The New Abyss Makes Me Want To Die... (Genshin Impact)

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hi moglets we are once again doing Abyss it feels like I've been doing Abyss a lot lately but at least this time it will be different as it has changed I am pretty sure 9 and 10 have stayed the same and 9 and 10 very very rarely changed for floor 11 we have a 75 pirate image bonus very simple bonus this time around oh and interestingly for once chamber 1 does not have the defense Ley line is that anywhere that is nowhere actually vinti Mains molding right now for real for real on cap something even floor 11 looks a little bit hard here we have the consecrated Beast maybe they're not as scary at level 88 but they were a nightmare in last Abyss at floor 12. so that is something we also have some air mites Hydra bism age so far first half looking way more dangerous okay second half here with all the Hydra mimics obviously pyro with the 75 pyro bonus would be amazing in second half probably first half also it looks like there's the Hydra Gunner there which typically calls for either dendro or cryo but in my experience if you just focus Focus him down before he gets a shield it's fine but then we have cryosis in cryogunner so again pyro is going to be good in like both halves here and then chamber 3 Jade plume and hydro hippo interesting I even fought Hydro hippo in a while but uh as far as I remember cryo is very good for him as well specifically a cryobo user for his last phase where he has the three slimes um jumping to him you can easily kill him super quickly and then Jade plume's pretty normal boss floor 11 especially with a 75 pirate image bonus isn't looking too bad right now floor 12 I've heard a bit and Discord that is quite hard I don't know the enemies yet though in both halves we have Abyss Heralds one's Frost fall one's Wicked torrents that's pretty scary already in chamber 1 here besides that some aeromites I think some of these summon enemies oh and then magu kinky comes back for chamber two it is only the single magu kinky but that means he's probably gonna be a lot stronger individually than the three I do still prefer single Mega kinky to the triple but still pretty scary and then the second half we have all the chasm enemies the shadowy husks I'm I don't know what to expect with these yet post edit and Moga here I decided to actually do some research on these enemies which I I know should have done before fighting them and struggling and suffering against them so I want to quickly explain how these guys work all of these enemies do have elemental resistances as you might guess but what's more important to know is that all of these enemies really really hate it when they hit a shield specifically when they hit a shield and that Shield does not break they all do something bad this one enters the rock breaking Rampage for 11 seconds it'll gain High Interruption resistance 20 attack and most damning 50 percent all resistance almost impossible to kill at that point probably most annoying and you'll hear me complain about this later but the standard Bearer if he hits your shield and it doesn't break he'll give everyone a pyro Shield making them all incredibly hard to kill windbreakers is also a little Annoying it'll increase its attack by 30 percent and Dodge the next attack you hit with him he can heal every other husk on the field up to 10 percent of their Max HP so if you are taking zhangli or basically any other Shield it might be a good idea to try and focus him down cryo res one gets a big Shield that blocks all frontal attacks while getting a stacking attack percent increase the attack buff lasts 30 seconds it can stack up to five times and the duration will be refreshed every time the attack buff is triggered so up to 75 bonus attack this one is pretty bad yeah so yeah that's all to say I was pretty unaware of all this stuff I struggled a lot the solution of course is to not use a shield or make sure to not get hit by the really annoying ones like the shield Bearer that gives everyone the Pyro shield and maybe try and focus down the hydro or the dark blue one so that he's not healing everyone all the time but yeah it's basically it back to less knowledgeable me now chamber three second half we have the new world boss it's definitely reminiscent of the chasm boss the one that's always going underground and then come back up for a few seconds and then going back underground this one might even be more annoying he might even have less above ground time that's going to be a challenge first half we just have Rune guards and frost storm lower trolls doesn't seem too too bad honestly outside of chamber 1 though it doesn't seem like there are any special element requirements having some pyro to deal with the frost arm and then of course back in chamber 1 the frost fall Abyss Harold would probably be best so some pyramine DPS for a first half would be preferable and then second half we have Wicket tauren so dendro cryo yeah I am thinking dendra would be pretty good in second half shouldn't have any real resistances for these shadow bearers either but I guess we'll see those are pretty much my thoughts on the new floors also a challenge was issued for me to not use Ito for this Abyss while they specifically said 412 so I'm probably gonna use them just to speed through 9 10 and maybe even 11. what okay I thought there were more enemies than that well YouTube was just getting geared up yeah okay so both halves took uh 32 seconds I may as well start like trying to speedrun them so that there's something to talk about for floor 9 and 10 I don't know okay that was 17. I'm not saying he's not OP he's