The New #1 Minecraft Speedrunner | World Record Analysis

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there are plenty of different ways to measure who the best speedrunner is you can look at who has the world record in your favorite category you can find whoever you think has the best mechanics and gameplay you could just pick your favorite streamer but there's one title that's come into focus recently that seems to be a good measure of who's really on top of the minecraft speedrunning universe combined rsg by combining a runner's rsg times from pre 1.9 1.9 to 1.15 and 1.16 plus you can see who truly excels the most across the three biggest categories of the game to say that this definitively proves who the best speedrunner is or even that there is a single best speedrunner in such a widely run game would be pretty dumb in my opinion but it's an extremely impressive accomplishment to come out on top of this list and right now the competition at the top couldn't be closer today i'm going to break down doi pingu's new 1.7 rsg world record and how in my opinion it made him for the moment the number one minecraft speedrunner in the world hey if you end up enjoying the video please consider subscribing most of our viewers aren't subscribed and it does help us out a lot thanks and enjoy the video when you think of the best minecraft speedrunner the first name that comes to mind for a lot of people is going to be illumina not only is he the most popular minecraft speedrunner but he's also very very good at the game speedrunners of every aspect and version of the game look up to him as the standard for minecraft excellence and the subject of today's video doi pingu actually has a clip of illumina calling him a good speed on her as his follow alert everything's a good speedrunner name more than one uh doi pingu and on february 22nd when illumina got the first sub 14 in 1.16 rsg he became not only the speedrunner with the best reputation but the speedrunner with the best overall time with his combined rsg dropping to one hour flat but in the meantime another top runner had been grinding his weakest category and by pbeing in 1.7 just a few days later corbanos took over the top spot with the first sub-hour combined time but after absolutely demolishing the 1.14 world record in march pingu had brought himself into third overall less than three minutes behind corbano's still when you're already playing at such a high level those three minutes are a lot more than they seem so how does pingu go about cutting down his combined time obviously 1.9 through 1.15 is out of the question he's already got an insane time in that category that leaves 1.7 and 1.8 or 1.16 in pre 1.9 pingu is 19th on the leaderboard with a 2706. in 1.16 pingu is a satisfying 116th with a pb of 1742 the choice is obvious for such a mechanically skilled player all you need to do is grind resets in 1.16 until you get a godseed run a sub 15 and it's a done deal but pingu isn't playing for the cloud and there's no doubt that running other versions won't get as much cloud as 1.16. he's playing to challenge himself and to compete at the highest level which is why he decided to return to running the hardest rsg version but still not to go for world record with a pb almost five minutes behind silver's 1.8 record pingu was going for a humble sub 25 but then on april 24th something insane happened let's get into this run oh and by the way you gotta go show pingu some support for this run this guy literally has two of the three biggest minecraft world records let's just say that sub count better get well into the four digits or else no weekly thing videos for a week or wait that doesn't work it just go sub to him getting into the run pingu spawns on the beach of a savannah and almost immediately spots a lava pool since it's been a while since i've covered this category let's walk through everything pingu is going to need to find because there is a lot obviously he's going to start off with his stone tools food is an immediate priority because hunger is a lot more punishing in this version so getting some raw meat will work for now still the faster he can get a flint and steal the less time he has to spend gathering food overall on top of killing these pigs he also finds some chickens which are going to be necessary to craft arrows for the end fight by 140 he's in a cave where he's gonna need six iron for a bucket flint and steel and shears a minute later he's out collecting wood and leaves for blocks more gathering of wood gravel and food and he's ready to enter the nether after crossing an inconveniently wide river he's at the lava pool and entering at just under six minutes oh he's able to reach the blaze spawner in about 30 seconds where he has a pretty uneventful blaze fight he gets above average spawn rates with below average drops ending up with six rods in five cycles he does lose one rod to the lava but because he gets the fifth and sixth rods back to back it's not really a time loss with a 945 netherleaf he's on pretty good pace although his tower isn't going to be finished quite as fast as you would like now at the tower is when modern pre 1.9 runs really start to get interesting with tons of new variations of strats emerging recently especially in 1.8 while 1.8 has much better potential overall pingu is still playing 1.7 because as he mentions in his description it's the first version he ran and it has the most nostalgia for him still you'd expect to see at least sea skull's chaos tower but no he's doing the classic 1.7 tower the one you probably think of as the illumina tower although in reality it's also the sea skull tower stan sea skull with the small variation of pingu using a trap door instead of a chest to preserve his items the tower is in its classic form and pingu is able to drop down for his first set of pearls at 12 30. a very solid base where he can reasonably expect to get all the pearls he needs it's the pearl collecting that really bumps this pace forward though as pingu gets nine endermen with six pearl drops in the first two cycles six pearls at 13 minutes okay man okay man you probably noticed there how calm pingu is and i just want to point out that this is in my opinion one of his biggest strengths when you watch pingu play he's obviously far better than almost anyone else