I Made This Way Too Hard... (Genshin Impact)

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45 now i suppose first up 45 why do you do this to me lisa she's definitely not built i was like uh i ain't going to get a lisa so i finally finished the longest story in genjen history um it was quite a nice story so i'm not really complaining but we can go ahead and go on to realms of guile and war and we also have this cool bow here we might take a look at uh at the end oh yes that's right this is way down here the difficulty names are kind of funny we have default animosity stern antagonism and then for hard we have apex hostility of course we're just gonna start on apex hostility the hardest we got and up here we have the sort of notes three rounds and for every round we have to choose a character that'll stay and the others will be thrown into the garbage yeah i think that's what we're gonna do i like to have some kind of challenge or spin on these events because they're usually somewhat easy uh for a whale such as myself when kooky shinobu drops we're gonna have our 50th character yeah let's go with a 38 straight away still level 80 though and it's a diona next 20 shao okay just did a video on xiao he might still be geared 31 rosaria pretty odd team there let's see what we can do though and lastly we have 12. yeah um hey we could get some superconducts i guess that kind of works need to make sure they're all built though randomized stratagems as well we're taking number five which is superlative that's all right i suppose just go ahead and confirm that next two normal charge attacks all elemental damage bonus that's fine because you have kaching and lastly number one it is purple maybe that's good oh that's actually perfect charge attacks no longer consume stamina all right and i guess the one we keep will also have to be decided by rng uh it's gonna be kind of a nightmare actually all right i guess they're all okay built let's just hit start and see what happens how about a shower burst because we don't really have any buffers here anyway oh that was really fast three of the units i just spent forever building already have to like oh wait round one battle two let's go hard of course let's go hard and we get 200 of these things whatever that means oh that's bad we kind of need some water here probably i have no idea what happened to my oh yeah this fire dude kills everyone and i totally forgot dionna is a healer i wasn't using her to her full potential there yeah i mean she's not healing a lot to be fair can we revive nope this might be a little bit of an issue then oh god and we have this brand again uh this is really dumb there goes my rosaria oh wow this is this is um this is a problem already does that even do anything i don't i don't think it does oh and we have the brand again i didn't know it'd be this hard but yeah i guess with random characters everything is hard go diona you console maybe we just have to be a little bit more careful i'm still going hard ah we have the brand again what is this we gotta get rid of this thing because then his shield is easier to to destroy i believe ah we got it and all of our units are still alive we have one more battle here let's try and get through that first yeah these guys are not proving to be quite as hard but then we have a fire dude over here which is really annoying because we have again no hydro i'm glad there's no time limit because this is taking forever christ that was only the first do i really have to leave this up to rng yes because i love to suffer all right here we go one of four here we go dude two xiao my show is gone oh no i keep shao that's what i was deciding okay cool yes i'm choosing shao confirm what okay and now the other three first up 40. cool i don't even know how to use a loi next nine could be decent please don't be traveller no traveler's way down here you're mia i'll take yoimia i like yoimia but when we don't like have a healer or anything give me kokomi or something next six oh dude it's it's go i swear to god not scripted what are the chances of that i asked for coca that is six i asked for kokumi i get coke of meals go the cooldown for switching characters is extended to six seconds i hope i don't get that one but let's go ahead one to five generate four after the active characters plunging attacks okay i'm glad we have shao elsa that'd be like basically useless generate two oh we got the weird one i mean the bonuses you get from it movement speed normal attack speed hp recovered and elemental energy recovered to 100 percent well there's a lot of good for the cooldown there but it i i think it'll be really annoying and lastly number one after entering combat non-active party members will regenerate three elemental energy per second well doesn't that kind of negate the need for this one because whatever it's all kind of weird i don't care oh and xiao keeps his low hp well we have kokomi so it's not a big deal oh my god that cool down is gonna drive me insane but uh we're just gonna start with xiao here i suppose gonna do a couple of those real quick but apparently they'll always have their bursts if i uh didn't misunderstand that and uh xiao should be getting some bonuses for his plunge here yeah i already saw a 40k plunge with no buffs so that's definitely doing something probably should have gone to kokomi first but with a six second cooldown it's so weird it's like we're gonna go and do her burst before swapping out to kokomi then we're probably gonna stay with kokomi for a while honestly let's just do her burst or whatever so when we swap to yormia now oh yeah look at that she gets her burst instantly hard opponent's hp