The Nazgûl – History, Identities & Powers explained | Middle-Earth Lore

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deny nascar sauron's most terrible servants being enslaved in the darkness incapable of acting with a will of their own they became subjects of an evil malicious master bound completely by the wicked rings who consumed them they lived a never-ending nightmare in the unseen terror went with them and few could withstand their power who were in our school what abilities and powers do they possess and why were they invisible this is the complete history and explanation of sauron's most dreaded servants when the dark lord sauron forged the one ring in the 1600th year of the second age he finished a grand scheme that had been in the making for centuries desiring to bring the elves under his vigilance sauron disguised himself as an attar an emissary sent from the valar the earth of ozinethil welcomed him for his knowledge was great and the elves that here aboad ever wished to increase their skill in crowding and smithing hoping to make middle earth as beautiful as the blessed realm the land of the vallar and here it was that sauron found a weakness in their heart as he perceived it and he flamed in them allows to create great artifacts that will enhance the beauty of middle earth under his guidance the elven smiths of osinathil reached their peak of smithcraft and created the rings of power artifacts meant to slow the decay of time but sauron fought in secret and mastering intending to dominate control and order the subjects that held the lesser rings however the elves was not so easily swayed for when sauron put on his mastering and read over the ring script with his sorcery they immediately became aware of his intentions and took off the rings sauron was filled with wrath and he brought war upon the elves the rings of power were retrieved in the sack of ozinephil but sauron was defeated and his dominion diminished the dark lord retreated to his abode in the east and he there thought out new plans regarding his powerful artifacts originally these rings were meant to slow the decade of time and also to enhance the powers of their possessor but sauron perverted the rings and accursed them and they were all twisted to his malicious purposes this he gave for the ultimate corruption and enslavement to those who would accept him out of ambition or greed seven he gave to the dwarf lords and nine he gifted to the race of men the dwarves were not enslaved for they would not submit to any other will than their own but men they proved easier to ensnare those who used the nine rings became mighty in their day kings sorcerers and warriors they obtained glory and great wealth for the rings enhanced their native abilities and yet this turned to their undoing they had as it seemed unending life yet life became unendurable then using the rings to their fortune their spirits were consumed and they faded from the seen world and entered what is known as the unseen the realm of shadows both the scene and the unseen world exists at all times but mortals live in the former and the raids in the latter the lesser rings of power had abilities directly derived from sauron and that was what caused their wares to fade for sauron was a maya spirit and lived in both worlds at once one by one they fell under the throne of the ring that they bore and on the domination of the one which was saurons and they became forever invisible saved to him that water ruling ring they appeared only as shadows in the scene world but her terrible presence could always be felt it is not exactly known when these men received the rings but it must have been some time after 1697th year when southern first recovered the rings and before the 2251st year when another school first appeared to estimate their first appearance another interesting question arise who were the nine men of the nine men that received the ring of power we know only a few only one is known by name kamul the black island the shadow of the east kamul was referred to as the second in command of the nasco and he would be in charge of the fortress of dolgodor at the end of the third age in the 1800th year of the second age it is said that sauron expanded its power towards ceased and it is during this period that camus likely received his ring of power the identities of the ordinar school are awake but it is said that three were great lords of the numenorean race while not confirmed multiple sources are indicating that the witch king of angma the chief of the nasco were after the minorian race tolkien explicitly stated that the witch king was probably of numenorean descent and also mentioned that he was taller than the other nascar present at weathertop the numenoreans was known to be men both tolerant stature and more powerful than other race of men and i find it likely that the witch king was true of numenorean heritage based on these statements so what about the two other numenoreans tolkien stated that a shadow fell upon the men of numenor during the same period as sauron expand his power in the east the numenoreans made settlements on the west shores and east became strongholds of lord seeking wealth this is no coincidence and i find it easy to imagine that these ambitious men blinded by greed willingly accept the rings offered to them where these three numenorean lords had settled our unknown but it is not unlikely that they