THE NEIGHBOR IS IN MY iPAD!!! (Hello Neighbor Mobile)

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hey guys how's it going welcome back to another stream where today we are playing hello neighbor on the beautiful the shiny the brand's new iPads because you guys wanted me to I'm pretty sure it's exactly the same game actually I'm a hundred percent no I'm gonna say 99.9 I'm 99.9% positive is the same game but you guys really wanted me to show you it on the iPad I have bought the full game it was a solid 16 pounds which is about twenty dollars I think so for an iPad game I can't think of any other app that I've spent that much money on to be honest apart from microtransactions and stuff like that but here it is hello neighbor on the iPad I'm playing on my iPad today I know it's not compatible with a lot of devices but today we're playing on this and I just think we should go straight for it hopefully you guys are streaming in forgive the pun there you are how you doing sweet iPad thank you so he's gonna hit new game start a new game I just get into it let's see what happens hope you guys can hear okay nice background thank you thank you very much a piece appreciate it very much and yeah we're very close to 20 mils so if you're brand new around here for whatever reason please do hit subscribe that'd be greatly appreciated and let's hit act one I'm interested to see how it runs on an iPads it looks pretty good so far I must admit put that ball in here hey buddy how are you doing huh yeah actually looks pretty good I'm surprised you guys by the way might have to remind me of some of the things that we have to do so I'm gonna try and do the whole game I think I've got I think I've got the first acts that I can do I'm pretty sure I could do that but I don't know about the second and third we're gonna see how far we can get in the time limit today but let's run down let's get the next bit of the cutscene which I'm pretty sure is yeah just here don't want to skip we want to view this we want to see what's going down we know what's going down do we though we don't really I guess screams nobody likes screams lots of screams I guess we still kind of don't know what happened here you don't really know what happens at all cuz the neighbours such a mystery do you have for tonight our iPad I guess hey kids I've only tried on an iPhone our character looks so weird his eyes just look like well I guess he's seen something traumatic so I guess it makes sense there he comes screaming be happening oh no you seen us you seen us you seen us here he comes there we go captured the keys placed down there I think I remember this ass I'm pretty sure I do red window as well didn't realize there was a red window for the red key that's kind of cool and there's the big old neighborhoods where the neighbor has the biggest house on the block right I think what we need first are some cardboard boxes and I believe they're this way I'm pretty sure so you've got your control stick which is to prime my face cams you can't quite see it construes control it stick to move we've got the jump button as well as you can hold to crouch if you really really want to so we've got that weird awkward hands going on and then we've also got throw interact and pick up I'm pretty sure let's try it out I'm pretty sure I need some boxes for this bit so let's grab one too let's try and grab four of them so I think we need to smash a window as well Oh was he nearby already he's in there he's in there let's get out of here let's go what is that above me is that my hat it's a bit creepy while I run out Chinese food please I like you I like Chinese food Biff you're gonna bully me like that I might just not like it right I seem to remember we need to go up here I think used to see me oh geez No up up up ah up get out of his sights haha you got get me now buddy goodness this is so sensitive so some of this stuff is definitely gonna be weird to control oh geez no no no no I'll get back up there back up see what I mean because before I'm used to a keyboard and mouse this is just full-on touch now this trying to shimmy over here and trying to jump without getting caught so we should be able to jump in place go on stay stay stable for me there we go shoot it one more actually I think we should be fine I solution we hey made it so we have to jump over here this is this is gonna be the tricky bit let's back him on up backing up backing up and go yes that's what I'm talking about now we should be able to throw this right here okay do I need this next box I might just keep it just in case and we in we're here already we're doing good things I'm gonna turn on this fan it doesn't actually work we're good I think I need this box actually now I've thrown it I think I need to go through here secret was he here see down here I'm pretty sure you might have been down here can even cut actually can you come up here without the door open I'm not too sure but let's go through here this is one of the easiest houses once you know what you're doing this game just becomes a lot easier it's very tricky on the iPad though it would jump dude are you kidding me there we go much better so now we need to I think turn this on well that's turning something off we need a couple keys so we're going to take the car key and what's gonna take this yellow key this should use like this right so this is the used button it's like the the third that the one in the middle is the use button can we go through here no we can't get through there I think that's all we need from here I'm pretty sure what we needed was this car key we can get up here anyway let's try and open this there we go open just in case we want to get back up easily and let's go to the car I'm fairly sure that's the next place we need to go and I must say it's looking pretty good on the iPads considering like the games I used to be able to play on my phone when I was younger can even play games on your phone now you can play fully fledged PC games on your iPad which is insane where I'm going to leave this right here I'm gonna leave this right here as well what how do we need to go now I think we need to go round the outside round the outside round oh there he is hello doing some magnetized you buddy come straight to me oh no you saw me no stay away stay away stay away you're interrupting my um my infiltration into your house so please back off I need glue I don't think I need glue just yet I'm pretty sure I don't anyway I just realize I haven't got my studio lights on you can kind of see me anyway right I need to get around the back I need some more cardboard because we need to get the I think the lockpick and the crowbar but if he's round here that's gonna be kind of difficult let's see what happens give me this thank you sir I think we need to go here that'll do I can hear him I can hear him I just heard something I think he's got in the house though so he should be fine okay where is he where is he the screens got funny let's try and use this I want to pick stuff up gonna let me pick stuff up I need to be higher I'm not sure where I'm aiming I think I need to be