increased let's give it a try we're just going to do ymia's burst and probably swap back to xiao to do his burst don't need to worry about his energy really so i can do those ease while in burst yeah 40k plunges with no buffs yeah it definitely was a lot easier than with the first team i gotta say oh no does kokomi not not have the clam set on i i don't think she does maybe i should have checked their gear after all all right let's go ahead and do an alloy burst just for fun there this battle was a little slow but i we got through it oh god please keep anyone just not aloy here we go dude keeping kokami um yeah i think that's fine with kokami we're basically safe i think she could sell everything i mean there's not even a time limit so that's nice but we essentially have only 43 characters anymore so i guess we're going to do 1 to 43 first character is uh level 50k let's go what the hell man why do you do this though next why what editor edit a higher number than that i have no editor well who am i kidding is it yunjin ah now i gotta count yeah i think it's yunjin i mean i kind of cursed myself by saying kokomi can solo because she's gonna basically have to unless we get someone decent here come on 15 could be decent child i really don't use child at all but we have a mango kinky here rock fawns oh my god that's gonna be really annoying can you give us the good stratagems at least one to five we have number three elemental skill and elemental burst level that's kind of weak next one it is the purple one at least curry will be increased by thirty percent that's perfect when kokomi is our main dps and finally we have number four unity some kind of burst upgrade it's fine i suppose but now i really do have to make sure at least kokomi and child are decently built can we actually change that here well we can at least see but yeah she doesn't have the full clam set i don't know what the hell this is pyro damage bonus for some reason i just realized we've been doing this for 40 minutes already and we're still in the first stage so yeah kokomi not sure why you have a pyro damage bonus but this looks a lot better got that 13 crate damage for you as well yeah okay good enough and child just missing a heart of depth let's see if we have anything for you all right gone you i suppose attributes are whatever they're good enough oh oh no but she still has the same artifacts when i come back oh well let's just see if we can do it anyway this is gonna take an eternity what are those weird meters on the on the on the rockhounds now oh my god this is this is so slow oh lord that was just the first battle well if this one was just the one pyromage in these two hounds um not as bad as the first one for some reason really happy we have a healer at least oh yeah and then we have mango kinky oh there goes my 8 500 hp engine i don't know how she even survived this long yeah i'm obviously gonna cut out most of the magu kinky fight but you can see his health bar about about how long it's taken so far already okay so uh first stage done we're an hour into our recording here wait doesn't mean i cleared the entire thing in 13 minutes that can't be right considering we've been recording for an hour kaleidoscope cage has slightly different rules this time two will continue and two will leave well we have all 49 characters back let's see what our first one is 27 could be decent it's goro it's not decent at all unless we also get ito come on give us ito hey that might be ito oh ito is five tin is kazua which is still good but goro is completely useless currently next 29 freaking tomah man these are all like incredibly niche characters something please something decent 17 maybe five ten fifteen sixteen child again and stratagems we have three immaculate three or more different types of weapons so i guess that works six percent attack boost i'll take it five normal charge attacks fifty percent all elements of damage bonus okay childs is pretty good for that he does hydro attacks and finally number two oh that's really nice when hitting opponents their normal attack will restore hp to them all right uh it could be worse i guess we got to make sure they're actually built though i don't care he's not going to be able to really do anything anyway i don't think this is going to be enjoyable at all let's just see what happens thankfully with this one two of the units will get removed i'm just going to assume right now it's going to be kazuya and child that are going to be removed all right let's just see what we can do to this ruin guard here let's just go to child real quick do a burst i mean pretty pretty decent burst there oh and then there's a bigger one as well okay let's do another child burst i didn't see but i don't think it was as impressive as the first one oh but the ruined guard is disabled or he was i think we can just finish him off with causewa there that wasn't so bad actually oh okay it's like this round one battle two yeah that one was also not too bad final battle here before we find out how bad we get screwed guess we're going hard four more of these dudes i guess yeah i'm really not sure what i should be commentating here i think that one boost we got where we heal ourselves really is is coming in clutch here like all of my dudes are still relatively healthy even though i haven't been like trying to avoid anything really so that is a really powerful buff i i reckon i guess we do also have toma's shield here helping a little bit but i don't think it's a very strong shield and that was it actually relatively painless it just took a little bit let's see who gets the oh it decides it for me thankfully it wasn't both my good units one i