The Night a Demon Attacked Us.

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[Music] wash your clothes oh shoot dude already get some demons what's up guys today we are here with Katrina and Chris for another episode of hello Halloween no Club AKA an elite millionaires Club built in 1862. the most haunted place in Nevada this club housed every sin money could buy we got gambling we got prostitution we got everything everything we like same our main question tonight is what happened in these walls to make it so let's go find out guys we are in the saloon the first floor of the Washoe Club this place is actually extremely haunted all floors yes we have the full bar to ourselves so we will get schwaisted actually one of the ghosts down here is a goddamn drunk would you say you solved for here before they raised camels and zebras and ostriches no ride that zebra dude oh my God yo what is this town oh [ __ ] dude oh my God why does it look so happy ghost detector yo yeah I'm just kidding what the hell is this polar bear doing here don't touch dude read the goddamn isn't that from The Lion King right nope it's Hakuna Matata hey gotta hold merch Booth what the hell look at that [ __ ] oh wait he's speaking of we gotta explore merch guys aggressive much yeah dang we gotta go up the spiral staircase the haunted spiral staircase what are you looking man nothing behind those eyes look at that staircase man super steep we can't go up this way anyway here we go there if I go like this oh my God we're about to walk you can't use duct tape dude you were just like I'm gonna run off this man I don't know tonight what were you thinking no one else wanted to go see no one let's Replay that back we just don't replay anything right there that's your tiny flashlight that's amazing that's huge oh my god oh dude this is rickety what is this we're outside I just realized that where are we going Charlie Brown hey oh my God not again Oh I thought I heard like a humming inside well that's unsettling anyway somebody's having a good night actually never mind it's Fireball high schoolers have a good night [ __ ] [ __ ] don't come in here oh my God oh my God wait this is gonna be crazy oh my God wait holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh what is guys what if it just turns around excuse me sir oh my God that is so creepy what I know it's not real why would they put that there dude that's terrible are we sure it's not for real that's disrespect yeah dude we're gonna get you're gonna get completely possessed I'm sorry about the hats dude it feels like we're about to fall to the floor at every step I thought this was gonna have it was gonna be done like yeah furniture and everything yeah it's like a truly abandoned person this is where Zach Bagans caught that Apparition too somewhere on the second floor holy [ __ ] this is huge it's so quiet wait everyone oh God oh this place I wasn't expecting this at all not at all oh no wasn't there two little girls that were up here on the second floor yes it's time to buy children on the second floor and they love scratch emails with blonde hair [Applause] um hey stuff them in there that is not accurate by the way there's a different spot where they stuff the bodies and we'll get to that later oh [ __ ] what time is it seven o'clock not even though seven o'clock oh my God consistently get seven everywhere we go oh my God this is a lot bigger what did you hear that no what did you hear that big Punk no what happened right as we left yeah holy [ __ ] because that's exactly what it sounds like a footsteps it was exactly like that I didn't know what the sound was but that's exactly what it sounded like okay good to know we welcome you to join our swim what if it's an evil man you just invited an evil man to hang out with us don't be an [ __ ] okay don't be a dick but you could come in be chill you know be a nice dick oh dude no I don't what though oh my creepy as always I [ __ ] oh we're definitely doing a seance right here this had no sale oh they did [ __ ] oh this must be the ballroom if this is the ballroom this is the most active room in the house oh my Crank That soldier boy that's what my knees sound like when I get out of bed what's wrong with you [Applause] dude why do I think that this x is probably where like one of Zach's producers or something like set up a camera oh my God everything is is 17. where's Seth Borden George it's the third floor AKA where all the negative and demonic energy is this is where the demons hide out all right so let's go let's go you know how that yeah okay oh God I'm out of breath yeah my ass is fat now cause I hit all the stairs [Music] just a reminder just so you guys know we might be walking into one of these rooms called the Red Room which is the most like evil and demonic well wouldn't it happen minutes no oh you would think so they don't play holy [ __ ] did you look at that guy I know I just showed it man oh my God the eyes really terrifying that's gonna curse me from inside and out holy [ __ ] dude oh my God look at this another dog it's losing hair no it might be a lion if this is the right picture I think that doll is named Annabelle Annabelle yeah that's so scary what yeah yeah oh this one's cute too do you think they're cute what kind of what kind of dolls were you playing with when you were growing up I ripped their heads a lot dude they cut their hair oh [ __ ] Chris did