What Would A 'PERFECT' Minecraft Speedrun Look Like?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello you absolute legends if you know anything about minecraft speedrunning you'll know that the world's fastest runs can often depend on a fair amount of luck there are 281 trillion different playable worlds and obviously some of them are going to be better than others when it comes to speed runs but what would an ideal seed actually look like what would happen if all of these stars aligned and everything you needed was right there for the taking in this video we are going to theorycraft what a perfect minecraft speedrun might look like and what kind of new world record would that produce in the set seed category where players find the best seed possible and know exactly what to do well in advance the world record is 2 minutes and 23 seconds but trust me this just isn't realistic when we are talking about the random seed category in set seed they use a world that has 12 eyes already placed in the end portal so they don't even need to collect blaze rods and ender pearls but the odds of finding such a seed is one in a trillion besides even if you happened to randomly stumble upon such a seed you would never know and wouldn't even be able to find the stronghold without an eye vendor in the first place when considering how fast a random seed speed run could ever go you have to assume that people are going to play the same way they play every other seed players will always start by collecting iron and resources traveling to the nether farming enough blaze rods and ender pearls and only then will they begin to make their way to the stronghold the current fastest completion ever for a random seed is 14 minutes and 36 seconds by curry way this is performed using version 1.16 and given that this is the fastest version you can choose to use this is what we will be covering today and speaking of curryway he will be joining us later in the video to share some extremely interesting anecdotes about how some of these crazy luck factors have played out in legitimate speed runs so with all of that said exactly what kind of conditions would produce the quickest speed run let's take a look now before we go on this video is sponsored by skillshare and i really do hope you are spending some of your time advancing your skills and talents if you do want to learn something new there is no better place than skillshare it offers thousands of terrific and easy to follow classes that make the learning process an incredibly easy one personally i am always trying to find ways to be more productive there are so many amazing gaming achievements happening all the time and i can never seem to work fast enough to cover them all so whenever skillshare comes out with a new course on productivity i definitely make sure to check it out i just completed the course productivity for creatives by thomas frank and i highly recommend it as learning to be more efficient with your time is always a good decision skillshare premium is extremely good value at less than ten dollars a month and you can even grab a free trial by being one of the first 1 000 legends to click the link in the description when players begin a new speed run there is one particular resource that is by far the highest priority and that is iron iron is used to create a bucket and flint and steel which is used to create and activate a nether portal in 1.16 the world record strategy also involves attaining an iron pickaxe which we will need later on in total this results in a requirement of seven iron ingots so when considering ideal spawns it has to be close to a good source of iron both mining iron and grabbing it from a desert temple are too slow and don't offer much else in terms of general usefulness so that leaves two decent options remaining the first is shipwrecks which do indeed provide a good source of iron along with food and they can be looted pretty quickly but there is an even better option and that is villages spawning in or near a village is probably the most ideal situation villages offer food beds and an opportunity to get iron there is a bit more luck involved here but if a village has a weaponsmith with a chest that chest can contain not only iron but straight up give you an iron pickaxe the chest can also contain other useful items like gold and obsidian and both of these are essential to world record speed runs villages can result in a respectable time for runners to enter the nether by but if you're lucky enough to get even just one blacksmith structure it can shave an insane amount of time off of your run in various different segments the best and by far most unique example of this is a run from a chinese speedrunner named plugin l plugin l opens his one blacksmith chest to find an unheard of 20 obsidian which to this day is the most i've ever seen in my eight years of playing this game to give some perspective on just how rare that really is 20 is such an incredible number for speedrunning because it allows plug and l to create a nether portal whenever he's ready to enter the nether as opposed to normally having to find lava or rune portal for entry but what use is the other 10 obsidian if he's already in another why would he need to make another portal well this is a strategy that many speedrunners do nowadays for two main reasons they don't have to navigate back to their original nether portal and waste time traveling backwards and there are optimal places in the nether that you can build your second portal to maximize your chances of spawning near or even in rare cases in the stronghold this can be a massive time save compared to making the travel happen in the overworld from your original portal location normally doing this almost always requires a bastion because of the large amount of obsidian you're able to find in bastion chests but because of their blacksmith plug-in l will actually be able to build the second portal to randomly travel out of the nether after getting his ender pearls and blaze rods skipping the bastion step entirely he sets up his portal near the blaze spawner at 8 minutes 45 seconds real time which to my knowledge is the fastest that anyone has ever used the second portal to travel out of the nether if they had been lucky enough to have their portal put them closer to the stronghold this run could have easily beaten my current world record where for comparison i left