Tall Girl is kinda dumb...

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every so often I see a trailer for a movie and think oh well this looks interesting but then sometimes you get something like the new Netflix movie tall girl and I'm just like okay now this is for me I get a lot of tweets and comments from you guys about what movies you want me to check out like whatever and I don't think I've ever had as many requests as I got for tall girl like everybody really wants me to watch this movie so I figured it was finally time to check it out and see what's going on now right from the very first scene we get to know basically what the entire movies gonna be about I know I've only known you for like two minutes but what you so this is our main character Jodi and she's a member of truly the most oppressed demographic today tall attractive blonde girls and I tell you having such a rough life like I don't even know how she gets out of bed every day I'm just trying to get through the day with as few people as possible asking me well how's the weather up there that's me 16 years old 6 foot 1 what I sick 6 1 that's it I mean like I went to high school in a relatively small town in Iowa and there's like five girls I can think of that we're at least that tall I mean that's like the short girl on any given college volleyball team okay let's just take it easy here Jodi that's me 16 years old six foot one and a half oh six one and a half well HAP sorry excuse me I take back everything I just said now another character we get to meet is Jodi's sister Harper who's not taller or anything but I'm sure she's got some pretty heavy issues she's working through right this is my superhot older sister Harper who's been running beauty pageants since she was six she was spared the tall Jean but at least there is some balance for the genetic universe she got grandpa Larry's allergies well shoot we got a pretty blonde girl who's tall and another pretty blonde girl with allergies I tell you what just the Rosa Parks of our generation right here now after this we meet the weird kid who just can't seem to take a hint aka the Alex Meyers of this movie this is Jack Dunkleman and you may be asking why is he carrying books in a milk crate well I've been friends with him for years and that's still a mystery to me so David Blaine called me you'll never believe it he just wants to know when you and I are gonna make magic together okay turn it off turn the movie off gasps okay I can't watch this anymore I mean I used I used to say things like that anyway so Jack keeps trying to hack away at Jody standards until they hopefully get low enough that she might date him but right that moment today of all days something magical happens what you think that at any moment some taller than you funny intelligent nice perfect guy is just gonna walk through that door wait wait just just hold down here okay I mean they could be twins like they look like the same exact person what kind of movie is this but yeah so this pantene pro-v reject over here is a Swedish exchange student named stink now Jodi's excited because she's never met a boy the same height or taller than her which makes no sense at all but sure okay Netflix yeah whatever you say she also doesn't really know how to talk to boy she likes because she's the main character of a teen rom-com but her archrival Kimmy sure does now one thing we learned is that Kimmy here has been tormenting Jody for basically her entire life and that's why I want to be just like Taylor Swift when I grow up Taylor Swift more like taller Swift oh I get it anyway so Kimmy swoops in and steals PewDiePie away Jack's relieved that he doesn't have to worry about this new guy coming in and ruining everything that Jack has clearly already ruined himself so you know crisis averted what are you doing with the Jumbo Swede with us we're his host family what well it looks like we're getting to the zany antics pretty quick here huh so over the next little while in the movie Jodi keeps trying to talk to Steve and get his attention but Kimmy's always just right there in the way every time if only there was some super convenient coincidence that could just bring them together you know what I mean but anyway with no other options Jody asks her sister Harper for help in getting the boy she likes to notice her which of course gives us the obligatory makeover montage you know new clothes new hair she even tries makeup and then she's ready to take on the world but that night she gets a little phone call from a certain someone hello yeah yeah this is Jodi so so I'm guessing that Dunkleman gave you my number gaga and just like that all her confidence and everything is gone and she's back to being regular old frumpy dumpy Jodi so the next day she's trying to avoid Kimmie because it's kind of embarrassing what happened and she doesn't want people to laugh at her any more than they do already so when she sees Kimmie coming around the corner she panics and hides in the music room at the last second she once use the piano a few minutes before my next class on just in here messing around a bit oh is this what I think it is could this be a anyway so Stieg is over here trying to play the piano and turns out Jodi actually used to play a lot when she was younger but being tall made her really insecure about everything in her life so she just kind of quit one day but then they start talking and realized that they actually have a lot more in common yeah you've got big hands so you've probably played this right it's guys in dolls my favorite musical