you make an accident already oh no hey guys doing my name is Justin I'm the general manager of the entire Washoe building from the museum crit up to the second and third story where hopefully these folks catch some really cool evidence of the Paranormal oh God that's creepy I don't like that at all you don't like that no well you're gonna have to walk up that dude right now oh dear God I'm Janice overding and I've written over 40 books this is one of my most popular haunted Virginia City and I've been in the Paranormal a very long time over 40 years I'll say Janice the legends [Applause] Show Club was built in 1862 as an elite millionaires Club when we say Elite we really mean it there are some of the most famous people in history to come here and be part of this club they made this the richest Club throughout the entire town they only had 200 membership slots available and if they were still around today and we all wanted to be members we'd be paying over seven thousand dollars each per month what whoa so they were Rich let's get some of those 200 members are people we've all heard of people like Thomas Edison I didn't this is S Grant John Mack you've linked to come to Sherman Samuel Clemens who's known as the author Mark Twain even Edwin Booth John Wilkes Booth's brother Edwin was a member of this club for years wow Mark Twain he couldn't find a job so it came up here to Virginia City and started writing for the newspaper took the name Mark Twain so yeah Wow and his ghost is sometimes seen walking late at night down the street he will come here to gamble to drink to partake in prostitution do some sketchy deals I don't know basically every sin Under the Sun and there was a lot of rich people because of the Comstock load which they'll come what load basically there was a lot of silver in this mountain town and everybody became rich off of it which is interesting because they not only mined silver but also quartz which is one of those paranormally charged Stones literally the Stanley Hotel was built on courts and so is this and because there were so many people getting rich off the mines here everybody was moving to the spot and it was even at one point in the late 1800s considered more popular than La 1876 we had our Peak population at 25 000 residents right here in this town alone Los Angeles for instance only had 8 000 residents whoa nowadays that's not the case now there's rough no it is 100 of us including myself Los Angeles is over 12 million there was disease and there was fights murders all the time a lot of people died in the mines and even in 1875 a massive fire that wiped out 80 of the Town yeah dude this was legit like a wild west Saloon town this is the most haunted City in all of Nevada at one time this led the United States for what reason why because they've lost all their money they didn't get rich so it only had a couple decades where it ran as this Elite millionaires club and shut down because basically the mine dried up and not as many people were making money off of it everyone left town skip forward about 100 years rumors of the Paranormal started flourishing through Virginia City particularly in this building you were saying as they were walking up here that almost every building around here is haunted that's right you'd be hard-pressed to find one that wasn't but do you believe that the old Washoe Club is one of the foreign [Music] Club many times and I never come away disappointed because something always happens most of the time it's good stuff like you'll be recording EVP and you'll get some answers other times I've been doing seances with people calling to certain Spirits certain ghosts and I've actually seen people [Music] no the worst thing I would say is a woman who really didn't believe in the Paranormal she was coming down the stairs big issue please and she got oh no yeah she fell down the stairs oh God because she injured she was injured oh my gosh she went to the haunted hospital is this a ballroom I'm guessing that's what it's been called for years originally this room was actually the Billiards Hall library and the doctor's office so the second floor is known to be haunted by children but there's specifically a story about this little girl named Gretchen who was struck by a carriage but the characters didn't instantly kill her when she got hit so she got brought up to the second floor which used to be a doctor's office and died there they could not say Gretchen she didn't pass in the doctor's office roughly three and a half hours after that like meaning right here about pretty much right here in this whole Space my friend oh and I had some people on tours take photographs through that far left open door away and every now and again they will capture what looks like a little girl in Victorian esque style clothing standing by The Laughing plaster wall and she's also slightly transparent oh my God yo many kids are seen throughout this area however gretching herself actually has a favorite doll she is said to possess this doll and speak through it also on the second floor there's a room known as the shadow person room of course dang it this room is what we call the Shadow People room we get a lot of like oh great stuff you guys know what I'm talking about back in 2009 those Adventures was here for the second time ever conducting another investigation of this building and while they were here Nick and Aaron came in here