the new Mean Girls remake is utterly bizarre

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well if there was ever a remake that did not need to happen it's that Kim Possible movie from a couple years ago but a close second would be mean girls now before anything else I got to come out and say that it's going to be largely impossible for me to be even remotely objective here because Mean Girls came out in 2004 when I was a junior in high school okay so like at the time it was the most Made For Me movie that there's ever been I made a video about Mean Girls a couple years ago and the sequel which like I mean like can you believe this was a real movie but anyway putting aside my bias as much as I can I do honestly think that mean girls holds up in incredibly well I mean I think it's still hilarious I think the point it's making is timeless it's aged very well compared to other movies from the same era like this is one of the few movies where it quite literally did not need a remake but this is the world we live in now so I guess we just got to shut up and take it which oddly enough is apparently the message of the new movie whatever we'll talk about it later so yeah I watched the new Mean Girls remake and uh like you know I mean it's fine it's not bad but just like why so now obviously this movie being a remake the story and everything is it's like 90% the same as the original Katie is a high school girl who's been living in Africa with her mom who's some kind of researcher of some kind and for a variety of reasons she and her mom moved back to the US so Katie can go to American High School I've been thinking about what you said about being frustrated by my decision and feeling a little stuck here just me and you I'm sorry I yelled but you have a point I called the people from Northwestern back I took the job I don't want my could have I mean living in Africa is probably way cooler than moving back to the US I mean pretty much every weekend it's just you sitting around with your friends going oh wow did you know that they put in another strip mall now right here at the beginning something about this movie I actually really like a lot is how they really lean into the stage set changing Aesthetics where like the garage door opens to Africa and then it warps to the high school like this kind of stuff is really cool I think anyway so Katie now has to start her first day at American High School which means a lot of things in 2024 that we are not going to talk about I'm Miss norberry I'll Be Your Home Room teacher this is your roster I see you also have you for AP Calculus you must have had excellent teachers at your old school oh I was homeschooled homeschooled oh that's a fun way to take jobs from my union everybody find a seat please oh goody we got ourselves one of these couples remember kids like this who would like walk down the hallway and go to class like the way lesbian girls say goodbye after like two dates my love I must bid you farewell yes my queen my mistress of Eternal Starshine I will never forget the collective six hours we've known each other this is first period American literature mine name is Mr rep and I take no showers so being the new kid Katie's having a hard time making friends and fitting in but also she's been one of those homeschooled kids her whole life you know so she's like NASA's hiding the truth about the great ice wall and everyone's like yeah okay dude so she ends up eating lunch by herself in the bathroom and here's where we get to meet the two best characters from the original movie and by far the best characters in this one Janice and [Music] Damen I sure hope you paid half price for those jeans are you okay in there uh yes cuz you've been in there a very long time we're concerning either doing drugs or having a toilet baby hi I'm Janice this is Damien he is almost to G to function we've been watching you all day you're a mess and so now they're kind of friends or whatever and they explained to Katie how the social hierarchy of high school clicks work you know you got the jocks the band kids the burnouts the theater kids but like they went ahead and remade this whole movie for modern audience right so like where's all the anime kits where's the fortnite kids I don't see a single dude rocking one of these monstrosities you expect me to believe this is 2024 yeah okay whatever you say but of course in the middle of all this we also get to meet the Plastics oh no no no no we call them the Plastics cuz they're shiny fake and hard yeah that's Gretchen weeners she knows everything about everybody and that's Karen Shetty she's the dumbest person you'll ever meet and right then at that exact moment you'll never guess who walks in the room my name is Regina Geor and I am a massive [Music] de okay all right now see this is where I kind of start to be like H with this remake okay so like okay when the original movie was made into a musical the whole stick was like the movie you love now on stage and so it was kind of made with the idea of like everyone watching it has already seen the movie right with this remake though at least how it was marketed in trailers they're like this isn't your mom's mean girl hey you know that dumb old movie your mom's trying to get you to watch cuz she wants to bond with you or whatever girl's parents are dumb well this is the newer younger gen Z version or something this isn't your mom's Mean Girls it's worse a chill dope extracurricular option you know serve your college resi and your thirst for nollie don't say nollie also miss nor says we get twice as much fun if for a girl on the team so think about joining me CU we' love to get jackets so seems to me like this new movie is specifically made for younger people who probably have not seen the original because it's 20 years old now what but like it also kind of feels like they're assuming you already know everything like the original movie Janice and Damen tell Katie that Regina is a horrible b word and then throughout the movie we see how she backstabs people manipulates them she's all conniving and so forth but in this remake they're like Regina's the Queen B capital B you know what I mean and then immediately Regina George comes out and sings like I'm popular and mean and really scary and stuff like she just comes out and says it all and this is part of like a larer issue I have with this movie where like being a musical there are so many songs right and to fit all the songs in the movie they have to carve out huge chunks of the original story so like instead of us following along with Katie as she learns about Regina George and who she really is Regina just comes out on camera and immediately sings about how mean she is and everyone's afraid of her just giving away the whole everything of