The Complete SECOND AGE of Middle-earth Timeline | Middle-Earth Lore

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the return of Sorrow the drowning of numeral the war of the last Alliance there are so many iconic events that happened in the second age of Middle Earth and really these are events with putting together hello and welcome to the Broken Sword today we are looking at the complete timeline of the second age of Middle Earth build me alone worthy of the Lord with the second age being such an important thing of discussion at the moment with both Amazon's up-and-coming the rings of power TV show as well as the announcement of the fall of numeral book coming out later this year I thought now would be a great time to revisit the second age of Middle Earth in its entirety and give you a brief timeline of some of the key events through those years but I will emphasize here I will only be talking about any of these points briefly as this video is more focused on the entire timeline but if there are any of these moments that you would like a video on in way more detail then please just let me know that down in the comments below and I will get working on those for you adding them onto my list of to do ideas which is just always ever growing but I'm always happy to add to it so the age began after the forces of good first managed to overthrow the terror of morgoth his followers were scattered but not all were gone for goods we will be looking at the Lord of the Rings appendix B for our timeline as we take you through all of the key events from the second age of Middle Earth and so it is with appendix B that we will also start by looking at its description of things as the first age came to an end these were the dark years for men of Middle Earth but the years of the glory of numenor of events in Middle Earth the records are few and brief and their dates are often uncertain in the beginning of this age many of the High Elves still remained most of these dwelt in Linden west of the Avid Lewin but before the building of the barodor many of the cindar passed Eastward and some established Realms in the forests far away where their people were mostly Sylvan elves King in the north of the Greenwood the great was one of these in Linden North of the Loon dwalt gilgalat last heir of the kings of the noldor in Exile he was acknowledged as High King Of The Elves of the West in Linden south of the Loon dwelt for a Time helleborg Kinsmen of tingle his wife was Galadriel greatest of Alvin women she was Sister of finrod feligund friend of men once king of nargothwand who gave his life to save Baron son of barahir later some of the noldor went to Aragon upon the west of the Misty Mountains and here to the west gate of Moria this they did because they learned that mithwell had been discovered in morya the noodle were great Craftsmen and less unfriendly to the dwarves than the cinder but the friendship that grew up between the people of jurin and the Alvin Smiths of Aragon was the closest that there has ever been between the two races calabrimbo was the Lord of aragya and the greatest of their Craftsmen he was descended from feyenal so now we are set up with how Middle Earth is looking let's get into our timeline starting of course with the first year of the second age Year One foundation of the gray Havens and of linden the gray Havens were built in the newly formed Gulf of loon where the Alda sailed the straight road but most of them were unwilling at first forsake the lands they fought in and preferred to linger there this was the foundation of Linden gilglad was the last heir of the kings of the noldor in Exile and acknowledged as High King Of The Elves of the West and so he was king of linden year 32 the Edina reached the land that will become known as numenor after it was raised from the Great Sea by the Valar Circa year 40. the dwarves from nogrod and balagost left their destroyed cities and homes in the Blue Mountains in aridloon to go to kazadum and from this their numbers swell and their wealth and power increase then we have a break until year 442. alvastar miniature son of aarendel and twin brother of alvond dies in this year aged 500. he was the lord of the Adine and the first king of numenor year Circa 500. Saron returns from his self-isolation and hiding in the East and begins to stir again in Middle Earth after believing the Valar would have now forgotten about Middle Earth and so would no longer be aware of his plans year 521 birth in numeral of silmarian daughter of tar elendil the fourth king of numinal she would marry ellatan of andunier and they would have a son valandil who would become the first Lord of andunier which was an important city and Port of numenor she would also pass down the Ring of barahir to her son the same ring that would eventually work its way through the ages to Aragorn Sun of arathon year 600 the first ships of the numenoreans leave their land appearing off the coasts of Middle Earth First establishing contact with them year 750. the realm of Aragon is founded by the naldor it is located near the edge of Moria under the shadow of the Misty Mountains this realm was the only lasting one of the noldor not including Linden yet Circa 1000 Sauron still hiding away despite the likes of gilglad sent in the growing darkness is becoming alarmed by The Growing Power of the numenoreans therefore he chooses Mordor as the land to make into a stronghold and his base and so here he begins the construction of barador near to Mount Doom Year 1075. back to numeral and tar and Kali Mae becomes the first ruling queen of numenor she would rule for over 205 years making her the second and longest ruler after the first king