higher I did I get it I think I got it but it dropped down did you hear it hi there it is crowbar let's get it well geez it's freaking out so we got the crowbar I think we need the lockpick though where is the lockpick just trying different locations ah got it sweep okay um let's grab this before he finds us the crowbar is down here somewhere there it is right next up I can hear him shopping in the grass could you hear him shuffle in where is he oh there he is what he was right behind us he's no joke no joke see I remember this level quite well all go back to go back go back go back go back hey leave me alone you punk I want anything to do with you and I think you can play it so the game is expensive but you can play Act one which is this one you can play it for free I'm fairly sure this and the basement bit right we need to head in here Oh No where is he I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it use open what do I need from here wrench give me this the golden wrench I think he's in the bathroom I think I heard him go into the toilet a little bit gross but absolutely fine let's use this there we go dude we are doing amazing if only I knew all of this stuff when I played the game the first time I think this is the red key room now I'm pretty sure you're it is let's go gimme this it's at us done is that what we needed to do I think I need this anymore I'm gonna take this chair and throw it at the window smash okay that alerted him to where I was is that a good thing though I might be able to see up here is you up it as yup here he's here he's here let's jump out the window huh let's go I think he's chasing me I just want to open the door and get out of here the doors this way I remember I remember use it open it I'm out of here yes Oh axe one done oh wait is a basement bit I don't remember there being a basement there oh did we get captured here Chinese food welcome back how you doing I think this is the fake window it seems to throw this where do we need to her to next guys do you remember this bit this might be where I need your help when I don't remember cheese wait what I didn't know this bit was now there's no key card yet it's only for act 1 there's no key cards so I need to open its open this door here okay can't do that fine can I go around this way I can sounds like he's near I can't actually remember what to do here I haven't played this game for so long last time I played it was when we played through it on the Xbox when it was the full game let me just unlock as many doors as we can get just we can run away if we can if we need to I don't remember where to go let's go rounds here can i unlock this I can unlock this come on like this I can oh this is the room we were in before oh wait it's not give me this flashlight thank you much better that one's locked that one's locked is this where we came from I don't think it is actually I'm a hundred percent sure it's not we need to go okay that's locked as well jeez okay this isn't let's unlock this door what have we got here we've got like some big pipes okay that's that's like a different room lots of fakes up in here there's a bedroom with a boiler in it why the graphics are bad well considering considering you're on an iPad not a gaming PC I would be pretty impressed okay where are we now why can't I remember this Ben okay this is the door we're in just now what is that noise let's get out of here let's get out here I can hear some weird noise oh it's this we need to turn the electricity off it goes into the ceiling bash through these let's go I don't like all these noises that's locked why don't I remember this how do we get rid of that you guys remember Chucky boy Chucky boy help me if I need your help hey can I turn this off please super annoying stop turn it off turn it off turn it off stop you can't turn it off okay good oh geez you couldn't run really really fast I'm like sanic there must be another way to go if I come on open the door no jumps guys turn off the power run to the generator oh yeah there's the generator completely forgot I thought I'd have act one down I mean I kind of do oh the power the power the power okay let's turn that off which closes that bit doesn't matter does that mean that I am good now whoa legs bike that's fine we can deal with it we'll wait the sound yes yes get down here so now we need to go through this door but that one is locked that one's locked too oh I need to turn the power back on to get past there I think let's go and do that I definitely need to turn the power back on because there's one door that I should have opened before how was right at the beginning this is a hard thing to kind of navigate around right alright here we go so we put this back on it should be okay right because we don't need to get through to the generator anymore I just need to get through to that other room the drips we don't need yet I think we use that in the future oh here we go here we go here we go wait why why can't I do that is it because the generators on oh that's so annoying you have to go back around and do it now I knew there was something I missed I knew it I knew it at least I know how to get back there now just turn the power wait yeah turn the power off go and flick the generator I'm acting like I know where I'm going but I really don't at least the neighbors left us alone alright here we go so I need to turn this off then I'm gonna have to do it again to open that so I needed one door to unlock one door that I've forgot has caused us all this pain all this misery and all this time not pleased maybe there's a few things that I haven't done yet now that's love is it this way yeah there we go now I should be able to open this right God let me do it are you kidding me I'm so confused I'm gonna take out on the mannequin get out of here someone's someone's moving something okay I think I figured out we'd go down this way turn this back on then head back there jeez this is confusing I honestly don't remember this bit I'm not sure why I'm not sure what you're saying but it's freaking me out so now we should be able to pick this up throw this as far as possible away and now when we get to the brick room we can actually unlock it but I now need to turn off the power again and restart it's so annoying it's through here oh okay okay okay let's calm everything down let's go well geez I've run in a circle I didn't mean to run in a circle can I catch me now Punk it's now me to turn this off go to the generator now all the appropriate doors should be open and now the neighbors kind of hot on our tail so we need to be super careful I used to generate a room I think it's this way yeah there we go now we can get out perfect to hit that go through here oh no is this not gonna work hey let's go this is where the neighbor chases us I think I'm scared let's go I'm out of here Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam knows we need the keys and he just catches us I'll flash my flashlight you I think this is where we get into our underground how do you pay us an iPad it's on the App Store it's cool it's a very cool rendition of the game I'm