C4 in land like has an R3 Stone thresher or whatever so yeah I'll try and not use them for this Abyss just because anyway we're moving on to the new stuff floor 11 now we do have a 700 pirate image bonus and as far as I was talking about pyro is going to be pretty good for both halves honestly oh actually tignari might be really good for the hydro hypostasis as well and tignari would also be good for the this Hydro Abyss Mage down here probably fine for the mimics it's been a bit since I've used signari and I really like using him so we'll we'll try and fit him in second half star is quite nice for that quick rotation she doesn't necessarily need her burst I'm gonna build her an in oblige you know for when we do have it but oh technari has way too much crit rate I did recently get him up to C1 so his charge crit rate is 15 and I would be over a hundred yeah obviously Hunter's path is putting in a lot of work there I think that's perfectly enough honestly it's fine well my facial is currently built in four piece deep wood so I'm probably just gonna use her and keep her like that take official and sorrow that may have been what I did last time anyway what do you want cap I'm trying to do Abyss cap is warning me about the the Wii nut worm the last boss of chamber 12. he said it's difficult but instead of jungling I might use Dia and then we'll use zhangli down here for tignari is Dia still built actually I don't see a number there I think she's actually still built let's go two piece another two-piece Crimson I think that's what I had her in actually let's go I have not unbuilt her yet the Hydra mimics obviously would be much better with a pyro or something but we're not actually going to be able to get much spreads off now that I think about it since those things are like in a Perpetual state of uh Hydro both second and third floors diaze should hopefully be off cooldown now yep just now cool if I can hurry up and get Binny burst we can go back to yomi and just sit here and probably not take too much damage just chill out they are moving me around which is super annoying she's doing a lot less damage than she used to so maybe I messed something up I I don't know I may have stolen something from her yeah he's still doing a really good single Target damage which of course doesn't showcase that well on multi-targets but thankfully there aren't a ton here and the rotation is so fast as well since I basically don't need bursts with this team I can use them you know might help get rid of that Shield a little bit just completely shredded it actually uh trapped in the bubble trapped in the bubble but there was chamber one anyway oh yes and then the hydro fatou I gotta make sure he goes down as soon as possible preferably before he gets a shield if we can just hurry and get Benny Binny okay he's down okay and then we have some really far away ladies over there actually now that I think about it Dia should be doing even more damage because we have like a big boost here that's a little bit more like it I guess winter leave me alone winter is the one that told me I'm not allowed to use Ito by the way but I mean blooms are okay too I guess uh my technology does have a good amount of element Mastery as altignari should really will it be enough that is the question he's also hurting pretty bad right now my dignari oh yeah here we have Jade plume I'm hoping we can just like get through him really quick so that we have plenty of time for the cube I didn't get Elon burst it wasn't ready should be ready now I for some reason I decided to not bother um saving bursts I mean she's still doing an all right amount of damage honestly all right that was just a little over 30 seconds so hopefully we'll be all right here uh it really just comes down to yeah the fact we're not gonna be able to do a ton of damage here unfortunately oh maybe there was a spread in there I mean we're I mean we actually did a decent amount of damage he just wasn't down for very long oh no he's doing this thing which takes absolutely forever all right it is back down hopefully this will be it I think so now I just gotta wait for those blobs and see how tignari handles them is it as good as gonyu okay there's a blob um did that one shot oh wow in one shot it's okay yeah okay that wasn't too bad even though dignari was not really the best pick for this in particular maybe we'll try him for second half no probably not um that would be very scary honestly I'm probably gonna try my Bloom team first should we try to ignori because Tim said tignari is not an abyss character at all he does not have a high enough DPS to keep up with it I kind of want to beat this with tignari I will most likely fail miserably because in this case they're probably right I mean if I can like super Shred the first half and have enough time left over for a second half maybe it would work I'm really not sure how Frost fall works at all but I would assume you would need some pyro we might just try the same thing we did for floor 11 honestly in normal circumstances I probably would just do my Bloom team in second half and hope for the best but I I really want to prove Tim wrong which again I fully expect my ass to be handed to me but but maybe it'll be a little funny anyway I hope we could at least get close let's give it a try so first half we have these aeromites here we should be doing all right pretty much we went through the rotation pretty fast so hopefully uh I'm gonna go and do her burst actually at the end I never do that I think you like should more or less we'll go ahead and do Diaz burst um it won't do much but maybe take care of that last one yeah all right we got two oh yeah