to take a series of photos using the flash on their cameras as you can see Flash and dark space will create shadows and things like that I only took one of those images on this back wall right here behind you three human Shadows appeared but they're only two people in here being here as long as I have I've seen all the shadow figures my employees have seen it even people that are up here with us just walking around oh my gosh [ __ ] that's perfect [Music] that is like pretty cool the epitome of a shadow person just like Waverly Hills just like trans Allegheny there is something that is massive that crawls on all fours called like a creeper people see it screwing along the floor crawling up walls it manifests itself with a bunch of different legs like God damn what demon looks like that and what if that's the thing that's just a negative manifestation that's haunting the place oh it definitely is a human You're darn right it isn't it almost looks like it's on all fours like a crawler pretty much yeah there's a little thing that crawls what did you say an angry thing is what we would call it yeah it's known to actually crawl up the stairwell walls and stuff okay no way so there's a crawler here is there any reason why there's an X right there yeah so that goes back to the ghost adventure guys so this is where they actually started back in 2004 so when they were up here doing an investigation Nick put that Apex down the mark where the night vision camera systems were it was pointing back at those windows over there and then this is where they actually capture that thing manifesting and then walking right after them right it was deemed legitimate Travel Channel got that footage and offered them a series after that oh my God this building basically created Ghost Adventures a lot of sources say that the second floor is like the most active floor do you think so it is because whenever there's a seance for whatever reason that's where people choose to do the things and I think sometimes if you don't close your circle right you've got energy hanging around right because what do they have to do besides sit around and have sex drink and have silences sounds like me but the interesting thing about the second floor is that is actually where the Washoe Club existed that is where all the gambling happened all the famous people would be in everyone would be hanging out of course it's the most active area it is where all the activity really took place oh this is the original 1875 Pharaoh playing card poker table for the Millionaire's Club you would have seen President Grant playing cards with Thomas Edison John Mackey Samuel Clemens right here wow that's a famous table wow there was one Saloon for every 38 people remember the peak we had 25 000 people in this town it's over 600 bars to this entire area oh my God yeah dude you got a little bit of a red thumb print on your neck did you film yourself always happen oh my God oh it's your thumb print yeah like it's nice and red that's fresh wait did you hear that wait this is where they had 77 bodies stacked in the winter of 1874. they realized during Winters in this lovely town our soil freezes like concrete meaning you cannot dig through it by hand meaning back then they couldn't create new Graves I had to take the Overflow from the Morgan put them somewhere and that is one of the spots they chose and they use that every winter from 1870 until 1922. we had 77 bodies stacked in burlap sacks down in that space 77 77. oh my God again are you kidding me yeah this is where they kept their beer cold and their booze why not just keep the bodies here too so deep freezer I did some rough math on that and if you were to do every winter from 1870 until 1922 at a 60 body average every year that is over 3 100 bodies stored that this thing's entire usage is an overflow for the more the space was mainly used for the entrance television kids that passed so that's a lot of unfortunate's death Harvard in this room the way they would get the dead in here is they would bring them into the front of the building on a gurney and then they'd stack them up but when that pal became too tall to stack the dead platform right out there that y'all looked awesome yeah I think the bodies up there and drop them oh good yeah and they had to do it by candlelight because electricity did not exist yet I've had rocks thrown at me in here plenty of times it's super we've all experienced it after working here oh yeah had some people take pictures up towards that platform that you guys looked off of and capture what looks like a little girl staring back down now moving on to the most haunted maybe even demonic part of the Washoe Club the third floor is where a lot of people have been reported to be scratched and attacked there's been as many as 26 people who have literally been scratched almost bleeding as little as three months ago people have reported being scratched so it's a common occurrence even to this day people don't really know what made this place so evil it was a couple of guests murders things like that up there and I believe that brings the last tenants ever lived here in 1984 set his mattress on fire condemning the entire building but there is one specific room that is the most haunted and the most evil on the third floor and that is called the Red Room AKA room 12. we're not exactly sure why this is considered the most haunted room and that's