How to get started with Digital Planning for 2022 | NEW planner reveal & walkthrough!

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time there's never enough of it right do you find yourself wishing that you could be more organized and really take charge of your schedule your time your goals imagine having all of your calendar info lists activities and more organized into one place and what if that place was completely customizable and could fit into your bag yep today we're talking about all things digital planning and i'm giving you a first look at my just released 2022 digital planners [Music] hey there welcome back if you're new my name is lori and on this channel i share tools and tips to help your ideas take flight i can't believe it's already november and 2022 is just around the corner so today i'm going to share my updated planners that i've created as well as do a quick update to my digital planners for beginners series that i did last year if you just want to see the planners go ahead and skip ahead to these time markers have you ever found yourself looking for the perfect planner that has all the pieces you want in the order you want and you just can't find it i've tried paper planners in the past and i've tried other digital planners but i just couldn't find one that worked for me can you relate well guess what i found it okay well i didn't really find it i created it i looked everywhere for the perfect planner and i couldn't find one so i'm a graphic designer and i decided to just make it myself i started on the bullet journal bandwagon thinking i could make some of those beautiful page spreads like i'd seen on pinterest that lasted exactly one month before i realized that there's no way i could keep up with that hashtag perfectionist let me know in the comments if that's you then i got into digital planning which was a much better fit for me i could hit undo to my heart's content i could organize it the way i want add things move pages around all that good stuff the only problem now was that i couldn't find one that had all the pieces and pages and inserts and things that i wanted that fit the aesthetic that i was looking for solution graphic designer create your own let's cover the basics of digital planning real quick and then we'll jump into my 2022 planners and i'll give you a brief walkthrough of what is inside the first thing i want to cover is what digital planning is and what it isn't digital planning is basically just taking a pdf version of a digital planner and using it in a note-taking app digital planning is not a pdf that you would print and put in a binder or something like that that's not usually how these are designed it's also not an app that would sync with some external calendar like outlook or google it's really designed to be a digital version of your paper planner that you would just be writing in some of the reasons you would use digital planning is the same reasons you would use a paper planner you want to organize your life manage your lists your goals track your activities all of those kind of things what are some of the benefits of digital planning well of course the main one is you can be as creative as you want and customize it as much as you want it's a great balance of form and function you can find a planner that you like the look of and the design and then you can of course write in it you can also type you can use digital stickers you can get additional inserts to add functionality to it you can highlight your notes you can draw in them there's a lot of functionality that you have within your digital planner most digital planners are set up very similarly to their paper cousins you will see calendars dividers tabs you can navigate them very similarly so there will be links that will take you directly to all of those different pages and sections in addition of course one of my favorite things is the undo button it's a perfectionist stream you never have to use whiteout or erase or do anything like that if you make a mistake you can just hit that button and undo you can also usually move things around if you need to change a date on your calendar or you want to move a sticker or something like that it's really really easy to do in the digital format another benefit that we see from digital planners is of course they are better for the environment you're not getting a whole new stack of paper every year and they're very lightweight and portable it's basically the size of your tablet whatever you have that's another great benefit as well if you have multiple planners for work for family things like that they can all live in one device instead of having say two or three different notebooks the first thing that you need is some kind of device to run the app for your planner you can use an android tablet or an ipad i have used both and they both work really well you absolutely do not have to go out and spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on an ipad to run your digital planner just know that it's also good to consider what else you're going to be using your tablet for if it's just for digital planning or if you actually need to you know run other apps or if you're an artist you're gonna be doing a bunch of drawing there's a bunch of things to consider as far as what device you're going to use or if you already have a tablet you know around as long as it's capable of working with some kind of a stylus because i do really recommend using that then you should be just fine the next thing that you need for digital planning like i said is some kind of an app to actually read the pdf which is your planner for the ipad the best one that i recommend is good notes and i believe as of this recording good notes five is the most current version it is a paid app but it's not very expensive i think it's like six or seven bucks something like that but it's absolutely worth it and that is definitely the best one to use for uh android users for samsung tablet uh soto xodo this is the one that i recommend and that's the one that i used when i had my samsung tablet and those are kind of the two best i will put a few down in the description of some other ones that i have heard good things about but i have not used them so these are the