I Have Some HUGE News to Share . . .I QUIT MY JOB! 😬

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[Music] all right guys i am about to request a meeting with my manager to let her know that i am putting in my notice on tuesday august 17th i feel like i'm gonna cry every single clip of this i wanted to film this to share the behind the scenes the raw and real emotions of this because let me tell you this has been years in the making and i will talk about what led to this and this whole journey a little later but i wanted to document the behind the scenes i just went out in the kitchen and talked to andrew and asked him a million times if i should do this are we sure i should do this a couple weeks ago we were told like so we were andrew went back to work at costco and we were planning on you know using his benefits at costco because i currently get benefits through wgu and originally we were told his benefits would be effective september 1st so i had planned on putting in my notice and then we found out that we were not told the correct information he would have to work 450 hours before he qualified to get benefits um costco has really great like medical and dental benefits and stuff like that for families for even part-time employees we've been on their insurance before and it's great and so once we were told that information we we looked at how many hours he had already worked since he was rehired at costco and he was at 233 hours so we figured it'd be another four or five months before he met the hour requirement and we would be able to have me quit my full-time job and that devastated me because i had my heart set on quitting in august i've been burnt out for a little while now juggling both and i cried for literally like two days after we received that information and then andrew and i talked about it a little bit more we did some research into private health insurance we looked at the numbers how much i've been pulling in through planning to prosper and we decided that even if we're paying for private health insurance for four or five months until he gets benefits i should quit now and so that's what i'm doing i'm still sticking to the plan to quit and to have my last day be august 31st which is great timing because my birthday is september 2nd so happy birthday to me but it's been a long road to get here and like i said i will sit down and talk to you guys about that here very soon it'll be part of this video just a different clip when i'm not in such like rough shape so forgive this situation going on right now but like i said i just wanted to document this moment because i'm terrified right now i am so scared but a few months ago god told me that this is what he wanted me to do and i thought that the idea was insane at the time we originally thought that my business would just replace my husband's income and he would be a full-time stay-at-home dad and then god let me know like that wasn't the plan like that's not what he had wanted for me he wants me to do this and he's made that very abundantly clear so last night as andrew and i've been like talking about this and researching and all that i asked god to give me a sign i was like please just let me know like give me some sort of sign that this is what you want me to do so that i have a little more confidence that yeah and this is what happened i opened up my youtube and i took a picture because i just could not believe so how much stinking more clear can you get it's dave ramsey saying quit your job i took a picture of it because i just could not believe that so that's the first thing i saw as soon as i opened my phone this morning god has a sense of humor you guys just fyi and then i signed into my work computer found out i was going to be signed up for all these different things and i was like oh my gosh how am i gonna handle that and i was just i got this overwhelming feeling that it's time to go and so i'm going to put in a meeting request with my manager and let her know that i'm putting in my notice on august 17th that my last day will be august 31st and yeah so i'm going to show you guys some behind the scenes of this whole process and i'm documenting this to share it with you but also so that i can remember this huge moment in my life and i'm excited to share with you guys like the story of everything that led up to this point because if you know me in real life if you're a close friend of mine you know that this has been a dream of mine for literally years ever since i became pregnant with maddie i knew that i wanted to be home more with my kids and i won't go into details now but just know that lots of hard work and failures and because i've started multiple businesses um lots of trials and tribulations and everything led up to this point and it's been a really hard insane road to get here and i can't believe this is really happening now so anyways i need to schedule an appointment so the next time you guys see me i will be letting my manager know that i'm putting in my notice my word for the year is brave i need to be brave right now this is the most scared i've ever felt this is scarier than having kids like honestly so yeah i'll uh i'm gonna reach out to my manager and i'll check back in with you guys in a little while i scheduled my meeting i'm just waiting for my manager to accept but i scheduled it for 12 15 today it is currently 9 o'clock and i wanted it to be my last appointment of the day because i have no idea how i'm going to talk to anyone after i talk to her about this so the countdown is on hopefully she accepts um her calendar said she was free so it should be fine but um yeah 12 15. it's currently 9 o'clock so i have some major major butterflies going on over here but um the reason why i'm giving her a heads up too is because we just found out in a meeting today that we're going to be getting a bunch of new students added to our student load and i don't want that to happen because obviously i would get them assigned to me and then they'd immediately go to someone else and i just don't want to put them through that also i typically get brand new students starting next week so i want to give her a heads up so that they know not to give me any new students because i'm going to have to have my students go to other mentors and all that kind of stuff already i shouldn't have any more added to my student load um knowing that like they would have to switch mentors again within like two weeks so that's the reason why i'm giving her a heads up that i'm putting in my notice um so i'll give like the standard two weeks but then also give a heads up so that we avoid any like chaotic situations with like student loads and stuff like that so 12 15. 