mm-hmm me too it's the classically okay okay just stop right there hold on have you said like Hamilton or wicked or lame is or something I could see where you're coming from sure but Guys and Dolls I've been Guys and Dolls is like if the movie after was a musical and went on for like three hours anyway so then they share a moment where they sing a song from the musical I think you're looking a little eh you know but then of course cami walks in ruins the moment and she's looking a little perturbed I assume because she just found out her boyfriend likes guys and dice what a weird kid what are you playing at Beanstalk what are you talking about you're moving in on my man no I'm not oh so it's just a coincidence that's the two of you happen to be here together yeah stay away from him I will see you tonight we'll be homecoming king and queen I don't doubt it stop agree with everything I'm saying okay well now later that night Jodi's just hanging out in a room doing who knows what when she gets another phone call just out of nowhere except this time it's actually the real steak and he invites Jodi over to his house to watch a movie so she gets all dressed up and puts her makeup on in like 15 seconds and heads on over so they can spend some noon but of course as you might imagine Jack isn't too thrilled about the whole thing and does whatever he can to sabotage the evening like any good friend would and so with their date mostly ruined Jodi and Steve hop on the trolley I assumed to take her home or you know maybe he's just gonna cut her face off I mean it's really anyone's guess being tall is great when you're a tall girl it's it's the only thing that people see it's not the only thing I see what do you see just uncle beautiful girl [Music] so let's just summarize for a second okay Stieg is dating Kimmy but now he kissed Jody and he lives with Jack who also likes Jody and I mean what a wacky turn of events hi guys but here's the thing Stig doesn't want to break up with Kimmy because Jack told him not to mm-hmm and so he and Jody decide that this should all just be a one-time thing no harm no foul you get the idea so they try being just friends but of course that never really works you know because when you say let's just be friends what you're really saying is I don't like you as much as you like me but I don't want to be responsible for any hard decisions here so it's all on you now so at some point later in time one day Jody gets a note in her locker from steek thanks for meeting me sure oh you know that's whole plans that we had about all those forgets we just yeah well yo di Collins it was Kimmy it means I can be with you I was thinking I go it's nice oh yeah that sounds like a great idea I'm sure Kimmy's gonna be real cool with everything guys I mean what could possibly go wrong here but that night is actually Jody's sister's beauty pageant which like I don't know what's going on over at Netflix but beauty pageants are part of like every teen rom-com they make now anyway so of course Jody can't really hang out but she invites need to come with her to the pageant as like a date or whatever and Steve's all like I'd love to but when the time comes guess what ends up happening I'm gonna kill that kid when I see him don't talk like that I'm serious I'm gonna run over to Steve with the car okay then you go to jail yeah well then I'll do my time like a man because no one stands up my daughter's see I knew something was up with this guy okay cuz I mean first his favorite musical was Guys and Dolls and I mean that's like a whole thing I don't even get me started on that whole adorable accent thing I mean come on that's gotta be fake right this dude probably grew up in like Ohio or something okay don't worry about a Jody you're fine now that's same night there's a party at Jack's Teague's house and so Jody heads on over to see if she can get some answers so just to summarize everything here she finds out that Steve never broke up with Kimmy he missed the pageant because he was helping Jack get the party ready allegedly and now he's too busy taking selfies with everyone to care about how Jody feels anyway cuz hey tall girl feelings don't matter right guys so she goes home and cries and probably just listens to Paramore and Simple Plan on repeat for like three months not that I would know anything about that so that next morning Jack sneaks into Jody's room and watches her sleep for a while you know like a normal kid [Music] but you know how lucky isn't that Jodi Supes all perfect like that because if someone came into my room and watched me sleep you know I mean it'd just be like [Music] but then she wakes up and he gives her a present and then they share like this little moment together high heels mm-hmm were three years in the future you are at some nice college in the Midwest and you meet some taller than you nice guy well okay now you just went and ruined everything me trust me the only word girls hate more than moist is nice guy all right so after this Jodi spends the whole day reading a book like a nerd but then out of nowhere she gets a text from one of Kimmy's friends and we find out what really happened at the party last night and why Jack has a black eye in love with me just to get her off my back I said yeah I'll meet up with you tonight we can talk more about it like that but I told her off okay now I know this isn't really that big of a deal or anything but this video is supposed to be Kimmy's friend filming on her phone right so like how exactly are we cutting two different angles here like was she just