mean i would have much rather had goro disappear but but it is random okay so i at least don't have to do anything but yeah i guess we have 47 now instead of 49 first pick is number 29. i think that's rosaria yes quite sure i'm counting that correctly and finally is seven ooh kaching okay oh no not kaching shogun oh god we have a bunch of electro dudes here in battle three i definitely have to leave and build though shogun definitely needs her engulfing lightning back i think shanling stole most of her gear as well while i was trying something i don't know since we're in round two out of three if they're gonna actually have the changes i would like to check that out as well one five number four to start i never really like the shockwave ones but whatever it's fine and finally number one a purple one oh cool the geoconstructs do stuff i don't have geo-constructs at all so that's very useless oh no so do i have to make sure all of my characters are built before i even go in here because my shogun is ruined and so is and so is my rosaria and everyone is bad oh this sucks whatever this is gonna be a nightmare freaking crescent pike shogun let's go oh yeah she's not doing anything and my stratagems are also garbage while we got through that one at least wasn't too bad i'm just spamming everyone's everything and hoping it eventually ends yeah i don't know i guess someone is kind of popping off here because this is going pretty easily i don't know what we're doing anymore wasn't that already three battles nope this is battle three i guess oh yes the one with all the electro stuff i don't think goro's theme counts as a geoconstruct right all right well we got through it um i guess one good thing is we don't need to interrupt every single battle to make sure by kazuha my one decently built unit but at least goro goes with him so there's that we still have the other two not good built units let's see what others we get guess we're down to 45 units as well so let's just see here seven could be solid of course it's shogun which we already have that's the only reason we got a high number next that's more like it 25 saw you i mean having a healer isn't bad and lastly 38 no 36 37 38 i don't need two healers uh but at least we probably won't die strata gems some kind of normal attack boost four same thing but with charge attack some kind of stacking damage system three again four again five yes and crystallized shards which we cannot do because we don't have geos oh start so after this round i kind of need to make sure everyone is just decently built already so barbara with your 15k hp how about you take care of this pyro one to start very nice saw you with your 17k no one here is built at all well we're alive at least next battle we got some rock dudes oh my god they're not taking any damage at all go saiyu do some rolls 1200 kick let's uh and battle three the boss shogun's bursted 2 000 damage but i think that was because he was still getting up his boss doesn't take any damage oh yeah and we have no shield to block this stuff uh so that's going to be kind of bad we're going to try and like i frame it with a burst i think that works oh wait here it comes already uh oh i tried to well it was just our barbara we actually are doing some crystallized reactions because uh this dude is kind of rock like sometimes and then i think we are done with stage two finally hey we even did it a little bit faster than the first one now we'll probably need to spend some time gearing up our units because i know how that works now and it's really bad all party members will have to recuperate for one turn let's see what our team is going to be starting off strong with the 34. oh but that is water dude guess i have to remember that even way down here there's still level 90 almost even though we have yolon water dude is still very pog okay next 28 saw you again it's fine if we can get a damage dealer in here 15. that gets gone you okay a little awkward with water dude but maybe we can make it work i mean can't really complain oh and an eight ah eula that's just kind of weird in this team i mean it could be all right i guess check out the stratagems number one oh plunging eula i remember that all right i'll take it next three attack bonus while on the field and four when recovering hp a character's max hp will be increased by sixty percent that'd be great if we had yilan but uh we i don't think we even have a healer oh yeah saw you as a healer that works so obviously i gave priority for these four as in terms of build and not everyone is totally built up now but i don't actually have enough artifacts for every single character so it's kind of hard but let's just go ahead and start and hope our next four characters are at least decently built anyway first battle here is just a big group of enemies we're gonna throw ganyu's burst out has a pretty nice aoe and then we're just gonna go ahead and do eula burst and see what happens no super conduct unfortunately but that's the way the cookie crumbles yeah it wasn't too bad though i mean at the end of the day it's a it's a pretty solid team compared to what i've been getting so aren't these guys resistant against physical i mean it looks like it we're not doing a ton of damage so uh might move over to gone you for these guys of course we're going hard what do we got okay more of these these are like uh scarily strong they can kill you very fast i mean they're resistant to physical but maybe her burst will do a lot 286 what was that i must have missed something because there's no way herbert's just did 286 damage she is definitely one of the lesser built ones i think so the entire party now is completely wiped