only two that i have personal experience with the next thing that i highly recommend it's not absolutely essential because you can type in these programs but i do highly recommend using a stylus especially if you're used to paper planning you're just going to get a better experience using something that you can actually write with for the ipad i'm using the apple pencil for the android tablets there are equivalents and there's generic versions of these as well so i will put a bunch of links down in the description that you can try but this is going to be great because it's going to give you the actual experience and feel of writing in your digital planner the next kind of optional thing that you can try and again it depends on your preference what you're going to be using your tablet for again is something like a matte screen protector paper like is one of the big ones that's out there it does change the look of your screen so if you are using it for a lot of media if you're watching a lot of movies playing games things like that it may not be something that you want because it's going to change the look of your screen if you're mainly using your planner your ipad for planning or things like that for drawing then it may be a good investment an alternative if you do not want to put that matte screen protector on i would still recommend getting some kind of screen protector but if you don't want to put the matte one on is for the apple pencil at least you can get these little pencil tips on there and i'll put a link to these down below as well but these actually will do a great job of kind of changing the friction as you're writing and giving you more of that paper-like experience as well without having to put that screen protector on just a couple other options there for getting more of that writing experience and then of course the last thing that you absolutely need for digital planning is the actual planner which is that pdf i highly recommend wherever you're getting your planner that you download a trial version first any good site is going to have a trial version that you can get i have one on my site as well and i'll of course put that link down below but that way you can test it out on your device make sure that it works and that you like the way that it functions and the way it looks and that kind of thing definitely recommend getting a test version of that for free before you actually pay for a planner there's basically three styles of planners that you're going to see out there there is the portrait one like this where you're gonna have a bit more room vertically to write there's going to be landscape planners which are how mine are laid out and then there's something called a landscape split which is like this where you're going to actually see those digital binder rings in the middle it's really just down to your aesthetic and how you like to use your planner as far as the style that you would be looking for and then the last thing to consider when you're choosing which planner that you would like to get is whether you want it to be predated or undated it really comes down to how you use your planner the undated ones are really nice because you can reuse them year after year but you do have to put a little bit more work in on the front end with either adding stickers or writing in those dates yourself the predated ones again are going to save you time but you are going to need to get a new planner every year because obviously the dates are going to change that's our overview of digital planning i hope it was helpful for you if it was please give me a like a thumbs up down below and we are going to hop on over to the walkthrough of the dark and the light version of the digital planners i'm really excited for you guys to see what i'm rolling out for you this year here we are in good notes i have both of my planners open here is the black chalkboard planner and here is the light colored planner that i'm going to show you next i want to do just a quick walkthrough of these so you can kind of see the aesthetic of them they are laid out exactly the same as far as functionality so the black one i'm going to go into a little bit more detail and then the light colored one i just want to give you uh just a quick overview of it they start with a vertical cover and then they have a horizontal as well and you can of course write your name in here or anything else that you would like and then we have all of the main tabs up here and then the months of the year down the side so a home is always going to take you back here to the beginning of the planner calendar of course is going to take you to your year at a glance and all of your holidays are pre-filled in here these months will jump to any of the months there and all of these weeks are linked out with these little arrows to the individual weeks you have a section here where you can write in your notes your tasks track your water if that's something that you would like to do and then there's a back button here that will take you back to that month view again you have a section for notes over here all these holidays are pre-filled in as well so if you do jump to this particular week that's what these little arrows are for you will see that those holidays are filled in there as well if we jump to the habits section this is a gives you a little overview there and then it has a habit tracker it includes up to 31 days so obviously the month has less you just won't use those last few columns so you can fill in on the left hand side here any habits that you want to track and then you can just write in you can use stickers however you'd like to document the habits that you're tracking for the mood tracking section again here's a little intro for how my mood trackers work but basically i give you a couple for free and there's more in my shop if you'd like you can fill in the types of motions moods whatever you'd like to track fill in a little color blob here and then for each day again these go up to 31 so maybe a couple you don't use you can fill in the color and then at the end of the month you have a really good view of what your month was like the thank you section is a gratitude log and this is a really good habit to get into especially with