HELLO NEIGHBOR ALPHA 4! Simon Says Game? (Pt 1) Bendy Ink Machine in Basement? + FGTEEV Elevator 2.0

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[Music] aren't you gonna come check this out of your house oh no sorry I overslept oh I'm not quite ready to play first who's gonna do a little warm-up game lucky do you want to play a couple rounds of neighbor says neighbor says pretend your key is stuck in the door nice alright neighbor says crouch and run away from your neighbor like in stealth mode staying below your neighbors windows now run what your neighbor just threw a glute all right your head good job good job you guys know how to play all right next round neighbor says run away from your neighbor trip two times get dragged back and then held upside down and hold position well come on aren't you guys gonna do it yeah the neighbor wins alright I'm awesome [Music] yep sure AM we bout to get all up in that basement yeah you know you guys are conspiracy freaks there's nothing in my basement but the stinking paper yeah yeah so it's not even really worth your time but since you want to play so bad let the games begin see you know it's in his basement [Music] [Music] all right few people your chancing substrate of first reactions here the game literally just came out minutes ago the crew and then we pressed for court the corral is back it's a little bigger it's so suspenseful is a piece of mail gonna come through that door here's the man that I oh my goodness I just knew it it's male maybe it's mark giving us a letter saying please stay out of my house turn around go to our home what's up what happened to our home our home is our home our hunger home he has the power to do that okay I got the glue what else is over what's this a briefcase I don't put the glue down nice go to your neighbor's house all right we got this dude I don't see the neighbor I know he's gonna be waiting for us cuz we're gonna get oh look my shadow hey that's good times our house changed it didn't really change oh that's bad why you don't you wanted it to be a new house no I gotta finish the game I might be a different furniture oh it's all right bro it's really cool it's a nice little lovely house let's see the flashlight still here flashlight still in there garlic hey neighbor he's not there any what what was this day the mannequins are creeps Magritte's bro I think dude what's up with you what's up with you know nothing nothing just chillin all right trailer we're on the robots man where's our robot mannequins yeah I didn't see that what's - whoa dude this is new elevator dude elevators back we could have a party in the elevator oh it's getting dark your neighbor named al Navy where's the Navy who I like what you've done with the place no stop it I feel like we're playing outfit three but we're not oh I don't know what to do yet maybe we should check this bedroom first he's walking on the grass do you think so yeah cuz I heard him what tells me we're getting closer right oh it's locked no we need to make a little path through when we do get that open we won't be tripped up whoa oh there he is there he is okay boxes you shush you tell me to shush be quiet box dude should we go see them no let me fly a favor wait what kind of airplane thrower oh is that I know I'm sorry you know how to do it duck duck down get a dock for Peking ducks look Peking Duck oh oh we're gonna child no oh really yeah look what if we oh he's mad at the mannequin what if it runs him over go on or run him over just keep the minion ba ba you can't see me wow this guy's goofy obvious ah all right it's daytime it's beautiful outside right look at that beautiful beautiful I love that whoa that blue thing right there it's just um we're on water is in on when you go to look up here I'm like oh not then I didn't even hurt me so let's just go out let's just get the neighbor you want to check remain always trying to play the little garden or grave what if it's not a garden where if it's great what the what what oh oh oh it's nighttime no I don't like nighttime uberta wait what where is he now it's a daytime now oh it's weird time so there's Day to all the dads watch get me again let's play in the daytime so every time he gets you it changes the mode I don't want this mutt I want daytime we're super bright day times steady yeah okay daytime daytime daytime I miss you do I love how bright it is Thank You tinybuild Helen what no not again crazy [Music] right now your mama I'll start doing stuff dude how much is that kind of book Oh last night okay I'm out oh yeah oh I was still under the betta to our stuck okay what's this story the generator the glue the glue it's so bright now finally he's probably stars you going few peas it's not going this [Music] can't get in our house and there's nothing behind house why is our house so tiny it's not fair that the neighboring it's a huge house we get a little busted scrum Shelly hung his house up I am really weird so are you cuz the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree no just let us search back here Oh magnet gun yeah I think it's still there oh yay beautifulness I'm happy we're crouching along the side don't tell me the magnet gun still there tonight we need to see if the key is still left all the keys not even up there so there is no oh security camera got it they were stolen [Music] mark go go that's fine nighttime oh it's still kind of feels like a weird day what ah stay on your side the street yeah it's right go to that coming in my house yeah I will come in your house [Music] what are you a cop shakes what cheeks I don't see cheeks sandy cheeks I didn't come to the beach today I don't I don't know is there a clue in our trunk oh gee key for our house there's no lock on our door though oh no look all the security cameras watching us take that one oh no where is he hi hi what do we do well well where am i what I'm in his