the nether in a second portal at 10 minutes 53 seconds real time over two minutes behind the pace that plug-in l was at the same point in the run a couple of videos ago when i was discussing the dream situation i spoke at length about the mechanics of acquiring ender pearls from piglens each time you give a piglet a gold ingot there is a 4.7 chance of getting some ender pearls in return months ago this was a huge pain point for speed runs and many runs would end because they couldn't get lucky with trades but strategies have changed a lot since then and to these days speedrunners instead rely on finding a bastion bastions are great because within them you can find gold blocks and each gold block gives you 9 gold ingots so realistically you can acquire a ton of gold pretty quickly and because bastions are populated with a large amount of piglens you can execute many trades in a short amount of time ultimately this means that as long as you can find a bastion the chances of getting a large amount of pearls quickly is pretty high trading many times also provides other useful resources as well like obsidian string and fire resistance for optimal luck speedrunners want to see a bastion as soon as they enter the nether so they can quickly gain access to pearls as soon as possible players will even get more pearls than they need because when you throw a pearl it will instantly teleport you to where it lands not only is this one of the fastest ways of travelling but it also allows you to easily maneuver through tricky terrain even better than finding a bastion upon entering the nether is finding both a bastion and a fortress seeing both of these structures appear in your field of vision as soon as you spawn is one of the most pleasing things a minecraft speedrunner can ever see it goes without saying the less time spent searching for any of these buildings the better despite the fact that end portals can spawn with multiple eyes already populated generally players will still collect at least six blaze rods this allows you to craft 12 eyes which is usually enough technically you could risk it and get less but at this point in the game's progression the record isn't optimized enough for that to be a worthwhile gamble at some point in the future though the world record contenders will definitely begin to get 5 or maybe even 4 rods and hope for a miracle in a minecraft speedrun your netherspawn is the first true maker breakpoint of a good run and seeing either a bastion or fortress right away can be extremely encouraging but what about if you see both this actually has a term in the speedrunning community and it's called a fashion you might think it's super rare but this actually happens for runners more often than you think take myself as an example this was on a run that i had almost three weeks ago now where i entered the nether and immediately saw both a bastion and a fortress right next to my portal even though i'm entering the nether at around the 5 minute mark i was able to save so much time later in this run because of how incredible this spawn was and i actually left the nether at the 10 30 mark 20 seconds faster than i did in my world record this run ended up dying because when i left the nether my second portal was unfortunately too far from the stronghold but i still completed the run in 17 minutes 10 seconds good enough for the eighth fastest time on the leaderboard at the time of this video the way that structure generation works in the nether is that one structure either a fortress or a bastion spawns in a quadrant the only exception to this rule is that bastions can't spawn in basalt deltas but for simplicity's sake in this example we'll ignore that for now quadrants are 432 by 432 blocks wide or 27 by 27 minecraft trunks so there is quite a large space for structures to spawn and normally are far away from each other however if you get lucky enough they can spawn much closer like how mine did and sometimes in even rarer circumstances they can overlap into each structure in my last video i talked about the importance of water travel and why it is superior to traveling on land the stronghold is relatively far away from where you spawn so optimizing travel is one of the most crucial aspects of a minecraft speedrun but in version 1.16 everything changed and the reason for this is the abundance of attainable obsidian in the nether not only can you now get obsidian from piglet trades but you can also get it in chests located in bastions so why is obsidian so important well it allows us to create nether portals and creating a second nether portal will give us a massive advantage for every one block you travel in the nether this equates to eight blocks traveled in the overworld so if you create a second nether portal 100 blocks away from your first portal you'll appear in the overworld 800 blocks away in order to re-enter the overworld in the ideal location players will build their second nether portal approximately 220 meters from origin inside the nether this will place them between 1700 to 1800 meters from origin in the overworld and gives them the best chance of appearing near a stronghold obviously the closer to a stronghold we are when we leave the nether the better and it's pretty crazy how lucky some players have been we have seen runs of people literally appearing inside of the stronghold it's definitely a rare occurrence but it's also definitely possible and certainly not out of the question for any minecraft speedrun utilizing two nether portal strategies the most crucial and nerve-wracking element in my opinion is how far away the stronghold is once you go back to the overworld it's one of the last deciding factors on if a run is going to be on good pace or not and if you have to end up traveling far in the overworld it can derail everything that you've just worked for but you know what's better than having to worry about any of that how about just spawning directly into the stronghold this is unbelievably rare and i've only seen it happen to one runner real bennex benex had an incredible blacksmith chest early in the run where he grabbed 18 obsidian and used the two blacksmith lava at the bottom of his portal so he could still enter the nether with ten obsidian a very similar situation of plug and l that we talked about earlier after collecting his blaze rods benex decides to build his second portal right near to his blade spawner