Monthly Plan With Me | December 2021 | Digital Planner | iPad & Goodnotes 5 |

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome to today's digital plan with me so for today we're going to be planning out the month of december i really prefer to film my monthly plan with me is in real time just so you guys can see exactly what i'm doing so these do tend to be longer videos just fyi and then also i am using the freebie that i shared in one of my recent digital plan with me videos this is a freebie that is dated for november december of 2021 it comes in both portrait mode and landscape mode and it's got the flexible vertical weekly layout so very excited to use this freebie i am super excited because it's dated i don't need to put in date dots i mean you definitely can if you prefer to but i think i'm going to skip it for today december is going to be a very busy month for us we have a lot going on the most exciting thing we have going on is my mom's last chemo treatment is in december it's on december 3rd she has been such a trooper throughout this whole experience she has had a positive attitude the whole time always looks on the bright side like she's just amazed me throughout this whole last year she's been battling breast cancer if you don't know and so her last chemo treatment is this um upcoming like next friday a week from today so very exciting we're going to have a little luncheon celebration to celebrate her finally be being done with chemo i know she's super excited and i am just so proud of her so that will be going on this month and then we have lots of birthdays we have andrew's birthday maddie's turning seven and yes i did put a little sad face because i'm kind of sad that she is growing up so fast i cannot believe i'm gonna have a seven year old a seven year old like ah that doesn't seem possible so we're gonna have a party for her and everything and then we just have like no school and holidays and all that so december is going to be a very very busy month i am filming this on thanksgiving by the way so happy thanksgiving we had a great time with family earlier we went to my mom's house had dinner with her my stepdad my aunt ruthanne and her daughter hannah and it was just a good time great food great conversation so i love thanksgiving i love just getting together with family it just brings me so much joy so i hope that you all had a wonderful thanksgiving as well i did tell myself i wasn't gonna work on thanksgiving i don't consider this working because it's something i would do anyways i've needed to sit down and plan out the month of december for a while now i've actually been really itching to get this done because i know it's such a busy month and i don't want to forget anything so i figured i'm going to take care of this today i might as well film it have it be my friday video so andrew is upstairs with the kids i think they're up there playing and doing stuff so i am down here it's nice and quiet and we're going to get some planning done the kit that i'm going to use today is the holidays on the farm sticker kit i'm going to use my same little trick i used last week for the sidebar and use the shapes tool to pull in some of these colors so i've already plugged in my hex codes and everything but i just love the traditional feel of this particular sticker kit i love the colors and everything and i just could not resist using it for my monthly spread i wanted to keep it very traditional and everything so let's go ahead and get started i'm so used to like starting out with my date dots that i was already eyeballing the date dots and i'm like which one i'm gonna am i gonna use but i don't have to do that so i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna get started by setting up our little sidebars here so i'm just gonna use the shapes tool and you'll wanna make sure that the fill color is selected and this is a great tool by the way to use for time blocking such a good tool i honestly don't know if i'm going to use the productivity or the hourly planner i'm torn between those two i know it's going to be either the productivity or the hourly but i don't know which one if i do the hourly though i'll be using time blocking quite a bit which will be really fun but i haven't quite decided let me know which planner you are using if you're using the prosper you planner system which weekly layout did you go with because i honestly feel so torn i'm also very torn between landscape and portrait i'm definitely leaning towards landscape i believe but still kind of torn so anyways let's do this deep red color like i said i plugged in the hex coats already the one thing i love about the shapes tool obviously i am not like being super careful with my shape but i feel like it's just so forgiving and then you can tap on it and you can kind of adjust the shape of it the size of it which is really handy and that looks good to me and then i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy that and i'm going to pull that down here in the bottom whoops the bottom left corner and we'll just expand that a little okay so that is done such a great way to use the sidebar sections if you don't have the sidebar stickers i feel like it just looks really clean and then i think i'm gonna do maybe this like darker green color and we'll pull in some of this traditional stuff see i'm like the glass screen protector definitely makes it a little bit more difficult to draw straight but you don't really have to when you've got this the shapes tool you don't have to worry about it very much so okay so then that's done and i think i'm gonna go ahead and just move this well actually i'll just wait i'll put in stuff first so let's see so i'm gonna go ahead and put my planner in split screen mode i like doing that when i'm using the goodnote stickers oh this is my little workflow sheet that i just created for myself to keep myself on track with like releases and stuff so i'm working on january kits right now and my goal is to release them on the 8th of december they should have already been released in november but obviously the planners and stuff took precedence so now i'm playing catch-up so my goal is actually to get the january and february kits released in december and then that way in january we will be releasing march kits i like to release kits two months in