enjoying it so far act 2 already let's go so I think this is the one where we missing our shoe we want terrible taste in socks because it's got a hole in it but this is where we to find our way out of here I think there's another fake window isn't there I need to pick something up what can I pick up this hmm is one of these are fake is they're not supposed to be a basketball in here oh oh oh oh yeah I told you you just don't look the door can I have can I have a torch please Amanda it's you how are you I can't pick you up that's so annoying we used to be best friends right I'm out of here throw this bad boy let's go they definitely changed some bits I'm pretty sure and this is where we go to the house right we come out of the basement spooky spooky right act 2 so this is definitely where we need to find all of the the red twisty bits so this could be a challenging one because it's it is just a challenging challenging level and there's a lot of parkour to do so let me just get my most surroundings real quick this is a frying pan can we press this already I can't get to it and whenever we press that yet so we need to turn that on at some point there's all there's this - there we go that's when we turn this right but this is where we need to get inside and get enough of the red things so that we can jump I think off the building it's crazy and then onto that platform we can escape it's gonna be hard though especially cuz he's hot on our tail already you get away from me please you've already put me into a basement I'm already terrified of you that's locked that's locked that's not you never find me you're gonna drag me out of there anyway I hate to when he gets to nighttime I completely forgot there was a nighttime let's try that again shall we right binoculars tin-can let's just smash our way in I don't care about your rules I don't want to do that I want to grab this why are you gonna catch me again I'm not even in your house no no tomatoes I just want to I just want to do this leave me alone such an animal and now it goes to nighttime this is tricky grab the turkey boy I know I need him I'm like I might give him a ring in a second I'm kidding I don't know his number there's my shoe I told you he stole my shoe well you play that will you stealing around a shoe for okay this is gonna be a harder because it is darker that was a terrible throw I just wanted to get up to all Jeezy's there this is where I wanted to go okay I can't pick that up that's good to know where was the window I smashed it's fixed great I'm gonna smash this oh this is a different place isn't it yeah something different happens here this is where it goes from hot to cold cold to hot but we need a lever or something to get through there oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez he was right there we definitely need all of the little little wheels okay he's got me maybe not maybe not ah he's definitely bound we get out of my way buster what are you doing pushing the torch into my chest I'm not actually sure the best way to do this one look in the fridge door more secret neighbor I need a wrench yeah I need all of these things go off the rides to act three am i a vampire I'm not a vampire I swear I means just get in here don't we oh my goodness why are you so annoying you want me to throw a frying pan heads do you don't do it I missed dude you caught me with his feet this dude's two kids he was rubbish in act 1 so annoying I can hear voices the neighbour has neighbors no one saw that coming that's locked why can't I open that I want to hide under the beds where is he it's the outside I feel like he's outside I can hear him walking on the grass oh we can go up here I completely forgot about this what is on the Z roof careful now so there's one place to put something can we use boxes to get up maybe let's go around the outsides okay's watching some weird of foreign TV program we can't get through there okay so no actually like it's not terrible to control there's no way to get down there though I'm looking in the fridge I'm right in your fridge what's good buddy he's got a wrench perfect I needed that want to open these open open why won't it open now's our chance and you'll not let me open things okay that seems to be broke fantastic should probably check the oh geez made noise before you check why is that locked about here no no no it's all going wrong well at least we got the wrench that's actually good just the poor boy caps me you know what I don't even care I want to use the wrench I don't even care turkey boy had to return where is he every day I'm shuffling it's the grass loud to the roof let's go I wonder if they made this one easier because before it wasn't it wasn't nice at all to do this one I think this one actually took me longer than the other axe don't we looked okay we good thought that was an item for a sec it definitely is not is this one with a shark I think it is isn't it yeah I can hear it okay that can open good to know I think this is where we need to drain the water or make it and we definitely need to make it hot or cold alright we've made it let's do this gramophone let's pick that up just in case don't know if we're gonna need it but it's worth a try how is that locked dude how is that locked books up there it's kind of hard to check things okay that fire is real yeah it's hard to control this how is that locked that's really annoying so we need to get through to the to the shock I just don't know how I don't really want to make a run for it there's a tap there we can fill it up can you even make a run for it I don't know I don't think you can security shark I know let me see what I can do okay I've got halfway across I thought I was ready to go there's a shovel as well I never realized before by my huge elf ear turn the water pipe off what am i doing it's easy come on tell me that tell me it then how can I not know where it is I can't remember this one I need a flashlight as well freeze the water in the boiler room it's already on cold though right and I need a don't I need a key to be able to do it like a lever thing what was that what was that throw where's this throw are you kidding me I need to break this thing be careful with the tree dudes here we go yeah I'm pretty sure I need a pipe to be able to do this yeah I need one of those things to turn it to heart can the shark attack you it definitely can turn the boiler off I think there's a way I need to get through here we got here we go then I'll do anything I need something for me Oh Oh what's this put a key oh that's to the front door perfect let's go upstairs before he finds us I remember this now it's slowly coming back to me that's locked got some woman's shoes I don't remember those from before I can't see anything Oh urine there's this room is this the room we need to fill up I think it is so at least we've on a lot to wait to get through now what is he doing dude are you crazy you're actually crazy okay this is where the radiators need to come up now I'm stuck down here I can't see it's so dark in here this is that parkour I always talk about it's so funny can I restart