The New Minecraft World Record is SUS | Speedrun Analysis

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on the morning of april 14th the minecraft speedrunning community woke up to a surprise the 1.16 rsg world record had just been beaten probably a run had been submitted to that had an rta of 11 minutes 10 seconds a perfect tie with sizzlers in game time at the end of his world record sizzler's run had been manually retimed to 1107 but because this new runner had accidentally reset their timer all we had to go by was their 1110 rta but the closeness of the records is far from the most interesting thing about this new run there's been a lot of suspicion about the legitimacy of the run and for good reason but on top of that the run itself is really weird this one is really interesting so without further ado let's get into minsky's new possible minecraft world record whether it'll beat the old record why it might have been faked and what makes the run itself so unique [Music] hey if you end up enjoying this video please consider subscribing most of our viewers aren't subscribed and it helps us out a ton thank you so much and enjoy the video so on the surface this run is pretty likely to be the new world record we won't know until the mods verify it but the run has been retimed to 1101 beating sizzler's record but not quite becoming the first sub 11. so if the time's good why wouldn't it be the new record this is where things get interesting the runner behind this run is called minsky and if you don't recognize the name it's because this is yet another case of a largely unestablished runner beating the record minsky isn't a streamer and hasn't been publicly active in the speedrunning community however this was true for two letter name and fe 666 as well and both of their records were legit fe 666 has even started doing no mic speedrunning streams check them out on twitch but the thing that sets minsky apart from these two runners is their history when two-letter name beat illumina's record he already had a verified sub 16 on which put him within the top 20 fastest runs at the time fe 666 had several old runs verified before his record with his 1438 ranking him 13th at the time of his record so what about minsky's history well he doesn't have any the only video on his youtube channel is his 1101 and even more worrying than that his account was created the day before that run if someone were to cheat a world record speedrun without wanting to put the time or risk in of faking earlier runs to build trust that's what it would look like now that is by no means hard proof that minsky cheated and i probably should have said this already but hopefully this turns out to be legit and if it is huge props to minsky for an insane run we'll get into why in a minute but some parts of this run are really impressive while we can speculate all that minsky's lack of history means in reality is that he's got a bit of an uphill battle for proving the runs legitimacy to the verifiers of course there are also things within the run that can support either side of the argument but to understand that we're first going to have to look through the run itself and independent of the cheating question it's a really unique run let's take a look minsky spawns on the coast of an ocean after getting an axe in some wood he heads out at 45 seconds he finds a shipwreck with just enough iron and a really good food chest so by 220 he's ready to enter it doesn't take long to find a magma ravine but unfortunately there's no magma in the right formation after looking around for a decent bit of time he finds that it leads to a lava pool which is in an inconvenient spot but is still good enough to enter the nether the combination of the bad ravine and obscure lava pool means that he enters at about 4 minutes which is a pretty good answer time in general but for a world record run is really slow when runners are going for world record pace the goal at this point is generally a sub 3 enter so while obviously it's possible to beat the record with a 4 minute enter it's extremely unlikely but even less expected than that late enter is the fact that minsky is a bit of a minecraft purist meaning he doesn't use f3 i'm sure you're aware that illumina doesn't and he gets by pretty well but it can't be denied that using f3 is an advantage combine the lack of using that advantage with the four-minute enter and if i were watching this live i would think there was no chance of this being a world record run from his netherspawn minsky spots a bastion but not a fortress still it's a playable seed so far and minsky arrives a minute later to the top of a housing bastion he punches a piglen to trigger the top down manhunt route although he's not able to loot one of the chests before leaving after getting the piglens trading he makes golden carrots setting himself up with enough food for the rest of the run after collecting his trades and looting the double chest at the bottom of housing he's got all the pearls obsidian string and fire res he needs and he's able to leave the bastion at 6 45. again a really solid time but not what you would reasonably consider world record pace after about 30 seconds of traveling he finds a fortress which is the turning point in the run up until now the run has been a pretty solid sub 20 pace but nothing special after arriving at the blaze spawner at 7 30 his speed skyrockets he gets really fast blaze spawns good spawn amounts and goes 6 for 9 on rods meaning his blaze fight takes 60 seconds one of the quote-unquote advantages of not using f3 is that you can just blind travel the second you're ready to go back to the overworld this doesn't actually help in the long run because on average blinding at good coordinates is going to be better than just blinding wherever you want but in rarer cases of strongholds spawning in less probable locations it can save time that would have been lost doing the most optimal strat so minsky ends up with a 730 fortress center and an 830 blind but even with that insane split a two and a half minute end game is very rare throughout the entire run minsky has been cruising at the slowest end of paces that could technically lead to a world record so this blind better be good at first it doesn't seem like it is his eye vendor points him straight through a forest but after lobbing two ender pearls he reaches an ocean and upon entering the ocean he immediately finds the stronghold the first room that comes into his view is the portal room so with another to end split of just over a minute he's managed to keep this run which had a super low shot of contending for world record on the pace where it's still possible but