house it's a glitch take that camera [Music] quick take that camera dude I'm like still stuck in his hat dude it's a house glitch so every time we walk in we get on the cart we stay there oh it tells you to press face that's put it there nope your neighbor hey neighbor ha go get it you ain't gonna get us even though I don't even know what I'm gonna do it here because oh shut the door on your face Tyra here see if he finds me oh there's a camera near you knows I'm in here shush shush all right cool yeah I take a little shower I go wash your hands and we got fussing toilet oh oh that was it I want to eat us dude I do not know what to do I do anything we go there we want to throw out that picture frame get closer it's still there I wonder if anything's in it you're gonna try you're trying bro he's trying he's trying cuz on time I didn't also say it worked remember keep telling me Newsday no keep saying no you have to go not close to the edge yeah I said it like that hi this is kind of confusing you know why because the same exact map is alpha 3 so I'm thinking oh maybe we have to start doing some of the same stuff but no that's not how ok whoa there was ice in the fridge looking over there again what oh my gosh that ahead the keycard then we just melt it with this it's not melting so we have to melt that key card there's a key card in the freezer I thought I was ahead for a second get me out of here guys do how can we melt that what's fire is there anything fire in here chance or something I throw something at it okay I want to crack the ice no we need like a crowbar to Croat it where's there a crowbar do you remember yeah which room this one okay let me see we need a crow dude if we can find a crowbar we can get into the basement that's it go hide here such a beautiful day outside Oh God Oh Bart mommy son a Martin Lonnie son picture Wow I know idea Martin was a black guy and the sons gray yeah all cuz the black dad and the white mommy it was a great kid what but that's a little racist you gonna try to go in there oh you were right get that you smart little fart ain't a magnet gun you're a brilliant little man I should've listened what you can't get it and get the magnet gun what near is right no yeah that's up here that that room's lie about what should we do we gotta get that we need a crow I'm telling I think we use it for let's fly really yeah we can fly with it let me see dude helps us glide that is sick we lovely day for rain chalet Mont Mart Mart where are you wait wait have you fly remember you what's this what is that oh we gotta get boxes to get up there right there dude were discovering stuff we're getting close I like butter on my toast hello sweet ah please please be now but that lives either oh that's the elevator oh that's fine how you make the elevator go up but how do we make the elevator opens what I wanna run run run run run run you can't catch me no you can't run run come back I got stuff I got stuck I got stuck I'm a duck he stuck in the wall oh I wish they would have left two stuck in the wall glitch Oh snaffles get up I don't care I want it to be daytime many jump scares later I've been destroying things I literally threw everything out of this room over here China good job trying oh yeah all right trying to quickly just trying to see what we have to do I really want to get a nice feather laters let's go back outside right quick okay no oh he's outside is that him is that him no no more you're such a slow runner I want this throw the camera we'll just think your camera faster when you die you stay where you were oh there's Mart you saw me the door dude look there's a ladder in there throw something at it throw Apple at it you want us to stay right here yeah [Music] you know what time it is alright I was gonna jump over quick quick quick quick quick quick it's here quick yeah baby okay I can't see anything we should just get caught and let it be daytime okay oh there's our Apple you know what second thought kind of hungry oh oh hey come and get me we needed to be daytime thank you sir whoa hello whoa he can't see me all right here big nose man what the neighbor can't get me in the elevator or maybe he just want to have a party with us an elevator oh my goodness look how tall that elevator shaft goes out here's our stuff we threw it before okay I got the umbrella get a flashlight get a key really quick oh no oh yeah let me another Martin Martin Martin I'm just I'm just leaving yeah yeah I'm trying to leave this living but is this neighbor duty I'm trying to leave his housing you're getting the eggs everywhere part-time egg save and roll down my leg may have a leg egg huh let go my egg Wow cheese can you stop dropping eggs everywhere whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa just orientating you'll never catch me now open okay come no what how could he be inside the house there's no ways inside that quick on the other shop oh I got scared yes yes yes okay congratulations hey I just wanted to ask you have a party in the olefin oh oh sorry mark [Music] it's party time no it's not time to party mark we just we'd like it we'd like for you to just finish us off okay we should stay here like okay man just get us more we don't want to partner with you anymore that's rude ouch can I trap mark in the elevator oh [Music] I'm confused first you didn't want a party with me down now you do it's time that's time for you to get out get out mark you're stuck it's glitching oh I give you saving quick Cougars say it and quit what does that do want to quit yes that's cool save and quit so we have the same progress though I guess yeah okay quick go through that so sick we can't wrap them up wait what you just do that oh that's scary I don't think he can get in well there's a door how are you doing that you just I'll just keep pressing W in space oh is it ways each other what do I can go down some fly it what is