are bowed in the lands of harad the identities of the five remaining ring raids will remain a mystery but there are some interesting theories we know that sauron headed to the east and the air gift the ring to kamul but it is unlikely that this was the only ring he gifted in this area the east was enormous just as vast as the western part of middle earth conquering the entire east would leave no enemies behind and would secure sauron's eastern flank there are probably multiple kings in the east at least on the wide steps of roon and possibly even encarned i am inclined to believe that the five remaining rings were gifted in the east four rings to lords and kings on the steps of roon and one ring for a king o lord of khan sauron had conquered entire east and south centuries later and this further supports this theory sarong's way or the east and south must have been greatly strengthened by the nazca for the next millennia nothing is known about the nasco and their influence upon the events in middle-earth their powers must have been very great greater than they were during the war of the ring for sauron still held the mastering the enhanced power caused by the one ring must have been present in the ring rates and they must have been very terrible during the rest of the second age their role was probably to induce fear and make men submit to sauron's rule then our school was likely in charge of sauna's dominion while he was taken prisoner to numenor their role during the war of the last alliance is unknown but they might have acted as commanders as they did during the war of the ring even though sauron still held his ring and their palace were enhanced they themselves had no physical power against the fearless the fear they inspire was their main weapon something which could leave their enemies quaking on the ground however the enemies sauron faced during this war were very great frightening elf lords and terrible luminorians the elves in particular did not fearing raids for those who have dwelt in the blessed realm live at once in both worlds and against both the seen and the unseen they have great power following the defeat of sauron and his loss of the one ring the ring raids faded into the shadows and did not make their appearance for over a millennium they did not perish for their fate were intertwined with the one ring and with sauron and the enchantment that bound them to the rings would not be broken as long as the one ring existed however the loss of the ruling ring meant that the power of the ring raids was greatly diminished in the 1300th year of the third age then our school reappeared and their dread and horror were once again felt in middle earth for their master were recovering seeing how powerful the dunedin had become in the south sauron dispatched the chief of the nascar to the north seeing hope in destroying the northern kingdom who had already divided into lesser realms thus it was that the chief of jana school gained his name the witch king of angmar free established the kingdom of angmar in the north and many evil creatures and sorcerers took a bow there the kingdom of rudow was asserted by evil hillman and the kingdom of cardoland fell to a combination of war and plague it was during the great plague that the witch king sent evil spirits to cardolan and the mounts of tiring gorthad where the kings and queens were buried were occupied these mounds later became known as the barrow downs and evil spirits took abode in the dead and became the horrifying barowhites the witch king must have derived much skill in the sorcery of sauron for he was able to control the weather in the north and he prolonged the frost and sent storms of cold after the dunadine at last after centuries of conflict the witch king managed to conquer the last kingdom king arvadui escaped but perished later in a storm sent by the witch king but the kingdom of gondor came to our norse aid and in the battle of fornos that ensued the forces of the witch king were utterly crushed at last when all was lost the witch king himself rolled with a terrible cry at the chief commander of condor ayarnor ernur was a fearless man and would have withstood the witch king but his horse bore him away out of terror and the arnor was disgraced it was at this moment that the famous prophecy of glorfendell was shuttered do not pursue him he will not return to this land far off yet is his doom and not by the hand of man willie fall the witch king vanished from the north for his mission was accomplished arnold was history after their successful destruction of the northern kingdom the witch king returned to mordor and gathered there all the ring rates two decades later the ring raids came through the path of kiritongu and lay siege to minas ethil this they conquered two years later amina sithil became ever after a place of fear and terror and was renamed minas morgul the tower of black sorcery when the arnor extended the throne he was challenged to single combat by the lord of morgul and was reminded of his disgrace in the north the steward mardill held the arner back but seven years later the challenge was repeated and arnor went past the gates of minas morgul with a small ascot of knights ernur and his companions were never seen again and it was ever after believed that the last king of gondor had been captured and tortured for long years of sorrow the lion of kings was broken and would not renew until