not usually as horrible of a situation as on Windows because it just seems that Windows has holes in their operating system and they don't like you to have a lot of memory so make sure that once you're done doing something in one of these tabs that you save your work and you should only save your work often because if this crashed right now you better be happy that you didn't save it because there's nothing to it there but close your windows because if you have more than 3 4 5 10 15 the most I saw open was like 34 and you don't even know what your work done she's like oh that was four weeks ago well software's trying to juggle 25 things you're wondering why it's so slow so close those little tabs that's up there on the top okay Oh Chris mine was a big heart and wanted to only have the flowers in the heart-shaped so that's perfect plaid excellent sounds like you figured out what the what you needed to do it's usually adding a whole deleting extra nodes or removing the holes so that you don't have a big blob all right I was showing the level one function of the fill stitch let me go in here and we're gonna go let me selectable to these guys here oh let me just put it back here we're gonna make this I'm gonna go into level two one to have my object apply my fill stitch set my start on one side my stop on the other side set my angle my fill stitch property in level two has a couple different options first of all it still has the travel edge which we had in level one but it also has the option of doing a curved fill now this is you've probably seen this on saw the some embroidery designs where it's a sketch fill that's curved that kind of gives a little bit more dimension a little more interest than just the straight fill so that's one kind of funky thing and you can also remember we this is set to 15 but if you wanted to set it to a higher number you can do that as well of course you know with a further this is apart there's nothing to connect this you really want to have that nice running stitch around so that's just one of the options there's fill and let me change it back to if whoopsie we want to do it 15 points so we can actually see it that's kind of pretty now let's go down here so that's a whoopsie level two has that curved fill and the way that the curved fill works for those of you that have that option and levels sit artists to instead of just having the barbells on the sides you now have a node in the middle and you can actually add more nodes to it but it might not be a good option for the shape that you have but think of I mean that's that is ugly we are all going to admit that I just created an ugly flower but think of if you have a big blob along the bottom of river or a pond and you want to add a fill that's got some texture going on some fun stuff going on you can't go too crazy with this because depending on the size of your shape you'll create ugly stitches but this this one actually can look kind of nice all by itself curving it that's what that line does alright I did it too much you play too much of the software you make too big of a mess okay so that's the curb fill this one down here let me go and hit fill fill properties not curved but we need to go in so you get really good at setting this I could just copy and paste replace but if you find that you're playing in the software whoopsy what do I want to put this guy in this side this guy on this side well you find that you're playing in the software repeating things it becomes faster so be patient with yourself you have to play you must learn that's the best way goes the other option for in level 2 allows you to have here at the bottom in level 1 you have your pull compensation into the right of it in level 2 you have the ability to add a gradient now when you choose that gradient button this is how I did the gradient option shuffle this little tiny screen here at the bottom you see my letters they kind of look like sea glass that is how I did these as a gradient gradient can go increasing or decreasing now the key point to this is is that you want to have you need this is a gradient fill so Isis and this is really small our little guy here is not even half an inch so putting a gradient on this doesn't make much sense so when you have a low not a high number on it you might not see your gradient as obvious as you wanted to but this is our stain we want this to be increasing there's also the option of going to a decreasing which starts on the other side which is a little more interesting here or you can go from open center or open ends but again those don't on such a small shape that's not really gonna make that much of a difference but the density here this 8.4 that is what this density is here in the center of the open let me go back to the increasing one so it's a little better decreasing sorry okay so the density that's over here is set by this number so this is two density at the outer edge is eight point four so that's where that the numbers come in so if you want this to be tighter here at the at this little center point or hopefully you're doing this on a bigger one because still gradient on something it's only a half an inch is kind of silly but I'm just showing you the option because I don't feel like drawing into the blob gradients okay one numbered controls the outside density one number controls the tighter density type that makes sense guys now level 2 you can actually do a curve density with that gradient also you get some really cool effects on on-device changing the gradients on this where was I going with this after that no clue completely lost myself Nancy says gradients Mary says her computers gone berserk jumping back and forth between windows yes the tabs here at the top you guess yeah I got a keep them keep them under control here okay waiting to have another question pops up here hopefully you guys can all see how the sketch fills can't relate to the underlay and anon delay knock-down stitching okay because sketch basically has the same properties there's a light density and there's no underline stitching to a sketch design or to knockdown stitching so that's why I kind of consider them to be the same type of thing now one other option when you are doing your knockdown stitching some people like to use the motif fills and once you have your shape I mean this is gonna be a bad option for this I apologize for whatever bad thing happens here but when there's so many nodes in this option that's your ad there's too much complication here trying to a motif on this I apologize ahead of time for what's gonna happen because ooh well that actually isn't too bad Wow lisa is impressed I had good a motif fill to our crazy knockdown stitching and look at that that's actually not too bad decorative type decorative stitching can be used as knockdown stitching my issue with using motif fills as knockdown stitching is and this actually is not a horrible example I complete luck here oh I said because I'm wonky stitches here it's my mother point I was trying to make is that sometimes depending on the