what we're trying to figure out tonight all we know is that whatever's up there does not like to talk to people comes off very grumpy and sometimes very negative that is where most people receive the scratches a lot of people have seen doors slam pvps are very angry and possessive of their space there people are often even told to leave or get out there's a man and I'm not sure of his name he is dark and negative yeah and he doesn't really like people you know you can say oh you're running them and I just want to talk to you and that he's not going for it oh he'll do what you know Terrier equipment get you whatever which is the target men and not women every time I'm with you guys it's like it targets blonde women specifically this is like Dread like you feel like yeah it feels negative in here so this room is room 12 we also call it the Red Room [Music] we literally just said that he did not come up here earlier we have no idea this door is actually on the shutter on its own and it gets slammed so hard on occasion that it's actually starting to blow out right through below the doorknob let's go I like this room dude this was Nick we all said it was negative we all said that we thought we had already gone through the Red Room this is supposedly the scariest room of the entire building right in here join me Chris going up by herself yes dude Honestly though like she's like one of the more in tune people yeah so yeah maybe we test her out see Seven Minutes in Hell yeah let's do it [Music] did you scratch your back nope turn around no turn around wait wait wait wait wait oh my God oh my God this little scratches down your back and not like you could reach that you wanted me right where is it it's right here it starts right there right here look all the way down your shoulder yo cat look at guys Justin holy [ __ ] check this out look at this look at this scratches straight down her back she did not do that this is how far is he active what are you talking about look at this she can't even touch that spot of her back [ __ ] freaking me out it's like really really big wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay can I see it can somebody like take a picture take a picture wait get the light off of it it's even going like to where her shirt is right there what the [ __ ] really there's absolutely no way you would have been able to do that no are you did you feel anything no no I got chills when he when you were talking in that room because we've walked behind you like this whole entire time that just happened that would have just happened to happen in the Red Room yes I was just walking around we were in that room hanging out like I I don't I don't know I haven't I didn't feel anything what do you mean he's active again something up here that scratches people it's been dormant for everything here will not follow you guys unless they steal something and nobody has ever done that in a while yeah you've never stolen anything from a demonic Place have you Christmas Inspirations it goes down really far so it's like it was full on scratches and it looks like multiple dude that might be the largest scratch Mark we've ever seen on this channel does that I I don't know how I don't know my god dude that's so scary that's a bad sign that's dumb get out many times whenever we impress on the channel it seems to be targeting her in fact that we're in the Red Room and it's targeting her already is not a good sign it's because she's very like psychic she's in bath too now I feel bad [Music] you guys can see me in the window hey [ __ ] all right guys it's time to start the investigation are you ready yeah so ready we decided to do this investigation we start at the first floor first and go to the second work our way to the most haunted which is the third floor first floor being the saloon and there's a ghost called the prospector and apparently this was a drunk kind of thin looking guy that would come here every single night and basically try to get some alcohol so we thought what better trigger object to buy than some [Music] foreign we bought this for the ghost I swear we're not drinking this afterwards I don't know how to wink I think I just blinked we also got some pieces of equipment right where these shot glasses are on the bar so if the prospector is around maybe he will light up where he's trying to take a shot oh yeah wow those are some thick [ __ ] shots this is my face we gotta be generous to the ghosts three ounces one more for sir ghost friend what about this guy this guy doesn't get any what the [ __ ] we look over and like one's completely gone over there Spirit here with us in the washroom Club saloon we pour some shots for you as a welcoming gift from us we come in here very respectfully and we just want to talk tonight feel free to take a shot we've got them just for you come up to any of these and it will light up or we'll make a noise or maybe we could try sitting there and see if we feel like a tap of some sort yeah if everyone grabs one to sit on for any of us sitting in your chair if you are you can feel free to tap us touch any of the equipment maybe they need an example of how to take a shot right yeah I mean we like to call Envoy something literally has to come and physically touch it tap it and it can choose between yes or no it's a really good way to get answers so that's obviously me is there any Spirit any person here that wants