but his mechanics don't exactly stand out the way other top runners like illumina sea skull or feinberg's do but the thing about pingu is he's always playing at peak performance when he's on world record pace he doesn't seem any more nervous than when he's not of course he does get nervous but it just doesn't seem to affect his demeanor or more importantly his gameplay at all and that as he's proven is an extremely valuable skill after getting six pearls in his first two cycles he goes two for his next six balancing out his luck after that it's another hot streak of four for two which leaves him with 12 pearls his plan was to leave with 12 pearls but unfortunately he actually miscounted here saying he has 11 and he'll leave after the next cycle no matter what after getting one pearl from the next cycle he's leaving on 12 which is actually 13. given that he would have been willing to leave on 11 he definitely would have left one cycle earlier had he realized he already had 12 which would have actually saved him over 20 seconds still after some quick crafting he's able to leave at 1820 which is a really good pace for his goal of sub 25 but still not exactly world record pace for comparison in sea schools 2248 he threw his first eye of ender at 1625 at about the same distance from 0-0 i'm not comparing pingu to silver because silver's run involved a lot of pausing meaning the on-screen timer was inaccurate but in this run it's the end game that really brings it back as we're about to see one upside of pingu's current position is that he's going through the ocean meaning he could get an exposed stronghold and save a lot of time on triangulation after about a minute of traveling he gets what he's looking for and is able to enter the end at nearly sub 20 minutes and suddenly with a good end fight he is very much on world record pace his response holy not so freaky his chatters are more nervous than he is pingu gets a really good end layout with very few towers and none of them that high up and with over half a stack of arrows he's able to efficiently take out most of the dragon's healing after taking out the towers the dragon charges almost immediately and pink is able to get a pretty good amount of damage another quick charge and the dragons almost at half health a third quick charge with sub-optimal damage and this time the dragon's a little too eager with pingu having to hit it away but this dragon is relentless repeatedly charging and with a little over a quarter of its health left it comes back at pingu one last time oh my gosh but he can't quite finish it off with only seconds left to clutch up the world record it's going to come down to pingu's aim with the bow and completely rising above the pressure pingu of course clutches it out holy let's go if you couldn't tell that excited screaming wasn't pingu he replaced his dragon death noise with sizzler's iconic reaction to getting the first ever sub 20. now pinga's reaction is a lot more on brand for him we [Music] and that's about as excited as he gets in the end it's honestly just super impressive how well pingu handles pressure and he deserves all the praise he's gotten and should continue to get for this record so all that leaves us with two questions what does the future of pre 1.9 look like and what about the future of combined rsg well one of those is really easy to answer this pre 1.9 record shouldn't stand for long like i said there have been constant innovations to 1.8 recently and it definitely has a lot more potential than 1.7 including sub 20 potential it also involves less resetting meaning more runners are trying their hand at it still it was really nice to see a throwback to a classic 1.7 world record before 1.8 totally takes over the category but beyond that what about the combined rsg record well after getting the second ever sub 18 in 1.9 through 1.15 corbanos time was just seconds behind pingu's current time and after a small 1.16 pb he's actually about four seconds ahead pingu might end in the lead after his 1.7 run is retimed or it might still be corbanos as of right now it's just too close to call i'll give pingu the edge due to his two world records outside of those two feinberg seems like the biggest threat to compete for the overall best spot he's got a better 1.16 time than either of them and is currently grinding for the 1.8 world record there's no doubt he'll at least get a sub 25 in that category if not world record which leaves 1.9 through 1.15 as his biggest area of improvement he has a great low 22 time but it's not elite like corbanos and pingu's pvs are also of note are cube 1337x who recently became just the third player to get sub hour combined rsg and might have the most balanced amount of skill across all three categories illumina just because he's illumina and who knows what he might do and sea skull that one's admittedly a stretch because he's brand new to 1.16 and not much further along in 1.9 through 1.15 but given how dedicated he is to the grind and how willing he is to search for new strats i wouldn't count him out in the long run no matter who is next to take the crown combined rsg is a category i will be eagerly watching and in the future maybe even possibly witnessing a sub 50 combined time for reference combining the three world records right now gives you a time of 49.23 so that goal is a long way off there's plenty of potential for the records before 1.16 to be lowered a lot though and any of the players i named in this video or maybe just someone new could be the ones to do it i hope you enjoyed this minecraft world record analysis and if you did be sure to leave a like and a comment so more people can find the video if you want to see more of our videos be sure to subscribe and ring that bell and you can also follow us on twitter and join our discord all the links are in the description thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: The Weekly Thing
Views: 93,154
Rating: 4.9735451 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft speedrun, speedrun world record, minecraft world record, minecraft speedrun world record, the weekly thing, doypingu, speedrun analysis, analysis, world record, 1.7 record, minecraft 1.7, 1.14, 1.16
Id: DzHg4zLbje4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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