motif that you choose you will have oh that's this one let's try let me try and find a bad motif yeah that's kind of kind of bad ish do you see how it's nice and outlined on this side but when you get to this side here when you have a motif it's me and me it's not pretty so you may want to do a running stitch outline on this to kind of keep it all in tact make it more of a decoration type thing because right now the motif isn't going to finish it off pretty using this this object type here okay Barbara says jokes how I explained this essay does not have the ability to curve and do gradients that's a level two function so gradients and curving fills is not in level one that's a level two function and what we're this design is from this little guy here I'm working on a class in online class for enthusiasts so I digitized him and that's where he's gonna be so it's a work in progress you know that book have a class that's coming out on enthusiasts and all the different things you can do with its de jetted and stuff like that and that's what this bird is coming from as anyone else crashed the program using motifs well Pat if you've crashed the program you need to contact tech support because they're the only ones that can help you solve the problem Ivan I'm I've had like 15 motifs to a design and done bad things in classes and haven't crashed I need you try not to do bad things but I had a crash using the motifs so there could be something funky going on and usually it's something this is a bad shape and I'm when I say bad shape it's complicated this has like every time yeah but no do you have a directional change and you're giving the software information that it needs to process because you're telling it that at this point something is going to happen so when you have 5,000 of these little points going around there and you're trying to apply a motif fill that's going you know depending on the number of nodes and loopy things and all sorts other weird stuff that could be a problem Sharon said she had the problem in support fixed in see sharing contact us support so Pat their tech support would love to help you it's um let me oh it's in brilliance comm and I think it's slash contact us but you go and brilliance comm is the website click on contact us most important things that you can ever give to cut to tech support the program is so it's Umbria nice we know that everyone here is ringing so if you're running with a stitch artist level-1 level-2 let them know she's had issues if you left and brilliance running for a month or so well Lois we're sisters I mean yeah I we might push that I don't close my programs very often um but before I get back to tech support make sure you tell them what program you have what level you know what operating system are you running Mac or Windows if you're running Windows Windows 7 Windows 10 Mac what operate OS OS X because there's so many different flavors so that's going on next go to your about window that's either under the help about our windows or in brilliance about in brilliance and tell them the version number listed there as well as the date because you may have downloaded an update and then they replace that update with a newer update and it's still the same number so you know the date is what's important so the version number the date and then if you have the be e file do you have the file that sends the crash send that to them they don't need stitch files sending them PES DST they usually don't need those but if you send them the be e working file with the version of your operating system the version of the program the program name and the steps that you take they can usually try and recreate the problem step by step by step so anyway um hours are high that's how you get in touch a support associated fixed charge problem Melissa you're here might win here leaving the program open for a month or so she also wants to know yes there are still spots though Mike Colorado classes and they're filling up I teach hands-on classes for those of you that are are new to this little webby type thing they're in person I do three days seminars as well as I attach myself usually to before one of the trade shows that are going on such as applique getaway which is in June in Texas or coming up the everything embroidery market now I've been promoting the everything embroidered market in Kentucky I there's there's only a few spots left and those the essentials and the stitch artist class so if you're interested in going to the Kentucky event make sure you get in touch with them because we had people waiting outside hoping that someone would show up and I don't want to have to you know that's not nice you know that's not fun to be hanging outside so get it get your seat because they only sell enough tickets for the class itself unless people don't show up and that that always happens but you know hopefully it doesn't other events I'm doing I have the one in Houston which is at the end of May and stitch level days 1 & 2 are completely sold out I have waiting lists for those as well and where else am i doing our day three is completely open for stitch artists in Houston Denver I have spots open in days 1 & 2 SN 3 as well they went into our are starting to get more filled than day 3 day 3 is just ditch artists for those that just want to learn how to use the program that's you need to come day 3 because that's all we do Portland Oregon I was in Portland last year and we did that was a complete bust I didn't make anything I ended up paying to teach people there that's how poorly it was attended so I'm not sure I'm gonna come back to Portland again and each time soon is it a range of Ages at the training go west young woman well I've been to Portland I've been to Lake Tahoe and neither one of them were were well attended Denver is actually getting people to sign up for the last time I tried Denver no one signed up and I am independent just so that you guys know and I do not work for him brilliance although I do communicate with M&A my teachers software I am a dealer for them when I do trade shows I have an affiliate link so I am tied closely with in brilliance but when I do these events their Alisa Shaw event so I have to pay for the room the electricity everything all up front and hope people come so I've taken a bath at Tahoe and support hland Sola where I'm not doing that again Chicago Caribbean Oh wouldn't that be nice I've done Caribbean cruises some I haven't seen any for our cruisers up here so but we did a an event on a cruise ship and that was a lot of fun Caribbean haha you know the key for me doing this for small as you have other jobs and I've already been given another task of writing a book I've got to finish my enthusiasts class there's only so many hours in my day guys trying to communicate with hotels and get them to I need room with that it can take up to 24 to 30 people because they also require some sort of catering or outside lunches it's really nice but not everyone allows that and spots available so I have I got more rejections from the Chicago