off the face of the earth we can't have them back i guess for the third round but whatever let's just confirm and see what the dice gives us 45 now i suppose first up 45 why do you do this to me lisa she's definitely not built i was like uh i ain't gonna get a lisa i swear to god i just hit generate again and it stayed on 45. i'm sorry but i can't have two leases 35 just two up to chongyon i don't think he's built either i think i mainly focused on my like five stars because i was like if i get at least one five star there we go shinha the worst five star i could have gotten because well actually chongyong is there but chongyoon isn't built so it's gonna be pretty bad regardless i think i took one shinho piece and gave it to ganyu because i was like she needs it more and 20. d luke i i think d luke's not built to either because i was like i'm not going to get d luke i built 80 of my characters and they were the other 20 what stratagems do we get number four i actually don't even care what they say anymore i have no control over it anyway five two i i like the purple ones they seem better whatever i'm honestly gonna be surprised if we can even get through it this is like really really bad oh now we have a time limit if we want to go hard oh yeah d luke is definitely not built hitting these guys for 1 000 damage sinha is probably the best built one but she's like i i don't know it just doesn't really work that well i mean i think we will be able to actually kill these guys oh yeah and we have no healer we gotta be pretty careful it's a little bit too late for being careful our shin has 5k hp and she's our only hope really oh man this is horrible here's battle two anyway oh and we have the rift hounds i think this will probably be our first re-roll honestly because there's zero chance we can do this no healers no one built correctly yeah no i can forget this i really wanted to get through it without a reroll but considering we can't rebuild the units in between rounds like we can in abyss it's just not gonna work so our new team will be number seven which is shogun which is actually correctly built i think that's actually all we need some kind of healer even a sub healer and i think we're golden anything 19 that's vinti i think might be pretty good here vinti i think should be at least kind of built 16 is youngly okay this is too easy now and uh finally yeah give us at least something toma yeah that's shandling at 31 there okay i still think this will be pretty easy i'm gonna keep the stratagems because i don't care finally an easy battle although i think shandling might not be super well built at least but it doesn't really matter i suppose oh god that was so much better this is literally like baby game now oh god i usually feel bad for doing that so easily all three rounds took us like a minute so they're all on cooldown now i guess what that means is we're just gonna go back to the team we had at first it was these four okay elemental skill boost can we get a one or a two nope a one or two a one or two stop going between five and four please a one oh god the cooldown extended to six seconds easy bursts i guess it's something i'm gonna go ahead and do say you burst oh yeah i can't really do anything for the six seconds just gonna do a gany burst then we're just gonna go do eula burst yeah that definitely wasn't too hard again this is a decently good team not one i would generally pick but we've definitely had worse already and final battle we have oh god thankfully we have water dude here but this will probably still be pretty hard because we don't have um a shield or anything uh this is so awkward with the six second cooldown stuff oh i didn't want to go to cyu there goes all my damage potential oh and i have to get rid of this stuff uh can we do it go i think we could i think that was kind of a okay we we could do it though not too bad not too bad six rounds no not six rounds oh no six rounds one character continues and then all the others will be two turn cooldown honestly after some contemplation i've decided i've suffered enough it might not come across with all the edits and cuts but i've been in this event for a long time now it may be somewhat disappointing but i'd like to take who i want to take for the last round gonna play this one normally we probably need some pyro for all the uh hydro mimics so i'm probably just going to start with the team i've been using mostly recently which is which are these guys stratagems don't really use charge attacks with this team i totally forgot we had the uh jumping ability in one of the previous rounds and i never actually jumped once i think so uh completely forgot to do that and i don't think i would do it this round either so we're just gonna take these three whatever they are don't really need yolon here i guess so we're just gonna kind of skip her that is super easy when you can pick your characters obviously going hard here try and get them both in there and i think we can just go to yoymia just start blasting them this guy is actually kind of kind of tanky um i can't see anything and i'm stuck in a wall i can't shoot um yonya is just falling endlessly it looks like i'm doing basic attacks am i actually hurting him what the well this is pretty hilarious i gotta say literally can't do anything else she's gonna die which sucks i literally cannot move but i can keep spamming basic attacks oh there we go he finally let up hopefully we can heal our yoymia all right but yeah that was uh super weird we have one battle left kind of have to heal our yomya a bit but let's get a zhongli shield and a yolan in there so i can keep one character and the rest will be on