the way the last couple years have gone so you can fill up this gratitude jar that's really great to get in the habit of doing this every day so you can write in it you can add pictures stickers anything that reminds you of things that are positive for your day the special section here is for special occasions and this is a great place to keep track of everything for the entire year so you have all of your birthdays for the month again zooming in here and being able to write in what you are wanting to remember birthdays and anniversaries medical tracker this medical log here is one custom one that i created because i just couldn't find one that was out there that would let me track everything that i needed to for my doctor's appointments again i'll put a completed sample of this up on the screen but basically at the top here you're going to be able to track pain and stress fatigue and i do usually use like a dot chart system here you can be able to track sleep vitamins exercise hydration if you don't want to use the water tracker in your daily um weekly log and then stress level anxiety caffeine and then down here we have space for custom things that you would like to track and any type of scale that you want to put on that so this is a really great tool for that and then the last section over here second to last rather is paper and templates so all of these up here just have one or two initial inserts in there and then the rest of the copies of them are in the paper and templates section so you can duplicate them add them in for other months in here i include basically a blank page this one i have to look at it a little closer but there's dotted paper those are these are kind of it's hard to tell in this screen but they're a little tiny bit of texture on them it's easier to tell on the light planner i'll show you that so we have lined paper cross hatched paper and then this does have the little dots on it if that's something that you like and then here is a daily spread now this is not included in the calendar the predated calendar sections but it is an option if that is a format that you like you can duplicate this and add it in and it has a more section for notes goals tasks meal and grocery planning and again water tracking right there and then we have like i said copies of all these other ones that you can duplicate so i include two mood trackers for you the pineapple and ladybug and then there are others that you can grab so if you uh accidentally write over something um the duplicates are here and then this last section here is just blank it's a custom so you can use it for anything you'd like you can put a sticker on here write on it name it whatever you'd like and then it just has some blank pages so you can fill that in however you want and then down here at the bottom below all of these months you'll see stickers and so this black planner comes with stickers in a bunch of different neon colors and when you get this planner in there i include the hex codes so you can match the colors in here with the actual digital ink that you would like to write on if you want to do that so there's white there's blue there's this kind of yellow green color and then there's a pink my ipad cannot keep up and so we have a bunch of different little icons here that you can use in your calendar we have some flags and then some pre-done words for appointments birthdays bills doctors all those kind of standard things that you would use in your calendar and then an additional blank page for your sticker book which you can of course duplicate that is the basic black calendar now i'm going to jump over to the light version so this is what that one looks like again we have the vertical cover if that's what you like and a horizontal one it is laid out exactly the same way as the dark one that we just looked at but it does have this generally lighter purple color scheme going on here most of the pages you'll see are white and um get into the calendar here come on all right all of these year to glance again link out to all of their regular months the holidays are linked as well and you'll see we have a lot of this really subtle kind of watermarked design going through all of these pages the habit tracker is a little more subtle same with the mood trackers they're basically going to be black and white instead of white on black same for the gratitude jar it's going to be more of that sketched look as opposed to more of a chalkboard look and here are your special occasion trackers and the medical log papers i wanted to show you it's a little bit easier to tell in the light version still a little hard on the screen but this has a teensy bit of texture on it this one has a little bit more you can see it looks kind of like crumpled paper i hope you can tell that on the screen but you really can't tell in the actual file again we have lined paper crosshatch and dotted paper daily planner and then all of your other repeatable templates and if we look at stickers for this planner here are the ones that it comes with there's a brown set again we have multiple words here these have kind of a gray shadow behind them these ones have a brown and then we have the gray sticker set and the brown with some flags and then we have an extra page for your sticker book i hope you enjoyed seeing the walkthrough of these 20 22 planners if you would like to grab a copy i'm going to put that link in the description below and i do have some extra specials and bonuses going on through the end of this year so go ahead and check that out thanks so much [Music] you
Channel: Laurie Russell Design
Views: 1,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurie russell design, chrysalis graphic design, graphic design tips tricks and tutorials, marketing for busy entrepreneurs, get organized for 2022, digital planner reveal, digital planning 2022, 2022 digital planner walkthrough, 2022 digital planner flip through, how to get started with digital planning, intro to digital planning, get organized with a digital planner, digital planner, digital planning, digital planner goodnotes, ipad planner, digital planning 101
Id: AUtrYqgPs-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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