to talk to us tonight in the saloon let us know if you're here yes oh [ __ ] yeah okay are you the prospector are you somebody that likes to drink here regularly I wonder if it's someone that followed us from upstairs are you the one that um scratched me that's not a yes or no though that's gonna free Ze do you like that we're here worried about no no no that's good is that because it's here with us right now oh [ __ ] okay well that's not good do you want us to go upstairs and keep talking to you yes immediately all right last chance before we're gonna take these shots for you you wanna take a shot anybody could you imagine they all just start floating second investigation here we're gonna explore the ladies bathroom it's actually extremely haunted he just said just kidding where are we looking for a lady though a lady in blue apparently she was a prostitute who died and is most commonly sighted on the staircase behind us we decided to break out one of you guys's favorite pieces of equipment ever the SLS camera SMS please someone help me this can basically detect when there is a human form we can't see with our own eyes you're just dancing dude whoa Jesus Christ do The [ __ ] again we've never used this so it could be a complete dud also she could be on the third floor because that's where she was rumored to die so who knows we'll see her here oh what did you hear that I also just heard your spelling right now my stomach did so weird oh God there's a demon in the car oh my God wait wait wait wait wait where is that underneath it's halfway up there's something halfway up the staircase wait what it's like on the wall or something right yeah I don't know and now it's gone actually it would have been on this side because this is reversed oh you're right on a curse or something foreign [Music] [Music] wait to your point Chris like us not being able to recreate it yeah that proves it more on the same spot that we were just working and it just disappeared that's cool that was a little kid one that haunts this Washoe Club you're welcome to stay with us tonight come on upstairs and talk to us communicate a little more not not anything fast tonight just tonight yeah okay because while we're here while we're here yeah there were 77 bodies rumored to be stacked up right behind me when it was a winter and a lot of them were little kids so I have some dark energy in here you know what's interesting too and I'll tell you as we go inside oh it's a pole doors you know the spirits are messing with your brain I swear yeah yeah so what what what wait what what the huge thump over there yeah Oh I thought that was like Chris's footstep wait what the [ __ ] no no no no already the second we walk in yeah like us like that type of thing oh and this is wood so you have something dropped like that like something fell and hit yeah one time there was an exorcism that was tried to perform here to make sure that it was like less haunted or whatever get rid of all the negative energy and in the dust the word stop appeared so obviously it didn't really work and that negative energy is still around the guide said when we were in the first room the saloon he said I heard Voices From the Crypt and while we were unpacking and stuff like that in this green room we heard something shaking yeah the doors or something you guys always just hit me with some new crazy info and it was like wow I wish I would have known that [ __ ] yeah you know I don't know it's kind of good to come in here like it feel like uh very like dizzy in here what yeah everybody came in here before too that's the difference I've been here for sure yeah here we go something immediately hello is there anybody here that would like to talk to us [Music] are you able to use this device to communicate with us can you say anything [Music] wrong yeah that was so clear yeah I feel like the receptions here are so shoddy so like there's something to even come through at all but it's like why do you even want to talk to me yeah we want to know what type of energy is here I know that there is a lot of me did you die here or were you thrown here when you died try to survive like they tried to survive and we're thrown down here I don't know try to survive the exorcism were you a spirit that was here yeah how many bodies were stored in here can you give us a number [Music] yeah are you afraid of what's on the third floor [Music] do you want us to stay in here [Music] we think someone might be following us is that you you've been with us the whole night yeah did we see you on the stairs that was a little kid that said yes that was terrifying out of everything not only yes but in a child's voice oh my God you think he might have died here and then now just like haunts the second floor third floor this also and I said that a memory showed us the photo of the kid that was up there oh my God the little girl yeah you can hang out with us for the night we come in peace yeah this place is active speaking of there's a little game fun game for salmon eyes not on you guys we figured we'll save that game for later right wow great now we're gonna be doing another trigger event if this really was use this a crypt why not one of us stay in here in a burlap sack just as though they would have done back in the day [Music] oh that's a good way to get out of that Jacoby and I both stand next to a flashlight I first want to go off love has to stay so the