and to his amazement spawns in the middle of the stronghold intersecting a ravine although this is amazing there is still one small problem instead of most cases where the runner is entering the stronghold at the starting room benex has no idea where he is and has to navigate back to the starting room if he wants to have an easier time finding the portal room as it's much more consistent to find from the starting staircase in the stronghold that's why even though this is an unbelievably lucky event many speedrunners may actually prefer to spawn above an open exposed stronghold as an ideal scenario as you'll have an aerial view of the structure and may even be lucky enough to spot the portal room from above the final piece of this theoretical puzzle is the fight with the ender dragon in order to execute a quick kill we need her to perch so that we can deal massive damage with beds or anchors there are a couple of main factors that affect the chances of the dragon perching quickly the first is the amount of crystals remaining on each of the large spikes the smaller the number of crystals the higher the chances of the dragon beginning her perch animation this is why you'll often see players taking out crystals using a bow the second factor is your distance from the exit portal the further you are the greater the likelihood the dragon will perch players take advantage of this by towering into the sky both of these methods do indeed work to produce faster perches on average but at the end of the day you can just get really lucky and have the dragon perch quickly without doing anything in the set seed world record minecravenger enters the end portal at 1 minute and 35 seconds and the credits begin to roll at 2 minutes and 23 seconds that's an end segment of 48 seconds that is insanely quick and much much faster than anything seen in the random seed category but this makes sense when you consider the fact that these runs are only two minutes long and you're almost always getting to the end so players repeat the end fight many times in order to get a quick kill random seed is the polar opposite players very rarely reach the end as they spend most of their time resetting runs that didn't have all of the required ingredients with only a fraction of the amount of end fights the resulting luck is of course going to be much less favorable theoretically you could get a 48 second end but it's probably not reasonable to expect it to ever happen at least not for a long time many runs have an end fight of around 2 minutes but the quicker runs can get a minute and a half or even lower everything that we've mentioned up until this point is all just to get to the final and by far most important part of any run the final dragon perch for those unaware the dragon perch is when the dragon decides to slowly circle down to the player in the middle of the end allowing the player to place beds on the top of the bedrock pillar optimally to do massive damage to the dragon and beat the game however there is one catch when the dragon comes down to perch is almost completely up to chance and can range from anywhere from significantly over five minutes to under a minute there are of course things you can do to hope that the dragon purchase faster most notably what many runners do is stand far away from the bedrock pillar in the middle which causes the dragon to perch faster but at the end of the day even if you're standing in the correct spot and doing everything you're supposed to do the dragon might just not want to cooperate and can make or break an insane minecraft speedrun the best and most recent example of a dragon that does want to cooperate is a 15 minute 16 second run by speedrunner hamazon which when verified will be third place on the leaderboard amazon entered the end at 14 minutes 34 seconds real time and was able to complete the game in 15 minutes 31 seconds real time making his dragon fight one of if not the fastest out of the top runs on the leaderboard each of these individual ideal segments have been performed in real speed runs and it truthfully is only a matter of time before someone wins the minecraft lottery and gets each of them in a single run given that the 1.16 version of minecraft is still relatively new it is safe to assume that the world record is a long long way away from being fully optimized so the question is if everything came together what kind of time could we hope to achieve well if we spawned in a village with either a ruined portal lava pool or blacksmith chest nearby we could reasonably expect to enter the nether in around two and a half minutes a really good nether split with currently used strategies is around five minutes so we would be aiming to re-enter the overworld with blaze rods and ender pearls by around 7 30. if we get really lucky with the portal placement and we appear either in or above the stronghold it would only take us around 30 seconds to a minute to enter the end if we do enter the end at 8 minutes and 30 seconds that gives us a full minute and a half to finish the game in under 10 minutes speedrunners love a good barrier and at this point in time a sub 10 minute run would be the holy grail of random seed minecraft speedruns not every speedrunner is so sure that sub 10 could ever realistically happen but based on the best segments it's definitely possible and i think as time goes on it will become more and more likely and of course you can never rule out new strategies being found which seems to be a universal truth in speedrunning what's definitely certain is that the current world record of 14 minutes and 36 seconds held by curryway won't last forever there are plenty of top level runners playing every single day in hopes of claiming their place at the top of the podium now a huge thanks to curryweight for lending his minecraft expertise he has an awesome youtube channel where he posts regular minecraft content so definitely go and subscribe over there as always thank you so much for watching you legends i hope you are having a fantastic day and i will see you in the next video you
Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 685,391
Rating: 4.9285555 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft speedrun, minecraft, minecraft world record, karl jobst, speedrunning, speedrun
Id: WyDbX0wGQ-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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