of numenor Alamos year 1200. Sauron becomes determined to seduce the Elder and so disguises himself as the fair and pure anatar the Lord of gifts however gilgalat completely refuses to treat with him as he can sense something is just not right with him so will not trust him but sarwan did have more joy with the Smiths of Aragon and he wins them over also at this time the numenoreans started to make permanent Havens in Middle Earth year Circa 1500. the Alvin Smith's after being instructed by Sauron as anatar managed to reach the height of their skill anatar then tells them if they forged these rings of power it will help preserve their new powers and skills and so they begin the forging of the Rings of power year Circa 1590. the three rings are completed under the leadership of calabrimbo and the guaif emiodine in a region year Circa 1600s Sauron goes off in secret and forges his own ring in a Roger in the one ring to rule them all he transfers a great deal of his own power into this ring so that it will be more powerful than all others that came before it he also completes his Tower of barador with the help of the power of his new ring however Kelly brimble had also forged his own three-rings for the elves and these ones are ones that Sauron had not been able to taint and so when Sauron put on his one ring the elves became aware of his true nature and realized they had been betrayed but from this point they hid their rings from Sauron after he had demanded the owls return them to him for without his knowledge or his abilities they could not have existed the elves of course refused year 1693. it had become unavoidable the war of the elves and Sauron begins this will become the Great War Between the forces of Sauron and the elves in ariador along with all of their allies year 1695 only two years on and sauron's forces begin their invasion of Ariel at this time gilgalad sends a force commanded by alwand to reinforce a region while also sending wood to numenor asking for their assistance year 1697. two more years on and the region has been laid to waste Austin edel the capital city of Aragon balls with calibrombo himself leading a last desperate defense on the steps of the House of the Maya day kalibumbo is shot multiple times with orc arrows and some even say that Sauron used calabrimbo's body as a banner as he turned to face albon's host alvond Retreats with the remnants of the noldor and founds The Refuge of imladris also known as Rivendell the dwarves of kazadum helped some Escape as well but they did more than simply just allow the owls to pass through their realm they went out against sauron's armies along with a force of the galadrim under amroth the king of Lorien once this battle was over the gates of kazadum was shut and they remained shut until the Fellowship of the Ring managed to reopen them thousands of years later year 1699 sauron's power becomes too much for the elves to withstand and he overruns ariador year 1700 the king of numenor tar Minister sends his great Navy from numenor to Linden the might of this Army proves too much for Sauron and he is defeated year 1701 thanks to the help of the numenoreans Sauron is driven out of area door and forced back out of the Westlands Sauron runs back to Mordor with barely a fraction of his Force remaining the Westlands have peace for a long while ariador may have been saved but the realm of a region was now no more year Circa 1800s now there was some peace and the numenorians begin to establish dominions along the coasts Sauron although defeated was not gone and he begins to extend his power eastwards this time the shadow also falls are nominal year 22 21. tar autonomir the 13th king of numenor dies and so his son tar and kaliman takes the scepter this is where rebellion and the vision begins to surface in numeral this is where a great split between their people's Stars they split into the King's Men Who are the ones in opposition to the ban of the Valor and then on the other side the faithful who continue to worship The Valor around this time too the Nazgul begin to first appear in midolith quickly establishing themselves as the lead Servants of Sarah year 2280 Umba which is a great Haven to the south of the lands of Gondor is made into a great Fortress and base of the numenoreans they use this as a key point to spread their influence throughout the lands year 2350 palagia is built by the faithful numenoreans this is a great City built on the river anduin and would become the main Harbor of the realm of Gondor year 2899 takes the scepter of numenor becoming its 20th King he was the first king to break with the tradition of taking their royal names in quenya with him taking his title in andhuneak the language of numeno year 3177 tar palantir now becomes the 24th king of numenor and he tries to go back to the Faithful Way after his father had even banned the speaking of Elvish in their lands this took numenor straight on a path towards a civil war year 3255 tar palantir only had a daughter so when his death came in this year Arthur as on usurped the throne and seized the scepter even taking tar palantir's daughter as his wife against her will after Azan begins hearing of sauron's return and becomes angry he wishes to claim the title of king of men and becomes determined to make Sauron his servant and so spends the next few years preparing an Unstoppable Army year 32 61. his force is now ready so he sets sail he lands in umbar and marches straight towards the lands of Mordor year 32 62. saron's Army flees at the site of arthurasans and Sauron realizes he cannot defeat these people with only the might of his army so Sauron surrenders with a planet hand and so is taken prisoner and