spirits can decide who they want to talk yes or manipulate first well obviously the little girl Spirits like you more so it's probably gonna choose you little girl [Music] if there's any spirit in here go tap that red flashlight over there hey what all right if there's any spirit in here decide who you want to stay with you alone is going up and touching one of these flashlights next to us the red ones right no we did it turned on it moved the glass you can see that oh my God that's because I walked though maybe wait what's rolling terrifying it was like there yeah okay I that was creepy oh my God it did point at us that's genuinely terrified I watched the last of it we just heard a little kid say yeah well in that case uh here's your burlapse can you can you wrap me up bro you guys are joking too much for this I don't like that I actually can't move my arms right now yeah oh God it's coming undone dude thanks for fixing my sack Chris we got a night vision camera set up we're gonna be leaving in here for seven minutes I'm gonna turn off the lights we're gonna put a rim pod right next to you scream if you need help you probably won't hear you though that's perfect just be nice you ready set on back it's all over me no way no way no way oh my God and it stopped okay all right we're gonna get out here holy [ __ ] what okay you're gonna leave me with that yeah music box is right here and I'm gonna put that in the doorway right here there's no [ __ ] way that just happened that just happened bro what are you so go go go get out of here let's go oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] wait that's us that's us that's us we gotta get out [Music] that definitely feels like yeah more of a playful spirit and like you said if it was the kid what are they gonna do it's like a little nice kid yeah he probably wants to hang out with us oh [ __ ] what's happening oh I went off again holy [ __ ] if you guys want us to do more alone with black challenges like this get this to 250 000 likes maybe we'll convince Chris and Katrina to go along right yeah okay maybe not sounds like he's what if it followed us out I realized we didn't set a timer [Music] some places you walk into and it's like oh this is like very like kind of cheesy it just feels it feels haunted and like it looks haunted too upstairs which we're getting to next is just like actually terrifying all the abandoned stuff it's so Eerie this place is different than any other place I've been to foreign [Music] pod will just like freak out and go off like crazy and just like stay at Green for a really long time yeah it will just beep and it would answer my questions and I swear to God there was a little kid in here and I said like are you a little kid I felt like an innocent presence was with me and it would just go Boop and answer me yeah what the [ __ ] I started asking it more questions and stuff but you know how like little kids are shy and like probably don't want to actually talk and stuff I said all right hey I understand you don't want to talk to me but if you're down to be with us tonight hang out with us for the rest of the night just let me know please that you're gonna be with me right now and for the rest of the night and I went one last time it was quiet for like three minutes four minutes and so it's just letting me know and settle ways hope you guys are enjoying the video so far we got new merch that's only available for hell week so link Down Below in the description do not miss out during hell week we are doing a sale on explore Club you can join for only one dollar literally the lowest price ever behind the scenes extra videos and more paranormal investigations an Azure chance Link in the description WE Post every day don't miss out on to the next investigation second floor we're gonna take a lap around the second floor because it is the most haunted invite anything that wants to talk to us on this floor looking not evil uh and take them to the ballroom yo this is the shadow man Paul oh my God every single time I see this dude's face it's scary and scarier he said he saw something in this corner right yeah what what was that okay well I felt a pinch on my neck and then I felt I fell asleep on my legs prick yeah it smells like [ __ ] why does it smell so bad it didn't smell like this before I was gonna say oh my gosh dude it smells like something like dead we came up here One initial reaction and a tour and it did not smell like dude the viewers are just gonna have to like take our word but that smells like there's a dead animal like in the walls holy [ __ ] wait there has to be like a dead squirrel around here oh it got worse what the [ __ ] my God it smells so bad you guys hear that I heard it before and then we I just heard it was a Vine what'd it sound like footsteps that was behind you I heard that that's the third time I've heard it since we've been up here if there's someone here with us can you make that thud one more time was that a laugh can you make a crack or a thud if there is something in here we invite you to come for our little trigger event over in the ballroom made it to the poker room we want to take everybody from this room over to the ballroom but we decided on our way over there let's break out the SLS camera and the thermal because again guys when we go into the ballroom that is where the Ghost Adventures team caught a full-on Apparition maybe we'll catch