12 15. all right i'll check back in with you guys then [Music] [Laughter] i wanted to just give you a heads up that i am planning to put in my notice on tuesday for my last day to be august 31st [Music] i'm sort of freaking out if you can't tell that was terrifying but i'm going to submit my letter today she said i can submit it today and [Music] my last day will be the 31st i can't believe i just did that i can't believe i just did that holy crap holy crap holy crap oh this is terrifying but at the same time i have such a sense of peace about it and i know everything's gonna be okay everything's gonna be okay oh man need to type up a letter she wanted me to submit it today i was planning to submit tuesday but i'm going to give my official notice today august 11th my last day will be the 31st and i'm going to start telling my students that i will be leaving none of this could be possible without you guys i just want you to know that none of this would be possible without you guys this is the scariest thing i've ever done i'm gonna go share the news with maddie been really excited she's been really excited to have more time with me and i've been so excited to have more time with my family so i'm gonna go share the news maybe i'll write my letter first i should probably do that cause it's gonna be hard to come back i'm gonna write my letter first and send it hey guys so it is now september 2nd it's actually the day of my birthday and i'm hoping that this video will be going up today for you guys but i wanted to jump in and kind of talk about how this all came about just to start from the very very beginning because as i mentioned in the last clip this has been years in the making and it's honestly a dream that i kind of gave up on a little bit and then obviously things changed and here we are so i thought i would kind of start from the very very beginning high school so when i was in high school i was very academic centered i really loved like math and academics and school and all that stuff i was a great student but i had absolutely no idea what i wanted to do i had always really enjoyed volunteering and community service so i ended up instead of going straight to college after high school i ended up joining a program called americorps and triple c which is essentially like a domestic peace corps i feel like is the best way to to describe it so i was stationed out in charleston south carolina and i ended up going out there like right after hurricane katrina had hit um and the majority of my service was actually with disaster relief efforts for hurricane katrina in louisiana and mississippi and georgia and all that serving after that natural disaster put a lot into perspective for me so i just realized at a very young age how precious life was and like our time on this earth it made me realize how much i had been taking certain things for granted and all of that so that time i really grew up during that year of my life and when i returned home to arizona i ended up going to asu arizona state university for non-profit leadership and management and while i was in that program i served in a couple internships primarily i was a public ally also with americorps and i volunteered in a homeless shelter in phoenix for about a year and again a very humbling experience you kind of realize like just how fragile this world is and everything and how much how how blessed you are for just even the littlest tiny things like a hot meal you know anything so after i graduated from asu and had had all that experience and everything i did some job searching and ended up working for grand canyon university gcu it was my first job out of college and i was an academic counselor for the university admittedly i have never had a huge strong passion for higher education and it was just kind of a job that i needed because i needed to be able to pay my bills i was graduated from college and all of that i had my own apartment to pay for so i just kind of took the first job that i was offered honestly so i worked in that role as an academic counselor for about a year and a half and i ended up transferring to a different department it was the faculty training and development department where i managed college of business faculty that's where i spent the majority of my time at gcu i would also teach courses on the side i did a bunch of other like contract work on the side one thing about me is i am somewhat of a workaholic i usually always have something going on on the side so i was super busy during that time and um i was dating my now husband andrew during that time too and we had gotten married in february of 2013 and uh less than a year later so we found out we were pregnant with our first child madeline and during my pregnancy with her i started thinking more and more about working full-time while having a baby and just realizing like how much i did not want that at all i wanted to be a stay-at-home parent um maybe have something on the side for work i knew that i didn't want to work outside of the home for 40 hours a week and see my baby for an hour to two hours a day so with madeline i had really really bad postpartum depression obviously i went back to work because i didn't really have any other options and i feel like that made the postpartum depression way worse that first year after becoming a mom was honestly one of the toughest darkest years of my life and um i started doing things on the side with the goal of i don't want to work a nine to five anymore i want more flexibility i want to be home more and all that so i ended up joining beachbody my friend jessica introduced me to my friend heather and heather got me involved with beachbody and everything and the goal of beachbody was that i eventually wanted to um to quit my full-time job and be home more with my child and that didn't happen um ended up quitting beachbody and heather