What were the objectives of Sauron? – Motives, Values & Philosophy of a God-King

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the dark lord sauron the self-proclaimed god-king of earth desiring the sole dominion of a middle-earth sauron acquired senpai of completely subservient slaves envisioning a world that would be to the benefit of all sauron began the construction of a large organization dominating his slaves by force and fear accepting no freedom nor rivalry the dark lord pursued any who opposed his vision what was objective of sauron why did he fall to the corruption of morgoth what would his utopia look like and did sauron view himself as evil this is the analysis of the dark lord sauron at the beginning of time before the creation of middle earth there was a spirit named myron myron loved order and coronation and similarly disliked confusion and waste he belonged to the people of awle my are concerned with smithcraft and he was mighty in this lore these days mairon worked for good purposes but myron was quickly attracted to the power of the evil melkor who promised him quick and masterful effectuation of his desires in tolkien's works it's very common that ambition impatience and lust lead to corruption if one lacks humility wisdom and the will to reject power at a personal cost admiring the strength of melkor myron is seduced and works his design by those of melkor thus it was that all the works and doings of myron became evil and twisted and he became known as sauron meaning the abhorred becoming the chief lieutenant of morgoth sauron's lust for destruction became increasingly great and he began to commit terrible deeds but sauron justified his behavior by his ultimate means three unfair motives in the sense that he decided to increase the economic well-being of all inhabitants of middle earth sauron likely served an important role in morgoth's machinery developing efficient infrastructure for both his armies and his forges this was in alignment with sauron's love for order and coordination and he must have felt the ability to exert his will and the more god's power when morgoth was defeated in the war of wrath by the forces of the walar sauron did for a time repent his actions he was not taken captive but allowed to receive the judgment of manva in amman but sauron was ashamed and would not return in humiliation only to receive from the valar as sentence of long servitude he therefore fled into the east and slowly begun work to reorder middle earth which had suffered much damage in the war once again sauron had fair motives he desired the well-being of all but soon sauron found that his knowledge was greatly admired and that his influence was very strong upon the peoples of middle earth sauron's pride and lust grew immensely as a result of this and he soon decided to exert his will upon subjects and to turn them under his rule the temporary turn to good ended shortly and sauron fell back to evil for the bonds that morgoth had laid upon him were very strong believing that the valar had forsaken middle earth completely now that morgoth was defeated sauron determined to make himself master of all beings in middle earth knowledge rule and order the organization ruled by sauron as god's king was destined to be to the benefit of all he resolved being in origin am i a spirit that far surpassed all the creatures in mind and body it could not be doubted that he was fit to rule what sauron didn't anticipate was his lack of understanding of other beings in his mind he was the savior that would bring forth order from chaos he would be the god that directed the weak and the stupid in men he sold ideal material for subjects and slaves to whom he could become a great master and god for they were easily influenced sauron had come to view rational creatures as instrumental means rather than an independent end in itself sauron now made its abode in mordor and begun the construction of the mighty fortress of baradur sauron's desire for efficiency and order is seen in the organization of his dominion he constructed giant mines and forges massive slave plantations and men that constantly brought goods booty and fresh slaves he reorganized the savage tribes in the east and south and taught him the building of stone and the forging of weapons he turned inefficient and leaderless orc tribes into coordinated armies sauron even invented a language called the black speech which he decided all his servants to use and although it failed it shows his desire in making communication more efficient but all that sauron turned his will to became twisted and evil forever since sauron had followed morgoth his machinations became a mockery of his native art this is best explained when we inspect torquing's drawing of baradur it is the greatest fortress in middle earth a grand construction taller than tall and immeasurably strong and yet it is ugly and lifeless similar to how sauron viewed his subjects he had come to view the environment as a mere instrumental means rather than an independent and in itself mordor was a dying land a land defiled deceased beyond all healing all that mattered to sauron was that it served his purpose the dark lord as he now became known ruled by force and fear and those who oppose his will must be dealt with either beaten down to servitude or destroyed if rebellious unlike his master morgoth sauron decide not to mere destruction of everything and everyone but rather that all who refuse to serve him must be destroyed for long sauron sought to persuade the elves into serving him but they proved