The Fate of the Ringwraiths: What Happened to the Nazgûl after the Witch King Fell in Battle?

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welcome fellow Middle Earth enthusiasts to another riveting exploration of JRR token's vast and intricate Universe today we embark on a journey into the Shadows uncovering the mysterious fate of the Ring wraiths after the climactic downfall of their dreaded leader the witch King together we delve into the depths of tolkien's imagination to reveal the untold fate of these spectral servants as we witnessed in the turn of the king the witch King met his demise at the hands of Awin and Mary but what about the other ring wraiths to understand the fate of the Ring wraiths we must first revisit their dark and twisted Origins long before their spectral forms haunted the Realms of men these beings were once proud and Noble Kings leaders among their people who in a cruel twist of fate succumbed to The Lure of sauron's Deceit these Kings hailed from various corners of Middle Earth each chosen for their strength ambition and desire for power the dark lord Sauron cunningly exploited their lust for power in their vulnerability he offered them the keys to Dominion the means to reshape the world according to their whims the Temptation was embodied in the rings of power as each King dawned the ring bestowed upon him a transformation began a descent into darkness that would sever the ties to their Humanity their Noble intentions were warped into a thirst for dominion and their identities blurred into Shadows of their former selves the Rings became chains binding them not only to sauron's will but also to an eternal existence of spectral beings ring wraiths the nazgol the transformation was not Swift but inexorable as Their Kingdoms crumbled their subjects perished and their mortal forms withered away the ring wraiths became slaves to the Dark Lord's designs their once illustrious pasts were replaced by a hating existence clad in Black robes and bound to the will of Saron the ring wraiths became Relentless Hunters driven by an unquenchable desire to retrieve the one ring yet beneath the hooded shroud of each wraith lingered a trace of the king they once were an echo of lost majesty and an eternal yearning for what had been sacrificed IED in the pursuit of power these Origins explain how the fate of the ring wraiths is tied to sauron's dark magic and provide a strong clue to the answer to the question that is the topic of today's video so what happened to them after the destruction of the Ring The Ring wraiths derived their power from Sauron and the one ring and with its destruction their source of strength was severed did this mean they simply faded away into nothingness fanss have crafted countless theories about the fate of the Ring wraiths ranging from the idea of their Redemption to the possibility of them becoming guardians of Forgotten Realms part of the beauty of token's universe lies in its ability to inspire such creative musings some speculate that after the battle of the black gate the remaining ring wraiths faced a dilemma with sauron's defeat their dark purpose crumbled they say that in the absence of their Master's guidance they were left aimless and disoriented imagine for a moment the psychological turmoil of these once Mighty Kings stripped of their individuality they were reduced to spectral forms driven solely by the will of Sauron with his fall they were left without a purpose wandering Middle Earth with no Direction some say that there were Whispers of their presence in the darkest corners of Middle Earth they point to legends that tell of encounters with shadowy figures resembling the ring wraiths in the Years following the war of the Ring were the NAD school still haunting the lands they once terrorized some fans posit that the ring wraiths freed from sauron's control may have sought Redemption for their past sins could they have embarked on a quest for forgiveness attempting to undo the damage wrought by their dark Deeds these fan theories may be compelling but the Canon fate of the NAD goul is that they perished along with their Master Sauron so allow me to speculate on exactly how they passed from this world and how they may have felt during their final moments in the Ash and aftermath of the battle of the black gate the once Mighty Ring wraiths found themselves standing on the precipice of Oblivion the acrid scent of sulfur hung heavy in the air as the dark clouds of Mordor dissipated into the cold Winds of Change that came out of the West Sauron their master the puppeteer of their tortured existence had fallen the wraiths felt the first Tremors of release shudder through their spectral forms a surge of conflicting emotions echoed through their Essence long ago they had been Kings rulers of men but that identity had been devoured by the insatiable hunger of the one ring in the shadowy remnants of their Consciousness the ring wraiths experienced Liberation Camu the easterling his spe Al form unraveling like tattered fabric felt the weight of Ages lift from his shoulders the black Captain once an imposing figure leading the armies of Darkness now dissolving into the void dendra DW The Faceless Enigma that had haunted the nightmares of those who dared to cross his path felt A peculiar likeness the identities they had lost flickered back however briefly like fading Embers in the darkness the realization d dawned upon them they were men once more albeit ethereal and insubstantial the echo of their former selves resonated within the recesses of their fading Consciousness memories long buried beneath layers of Shadow stirred like leaves in the wind in that fleeting moment they glimpsed fragments of the lives they had surrendered to sauron's Dominion as The Dark Tower of baradu crumbled the collective whale of the Ring wraiths echoed through the void not a cry of Agony but an otherworldly Symphony Of release for the first time in an age they felt the Cool Breeze of Freedom Whispering through the tattered remnants of their Essence wh murth of deer once consumed by a thirst for power now felt an unfamiliar sensation a glimmer of relief the Ecstasy of Freedom washed over him and in that ephemeral Bliss he allowed himself to hope for an end to his eternal etal torment in the Timeless expanse of the Void the ring wraiths these spectral remnants of mortal men experienced a final fleeting emotion joy joy at the release from the chains that had bound them to the will of Darkness Joy at the prospect of an unknown fate free from the clutches of sauron's dominion and so as the last vestages of Mordor crumbled into dust the spirits of the Ring wraiths passed into the void a chapter of Darkness closed and a spectral light however faint glimmered in their final moment as we conclude our exploration into the fate of the Ring wraiths it's important to mention the lasting impact of these iconic characters on the fantasy genre their ominous presence shrouded in darkness and despair continues to inspire storytellers and Captivate audiences to this day thank you dear viewers for joining me on this journey through through the shadows of Middle Earth I encourage you to share your thoughts and theories in the comments below and until next time may you find light even in the darkest parts of your journey farewell fellow Travelers
Channel: Realms Unravelled
Views: 311,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lordoftherings, lotr, lotrfans, lotrlore, witchking, ringwraiths, nazgul, warofthering, thelordoftherings, tolkien
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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