like teleporting around the room or something you're telling me Kimmy's friend's got superpowers and we're supposed to care about Jodi because she's tall you guys are making the wrong movie when I met you you were doing genuinely a super nice guy man but you've turned into such a jerk I mean Tony has so much to offer she's the best person that I know she is so much cooler than all you guys combined yeah well she's also taller than all of us but yeah so turns out Stieg really was a piece of garbage and maybe Jack's not so bad after all now that night I think is the homecoming dance because of what ejected on the video Jodi's inspired to wear the heels he got four and the outfit she picked out during that whole makeover montage like way back at the beginning and goes to the dance to make a big speech for some reason hi hi I'm Jodi you may know me as Amazon or Godzilla or Jodi the Green Giant you know I get it I'm tall really really tall and it's it's the thing that's haunted me my entire life it's um it's defined me I just have to I mean how is this a real movie I mean she's making this big dramatic speech about how she's learned to accept herself or whatever but don't get me wrong that's a good message but like she's just kind of a little bit tall and she's over here acted like she couldn't just dropkick every kid in this room anyway so Jody's speech solves world peace and world hunger at the same time and the whole school realizes that you know maybe being tall and attractive isn't such a bad thing after all so after this Jody leaves the dance and goes over to Jack's house because turns out the guy she was really looking for was right there in front of her the whole time I mean can you believe it I'm just making some mental revisions to my perfect boyfriend checklist but you know the only major sticking point is the milk crepe I knew the day would come where I wouldn't need it and I wanted to be ready ready for what oh he had to milk rate for like ten years just in case they ever so then Jodie and Jack get together in the end and Jodie learns to accept the fact that she's really just kinda boring I mean like seriously not almost her entire personality in this movie is tall it's like that's it she's tall and she likes Guys and Dolls which is the real issue here by the way that no one's addressing but jokes aside that's kind of the biggest problem I have with these movies like in this movie Jodie is the only tall girl or like tall person in the whole school or like Sierra Burgess last year remember that masterpiece she was like the only to be girl in the entire school like how am I supposed to take any of this seriously to be fair tall girls not like an unwatchable mess or anything I mean it's fine I guess but all the same I mean it's just you know like why so people watch for a while you know that I was a theater kid when I was in show choir I was in community theater community musicals I was in junior high school musical high school musical like I've done I did the game but I was one of those theater nerds right and so when I was watching this movie and I found out that a large chunk of the movie is dedicated to Guys and Dolls I was just like wait for the Street Broadway yeah Guys and Dolls is important it is they classic but I mean like I've done and seen Guys and Dolls so many times I mean if I never see Guys and Dolls ever again for the rest of my life would I cry I mean probably not any more than usual but you know whatever I mean if you're like a sixteen seventeen year old theater nerd you know and your favorite musicals Guys and Dolls like you got to get out and see something there's so many better musicals of theirs South Park movies have better music with the Guys and Dolls okay I'll say that right now but going back to the movie I mean like you know yes a girl being 6 1 is tall like that is tall no question but like you know when you have a movie about tall girl and it's about the struggles of being like super tall you know I thought she was gonna be like six five or six six or somebody that like you know when you're getting like Shaquille O'Neal height like yeah okay what it's like WNBA women's volleyball like I mean most runway models are at least six feet tall I guess I don't understand why she's making such a big deal out of this I don't know cuz like a lot of these movies especially on Netflix right it's about like shining a light on on sort of these dark parts of society that people don't always talk about but it's like this is like the most benign like ridiculous movie like I said the video how is this real movie who thought like hey let's make a movie about the struggles of being a girl who's just a few inches taller than average I just think it's hilarious that this movie exists in the first place you know what do I know anyway thanks for watching guys don't forget to subscribe don't forget to ring that Bell so you don't miss any videos from me follow my dog Charlie on Instagram Charlie meets pumpkin follow me on Twitter let me know what was the favorite part of the video or what video I should do next or just say hi that's fine too and above all else everybody have a great day and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 10,108,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex mayers, alex myers, alexmeyers, alex meyers animations, tall girl, tall girl netflix, alex meyers netflix, funny animation, funny animations clean, family friendly, tall girl 2019
Id: oeZsIUXpiS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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