actually moved on to another company called um senegence and they created like these lip science lipstick products and things like that so then i signed up for that with again the goal to be eventually i want to make this like my full-time thing and to not work the nine-to-five and all that and that didn't happen so i mentioned before that i had started multiple businesses so that's kind of what they were it was this um multi-level marketing type of stuff that i was involved in so after a while i honestly just kind of gave up and then i started thinking about like well maybe i can find a work from home job where i can be home more and have you know more time with my kids and all that kind of stuff and so eventually i was able to come over to wg western governors university in december that would be my fourth year at the university as a program mentor and honestly it's been amazing in the sense that i've been able to work from home i've had a lot more flexibility with my schedule and everything like that but i still felt like there was something missing and i wasn't getting that like fulfillment in my career out of that job because to be totally honest and transparent like i've just never been super passionate about higher education so it's hard to do something as your job when you're not like super passionate about it if that makes sense so i started my youtube channel um originally it was called stephanie anne i also had other youtube channels you guys i've always had like tons going on so i've had other youtube channels in the in the past i had let's talk mommyhood where the goal of that was more to like build it up eventually maybe make it a full-time thing become a full-time youtuber that didn't happen that youtube account actually got hacked it's still up but i don't have access to it so kind of sucks but i was talking about all things motherhood and cloth diapering and just all sorts of things and then i had another channel that i did for like budgeting and i shut that one down too and then i started stephanie and my youtube channel after like getting involved in the planner community with like erin condren products and planner cape products and all that kind of stuff and so i did that for a while um and eventually switched to digital planning launched my etsy shop planning to prosper and it's all just kind of gone since then so i've been working full time for wgu and building my business on the side and i just realized that my business is where my passion lies it's what i could talk about literally 24 7. if you wanted to sit down with me and talk about budgeting stuff and planning stuff for hours i'm your girl like come to me i will talk to you about that stuff and just the community that we have built between youtube and instagram and our facebook group and all that stuff like that's where i wanted to invest my time plus you know even though working from home is super flexible i still didn't have full control over my time because you know i had to call students at specific times and i had to go to certain meetings and stuff i wanted more control over my schedule and for about a year now i've been working 60 to 80 hours per week and i got to a point in june really where i just got so incredibly burnt out like exhausted in really bad shape burnt out and the original goal actually with my business was not to have me quit wtu believe it or not that was not the goal the goal originally was to have my husband stop working to become a full-time stay-at-home dad um over time we kind of realized that wasn't working as well as we thought it would for our family and i mentioned this in one of my digital plan with me is i believe back in february but i had a moment in the middle of the night where i just heard loud and clear god telling me stuff this is what you're going to do you're going to quit your job at wgu and planning to prosper is going to be your full-time thing and that's going to be it and i thought the idea was insane because i've always been the main like breadwinner if you will with bringing in finances i have a whole family to support and so i just felt like that's super risky like why would i want to do that and so i went back and forth on it a lot but you know god's plan is always greater than your plan and i thought about it more and more my business continued to build and god would send me these little signs and signals that i was on the right track that that's what needed to happen and everything and so um andrew and i started talking about it more and more and went over the numbers and all that kind of stuff he went back to work part time at costco to get benefits because we had been getting benefits through wgu my full-time employer and we would need benefits you know for the family and stuff and so we set a date of me quitting in august and i mentioned this a little earlier in this video but the plans we originally had there was a kink thrown in it a little bit and we didn't think i would still be able to quit in august until we started looking into like private insurance and stuff realized that it really wasn't that bad that we could pay for it out of pocket temporarily until we can get on costco's benefits once andrew meets that hours requirement and yeah i submitted my notice on august 11th and today is september 2nd it's my second day as a full-time entrepreneur and it's been pretty amazing i have to say it doesn't feel real still i still have like all my equipment i don't know if you guys can even see it but i've got all my equipment back there it still needs to be sent back i set up my workspace and i did like a little clip of that to share just that whole process getting everything set up for you guys so stay tuned for that that'll be at the end of this video but um i had a lot of inspiration and mentors along the way a lot of people cheering me on and one of them is my really great friend kelsey who's always believed in me her mom roxy her dad randy like i've had so many conversations with people about all of this and they've always believed in me um andrew like i that man is just incredible so he believes in me so much like he has no doubts he has no stresses anytime i'd ask him about things like are you sure we should do this like i'm panicking you know like scared out of my mind and he's