the coming of aragon lesser a millennia later in the following centuries the ring race prepared for a master's return and they continued to challenge the power of gondor to keep them occupied and to weaken their strength in the 2475th year of the third age the witch king unleashed the black uruks of mordor a new powerful breed of orcs it is not known if the witch king was responsible for this new race of ark but it is not unlikely considering his skill in sorcery when sauron declared himself openly in the 2951st year of the third age then our school had long prepared for his return for almost two millennia sauron had searched for the one ring in wayne but this quickly changed in the 3017th year of the third age when the creature golem was taken and questioned sauron learned much from gollum and he knew now that the one ring was hailed by a creature named baggins who resided in an unknown land named the shire so it was that the lord of morgul attacked gondor but this was a diversion for sauron's chief purpose was to conceal the hunt for the ring therefore when osgiliath was taken and the bridge broken sauron stayed the assault and in our school were ordered to begin the search for the ring initially sauron had been reluctant to do so only knew precisely where the ring was for the nine induced that fear so terrible that the wise would quickly unmask the plot and counteract but sauron resolved that no others would serve him in this case but his mightiest servants who had no will but his own being each utterly subservient to the ring that had enslaved him the nine also had other advantages they were drawn towards the ring and at all times they smell the blood of living things other servants might have attempted to claim the ring for themselves but this was not the situation within our school who were completely enslaved by sauron the hern's watering is a complicated chain of events and i will not go into full detail about his pursuit as that is a topic of its own then our school eventually reached the shire and split into two groups maintaining secrecy and stealth kamul with three others was to search the shire while the witch king and the remaining four guarded the borders the witch king himself went to the barrel downs and roused there the barrow whites and all things of evil spirits were on the watch with malice in the old forest and on the barrel downs meanwhile kamul had perceived the presence of the ring but a river was a barrier to his sense of movement and he lost track of the ring bear tolkien never explained the ring rates fear of water but all except the witch king were unwilling except in dire need to enter water or to cross streams in the following days the ring bear faced many threats but ultimately managed to escape unharmed to the village of brie here then oscar attacked him at the end of the prancing pony taking advantage of the spies in their service while the attack itself was largely unsuccessful they achieved some success in slowing down the advance of the ring bearer but the ring rates went into the wild deciding to strike at a dark and desperate place but gandalf the grey came and the ring rates fled from its presence in the day time for they could sense his anger and wrath during the day time the power of the ring raids is diminished and they cannot travel in sunlight without going astray they themselves do not see the world of light but they see shapes of beings which only the sun destroys therefore it is in the dark that they are most to be feared for they perceive many signs and forms that are hidden from mortals it was thus that gandalf was assaulted upon the hilltop of amun sul light and flame had not been witnessed there since the war beacons of old gandalf held in our school back and managed to escape and four of the ring rates pursued him northwards gandalf's intervention would prove to be of utmost importance free drew away four riders from the attack that later took place for the lord of morgul assaulted the ring bear at weathertop most of frodo's companions were filled with terror and shrunk to the ground but the ring bear felt a sudden urge to put on his ring and he entered the unseen five tall figures he saw and in their white faces burned keen and merciless eyes under their mantles were long grey robes upon their gray hairs were helms of silver in their hugged hands were swords of steel in the scene world they appeared merely as shadows invisibly fun clothed but the ring bear saw them as they truly were men aged by unnumbered ears mutilated and terrible the witch king sprang forward and pierced the ring bear with a morgal knife this knife was enchanted and those who receive a wound from such a blade will eventually turn into a wraith under the domination of sauron but the witch king retreated for he was terrified of the resistance the ring bear had resisted him with a blade of westerners while calling out the name of elbereth an aim of terror to the nazca this dreaded blade was made by his enemies in cardellan long ago seeking his destruction and it was enchanted by spells that would have proved fatal to him also he had been fearlessly assaulted by a ranger wielding fire retreating for now the witch king believed that the ring bear would succumb to his mortal wound and become a rafe under his command the witch king bided his time and he intended to assault the ring bear at the last bridge a wonderful choke point but help came