back to nominal is 3262 through to 33 10. Sarah knew he had to defeat this great power from the inside and so over the years he seduces the king growing from prisoner to key advisor and manages to corrupt a large number of the numenoreans converting them to the worship of darkness and Sauron himself becoming the high priest of the cult of Malco year 3310 alpharazam begins to strengthen his military forces once more this time for a purpose to invade the land of a man and to challenge the strength of the Valar this Armada of Warships and military force was called the Great armament year 3319 Arthur as on finally has his Armada ready and attempts to assail valinor of course this is not received well and even brings about Divine punishment from none other than eru iluvatar he sinks all the ships in the great sea but not just that he floods numenor as well some of the faithful namely alendil and his sons escape this catastrophe Sauron too was our numer not at this point but his Spirit managed to survive and despite being crippled he manages to flee back to Middle Earth year 3320 alendel founds the Realms of Arnold and gondal ruling as their High King Arnold has the city of illuminance and Gondor has the cities of Minnesota founded by lendelsonarion in anorian and minus ethyl founded by isildor in ethylene at this time Sauron also returns to Mortal year 34-29 someone managed to slowly rebuild some strength and decided now to attack Gondor as he still considered them his hated enemies he manages to take minutes ethyl and burns the white tree however isildor escapes down the anduin and goes to elendil in the north whereas anarian stays to defend minasano and oskilia year 34 30. in response to the attack the last Alliance of elves and Men is formed this is formed by alendel and gilglad for the sole purpose of destroying the dark lord Sauron once and for all Year 34-31 gilglad and alendel have their forces meet at Amon soul and then March East to imladris to make their final preparations for battle year 34 34 after three years of forging armor and preparing their plans the host of The Last Alliance crosses the Misty Mountains at several points the Battle of dagolad begins and the forces of Sauron are defeated and so the siege of barador begins year 34 40. The Siege is still ongoing with Sauron holding strong but in its sixth year the son of elendil and narion is slain by a throne Rock year 34 41. the next year Sauron finally appears from his Tower to make one final stand however he is overthrown by alendel and gilgalat who also perished in their fight with someone defeated he sealed all cuts and takes the one ring from Sarah with this Sauron passes away the ring wraiths go back into the shadows and the second age comes to an end and so that is where our timeline of the second age of Middle Earth comes to an end I really hope you all enjoyed it and I hope you liked this style of video too maybe I could do the same thing for the other ages in Middle Earth if you did enjoy it if you'd like to see that let me know that down in the comments below but anyway with the rings of power not too far away now I wonder how much of this we will really get to see after all they say this is really what they have the rights to so these are the main points they have to stick to and then it's just all those gaps in the middle that they are potentially filling out and I will admit there are lots of gaps there for them to potentially be adding stuff good stuff bad stuff just stuff I do wonder how much they will get right or how much that they will just butcher just imagine that all those scenes in numeral or with Keller bimbo and anatar or the Battle of dagelads being in Greater detail it could could be epic but either way we don't have too long to wait now either so with that I will draw this video to the end and bring you towards my question of the day which is if it was up to you which part of the timeline would you like to see adapted on screen the most which part of this timeline is impossible to exclude which one will you definitely be checking out when it comes on the show basically which part would be too unforgivable to miss out let me know all of your thoughts and opinions on this in the comment section below and now it is time to shout out our patrons you guys are the ones letting us be able to make our short film in the background of all things and I really cannot thank you enough first we have our divine power team members of Kevin and Abram awesome then we have a fire demon tmms and a sheath Denver Steel and Gregory you are incredible and then we also have John Andrew and Jennifer as the wizard staff team members every single one of you is a true legend of the Bro hero finally if you have managed to reach the very end of this video with me today and you have enjoyed what you've seen then please consider hitting that subscribe button with all notifications ticked as well as drop a like on the video and maybe even give it a shout somewhere if you really want to so with that thank you for your time today and I will see you next time on the broken sword [Music]
Channel: The Broken Sword
Views: 135,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of the Ages, History of Middle Earth, The Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, Tolkien Lore, what happened in the second age of middle earth, the second age, the second age of middle earth, lotr on prime, the rings of power, the rings of power timeline, what happened to numenor, sauron in the second age, elendil in the second age, second age events, where was sauron, lotr
Id: O7U8gZvbBDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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