just like yeah it's gonna be fine like so calm just yeah it's gonna be fine like i know that you've got this and um i'm really grateful for his support because i tell him all the time and it's very true that there's no way that any of this could have happened without him he has put in some massive sweat equity trying to support me while i built my business he's essentially been like a single parent i've tried to spend as much time with the girls as possible but as you can imagine 60 to 80 hours a week i'm not able to get in a ton of time when i'm putting in those kind of hours and it's been heartbreaking but it was just kind of one of those things where it was like okay just keep going keep going and eventually like this will pay off and it has and i yeah i officially no longer am a full-time employee and i'm a full-time entrepreneur and it's um pretty incredible so i wanted to mention all that background because it's easy to see someone where they're in the area of their life where it's success like all you're seeing is the good stuff and in the past was it seven years or so uh there's been a ton of tears there's been a lot of heartbreak there's been a lot of just losing my marbles moments you know like it's been really hard and it's been hard to continue to believe in myself and have faith in myself that i could make this happen like this has been a dream of mine for ever since i found out i was pregnant really i just knew i wanted to be with my kids more i wanted to be more involved especially when they were super little and i'm really grateful that julia is going to be two in october and i'm still going to get a lot of time with her i'll be able to be more involved with you know maddie's school and all that kind of stuff if they need chaperones on field trips i can go anytime i can go to meetings anytime you can make your schedule work for you when you're fully in charge of your schedule and stuff so it's just a huge huge blessing um and i'm just extremely extremely grateful and i'm extremely grateful for all of you who've been cheering me on encouraging me supporting me all that kind of stuff you guys like i cannot express to you enough how grateful both myself and my family are to all of you like thank you so much for just everything because this would not be happening at all without each and every one of you so um but yeah i just wanted to give the whole background because i wanted to be sure to drive home the point that like there's the highlight reel and then there's the behind the scenes all those years of just pure chaos and insanity and lots of tough times and things like that and now here we are like it's pretty crazy it's really crazy and don't give up don't give up if you have a dream just keep going it's gonna happen at the right time i trust god's timing i trust that there's something there's a reason why everything happened the way it did and i wouldn't change a single solitary thing i wouldn't change anything because i wouldn't have grown from those tough times i wouldn't have learned from those tough times i wouldn't be the mom that i am the wife that i am and the entrepreneur that i am the friend that i am without all of that experience and hardship and all of that so um i just want to you know encourage you that if you have a goal to you know go into open a business or anything really just keep going keep believing in yourself you know surround yourself with positivity with people who believe in you and are cheering you on that's really important just find your people if you will that want to see you succeed and if there's anyone out there giving you pushback or anything like that because there will be whenever you're trying to pursue a big goal unfortunately there are people out there that will try to bring you down and just learn to brush them off keep your nose to the grindstone i think is what they say and put on your blinders and just go for it because it's you can make it happen you really can and i am still very nervous this is still very new to me um it's exciting because i have so much more time now to create products that i've been wanting to create for months and months now and i'm excited to get my second youtube channel going i'm excited to focus more on my health my physical health my mental health spiritual emotional you know i haven't been investing very much into my own self-care so i'm excited to start that chapter of my life and yeah so anyways guys um that is pretty much it that's the big news is that i am officially a full-time entrepreneur i am running my business full-time and i wanted to film this video to kind of document everything for you guys and share just share it all so i hope that this inspires and encourages some of you and i hope you enjoyed listening to my story and without further ado let's go ahead and get this office space set up and ready to go and i look forward to sharing more with you guys posting more videos getting more products up all that kind of stuff let me know i like to keep my to-do list long for the business so let me know what you want to see videos you want to see products you want to see all that kind of stuff i've got a nice long list going in my little notebook and i would love to continue adding things to that so let me know don't be shy um i love you all thank you again so much and i will chat with you all later bye [Music] i just wanna say that i feel that our love is real maybe we should hurry up and seal the deal oh [Music] i just wanna hold you for forever [Music] and i wanna take you there i would give it all a way to do it all again make her love a story that would never end i never [Music] day i thought i is [Music] if i'm gonna love somebody i just wanna love you if i'm gonna love somebody i just wanna love you [Music] i just wanna love you right [Music] every day you're making me [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: Planning to Prosper
Views: 1,864
Rating: 4.9814816 out of 5
Keywords: quit full time job, great resignation, full time business owner, leap of faith, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, etsy shop owner, youtuber, full time etsy shop owner, etsy, youtube, quitting job
Id: oY71tJdpsoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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