the movie and like back when this was a stage musical this would have totally made sense because like when you're watching a real life Stage production most people are sitting very far away and can't really see the faces and the actors have to project their voice to the back row and all that so it's kind of hard hard to convey like nuanced emotion or whatever so to make up for this they have to sing about what they're thinking or feeling in the moment but in the medium of movies like you can be as up close and intimate as you want so it feels kind of silly to me to just like do it this way like why even making a movie then now back to my original point in the old movie we got a really good sense of the true dynamic between the Plastics and how they actually hate Regina but also want her approval and they want her to fall from grace but also they want to be her you know those like girl friendship things that make no sense like the three-way call scene rechen told me that you like Aaron Samuels I mean I don't care do whatever you want but wait aren't you so mad at Gretchen for telling me I'm not mad I mean I guess she just likes the attention see Gretch I told you she's not mad at you I can't believe you think I like attention okay love you see you tomorrow or of course who could forget the legendary skirt scene oh my God I love your skirt where did you get it uh it was my mom's in the ' 80s vintage so adorable thanks that is the ugliest effing skirt I've ever seen in the new movie we don't get any of this like the Plastics are friends Regina's the queen bee that everyone loves and fears and hates and we know this because they all sing about it so many times but we hardly ever actually get to see it like we're just told this is how it is and like Regina's meanness is also like kind of weirdly sanitized in this movie no no don't worry KY we only write stuff about Rando in here friends are like very deserving of respect Gretchen she gets it go find the shoes the shoes we're giving to Katie oh my God you are literally being so annoying okay sanitized maybe isn't the right word it's more like in this movie she's very directly just kind of mean as opposed to this makavelian type evil which is the basis for the entire point of the original movie also slight tangent here but as a recovering theater Kid myself I got to say uh these songs are kind of butt I mean the music's fine but the lyrics are so dumb there's throwaway songs in crazy ex-girlfriend that are Miles better than anything in this movie anyway like I said earlier the movie's largely the same as the original Regina takes an interest in Katie because she's the cute new girl who might threaten the food chain and certainly can't have any of that nonsense why don't I know you I'm new I just moved here from Kenya shut up shut up I didn't say anything you're like really pretty thanks so you agree you think you're really pretty oh I I don't know and so Janice and Daman come up with this plan for Katie to infiltrate the Plastics and learn their secrets so they can destroy Regina George because Janice and Regina used to be Beth with Beth friends back in middle school where all tragedies begin one night they were all playing spin the bottle and Regina was worried that Kyle Karen more Regina put on a little sh I knew she would let me she's like obsessed with me Liz was short for obsessed lesbian so naturally Janice wants to get back at Regina and Katie is her chance to like finally do that right and while this is all going on Katie also meets local hot guy Aaron Samuels k equals ne3 damn girl wow are you trying to make the rest of us feel dumb a man it's just a boring older brother from some I turn pretty we don't know how how good we had it back then man I tell you what we used to be a proper Society but of course Aaron is Regina's ex so Katie isn't supposed to like him because girl C but then Regina finds out that she likes him and she pretends to be all cool with it but then she stabs Katie in the back at the Halloween [Music] [Applause] [Music] party okay sorry another tangent here just for a second okay but this Halloween part here is a great example of how this remake just kind of ruins most of the humor from the Orin like part of what made the original movie so good and Timeless is that it had this observational satire about being a teenage girl from the point of view of Katie who's never experienced it before in the regular World Halloween is when children dress up in costumes and beg for candy in girl world Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total and no other girls can say anything about it and then of course the punchline is Karen's Halloween costume what are you I'm a mouse duh you know just like a literal NE with Mouse ears on top but this new movie takes what was a quick funny poignant joke and just removes all the humor and satire from it instead we get this song about how girls like to dress up mostly just kind of ignoring the whole point of what the scene was originally trying to make about how girls get to dress sexy on Halloween and not feel judged but actually they're judged that they don't dress like that Society man hence everyone's reaction to Katie's outfit and this part is in the movie to be fair but like they just kind of removed the whole stick it's kind of funny how the movie itself is a tongue-and-cheek satire about Teenage life anded Unit on abstinence of course Then followed by in the spring condoms and choking and then all the songs are the exact opposite of that also because they cut out so much of the movie to fit all the songs Karen's character is reduced to like literally nothing I mean to be fair she didn't really do much in the original movie but like in this one she barely exists anyway so the movie goes along pretty much the same as the original Katie's trying to Peg Regina or nope Katie's trying to knock Regina down a few pegs because she knowingly stole Aaron away from her even though she's been playing a long game for weeks now you pretended to be dumb so you could keep talking to a guy yeah it worked fracking works redlining Works gasoline and rags and she does this by giving Regina these Weight Gainer bars and tells her they'll make her lose weight and eventually Regina gains so much weight she can only wear sweatpants every day which I also do because I'm just sitting here like this all the time and because she's gained so much weight Regina messes up the Christmas talent show dance thing in front of the whole school Karen I can see your bra it's on purpose I'm going for a look there's a girl who slept with 11 people cuz you're nailing it I think your top is fetch Gretchen stop trying to make fetch happen it's not going to happen oh she said the thing guys you hear she said the thing but hey don't