yeah let's jump back I should've away I should have done that should I have done that okay I should have done that welcome to the fairgrounds everyone how are we all I think this is the roller coaster here it is let's do this let's go for a jolly little ride shall we hey I'm stuck yeah I'm stuck already I have to put up with water I know get the lever turn your brightness up my brightness is on the max we've just got a little little roller coaster ride right now I can't it by me we've ruined dinner time the table just like threw away it's so funny oh geez just so creepy there he is crying again these cranks is frigid on the ceiling no one likes that some screams oh yeah I forgot about this ride the shot does it cost anything the first bit dozen look away outfit I got some I got no heads look at this fantastic what nice watch though beautiful and this is where it alludes to running someone over I think I'm pretty sure get the wheel you can't see the FaceCam why it's right there I'm sorry I'm sorry for running you over and so sorry what a big nose you have oh she goes into a coffin as well I didn't even realize that before my goodness he did not realize enjoying Alton Towers yeah something like that good bandaged arm after that right where were we I think I'm super distracted now I just want the neighbors go away so I can do this by myself you don't need to know what's going on here buddy oh geez oh geez oh yeah I forgot you could go in here okay Nadine no Blair's but he keeps finding me link to the game just search on the App Store I don't know if it's on androids not a hundred percent sure four nights on Android now though for some users right I know the box just the Box just betrayed me it blocked my jump I'm not happy about that this is unlock now though we go this way that's locked but we can go either up the ladder well we can go through here I don't think we ever unlocked that do we now leave me alone leave me alone dude your house is so big can't you just go do something else maybe not maybe has literally nothing to do so he has probably learned I've gone through the side door too much I start nah she scared me then oh my goodness I'm failing so bad it's on Apple's you're not Android at all jump on the shark the Box saved me I guess it it kind of did I need him to get out and we're trying I'm gonna smash the front window and jump around and that should lure him to it so that's throw this here we run the other way Ramon the other way you didn't hear nothing how did he see me yes I'm up he's never gonna find me now right girl yellow key so yellow key can be used can the yellow be used with the dollhouse as well cuz I don't think we unlock the dollhouse before right okay progress progress oh well the other side of fear okay so we didn't need to take on the shark at all that's fine don't mind that and we're back here okay let's go and open the door house if it will let me will you let me what night eyes no how was that - I have a fall I just broke my legs in the neighbor's house unreal lips teeth unfortunate I wonder if we called an ambulance - me probably not guys a punk well can we go up here now now that's unlocked what am i doing she what's the point of going up there the lab is not really used for anything is it let's just try and run it through oh geez he's got so many cameras there now dollars house come on close the door right dollars house it doesn't work it doesn't work let's try the blue key doesn't work either okay interesting I kind of want to see if I can open these I feel like I'm missing out on something I need to collect these red things like as soon as possible so alarm clock on the bed a guitar if i zoom up to here there's not really anything I can find Kevin got all the way around perfect I see what's down here I feel like I did this when I played it originally I couldn't find my way around this house where does it end up oh you're up here oh the back I completely forgot about the back so we can get up here pretty easily now I can't remember where the thing is do you remember where the I know how did I die from that the dollhouse is in the coffin you dig up the coffin with the shovel oh that's dark I need to drain the shark's water okay that's the key to the dollhouse I haven't done that before but I need to drain the thing I don't know how to drain the thing I haven't got any of the cogs the cogwheels need to grab one of those I feel like I've checked everything it's so weird that shark is so cool though or let's try and be careful let's go down this very very safely safely there we go not so bad wait a second we need to get up all the way to the top don't we voila okay where else can we go I feel like there's something here that I haven't found it's go up no no no go up go up go up don't follow me don't follow me you don't need to follow me that's the door we need to get to oh he is following me as well not today oh jeez I think of bamboozled him got your punk bamboos will do for the last time huh because I'm gonna escape this place you're never gonna know where I am I'm outside but don't tell him where do I need to go next I feel like I need to go down check the paintings is that what it is I think this is where we need to dig up but we need to find out how to get rid of the water first now actually what's this red key so you can get the red key just by getting out right then you can just leave right so you need to tell me where your cogwheel is have we been in here already I think we have been in already haven't we yeah that's a lot all we haven't been in there actually let's see if we can do that I'm gonna throw the gramophone we want to get into I want to get into the bathroom but it's blocks who is that there's someone in there that's so weird I've never noticed that before there's someone in the bathroom like sitting on the toilet there he is look who's that what is that I don't know who that is he's like a lego man it looks like a lego man or like a doll that's cool that's not what we're here for why can't I find these things I feel like I've done it but I've definitely done it before we can turn off let's turn that off so you can't use these cameras on me we've been up there or would you want go away tell me about your mannequin please did I skip act 1 no I completed act 1 just a minute ago where am I going where am I going I want to go round to that other bit let's check behind some of these things I can't pick it up can I take the wheel off this one ok I can't grab the wheel off that one find the crowbar go and freeze the globe that's not on here logo man has a crowbar you can use you can't get in there though go to the living room hit the switch ok he's probably in here yep he's apni in there we're going to lure him somewhere else we can do this you mad bro I think he's mad oh there it is I've got a switch what does that do though I feel like I should be able to open those but it won't let me he's put down some traps killing the game paper bag does that drain the shark let's see around the other way around I might if you could just get out of here you probably can that's really where the crowbars