resistant knowing that the power of the elves was far greater than that of men sauron decided to enslave the elves through other means for with such skilled and powerful minions sauron's strive for their perfection would surely be executed with delight and perfection only in the region was he accepted and welcomed for the elves that here aboard shed one trait with sauron they decide to control and order their surroundings according to their own manner these cells were not fully content for midloth was not as blissful as the blessed realm where all things remain unchanged under the influence of the valar and it was this weakness that sauron exploited for he came among the elves in fair shape and presented himself as an athar an emissary sent from the valar sauron misled the elves for they were led to believe that anatar the lord of gifts had been sent to adam in the labors to enhance the beauty of middle earth creating a second blissful realm with anathar's guidance the elves created the rings of power powerful artifacts directed towards persuasion but sauron fought in secret a mastering designed to control the great rings with the ruling ring sauron intended to perceive the very thoughts of the ring bears and even govern them he would use it to dominate order and rule the earth to the enhancement of middle earth to achieve this sauron transferred much of his native power into the mastering free needed a very powerful artifact to control the elven rings but the else was not so easily deceived for they refused to be dominated by sauron and they immediately took off the rings seeing his scheme in ruins sauron realized that the elves must be destroyed if his ideal world was to come as a consequence sauron gathered his war machine and many men and other evil creatures answered his call the war of the elves and sauron broke out a region was laid waste and most of the rings of power retrieved the war was successful for a time and sauron ravaged eriador and even came close to destroying the high elves of middle earth but the mighty numenorean fleet came in the nick of time to the rescue of gilgalad and sauron's entire host was obliterated such ended his first attempt as god king of middle earth for centuries sauron went again into the east and corrupted men into his service for he was greatly alarmed by the presence of the numenoreans and fear that they would challenge his rulership of the east but the previous war had not all been in wayne for the rings of power sauron now held and he corrupted them and dealt them out to those who would accept them out of ambition or greed thus it was that sauron's ki and bore some fruit for he subjugated many lands governing their kings and lords with the one ring and when he felt he had gathered sufficient power he assaulted the numenorean settlements on the coast with renewed strength and he claimed the title king of men and lord of the earth this didn't pass on here in numenor and the numenorean king was himself filled with lust and pride and desire the title thus it was that the numenorean fleet came to ambar and our farazon challenged the power of sauron so great was the host that was there assembled and so mighty was her power and majesty that sauron knew that even his mightiest servants would quail resolving that physical force would not yield sauron decided to rather use his subtlety and cunning and the numenoreans which were now filled with a lust for power were easily seduced by sauron whose word seemed to be wise sauron was taken as a hostage to numenor but he quickly corrupted men and within three years he had become the hand of the king if not a true violent ruler of numenor itself the worship of melkor was begun in numenor and some might wonder why sauron did thus for decide he not to be their god-king tolkien stated that sauron's ability to acknowledge a higher power as his god even be its evil melkor was in a sense a shadow of its former good he was willing to submit to another power than his own and yet it seems that sauron at this point had become wholly evil for this was but a means to raise his rank from the numenorean hostage to numenorian high priest sauron's true motive was the destruction of the numenoreans an act of revenge for his humiliation at ombar and for unwillingness among the numenoreans to submit to his rule an evil designs he achieved many of in numenor and at last he made a king wage war upon the valar sauron knew that the numenoreans could not defeat avalar in battle and he now thought about all that he could achieve now that the numenoreans surely would be destroyed but he did not expect aru the one to intervene for him sauron had ceased to fear and thus sauron was greatly surprised when he saw the waves on the roth of arrow and amid his love he was rounded along with numenor itself but sauron was a maya spirit and he fled back to mordor regathered derry's shape and took again up his ring as a consequence of the changing of the world sauron now believed that valar had been removed from effective control over middle earth for the continent of amman was moved beyond the reaches of the earth sauron believed also that eru had now fully abandoned middle earth due to men which in their insolence had rebelled according to his wisdom this once again meant that he was destined to rule middle-earth being a bowler a being of higher order seeing that the power of the elven king gilgalad had grown great in his years of absence and at the faithful numenorean elendil the tall with a following had escaped the downfall of numenor sauron began the planning of