advance just to give you guys plenty of time to pick up what you'd like and get everything set up and all that fun stuff so i know there's a lot of you who like to like throw in your weeks and set everything up in advance so that's kind of why i do that but yeah yesterday was very productive i was super proud of myself so this is my new year's kit and i got through everything i needed to so i love that little worksheet okay so let's go ahead and put in my mom's luncheon and i think to do that i'm gonna go ahead put in one of these like squares maybe this red one here the more decorative square i might throw some washi in at some point too but we'll see when i am resizing stickers i really prefer to use the photo tool i feel like it just gives you more options you don't have to worry about the tilting and stuff okay and then for this i'll do let's see uh mom's so abrasion lunch in and it's at one o'clock p.m and that'll be at my grandma's house oops and we will center that and then i'll resize and i think i'm gonna do that and resize it and put that there all right so we have the celebration luncheon in and i just like to kind of erase this as i put it in kind of serves as like almost like a sticky note and then we have andrew's birthday so i think i'm gonna grab little balloons i'm so excited to use the new sticker kits you guys like i'm just really anxious to use a lot of the stickers in those kits because they're so cute like i'm just thinking of the new balloons and i'm like i want to use the new balloons but these balloons are cute too i just i'm really excited to use them um okay so we have andrew and we have maddie so i'm gonna put that in we also have my sister-in-law and my mother-in-law their birthdays are this month as well and i don't know if i have my perpetual calendar somewhere i swear i lose that thing every single time i film and i'm like how like how do i just yeah i have no idea where it is so i'll have to look that up um i want to say one of them's the 16th maybe that's sarah i don't know but um their birthdays are coming up too so i want to make note of that i don't have facebook for like um anything outside of just my like business so i used to when i was on facebook i used to get you know notified when it was someone's birthday but now i don't i have to rely on just me myself and i so okay so i'm gonna do maddie is seven and we'll put that up here let me resize it a little bit okay and then i'll just copy that and we'll put this over by andrew maddy's original due date was actually on andrew's birthday so her original due date was december 6th and she ended up being born four days past her due date so andrew is 35. okay so yeah i'll just kind of put that up in the corner there i think that looks cute and then i'll add my sister-in-law and my um and my mother-in-law and then randy and roxy's anniversary so this is kind of funny so my best friend kelsey and her husband chris they got married on my birthday um september 2nd and then kelsey's parents randy and roxy who were also very close to i talk about them all the time they're our closest you know family friends and stuff their anniversary is on andrew's birthday like how like crazy is that so their anniversary is on his birthday as well and so i'll have to figure out how i want to put that in here i might just grab like a little heart maybe [Music] i think i have over in these shapes and we'll just do a little a little heart and i'll just copy paste and do randy and roxy's anniversary and do that okay all right i feel like that works so there are anniversaries in and then my tentative launch date for the january kits which by the way oh my goodness i i love designing kits my and i think i've mentioned this before but my absolute most favorite part of designing a kit is seeing how it's coming together like once everything's in the good notes file and it's laid out and you see how everything just kind of intertwines and like all the colors together oh the new year's kit you guys is beautiful i cannot wait to share it with you guys like i can't wait to use it it's so pretty okay so let's see on the eighth is new releases so how do we want to mark that is the question um i think i might grab a little circle let's maybe do let's we need to pull in some green here so maybe i'll do the green snowflakes and we'll put the the january kits and then i don't know when i'll release february but it will definitely be sometime in december it usually takes me like two weeks if i'm not rushing i'm trying to like break up my tasks into smaller pieces um i don't know if i need the etsy icon i don't think i do to make it less overwhelming which is why i love this like monthly workflow so much is that it like really helps me break it down like i didn't give myself any tasks as you can see it jumps from the 24th which was yesterday to the 26th so i didn't give myself any tasks to do on thanksgiving and i also skipped like my mom's luncheon and andrew's birthday i wanted to make sure i was done before his birthday so the mystery kit i'll be working on the day before his birthday i also put in like when i will be filming my new release video sharing on social media all that stuff so breaking it down has made it so much less overwhelming i have to say it's been pretty amazing like it's relieved a lot of stress for me because i have a game plan now for every single day i know exactly what i need to get done okay so january kits and then i'll do new releases and those will be released at god willing 7 a.m mst i feel like i am playing catch up i feel like i've been in ketchup mode actually like ever since i quit wgu i feel like i'm just i have not been on top of things is normally as much as i normally am um and i know i'll get there it's just you know just taking some time so okay so now let's go ahead and resize this january kits new releases the only thing i don't like about this font is the t i feel like the t looks funky but otherwise i absolutely love this font all right and then we've got that in then we have maddie's party which is going to be on the 11th and we're just going to do i think like a get together in the park so for that i am going to use maybe this box here and pull that nice and big and then i will find i've got little icons with balloons on them this one here and so i can layer that right on top and