this this guy over here now uh well his shield went down relatively quickly so that's not good okay I didn't know he does a giant plunge one shot attack that's cool let's try that again could have been a little cleaner anyway oh yeah in Binny burst she's actually doing a lot of damage like decent decent amount I mean of course I say that you know using her as a support she obviously can do a lot more if you're focusing on her damage in particular but again I wouldn't really recommend that so I gotta really watch out for this plunge attack uh when whenever he gets low HP yeah that like really really hurts I guess we can do Dia again since um we're just trying to get rid of his shield now yeah we're gonna have about half time for my uh dignari Team I I don't know about that 8 33 I think it was um about a minute left with three enemies I don't know actually first chamber is not looking too bad so far oh yeah and then we have the uh two white two why do we have two of these okay that's not fair I wasn't expecting to if it was one because like like I said tignari is much better at single Target so I really wasn't expecting to yeah that's obviously not gonna work but that's just kind of unfair like as you can see they're both decently close to being dead now in fact they're very close to being dead I might be able to do it I need to be a little faster on first half somehow um yeah we have maybe 10 more seconds maybe that's enough we need to really not choke here either though yeah we have about a minute now for the Heralds I don't know if it was one it wouldn't be an issue but it's two for some reason ah damn all of the stuff went to one and one died and then this one nah man I can't be having trouble at the first chamber it was close I'll try once more ah this one is actually a little bit worse now we have a little bit less time okay I'm just gonna waste Benny burst yomi needs a little healing anyway yeah it's looking like maybe we'll have a little bit under a minute now 55 seconds and maybe if they wouldn't be moving around so much dude that was the closest one yet one left like maybe one more e charge 840 maybe hurry oh my God no do something why does there have to be two of the harder ones all right forget it we're gonna go ahead and kill it I wanna at least try the other Chambers we'll come back to it obviously oh yeah I forgot magu kinky here uh that's going to be a pain oh my God I hate how 10 seconds is just straight up wasted because you have to wait for masanori to stand up go Daya don't die though oh no all right that wasn't too bad actually I think we have maybe like two minutes left almost we just gotta not screw up here just realized facial really isn't helping that much because I'm not doing normal attacks with almost anyone um yeah this team could have had a little bit more thought placed into it uh uh that's my fault hopefully we can still do something though oh and this guy gets a pyro Shield that's weird um okay infinite pyro Shield I see another new entry um oh Shield guy that's cool just gonna not take damage ever oh wow something just completely destroyed my jungling shield if my technari hadn't died I still yeah there was kind of no chance there they still have why do you keep teleporting God you're so annoying now we have less time than we did before I think we're making a lot better time though because I'm a little bit more used to these uh guys now um I don't think we had a whole minute for the last three that Shield dude is really uh making me nervous he's like I don't even know what he's doing he's like blocking every attack oh great now we have a fire Shield that time I could see that maybe we could have done it in time if tignari didn't die um maybe would have still been close is it this guy giving the Pyro Shields maybe I should try and focus him down or does he just like start giving pyro Shields whenever he has like low HP or something because like it feels like that was a lot earlier that this time and I think uh Zhang Lee Shield is doing something bad as well I remember if like one of them hit a shield something bad happens um but anyway where's that pyro one oh yeah he already has a shield that's dumb yeah okay again it's like the same story every time tignari dies everyone's almost dead and then we run out of time I just had a decent idea we're going to try cookie shinobu she fulfills all the roles I'm actually looking for I'm gonna give Sarah actually elegy for that extra Elemental Mastery I am determined to do this with dignarino oh no okay I was imbued with hydro and that means I couldn't do uh anyone's Elemental skill for an eternity if that wouldn't have happened because I don't think that happened last time then maybe we could have done it honestly I think that was just bad luck ah this one's also not going well 843 yeah they're 8 35 or whatever ah jeez I'm gonna try one more time and then like last time I'm going to just move on to the next floor I just realized I think Zhang Lee's pillars are actually uh destroying take take nari's um return shots oh God and this is going way way worse oh this is so stupid yeah again we could kill one before the timer but we were relatively quick with massanori again about 55 seconds or something so I guess we'll see how this team works out as opposed to official yeah they already have shields where is that guy going literally just ran to the other side of the field for no reason what are you doing this is so dumb no dude 6 59 are you joking wow I'm so pissed whatever let's see if the actual hard chamber uh let's see if we can three start it I'm losing my mind oh yeah and uh no one has births here I was trying to save as much time as