Most DISTURBING Things Caught On Dash Cam Footage

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gather round children Keanu Pete and join me today as we watch creepy and scary and possibly traumatizing dash cam footage but to make sure you don't get too scared I'm gonna sing you a little tune before we get started all right here we go I don't know what I'm doing here we go we're gonna watch some Dash footage to ooh day and we're gonna find out if we are gay what okay everybody happy to have you on the channel I'm calling Chris you can call me Chris welcome to my channel I don't remember what my intro is anymore was that okay that was terrible I'm sorry anyway we're gonna watch some creepy dash cam footage I'm excited are you excited I also need to give you a compliment today and you my darling you you just make me smile did you know that you make me happy and I just want to make you happy because you truly do make me happy stop okay that's gonna do it foreign [Music] two men notice the driver has an ax and is now waving it out his window yes I guess I should be scared at this point or the driver would be scared but like I just imagine the scenario in the car with the guy with the ax it would be like oi Tony you got the gun wipe it outside intimidate oh yeah we aren't a lot of guns here but um I got an X what the hell are you gonna do with an X you can wave it at him ah you know what are you Jack Nicholson from The Shining no here's Johnny what else do you got oh yeah yeah I got a hole puncher as well a hole puncher why in the [ __ ] do you have a hole puncher they were having a seal at Home Depot I would just like to formally apologize to all of the Australians for that horrific Australian accent I'm gonna work on it rip me apart in the comments it's fine I deserve it what's the plan here just swerve around him go like Fast and Furious on this guy's ass Tokyo Drift this guy what are you gonna do with the guy with what you're gonna do what you're gonna do what the guy with the ax says no no okay we're swerving fantastic yes oh he rammed him right in the ass and that's not a good thing in this scenario Jay already knows he lit it up I'm in hell no help me he's gonna Ram us again oh no it's not consensual oh he got run off the road second of which causes the attacker to spin out sending him off the road oh yeah this is like a fast and furious movie but a little more realistic because like cars aren't falling out of the sky and and parachutes aren't coming out of them oh it's a forest fire been in the park for the original that's so scary ignited by the control why are they driving towards it what are they doing we go we're gonna find out that's what you want to hear you think we can drive through this oh well I don't even know what I would do in the circumstance what if the car blows up oh this is so scary and then we're dead this guy is literally my mom if I was like a five-year-old kid in this scenario I'd be like Mom are we gonna be okay she's like probably not you better pray to Jesus or whatever you believe in I don't know you're fine but you can make your own life choices I don't know just be like what I know forest fires spread really really fast like terrifying like it jumps across roads oh I got chills the car is heating up it's gonna explode oh my gosh uh what if a tree falls on us oh my gosh I don't even think of that I would die in this full panic mode oh no oh a tree fell down we got gloves are they gonna lift the tree this is like a horror movie I hope they're okay I'm inside the park just tell me they're okay they had nowhere to go oh my God should have listened to me sorry abandoned their car and desperately started running towards a nearby lake okay there they would find two Park employees in a boat on the shore of the lake okay Justin and his father were rescued so they're rescued they're fine oh thank God oh God do you imagine if I was making jokes this whole time and then they were then they were oh the driver ralphaletta had just started to shift scary she looks so sweet I don't even know him but I like him well can be seen in the back slouched down but roofies [Music] this is so scary oh stop man okay Ralph oh please Cruiser was stopped at the same level no way get out of the car get out of the car and beat his ass not Ralph's the other guys I'm stressed I need my phone oh no there's a car behind us oh he must be so relieved oh my God let me see your hands yeah I can't still can't do this God damn it oh Kinda Yeah you're a lifesaver Ralph I'm so glad you're okay God bless you man oh my gosh that's [ __ ] terrifying it must be really scary to be like an Uber taxi driver you just have strangers coming in your car all the time yeah my name to Mitch keohan was driving on the highway back from work okay he saw this whoa what is that a child that looks to be wearing a little child are you sure can we pause it bro that looks like a bag of golf clubs does it look like a golf club bag like that's just rolling I mean it might be a kid I don't know I don't look at kids that often but I guess they do kind of look like Golf Club bags Jay put a picture of a child in a golf club leg beside each other right here it's the same thing to me once more tripable streets of Taiwan it's clear the video the video in the midst of a story where the winds are strong enough to throw around debris okay at one point the debris has even seen flying against the windshield oh no but little did the drivers know no yeah actual tornado was in them oh [ __ ] did you know fun fact before this gets terrifying if you see a tornado in front of you and it doesn't look like it's moving it's moving towards you it's a little fun fact of the day oh my good Lord oh it picked up all the person oh my God that's terrifying can you imagine being in that car I just picture like a guy and a girl in a car and they're on like their fourth date and the guy's driving and he's just like yeah this would be great this has been this is good this is great yeah I had a good time too you're like slowly becoming one of my best friends it's really great yeah friends that's yeah I just want to be friends is the car lifting right now what did you just say I said nothing I really hope everybody in that video is okay by the way that's terrifying on a desolate and long stretch of dirt road oh that looks like the screensaver on computers on Windows except for the guy with the bat two men with baseball run them over speed bump