then i might just resize both of those make that a little bit smaller okay and then this needs to get oh actually it's fine okay so now we'll do um maddie's birthday party i think we're gonna do that like at noon we're just gonna order pizzas and all that so okay and then we'll center that yeah we're just gonna do a costco a costco sheet cake and um and pizza i think that's perfect so she's inviting quite a few friends to it but it'll be fun okay so maddie's birthday party and then i have a lash phil on the 15th i'm going back to like going every three weeks and i think i'm just gonna do like the extra long session where she puts extra lashes in and everything so going every two weeks just felt like a lot to me i felt like i was just going so frequently and it doesn't take very long the lash full itself actually takes like an hour tops usually but um yeah time is precious and i was like i feel like i'm just going like as soon as i go i feel like i'm going right like two weeks flies by so fast so i will be going on the 15th which is a wednesday and it's at what one o'clock yeah wednesday at 1. this is one huge benefit of andrew not working anymore is that um let's see what color do we need more of i feel like we need more red now as i can schedule these things and it doesn't really matter like we can make it work pretty much no matter what which is really really nice i'm going to grab a appointment label i think instead of going all the way to the sides i'm going to leave a little space and try to center it a bit and then i'm actually going to use a white pen and we'll do one p.m i've been like pretty obsessed with using white pens lately it's a little too thick i need to try that i need to set my like pen sizes and then just stick with them i find myself changing them a little a little too often so oops one p.m and we'll do lash fill and i'm going to make that a little bit larger all right that works so we have our lash fill in and then maddie has half days on wednesdays and she also has a half day on the 17th which is not normally a half day so i wanted to be sure to put that in so i am going to do paper flowers it's one of my favorite fonts and i'm going to do half day i am working on a scripts bundle right now too and i have to say i'm very excited for the scripts bundle because there's scripts you can save it in good notes like in your elements tool i feel like that's a really great way to um save like frequently used scripts in fact i probably did and i just don't remember um in fact didn't i do like little flags last time should i do that again let me see if i've got my little el yeah i do let me let me actually grab a flag and we'll do maybe some of this like tan color because we don't have that in at all um yeah i always forget about the elements tool and we have bible study too i need to put that in okay so half day okay and then what i'll do is i will just copy and paste oh make sure images is on copy and paste all of that and then we'll put that on wednesdays except she won't have school let me resize this make that a little bit smaller do that so it's not too crowded it looks good and then that down a bit and i think starting that week she has no school no school starts on the 20th so to do that i'm gonna grab some thin washi and i'm not liking this lash fill situation that's happening so how do i want to remedy that maybe it's just like too thick or something i just don't like the way it looks so maybe i'll make the pen a little thinner and we'll do or you know what i'm gonna do extraordinary and we'll do blush fill and then we'll uncheck images resize and you can just change the color to white i'm telling you i very rarely use my own handwriting these days why why would you use your own hand i don't like my handwriting i mean some people have very pretty handwriting but for me personally i'm like why would i use my own handwriting when i can just you know um when i can just use the font and have it look so much nicer see it doesn't that looks so much nicer okay so lash feel and then we oh and like yeah in half days and then we need to put in the no school so i like using the color blocks to bring in um to bring in like thin washi but let's go ahead and grab some washi real quick i don't know what color thin washi i want to use and i feel like i need to figure out my whole situation here first so i think i'm gonna use this here for my thick washi and now my trick with thick washi is to stretch it out as big as you want it to be this might actually work out pretty well which i want it to cover most of that and then just to crop it and sometimes you have to crop it a couple times to get it how you want it i feel like that looks pretty good i just need to make it a smidge and bigger all right that looks good and then i think what i'll do do i wanna i don't wanna put like a big thing of washi down there is the thing maybe what i'll do actually instead of pulling in thick washy up here well i kind of like the look of that though i wonder if there's you know what i'm gonna do this i'm gonna well hang on feeling indecisive at the moment [Music] maybe we'll just do a little thick washi here to cover up the december situation and then we could do december in red up here i have white outline stickers and the new kits but not these kits and i feel like the white outline would look nicer but i still feel like that looks pretty cute i don't know i think that works especially if i do a green up there so okay we've got the half days in and then i guess for no school we'll do i'm kind of leaning towards using like a tan color but let's take a look i scrolled right past it didn't i take a look at her options yeah i think i'm gonna do this like tan color for the thin washi so for the thin washi what i'll do is i will stretch it out again i like using the photo tool so i'll just stretch it however big i need it which will actually start with the bottom first because then i can just trim the top one it's a little too long i'll just make that as little as i possibly can and then we will do this you can make it even thinner if you want to by um cropping it but i don't think we need to so and then make sure images is on and we will copy that paste it up here and i will crop that a bit oh nope i will come back here and just move that okay i could use thin washi too but i just