useful that's probably what the leg oh man get that you said that's what the little lego man gives you right so can you use that to just escape like that oh geez why have you got these things I can't hit the shark oh I can't hit a shark now okay shark still exists what did I change from that one thing and now he's tricking me with water absolutely annoying where did he go ah be careful be careful what's up here is there anything up there I feel like that they could be okay he's gonna catch me here 100% he's got so many things oh there he is nah crossed paths you can glitch through the fence I don't want to do that oh wait we've unlocked a new cutscene oh this is the hospital beds this is where it goes the flatline right oh it's happening bad times hello oh there is sir you've messed up what did you do tell everyone what you did come on now she's dead she's dead see you later neighbor hope to never see you again I'm going to don't worry who's that hundred from Gavin bolt thank you so much buddy I'll catch up I'm super chats in a bit don't you worry stick around and I will them I'll read them out but I appreciate them all thank you okay let's put some music on let's chill out I'll put some music on Kyle you do this now okay can't do that now he's captured me again this guy need to push him into the water of the shot I don't think you can do that though it's something in the glass okay I know about the doll's house but how do I drain the water though I need like a lever right we'll have got shoes all I've gots is my shoes as he going how did you see me sneaky sneaks up the ladder face the ladder and there's a tap I pass the key as well I need to flick all the levers okay I need to get out of here I can't get out of here why can't I get out of here okay that's better guys sweetie we're looking at the pipes then huh these stupid things I know there's one there but then we need to find one of those red things to even get it where am I gonna be safe okay I'm gonna go down this way so I think the neighbors on the other side of that so let's be careful watching be down here I see ways snitching on me so there is there's - wait what's this one something that comes out there so these are the ones you need the attorney things will wait there's one there let me go and get this box I think I'm think I'm remembering it now I'm just gonna put these keys down here I don't think I need them anymore I need to grab some boxes it's gonna be one of those box things again do I need four I should have to reach it with three right let's see I'll just leave me alone buddy I'm busy you got me your absolute Punk I'm so mad at you yeah I'm using the boxes don't worry how do I need for I think I even carry four I probably carry two more I mean throwing the boxes around all over the place and just take it I must admit the controls are a little bit finicky a little bit troubling but guess if you play a lot on tablets already then you should be good all right can actually grab one more so try and grab one more box I didn't see if there was another one around and we'll be able to get this lever any more boxes want to show themselves there we go what oh no that's the one we were already using let's try this I didn't mean to do that pick that up pick that up right here we go cheese ready nice nice nice come on let me press it let me press it yes gotcha how many have I got now I think the meat is near here somewhere and then I'm not sure where the last one is I think I just need to keep an eye on all these levers oh wait what did he just do what did he just do I will take that thank you let's go and see what what happened to the shock now that's off does that mean it's leaking out actually let's go and see if we can let me grab this thank you and let's throw that in here don't get mad don't get mad so what happens if I do that nothing let's pick this up let's go back through where is he I kind of need to get back to where that meter was right okay let's go out I'm just going to see the shot first I can't remember which happens in which order squares stupid cameras okay the Sharks still there so if I put that on there it's gonna add more water right I need to find a logical place to put this is the game free partly partly free oh geez so many cameras ah he's right there where am I going just capture me I don't even care do you know where I need to put this first one it's a stack in the background there is I'm not sure why I think it might be the the record player and it off yeah there we go it's definitely the record player we're good now so now I've done that I've got one just one oh geez why are you always around you gonna come up oh he's coming up he's coming up don't die do not die I'm try and get this one it didn't work gasp gasp you have to turn it hot and then put it on okay okay I'm just gonna get that back now though so if you turned out hot already I'm gonna secure some break-in things no this dude so angry with you i'ma have to restart the whole thing just because he's learnt where I'm going all the time so many cameras if I can glitch him that would be amazing oh just getting thing come on this dudes now it's dark scary and dark I just want to get in here no I just want to get in here come on throw the thing there we go get inside need to turn it to hot first you can't do that by doing this why can't I remember to do this I think I struggled with that last time when I recorded this game it took me hours to do whoo I needs go in there you punk wise facecam so dark actually I can um let me turn them on quick now we do it is that better for ya is that better you just did this you can hide under the bed I know I know I know no I just want to get my uh I wanna get my thing back okay that's what I need is he's gonna catch me is he gonna catch me what do I need for this guy's I have no idea you can grab the cameras off the walls are you joking can you really okay I need to turn that back off because I can't see anything on my screen Wednesday the iPad is so reflective that I can't even see we care for the shock Anna Anna yeah I could I can see a thing let's even grab these off the wall I don't think I can but it's at least try why do I keep looking in there oh you actually can whoa you can actually grab the cameras that's cool I didn't know you could do that that's very cool I'm stuck in here I can't even see I'm glitching on the items and everything there's a shark in the neighbor's house yet no problem no problem at all watching an iPad plane when I've had Perfect's yes coming off the precious hi crowbar can get out there got a red key as well that we can use there there's plenty of places you can put this you can put one up there as well I don't know if I want to do that do I let's see what happens right come here come here right now thank you you're getting out of here goodbye see you later I did not know you could do that that's so cool whoa the parkour on this up the ladder turn around put the wheel on think go do it geez anied to be so careful there we go put it on put it on there we go so now we've turned that one where does that go goes in the ground into that