cooldown um because yolan is still kind of the hot topic we're going to stick with her i don't know let's uh get get get kokami in there for some healing in case we need it oh yes i want to try this one now max hp will be increased by 60 we have elon and hutau both scale pretty well off hp so hutao has 32k right now and if she gets healed um oh yeah she has 42k now that's pretty funny unfortunately it only lasts for six seconds so i can't really do much honestly yeah she has 42k now oh no that was dumb did my hoothouse burst but she uh went on albedo's elevator let's try yolon and shogun just for fun uh well by the time i actually set up the uh stuff everyone is dead i can hit all three of those for a guaranteed barb another barb oh is that it all right we're already done with this team let's just keep taking the elan i suppose we'll just try and have yolana in every team actually i wonder how hard it would be with the uh trial characters oh god we have the perpetual mechanical array in battle 3 though whatever let's try the trial geo team uh who else do we need i kind of want to have mikko in there just because i don't use miko very often but i like her so only trial characters let's see if we can still get through it relatively easily holy hell this trial strongly has 41k hp what's wrong with mine oh no he has favonius yeah i think here they're also the same constellation as your main so i do still have a bit of an advantage having a c2 ito i guess but he's using white blind whatever let's see how much you can do ito with white blind actually actually a decent amount i'm not sure how i'm going to deal with that guy actually yeah this ice guy might be a bit of a problem yeah we kind of just had to kill him through his shield so it took a bit but no issue really obviously going hard yeah ito is still going ham ito is just a good character i guess man boom that was actually pretty easy but now the real fun starts mechanical array i think this is now yeah gonna start this one off with amiko burst oh no he left he's already in this phase let's go ahead and do another mikko burst uh here we go now he's vulnerable and over okay so the trial characters are actually pretty good as well i had zero issue with that fight who's coming along well i can't really have the ito team anyway so basically zhang i suppose next we just have a bunch of samurais so probably my usual team again i didn't even have time to process a thought before the first round is over so um apologies of the same with the second one oh here we go now we're going hard where their hp has increased so maybe they can survive longer than two seconds but just watch how fast yoimia shreds these guys like there's only four you know here are the bigger samurais so they they're gonna take a little bit longer to kill i'm not gonna bother trying to kill them at the same time i think that would take more time than it would save and there goes the last one oh i think this is finally the final round we have a primo geofish up at the end there just for fun let's try yolon and water dude together we should have them now i'm just going to do some normal attacks so you can see all the water the water attacks from yellow and sincho anyway he's dead i guess right now there we go still took 12 minutes i mean i guess it was six rounds but yeah can't imagine how long that would have taken if we had to do random characters and pop out the little rng google box every time that would have been a nightmare i'm sorry for just doing that normally let's go to the event screen real quick pick up our rewards yummy rewards if we don't have to do anything else i'm not going to obvi uh obviously and it doesn't look like we do have to do anything else we did each round once let's head to the shop real quick and spin the stuff i assume we should be able to get everything here a nice little crown two of these glowing gyms guess i should get all the important stuff first like the books but usually you can get everything yes indeed exactly enough everything is sold out now so here's this bow we got energy charge base attack and yeah the uh damage bonus it definitely seems like an interesting bow let's go ahead and max refine it like straight up damage bonuses are really strong and you can have up to 28 here it like cycles every 7 seconds when you hit an opponent it's kind of weird basically average of 20 very solid bow in my opinion it does have a very high base attack so i'm i'm kind of leaning against a bow for yolon although it would still be fine for yolon especially if you're gonna use her purely as like a support energy recharge is always good and since she would be off field for most the time anyway you'd be cycling through these damages and you'd get like an average 20 or whatever but yeah that was pretty much the event the last part was fun all the re-rolling and random stuff not so much but it's always pretty nice because i get to try some characters i don't usually try it's also just kind of annoying because they're never built and i have to go build them it's just kind of a pain but yeah make sure you have anything in the comments down below dropping like or subscribing to the channel if you enjoy it's always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 419,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, perilous trail genshin, realms of guile and war, genshin impact 2.7, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact manga, yelan genshin, genshin impact yelan, genshin 2.7, yelan, genshin impact reacts, realms of guile and war genshin impact
Id: wi2r_ST7fq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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