This Broke The Arbiter - Patch 9.2 Spoilers

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[Music] align the spheres only then can harmony be restored so what's the deal with argus okay um so the deal with argus is argus was the emboss of legion a uh a titan soul that was imprisoned try pushing them into place was imprisoned enslaved by sargeras and even back then there was tomfoolery going on cause they kinda had dialogue suggesting that argus was the reason that demons were rebirthing so that's the reason why the demons were immortal except that went completely against why sargeras became sargeras to begin with and why he imprisoned the demons rather than kill them so instead we kinda just accepted like argus maybe sped up the process we tried to make sense of it even back then so argus is taken care of their powers are used to imprison sargeras off we go into battle for azeroth yadda yadda so shadowlands comes around something breaks the arbiter and a red blob attacks the arbiter and that breaks it down we don't know what that red blob is so people are like okay what the heck happened we were given the idea that it was broken sometime around the legion period so we're looking at moments that happened in legion was it perhaps xavius taken down argus taken down what happened here time passed on they did an interview with taliesin and nevatel in which they clearly stated like look titan souls the shadowlands are for mortal souls whereas titans go elsewhere and demons go elsewhere and light goes elsewhere we want you to think about where could titans go it's okay titan souls don't end up in the shadow lands alright so why did people think argus might be connected to the shadowlands is because the model datamine name is like titan of death they got like unmaking abilities there was a lot that connected argus to the realm of death but okay fair enough titans don't add up in the shadow lands it's an idea but at the same time xavius could still be a thing something else could still be a thing it could be a thing we go into ravenwrath questing and they blame the nephews for the drought we go into the grimoire of the shadowlands where they also blame the nephrius for the drought and the anima from ravenrath is the same color red as was shot down at the arbiter so then was the idea well maybe the nephes is responsible for it [Music] maybe like there's kael'thas there that they powered up as a weapon maybe maybe that's what caused it could be a thing as well so now we're gonna find out like it was actually the soul of argus um does it matter at this point not really why did the soul of argus break the arbiter well one reason would be that argus has undergone extreme torment and the arbiter as they judge souls they see like their life so that might have shut it down but does it really matter nah the only thing i would say about it is that [Music] them constantly giving the jailer credit for that happened is just getting on my nerves but that's personal taste like i i've gotten to the point where every time they start telling me that the jailer did something i just put it in a little corner of you told me that the jailer did something so they've made the jailer responsible for pretty much everything in the warcraft universe from sargeras to the void lord to everything it's just it was the jailer and i don't care i don't care i find it ridiculous i find it boring there were already background stories to that [Music] yeah now we're gonna find in just a moment sammy you'll see it in just a moment hang on it's fine but it's the same way how they revealed why the gateway responded to us uh the gateway in the maw responded to us because we are the destined mob walkers that's why it responded to us now you could still argue and speculate okay what exactly makes us the special super duper mall walkers why are we the ones that are prophesized but the connection to azeroth is hard made because new players don't deal with the heart of azeroth the other characters that were there also have an extremely strong connection to azeroth so why exactly are we the super duper mall walkers well because the first one said so that's basically what it comes down to um which again is like well that's a fart in the wind ain't it and that's that's the problem when you start making um when you start making story lines you're keeping it vague on purpose the moment that you start explaining it comes crumbling down and you just open your eyes like this is absolute dark but yeah that falls in line with a massive problem of the shadowlands like you could tell me that the jailer has done all these things and i used an example earlier on of a slug i could tell you that a slug is responsible for corrupting sargeras and is responsible for creating the titans and and the void lords i can tell you that and that's pretty much what they've done for the jailer's development they pretty much tell us that he's done all these things and they call it a day souls can be used to create the arbiter but can they become other beings as well to then go around and say like oh yeah he's done all these manipulative things to then make him the most obvious bland villain you've ever seen living in his sanctum of domination dominating people runes of domination on his body the last of them i hope this works so on the one hand they're trying to sell him off as this unique mastermind that has been planning all these things on the other hand it's just a sexy bald man that's walking around it's like yeah okay how did the jailer create the void lords not so much the void lords okay so the manipulation of the jailer despite being imprisoned within the maw despite said the nephews once upon a time deciding to stand with his fellow eternal ones and imprisoning zoval within the maw someway somehow the jailer was able to convince the nephews to join his side through the nephews comes the creation of the dreadlords and through the creation of the dreadlords comes corruption and infiltration there is a book that we found called enemy infiltration preface and enemy infiltration preface sets the idea that the dreadlords were send out into all the cosmic domains they were send out in the domain of light in the domain of void the domain of order disorder they were sent out into all these domains to cause a whole bunch you have sealed your fate so sargeras formed this burning legion and learn about the plans of the void lords to corrupt a titan's soul from the dreadlords it's possible expected it's possible that the dreadlords were able to push the void lords into sending out their old gods to make that happen right so all the things that happened in the warcraft universe all the storylines are connected to the dreadlords to the nephrius to the jailer that's what they've decided to go with the dreadlord idea was an interesting one like oh dreadlords have infiltrated domains and whatnot what's an interesting one but like i said before they're trying to portray the jailer as an interesting charismatic character that can manipulate and get people to his side but i would give that role to the nephews like i if you would have told me that daenerys was the mastermind behind all of it i would i would i would understand that oh yeah that makes sense yeah he's done nothing but deceive people he's done nothing but not be who he is supposed to be right i would agree with that but no it's the jailer your fate the hour approaches summon the scribes all right come along pelagos we're gonna build life we're gonna build an eternal one it's gonna be great i'm so close to understanding oh we shall soon witness the purpose of these sacred holes i can scarcely believe it whoo all right so we rebooted the system got like souls going on power going on we're gonna make ourselves a new arbiter we got ourselves a prototype a vessel the rustle of creation whispers in the dark we may begin it is time the song shall bring life anew tell me when you're ready to begin uh let's begin the chorus assembles the vessel awaits your voice must join them it's a lot of voices pelagos you want to comment i am here for you when we stand together and i may stand against us clay you want to comment the winds of change have arrived firim are we the jailers force have crippled the operation with our help a new arbiter wait you actually said something interesting a new arbiter will be constructed all right activating new arbiters a melody lost long ago something is interfering with the ritual my god have we awaited this moment the banished ones gambit may manifest a world soul twisted by death a mall with which to crush the arbiter and now it shall take this vessel argus will be eternal yeah all right argus draws energy from that soul conduit mall walker you must destroy it uh-huh are you at least gonna drop your red scepter anybody uh anybody want to join in on this or i'm just going to do it on my own again maul walker destroy the conduit uh-huh now of course ptr will be ptr i'm sure he'll get some awesome voice lines like pain suffering everything will be unmade this was his plan all along you were fools for not seeing it you know i'm sure we'll get some voice files he's gonna unmake us now oh no another soul conduit it's still not a hundred percent sure if he broke the arbiter i'll get to that in just a moment i just realized that it's still not 100 sure they could be they could be talking about the arbiter that we tried to make right now right but then again you gotta wonder okay he made his gambit no no it's pretty far-fetched it's pretty far-fetched like he made his gambit they got a soul here i really think that this is what they're going with argus destroyed the arbiter part of the plan all along the song
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 78,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Arbiter, Broken, Patch 9.2, Pelagos, Jailer, Argus, Legion, Death, Shadowlands
Id: e3W1SUZK8rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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