yet another war hopping once and for all to sweep his enemies to the sea but gilgalad and elendil formed the last alliance and they marched upon sauron's dominion and besieged it and at last sauron himself fell in combat and his ring was taken over a thousand years passed before sauron's spirit had regarded enough strength returning to middle earth and to his anger he saw that the kingdoms of the dunadine had grown powerful in his absence but the return of sauron was quickly felt by evil creatures and from the point of his return his servants were moved by a potent will for many centuries sauron influenced the events in my love in secrets weakening the free peoples while simultaneously searching for the one ring eventually he returned to mordor and proclaimed himself almost three thousand years after his overthrow not few were among evil men who believed that morgoth himself at last had returned although sauron had not yet reclaimed the wandering his power had grown very great and his enemies had simultaneously been severely weakened most of the elves had now departed middle earth was the kingdom of gondor were but a shadow of its former glory the wizards he had noticed also and he believed that they were agents of manway purpose to regain his lost power in middle earth as his realm was removed from its boundaries sauron's cynicism led him to believe that the valar had the same motives as himself which makes it apparent that sauron weighed everyone's actions in the measure of power sauron's plan was now to prepare invasions on lorien and rivendell for their verse chief enemies housed but his plans were suddenly interrupted for the one ring was rediscovered by his enemies and sauron was forced to launch his war machine prematurely sauron feared greatly that one of his enemies would claim the ring and use it against him for the one ring was filled with his native strength and those that could wield it was a potential threat in war when his most dreaded servants the nine ring raids failed to capture the ring bear sauron was greatly troubled soon things became almost desperate for sauron learned that the heir of elendil was alive and that the shards of narsil were reforged aragorn represented a great threat to sauron not only does he wield a sword that robbed sauron of the one ring but he is also one of the few that can use the wand ring and wreak havoc on sauron's armies furthermore he is a great commander of men and one who has the authority to reunite the kingdoms of the dunadine announcing himself in the palantir aragorn makes sauron believe that he has the one ring believing that aragorn will come to minas tirith and gather an army sauron immediately resolves to attack gondor hoping to destroy minas tirith and its forces before aragorn reached the city however this was bait from aragorn and in his haste sauron loses the first battle since zauron weighs all matters in power he cannot fathom that the force of the west intend to destroy the ring for that would be madness according to his own wisdom aragorn and gandalf know this and therefore they march upon the black gate continuing the illusion this semblance makes sauron believe that aragorn has the ring and that in his pride as a new found ringlord believes he can wrestle with the black land seeing the rashness of the ring lord sauron seizes the opportunity to crush his enemies in a great battle but sauron's misconception of reality would prove fatal and the scheme of his enemies was successful in tall king's works nothing is truly evil to begin with evil often starts out as something good which is then twisted and corrupted sauron began with fair motives he wanted an organized and effective world being filled with ambition and impatience he failed to refuse morgoth and thus became influenced by his evil sauron serves as the typical industrialist with good intentions who in pursuit of greatness end up ruining things failing to see their unique value tolkien repeatedly shows his disgust for abuse of machinery and technology and it's a common theme in his writings although sauron repented his action later he soon became filled with pride and meant that he as a god-king would be for a better world this came at a cost for everything and every one he conquered for it now became a means rather than an end in itself the reason sauron came into conflict with the peoples of middle earth was their refusal to serve him not because he sought their annihilation if sauron had been victorious he would have demanded divine honour from all rational creatures and absolute temporal power over the whole world sauron's evil lies in his desire to use sir peru the one to assume a place in the world that is not rightly his becoming a tyrant sauron weighed all matters in power and that became his downfall if you are interested in lore from tolkien's legendarium 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Channel: Lore of the Rings
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Keywords: Sauron, the dark lord Sauron, the history of Sauron, the philosophy of Sauron, Sauron lore, Sauron explained, what were the objectives of Sauron, what did Sauron want, Sauron explanation, Sauron lord of the rings, Sauron middle-earth, Sauron motives, Sauron the god-king, the dark lord Sauron lotr, the lord of the rings sauron, why did sauron turn evil, why is sauron evil, sauron misunderstood, why did sauron turn, sauron philosophy explained, the philosophy of sauron
Id: 4PovBpiDf0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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