the lady in blue or a little girl again or little boy you don't know it's 20 22. okay hi anybody here in the poker room that wants to follow us over the ballroom please stand up follow us over we love to chat with you if you want to walk with us show us you're here yeah we think we might have seen you on the staircase could you show yourself again you just make yourself known try to manifest we have a couple of devices here that can show me holy [ __ ] there's something sitting on oh my God oh my God there's something sitting right there it's like lying down there's not multiple people is that two people I can't even tell oh is that just stood up dude are you standing up now holy [ __ ] it's so tall unless there's two people I can't tell if it's even picking up a human thing it looks like it's just a bunch is that crawling holy it was like crawling yeah it was like dude that did not look human and then it was huge really tall that was like a giant mass remember the picture he showed us of that thing that big dark thing with a bunch of legs and stuff that's what it looked like it looked like a huge manifestation yes can you show yourself again or maybe we don't want it to he said it crawls on the walls yeah the crawler thing so it went up this way we're doing a little tea party hey we've been getting a lot of little children ghosts so why not throw a little party okay running right come to doubles as we talked about on tour I was a little girl that died in this room named Gretchen she is said to possess a specific doll that no is this one named Annabelle oh it's gonna piss me off no no what it's a lot of money in here there's a millionaires but you need to have money to be in here no you're not invited yeah because we're poor as [ __ ] yeah [Music] would you tease people for money what oh five cents five cents is that how much it costs to get yeah I know that's what I was thinking like to get service oh the tea the tea is five cents what was mine yeah money five cents people came here pattern are you the most famous Lady Of The Night five cents per hour we invite all little kids spirits around here if you're still with us a name work Freemason [Music] or was that outside no that was in here it was in one of the room in the room was like that was that you knocking on a Windows cards a poker poker was it in that room I don't know I was a money fame five cents hour you're a member of the club or did you work here oh God I could be with anything that could be with the prostitutes I could be with bartending that could be I really think it is like a lady of the night yeah are you a a nice spirit what black experience the darkness and then we just got that the black manifestation from the world what they're talking about so some negative Spirit or are they telling us that that's the negative thing neighbor's house we've been warned of something upstairs on the third floor that might be negative or demonic you have any idea what's upstairs in third floor especially in the Red Room we want to know if we're in danger or is there a kid here I think is that you walking around here oh God there is so many people I know what it sounds like like imagine I'm rocking chair rocking back and forth upstairs yes yes yes yes there's a couple chairs wait is it the Cradle is that in the red room where the dolls were yeah this one was in a rocking chair oh my God oh my God yeah I know this one's in a rocking chair often awesome God these are gone from the where they were supposed to be are you mad that we took the dolls off the chairs yeah those dolls night time what happens at night time we took the door psychic did you deal with a lot of Psychics here did you know a psychic [Music] it's like is there something upstairs that's negative that we should be afraid of that's been following us around tonight explains the scratches and the smells it's been everywhere inside one last time where are you you say you're inside or can you make a noise upstairs one last time just let us know why not say surprise say real quick before we start our final investigation we are on the road to 10 million subscribers so if you could just go down right now and click the Subscribe button and it's literally free for you guys to subscribe so go do it and guys while you're down there if you liked all the alone challenges we've been doing in this video like it up if you get it to a quarter million likes we will continue doing some alone stuff it makes us happy it's free just just like it and subscribe right here oh my God wait what I forgot oh my God make it oh that could have been faster oh what if while we do the investigation on the third floor we keep a camera running on these guys to see if anything moves or there's any noises in here Virginia City and the washer Club is so haunted is because of the amount of seances that were held around here and especially the psychics that would come and visit one of the most famous ones being Eileen Bowers Mrs Bowers became the first millionaire to take Virginia City she was able to accurately predict the 1875 fires that destroyed this town and she did that by using a crystal ball also known as scrying which you may have seen us do in the past she's known to haunt this place as well so maybe we can use her own techniques to get in contact with her you have a lot of Psychics worked up here a lot of people did seances here maybe that will be a perfect trigger