room do we not need multiple ones to be able to do it or is that not true what do you want now oh for goodness sake hates me more careful thanks for the super chance by the way guys there's so many that I need to catch up on and I will do don't you wear out do it at the end though oh my goodness stop it literally spawning in and he's trying to get me straight away get out of here I want to go out there do i hello shark nice to see you buddy let's try to see if you could grab it real quick put the sleeping pills in the milk you're glitching to go in the room stop looking yeah I know I need to be careful I can't dig up the coughing cuz I need to drain the water but I need to do that first and then use the key in the doll husband put the guy on the toilet and the toilet instead of the doll house get the crowbar I haven't got the crowbar yet you need the key from the no-gun room I'm just reading what I can do oh you can turn it and stay on oh I thought those more than one okay that's good to know so I've done two all right let's see if I can do this wall careful now I need to get this back yeah there we go so if you turn it once it stays on so I've done this one I've done what about the one in the shark room though how do I do that one Oh what are you doing I think even make noise that time the guy just hates me I think I need to do that one whoa whoa okay Speedy Gonzales okay I mean it got ya okay fantastic I haven't done that top one I didn't realize you needed to you could turn it on and it stays on so done guys I've got these two keys here I know where this P careful I don't know why it's zooming along so quick it does work okay any more that I need to do I think that's three so far done this one done the one near the boiler how he done it he's still here he's not making the same noise he was before the man's gone to sleep there must be some more points then ice need to get down here carefully you see down there I thought yours down there for a sec Kazi it's like none down here oh no no no no leave me alone I think I need to go down there I think there is one down there I'm pretty sure it's down there let's have a look best way to get there though done this one so cryptic get up the ladder I think I can hear him stomping around use your tiptoes bro right now I can actually see I thought the shark wasn't there he stopped making his noise I'd be amazing it's a little glitch to help us out no don't kill us don't kill us the only problem is like karma to get out of here don't get me don't get me no I can't grab it I need to get on this thing and try not to do the parkour on here because it's so like so weird yeah did it work I think that drains it I think that drains the shark pond yeah we out of here kill in the game now we need something to get across let's see if the Sharks still there Sharkboy what am i doing down here what am i doing down here I got completely lost then we did it though yeah you get on an iPad now it's cool isn't it did not realize who hit me with a 50 is a view on fish fluffy fluffy Luffy thank you so much what - username let's go and see how we're doing with the old shark because then we can dig up the grave right which sounds horrific and I'm pretty sure I didn't do that before now it's still there I'm so mad what how is it still not drained do I have to freeze it oh wait a second I think I know what to do I need to get into the main bit that house though I don't know how I'm gonna do that oh he's down the stairs of course he is it's not on Android okay that's annoying right he's going to the main bit of the house [Music] so annoying is it that bit I'm not too sure think about hello neighbor if you've been playing it for long enough there's so many ways that he can get you rather one side I've got a frying pan I'm not afraid to use it buddy I will destroy you with it or at least I'll try Wow where he's sleeping no anymore so I need to use this somehow yes so that's now hot why do I need it to be hot oh don't I need it to be hot nananana no no no no no I don't think you saw me yes so is that water or ice I can tell it's definitely not ice Daphne no ice so now I've got the heater on what do I need to do now can I go back in there wait you're outside you're peeping on me buddy and I got the ladder dude got the ladder okay caught so many times speech he'll I'm gonna use your own security camera against you so now that's cold does that freeze it I don't know what that does jump to the shark room valve is that what you have to do let's see what happens I'm gonna try it so where's with the stupid parkour in this game it's got so many cameras at least I've learned something today that you can actually take it out which is kind of cool you can grab the shark when you remove the water can you actually jump that I don't know if you can jump that dudes I know I've been activists so long that's because I can't figure it out it's so confusing you guys are probably done in multiple times by having done it for so long and now I can't quite see so maybe you can jump to this car too far too far but why would I need to put a tap on Manuel Samuel yeah I remember that game oh I did it I actually did it see we twist around then so we can open something you do it in three seconds dude that's crazy my audio and facecam aren't synced oh is it not synced for the whole time it should be I've got a delay on it it should be fine anyway we managed to get that I don't know what to do leave me alone don't you even touch me well I did not mean to end up here I could have tried to get out there that have been amazing run run run run run run so this one he works if the water's on hot doesn't it look how many things he's put heck's he knows I come here all the time a very smart neighbor very smart oh there he is he doesn't jump out the window all the time as well get away from me Punk get away I tried to throw his head and it didn't work you can collect some boxes climb the ladder and then just jump on the balloon the balloon the trampoline can you I don't know how you get that high I mean you could go up to the roof actually need to open this right I need to I'm gonna grab a chair and try something else you try one more thing and see what happens put these objects I've thrown here whoa okay cuz bitching out all over the place so change that to hot then run around the other way I'm not quite sure where he is I can hear him but I don't know where he is okay he's mad he's mad he's definitely mad he's grabbing my back there's a pipe in the living room I know but I've already got that one Bobby jr. yeah you can you can trap the shark that's cool I'm gonna try and do this legit though I'll put this on put this on okay that's on now so whatever that generator does that is now on for like there's something I'm missing wait that's open already hold on a second so I had done it this whole time drop this get out of here so I didn't need to get the shark at all let's see what happens I did it I did it I actually did it okay we're out of here look at his neck yeah I left you buddy I'm out of here his face so weird so I got distracted so much by the ogre distracted