easy oh he's right there plow through these people like no hesitation people are running at me with bats you are becoming my windshield debris you are becoming roadkill oh yeah run it run it Tokyo Drift that [ __ ] boy God that's scary though oh my God can you imagine oh that's terrifying I don't know what I would actually do in that situation you know you say like why are you doing this why are you doing that but then in that situation I'd probably like drive up and be like you guys need any help those are some nice bats what is that a stealth you're gonna hit me with it all right I deserve that yeah Airport December 29th oh this dash cam footage would capture the disturbing moments please don't tell me explain please don't oh my God I explained it just on the right side of the highway I play it such a bus oh my God oh my God oh my oh my god oh oh this does not help with my [ __ ] I'm so scared of flying dude dude I fly so much I am a basket case on flights this is I ca this is my worst my man oh my God oh my God turns out the plane had mistakenly overshot so maybe they didn't know to break oh my God oh my God all of which can be clearly seen in the footage at the time of the crash the plane was only carrying crew members oh nope imagine seeing that she's still [ __ ] plain oh my God every time I do see a plane like go above me I always like imagine it crashing but that's just me worst case scenario I'm like that in every scenario though it's like Final Destination is always playing in my head but like in my own movie anybody else just me all right cool like the video as the car approaches an intersection a hooded man can be seen standing with his head bowed in the middle of the road oh [ __ ] run him over the man can be seen attempting to walk in front of it forcing the driver to stop and that's why the man can be heard screaming as he lunges towards the car I love how it's people's reflexes to dodge the people that are trying to murder you you know just straighten it out go for legal reasons I'm joking but if you're in that danger situation [ __ ] it oh my gosh that oh yeah no absolutely not oh it looks like he's got something in his pocket probably an ax like the other guy which is just terrifying this video see the dash cam footage of a parked vehicle in the middle of an October day in 2014. okay October day like today I believe someone is inside the car as you can hear the window rolled down followed by the driver saying how creepy something is and that's when you realize that's what the driver's talking about as you can see a man wearing a disturbing looking mat oh absolutely not look at this guy that guy walks in front of my car again you know it's just easy simple man guy tries to kill you you have a car you have three thousand four thousand five thousand I don't know what kind of car you got you got a really heavy car and human bodies aren't meant to withstand that okay especially human bodies that are [ __ ] that are trying to kill you okay lessons with handy Chris okay just run that [ __ ] please don't run anybody over okay but if you're in a situation where somebody's trying to kill you the wild horrifying screams from the driver can be heard yeah window rolling down those are so creepy she laughs she rolled the she rolled the window down oh my God the stupidity I can't even fathom that five men with clear creepy masks on or are surrounding your car and you're a woman in the car by yourself and you're like that's creepy that's funny that's hilarious what's what's trust no one everyone's a suspect okay write it down Auntie Chris is just here to protect you okay where did you get them what do you think he's gonna say Spirit Halloween they were five dollars off that video oh we asked her to get out of the car she's still laughing you know what not gonna lie wait who's this guy he sees Five Guys trailing around the car and he's just oh screaming now oh what the [ __ ] is this guy doing this guy he's not doing anything he's not helping oh you are going straight down here you Floyd that his name's Floyd Floyd should be right here with me Floyd [ __ ] you and I hope the woman's okay holy [ __ ] balls in a desolate Field located in Saudi Arabia almost right away you can see as the driver is slowly approaching a white figure the figure continues to move towards the driver oh my God now obviously terrified the driver looks like my great-aunt Sue and get away from my car oh my God this is terrifying video the figure can be heard making a shrieking noise directed at the driver oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] you know what I'm gonna say that okay everybody uh thank you for watching those spooky dash cam videos I feel like I should really get a dash cam because nothing crazy has happened to me yet I feel like something will happen to me now because I put it into the world damn it anyway if you liked the video please like the video it really really helps out the channel also subscribe if you haven't already subscribed this is obviously busy's YouTube channel ever and if you want to get shout out in the next video you gotta like the video you gotta be a subscriber and you gotta watch this video all the way till now otherwise you're not even gonna know about this I'm gonna shout you out in the next video I picked 10 random subscribers to shout out in the video just say something say whatever down there catch my attention doesn't matter if it's a top owner or not it doesn't matter but I like to shout you guys out because I appreciate you and now it's time for subscriber shout outs first off we got trunks Harry Potter fan a Russian name I cannot pronounce but I appreciate you we got cat girl we got Chris Collins fan we got Lauren is me Daphne Finney euphonius Squirtle in Texas love that and Kimmy thank you guys so so much for being subscribers I appreciate you very much and if you want to be shout out in the next video you got to be a subscriber like the current video and all of the videos why aren't you liking all my videos then I pick out 10 of my favorite comments it could be whatever you want and I shout you out in the next video I appreciate you guys I love you guys thank you I will see your beautiful face in the next video okay bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 3,441,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 74PbgSsynVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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