object to make something come out tonight especially since I said psychic okay um this is where we should introduce the other thing yeah [Music] like that well I do the scrying method we just thought since I had to endure the seven minutes and how maybe you could endure the seven minutes of hell in the Red Room holy [ __ ] oh my God scratched it where you got scratched in earlier I don't know if that's a good idea I could try and if you don't want to you can come screaming running all the way back here we will be right here she's like my life flash before my eyes never doing anything again with Stephen Colby everyone go subscribe to Chris please don't be dead it doesn't matter all right to give me [ __ ] before I change my mind oh my God all right let's look oh my God it's actually really [ __ ] fun this is like on the opposite side first any last words I mean any words of uh encouragement I hate you guys okay perfect that was great love you guys we're just pushing you out of your comfort zone right oh yeah all right I'm gonna grow from this experience let's start this camera should I start the timer start a timer and we'll see you after the seven minutes it helps welcome to the summer clothing Channel all right Chris goodbye if you meet us we're over here yep guys leave a like for Chris I can't even express how uneasy I feel I just I feel like I'm not alone and I'm being washed right now I'm gonna try this on uh is anybody in here with me that wants to talk with me I'm here to come in peace I just want to I just want to talk to you and uh you know what your story is so if you're here just come to top this and let me know [Music] staring into here kind of like a psychomantium maybe one of these flashlights will turn on when you guys ask questions again I'm just here to talk yes okay okay um if you are in here with me um I want you to know that I come here with all the positivity I just want to chat with you um did you pass away in this in this building [Music] have you been with us all night just want to know if you've been with us while we've been walking around the building here make yourself known [Music] you give us an obvious sign that you're here [Music] are you happy are you angry [Music] you know you're used to silences here at the Washoe Club if this reminds you of anything can you turn on one of our flashlights this makes you upset you want us to leave you give us an obvious sign all you have to do is come up [Music] obviously all you have to do is come up and tap it is this making you mad that we're doing this oh yes oh if you want me here let me know if you don't want me here let me know as well I can leave I showed like a tapping noise [Music] we were here in the Cradle move while we were downstairs was that you foreign again you can just come and tap this device just so I know yes okay do you want me to be here no okay if if you want me to leave you can touch this again and say yes and I will leave I mean dude the only thing to answer to was that like it just didn't want us to be here to leave like it thinks it's disrespectful so maybe it's just like I'm not gonna even talk to you again oh my God I feel so uneasy right now is there a child in this room with me that's been following us this whole time I hear the alarm oh my God I'm so [ __ ] relief challenge is over let's go get her okay okay I'm gonna leave if you don't want me to leave you have one more chance to say yes or no oh my God oh my God guys yeah yeah are we done yeah okay good yeah I'm good it's just it said it's want me to leave like three times there's a long stint of like nothing and yes so you won't even go yes holy [ __ ] Goosebumps walking in here yeah I've been so uneasy in Paris but not okay foreign [Music] speaking of oh [ __ ] dude what more red can we get all right this is the last investigation we're doing so the last chance you get to have to talk to us we're calling all spirits that we've talked to tonight any kids any spirit in this room maybe Ali Bowers anybody in the saloon come talk to us right now this is the last chance foreign [Music] this is your very very last chance come to this device and talk to us if you don't want to talk to us just let us know that you want us to leave and we will get out of here we respect your decision we respect what you want [Laughter] [Music] immediately holy [ __ ] first [ __ ] word no way the only thing I think that I wanted to talk to us today was a little kid yeah so respect the decision pretty obvious that the Washoe Club has some insanely active spirits on the first and second floor and whatever is on the third floor really did not want to talk to us tonight so I would be very careful for any of you guys that are out here trying to investigate the washout Club
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 16,228,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, colby and sam, ghost, haunted, paranormal, 3am, the conjuring, the stanley, colby & sam, top 10, top 5, top 10 scary, scary, horror movie, mystery, ghost stories, ghost adventures, caught on camera, ghost hunting, washoe club, old washoe club, demon scratch, sam and colby demon, sam colby kris, sam and colby washoe club, scratched by demon, sam and colby hell week, hell week, xplr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 39sec (3279 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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