to the ring bearer for el flor glorfendell came upon an oscar guarding the passage and the rates fled from his side but the nine were once again gathered under their fell chief and at the thought of bruinen they attempted to trap the ring bear but glorfindel's air force was too fast and frodo on the other bank the witch king halted for a moment raised his sword and the blade of the ring bear was shattered then came a terrible rumble for the river rose in towering anger and the witch king and two other ring raids were swallowed by the bruinen and behind the remaining ring raids came a terrible airflow with fire and their horses were filled with madness and leaping forward in terror they bought the riders into the rushing fraud the ring raids did not die for the power of sauron is in them and they stand or fall by him while the enchanted blade of westerners had posed a real threat to the nasco because of its spells the river itself could not similarly harm the nascal but the nine were unclad unhorsed and was unable to continue any pursuit by foot sauron's most terrible servants had been defeated for now then our school eventually returned to mordor and were once again clad they mounted a terrible fel beast and directed a long-planned war machine of sauron during the siege of gondor their very presence caused even the stout hearted to fling themselves to the ground filling their thoughts with blackness and death more unbearable they became at each new cry many of gondor soldiers were also struck by the black breath the poisonous breath of the nascar those who suffered from the black shadow would pass into a state of unconsciousness experiencing terrible nightmares before passing away the only known medicine to heal this sickness was the appliance of athalas the power of the witch king was greatly enhanced when he was put in command of sauron's host being the black captain much sorcery he performed during the siege most notably the destruction of the gate of gondor and igniting his blade with fire before his encounter with gandalf the white many have wondered about the potential outcome of the encounter between gan after white and the black captain while there is no definitive answer to this question it is highly probable that gandalf would have been victorious eru iluvatar sent gandalf back enhanced as the white with powers way beyond that of the grey he would not be sent back merely to be defeated but rather to fulfill the intention of illuvatar the witch king was greatly enhanced as sauron's commander but i find it unlikely that he could have defeated gandalf but the black captain turned back to battle and found there his pain for mario dr hobbit stabbed him with an enchanted blade of westerners an air wind the shield maiden wielded a deadly blow a shrill cry faded to the wind but the spirit of the black captain returned to baradur for even though the black captain had suffered a death he was still bound to the fate of sauron he was but an important spirit for the moment but over time he could likely have recovered somewhat of his former strength the prophecy of glorfindel had been fulfilled for not by the hand of a man default for the rest of this battle gothmog was in charge the second in command the lieutenant of morgul it is unknown if gottmog was one of the nasco a black numenorean an orc or some other creature i find it strange that kamul did not take command of the battle at this point since he was a second to the chief on the other hand kamul had mainly governed dolgodor and in our school's second in command at minas morgul could have been the second in command during the siege gothmock will go on as a mystery the remaining eight in our school would induce fear in the free peoples during the battle of the black gate but they were quickly interrupted when sauron directed them to fly with haze to mount to to intercept the ring bear but they came too late and they finally perished in the fire when the ring bear fulfilled his mission for both the rings that had enslaved them and the law that had enthralled them was broken the ring raids represent the very worst fear of men theft itself they symbolize what happens to men who give into corruption and greed and what becomes of them ever after an endless desire for more never reaching a state of happiness consumed by their greed sadistic reaching a point where only death and torture can give satisfaction to ease their pain the very worst of humanity a massive thanks to lucas devick for supporting me on patreon if you are interested in lore from tolkien's legendarium make sure to check out these videos right here remember to subscribe and consider supporting me on patreon or 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Channel: Lore of the Rings
Views: 288,400
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Keywords: middle earth knowledge, Nazgûl, the nazgûl, nazgûl history, nazgûl powers, nazgûl identities, who were the nazgûl, ringwraiths, the witch-king of angmar, khamul, the nazgûl explained, the ringwraiths explained, ringwraiths history, ringwraiths powers, ringwraiths identities, who were the ringwraiths, the nine nazgûl, the ulairi, the nazgûl lore, ringwraiths lore, witch-king of angmar lore, the witch-king of angmar name, the ringwraiths, lore of the rings, nazgul identity
Id: pQpkPrOD_rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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