really i don't know i like using the solid colors because i just don't want there to be like too much pattern in it you know okay that's good enough and then i will a little thinner all right that works cool and then i think i'm going to do a little arrow so for the arrow i am going to use green and then we'll use the text tool and we'll put no school oops all right no school so that is now in and now we just have christmas and christmas eve so i'm gonna go ahead and copy this green sidebar sticker over here and we'll come on over here and paste that all right that looks good okay so then i'm gonna check out my stickers here and we can put in a merry christmas i absolutely love this so stinking cute and christmas is on a saturday this year so i'm gonna get rid of that one and then we will kind of layer this right on top i think that's gonna look adorable oh mary merry christmas how cute is that oh my goodness all right we have lots of decoration which is nice so i think instead of using like thick washi in my spreads now i might just like really stick with a lot more decorative type of stickers i just think that that's really fun so we can pop that up in the corner there we could even like turn images back on and we can even copy that and we can paste it down here and maybe just try to like center that a little bit and have it overlap so you've got like a little pop in the bottom corners and then we have oh so much cuteness happening okay so gosh i don't even know what i want to use okay so i'm going to use this one here i think and we'll put this up maybe like and where do i want to put this guy maybe like along this here that'll look cute kind of drooping down this tree i feel like i want to put in this corner over here and then we have a stocking that i definitely want to use and i think i'm going to put the stocking where do i want to put the stocking oh maybe this top corner maybe i want to put some of my sidebar sticker stuff in first so let me pull up my files okay so for the transparent sidebar stickers i'm going to use the photos tool and i think over here i'm going to do a to-do list for the month so i'm just going to do that there and then thing here and maybe do some notes over here and then i can always do some clip art and one of these sidebar stickers just to bring in some decoration and i'm kind of thinking i might do the stocking and maybe put the stocking down here because we can make that really big so i'm gonna take that and maybe just put a stocking there i'm going to cover the black with some color blocks i could even use the header so i'm going to grab the to-do header we'll layer that on top i think i might change my mind we'll see i don't think i like the look of it i like i like it matching more so i'm gonna go ahead and just get a color block which is this color here and we'll paste that and we can layer it right on top so and then i will use the text tool and we'll put [Music] this month's so the girls have been watching this show called um dino dana and the dinos in the show do this like squawking thing and they've been obsessed with squawking like the dinosaurs which has been pretty hysterical so oh shoot let's do this and then we'll tap and change the color to white and that works so this month and then i'm gonna do one of the red ones we'll do this deep red turn images back on copy one feature that i'm hoping one day good notes will bring is like a lock elements feature like i think it's note shelf that lets you lock stuff and that would be incredibly helpful when it comes to moving your stuff around um i'm trying to think like what i want to attract there i think i'll just put like favorites maybe it's kind of what i'm thinking so favorites and that can be you know favorite things that the kids have said or favorite memories or whatever oops and just uncheck images and we'll resize and change the color to white and put favorites there so favorites this month i don't know what i'm going to do in this upper right hand corner um i don't know i don't know if i want to put some more like decoration maybe or [Music] this blanket's super cute i feel like i want to pull that in i just realized i've had this like white scrunchie on my hand forever um so for the blanket i could always put this blanket i don't think i'll need all those to do spots so i feel like it'd be cute to layer it like on there and then there's this little wreath which i could just put up here too and just have a couple clip arts why not let's just do that because i just don't know what to do with those spots i might put like pictures or something eventually but for now i feel like that looks really cute with some more you know decor up there so i think that is pretty much it you guys editing that stephanie says that is definitely not it i forgot to include church and bible study and science club so woohoo i'm kind of wanting to make these just a little bit bigger maybe it sounds like the troops are coming downstairs so it's probably a good time for me to wrap up anyways but there is my december plan with me i am super super excited with how this turned out this is so dang cute i'm so excited for the holiday season it's my favorite time of the year so let me know what you guys are up to this holiday season and everything do you have anything like traditional that you do any um family traditions or uh little trips planned or anything let me know in the comments down below but yeah that is it for this monthly plan with me i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did please give this video a thumbs up be sure to subscribe to catch all my future videos and i will chat with you all later bye [Music] you
Channel: Planning to Prosper
Views: 2,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPad planner, digital planner, digital planning, digital plan with me, digital stickers, life planner, plan with me, goodnotes, apple pencil, iPad, planning to prosper, weekly planning, monthly planning, August plan with me, best digital planner, how to plan digitally, iPad Pro, iPad Air, planner stickers, monthly plan with me, christmas plan with me, december plan with me, christmas stickers, farmhouse christmas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 52sec (2572 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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