so much by the shock that I didn't even need to take on the shark act three direct and we could do this today it's my goodness is 5:00 already so this is oh yeah this is when we get the letter through the door isn't it this one's gonna take a while so beautiful look at that toilets so big so majestic give me my letter please hello I need a letter and waiting for it let's see if I can catch you in my mouth I'm waiting I waited for it just come on buddy it's already here no I thought I heard him outside then let's make some food I've got eggs you have to break out my own house whose eggs are flying what's good here it is it's gonna evict me get out look at that long nose that is an unfortunate nose isn't it my goodness [Music] collect up all your things some crazy eyebrows as well I like it is he gonna pack an apple please pack the Apple I think he is dear he's gonna pack you Apple packing up his things and leave in not sure if I'm the biggest fan of that buddy you're about to move next to the craziest neighbor of all time and here it is act 3 there's the Raven and trying to see if I can remember what I can do in this one I know it's long I know it involves some crazy parkour in terms of jumping on the the monorail and star by Carmen but apart from now I can't remember yeah you told me about the trampoline whoever that was you said about the boxes you were 100% right right this is our new house look at it don't you just love it need to grab my key that's the only thing our pact turns out I didn't pack the Apple after all and let's discuss it beautiful I'm glad I spent so much money on this is--we're the other shark in his house you need the blue key and then you can open the white door ok that's cool that's for the shark though right [Music] who's that hello [Music] oh oh yeah I just remember what you do at the end now with the crazy like this guy this dark guy he's gone now though you don't know what he's gonna do yeah I remember what the alphas as well completely forgot about those sounds like Baldy bony is that you I don't remember this cutscene yeah I don't remember that cutscene at all so freaky hello friend nice house you've got here it's absolutely massive let me just walk through the front door and try and remember what I've got to do I'll take your chair oh you don't need to take the chair but but but but but why why do you want it you want it back you want it back take it I don't want it okay this is going to be a challenge can I remember how to do this absolutely not but look how big the house is do we need to do like all the birthday-cake challenges and stuff or can we escape without that I can't remember it's been so long since I played this I need to throw that in there Daphne I need a shoe give me a shoe anyone got a shoe or the Chinese food from earlier that'd be fantastic well we got something small banana skin you're up come here bin lid might be too big no no no I just try I'm just picking up your litter that's all don't worry don't worry yourself Apple that could work taking all the fruits whether they've been eaten or not but not killers don't need those I'm a little small object Cosette that gives us three chances let's see if this works remember guys if you're brand new around here through enjoying the stream as well there's a lot of people in here then please do consider subscribing that we greatly appreciate it we're so close to two went email which is crazy can we get this nope oh so close what I missed I did one way too powerful throw well if I do the powerful throw just straight at it yeah there we go easy mode got that unlocked already look at these seeds oh look it gives you the clue I've never noticed that before that might be new green grows the seeds ah why did you jump why you catching me in midair for I what's the best way to like get him out of here goes nothing in there we break this window try to break this window why can't I break this window you know I'm screwed to a powerful throw watch out watch out I still can't break it I almost broke the top one back stand oh he's mad he's mad he's mad I'm sorry I'm sorry look just chill out okay get around yeah come through here no no no no no you didn't see anything you didn't see anything let's go as fast as you can I'm the gingerbread Dan what are you throwing buddy just chill it's the quickest climb up a ladder I've ever seen it's open this easy mode right we're here already now what we need a way to turn on the monorail I wonder if they've changed anything since I played last can we get down there I don't remember these fireplaces at all and I think I need a umbrella as well if I remember correctly otherwise I can't get down there properly I mean we could try it and see what happens okay that works grab this throw this try and grab it back you're kind of in my way but I don't mind this yellow door up there so they have changed some things because those did not used to be that all right I'm gonna take this because the mannequins in the way and very annoying globe wait what whoa I've got the globe straight away how do I get out of here though bro that's complete luck that's complete luck oh my goodness I don't need to use the Wow okay that's incredible look can I get out now please I can't need to wait for that luck to shift again so I could get out that's completely random for that to happen at this time as well that's so random if i reset do I keep my items Oh My there's a comedy that just happens that was so lucky so lucky but now I can't get out trying to squeeze our way out okay I'm stuck here I need to wait for it to get lucky again and then I can get out let's see if I reset what happens you should have to jump back with your items I think it won't let you drop them and see what happens oh no I think I'm missing donations now let me catch up on some of these real quick Gracie Alexis raging fish golden assassin Caleb Dimitri what's good buddy welcome back a night swoosh mace bro oMG circus boy Gracie kittycat Bev resting for like durian monster Magoo and your brothers how's it going Demetri again thank you so much Gracie Robert jelly Anthony Hartman foxy the pirate TB RN Deb dog Marcus a fun time the real Horace and and killer 101 how you guys do him we got this already that's pretty intense how we managed to get that already we also need something to throw let's put this mannequin back here as well get out of here to stay on the front lawn okay pave yourself thank you right I can't actually take my time a little bit because he's outside let's say the watering can is this but isn't it how many boxes do I need I sure haven't I haven't tried it doing it on this before okay that did not work didn't like that did it didn't mean to throw that either I'm copping this because I don't want to lose it ever oh come on behave yourself now okay that one doesn't want to learn I don't want the glue either out of here what do I want to do I want to jump on here and see if I can do this a little bit quicker I think I need to be way taller oh you know what that's close I just need one more box and I'm through I think I know where to get some boxes from some down