that - well how we get in there no oh are you pleased uh I was just joking I didn't think Pharrell would die from that yeah because he like popped open my own sing what dog that's queex straight of queefs and the group's I thought Mart was peeing with this flashlight look look that way look doing it yeah yeah yeah yeah oh we did it well was did it you did it oh oh I'm so scared I can't work right now no move to the side okay why what's over there there's nothing over there chase why would you tell me to do that [Music] oh oh we're in great wait what is this - where is this - Oh turn on is this is it off hmm it should be what's this is that a ladder what is that boxes oh they are oh it's barricaded with box he'll never go you think we can get locked in I wonder if we can it got into this room from another room cuz that we can't get up there right here oh there's stairs Oh try that door oh don't go don't fall down there yeah what is that a piece of wood don't fall down huh okay don't do that wait we need our umbrella dude take that door check it go so go Tommy oh dude you ride the train right but where's the Train no no no no no I'm sorry let's go over here we can't use this key up here no right it's blue ah where is thicket Rhett Q I don't even want this right Q oh I just flew down oh no he's coming he's coming go go Bart right behind junk stuff pick them up hey don't kick that umbrella it's a nice butt brother lock up I'll take a seat you look like you're very tired oh-oh somebody's duck it's a boy Donald Duck guy ah perfect we've made the neighbors duck we own his house wait what can you press that what were that ah damn it why can we like what happened oh no no no no aah I just shut the door on us go that doesn't do anything what why would we want to turn off the generator so Oh fuff oh we want a turn all right so I fell down there there's a doorway where does this door lead to let's just let's just find out ready and go Oh where are we whoa that's a huge fall oh yeah new area yeah look it's right here no I'm not joking no no I'm falling I'm falling I'm falling okay sure but so not nice he's so doofy oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no [Music] kidding quick get up it's coming wait for him hey what oh my goodness why are you doing that more dad's creeps McGriff's bro my goodness you're wacky mad wacky we're going now we'll see you later whatever you do don't go upstairs huh and fix the cooking Golden Apple picture frame why why would he say that well he said whatever you do don't face it oh don't take off the cricket there's no crooked fix your favor over there there's three of them was he talking about don't fix it cook it well ha nut oh he just wants us to redecorate what's the point of this Mart ah this guy's tricking us ha ha that's really funny mark you just tricked us all day long oh dude it didn't work Martha doofy why would he tell us how to play oh my goodness thank you thanks Marv you know if I know you we should go say thank you Jim it's just a polite thing to do Mart all your own stuff I told you don't fix it wait oh I I thought he wanted us to fix it that's why he was saying that Marv I just want to say alright hey we're not gonna keep sending a Martin babe but you can come in buddy this is your house oh my god smart stop it you just come in unity some filing my god okay gather join you whoa Mar listen buddy calm down no you calm down I'm gonna talk or kill tark to mark mark I'm not talking to mark and Mark all right let's go let's go what what okay what is this ways to hold this it's a whole new checklist except for oh my goodness check out your tracker George strike a check a check a drug trolling nothing nothing dude there's like so much my ATD mind can't comprehend everything that's happening right now first of then what was the point of the generator thing whoa Oh take it take the chaff the door where does that go oh I know they're on the keycard all in the fridge yeah like that we gotta get a crowbar thing oh then we still gotta find a crowbar so we can smash the ice Maurice are you sure there wasn't a head in there oh no there's not a head in blue ice melt it back mark the ice melted oh my geez miley's wait should we get the key hurry now yeah yeah right hmm oh yeah you down for a little chasey film all right just like a catchy poop either one is unsanitary sweet where should I put it I put it in our in our briefcase whoa toots of a this catapult thank you there shut the briefie shut the boy fee ha ha ha through I like how you can save now we don't have to redo this that must mean that the game is longer the fact they have to save it all right so wait what are we doing you need an umbrella well we do we're gonna cut that for a welcome dude it's not Walmart anymore let's picture mark picture more what's up buddy yeah alright guys that's it for this video thank you so much for watching no throwing glue picture Mart we will continue to play if you want to see a part two you know what to do thumbs up subscribe with the bail notification turn on everything mark we're so glad isn't that Walmart anymore it's whoa I'm so happy what's that get it later peace out baby poppy here right [Music] oh you got me dude oh right there okay okay
Channel: undefined
Views: 173,332,807
Rating: 4.6171107 out of 5
Keywords: games for kids, fgteev, minecraft gameplay, fgteev minecraft, Family Gaming, youtube kids, gameplay skit, funny videos, family friendly videos, kids gaming, simons says, bendy and the ink machine, fgteev hello neighbor alpha 4, alpha 4 basement, alpha 4 secrets, alpha 4 train, hello neighbor train ride, bendy ink machine guns, party in the elevator, hello neighbor mini-game, fgteev hello neighbor, hello neighbor fgteev, fgteev bendy, fgteev bendy and the ink machine
Id: Tm-uAFGOAm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2017
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