humanly possible and uh yeah is dead or Elon or whoever it was wow okay those lava Trails like underestimated those lava Turtles oh God starting without bursts uh yeah is um very very not good Dia died that's literally your job to not die um I like how they just do nothing then it's like they're waiting for me to hit the retry button why did you die Dia oh my God no no no no no no no no no no wait oh wait I could kill one somehow if I can just kill the other one decently fast please just die no don't do that okay that was pretty fast but like I assume that's supposed to be fast because of this boss that'd be so sick if we could Three Star this though just imagine let's Three Star this please Fortune smile on my soul um yep there he is uh so here we go maybe we can get a couple shots off real quick no no just the main one all right all right all right um burst wasted oh no leave me alone whoever that is oh yeah we're not doing a lot of damage at all and he's just underground the entire time pretty much did he get like dendra res or something right now yeah he did oh wait but he's down that's kind of cool I guess he's half dead in like a minute come on come on oh my God wait a second wait a second oh let's go why why can I do this but not the other floors we could three star the last chamber which means all we need to do now is go back in Three Star Chamber one and two and that's in your face temp outside of just giving him a crit damage bow instead of a crit rate bow I'm not sure how I could make him stronger at the moment actually my main issue is the Hydro bars of those two Abyss Heralds so actually increasing his damage won't even really help that much uh except to get to that point faster but let's try ammos just for fun I think 51 is plenty because we get 16 from The Perks plus 15 for for his charge shots so his chart shots will be over 80 chance to crit I'm not sure if that'll actually help if you'll even do more damage uh because he's missing Hunter's path obviously I bet he could do first half easily even with frostfall there it feels kind of cheating to swap the teams now that chamber three is done though even though it probably would have hadn't had an easier time with these guys also uh I put him on the worst half why do I do that now that I'm thinking I guess just because of the wickedorians and the fact dendro's good for them all right I guess let's see how this goes it isn't going oh well the run really wasn't going that well anyway and then yomiya died so yeah 40 seconds for the abyss Heralds I don't think so oh if they would stop moving around so much although this run definitely was really bad uh all right I think that was one of my better runs at 8 45 come on no dude oh that was another 8 43. I swear to God every time I try and time it things go bad that one was going well and then these stupid bats are just spread out everywhere and it's still not dead all right we have like two extra seconds I think that may have been our best run yet like one extra second but hey it's the second that counts I guess you know these guys are gonna spread out all over the place as well no please please please please please please yes I think that was 700.00 I I don't know actually I was I was too busy freaking out trying to just aim somewhere with this boy because those dudes are just jumping all over the place oh my God one chamber left one chamber left and we already got a 659 on chamber two so I'm hoping it won't be that hard oh my god um I am already so happy I remember last time we were doing this we had like a good amount of time we killed him in like a minute even less than a minute and now we're just dying uh yeah um maybe if we can kill him right now 857 we definitely had always more time I think we could usually kill him in like 50 seconds so I don't know about this yeah those pyro Shields I don't think I have any chance with those pyro Shields and again they just get them on repeat uh if we could just kill him right here we couldn't that's a shame it's actually unbelievable these shields yeah there's no chance we have 40 seconds for the uh for for these guys and I think they're harder than the first ones yeah not even close really I feel like I was doing better when I didn't really think about the Pyro shield and the Pyro dude so I might just start spamming everything again and hope for the best okay now we have nine minute one second I saw slightly more time than before but unless this unless this phase goes better there's no chance it's going to be enough you know it's not looking horrible right now I'm not sure what to expect in a second here I think there's one dude left oh my God I think we can do this there's one more one more tignari please don't do anything stupid kill him kill him okay we did that was no I hurt I hurt inside but we did it oh oh it took two separate runs but I definitely definitely count that you know I probably could have like it doesn't feel like he was doing a ton more damage so probably I could have done it in the exact same setup I just wasn't patient and figured I would have zero chance at chamber three so I just wanted to go there get my ass handed to me so I could switch teams but no we did it tignari and arguably the worst the harder half floor 12. okay so there make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping like or subscribing if you enjoy it's always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 171,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, new abyss, spiral abyss, tighnari, genshin impact tighnari, moga, mogawty
Id: G-c8h2NRrAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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