here is that an egg looks like an egg oh here we go let's try this let's back it up real quick be nice oh no no I'm so close do I need one more I'm so close to getting over there think I'm hitting something I'm hitting the roof I be that tall oh that was close come on now but I should be able to jump up here and then just jump straight over is that not what you do anymore it's firing me all over the place all right let me put down the watering can I don't need that right now let's try this again oh my goodness these boxes I'm glad the neighbor isn't hearing us cannot pick up this this box is retired he's like no I'm not doing it he's done I like how the challenged doors have changed color now okay that's one sure you don't wanna be picked up little box okay fine let me grab this I'm sure that's like a snowball or an egg down there let's try it this way no be careful be careful don't lose it now okay ah so close got three stacked up perfectly what I'm gonna let me in am i jumping too fast I think I'm hitting the roof I think I've got do it normally and yeah I can't me but how many used to stack though and they don't even want to stack oh my goodness good glitch the glitches are unreal what is happening that one's gone through the fence and now I can't pick this one up guys this is so glitchy oh my goodness yep I can't even put them down okay change of plan not sure what it's gonna be but I need a change of plan can you jump this oh you know what that could be a thing it is a thing let's go okay didn't even need it didn't even need it let's throw this up here out of here let's open this I'm with zoom in kinda I've got the globe though the globe is unreal how good we got that I think if we if we love this yeah there we go we can get something from there but we need the magnet for that I think that's locked that's locked that's a key absolutely fine see what's through here what fun we got up here get out of here you can't be blocking me forever buddy you can try but you're not gonna succeed okay this is the globe room oh this actually has a wire coming off of it now how cool is that problem is I can't actually remember what that activates all the way up there we can try this now you know what let's try it now I feel like the neighbor is wait what don't leave the dummy on the road I just get an achievement sweet I didn't even know you could get those right now all right let's see if we're the neighbor is he's obviously not bothering us for a while which means my friend could be glitched right so I need to put this Oh key card okay don't mind if I do why can't actually take that can I I need it to defrost where did that just go my globe my globe come here come here thank you yeah I need to turn that off somehow it's all the way up there no dude how do I get to that I've never had to turn that off before oh is that no I Unleashed him no I keep pressing the wrong button trying to get this uh this globe out of here so I can put it in here but I don't I'm trying to think does this actually work does that work I don't think it does I think it has to be the top one so you have to unfreeze that they've changed this definitely 100% changed it I feel like the neighbors glitched right now so I should probably do it yeah they've moved it look there used to be something here they've definitely changed it what are you doing what are you doing no garden we're making progress though I feel like this might have to be finished another day I'm out here okay guys you know what I need to read up on this we got the globe out of a random act of kindness I don't know how that happens that was absolutely crazy I'm gonna leave this here for now if you want me to stream it again and then that'd be greatly appreciated you're leaving I'll like subscribe all that good stuff I'm not going to go through these super chats cuz I've got a lot to catch up with Gracie Robert jelly Anthony Hartman foxy the pirate I've done all these Jasmine dolla Nelly Donald it sorry Donna Lee lien Chi how's it going Shawn James that is a long name but it's got lots of DC's hate cheese and k's in thank you The Adventures of Jackie just Jordan how are you yeah v-27 that's your name dip whitey Kim Thunder Roselle detective Pikachu I know I still haven't my dear still installed you'll see it on the WarioWare video I still had it installed I just haven't had time to finish it right now I'm in other games at the moment dan ray Lucas Lauren des gamer Jack Moss how are you angel bird Gavin bolt darf awesome savage crew Tiffany MLG volcano angel bird whiz bot Grayson toasty Blake Ellie for one - hey Ellie you're watching the stream huh say hi to your brother for me June redstone Ryan Kasem me it drew the gaming master yeah at - took me ages as well jeez DJ snowman that one fan of BTD pay how's ago and welcome back to another stream Oliver big boy Savage KSK only jabbing can I do the floss icons mief says sing the Peppa Pig song I don't actually know the Peppa Pig song it's probably research that cascades avian faith Zack lock down Julia master of Lego 2 4 7 mermaid pro-gamer lucky kid pro gamer crazy boy a fluffy puppy a raging fish white pumpkin Sokka native Robby Emile Jacob kin kid sorry Finn savage crew a Kathy even s or Evan s should probably say that correctly kid fun stuff savage crew Dixie Silva Victoria of from RAM hey how's it going vanish GTA Jackson at Cathy Finn Daniel T yty kid Masons Finn whitey trends kawatche on YouTube trends down the fan kid fun stuff cat game a big papa nice name Finn Braden big popper again kid fun stuff again thank you so much Finn whitey flaming a function Holden tactical gamers Finn y'all yeet Arianna South Braden kid fun stuff Christine blockbuster Kayla dip cieaura the leopard gecko lava Christine Isaiah Daniel Lauren mr. Doug lives flash Terrence cats and kid fun stuff again how are you guys doing hope you're having a great day thank you so much for subscribing we're almost at a thousand just for the stream it's absolutely crazy I'm there's no way I'm gonna have to finish this today it's gonna take too long because act 2 took me forever but if you want to find out I'm not gonna play this again on iPad if you want to find out what happens act 3 there is a video in the description below I will leave it there it says previous video and that's where act 3 begins so guys thank you again so much for watching I hope you had a great time I had a fantastic one it's very dark in here but I'll see you next time goodbye have a fantastic day [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,802,640
Rating: 4.8892503 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, hello neighbor, hello neighbour, dantdm hello neighbor, hello neighbor dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, hello neighbor full game, hello neighbor end, ending, secret neighbor, dantdm secret neighbor, secret neighbor dantdm, hello neighbor mobile, hello neighbor app, hello neighbor ipad
Id: x1qtQGUc-MI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 57sec (6057 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 12 2018
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