worry in case you missed it let's put it in the movie again hey bird you ready to suit up and show off your matad squills Kev stop trying to make squrs happen it's not going to happen yep so much funnier the second time this movie makes these weird choices that totally ruin what it could have had going for it like the iconic it's never going to happen line stop trying to make fetch happen it's not going to happen like sure of course they're going to put these lines in the movie but they do it twice like everything in this movie just has a thick coating of like Hey we're doing the thing we're saying the thing everybody or later on after everything goes down and there's that scene in the gym when all the girls are apologizing to each other right you know the one like I know I'm skipping around a bit here but just whatever and we get that famous iconic line from that scene I could make a cake made out of rainbows and smiles and we could all eat it and be happy she don't even go here like what made the original line so iconic is how it was delivered just so like off the cuff I wish that I could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles and we'd all eat be happy she doesn't even go here but in the new movie he says it in a way that very specifically is like hey we said the thing you know the thing from the movie we said the thing and be happy she don't even go here and then they say it again anyway because jokes are so much funnier when you repeat them twice in a row she sounds good but she does not go here y'all this movie kind of feels like when you have a meme that gets like organically popular on the internet and then corporations come in and just ruin the whole thing by totally missing the point and you know this is probably less a problem with the movie itself and more so an inherent flaw with remakes in general especially remake in a comedy like Mean Girls because having all the same jokes and lines and scenes that everyone loved from the original movie like it makes this movie basically just like different people telling you the same jokes in a less funny way it's like if you had a comedian who was doing another comedian standup routine from 20 years ago like who asked for this also I love how Regina gains so much weight she can only wear sweatpants and then immediately puts leather pants on anyway so as with the original movie you know Katie gets back at Regina Regina finds out uses the burn book to get revenge on Katie and then the message of the movie is about how every girl's talking smack behind every other girl's back and why do we keep doing this this time I want you to raise your hand if you have ever said something bad about a friend behind her back seems like maybe we could take a break from being victims in this situation and start taking responsibility for our own actions which is a good message that somehow still needs to be said over and over again but then the very very end of the movie they say this so the moral of our story is thus calling someone stupid won't make you any smarter and even the people you really don't like are still people who just want to coexist so get off their dicks so like I'm sorry the message of the movie is don't be mean to each other just because you are insecure about yourself but also like if someone's being mean to you just suck it up or whatever they're probably just having a hard time and working through some things okay but like why they got to make it my problem this is like when your parents are like the best way to deal with a bully is just ignore them and they'll stop eventually no Mom the best way to deal with a bully is well-placed fingerprints and hair follicles you know what I'm saying this movie also hits on a point that's something I've seen in many movies recently where they say things like this look I I know I have to change oh sorry in case you forgot how the movie goes all the girls get in a huge fight and have to apologize and then Regina gets really mad at Katie and then gets hit by a bus hence all of this that was harsh and people say that I'm a but you know what they would call me if I was a boy strong Reginal and like this is said a few times throughout the movie in fact there's even like an entire song about this but like guys get called out for being jerks and a-holes like all the time one of the most popular guys in my high school was this loudmouth obnoxious jerk guy who everyone hated and talked behind his back constantly but he was on the basketball team like I'm not saying that guys have it as bad as girls or whatever cuz that's demonstrably false but like I just never understood this like alternate reality fantasy where it's like guys can do and say whatever they want and never get crap for it like what are you talking about being a guy is not an all like what some of you seem to think it is it's like when girls say stuff like attention from guys means nothing they'd sleep with a loaf of bread if they could which first of all don't knock a tell you try it okay you just sound jealous and second let's not pretend like your new electric toothbrush hasn't completely changed your nighttime routine okay also why you acting like all the hottest girls you know haven't dated at least two cave trolls okay like I've been to Disneyland I've seen you all with your Quasimoto Grim's favorite detail looking dudes okay I know you couldn't answer all three of his riddles and now you're stuck with this guy whose entire wardrobe is black hoodies and basketball shorts don't act like you're better than me whatever our souls are made of yours and mine are the same anyway so in conclusion the movie is fine all the actors give 110% and they're all really good in their own way though my completely biased opinion is that it kind of just feels like we have Mean Girls at home you know what I mean there have been a lot of very unnecessary remakes in recent years but this is probably the most unnecessary one I've seen so far hey everybody thanks for watching this video if you liked it please watch another one cuz that's how the algorithm works so click on this one that's being recommended to you right now right here on the screen it actually helps a lot if you do that cuz like that's how YouTube knows that my videos are worth caring about also if you have any movies or TV shows You' like to recommend send me an email at Alex Meers contact and I'll put them on my absurdly long list of movies that I need to get to at some point anyway hope I made your day a little bit better and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 1,272,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, mean girls, mean girls 2024, musical
Id: YdiRHuwdQc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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