The MOST POWERFUL MEN In Middle Earth | Middle Earth Lore

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today on the broken sword we are talking about the most powerful men in middle earth's history now while i understand that in tolkien's universe men is essentially the term used for humans and not just men we won't be included any of the ladies of tolkien's legendarium in this video as they definitely deserve a video of their own as with our previous videos in this most powerful series these picks will not be in any particular order just a list of who we consider to be amongst the most powerful our initial list for this was so big that we've been very harsh with some cuts so we may have to do a part two on this one let me know what you think in the comments okay so this is a list of the most powerful men to ever exist in middle earth let's get into it [Music] the race of men was the second significant race of beings created by the supreme god aru iluvata the biggest thing that separates them from arrow's first creation being the elves is what is referred to as the gift of men which is basically mortality meaning when their time comes they die they are also susceptible to illness and disease which elves are not but throughout their comparatively short lives there have been many men that have performed great feats that have earned them a position on this list as always we are going to start with the most obvious aragorn being not only the son of the dooner dying aerothorn but the heir of isildor and raised by alrond lord of rivendell aragorn was always destined for greatness he grew up with many great and powerful elves fought in many huge battles including ones with xthelion father of denethor and fengal father of theoden he also aided gandalf in the capture of gollum single-handedly fought off a group of nazgul at weathertop and after swearing to help the ring bearer frodo in his quest to destroy the one ring fought in many decisive battles during the war of the ring after the ring was destroyed and he took his rightful place upon the throne of gondor he reunited the kingdoms of arno and gondor and spent many more years of his life eradicating the remaining evil from middle earth and ruled for 122 years it goes without saying that aragorn deserves to be on this list next up we have turin taramba the tale of turin is a tragic one one that is told in the children of hurin we won't go over the full story of his tragic life right now but he was an extremely formidable warrior it was him that killed the first mighty dragon glaron it is said that with his black sword girthang and bitterness in his heart turin stabbed the dragon in the belly with all of his hatred and power killing glarum his death is just as tragic as his life but again has nothing to do with his power so we will just skip over that but interestingly the second prophecy of mandos which is something that was actually removed from later editions of the silmarillion by christopher tolkien it stated that at the end of time morgoth would wage a final battle against the valor the dagger and that turin taramba reincarnated would plunge his sword gurthang into the heart of morgoth defeating him and all of evil once and for all whether or not you consider this canon i think the fact that tolkien ever even considered this tells you just how powerful turin is the next character that we have placed on this list is the legendary helm hammerhand those of you that have been watching this channel for a while may know that i absolutely love helm hammerhand even with the very little information we have on him i really get a good sense of his character which says a lot of tolkien's writing it really lets your imagination run wild anyway helm was a great king of rohan and in case you haven't made the connection it was him that helm's deep was named after helm's legend began when a dunlanding enemy named frecker made an attempt to seize his throne by trying to intimidate helm to allow him to marry his daughter greatly angered by such an attempt on his throne helm punched frecker killing him with a single strike hence he became known as hammerhand years later after losing his sons to the harshness of the long winter in rohan helm would venture out into the dunlending camps alone and in his grief would just attack and kill his lifelong enemies legend has it that some dunlendins claimed he would beat his foes with his bare fists while others would say that he would just transform into some kind of snow troll and eat his enemies such was the fear that helm provoked in the dunlandins a mighty and fearsome warrior that deserves to be on any list of most powerful men in middle-earth next we have chosen baron now while he's not necessarily the most powerful in terms of combat prowess he is probably the most virtuous at luthien's request his soul refused to leave arda after he died it lingered in the halls of mandos until it was agreed that he alone of all mortal men should be reincarnated he defied the will of arrow himself and aru granted his wish that's certainly a power of sword next we have selected the man that cut the ring from sauron himself isildo aside from the fact that he was an extremely formidable warrior he also managed to curse an entire army not to leave middle earth when he died but to remain trapped there as terrifying ghosts until they fulfilled the oath that they had broken now one would assume that not just anyone can banish and prevent souls from leaving middle-earth especially without the permission of arrow himself so this was truly a mighty curse and a demonstration of great power next on the list is arthur azan the last king of numenor his rule and his great pride led directly to the world-changing downfall of numenor he is the man that probably had the most military power ever under his command he used his military power to attack the valar themselves and rather than fight alpharazon and his army they called upon aru to change the world a formidable and powerful man for sure now we have tua father of irendil who in spite of being a man was chosen by the valar ulmo to be the last hope of the noldor in the face of annihilation by the forces of morgoth that should tell you everything you need to know about his power he moved to the city of gondolin where he rose high in the favor of the high king turgon and eventually married the elf maiden idril the king's daughter after managing to escape the fall of gondolin he went with his family to the mouths of sirion after staying there long enough to see iren deal to manhood another character that could potentially be on this list if he wasn't half elf after a while he succumbed to old age and departed middle-earth for the west with israel the tradition of the noldor was that he became the only man to be accepted as one of the elder kindred and will share with them an immortal life in valinor as long as arda endures finally then we have the previously mentioned hurin father of turin now according to the silmarillion he is actually the greatest warrior of men in the first age so he pretty much had to be included in this list he was actually known to have a rather unimpressive stature so much so that he was unable to wear the dragonhelm of forlomin as it was too large for his head despite this his prowess in combat surpassed that of all of his peers during the battle of unnumbered tears when hurum was stood alone he threw down his sword and shield and picked up a big battle axe of an orc captain he attacked gothmog's group of troll bodyguards by himself with every troll he killed he yelled at the top of his voice aure enteluva which means day will come again this battle cry was said to be heard 70 times so if my math is correct he killed 70 trolls by himself he fought until the axe itself withered away from the caustic blood of the trolls he had been slaying the rest of hurun's life was a very tragic tale but again that's probably a story for another day but it is said that hurin would not live thereafter being bereft of all purpose and desire and cast himself at last into the western sea and so ended the mightiest of the warriors of mortal men okay that is it for today's video there are so many powerful men throughout the history of middle earth that this video was so difficult to make but rather than doing a bunch of honorable mentions we are considering doing a part two so let us know in the comments down below if you'd like to see that so my question for you guys today is this if you could only pick five of the most powerful men in middle earth who would make your list this is of course a personal opinion so i would love to see what you guys think okay that's it from me today my friends time has come as always to thank our patrons big shout out goes to the members of our three highest tiers kevin abram matt gluffindle of gondolin nashith denversteel gregory john andrew and pirate747 you guys are supporting our short film and we could not be more grateful towards the end of october we will hopefully be doing a live stream with the writer of our film where you guys can ask as many questions as you like we may also be dropping some of the first big hints about the title the setting and the story so make sure you keep an eye out for that it will be sometime around the 20th of october we are finally getting somewhere with this project anyway thank you all so much for watching today i hope you have a fantastic day and i will see you next time on the broken sword [Music]
Channel: The Broken Sword
Views: 94,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of the Ages, History of Middle Earth, The Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, Tolkien Lore, most powerful men of middle earth, first age men vs third age men, second age men vs third age men, isildur, how strong is isildur, hurin, turin, helm hammerhand, aragorn, aragorn the king, king elessar, strider, earendil, eomer, theoden, boromir, faramir, beor, hador, denethor, pharazon, elendil, beren
Id: JrvRgy58jOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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