area I am trying that California like we can't afford to go there I'd have to teach a hundred people in order to make minimum wage there and I'd do a survey of places I've done the survey I had 32 people signed up to come to Portland not one of them showed up I had 40 people saying they're going to Lake Tahoe none of them showed up you know and the for anything less my first why didn't Reeve for that was hysterical because I had a list of the reason I chose Street for it was cuz I had this huge list I think was like fifty six people that said if you come to within three hours of Freeport I'm there we had 60 people come it was a huge event I did it with Don meek from creative appliques so we had 60 people at this event not one of those people that said I'm gonna be there came to that event so surveys I'm not holding anyone with them because I I can only afford to do so many things Chris asks Australia I am I still need to see a my list is growing I am working with Gary Walker from echidna soy products he's the one that sponsors me to come to Australia because I can't I am NOT a dealer he has to bring me in to teach so I will be there theoretically that's what is where we're doing tentative things right now but I'm in November of this year so I need to I guess I don't know what time it is in Australia right now so um we will I need to get with him because I will be doing the in-person class there and in the LEAs like things are great however it there but it's I do understand the value of doing the hands-on in person I can't be everywhere though so these are gonna be supplemental but it to see the people take off from where they were when they first come to the so I had this one lady and I'm not gonna say her name but she was at one of my first events and I she was almost in tears before saying she didn't think she was smart enough to come to the class she just didn't want to take it and now all these smokes she is up and running and doing crazy things and it's because she got to do the hands-on class you got to meet her tribe so um and and do things there as someone she says 11 o'clock that night my alarm did go off this is supposed to end at 7:00 and I'm still going 11 o'clock in Brisbane while like and it's Tuesday now right it's Tuesday so look like I gotta give Gary a call do you sell Rick don't you sell registrations ahead of time Vivian yes I do but if I soon as I booked a hotel they wanted to positive like $5,000 you know it depends - but that was the deposit for the Portland Place was $5,000 so was icarly you know when no one showed up and I can I can only advertise so much cuz that's an done list so what did I set up these events I have to advertise the events I have to write that book that summer months I've got I've got do the enthusiasts class and get that published plus I've got do my own things you know I do have a regular job I do people have to take them into machines to class oh I don't teach you how to use machines I used to do that many many moons ago and when everyone has a different machine and what's wonderful about the Umbreon software is that it works with all the machines all you need is a way to get the design from the computer to your embroidery machine I teach the software part learning how to use your machine and watching that needle go up and down I get taking classes and doing projects but we would if we have five hours for a class we would spend 30 minutes in the software and four and a half hours and that's watch the machine go up and down not my idea of a good time so I teach the software when I choose the hands-on classes software software software because you don't have to save anything I'm teaching you techniques so that you can go home and play and then stitch and then have a good grand time okay um 610 year I'm not sure where Maria is but why 610 there huh don't write a book just do this well I'm glad I can do this because a couple months ago there was no way I could do a live video showing my screen all I could do is this talking thing I couldn't do the software of splitting things so this is kind of nice yes I did have someone suggest that I do is some sort of like subscription where you can take the classes and I answer questions like allocate I did classes at craftsy okay craftsy is now blue print and they've switched me to a they don't do software classes for me anymore so this is not my regular job no it's not my regular job I never real I have another job so yes I could do this and maybe if I could do a subscription type thing where I taught online classes and did that sort of like the craft C class I think I can get paid for it yeah we'll see what happens but you know I have people and between not enough hours in my day so can only do so many things alright I think what time is it now it's quarter after 7:00 I've been chatting away for a well over an hour hopefully you guys got something out of doing customizing your knock down stitching using stitch artists creating your own to get sketch designs Oh hugs to you Margie how about a book with hands-on exercises the way software changes is still prevented sure I'm gonna add this all to list you guys would keep me work until I'm 90 I'm getting good I've been doing this stuff for 25 years look I can't say ladies because I there's a couple gentlemen that I saw pop on here so but I've been doing this for a long time so you know I still have finished everything on my to-do list I'm working on it I'm working on it ah Nikki ppq oh I'm glad I'm going to see you at the applique getaway uh for those of you in Texas make sure you come by the applique getaway it's in the Dallas serving area moved to a fabulous hotel it's the other location was really nice but this one is all on one level so no stairs no waiting for elevators or anything and the hotel prices have dropped significantly so I have the pre-show classes they're almost full the essentials class I think I have 10 spots left in that one so if you're interested in coming that one needs to you need to register soon stitch artists people are afraid of digitizing hopefully I've made it easy enough that you guys can understand and do this stuff on your own all right guys I'm gonna say goodnight and go walk my dogs and hopefully you guys have a great rest of the week watch my facebook page and my facebook page is so bubbles so you see bubbles menagerie I will be advertising the next live session I think it's gonna be on Thursday and it will have something to do with other customizing programs take care and see you later that didn't work
Channel: Lisa Shaw
Views: 7,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machine Embroidery, mac embroidery software, machine embroidery software, embroidery designs, Embrilliance, Lisa SewBubbles, Bubbles Menagerie, StitchArtist, knockdown stitches, Embrilliance Enthusiast, Sketch Embroidery designs, how-to digitize, Embroidery classes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 35sec (4475 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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