even now once he's in the end it's not likely to have a sub 130 end he's gonna have to get really lucky with the dragon perch especially after getting an underground spawn he's in position for the dragon to perch at 10 30 with five beds in his top bar now regardless of whether this run is real or faked what happens next is honestly just beautiful we've seen a no f31 cycle an illumina's world record we've seen four beds in multiple world record runs before if you ever wanted both of those at once well i'll let the end of this run speak for itself [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah i've actually never seen someone do that before in any context let alone in a world record pace run where for all minsky knew getting a 5 bed instead of a 4 bed could have meant not beating zizler's record whether or not this run was faked which i hope it wasn't that on its own is super impressive and even if there was nothing notable outside of the run itself we just watched a run go from solid sub 20 pace with a 645 bastion leaf to beating the world record and almost getting the first sub 11 in 1.16 rsg but as we know there's more to this run now it's time to look at some of the things within the run that you could point to to defend either side of the argument for whether or not this run was actually set seed i'm basically just going to bring up all the points i've heard and the ones i noticed myself and talk about them objectively for now none of these points are dictating my opinion on minsky or whether the run is real or not the first point that someone could make while watching this run is that while minsky's mechanics are very good they're not at the level of other top runners like feinberg sizzler and rainex of course they're far better than the majority of people but watching his run to some may not seem like you're watching a runner with world record potential next up is the simple fact that he was able to find everything he needed without using f3 the bastion was within sight of his netherspawn but he had to get somewhat lucky finding a fortress as he couldn't know for sure where the quadrants divided even vaguer than that would be his sense of how far he was from 0-0 when he blinded but he ended up with a fantastic blind obviously those are things that can happen from luck but in 1.16 the runner is going to get more suspicion by default when not using f3 the other thing that could support the notion that he cheated within the run is the fact that while the run was far from played perfectly there weren't any routing mistakes he never headed in the wrong direction and most importantly he never had to spend significant time looking for something his not getting the chests at the top of housing could have easily been punishing but it was okay because the double chest at the bottom had plenty of obsidian he didn't have to spend any time looking through the stronghold since the portal room was exposed and the blind travel directly from the blaze spawner was really good essentially the point this makes is that if you were to fake a set seed run as being random seed this would be a pretty perfect seed to do so on and of course there's the biggest issue of all and the reason for all the suspicion in the first place his lack of speed running history but now that all the potential evidence that he cheated is laid out in front of you let me tell you what i think about this run there's just no way for us to know whether or not this run was faked until the mods have either verified or rejected it they have their ways of finding proof and it'll likely come down to whether minsky is able to comply with everything they need or not that being said i think this run probably wasn't faked the main reason being that it's really hard to get away with faking a world record run and a lot more so because at the moment minecraft is the most popular and scrutinized speedrunning game in the world and there's just so many things that if you were to fake a world record would just make common sense to do that minsky didn't if i were to fake a world record the very first thing i would do would be to fake a run that's high enough on the leaderboard to be carefully reviewed by verifiers but not high enough to bring outside attention to myself that way if it turned out i didn't know how to trick the verifiers i could just slip away quietly and never come back if i was successful then i could go for world record knowing i would probably get away with it and that i was already a quote unquote established runner this seems like such an obvious move to me that it's hard to believe someone would try this without taking that step another reason i don't think the run is faked is that if you were to fake a world record why do it so close to the old one while it turns out minsky's run is faster on retime that wasn't necessarily a guarantee with the rta being a few seconds slower than sizzler's final time not only could you totally ensure a record time by just re-running the seed for a slightly better run but you could greatly amplify the clout you gain from it by getting the first ever sub 11. the only argument that leaves is the fact that it's unlikely he'd have such good routing on a no f3 run but you know it's not as unlikely as this oh my god one more give me one more give me one more give me one more trade [Music] for legal reasons that's a joke so to summarize the new record is by brand new runner minsky has very weird splits doesn't use f3 and has a super cool ending it's more likely than the average world record to have been faked but i still think it probably wasn't i can't tell you for sure though the only people who can do that are the verifiers i hope you enjoyed this minecraft world record analysis let me know down in the comments if you think it was faked or not and i'll be sure to pin a comment under the video once we have a verdict if you enjoyed this video we have plenty more speedrun analyses and you can also check out our discord and follow us on twitter the links are down in the description thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: The Weekly Thing
Views: 635,196
Rating: 4.9184346 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, speedrun, minecraft speedrun, world record, speedrun world record, minecraft speedrun world record, minecraft world record, world record speedrun, the weekly thing, mynski, minceraft, sizzler, reignex, illumina, dream, analysis, world record analysis, speedrun analysis, teh weekly thing, faked, fake, faked speedrun, faked world record, fake speedrun, fake world record
Id: JBYrNfVnG5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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